The Golden Boys

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Oct 12, 2013


The Golden Boys

Chapter Twelve

Eight is Enough

On a beautiful Saturday morning, two weeks after Tim came to stay with The Golden Boys, he packed up his stuff and brought everything back to his apartment. At a few minutes past twelve noon, he started for the airport to pick up his wife, Carrie. He was surprised at how he felt. He expected to be nervous and to be shaking like a leaf. Instead he was perfectly calm. He was filled with resolve to make himself a happy life, and ultimately to make Carrie happy also.

At eight o'clock that evening, Tim arrived at Bob's house. He was in his car, which had a U-Haul trailer attached by a solid tow line. He let himself in with his own key. The men of the household had heard from him a few hours earlier via telephone, and they were expecting him.

His message had been short and sweet. "She kicked me out. Can I stay with you guys until I find a place?"

"Of course," Bob said. "I know you are hurting now, but you'll see, before you know it, things will be great."

Tim laughed. "I'm not hurting at all. I feel marvelous, or to milk a stereotype, FABULOUS!"

When he let himself in, he could see that everyone was at the pool. He stripped quickly and dropped his clothes on the sofa. He crept stealthily out to the pool, and when they spotted him, six naked bodies devoured him with kisses.

"Welcome home," Bob said.

"Thanks, but it's only temporary."

"Come with me," Colin said. I have something to show you." He led Tim to his wardrobe room and opened the door.

"Surprise!" he yelled.

The room was empty of all Colin's theatrical costumes, make-up, and supplies. Instead it contained a queen-sized bed, a night table on each side, and a double dresser. Tim started to cry. "Why the big bed and dresser? How is this possible? I insist on paying you all back for this."

"Nonsense. It's a coming out present from your brothers."

"But where is your stuff, Colin?"

"The first day I removed my bandages for good, I went to see Cherry at Cotton Candy. At Sandy's Hideaway my dressing room was a small cubicle. Cherry showed me my new dressing room, and I creamed my pants. It was bigger than this bedroom. She told me that all the permanent entertainers had large dressing rooms. She believed it was necessary for carefully making up in order to create a magical illusion for the audience. She encouraged me to bring my costumes to the club.

"When you called with exciting news, we loaded two cars and brought everything to the club. Then we went down to the Salvation Army store and bought this furniture. We took it home in a rental truck. The reason for the big bed and dresser is that the original Golden Boys started out as singles, and in a short time they were all coupled. Maybe this house is like a huge love potion."

"I put my own linen on for tonight," Bob said. "You can buy more when you settle in."

Tim started to cry again. "I want to unload the trailer so I can return it to the rental place in the morning." He darted outside. Moments later, his six friends had put on shorts and they helped him unload. They also helped him hang up his clothes and fill his dresser drawers.

"I love you guys," Tim sobbed. "It's like I have five fathers and a brother, and I never had either. I don't mean to be rude, but I need to be alone for a bit to let this all sink in."

"Sure," Bob said. "We understand, and I've got to figure the new rent schedule anyway. We'll all make out better."

After two months, Tim felt like he had lived with The Golden Boys forever. They shared everything, their joys, their sorrows, and most importantly, their cocks. Tim's wife had given him sex a couple of times a week. Now he was constantly having sex. On weekends, the men lounged at the pool naked, and enjoyed a veritable orgy.

They celebrated Thanksgiving together, preparing a traditional meal, celebrating in style, and in good spirits. Only Colin had to run off after dinner to entertain. During dinner, Rosie asked if he could have everyone's attention.

"I have to ask a question," he began. "Up in New York, I had a really close buddy. In fact, he was my best friend outside of my son-of-a-bitch ex-partner. We taught at the same school. He called me the other day, and said that he'd love to vacation down here for winter break, but he couldn't afford to stay at a hotel. He's not familiar with our living arrangements, and he asked if he could stay with me. I was thinking that he could use the sleep sofa, just as Tim did when he first came here. It would only be for ten days, two weeks at most. I haven't given him an answer. Unless you guys agree unanimously, I'll turn him down."

Tim loved his housemates dearly, but somehow he was still hung up about age and their age differences. "How old is he?" he asked.

"He turned forty-five last week."

Tim shrugged his shoulders. In his mind that was borderline, but as the newest member of the group, he didn't feel that he wanted to vote first.

"It's for a very short while," Bob said. "I wouldn't mind." Then everyone else agreed.

Rosie looked relieved. "I'll call him tomorrow and get the exact days he'll be here."

"What's his name and what does he look like?" Tim asked.

"His name is Alfred Berger, and he looks a lot like George Clooney."

Tim laughed. "If he looks like George Clooney forget the sleep sofa. He can bunk with me." Everybody laughed, but Darryl thought that if it happened it would be a real hoot.

Al was due to arrive two days before Christmas and leave two days after New Year's Day. John took Rosie aside one day. "How liberal is Al?" he asked.


"You'd better fill him in about the sex we all enjoy here, and make it perfectly clear that it's loving sex, and there's nothing dirty about it."

Rosie hadn't thought about it. Al was a very private person. Even though they were close friends, and Rosie was out, he never learned that Al was gay until just before he left New York. Obviously the man was very shy, and Rosie wondered for the first time how he would accept the sex life of The Golden Boys. He knew he would have to call him before he left New York, and lay it on the line. December 13th fell on a Sunday evening. Rosie was sure that Al would not be out on a school night. He called and sure enough found him at home.

"Hi buddy," he said. "Everyone here is counting the days until you get here."

"Really? Who's everybody?"

"Didn't I tell you? I live in a private four bedroom house. My new partner, John, and I share a room, two other couple's share two more bedrooms, and a single guy rents the fourth."

"Wow, I didn't realize. There doesn't seem to be much room. Are you sure you can accommodate me? Where would I sleep?"

"We have a sleep sofa. It's been used before, and there were no problems."

"Did everybody agree to my staying there?"

"Yes, indeed. I told you, everyone is looking forward to meeting you."

"That's good to hear. It sounds like fun."

"Yes, it is, and that's what I wanted to talk to you about. We all like to walk around the house naked. There's a back yard swimming pool and we skinny dip all the time."


"Would that make you uncomfortable?"

"Yes, a little bit, I think, but I can live with it."

"There's something else. We are all very fond of each other, in fact, we love each other."

"I would imagine you do, if you parade around in the nude all the time."

"Al, it isn't unusual for us to have sex at the pool."

"Do you mean you and John?"

"I mean all of us, indiscriminately. Can you get by that also?"


Finally after a long pause, "Rosie, my friend, I haven't had sex in four months. Why would I object if any of your friends would want to make love to me? The only thing you have to worry about is that I may never care to leave."

"Good. I'll see you at the airport." Rosie hung up.

Al had no idea what any of the guys looked like or how old they were. Unlike Tim, he could care less. That night in bed, he tried to picture the scene at the swimming pool. He pictured an orgy, but soon the orgy was over, and he was at poolside, alone with Rosie, who was fucking him. He was jolted back to reality when he exploded in his palm. At least for nearly two weeks, I won't be lonely, he thought. He used to hang out with Rosie, and Rosie had deserted him. He never did make another close friend.

He arrived late in the afternoon, so that when Rosie got him home everyone was there and dinner was ready. The Golden Boys could not have been friendlier. They made him feel welcome immediately, but after dinner, when they were naked at the pool, they were reticent to have sex. There was a stranger in their midst, and they weren't quite sure how to handle it.

Not so Tim. He was expecting a George Clooney look alike, and he wasn't disappointed. Al didn't look a day over thirty, and was about five/ten. He had light brown hair (all of it), dark brown eyes, a straight, Roman nose, plump lips, and a dimple. When he came naked to the pool, Tim liked what he saw below the waist also. Al was cut, about four and a half inches flaccid, but quite plump. Tim wanted to see that tool at full mast, and determined that he would. It wasn't every day someone could have sex with George Clooney. He didn't even think that Al was too old. In fact, he didn't think about age at all for a change.

He went over to Al, and held out his hand. "Come," he said, "swim with me."

There had been an awkwardness at the pool, and Al was glad to accept Tim's offer. Tim was no dummy. He knew that if he was to break down Al's reserve, he would have to do all the work. They jumped into the pool and the minute they were in it, Tim grabbed Al's cock, and began to stroke it. Al opened his mouth to object, but Tim placed his lips on Al's and began to French kiss him. Al was pretty helpless, and very flattered. He began to respond by grabbing Tim's cock, which was now hard as a rock. He was hardening as well.

When the others saw what was going on in the pool, their reticence flew out the window. They joined Al and Tim in the water, and began playing with each other. This was what Al had been dreaming about, and now it was reality. He felt an orgasm beginning to build, and he let Tim know. Tim stopped stroking and started to leave the pool. He motioned for Al to follow him. There was a never ending supply of towels on a table at the pool. Tim threw one at Al, and took one for himself. When they were dry, Tim led Al into his bedroom.

"I'd really like to have sex with you," he said.

"I'd like that too. But am I too old for you?"

"In this house, you're a baby. Come here."

Tim put his arms around Al and began to kiss him. Al's cock had gone limp, but it jumped back to attention. He shocked Tim by saying, "Please don't have sex with me. Make love to me."

Tim realized how badly Al needed to be loved, and he rose to the occasion. His attitude was softened by Al's plea for tenderness, and he didn't have sex; he made love for the first time since Carrie threw him out.

They both satisfied themselves, three times for Tim, and twice for Al.

"You can sleep with me every night while you're here," Tim whispered in Al's ear.

They fell asleep in each other's arms, and as he was dozing off Tim thought he heard Al say, "I love you," but he wasn't sure.

During the week of Al's stay, The Golden Boys urged him to consider moving down, especially after he told them how lonely he had been since Rosie left. Al had fallen in love with Tim almost immediately, but although Tim thought Al was a great lover, he wasn't there yet.

Rosie took Al to his school. School was not in session, but the administrative offices were in full operation. He made Al complete an employment application, and when the clerk reviewed it, he winked at Al, and let him know that since he was friendly with another teacher on staff, he would get priority consideration. Tim insisted on being the one to drive Al to the airport. After all, he had slept with him the whole duration of his visit. On the way to the airport, Tim realized how much he was going to miss Al. He also realized that he didn't miss Carrie at all. He never had.

He grew very sad, and before dropping Al at curbside, he grabbed him and kissed him. "Please come back to me," he said.

Tim hated goodbyes. As soon as Al's luggage was checked in, he took off. He was shocked to find himself crying. Please come back, George Clooney, he cried to himself.

With the first mail Al received after Easter Sunday, there was a letter from the Broward County School District. Al had been accepted to teach Social Studies in Rosie's school. He collapsed on his easy chair, and started to cry. Even though he knew Tim would be at work, he called him on his cell phone. The two men were blubbering on the phone. Finally Tim said, "Stay close to your phone. I'll call you this evening."

Al was on a month to month lease. He was able to move out on June 30th. He shipped all of his stuff to Tim, and boarded the plane with only a carry-on bag. Much to his surprise, all The Golden Boys were there to greet him. They came in two cars. When he saw the whole crew, Al began to blubber anew. He knew that his loneliness was over for good.

That evening they crowded around the dining room table. The men had prepared a feast of celebration, meant to welcome Al to The Golden Boys. After the entrée was served Bob stood up to make a little speech. It was short and simple:

"I love you all," he said, "but we are at capacity. I don't mind an occasional guest sleeping on the sofa, or in one of your beds, but no more permanent residents, please. Eight is quite enough."

He smiled at his friends and raised his wine glass. Here's a toast to us," he said. Everybody clicked glasses and took a sip.

Al was clearly heard to say, "Thanks guys." Then he leaned over and kissed Tim.

The End

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