The Golfer and the Tragedy

By Dan Adams

Published on Jul 28, 2018


The Golfer and The Tragedy -- Chapter 2

This is a fictional story and does not intend to imply anything about the sexuality or actions of any actual persons depicted.

Sexual activity between consenting males is depicted. If you are underage or it is otherwise illegal to read this story where you live, please stop reading now.

This story is the work of the author and should not be copied or posted elsewhere in any way without the permission of the author. Comments can be mailed to:

I arrived at Jack's school like super nervous. Not for my the golf lesson that I was going to give to his golf team, but just meeting people I didn't know. I didn't like that. I liked having familiarity and structure in my life, and this was certainly out of the norm. But, I got out of my Aunt's car and she wished me well and I walked up to the school.

The school itself was huge in my mind. Being home schooled/tutored and or going to school over the internet didn't prepare me for what a real high school was like. Walking up the sidewalk to the entrance of the school was a little overwhelming for me. But I carried on with my golf bag over my shoulder.

I finally made it to the front doors and I had to go through a weird metal detector. I couldn't manage going through it with my golf bag, so I went forward, then my clubs went after me. The guard knew who I was and happily let me through. I asked him where the office was and he pointed me in the right direction.

The inside of the school was massive. There were large corridors leading into many different directions. I remember thinking about how confusing it must be for freshman at the school. But alas, I made it to the school office. They asked me to check in which required me to sign a book and then they gave me a visitors badge. I felt a little important to tell you the truth. I signed some autographs for the ladies at the front desk, and then I felt even more important! I was chatting with them about how and why I was there and then David walked into the office.

It was like a version of happy, birthday cake, and root beer floats all combined. I had no words, in fact, I was just a blubbering idiot. I guess that is how you feel when you are in love, I dunno, but that is how I felt at that moment.

He came up to the counter and told the ladies that he was the one who was going to be escorting me to the golf facility. I just stood there staring at him. He was a little shorter than me, like 3 inches shorter, had this super nice dark hair, and really interesting eyes. "Hey Danny" he said to me. I could barely speak. But I think I mumbled, hi David or something like that. "You ready? We are a little early, so I can give you a tour he said". I think I said ok..

I grabbed my clubs and he directed me out of the office. He showed me a bunch of stuff in the school. They had a big theatre where kids were practicing for a play, then a huge gymnasium where kids were playing volleyball for gym class. Then we veered into an annex which were a bunch of classrooms. We were walking down the aisle and we walked into a room that was empty. Empty of kids and stuff. It had a bunch of stuff in it though. Looked like decorations for past dances and stuff.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"Well, you have been lugging around those golf clubs, I thought you might like a break. This is where I go to think or study. Nobody ever comes in here". He said.

"Oh, yeah, I guess I could use a bre.." and that is when he leaned in and kissed me. I had never been kissed before, and it took me by surprise. So I was a little shocked about the whole thing and gave him the wrong impression, as I just stood there with a dopey look on my face, I am sure.

"ooohhh man, I am soooooo sorry" he said under his breath

I didn't know what to think. This totally came out of nowhere for me. But I just looked at him and kissed him back. Like really hard.

I was rubbing his back and butt and pulling him to me. Our cocks were super hard by then and were rubbing together through our pants. His felt super nice rubbing against mine. It was super hot. I was in heaven.

Then all of a sudden we heard some noises. They sounded like firecrackers.

"Hey, what is that?" I asked him. Thinking it was something from the Drama room or something.

"I don't know, I've never heard sounds like that before." He said.

So we stopped our passion and opened up the door of the room we were in to look outside and there was this guy with a gun who was walking down the hallway....

Chapter 2:

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