The Golden Boys

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Sep 1, 2013


The Golden Boys Chapter Six

Harris Payne

Harris got up first and glanced at his wristwatch. It was 5:30 AM. He unlocked the door and stealthily opened it. He thought it would be best if he returned to his room before everyone got up, so that Rosie and John would not know about the awesome threesome of the night before. Personally, he didn't care if they knew, but Bob and Darryl seemed to want to keep it a secret between them. For his part, they could have had a fivesome, and it would have been fine with him. The more the merrier.

The previous evening had been a late one for five middle-aged men. Too much booze, and late to bed, assured that they would all sleep through breakfast. When he got back to his room, Harris peed, and collapsed on his bed. He slept until 10:30. He didn't notice that his cell phone indicated that he had a message, or maybe more than one.

Even at that late hour he did not feel like vacating the comfortable bed. He reached for the hotel telephone, and dialed next door. Bob answered, and assured him that he didn't wake them. He and Darryl were languishing in bed also, and cuddling, reluctant to get up and get going. They agreed to meet in the lobby at noon for a late brunch or an early lunch, whichever. Bob said he'd inform Rosie and John.

There was no rush for Harris to get out of bed quite yet. He lay there stroking his cock, and reliving his romp of last night. He wanted desperately to cum, but at his age he decided to save it, in case there might be a repeat performance tonight with Bob and Darryl.

When he finally sat up in bed, as a prelude to actually getting out of it, he saw his phone on the bedside table, sitting on its charger. He picked it up and saw that he had a message. He went to his letter box and was informed that he had one unheard message. He listened, and was shocked to hear the voice of his ex-lover, who so recently had dumped him.

"Hey Baby, it's me, Kenny. Please call. I need to talk to you so badly."

The least you could have done is ask how I'm doing, Harris thought. You bastard, it'll be a cold day in hell before I call you back. He was angry now. He showered quickly, got dressed and went down to the lobby. He desperately needed a cup of coffee. The hotel served a complimentary continental breakfast at poolside every morning. Harris rushed over there, and was happy to see that the hotel employees still had some coffee, bagels, and donuts left, but they were beginning to break down the breakfast area. He helped himself to a buttered, toasted bagel and a cup of coffee, and sat down at a table. He glanced to his left, and at the next table, he saw a very handsome young man smiling at him. The guy could not have been over twenty-five and Harris was flattered.

"Why don't you sit over here with me, Harris?" the handsome young man asked.

Harris was flabbergasted. How did this youngster know his name?

"You don't recognize me, do you?" Harris shook his head.

"Naughty, naughty," the man said. He stuck out his hand. "I'm Colin Drake, AKA Fifi LaFleur."

Harris shook his hand and sat down next to Colin. All he could manage to say was, "Unbelievable."

"You didn't wait for my second number last night," Colin chided. "I'm not a regular at the club. My gig is for this weekend only. That's why I'm staying here at this hotel."

"I'm sorry I didn't stay, but I had a chance to get laid. You know how that is."

"I do know. I was going to offer you the same deal, but you disappeared."

"Foolish me. Can I have a rain check?"

"Sure what are you doing right now?"

"I'm meeting some friends for lunch shortly. Why don't you join us? Then we can play a little this afternoon before you have to go to work." Harris had to wonder why he feared that this would be a lonely weekend for him.

"That's the best offer I've had in months. Please don't disappear on me again, Harris, while I go put some clothes on." Colin stood up and Harris realized for the first time that Colin was naked. He also had to notice that his flaccid prick was about four inches and cut.

"I was stupid once," Harris said. "I won't be stupid again. Meet us in the lobby at noon." Colin hurried off. He was just out of eyesight, when Harris's phone rang. He glanced at it and saw that it was Ken. He didn't answer, and let it go to voice mail. When the recorded message was over, he listened to it:

"Hey Harris. I really need to talk to you. Please call. It's important. No kidding. I love you."

Harris sneered and erased both of Ken's messages. He loves me. That's a laugh, he thought. He finished his coffee and went into the lobby to wait for Colin and his new friends. Colin arrived first. He must have dressed as quickly as Superman.

"Wanna skip lunch?" Colin asked with a leer on his face.

Harris smiled and said, "Let's go."

They ran to Colin's room. The first thing Harris did was to call Bob and Darryl. "Something's come up," he said. "I'll catch up with you for dinner." By the time he recited his short message, Colin was naked and sprawled out in bed. Harris undressed quickly, and joined Colin.

"What does a young guy like you see in an old fart like me?" Harris asked sincerely.

"Who's an old fart? All I see is a handsome dude with a hard body, who's just my type. Besides hasn't anyone ever told you that age is just a number?"

"Sure, I've heard that. It's usually uttered by old men."

"Stop uttering," Colin said, and he shut Harris up by putting their lips together. Colin's tongue was forcing Harris's mouth to open, and he was obliging the young man. Soon their tongues were dueling in a very passionate kiss.

Harris twisted around into a sixty-nine position, and they took each other amidst many sighs and purrs. After some time, Colin pulled away. "Let's drop this bullshit," he said. "I want you to fuck me."

"My pleasure," Harris murmured.

Three hours later, they were lying in bed, totally exhausted. They were kissing and fondling each other, content just to lie there and enjoy each other's bodies and companionship.

"I've got to ask you to leave now, Luv. It takes me nearly two hours to get into drag. I need to shower and get to the club to start putting on my make-up. You will come tonight, won't you?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Harris hesitated and then added, "Luv." He thought of asking Colin to share the shower, but decided he would shower in his own room before dinner.

He dressed, and as he started to leave he asked, "Where do you live, Colin?"

"New York City."


Harris went down to the pool. As he expected, his four new friends from a much closer location, were lying naked on lounge chairs. He dragged up a fifth lounge and stripped.

"Where have you been and what have you been up to?" Darryl asked.

"I met someone," Harris answered smiling, and I spent the afternoon having glorious sex with him."

"Wow, good for you," Rosie shouted. "But where's the lucky guy?"

"Well guys, I'm the lucky one. He's only twenty-five. Right now, he's getting ready to perform. His professional name is Fifi LaFleur, and before you ask, he's gorgeous and a real hunk of man." Four jaws dropped, and four mouths were speechless. "Of course, I'm going back to the club tonight, and I'd love for you all to join me."

"You bet your sweet ass," Rosie answered for all of them.

They left the pool at 5 PM, and headed to their showers, and to dress for dinner. They agreed to meet in the lobby at 6 PM.

Harris was just stepping out of the shower, when he heard his phone ring. He grabbed his towel, and picked up his phone without looking at the caller ID. "Hello," he said.

"Harris, thank God. It's Ken."

Harris hung right up. He went about drying himself and laying out clothing for this evening. His apparel consisted of a tee shirt without sleeves, a pair of shorts and a pair of sandals.

It was 5:40 when his phone rang again. It was Ken. He didn't answer it, and this time Ken did not leave a message. The phone rang again every few minutes, and finally Harris decided to answer and tell Ken that it was no use. He wouldn't talk to him.

He picked up the phone, and asked, "What the fuck do you want? What could you possibly want of me anyway? Listen, Ken, I don't want to speak to you now or ever. I'm going to hang up, and I'm asking you never to call me again."

A loud wail came through the phone. It sounded like Ken was being tortured. Harris hesitated, but in the end he hung up. Go find your twinkie, he yelled at the dead phone. I've found mine.

Fifi did two numbers every evening. One in the early show and one in the late show. Tonight, the men stayed until after her second number. She whispered to Harris that she would be changed and ready to go in half an hour. She had the bartender send over a round of drinks for her friends. None of them had any intention of moving until they saw Fifi out of drag.

Harris saw him first, and smiled. "There's Colin." He emphasized Colin. The guys turned to look and they were astonished. He was a gorgeous example of young manhood. There was no trace of Fifi left in him. He gave a Harris a wet smack on his lips, making the guys jealous. Harris introduced Colin to his friends.

"After my gig," Colin said, "I get a drink on the house. Let me have my drink, and then we can leave." He said that looking straight at Harris, and leaving no doubt in the minds of Bob and Darryl, that there would be no threesome tonight.

Bob got the picture and said, "We're all drunk out. I think we'll leave now and we'll see you guys tomorrow." They all kissed Colin and Harris on the lips and left.

"Drink fast," Harris said smiling at Colin.

"Patience, my love. We have all the rest of the night, all morning tomorrow and most of the afternoon to make love."

Harris thought of it as having sex. He was surprised to hear Colin say, make love. It also disturbed him a little, but he couldn't for the life of him figure out why. He and Colin made love for the rest of the trip as often as possible.

When they parted on Sunday afternoon, Colin said, "I've got a gig in Ft. Lauderdale in May for four weeks. It's at Sandy's Hideaway. Maybe you can recommend a place for me to stay."

"Yes, I sure can. You'll stay with me."

Colin grabbed Harris in a bear hug. "I hoped you'd say that," he sighed. They would have stayed hugging each other forever, but Colin's cab came along to take him to the airport.

Back in Ft. Lauderdale, The inhabitant of Bob's old house, considered Harris to be one of the family. He was often invited to dinner, and on weekends, he joined them at their pool parties.

They all joined Harris in counting down the days when Colin would be coming into town. And then, the day before Colin's arrival, Harris came home to find Ken in his apartment. When Ken had left him, Harris foolishly neglected to change the locks. He certainly never expected Ken to come back. There were suitcases in the bedroom and Ken was unpacking.

Harris lost it. "Get out of here," he yelled. "If you aren't out in five minutes, I'm calling the police" He started grabbing Ken's clothes, and throwing them back in the suitcase. One of the suitcases was unopened and still full of clothes. Harris picked it up and threw it out in to the hallway. When he got back to his bedroom, Ken was sitting on the bed sobbing. Harris took the rest of his clothes and threw it into the suitcase. On a hunch he looked into the bathroom. Ken's toiletry kit was sitting on the counter. He threw that into the suitcase and closed it. He heaved it out in the hallway.

If you don't get out at the count of three, I'm calling four friends to come help me drag you out with your stuff.

"Please," Harris," Ken slobbered. "I made a big mistake. Can't you forgive me?"

Harris started to laugh. "Oh, poor Ken. Did little Stevie kick you out? Did he decide that you were too old for him?"

"Yes, exactly. Can't you believe me when I say that I've learned my lesson; I love you; I want to come `home'."

"You're too late, Ken. I'm with someone else. He's out of town, but he'll be home tomorrow. Now what part of `get out' don't you understand?"

"You're with someone else?" Ken asked incredulously.

"Yes. He's twenty-five and he finds me attractive. I know it's hard for you to believe, but it's true."

"If he won't be home until tomorrow, please let me stay here tonight. I swear I'll be gone in the morning."

"Not on your fucking miserable life." Harris reached into his wallet and took out five twenty dollar bills.

"Here's a hundred bucks. Go to a hotel. Now get out before I kill you."

"You loved me once. How can you be so cruel?"

"Me cruel? You're the cruel one. I gave my life to you. I never cheated on you, not even once. I didn't care that you cheated on me constantly; that you couldn't keep a job, and I supported you. I loved you no matter what, and you walked out on me for younger meat.

Harris ran to the kitchen and grabbed a butcher knife.

"I swear," he said between clenched teeth. If you don't get out right now, I'll kill you and tell the police that you were an intruder."

Finally Ken got the picture. He was not going to be able to seduce Harris, and be forgiven. He ran out of the apartment, and hopefully out of Harris's life.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 7

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