The Golden Boys

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Sep 14, 2013


The Golden Boys

Chapter Eight

The Teleplay

It is early Friday evening. The six housemates (three couples) are gathered around the back yard swimming pool. Four of them are on lounge chairs with drinks in their hands. Two of them, Rosie and John, are barbequing what appears to be chicken and corn on the cob. They are all naked.

Bob: (Raising his glass) Here's to the best friends a guy can ever hope to have. I wish you all good health and long life.

Harris: (As he puts his glass to his lips) You're going to make me cry.

Colin: (Addressing Rosie and John) How's the food coming? I gotta get to work in a couple of hours.

Rosie: You'll have plenty of time. It's almost done. Your clamoring public won't be disappointed, I promise you. If you're bored, you've got plenty of time for a quickie.

Harris: I'm not in the mood.

Colin: There are plenty of other willing fish in the ocean. Anybody up for a quickie?

Rosie: I am. I am.

Colin: Then get your ass over here.

Rosie gives his barbeque fork to John and rushes over to stand alongside Colin's lounge chair. He bends down, grabs Colin's cock, and devours it. Colin purrs. Little by little his breathing grows faster and heavier. He thrusts his butt at Rosie, fucking his face. Harris is so very familiar with Colin's sex sounds, he begins to count down. "Ten, nine, eight..." Immediately after `one' Colin screams and cums. Rosie swallows all of it.

Colin: (Catching his breath) Thanks Rosie, that was great. Can I return the pleasure?

Rosie: Not now. I gotta help John with the barbeque.

Rosie returns to the barbeque and kisses John. It is obvious that John is receiving some of Colin's juice.

John: MMMM. Yummy.

Colin: If not Rosie or Harris, can I interest anyone else in a pre-dinner quickie?

Both Bob and Darryl jump up, and stand on either side of Colin's lounge chair. He sucks both of them alternately until both cum screaming loudly.

John: (Just as Bob and Darryl are getting their breaths back) Everything's ready gents. Come and get it.

Suddenly, the director yells, "Cut. That was a great opening scene. Tomorrow we'll film an after dinner segment. Unfortunately Colin has to leave for work, but the five remaining Golden Boys will have a go at it, so save your juices, men."

Unexpectedly Harris was aware that someone was sucking his cock, and the cameras were not rolling. He had no idea what was going on. He realized that his eyes were tight shut. When he opened them, he was in his room, and it was morning. Colin was sucking his cock, and he was close to climaxing. He came, squirting generously into Colin's mouth. Ignoring possible morning breath, Colin kissed Harris and shared Harris's cum.

"What were you dreaming about?" Colin asked. "From the way you were twisting and groaning, it sounded like you were having a sexual ball."

"You'll never believe this," he answered, "I dreamed we were a television show. Instead of The Golden Girls we were The Golden Boys."

"I don't think we're funny enough," Colin sniggered.

"You're right. We aren't funny. Our shtick is sex on screen. It was a porn sitcom. The six of us have sex indiscriminately."

"Not exactly true to life, is it?"

"No, it isn't," Harris agreed. "But I can sure feel the sexual tension around here, especially since we all parade around the house bare-ass naked. I think it would be easy to convince the rest of the house that we should all enjoy each other. One thing that's probably for sure; they'd all like to have sex with your ultra-young ass."

"I love you, Harris. I'd die if you weren't in my life. I never want to be with anyone else. But I also feel something for the guys we live with. I love them all so much. Don't hate me, but I could easily have sex with any of them, individually or en masse."

"Then let me share a secret. So could I," Harris grinned. "When I first met Darryl, I had a go at it with him, and then with Bob."

"Should we start the ball rolling?" Colin smiled.

"You've got my approval."

"OK then, let's say something at dinner tonight, before I go to work, when everyone is home. Should we start hinting or come right out with it?"

"Let me think about it," Harris whispered as he kissed Colin.

They always prepared dinner so that Colin would have ample time to get to work. Besides, they all had to get up early in the morning to go to work also, and preferred an early dinner. As they were washing up for dinner, Harris said, "Colin, I've decided to come right out with it and ask the guys to give it some thought. We'll love them no matter if it's a yes or a no."

"Whatever you say, honey. I leave it to you."

That's what Harris did. At dinner he stood up and told the guys how much he and Colin loved every one of them. He believed that such love should be expressed physically, and that it would not be cheating if they were all in agreement. He told them not to answer hastily, but to think about it and get back to him.

Rosie broke out laughing. "John and I feel the same way, but we were too chicken to suggest it. Who wouldn't want to make love to Colin's hot young body?"

Bob was the sole dissenter. "Let me discuss it with Darryl in private, and we'll get back to you." Darryl looked at Bob in disbelief, but he realized that Bob was still not over his guilt feelings of disloyalty to his dead lover. That greatly disturbed him, but he remained silent.

Bob hadn't meant to, but his declaration of doubt sobered their usually jovial dinner together. Colin always kissed everyone when he went off to work, but on this night, he left silently. Harris was truly unhappy with the way the evening was developing. He usually fell asleep long before Colin got home. This night he tossed and turned, unable to find the peace he needed to fall asleep.

A clock with a luminous dial stood on his dresser. Sometime during the night, he glanced at it, shocked to see that it was 2 PM. Colin was usually home between midnight and 12:30 AM. He thought that maybe Bob had disturbed him so much that he was sitting outside at the pool, unable to go to sleep.

He crept out of bed and checked the back yard. Colin wasn't there. Now he was really worried. He called Colin on his mobile phone, but it went to voice mail. He was becoming very concerned. He swore that if Colin wasn't home by 2:30, he was going down to the club to see if he was there. The club closed at 2 AM and he was very hopeful that Colin would be home shortly.

By twenty to three, Harris panicked. He threw on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. He slipped into a pair of sandals, put his wallet in his pocket, grabbed his car keys and left the house as quietly as he could.

A few blocks before reaching the club, Harris saw blinking red and blue lights ahead of him. He also noticed that the sky was smoky. He could smell the acrid smoke invading his lungs, encumbering his breathing. He feared to think what it all meant.

Finally he came to a road block. A cop forced him to turn in the opposite direction. He opened the window, and yelled at the cop, "Officer, officer, what's happening?"

"Sandy's Hideaway is on fire. It's really bad. The guys have been fighting the fire for almost three hours. It's just about under control now. You can't stay here, fella. You have to move on."

"Were there any casualties?" Harris pleaded. He had to know.

"Lots," the policeman said sadly. "It could have been worse. The fire broke out just before closing. Most people had gone home, but I understand that the entertainers and the crew all stayed late. The club manager had called a staff meeting for after closing. The dead have been taken to the morgue and the casualties have been taken to various area hospitals. Now please move your vehicle to keep it clear for fire trucks and ambulances." Harris turned around and parked a few streets away.

His life was in chaos. He didn't know what to do, or how he could find out who was dead and who was injured. Was Colin in either group? Was he safe? Why didn't he try to reach him?

He couldn't just sit there so he made a decision. He would drive to all the nearby hospitals. There were only three that were in the area. He couldn't, he wouldn't go to the morgue. He refused to believe that Colin was among the dead.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 9

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