The Golden Egg

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jun 16, 2000


(rimming felching w/s scat)


With more population in the East, Kedril's mass groupings got him back to the castle in no less time than Jason. He was furious, but held his temper when they went before the King to announce their failure. Somehow, one of them had missed the special boy.

The king was disappointed, but philosophical. "Perhaps it was nonsense from the start, my sons. Three hundred years ago. It must have been a fantasy without fact. Ah, well, an enticing thought and well worth your splendid efforts."

"Father, the throne?" Kedril asked.

"Well, unless you two can settle your differences, I will have to devise another way to determine my successor. That will take thought."

Later, after the evening meal.

"You asked to see me, brother?" Jason cautiously entered Kedril's bedchamber.

"Yes, dear brother. Let us try to become friends again. Come, join me in a glass of wine. If not a celebration of victory, at least we deserve to get drunk and laugh about our failures."

"Strange for you to feel so lighthearted about it all, Kedril. It must be a severe disappointment that you won't be able to drive me from the kingdom...or have me killed."

"Nay, I wish not that...nor would I do such a thing had I won." He spoke the truth in some respects. As vain as Kedril was, he had never been able to resist lusting for his handsome twin! But Jason would have none of it. Perhaps if Kedril had not become such an evil manipulator before they'd come of sexual age, he would have found it exciting to make love with his own image. That was impossible, however. He saw only darkness in Kedril's eyes now, and had lost any sexual interest from the time Kedril began growing hair upon his face. Any hint of his own reflection was gone.

Jason sighed and sat on the edge of Kedril's bed. "Oh, I admit my own disappointment. Not so much for the throne as for the wealth it would bring our kingdom. Very well, I'll share your wine. Perhaps more than a single glass. Getting drunk sounds rather appropriate at the moment. There must be things we can laugh about. When we were younger and much happier at being brothers. Or even extol about our separate adventures on this trip. I met some fine boys...especially one."

"Well, tell me about him first and let us toast our own efforts!" They clanked glasses and drank quickly. Kedril poured them refills, anxiously waiting to hear Jason's story.

"Well, this one was so handsome and lustful. I named him Roderick Shafton because..." Kedril had risen and was removing his bed clothes. "Uh, why are y-you b-brother?" Jason blinked.

"How better to smell the stink from my arse, brother? You wish to do that, don't you?" He smiled evily, beginning to stroke his prick. "And you'll surely want to suck on this beauty, no?"

"K-Kedril, you know I won't...won't...what is happening?"

"Oh, did I fail to mention it? I slipped a double dose of the potion into your wine!" he laughed.

"Y-you bastard!" Jason cried, trying to get up. He was alert, but quite unsteady. A reaction he hadn't witnessed among the boys. But then, he'd never given anyone a double dose. He reached down, unable to resist rubbing his prick. It began to throb immediately. "Did...did you also...?"

"Just a very small amount. I want you on your knees! I intend to have you every way I've always wanted. Strip off those clothes...NOW!" He turned and opened a drawer, lifting out his array of leather straps. "I'm going to beat your ass, too. You're going to comply with my every wish!"

"No...I...I won't submit!" Jason's determination and inner spirit were strong, nonetheless he began to rip at his cloth- ing. His evil brother would not touch him, but he must get himself naked! He did so in a rush and flurry. Moaning, he played his hands upon his body in sensuous pleasure.

Kedril, stiff in the prick, stood there watching Jason's lascivious display upon himself. He saw him feel his balls, stroke his rigid prick, and stick a finger into his own anus to pull out and sniff! When he plunged the wet digit in again and pulled it out to suck on, Kedril walked over and held his prick out.

"Suck me, brother," he calmly suggested. Looking up with glazed eyes, Jason stared at the remarkable resemblance it had to the fine one in his hand. He was beyond complaint. He opened his mouth and took it all in in one stroke. He felt it nudging the back of his throat and rested his muscles to allow it to penetrate down within. He breathed in the rank smell of Kedril's pubes and felt the hairs tickling his nose. He even managed to stick out his tongue and lick the top of his ball- sack while the prick was totally imbedded! Finally pulling off, he gasped for breath, then went back down on it--furiously sucking and then licking the shaft.

Kedril stood proudly with his legs wide apart, watching his brother hungrily devour his prick with astonishing eagerness. It almost made him wish he hadn't become so jealous of him before they'd come of age. He would have wished his brother as a lover! But that was impossible now. Submission and defeat were all that interested him now. Still...he was also feeling the potion and, though less, it mixed in with his own natural fervor. He threw Jason further upon the bed and covered him, grinding their nakedness together.

For many, many long moments they layed together rubbing and kissing with an untold passion! The lovers that should have been, were, in truth, for those delicious moments. The young boys who loved each other so much, were venting those hidden desires as men! This was as Kedril saw it...and as Jason acted. How much control did he have over the potion? Was he reveling in his brother's arms because he secretly desired to? Or was it merely the potion at work?

They kissed and licked each other's necks, shoulders and chests. Kedril was first to break. He wanted his brother's prick in his mouth, and went down to get it. Never had he sucked a prick with such abandon! He needed no potion to do this...he'd lusted for it for years. But he knew he must not allow Jason to spend too quickly. He had other plans. So he straddled his brother and bent to lick his balls and asshole. There, he also dug in with a passion he'd only felt once...when he'd first taken some potion and eaten those two boys' young turds! He had no intentions of doing it again, but he thor- oughly enjoyed the taste and light smell of Jason's bottom.

Jason, meanwhile, after sucking the prick some more, was unable to resist the stench and sight of his brother's anus above. He pulled it down to him and felt gratitude that Kedril had left it in such a foul condition for him. On purpose no doubt, but Jason was delighted! He thoroughly kissed and licked the bottom cheeks, circled the hole with his tongue and licked the valley so as not to totally wash the smell away too quickly. Then unable to resist it, he attached his lips to his brother's dirty anus and sucked thereupon! Soon, he was driving his tongue within, luxuriating in the strong, bitter taste.

Engrossed in the mutual ass-sucking, Kedril felt his orgasm come upon him. Quickly, he got up. Not yet...not yet, dear brother. "ON YOUR KNEES!" he ordered. "I'M GOING TO BEAT YOUR ARSE!"

"YES!" Jason cried, astonishing himself by the sound of his own voice...and his excitement at the thought. He got up and put his splendid ass in the air. He pushed it back and put his head down, awaiting the vicious strokes he'd seen his brother administer in the past. He wanted to feel that power and hate ...he wanted Kedril to beat his bottom raw and bleeding! He wished only to submit to the man's torture, and the first sudden blow only reinforced his resolve.

WHACK! Kedril snapped the leather across Jason's upraised buttocks. Seeing him flinch, he quickly did it again...across the other side. WHACK! The sound reverberated in the room. Over and over he raised his hand and brought it down upon those hairless, luscious butt cheeks. Jason squirmed in pleasure, thrusting back even more to receive the blows. His cock hung down, swinging untouched and thoroughly hard throughout the operation. He moaned loudly on each stroke. Juice was dripping down from his cockhead!

Seeing he was raising large welts, Kedril gasped and tossed the strap away. The sight both fired his passion and nearly made him cry. He knelt back there and tenderly kissed all over the red flesh. He tasted the streaks of blood and licked them away--almost as if in apology for what he'd done. He sucked at Jason's asshole.

"FUCK ME, BROTHER!" Jason cried out, flipping onto his back on the bed. "RAM YOUR PRICK INSIDE ME AND BATTER MY HOLE! I'm wet enough...just stick it in! Oh, stick it in!"

Without wetting his dried prick, Kedril climbed upon the bed and climbed onto Jason. In an extremely vicious drive--forget- ting all about the remorse he'd felt only moments earlier--he impaled Jason's ass with every fraction of his prick! Jason gasped as the breath was forced from his body. But it was all pleasure. Not since Roderick had his bottom felt so satisfy- ingly stuffed!

Watching closely, Kedril pulled his cock back, seeing the tightness cause Jason's anal lips to come out from his body. Inches of his pink insides were stuck to Kedril's shaft, embracing it. He dug in deeply, and watched it again. Each time the hole became looser, yet that flesh continued to extract like a long foreskin. After several of these strokes, Kedril again felt his orgasm rising. He yanked his prick free and moved up to present it to his brother's mouth.

Obediently, Jason took it in and sucked it. Light streaks of shit were upon the shaft, but he licked them eagerly as Kedril thrust in and out of his mouth.

Kedril kissed his brother's mouth and moved back down to fuck again. He had to have that ass...NOW! The bed rocked and swayed as Kedril drubbed mercilessly into Jason's ass. He screamed his orgasm and flooded his twin's rectum with massive amounts of torrid spend! Slipping out, finally, he twisted Jason's body around until his head hung over the bed. Then he put his prick back in his mouth to have it cleaned. Jason sucked and licked the spend from it, beginning to frig himself. Kedril slapped his hand away.

"Not yet, brother. I need your excitement for one more operation."

Out of control, but aware, Jason knew exactly what that meant. He felt no surprise at all at seeing his brother's bottom squat down to his lips. He knew what would happen...what was expected of him...and he was ready and more than willing.

"Now, a tasty turd for my dear brother! You will eat it, won't you, Jason? Of course you will!" He spread his legs wide and began to push.

Jason obliged. He opened his mouth. As the turd bolted into his mouth he began to devour it! The stink, the flavor, the absolute humiliation! Jason loved every tingling sensation. He ate every speck of crap that shitted from his brother's hole and cleaned the anus afterward. He would have continued to suck vigorously and debase himself like this for hours had he been allowed to, but Kedril rose and turned.

"WHAT A VULGAR LITTLE PRINCE YOU ARE! SUCKING AND EATING TURDS!" He grabbed Jason by the arm and violently threw him from the room!

Groaning, Jason got to his knees and pounded on the door, clamoring for entrance. His prick was as stiff as it had ever been. "KEDRIL, PLEASE, LET ME IN! I'LL SUCK YOUR PRICK AGAIN...AND YOUR BALLS...AND YOUR ARSEHOLE! FUCK ME MORE... MAKE ME EAT ANOTHER TURD! KEDRIL, PLEASE!!!" he pounded, probably waking the castle.

He cried in defeat, the potion seeming to be increasing in power. He knew he had to have more...he had to dissipate his passion before it would end. He heard laugher from the end of the hall. Two guards stood there gaping at his antics, amused at the way he was humiliating himself. They respected him, but this was too amusing. They'd never seen him this way. It was more nervous laughter than anything.

With firely lust in his eyes, Jason licked his lips. He found some shit on them and delighted in it. Naked, he slowly began to crawl toward them. Fine pricks to suck! Asses to lick! Maybe even turds to eat! He crawled several feet before he stopped. Aware, knowing what was happening, he came to his senses. This would not do! He got up and rushed to his room.

"END IT! I MUST END IT!" he cried, kneeling before his bed. He grabbed his throbbing prick and frigged it violently. He reached under and stuck fingers into his bottom--three of them--and wrenched his hole open to fuck himself upon them. Ready to spend, he yanked them out and thrust them into his mouth to suck on! Reveling in the taste, he resettled into a crouch and decided to shit while he blasted his sperm. Closing his eyes, he rested his head upon the edge of the bed and furiously stroked his prick. He screamed out the intensity of it, splattering all over as a very hard, thick turd was expelled onto the floor--almost in pain! He heard a single knock upon the door, but ignored it.

Breathing heavily, realizing the double dose was not subsiding as fast as he'd expected, he reached down and picked up the turd. He simply could not control his passion, but at least he didn't have to watch as he performed this filthy act. He kept his eyes shut as he sprawled upon the floor and lifted the turd to his mouth. It was sticky and wet...thoroughly covered with his brother's spend...but he licked it all off-- loving the taste. Then he began to suck on his own turd!

He sucked and sucked, slowing finding the potion dimin- ishing. Finding something amiss...and realizing that whoever had knocked had not repeated it...he opened his eyes, drawing the turd from his mouth.

He suddenly burst out in gales of laughter! Happy, delirious laughter. He kissed the turd...licked it..and sucked it again! That had been no knock upon his door. It was his turd hitting the floor! Within his hand, wet and glistening, was a most superb column of gold!

HE was the one. HE shits the golden turds! How stupid. Something that had never been considered. He and Kedril were only weeks away from their nineteenth birthdays!

Rushing naked to his father's chambers, Jason woke the man, kneeling beside his bed, smiling and licking upon the object.

"My son! How I hoped it would be you to find it. You shall be King! I heard disturbances, but decided to let you boys work it out. I did fear he might hurt you, but you've always been one to hold your own."

"Oh, Father, it's me! I am The Boy Who Shits Golden Eggs! And to think, had Kedril not been so selfish, it would have been him to first set eyes upon it!" he laughed. "He actually would have found it."

It was arranged. Before morning...fearing that Kedril may bring forces against them...the King had him put under special guard and brought before the court--naked as he was.

"But this is most pleasing to me, Father!" he gushed. "True, had I been more...honest with my feelings toward my brother... I should not be in this position. I used him, I beat him, I treated him unfairly. But mostly I lusted with him to my absolute pleasure! I've never hated my brother...I've always loved him. But I feared his power because of his favor with you. I was jealous. If the potion was the only way I could have him...then I gladly used it. And would again. I never cared about the gold, I only cared about coming out on top...on top of Jason! I never knew until this night just how much I do love him." Kedril hung his head.

Jason leaned down and lifted Kedril's face. He kissed his brother on the lips and shrugged. "I've always loved you, brother. I have. But you are despicable. You're a tyrant and mean-spirited. That's truly a shame because we could have been closer...much closer."

Kedril remained at court, quite safely. His loyal guards were all dismissed, however, and Jason looked forward to the day he'd become King.

In the weeks that followed, he shit out turds enough to fill the coffers to overflowing. After the first one, the potion was no longer needed for that. Still, he knew that its effects would soon be of no use. But it didn't go to waste.

The following day he sent for his love. Roderick became his official consort and lover. Together, they explored the remain- ing time with doses of the potion and fell into a wonderful time of total debauchery with each other...with slaveboys, guards, and even a couple of times with Kedril! They beat his ass (much less sadistically than he had Jason), fucked him repeatedly all night long, and watched him perform obscene acts upon the slaveboys he'd mistreated. He delighted in it, became ever eager to do so...even after the potion had no further use. Though treated with respect, he became docile and known as the whore of the castle. Not exactly a joke, but an available mouth and ass for guards and slaves alike! Even the King fucked him, waking one night to find Kedril sucking on his prick!

They all lived happily ever after!

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