The Golden Boys

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Sep 27, 2013


The Golden Boys Chapter Ten Colin Tells All

"A few days ago, after the second show," Colin began his narration, "I went to the bar for a drink, and to socialize a bit. I was still in costume. I intended to change after I had my drink, then go home. This good looking guy came up to me and offered to buy me a drink. I showed him my drink and said, `No thanks. I already have one.'

"He got really belligerent. You'd be a lot politer to me, you bastard,' he said, if you knew I was planning on killing you.' I figured he was drunk, so I just turned away from him, but he kept screaming at me, `You stole my boyfriend, you freak. I'll kill you for that.' He made a lot of noise and so one of the security guards appeared out of nowhere to escort him out of the club. Frankly I forgot all about him. I figured that he was just another drunken jerk.

"Last night, same scenario. I finished my gig and went to the bar. Suddenly this creep appeared again. `I told you I'd kill you,' he said, and threw some liquid at me. It landed all over my wig, and before I knew what hit me, he threw a lighted match at me, and my wig went up in flames. I tried to put it out with my hands, but I wasn't getting anywhere so I pulled the wig off and tossed it at him. His hands and clothes were full of the liquid he had thrown at me, and in a second he was ablaze. He tossed the fiery wig back at me. I ducked, and it landed on the bar, which was full of alcoholic drinks. The whole bar area went up in flames in seconds.

"I don't remember anything else after that, except panicking, and trying to get out of the place."

"Do you have any idea who the arsonist was?" the detective asked.

"No, but I suspect it was Ken Bartlett. He was my boyfriend's ex."

The detective then turned to Tim. "Did you witness any of that?"

Tim turned white. "Please," he begged, "leave me out of this. You see I'm married, and my wife is out of town. If she finds out I was in a gay club, I'm screwed."

"You should have thought of that before you went slumming," the detective said, totally unsympathetic. "I'll repeat the question. Did you witness any of this scene, Mr. Drake here just related to me?"

"Yes sir. It went down just as he said. I was standing right next to Colin, but when his wig caught fire, I started to back off, so I was a good six feet from the bar when it caught fire. Colin here, grabbed my hand and led me through a back door. I don't think I would've made it otherwise. The fire spread so fast. I wish I could get my barbeque going that fast."

The detective then recorded both their names, addresses and telephone numbers.

"The nurse told me that you'll both be discharged before the end of the day. You can expect to hear from me again. This is an active crime scene investigation. Until the case is closed, you are both material witnesses."

The detective left and Tim began to cry. Colin sat down on his bed with him and put his arms around him to console him. That's how Harris found them.

"My wife is going to find out, and I'm a dead man, finished, kaput." Tim sobbed.

"When will your wife get home?" Colin asked.

"She left yesterday. She'll be gone for two weeks."

"Maybe the investigation will be over by then, and she won't ever have to find out."

"Do you have any children?" Harris piped in.

"No. We've been trying without success."

"Then you should tell her the truth," Harris scolded. You can't live a lie all your life. It isn't fair to you, and it certainly isn't fair to her."

"Yes, you should tell her," Colin added.

At about 10 AM a doctor came into the room followed by a nurse. Harris was booted out again. Tim had burns on both his forearms and legs. He had been wearing cargo shorts at the time of the fire. The doctor removed the bandages from both patients, and the nurse put on new dressings.

"Neither of you has more than a bad sunburn. You'll be discharged after lunch," the doctor said. "Do you both have someone at home who can help you change your bandages, especially your arms and hands?"

Colin nodded, but Tim said, "My wife is away. I'll be alone for two weeks."

"You can go to a walk-in clinic, but they'll charge you for each visit. It could become very expensive," the doctor said with some concern. It didn't stop him or the nurse from leaving before Tim's dilemma was resolved.

"Why don't you come home with me?" Colin asked. "I've got more than enough help to change our bandages."

"I'd like that. I'd like that a lot, but could we stop by my place first, and I'll pick up a few things?"

Harris had returned to the room when the medical staff left. He was stunned, and a little upset, when he heard Colin's invitation. Where was Tim to sleep?

As if he could read Harris's mind, Colin said, "You'll have to sleep on the couch. Is that all right?"

"Sure it is. Anyway, hopefully I won't have to stay the whole two weeks. I'll have to call in sick at work until I can do without the bandages. I don't need to bring all my clothes to your place. I figure a day or two should do it."

Harris looked at Tim, and shook his head sadly. After all was said and done, Tim was a gay man living a lie. That did not bode well for a happy ending.

Harris got himself back together, and addressed Colin. "I got a call from the BSO," he said. "Ken Bartlett is dead. He died in the fire he started."

"How did they happen to call you," Colin asked suspiciously.

"He listed me as next of kin when we were together, and I guess he never bothered to change it. He was in the hospital once for a couple of stitches on his leg. He got drunk one night and fell; he gave himself quite a gash. I guess the police were able to retrieve his emergency room records."

Colin seemed satisfied. He took Harris's hand into his own bandaged hand. Just then the telephone next to Colin's bed rang, startling both of them.

"It must be The Golden Boys," Harris laughed.

Colin picked up the phone, pushed his head bandage slightly back from his ear, and put the handset to his ear. "Hi," he said. "Colin, darling, this is Cherry Rafferty. Are you all right?"

Colin had to think for a minute before he realized who was calling. Cherry was a tough lesbian who owned a gay club called Cotton Candy. It was slightly more co-ed than Sandy's, but mostly men frequented the place. The entertainment there featured mainstream acts as well as drag queens. Sandy's Hideaway and Cotton Candy were friendly rivals.

Cherry was always at Sandy's Hideaway to check out new acts. The first night she saw Colin perform, she attempted to steal him away. She offered him a larger salary, and even health insurance. Colin did not have a written contract with Sandy Carlino, the owner of Sandy's Hideaway, but he was too loyal to leave Sandy before a year was up. He told Cherry that, but she pestered him constantly.

As soon as he realized who he was talking to, he said, "I'm fine Cherry. Just a few minor burns. I'm going home this afternoon. How did you find me?"

"I just called all the hospitals where the burn victims were taken, and voila. Listen Baby, Sandy's place is totaled. I sure hope the old cheapskate had enough insurance. Anyway, you won't be performing there anytime soon, and I was hoping you would take me up on my offer to work for me."

"Of course I will. I need to make a living. The burns are on my head and hands. I've been shaved clean, and I'm totally bald at the moment. I kind of like the way it looks. I might even keep on shaving my head. Since I wear wigs, that's no problem. My hands are slightly burned also. Until they heal completely, I can wear gloves."

"As long as your gorgeous face, and drop dead body are intact, you're good to go."

"Thanks Cherry. You're a godsend. I should be in to see you real soon. I'll call you."

"Just get well," Cherry said. "Everything else can wait an extra day or two if need be."

"Ciao," Colin said and hung up.

He looked at Harris. "I guess you won't have to support me after all, but don't worry, I'll still perform my husbandly duties."

Harris smiled broadly and kissed Colin's bandaged head. "I'd better call to let the guys know that you'll be coming home this afternoon, and to please get the sofa ready for company."

When Harris called, everybody was there. It was Saturday and nobody was at work. They all insisted on talking to Colin to make sure he was really all right. When Bob spoke to Colin he added, "That proposal you presented to us, that I needed to think about, the answer is yes. When I thought we might have lost you, I realized how much I loved you."

"Thanks Bob. I knew that you felt that way about me, but I really needed to hear you say it."

Suddenly Harris remembered the orange juice and sandwich he couldn't eat for breakfast. He was starving now that he knew Colin was fine. Still he offered to share it with the two patients, who declined.

"They fed us some juice and hot cereal for breakfast, just before you came in," Tim said, "but there is something you can do for us."

"What's that?" Harris asked.

"They cut off our clothes in the ER. Colin's male clothes were destroyed in the fire, so neither of us has anything to wear going out of the hospital."

"Stand up for a minute, Tim." Harris requested, then eyed him up and down. "You're about my size. I'll bring something of mine. Tell you what; now that I don't have to worry about either of you, I'm going home. I'll be back with clothes for both of you. Call me when you know what time you'll be discharged. Don't go anywhere in the meantime." They all laughed.

When they were alone, Tim grew very quiet, and turned his head away from Colin.

"What's wrong?" Colin asked.

"Everything. I keep thinking of my wife, and what Harris and you told me I had to do. I don't know if I have the courage."

"One of the guys I live with, his name is Darryl, he left his wife for the same reason. When we get home, he'll be a good guy to talk to."

"It's too bad we met under these circumstances, but I sure am glad we did," Tim said. "You guys seem well equipped to advise me on all matters, great and small."

Colin didn't hear that last remark. He had dozed off, and rolled onto his back. As he did so, his hospital robe pulled to the side, and he was fully exposed. Tim glanced over at Colin and his mouth began to water. He forced himself to look away.

Harris came back at about 3 PM. He handed Colin a pair of shorts, a sleeveless tee shirt and sandals. Tim noticed that underwear was missing. Then he handed Tim a similar outfit.

When Tim removed his hospital gown and Harris got a peek at his cock, he gasped out loud. Tim's rod had to be at least six inches of uncut beauty, and it was soft. Furthermore it was as fat around as a good size salami. Harris was prompted to say, "If the sofa is too uncomfortable Tim, you can scoot in with Colin and me."

"Amen," Colin said. He was also staring at Tim's endowment. "Don't be too surprised, fella, if you get a few more invitations. Clothing is optional in our household."

Tim was grinning from ear to ear. "I'm going to like it there," he said. Colin was the closest in age to him. Harris was old enough to be his father, and from what Colin had told him, the others were even older. He looked at Colin with yearning. If he ended up in anybody's bed, he wanted it to be Colin's, even though he knew Harris would be there also. He was willing to sacrifice.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 11

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