The Golden Egg

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jun 14, 2000


(rimming felching w/s scat)


Jason came upon a farmer with four sons in that age group. The carriage would not do. Promising no harm would come to them, he gave the parents a gold coin and asked to be left alone with them in their barn. He gave each boy a potion, then asked them to sit on bales of hay and discuss their lives and schooling. He gauged their reactions, seeing them slowly respond to the powerful aphrodisiac.

Sitting side-by-side, their voices began to falter, forgetting what they were saying, and hands began to stray into each other's laps. Jason had allowed two of the guards to observe, while the other two remained outside to prevent intrusion. They smiled gleefully, slightly aware of what may transpire from the sounds and exclamations they'd heard coming from the carriage. They knew of the potion, but nothing of the Golden Turd. They merely figured Jason to be a salacious rascal.

Of the boys, Jason imagined the oldest boy would be the one with the lascivious nature. The younger, however, sitting between two brothers, was the one most anxious. He was rapidly feeling up both brothers and urging them to present their hard pricks for his enjoyment. He fairly began to claw at their trousers, demanding they remove them.

He found no objections. The four lads began to remove all their clothing...totally ignoring the presence of the Prince and the guards. They fell to the straw floor in a heap of youthful nakedness. All pricks were rigid and being handled or sucked. Balls were licked and even assholes were beginning to be tongued!

Jason felt the boys had perhaps indulged in behavior like this on numerous occasions, but sensed they were going further than ever before. Their lustiness was a thing to behold. The guards stood aghast, feeling themselves in their nervous excitement.

"Sire, this is amazing!" one gasped. "They are so lecherous for lads so young!"

"Indeed," he smiled. "Be not shameful. Pull your pricks free if you wish. I would also, were I not sated from my last encounter."

Glancing at each other, they did so with a little embar- assment, pulling out huge shafts and stroking them. As the boys cavorted, they walked closer to view their activities.

The second eldest glanced up to see the large things being sported. Wide-eyed, he moved on his knees and took a guard's prick into his mouth! Gasping, the guard looked to the Prince for permission.

Jason shrugged. "Let them do as they please...if you like, that is."

"Oh, sire...I like very much!" He watched the boy sucking him.

The second youngest was the first to present himself for a bottom fucking. On all fours, he layed his head down and thrust his ass up. The eldest quickly bent and licked his anus furiously before entering with his large cock. He squatted behind the lad, pounding mercilessly into him. The boy squealed in total delight as his brother rammed him!

Jason had yet to see a sign of pain under the potion's influence. Apparently, it caused total relaxation of the sphincter even in the most virgin of boys.

Whilst the kneeling boy sucked the guard, the youngest got down and licked his brother's bottom, his hole within, and his hanging ballsack. Then he scurried around and reached for the other guard's rampant member. Imitating his sibling, he sucked masterfully on the huge thing. The guards breathed heavily, acknowledging their pleasure as they fucked the boys' mouths and watched the other lad getting bottomfucked by his older brother. As the boys sucked and laved the huge cocks, they looked up appreciatively. Seeing the men watching their brothers, they both agreed to offer themselves. Laying back, they lifted their legs and exposed their willing assholes-- young, twitching anuses eager to be filled by the monstrous shafts!

"B-by your leave, sire?" one gasped at his proposed fortune.

Prince Jason waved his hand. "As you like, you horny you like! But pray, I must warn you. Once having tasted the pleasures of a boy's bottom, you may never again find fulfillment between your ladies' legs!" He laughed.

Their lust made no room for such trivial concerns. They plunged into the sweet holes and ravaged those tender bums! The boys swooned and tossed their heads side to side--stopping once to kiss passionately. Prince Jason felt a stirring in his loins ...but refrained.

He did, however, enjoy seeing the excitement obvious in all faces involved. The handsome, masculine brutes he'd chosen as his guards on this excursion did not disappoint his viewing pleasure. He often picked a largely-endowed young man for his lusts, and knew he would turn his own tail to them before returning to the castle. Perhaps some potion?

The fucking brothers were finished--a load deposited with fury and heavy agitation as the younger one frigged himself onto the straw. Giggling at the other antics, they knelt above their brothers' faces. One stuck his spent dick into a mouth to be sucked clean while the other settled his anus onto the younger boy's mouth to be drained.

The young one exhibited incomparable lust as he sucked the warm, sperm from his brother's asshole. The other displayed as much wantonness as he cleaned the oily shit-streaks from his brother's prick!

Gasping in simultaneous orgasm, the guards rammed deeply and fairly screamed their passion. Upon retrieval, the other lads bent and took the pricks into their mouths--eager to suck and taste the remnants of the bottoms they'd just come from. Morsels of shit had been extracted, but they cared not. Indeed, they relished the sour taste and filthiness of their own acts! They lapped the foul juices as if it were honey, and delighted in the specks attached--to the astonishment of the guards.

"Fair play would dictate you suck the boys' bottoms of your spend," Jason chuckled. "Perhaps each other's for variety?" But the guards demurred. Jason smiled to himself, wondering if that would be the case were he to give them some potion!

"I...I think not, sire!" one exclaimed, blushing. "As marvelous as it was, I think our lechery falls short of that!" Jason laughed.

The boys on top, however, still reveled in their debauchery. They brought the two bottoms up to their faces and sucked the nectar from their tender holes. Then they took their brothers' raging pricks between their lips and took more nectar from their balls!

"Fine, now to matters at hand," Jason sat forward with his hands on his knees. "These boys will now shit turds," he said to the guards. "You may wait outside if you find it offensive, or witness it."

"Sire?!!" they gasped.

"This is my purpose. I'll not explain further, but rest assured it is in search of a very unique turd...a wondrous turd!"

"Uh, if...if you say so, sire. With your permission, I shall go."

"I will...view the sight, sire. If...that is all required of me?"

"No reason to worry," Jason chuckled. "Come boys, circle round. Spread your bottoms before me. Let me taste each one!"

Prince Jason was holding back from engaging in more lustful pursuits but he could not deny himself the pleasure of a bottom lick. Especially with such delightful specimens before him. He licked the anus of each boy in turn, then, also in turn, had each boy spread the bottom of his brother wide as a turd was expelled and fell to the floor. Even the Prince was surprised as each boy leaned over and licked the column before it fell and cleaned his brother's dirty anus with his tongue. The oldest lad was last. He was having trouble, and expelled his turd with the most effort. Perhaps because it was thick and huge. His youngest brother was spreading his cheeks and licking on it as the other two were slowly coming out of their trances. They gaped. He licked, blinking. Jason quickly wrenched the turd from the strapping lad and licked the anus clean himself. Four youthful turds lay on the straw floor...all brown--not a fleck of gold.

The remaining guard stared at Jason in awe, clamping his mouth shut when Jason glanced at him with a grin. "Even covered in filth, a boy's bottom has exquisite sweetness!" he said to him.

The boys stood numb, nonplussed--another indication that they'd indulged somewhat in similar behavior, and held no regrets that they'd taken it beyond any previous efforts. Had they not witnessed the Prince licking their brother's soiled anus, perhaps they'd feel differently.

The four brothers bowed and thanked the Prince for the potion, exclaiming it had been a delicious encounter...could they please have more! Jason thought for a moment, then gave them a small measure to share...with a warning.

"You understand, this will not be as potent, but you surely will desire to shit after orgasm. As you can tell, don't be surprised what you do at that time!"

The eldest hugged his brothers. "I think we can, uh, handle it, sire. We're rather nasty boys by nature!" They laughed.

Kedril put his foot in the boy's mouth.

"Lick that stink, you horrid bumboy! Clean between those smelly toes. Do a good job and I'll give you my piss to drink!"

The child sucked on each foot, each toe, cleaning out the grit from between them and eating it. Kedril presented his bottom to the boy and had it sucked. He called a guard into the carriage and had him shit in the boy's mouth. The boy ate the turd with delight--his eyes blazing!

Kedril forced him onto his cock--by mouth, then ass, then mouth again...spent a load over his tongue...then pissed down the boy's throat! He ordered the reluctant guard to suck the boy and drink his spend, while he helped ease a turd from the child's rectum into his lap. Angered that it was a normal turd, he forced the boy's face into it--mashing it into his own groin.

''EAT IT UP, YOU STUPID ASS-LICKING PEASANT! EAT THIS TURD!" He forced it into the boy's mouth. As eagerly as he'd eaten the guard's turd, the boy balked and fought all the way. Having shitted, he was out of his trance and could not abide his mouth being stuffed with excrement! He wretched, vomiting all over the Prince's crotch. Not only his own foul doings, but the guard's as well! Frightened beyond measure, he bolted the carriage and ran naked for the hills.

"After him, you imbecile!" Kedril cried.

"Yes, sire!" the guard said, secretly smiling. "As soon as I manage my breeches." He purposely moved slowly, outraged at the Prince's behavior, but not daring to disobey.

"Damn your nakedness! I don't care a whit if your cock flies in the wind--FIND THAT FILTHY SCOUNDREL AND THRASH HIM! Better yet, bring him back and I'll have him lick up this disgusting mess!"

Two guards stayed behind while the other two tracked the boy down on horseback. Finding him crouched among boulders, shivering in fright, the guard dismounted and grabbed the lad.

"Hold, young one, HOLD! I shall not harm you." He hugged the naked lad to his breast, calming him. "Prince Kedril is evil to debase a child like you...and me. Yet I feel no regret at having drunk your sweet essence. What you did was under the influence of his foul concoction--which wore off after you did your shitting."

"I...I remember doing...doing that!" he hung his head in embarrassment. "I could not help myself...I enjoyed it. But after..."

"I know, I know, you sweet thing. I have orders to take you back."

"NO! Please, sir! H-he'll kill me! Oh, please...I'll do anything!"

"Rest, you have done enough. But...perhaps..."

"Yes, anything!" the boy cried.

"Traj," he spoke to the other guard, "find me a squirrel or rodent...something with blood, quickly!" Then he turned back to the boy. "I'll smear myself in blood and tell him you are dead. This is not a condition, but would you...suck me as you did the Prince? And allow me to taste again the sweetness from your young balls?"

"I...don't know if I can. Oh, I shall suck you of course! I just don't know if I can...again." He pressed against the man in thanks.

"Ah, such lovely young flesh!" He fondled the frightened lad. "How could any man mistreat you so? A foul thing to admit, but I confess the aroma of your turd was as roses to my nostrils! But let us suck so I may drink of you again."

"I...I loved your aroma, also. I don't know why exactly."

"The potion. You need not drink of me. The pleasure of your lips will suffice. Pull off if you must. I will not be offended."

As youth is prone, even when anxious, his prick rose quickly with minimal manipulation. The boy was quite capable of another spend. He also wished not to 'pull off' at the critical moment, but drank the sharp fluids from the man's cock with inordinate abandon! They sucked like lovers in the high field. Indeed, for those few precious moments, they were as lovers. One older and fiercely masculine with an innate tenderness...the other younger, eager, with the fierce intensity of sexual beginnings --his arousal unneeding of any special potion.

To assure the other guard's conspiracy, they sucked him fore and aft--the boy drinking his essence, the guard tasting his ass whilst twiddling his knockers!

"Regrets, sire. He is dead!" he announced, splattered in rabbit's blood. "I put the knife to his throat with a command to return. He declared, 'NEVER!' and grabbed my hand to slice his own neck, then flung himself into a deep crevice."

"Damn! Foul little beggar. Let's away!"

He was was the carriage the remaining guards. "Find an inn. I am famished!" he ordered.

Jason also was having a meal. A 17-year-old vagabond lad found on the roadside with a phenomenal endowment that simply demanded the Prince's talents at sucking a prick! He hadn't yet given the boy the eager was he to get the boy's breeches down. He found no complaint. Being so well measured, the boy was used to being desired. Even having a Prince express such desire did not surprise him. He displayed himself without the least hesitation, and expressed interest in Jason's own packed crotch with his hands while being sucked.

"You do it good, sire. I also wish to do such things and would be honored to pleasure you. I please boys, girls, men and women...and find it all most enjoyable. Have you heard of me? Is that what brings you here? To find me?"

Jason smiled to himself at the boy's conceit, but conceded he had a perfect right to such feelings. Were cock size sufficient, this boy would be a Prince--perhaps King! He well outdistanced Jason himself by perhaps a measure or more.

"Ah, you are a lusty one! Wouldst you like to plug a Prince with that mastodon?"

"In the arse, sire?!" he seemed surprised.


"With the greatest of pleasure, sire!" he gushed. "May I suck you first? I do enjoy a prick in the mouth, and methinks you have a fine one hidden away in there! May I say you're a handsome fellow, sire? I shall even lick your arse first, if I may. I enjoy licking an arse much as I enjoy fucking them! The exception being, of course, when I fuck a mare. Life on the road does have its times of loneliness!"

"What a find," Jason chuckled. "A strong stallion who pleases all. A buggerboy who sucks arse. I shall also suck yours and suspect it may be quite tasty."

"Aye, I have been on the road a while. Quite tasty, if it is your pleasure."

"I will wish you to drop me a turd at the end," Jason said, forgetting for the moment that he had not given the boy the potion.

"No problem there, sire. I have known men of your nature and have no qualms in that regard. A gentleman not far from here regularly pays me to shit him a large turd. He declares they smell like violets and never fails to devour the thing! Violets indeed. He loves it more when I have a stench that would wilt a forest!" He laughed heartily.

"Can't say that makes my nostrils flare in anticipation, but I do enjoy a boy's butthole...and I'm finding I enjoy the occasional taste."

"Well, you wish me to can certainly taste at your own leisure! I do nothing like that, personally, but with a Prince...a handsome Prince like yourself...I may be game to play certain, uh, shitting sports with you." He rubbed Jason's crotch seductively.

"You make your partial living this way?"

"I do. I would certainly make no demands of a Prince, of course."

"I'll pay you."

"No need, sire. No need at all! I find you...exciting!"

"Listen. I wish to enjoy you naturally. I find you quite refreshing and don't want to spoil that. I have slaves, and I have influence to make subjects bow to my commands. I want you within feel your massive endowment gorging me like no other. But I must be honest. I have a potion that you must take. It will put fire in your loins and make you incapable of refusing my every command..."

"I bow to your every command already, sire!"

"You don't fully understand, my friend. I could give you this potion and command you to eat turds from a dozen arseholes, and you would do it with glee!"

"Uh...that would be..remarkable, to say the least, uh..."

"I don't wish to do that, for you would remember everything."

"I feel many thanks for that, sire! W-what is it you are saying?"

"Leave us have our fun...our passion...unbridled. enjoy sucking pricks, that is so?"

"Quite so. Not all...but fine ones to be sure."

"Then leave us suck pricks and arseholes, and plug me good. Then I shall give you the potion and have you suck my guards whilst I suck you again to orgasm and you shit me a turd. Is that a deal?"

" will do no shitting, sire?"

"I wasn't intending to...though I need to, I feel."

"Couldst this potion release me enough with it? Were you to shit one, that is?"

"Play, lick, suck and eat...were I to command," Jason warned.

"Would you request that of me?" he asked, apprehensively.

"Um...nay, just to play...if that is your pleasure."

"Very fine, sire. I agree then! As lascivious as my nature, I have not yet found those dirtiest desires within. But it may be fun to perhaps wallow freely in a manner one would not ordinarily conceive of. A bit of freedom in that respect may be quite intriguing!"

"I warn will have no control. You may do obscene things even without being commanded to do so."

"Then I'll let you be my control, my Prince! I freely submit to your darkest desires."

"You are adventurous, to put such trust in me."

"Perhaps I wish to be more debauched...with you," he grinned.

"We shall see. Now give me that stout prick in my mouth!" Jason cried. "And help strip me...I want to feel your lips on me!"

The fellow rubbed his cock on Jason's lips, teasingly. "No, sire. I give you naught but a little lick til you rid yourself of those clothes and let me gorge on your own favors!" He rubbed more. "Licky, licky, my Prince," he brazenly teased. He was a boy of the constant demand. Beggar, gentleman, or Prince. He knew what dwelt between his legs and knew how to get any man on his knees!"

Jason delighted in his arrogance, and felt a swelling of emotion at being the boy's subject.

"Please, please!" he gushed. "I'm ridding myself of my clothes. Put that prick to my lips...let me suck it!" He was desperately disrobing--excited beyond comparison! No one had ever had the balls to treat him in such a manner. They gauged each other's reactions carefully, until the game was acknowledged. The fellow beamed!


Both now stripped bare, the fellow straddled Jason's face and pushed his middle to his lips.


Moaning deliriously...with more excitement than he'd ever known...Jason wallowed in the stink of the fellow's balls and lapped as he was ordered. Stroking his tight, muscled thighs, and grabbing hold of his equally tight buttocks, Jason slopped his tongue over everything he could reach. He grabbed for the huge prick and aimed it at his mouth.

"NO, NO! You don't get that yet. Get under. Smell and suck my arsehole before you get that. You have to work for it! Lay your head down so I can sit on your fucking royal face!"

Jason willingly scooted down, bowing to the boy's demands. He stuck out his tongue and lapped at the gritty hole.

"Mmmm. Any shit on there, your highness? Well, LICK IT THE FUCK OFF! CLEAN THE SHIT OFF MY ASS! DRIVE YOUR TONGUE WITHIN!"

Jason nearly swooned at the fragrance. It was spicy, sweaty, and incomparably delicious. What arrogance! What brazen disregard for his power and authority. What a tasty bum! He licked and probed until the boy made the decision to rise.

Then he displayed the most outrageous impudence of all. Wiping his asshole across Jason's face, he settled back and pulled the Prince's mouth to his, forcing his tongue inside.

"OH, SWEET MAN! FUCKING BUGGER PRINCE!" He plunged inside, sucking on Jason's tongue. "I wish you were a country man... I'd take you as a lover and never let you go!" he hissed into Jason's face, kissing him again. "You'd be forever naked and hard in the prick for my pleasure! You'd throw up your legs up at a snap of my fingers and scream when I you will soon...from total delight!" He glanced down. "Yes, you like my words. You're stiff and hard in the bone. You hunger for my lips on your cock. Your pleasure is my pleasure. You are my slut! I am your slut! Give me that prick to suck!"

He dove into the Prince's groin and instantly took his prick all the way down. Jason swooned again and prepared to ejaculate on contact. But the fellow knew what he was about. He left off and went down to the balls. Scooting his body to the floor, he lapped and sucked on Jason's balls while looking up at him in total subjugation! He was ministering to his master's gonads-- having done a complete reversal in seconds. Jason caught his sexual humour, spread his legs and lifted them.

"Dirty road tramp! Fucking whoreboy! Quit wasting my time and get your face down there...LICK ON MY ARSEHOLE! Smell it first, then lick it. Use your thumbs. Spread it open. Tongue me up in there and taste me. And do it deep...I'm tired of playing around!"

The boy lifted Jason's legs higher and thrust his face into his sweaty valley. He licked from tailbone to balls...up and down...tasting and licking all the flesh in and around the Prince's anus. He took a deep breath and flittered his tongue over the central region. He licked and slopped...pulling the skin out to suck on! Then he stuck his tongue inside and licked out the Prince's shithole!


Quite casually, the boy rose up and kissed Jason lightly on the lips. "I shall be most delighted!" Then in a gruffness, "Splay those tasty buns, my Prince. You are about to be skewered into heaven!"

Holding Jason's legs high, he spat on his prick and aimed it to the exposed hole. He had sense enough to temper his enthusi- asm until he'd carefully lodged his cockhead within. He gauged the Prince's temperament and anal fluctuations. By the little gasps and groans he heard, he knew just when the world was aright with his princely paramour.

He'd fucked many with his splendid member, and knew the signs well. The glaze in the eyes...the sudden involuntary twitch of the prick. He girded his loins and eased inward halfway. He rested Jason's legs upon his shoulders, reached down to spread the buttocks apart with his fingers, and continued his invasion.

When his prick reached its zenith, Jason's eyes shot open! This lusty boy had him totally impaled. He felt the pube hairs grinding at his asslips. He reached under and felt of the cock, glad there was no more to receive, but wonderfully grateful for all he now contained.

"Mmmm. My Prince wants his arse fucked royally?"

"Uh, two more breaths, my stud, then you have me at your will!"

"Take them, then...for I wish to FUCK!" he scowled.

Carefully and deliberately, Jason took those two long breathes. He also took that time to rest his hands upon his fucker's shoulders, "Drive me to paradise, you bastard rogue!" he cried out.

The carriage rocked so violently that it seemed the wheels may fall off! The roadboy drove into the Prince's rectum at a pace that defied possibility. Jason's eyes fell back into his head. He grasped and clutched at the boy--urging him on-- grinding his bottom forward to receive every scrap of cockflesh available. He wished the boy's balls to enter his disgracefully -submissive rectum! Never had he been stuffed like this. So ruthlessly!

Fearful at the commotion, a guard opened the door. He stared in wonder at the Prince's lustful expression and excused himself, closing the door again.

"AAIIEE! FUCK ME! FUCK ME!" Jason screamed. "UUUUGGGHHHH!!!"

Untouched, the Prince creamed in spasmic orgasm over them both. Streams of joyful cum splattered their bodies, shooting here and there, inundating everything. Their bodies, the coach seat...the ceiling were it not for the fellow's body being above him. Rivers flowed on his belly and another river was spurting up his rectum. Floods of youthful cum were being deposited...nay, SHOT within his bowels! That hefty cock was not only long, thick and hard, but the balls beneath held massive amounts of stringy prickjuice!

He fell upon Jason in exhaustion, kissing his neck, cheeks and lips. Jason returned the passion when their lips met. Never had he been fucked so hard...and so well. He wished not for the moment to be broken abruptly. Quickly he drew out a vial of potion and put it to his fucker's lips.

Still gasping, the young man drank. His lips wet with the potion, he slipped them across Jason' him just the mere flavor of it. Licking the film, the Prince reached down and took hold of the oily thing and the balls beneath. He bent and put it into his mouth, tasting of himself...and surprised he'd done so--having been so satisfied.

"Ah, a fine stout prick as this deserves to be cleaned," Jason gushed when the fellow raised his eyebrow, "especially after a fuck as that!" Twas his own lubricity that drove him to it...he surely had not received enough of the potion to cause such reaction.

Remaining naked, Jason threw the door open and suggested two at a time enter to be sucked by the manboy. They grunted lasciviously and eagerly stripped from the waist. Two hearty pricks soon awaited the boy's attentions. He slavered over them, licked the ballsacks, and suggested a bumlick was in order. They turned and offered their furry behinds to be washed. Even the hairs growing 'round the anus were licked of any dew, and the grossly filthy holes within were left to sparkle. Then the cocks remained to be sucked, and the boy went to it avidly!

Jason, meanwhile, was toying with his asshole. He'd lick and suck...enter a finger and play about...pull that wretched digit out and suck on it like one of the mad faggots at court that could often be caught breezily licking a nobleman's arse in the corridors without shame!

Jason was teasing...and tasting...but also with a purpose. Above all he'd met thus far, he wished for this boy to give him a hard golden turd to lick on--even 'twer streaked with real shit! A double treasure he would then be! He sucked the anus more fervently.

The guards delighted in his oral abilities and soon sent pent-up explosions between his working lips. Jason excused them, and requested the others.

"You wish more cock, my friend?" He asked.

"Oh, yes! I'll suck hundreds for you, my lord! This is surely a wonderful potion. You'd please me with three fingers up my worthless arse! Four or five...gad, I'd accept your foot!"

"Did those fellows have dirty holes? I thought I smelled so. Are my guards not caring for themselves properly?"

"Please, do not admonish them yet. I feel eager to smell and clean more dirt from soiled arseholes. Never has it been such a pleasure! You spoke true. I would surely eat any turd within reach if you asked...perhaps even if you didn't! Ah, feel up inside there!"

Jason was quite comfortable with three fingers working into the rectum. Resting his head upon a buttock, he watched up close as he twisted them round and round...reveling in the enticing odor he was drawing forth. He began to lick his fingers as they probed when the two shocked guards entered. He cared not what they thought, and frankly delighted in shocking them. He yanked his hand from the boy's rectum and looked at them as he thrust the fingers into his mouth!

He crooked his finger to the more handsome of the guards, motioning him closer. "As good as he is, he can take only one prick at a time. Give me that pole--I shall suck it myself!" Jason knew he was behaving scandously as a Prince, but he wished to suck the man's prick...and that he did--to the young man's astonishment. Far from deflating starch from his erection, however, it fired his senses to see his master serve him so. He swooned in pleasure. Jason, in his excitement, cut it short. "Turn, man. I'll suck that arse!"

The guard froze--unbelieving. Jason grabbed him roughly and twisted his hips. He pushed on the fellow's back and bent him over. Wrenching his buttocks apart, he cleaned the area-- finding it humid and dirty as he'd suspected.

"Oh, my liege! I am not clean!" the guard warned, much too late.

"I'm not virgin to licking shit, you handsome oaf! Release that tightness...I wish to plunge my tongue therein!"

The man felt of his own prick and made the attempt...nervous as he was. The unholy stimulation won out. He opened that dirty crevice and allowed his Prince to lick it out! The two youngest spent many moments favoring those manly holes, then the pricks were again alternated between by the vagabond while Jason returned himself full-faced into the boy's bottom.

"Now, my request, you scoundrel! Suck those pricks and deliver me a beauty from this tasty hole!" The guard gasped, and stared at Prince Jason, but no one noticed. They certainly didn't move from the hungry mouth, even when the boy resettled his haunches and thrust back more lewdly. Gaseous pungency escaped from his bowels--probably the result of having those fingers plunging within earlier. Jason was unhindered, and even sniffed unashamedly.

Soon, a splendid turd was presented to his gaze. Sticking from the anus most lewdly...caught in flight for the moment ...Jason lightly touched it and began to lick the moisture therefrom. The top, along the sides, and swiping his tongue underneath--Jason found it delectable! Not what he had hoped for...but marvelous nonetheless. He cradled the turd in his hand, hearing a guard gush his orgasm, and managed to keep it from bolting entirely as the boy switched cocks.

Situating it deeply into his throat, driving the guard wild, he pushed more from his bottom. Seeing the end was moister and had a creamy texture, Jason eased it out of the hole and took a taste of it! He did this in full view of the guards, bringing on the man's intense orgasm. After another nibble, he handed the turd to the other guard.

"See if he wishes a taste of this," he suggested, then planted his face into the crevice and cleaned it quickly!

But more aware than any had been, the boy took the turd and turned to Jason. "You wish me to eat of my own turd, MY ROYAL PRINCE?" There was excitement, yet a sense of sarcasm in his tone.

"Only if you wish to, you filthy whore!" Jason hissed at him.

"Then I decline, your perverted majesty!" he nearly screamed back, totally bewildering the pensive guards who were now eager to be dismissed. "I'll not lick my own shit except under direct orders. But," he calmed and smiled deliciously, "I'll have a taste from your bum! You need to shit as I remember. Give me your turd to lick! Instantly...I'll have it now!" He helped lift Jason's legs.

"S-s-shall we retire, sire?" one guard suggested, nervously.

"Stay," he waved nonchalantly, as if not to be bothered. "You'll lick shit from my arse? Is the potion not diminishing?"

"Tis gone, lord. I need no potion to revel in the filth from your sweet bottom! Indeed, I would have eaten under the potion, and now I shall only lick. But you still command me, you lusty brute. Be you foul enough to say so, I'll devour every scrap and lick your entrails!"

Jason laughed uproariously. "Prepare, rogue. I shit forthwith. A sniff and a lick will be quite sufficient." He bore down and felt his anus expand. He gasped, knowing something was going out. Smoothly it slide from his hole. His head fell forward and he pulled his thighs back more--he wished to see the boy's debauchery. The boy was waiting. Waiting until he caught the gleam in his Prince's eyes. Only then did he press his lips upon it. Staring directly into Jason's eyes, he slathered his tongue over the lengthening turd.

"Umm, smells and tastes delightful!" he managed to whisper as the guards stared down at him in awe.

"Damned if that doesn't smell good!" Jason gushed. It was a sturdy turd he was putting out. He'd seen many on this trip. Some dark, some light. His was fairly normal in darkness, with a bit of light, creamy marbleness to and there. The boyman seemed to enjoy it on his own terms. Such a lusty lad! Jason's prick throbbed. He grabbed it, bolted his turd, and aimed a stream of goodness over it and the boy's face! It was licked from the turd and from round his lips...anywhere his tongue could reach!

The boy lifted both turds and arrogantly flung them from the window. He licked his soiled fingers, licked Jason's asshole, and took the prick into his mouth.

"I'll take piss, if you'll favor me!" he said, grinning.

"Could I deny you? But leave us step outside. I feel a massive flow within, and cannot be sure you can contain it all. I have a long ways to travel in this carriage, and wish not for it to stink the entire journey!"

They alighted the carriage, naked as they were. The guards dressed as they watched the fellow take the Prince's cock into his mouth. Soon, it was flowing freely. Many large gulps were swallowed, then many more, and still the piss came. He squeezed it, took his mouth away, closed his eyes...leaving his mouth open...and allowed the rest to spray his face and naked body in wild abandon!

"Oh, a superb animal you are!" Jason congratulated. "But now you stink and must live with it."

"A creek lies just a short distance, sire. That was a splendid sensation. Since I must bathe anyway, perhaps your guards might piss on me in tandem?"

"As you like. Men, he satisfied you. Now you may return the favor. Inundate him with your warm flows...especially in the face!"

Still bewildered, the guards chuckled and pulled their pricks out. Standing close before the kneeling lad, they gladly sprayed him with their warm, acrid piss. The boy swallowed quickly, drinking as much as he could. Since his prick had risen, Jason went down and sucked on it...allowing the piss to splatter upon his head. He also was tasting the piss that ran down into the crotch and over the balls, and was rewarded with mouthfuls of tastier fluids from the mighty shaft.

Laughing, they both ran arm-in-arm to the creek to wash off. Just before entering the water, the boy begged pardon.

"Delicious and most amusing. But unfortunately the gut has decided it is not in favor!" He rushed behind bushes and vomited profusely, ridding himself of the unholy water. He bounded out with a large grin. "Now there's room for more!" he laughed.

Together they played like youngsters--splashing, hugging, kissing and stroking each other's nakedness.

"Ah, what filthy animals we are, my Prince! What carnal delights we have discovered. Were I only of royal blood that we could play like this forever! Damn, let me kiss those lips a final time!" He mashed his mouth onto Jason's...finding the passion returned twofold.

"That may be possible yet, you rogue. If I become King, my first order will be to send for you. The Royal Arse will need filled regularly. I can think of none who could do it better! An unmanly proposition to be sure," he chuckled, "but wouldst you deign to be my queen!"

"To wallow in your perversions, sire, I would don skirts and smear my lips in rouge!"

"Yes, and your arse would be out the next day. I'll only have you act and smell like a man--and smell heady at that!"

"I could promise that."

"Your name, my love?"

"Give me one."

"Hmmm. Roderick Shafton! Because your rod and shaft weigh a ton!" They both laughed.

"Forever more I am Roderick Shafton, sire," he bowed, "and will await your summons anxiously."

"Of course, you understand that if I do not become King, I may well come to you a poor beggar on the run from my dastardly brother, and may need your assistance to hide out."

"I need no gold from you, sire. Only your heavenly taste!"

"Then let me give it final time...and we shall hope for the best. Though I fear my breath must stink of shit." He fell into the boy's strong arms and they kissed again.

"Farewell, my liege, and rest assured that such flavor upon your breath will always stir my loins!"

Weeks have passed and neither had discovered anything more than fantastic sexual delights. Jason pursued his objective with much the same calmness and consideration, taking special care to be sure he missed no one.

Kedril was likewise careful, but he was becoming less considerate and more demanding...taking out his frustration on the boys. To cover more ground, more quickly, instead of having personal encounters he'd round up all the boys in an area or village and line them up in a barn. He'd restrict the parents, but didn't much care if they knew what was going to take place. His guards ensured they weren't disturbed. He'd give them all vials, and have them drink the potions at the same time. Then he'd strip and lay back watching, or get into the middle of the melee and have them feast on his body parts.

As Jason had found with the four brothers, Kedril's groups quickly began a massive orgy, regardless of their previous persuasions or sexual experience. Occasionally a boy would cry out a wish that he had a cunt available, but that was only his initial response from the aphrodisiac. The sight of the naked boys around him soon made him forget any such requirements. Within moments, he'd be sucking on a prick!

Kedril enjoyed walking among the participants, using his straps of leather to beat upon any upraised asses. Brandishing his hard cock, he'd find a worthy boy's mouth to stick it in, feed him his balls, or have him lick and tongue out his asshole. Sometimes he'd fuck a whole line of boys, having the next lad lick his prick clean of the previous boy's anal dirt before plunging it into him!

On one occasion he had over twenty boys together. All in a straight line, he had each tongue the asshole in front of him, whilst he fucked the boy on the end and watched the lineup perform. He did the same with cocksucking. But his most obscene pleasure was after they'd achieved orgasm. He'd go down the line and witness each boy shit into the mouth of the boy behind him...intently studying each turd as it was licked and sucked on. Outraged at not finding the Golden Turd, he would pick a boy from the group and force him to eat his turd as he shit into the boy's mouth. This was most vicious, as the lad had undoubtedly come out of his trance at that point. Had he not been a Prince, the others would probably have come to the boy's rescue. As it was, they merely voiced their astonishment and disgust...but did nothing.

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Next: Chapter 3

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