The Golden Egg

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jun 11, 2000


(rimming felching w/s scat)


The monarch of the island kingdom of Minarcos had finished reading the newly-found scrolls found hidden amongst the ancient papers. He rubbed his hands together in wonder and expectation at the revelations. This was a possibility that deserved consideration. If true, it meant riches beyond imagination! If not, well...the kingdom was at peace. Their enemies were at war between themselves and had no time, supplies or armies to mount a campaign against their island.

The King summoned his two sons--Jason and his evil twin Kedril.

"We have uncovered ancients writings that promise great riches. It will require a search of the land for this treasure, however."

"What is the nature of this treasure, Father?" Jason asked.

"The writings are dated over three centuries ago. They foretell that in 300 years will be born a Boy Who Lays a Golden Egg."

"Golden Egg?!" Kedril scoffed. "Even if a mere boy were able to lay an egg--which is quite doubtful in the least measure--to be made of gold would be equally impossible. And...from what orifice would this 'egg' be laid?"

"Kedril speaks true, Father," Jason agreed. "Such a thing is quite unheard of. Perhaps it is a mere fantasy of our ancestors."

"I understand you being skeptics in this matter, my sons, but let me continue. Golden Egg was the name given. Fanciful, to be sure. And you shall soon know the reason why. The date of the child's birth cannot be determined with total accuracy, but the foretold child should now be somewhere between the ages of 13 and 18 and has only begun the ability to produce this treasure. At age 19 it will cease."

"If this is so, sire, he must surely be aware of it. It will come to our attention soon then, will it not?" Jason asked.

"Perhaps not. Further reading reveals that the 'egg' refers to the boy's turd. The Boy Who Lays the Golden Turd! It seems the writers of the scrolls were being delicate...or purposely evasive. But this treasure definitely comes from the boy's anus and is triggered only by the administering of a potion. The ingredients of this potion were also included, and are now being prepared by our alchemist."

"Then what?" Kedril snapped. "We administer the potion and wait to watch their shittings? Father, do you seriously consider putting your own sons through this...this foul ordeal? Do we witness these smelly endeavors then fondle the objects and spread them open in search of gold? This is not an activity designed for Princes!"

"True, Kedril, but you are the only ones I can trust in this matter. Besides, there are added inducements that you may find to your liking. It seems the potion takes but a few minutes, and works on any boy as an aphrodisiac. He becomes ravenous for sexual delights during that time. Only when thoroughly sated will he then drop the golden turd. Or, it seems, a normal one if he is not the boy we seek. I'm sure that factor will meet with your approval. Especially you, Kedril, knowing your penchant for young boys!"

"But sire," Jason cried, "he is so vicious with them. He beats them and subjects them to vile acts! And he dares stand there and complain about foulness! Many a lad has been subjected to his offensive shittings. I've seen him demand a boy lick him...and it!"

"I put a boy in his place, dear brother. Not like you, who tend to cradle them sweetly...kiss their lips...and do in return whatever you wish them to do! I order for my pleasure. I am a Prince and I deserve to be served! In whatever manner I prefer."

"Yes, they do come lovingly into my arms, brother. They don't shy away with fear and frightful tears as they do when you approach!"

"Stop this bickering," the King demanded, "I tire of it! Kedril is right, Jason. He is a prince and has every right to treat the slave boys as he wishes. But Kedril, this is not the same."


"We're not speaking of slaves. You will be dealing with the children of the realm, and your...appetites...must be tempered. I'll not have you wreak havoc on my subjects. You'll have the boy to yourself...and in a very lascivious state. Surely, you will be able to have him cater to your whims without violence. He must be returned to his parents with no apparent damage. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Father. I will contain myself," he said sarcastically, glaring at Jason with his dark, brooding eyes.

"One more thing," the King continued, "it has always been my desire that you both shall rule equally upon my death. I now feel--because of your antagonism toward each other--that only one can rule effectively. Therefore, whosoever finds the Golden Boy and produces the Golden Turds shall become my successor. Jason, you shall scour the western province while Kedril covers the east."

The two young Princes were given ample supplies of the potion. They each gathered a small force of men and headed out to the villages.

"Good morning. I am Prince Jason. Have you any male children between the ages of 13 and 18?"

"Yes, sire. We have Dankin, 14. What has he done?"

"Nothing. Put that thought to rest. I am on the King's business. I am not at liberty to discuss it, but I require his presence in private for a while. Rest assured, no harm will become him."

"As you wish, sire. I will fetch him for you."

Jason led the confused boy to his enclosed carriage...alone. He smiled and gently stroked his cheek.

"Have I done something wrong, P-Prince Jason?"

"No, Dankin. Not at all. I want you to relax, drink this potion, and we'll see what happens."

"H-happens, sire?"

"Happens. Tell me, are you a lewd boy? Do you fuck young girls in the fields yet?"

"N-no, sire," he replied, astonished at the question.

"Perhaps mess with the fellas? Surely you jiggle this often." He reached down and felt the boy's crotch.

"W-well..." he blushed furiously, "s-sometimes I do that."

"Fine. Drink this and we'll find out what a stout fellow you are!"

"Sire? Uh, as you wish." He drank the potion. Sitting across from each other, Jason watched intently for any changes in the lad.

The boy was a strapping youth--pretty in face and form--just the way Jason liked them. He also delighted in his innocence. Unlike Kedril, he preferred to seduce his young slaveboys into lovemaking. Consequently, they eagerly awaited his attentions while they feared the sight of his sadistic brother.

Jason had selected simple clothing for this journey... nothing elaborate as befitting a Prince. This was to be a sexual adventure of delights while searching for that certain boy. He engaged the youth in small talk while waiting for the potion to take effect. Meanwhile, he reached down and brazenly stroked his own growing erection.

The boy noticed it, but tried to keep his gaze from seeming so. Suddenly, his eyes took on a strange gleam. His head twisted in confusion, his glance settled on Jason's crotch, and he began to lick his longer hiding his gaze. Jason saw this and lifted his bottom to pull his breeches down to his knees. His large erection sprung up and the boy stared at it hungrily. Jason grabbed it and held it teasingly. "How do you feel, Dankin?"

"S-strange, sire. V-very strange."

"In what way, may I ask?"

"Oh, sire, why are you doing that? I'm getting very dirty desires!"

Jason pulled his breeches all the way to his ankles. "You have my permission, Dankin, to be as dirty as you wish. Come."

Immediately, the boy knelt before the Prince and began to run his tongue over the royal prick and nestled his face in the royal balls!

"Oh, sire, you smell so wonderful and exciting!" He tongued the balls more then quickly took the prickhead into his mouth and began to suck it. Jason moaned, letting the boy work on him. He loved having younger boys sucking his prick. When he noticed the lad had reached down to rub himself, Jason pulled him up.

"Strip for me! Everything! I wish you naked."

"Oh, yes! Anything you wish to do to me...ANYTHING!" He was nude in moments--his springy prick hard and ready. Jason knew the boy was now extremely horny because he'd dropped 'sire' from his vocabulary. He pulled the naked boy to him and began to lick his belly and move down to his crotch. Unlike his brother, who cared not how clean his slaveboys were since he did nothing to please them in return, Jason always had his boys bathed and perfumed. The strong odors coming from the boy's nakedness made him quickly realize that this was not going to be the case with boys from the countryside. He would have to take them as they are, and most would be quite was the one he now beheld.

But far from being disgusted, he found the pungency coming from the boy's balls quite intriguing to his nostrils. He breathed deeply, then bathed the boy's testicles with his tongue, lapping the zesty grunge from them.

The boy's head swooned, and he remarked--not in the least way apologizing for it--"Oh, I'm dirty and I smell! Oh, I smell good!" Even his own strong odors were feeding his lust! Jason's brain fairly crackled with fire at the boy's fragrance. He grabbed his young buttocks and took his fine prick into his mouth, gently sucking. He wished the boy's spend to flow immediately down his throat, but knew it best to prolonge it. Other matters were at hand, and he must be sure that they could progress. He teased the boy's prick more then stopped. "Turn. I wish to inspect your bottom," he told him.

Gasping, Dankin turned and knelt on the plush cushions, obeying immediately. Instinctively knowing the man referred not only to his cheeks, he reached back and exposed himself in the lewdest manner for the Prince's examination. Jason fondled the smooth cheeks, taken aback for a moment at the sour smell. The boy was no cleaner in the back than he was in front. Auto- matically feeling a desire to wipe the area, Jason decided against it. After all, he was on this journey to watch boys shit their turds. It would no doubt get much worse. He'd might as well get used to it from the start. Besides, he found the forbidden scent beckoning to him. He moved an inch closer, rubbing his nose around the area, finding himself savoring the gaminess of the lad's dirty hole.

"LICK ME...LICK ME THERE!" Dankin suddenly blurted.

Startled at having anyone order him so, it took a moment for Jason to realize it was the potion talking. Then he realized he enjoyed being spoken to in such a way. The boy was squirming his bottom back in lewd offering. Jason obeyed, complying with the boy's order. He licked the area all over, tasting the staleness covering the anus. The young Prince always enjoyed licking the bottoms of his slaveboys and even thrusting his tongue inside deeply. But never before had he done it to a bottom hole that was in such a state as this! The more he licked and tasted, the more he realized this was better than previous, and how much he had missed in the past. He ground his face in...delighting in the way the boy smelled and tasted!

Suddenly, Dankin turned. "Now you! Let me do it to you!" He grabbed frantically at Jason, helping him up and over. Jason knelt on the carriage seat and the boy immediately thrust his face down and began to frantically lick his bottom hole with loud, lascivious noises! Deep groans came from the boy's throat as he violently pulled the Prince's anus apart and slurped into it with his tongue! Even his most favored slaveboys who savored this activity had never displayed such avidity!

"OH!" Jason cried. "OH, DANKIN!"

"PUSH IT OUT! PUSH IT OUT SO I CAN SUCK IT!" the boy cried, clawing at his buttocks. Jason pushed with his muscles, pushing the flesh of his anus outward for the boy to suck on. He gasped as the lad sucked and nursed at his hole then began to drive his tongue inside. Jason felt glad that he was clean back there, but knew from the boy's actions that it mattered not in the least. Were he totally foul, the child would have just as much enthusiasm. Indeed, this WAS a magic potion!

Jason could no longer contain himself. He wanted to spend in the boy's mouth. Quickly, he grabbed the boy and pulled his head into his middle. Dankin took the prick into his mouth and gladly sucked. Jason lifted the boy's bottom onto the seat and did likewise. In seconds, they spurted into each other's mouths. Loud moanings of sexual delight filled the carriage as they gulped down the warm, delicious cockspend!

Ah, what a fine drink the boy had given him. Jason cooed and hugged the precious bottom and crotch to him. Dankin was licking his balls in calm pleasure. Then Jason became alarmed. Had he broken the spell by allowing the boy to spend? Did the sequence of events have any bearing? He'd soon find out. Did this boy hold the Golden Turd? He sat up. "Dankin, I wish for you to...."

"AH, I MUST LEAVE...I HAVE TO...TO LEAVE!" he became frantic.

"NO!" He held him tightly. "I know what you must do. Turn and do it! Do it my hands!"

Dankin got a gleam in his eyes. A sexy gleam. He grinned. Yes, this was how he wanted to do it. He turned and grabbed hold of the bars on the carriage ceiling then planted his feet on the cushions and lowered his ass, grunting.

"YES! YES!" he cried, shitting a lovely turd from his bottom into Jason's hands. It excited him so much he spurted gobs of cream over the seat! The boy's wantonness was contagious. Jason breathed in the heady aroma of the column of shit he held and quickly leaned up and licked the boy's anus clean!

"LICK ME OUT! LICK MY DIRTY HOLE OUT!" Dankin ordered. Jason complied, caught up in the moment. He licked all traces of shit from the lad's anus and dug inside. Then he settled back to catch his breath. Dankin did the same after turning and sitting with a wondrous grin.

Jason sighed. Realizing the turd was a normal brown in color he pulled the curtain and tossed it outside. He calmly wiped his hands on a kerchief. Fine as he was, this wasn't the boy. Still, it was an exciting time he'd had. Then he noticed that Dankin's expression was rapidly changing. Coming out of his trance, the boy became greatly alarmed at what he'd done.

"OH. Oh, sire! My humble apologies a thousandfold! I don't know what come over me! Please don't hang me, I..."

"Dankin, you lovely boy," he hugged him close, "no need. You have done as I wished you to do. I am in search of a boy who shits golden turds after taking the potion."

"Aw, sire, you're joshing me now. Surely, that's not possible. But that stuff made me do horrible things and I beg your pardon."

"Did you not enjoy it?"

Dankin blushed. "Every moment, sire," he whispered, embarrassed.

"Fine. Then kiss me, you scoundrel, and promise that if I ever pass this way again we shall do it all over!"

He rushed into Jason's arms and kissed him passionately. "I have never done such things. With you I need no potion. You have my promise. I will dream of your return!"

"I, also, have done things with you I have never done. And have not a regret of any kind!" He bent to kiss the boy's pecker one last time.

Kedril ushered the two brothers into his carriage. One 13, one 16.

"Strip!" he ordered, his hard dark eyes glaring at them. Frightened, the boys obeyed...doffing their dirty clothing.

Kedril had no finesse. Used to ordering boys about, he abided no disobedience. Once naked, he ordered them to turn around and bend over. He spread their bottoms apart and fingered their assholes. They each screamed in pain at the sudden intrusion as he thrust in to see if a turd resided therein. Finding nothing, he yanked it out and cursed. "Damn, not a morsel!" He pushed a finger into each boy's mouth and made him suck it, causing then to gag.

"Ah, the potion." He reached for the vial and gave each boy a mouthful. "Perhaps this will have you shitting me a treasure!" The boys looked at him in astonishment, amazed that a Prince of the realm would desire their turds!

Not knowing how long it would take for the liquid to take effect, he didn't hesitate. He ordered them to strip his breeches down and off and fondle him into stiffness. They did so...fear and apprehension in their eyes when his fierce weapon rose to stiffness. And more fear when he grabbed them by the hair and forced them into his crotch to lick his shaft and balls. They tried to put up a fuss.

"Lick me, you little fuckholes!" he growled. "I'm your Prince! Lick my royal fucking cock and balls!"

He held their faces tightly to him. They did his bidding, but not without pained expressions. Kedril never bothered to keep himself clean. He regularly had himself washed by his slaveboys' tongues and he wasn't about to change his habits for this minor excursion. His young subjects could wash as well as slaves. Even better because they weren't used to it. Slaves eventually become compliant. Countryside boys were fresh and new to such outrages and it stirred Kedril's loins to force them. He layed upon the seat and pulled his legs back.


Unbeknownst to him, the potion was having its sudden effect. The elder boy pushed his brother away and began to lap at the Prince's anus with a vengeance! The younger boy watched his brother licking away the sweat, grime and leftover shit from the Prince's ass. He knew there was leftover shit there because he could smell it. And that made him try to force his way in there. But his older brother would have none of it. He grabbed the boy by the hair--not taking his mouth away--and urged him down to his own spread buttocks. Gaining recognition, the lad worked his way to the floor and eagerly began to tongue his brother's bottom hole after sniffing and breathing at it. The boy had never engaged in such obscene endeavors.

Luxuriating in the older boy's tonguework, Kedril glanced down to see what was transpiring. He was shook for the moment, seeing the younger lad clawing hungrily at his own brother's bottom. Never had he seen such wantonness in a lad!

He shook them off and stood them up...sitting up to direct them.

"Hmmm. Methinks you boys enjoy these slutty activities," he growled. "Lick shit from bottoms, wouldn't you, you foul little creatures?" They both nodded earnest. He addressed the elder. "Wouldst you chew a turd from your brother's dirty arse?"

"Yes, I will, I will!" he gushed, his prick bobbing.

"And you?" he looked at the younger boy with the stiff erection.

"Would you eat shit from your brother's filthy hole?"

"A hundred times over!" the boy squealed, fondling his brother.

"Damn! This potion must be the true gold. I shall have some myself!" Intrigued that he could get these boys to perform without having to resort to whippings and threats, he took a small measure himself. While waiting for it to take effect-- deciding that he would fuck each boy in the arse and the mouth all morning long--he settled back and ordered them to perform on each other while he stroked himself in amusement.

Dirty, grimy, pug-nosed boys without much beauty, the two brothers went together as if they were embracing a handsome prince of their own! They licked over each other's body as if the dirt weren't even there.

The elder sucked the younger, then lifted the boy over top to suck him while he licked into the boy's anus and cleaned the dirt and shit therefrom--just as his brother had done to him, and he'd done to the Prince. He clawed his brother's anus open and licked into it, finding the taste and smells incomparable!

Kedril smiled, ever more lasciviously. He now knew what he would have them do. He'd watch them shoot turds into each other's mouth! His cock throbbed in anticipation, his senses becoming acute. So acute, in fact, that he abandoned all previous concerns. The potion was now working upon him! He jumped up and lifted the younger boy's ass away from his brother's face and thrust his own in there...hungrily licking at the boy's arsehole. Then he let out a cry and went to the other side. Pushing the young one's face away, he lifted the elder lad's bottom and sucked on his lightly-hair anus after sniffing at it in hopes of finding some hot shit smells! Of course, none was left and this greatly disappointed him.

Disappointed him! Kedril had never put his tongue to a boy's anus. They did it to HIM. He knew what was happening--it was the potion working on him--but he had no control over it. He should be beating these boys with his whip, instead of licking their asses! But lick their asses was what excited him at this moment. More than that!

He stood them up--side-by-side--and licked their peckers. This he'd done only on a few occasions when he'd had a particularly splendid boy at his disposal. These boys were countryside trogs and he sucked on their pricks as if they were gorgeous!

Finally, he sat the younger on his lap, forcing his prick into the boy's anus. The lad willingly lowered himself onto it, full thrust, without the slightest hint of pain. Indeed, he relished it and gladly moved up and down as he was ordered to suck his brother to orgasm.

Kedril watched the lad suck until a heavy, youthful load was spurted into his gulping mouth. He lifted the boy off, ordering his brother to get down and lick his cock clean. The boy sucked him with all the eagerness he could muster, then stood up proudly and turned.

"NOW I WANT IT!" He reached behind him, and aimed Kedril's long cock to his hole. Situated, he slammed his bottom down--as his young brother had--and engulfed the whole thing. Without asking, he took his little brother's prick into his mouth and sucked it vigorously, thirsting for his young, creamy load. He soon received it. The boy continued to bounce his virgin bottom, wanting the man's sperm inside him!

After catching his breath, the younger lad knelt down to watch the fuck between his brother's legs. His brother grabbed his head and pulled him down between his thighs. The lad licked his balls and the heavy prick thrusting in and out of his arsehole. Feeling the boy's tongue down there, Kedril spent violently into the boy's bottom!

"LICK IT, DONAL! LICK IT!" the older boy cried, climbing off. Donal, the younger, immediately engulfed the sticky prick and cleaned it for the Prince. Kedril was beside himself. He loved forcing boys to perform this dirty act, and here he had two quite willing and eager to do it!

He shook his head...worried at what was turning in his mind. His prick remained hard. He was ready to submit to the power of the potion.

"I HAVE TO DO SHIT!" the younger boy cried.

"AS DO I!" the elder agreed.

Kedril slapped the older boy's ass...hard. "Hold it in!" He grabbed Donal's little buttocks and urged the boy over.

"SHIT ME A SWEET GOLDEN TURD, BOY! SHIT NOW!" The boy's anus began to expand immediately. A skinny column began to protrude. It was not gold...but brown...and stunk as shit should. Kedril breathed in the fumes and took it into his mouth. Damn the gold, he wanted the boy's shit! The older boy stared and giggled, watching as the Prince ate the turd from his brother's ass! Ate it all and licked him clean! Quick as a flash, when they'd finished, he backed his ass to Kedril's face.

"YEA, I'LL HAVE MORE OF THIS LUSCIOUS DELICACY! BY ALL THE GODS, I LOVE THIS STINK! SHIT ME A BIG ONE, BOY. I CARE NOT THAT IT BE HARD AND GOLDEN. I WANT IT SOFT AND TASTY. NOW FILL MY SHIT-EATING MOUTH!" His cry could be heard outside the carriage. His guards gasped in wonder at what new debauchery the Prince was up to.

The younger boy was to his knees, watching this take place. His eyes were twinkling, yet becoming more aware and recog- nizant. Something amiss was happening. His older brother was shitting a thick turd into the Prince's mouth, and the Prince was eating it! Very strange! His nudity now bothered him, and he began to reach for his garments.

Kedril finished licking the boy's arsehole clean, then pushed him away. Something more was happening that he was unable to control. He lifted his legs and held them back, instantly shitting a large turd onto the carriage floor!

"AH, YES! DELIGHTFUL!" he cried. "Lick me!" he ordered.

But the boys were now out of their spells and aghast at what they'd done. They grabbed their clothes and ran from the carriage in horror at what the man he prince or not!

Kedril would ordinarily have gone into a rage, but he himself was now coming down from the effects of the potion. He layed back in exhaustion, and chuckled to himself. He had no guilt at what he'd done...instead, he reveled in his own lasciviousness. Before the effects had totally worn off, he quickly grabbed his own turd and took a quick lick on it before tossing it out the window.

"Damn! Perhaps I've found something better than gold! Nay, I must not forget my objective. This means the throne. Best I refrain from this potion til I find the Golden Turdboy. Then I shall have more of this and wallow in all perversions! I'll have my brother eating mine!"

Jason was naked...with a naked man of 18 licking his armpits, chest and belly with glee. He was a husky one...could easily make the best of Jason...but after a period of wariness and suspicion, soon became a total sexual animal. He grabbed Jason's face and thrust his tongue into the Prince's mouth ...kissing him with a passion he no doubt normally reserved for the ladies. Jason said nary a word...allowing the youth to manipulate and turn him as he wished. He sucked the huge cock when it was presented, and moaned when the fellow went between his legs to oblige. Jason would have been quite content to have remained that way...the two of them drinking of each other.

But the lusty fellow had different ideas. Like putty in his hands, he threw Jason's legs over his head and spat on his cock, aiming it for Jason's rectum! As intrigued as he was at this encounter, Jason knew this would not do. He'd had no aphrodisiac. He gave his first order.

"Nay, you'll wreck me with that bludgeon! Loosen me first with your tongue or finger."

"Aye, a tongue would do it right! Not a cunt...perhaps better! I'll eat you til you cry for my prick!" He dove into Jason's arsehole and licked it loose until the Prince did indeed cry out for it.

"Ah, now...FUCK ME, YOU HORNY BUGGER!" He opened up and took the huge prick into him. He grabbed the fellow's shoulders and wrapped his legs around his back. The carriage rocked back and forth from the furious fucking that took place. Jason spewed a thunderous load between their bellies as he thrust his bottom up for all the young man could give him.

"YEEOOWW!" the fellow screamed, flooding Jason's rectum with boiling sperm and clutching him in a strong embrace and showering him with licks and kisses. After he slowly withdrew, he bent down and licked at the gaping, ravaged anus.

"You...need not do that..." Jason said, stroking his hair.

"I just fucked a Prince! And a heavenly FUCK it was!" he growled in all his masculinity. "Tis a pleasure to lick the Royal Hole!" He dug in, sucking his own sperm from the expanded aperture!

Sitting back, the gleam still in his eyes, the fellow took a deep breath. His hands still eagerly caressed Jason's naked- ness. The Prince smiled and looked at him, pleasantly.

"One thing more I require of you, my handsome one."

"Anything. That potion fires my desires. You name it."

"Good. I've have you bend and deliver me a turd!"

"This should offend me," he smiled, "but I should like nothing better than to do that. I feel the need with an intensity, in fact! Do you desire a large one?"

"As large as possible! Put that hairy arse in my face and shit!"

Straddling his legs wide, the fellow grabbed his ankles and grunted in rough, manly tones. He farted twice in the Prince's face, without apology...Jason enjoying the pungent aroma more than he thought possible. Then a huge, dark turd was bolted-- taking both hands to contain it! Jason beheld it as the fellow turned.

"You wish to do something with it?" he asked.

"No. That...that's sufficient." He calmly disposed of it. Meanwhile, the fellow was coming around. He started to fidget in nervous embarrassmeat.

"Oh, sire. W-what have I done? Have I offended you? Oh, that drink. drove me...please...forgive me, sire! I don't even have these desires...or didn't."

"Quite alright. Trust that you have pleased me beyond measure." He gave the young man a gold coin, leaving him in confusion.

Kedril, breeches off and legs spread onto the facing seat, smacked the naked boy's ass kneeling on that seat before him. A short strap of leather, it caused to boy to scream out. His potion hadn't yet taken hold. Kedril started immediately, wishing to hear the boy's torment. His parents held each other in terror as the guards held them back--wondering what was to become of their only son.

When the boy's screams began to turn to whimpers of pleasure, Kedril opened the carriage door. The parents gasped, seeing their boy naked and the Prince's raging cock on the rise.

"Hold the woman back and give this to the man. Make him drink!" Kedril felt uncommonly vicious this day and ordered the man to strip naked and enter the carriage. Fearful, the man obeyed. He stepped into the carriage with a leary expression and sat down. The guard closed the door, leaving the woman crying.

The boy's face was in the cushions. He didn't even seem aware that his father was with him. His little ass was red from the whipping. "Soothe the boy's bottom," he ordered. "Rub your hands over it."

Lovingly, and with pained regret on his face, he softly caressed the boy's blazing cheeks, wondering why the boy was moaning and twisting as if in delight.

"Kiss them!"

Frowning, the man leaned over and planted gentle kisses on the lad's cushy buttocks.

"Now kiss the hole within."

The startled man refused the lewd proposition. Kedril raised the strap and whacked the boy hard. The man held up his hand to fend off another blow. He nodded, pulled the cheeks apart, and kissed his son's anus. He started to blink his eyes as if his vision was clouding. "LICK IT! LICK HIS ARSEHOLE!" Kedril commanded.

"N-no! I cannot do such a thing, I...I...yes, sire!" He fondled the soft flesh and pushed his face therein, licking frantically and washing the boy's asshole. Kedril laughed wickedly, watching the man's prick rise between his naked loins. If was a hefty country sausage. Kedril pushed him away and reached over to grab the boy by the hair. He brought him back--face to face with his father. The man stared, wondering at the strange fire in the boy's eyes. He was beginning to feel the same fire. He gently stroked the lad's face.

Still hold of his hair, he pushed the boy into his father's lap. "SUCK IT, BOY! SUCK YOUR PA!" Instantly, the boy grabbed hold of it and took it into his mouth, eagerly nursing on it. The man gasped and pushed up into his mouth. Smiling, Kedril laid the strap aside and reached over to play with the man's hairy ballsack. He also stuck fingers up the boy's rectum, causing him to squirm back there in obvious pleasure. The man leaned over, intrigued, and watched what the Prince was doing. Kedril was driving the digits in as far as he could. When he pulled them from the moist orifice, he presented them to the man. Without any hesitation, the man bent his head and sucked them! Several times the Prince did this, and each time the man enjoyed it more.

All this time, the boy was sucking away--taking more of the long prick than would have been thought possible for such a young lad. "Spend in his mouth!" Kedril ordered, squeezing the man's balls.

The man nodded, spurting a heavy load into the sucking mouth, causing the boy to gag--but not let up until he'd taken it all!

That completed, Kedril allowed the boy to sit back in the seat. He told the man to straddle the lad's legs and put his bottom to the boy's face to be licked. This brought him down to the Prince's hard member.

"Suck this while he cleans you!" The man took it in and bobbed his head up and down without complaint while his son licked his hairy hole. "Suck out my juice, then I'll have you eat shit from your son's little bottom. You wouldn't mind that, would you?"

Without removing his mouth, the man grunted in agreement. As if excited at the thought, he began to suck harder.

"Ah! You'll remember this, and I imagine you shall have future dealings with your son."

"I do hope so!" He looked over his shoulder. "SUCK THAT ASS, BOY! SUCK IT FOR YOUR PA! SUCK IT GOOD!"

Kedril pulled his head back down onto him and spurted into his mouth...screaming his delight in the foulest of language. He pushed the man up and bent over to take the lad's prick into his mouth, drinking the delicious sperm from his young bollocks!

Arranging the man onto the floor with his head back on the seat next to him, Kedril had the boy squat over his father's face. He told him to shit in his father's mouth. He eagerly complied. Kedril was up close, hoping to see a hard golden morsel come therefrom. Alas, it was golden in color...but soft and natural. The man knew naught but that it was a most delicious meal. He ate as if famished and licked the platter clean!

Knowing the effects of the potion, Kedril asked the man, "You wish to shit also, is that not so?"

"Yes, I must...urgently!"

Kedril drew the curtain from the window. "Bring the woman forward! Now put that fat thing to the window and shit in your wife's face!"

"Yes!" He stuck it out and immediately blasted turds over the woman's astonished face, and to the amusement of the guards.

"Father! What are you doing?!!" the boy screamed, coming around.

"Giving your mother a lovely turd!" he smiled, blinking.

Kedril made note that subjects were always momentarily confused, but soon realized all they'd subjected themselves to. The boy began to cry and his father hugged him...shaking his own head clear. Kedril threw them out without explanation or compensation. They drove on, leaving them disgusted, naked and outraged. Kedril threw the boy's clothing out the window and laughed uproariously! Absentmindedly, the man licked the shit from around his lips and hugged his young son.

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Next: Chapter 2

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