The Go-Fer

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Apr 27, 2006



This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

The Go-fer By Chris

As Molly pulled into her parking place, she noticed that her office manager, Shelly, was still there and it was past six already. She had a firm

rule that no one stayed at the office past quitting time, which was over an hour ago, unless, of course, it was absolutely necessary. She knew that her employees had a home life too. She would jump on her when she got into the office but nicely as she was feeling good. She had just left the courthouse where she had won a big case for her firm. Some lady had sued a theater because she had taken her six year old child to a PG movie that had a scene where a lion attacks a man. The scene was not that bad for a teenager or an adult but it could give a six year old nightmares and in this case it did. She was suing the local theater and its parent company for millions. But Molly was able to prove that the woman had been warned about this scene by her own friends as well as the lady who was sitting beside of the woman in the theater. It took a lot of work and she had to hire a private detective to find the woman that sat by this woman. The fact that she won, added another one hundred thousand dollars to the two hundred thousand that she charged. She and her three associates worked hard for three months on this case and now the firm that she had started was finally on solid ground.

She had started the firm two years ago when she walked in on her second husband as he was about to put his cock into the blond intern that was laying across his desk with her dress pulled up over her back. They were

both partners at the same big firm. Molly quickly got herself the best lawyer she could get and she took her second husband for everything he had. Then she sold out her interest in the firm to the rest of the partners as none wanted her around any more. Once she got her money, she hired some of the best associates from the firm as well as their office manager. They went with her because they knew that she would be fair and they also knew that they were not partner material as far as the firm that they were at. They all had families that they wanted to spend time with them and they knew Molly respected that. They knew that she didn't expect them to work twenty hours a day, seven days a week. So now she was set, they had enough money in the bank to know that they could make it as a firm. They could pick

their cases and still make more than enough money to have a good life for them all. She shared the money, that they earned, equally with the associates and from their shares they all put in money for Shelly, the office manager, as they knew they couldn't survive without her. Plus the fact that

Shelly kept the books and issued their checks didn't hurt her cause one bit.

Molly unlocked the front door and walked into the office calling out to Shelly but she got no response. They worried her for a second, then she heard the floor above her creak and she knew that Shelly was upstairs either in the file room or the law library. She went on into her office, reminding herself to jump on Shelly for staying late when she came back downstairs. As she got to her desk, she kicked off her shoes and went to the bookcase behind her desk. She opened the doors on the bottom and pulled out Vermouth and Gin and a mixer. She then mixed a martini and poured it into a glass. She saved this drink for when she won a big case and

this classified for that. She put the glass to her lips and took a small sip, feeling the liquid burn all the way down.

"Congratulations on the case that was a nice win." Shelly said from the doorway to Molly's office.

"What the fuck!" Molly cried as she caught the martini as it almost fell from her hand. She then turned around to see Shelly giving her a shit eating grin. "You scared the shit out of me!"

"I'm sorry." Shelly said.

"I bet you are, that just made your day, scaring the shit out of me. I should fire you for that alone." Molly said as she sat down in her chair. She then pulled out a cigarette case from her desk and an ashtray. She turned on the air purifier and she lit up her tenth cig of the day.

"You know it is illegal to smoke in a public building." Shelly said with a big smile on her face as she loved to mess with her boss.

"Fuck you!" Molly said as she inhaled deeply on her cig and blew out

the relaxing smoke. "You know you are on thin ice with me, so I would watch what you say." Molly continued.

"Tell you what, give me one of those and I will keep my mouth shut."

Shelly said and then she saw the cigarette case come flying from Molly's hand. Shelly ducked and then picked up the case from the floor and lit a cig

up. She then came over to Molly's desk and pulled up a chair.

"So what are you doing here so late, you know how I feel about staying over." Molly said as she moved the ashtray to the center of the desk for Shelly to use.

"I kind of did something today and I wanted to talk to you about it before you came into work in the morning."

"You are really on thin ice aren't you? Okay just what exactly did you do?" Molly said with a smile, not that she was really concerned, whatever Shelly did, she was sure that she would approve but she liked to let Shelly sweat a bit first.

Shelly took a deep drag on her cigarette before she spoke. "You know

how you have wanted to hire a go-fer for the office."

"Yes... and?" Molly asked.

"Well... this morning a young girl walked into the office and she was looking for a job. Actually she had the wrong address; she was suppose to go

to 1st North Street and ended up here. I told her that she was on 1st South Street and she apologized but then as she turned to leave, she asked me if we needed anyone. I started to say no then I remembered how we do need someone so I invited her to have a seat. I then started to talk to her and the more she talked the more I liked her. She is young and has no job experience but there was something about her that I liked. She was real sweet and very polite. I could tell she was raised right. She is young but mature. I then introduced her to everyone and let them talk to her. Then I kind of put her to work, doing some filing and stuff. That was what I was doing; checking her filing and it is all right. I think she is what we are looking for and she needs the job."

"I see, so you have already hired her? You do like to get out on thin ice." Molly said with a serious face like she was a little irritated at Shelly.

"No, No, I told her that you have to talk to her first, it was your decision. She knows that she doesn't have the job yet." Shelly said trying to back track, not expecting Molly to be upset.

Molly kept her face straight for a moment longer and then she had to

smile, "Don't worry, I trust you and we do need someone and I think we are at the point that we can do that. I was just getting you back for scaring me. When will she be in tomorrow?"

"I told her to be here at eight sharp and I would bet that she will be early. She is a nice girl."

"I know you told me that already. I think your motherly instinct has

poured out for this girl, is there something else I need to know about her, something you are not telling me?"

"Yes and no, she has had a hard life and she isn't a genius but I think she has a sharp mind. She just needs a chance. Just talk to her in the morning and decide."

"I have already decided, she's hired but don't tell her yet. I know if you and everyone else like her then my name would be mud if I didn't hire her. And we do need someone else. You need help and we need for someone to deliver and pick up stuff. You know you are always having to bring files to the courthouse and filing papers. We need someone to do that for you. So now hit the road and get to your husband."

"You too, and no more of those things before you leave." Shelly said

pointing to Molly's empty Martini glass.

"You're as bad as Big Mama." Molly said with a laugh. "I'm on my way

out as we speak."

"Good, then I will wait on you." Shelly said as she got up and went to her desk.

"By the way just what is the new girl's name that I just hired?" Molly asked.

Shelly stopped at the door and turned around smiling, "I guess that would help. Her name is Cindy Hudson."

Molly sat another minute wondering just who this girl was and what she would be like. They had a good group here and she wanted someone who would get along with everyone. But if everyone else liked her then she knew she would too. She just didn't realize at that moment just how much she would grow to like this girl. That she had no clue as she slipped her shoes back on and went out to where Shelly was waiting for her.

Molly arrived at the office at seven the next morning. She unlocked the door, turned on the lights and then turned off the alarm system. From there, she went straight to the kitchen, which was the only part of the house she did not change when she bought it. She took the coffee pot and rinsed it out before starting another pot. She waited there a few minutes until the pot was ready and she fixed herself a cup. From there, she headed to her office and closed the door. She liked to get there early and enjoy her coffee and a cigarette before the day started. Everyone knew not to disturb her during this hour. But once the hands on the clock hit eight a.m. all was

fair. At about seven thirty, she heard Shelly come in and then she heard an unfamiliar voice. This she guessed was the new girl Cindy and curiously soon

got the better of her. She picked up her empty coffee cup as she went to the door and casually opened it up. She then walked across the outer office saying good morning to Shelly but not glancing at Cindy. She got to the kitchen and found Big Mama there eating a biscuit. Big Mama was a rather large black woman who had put herself through law school while raising her four children. She was the mother of the group and she made sure that everyone was well fed. But she also had a sharp mind and told you what she thought, whether you wanted to hear it or not.

"I made biscuits, you are welcome to one." Big Mama said.

But Molly was angling around so that she could get a good look at Cindy. She found her sitting in a chair against the wall across from Shelly.

She noticed that she had shoulder length light brown hair with medium size breasts, probably B cup and she could tell that she was tall. She had a nervous smile on her face. She was sort of a plain pretty, nothing special but Molly already found that she was liking her for some reason.

"Earth to Molly, earth to Molly." Molly finally heard Big Mama say.

"What, Wanda?" Molly said. Wanda was Big Mama's real name and everyone called her Wanda except when she started to mother them, then Big Mama was what she was called. She took that name as a badge of honor as she knew that she was big and she knew she would always be a mother first, in all things that she did.

"Checking out Cindy, I see. She is a good girl and you could do a lot worse. I'd hire her if I was you."

"Shelly has already told me that in a lot more words. I plan on hiring her, don't worry. Now give me one of those biscuits and when I leave, go feed her and then send her into my office." Molly said as she took the biscuit from Big Mama and walked to her office again not paying any attention to Cindy.

At eight sharp, Molly looked up from the papers to see Big Mama escorting Cindy to her office and she could see Sam and Robert, her other associates, not far behind. Molly knew that she was being worked over good. They all wanted an extra person to do their running and they liked Cindy. Molly found herself smiling which was the last thing she wanted to do. She wanted Cindy to be on her toes and she wasn't striking the right pose to make her do that.

"This is Cindy, Now be nice to her." Big Mama said as she left Cindy in the doorway.

"Come on in and have a seat" Molly said as she gestured toward the couch at the side of the room.

"Thank you for seeing me. I know you weren't really looking for someone but I do appreciate you taking the time to talk to me." Cindy said as she sat down.

Molly knew that she had been given that line by one of her employees

and now she wanted to get past that and see just who this girl was. Molly walked to the couch; she got her first real good look at Cindy. It was her light blue eyes that caught her attention. They just seemed to draw you in. Molly found herself speechless for a moment, but then she cleared her head. She didn't say anything for a second as she took the girl in. She had fair skin with just a few freckles on her face. Her hair was fine and straight and it framed her face. She found her first impression was right; she was pretty but in a plain way.

"I just want to talk a few minutes with you, just see who you are. Everyone here seems to like you so you have made a good impression on them and I trust their opinion." Molly noticed that Cindy blushed at this comment

and she could see her innocents coming out. "But I like to just get a feel for the people that I hire."

"I can understand that, I don't have much, well any, work experience

but I will try hard." Cindy said.

Molly noticed that Cindy did maintain eye contact and that was a good sign. "I'm not worried about your work experience. We can show you what you need to know as you will be mostly filing, running errands for all of us, and delivering papers to the courthouse. These are the things that we need for you to do. They take time away from what we are doing and the filling is

to the point that Shelly can't keep up with it."

"I can do all of that, I know that I can." Cindy said with an energetic smile.

"I'm sure that you can. Shelly said that you did fine with the filling that she gave you yesterday." Molly said and she saw that Cindy was blushing

again. She was beginning like to see Cindy blush. There was just something about this girl that was getting to her. She could see why the others liked her so much but it was something else that she was feeling. "So tell me about yourself, what you want to do, what you want in life."

"Well I'm not sure what I want to do in my life. I wish I did. I do know I want to go on with school but I don't have any money and my grades weren't good enough to get a lottery scholarship. I'm better when you show me how to do something than for me to get it out of a book. I want to do that but I also want to earn some money to get an apartment and a car. See we never had much money, enough to get by on but that is about it. Mom and Dad worked hard all their lives and now they ought to save their money for themselves and not have to support me. That is why I want to get out on my own."

As Cindy spoke, Molly noticed that a string of her hair fell onto the side of her face and without realizing what she was doing, Molly reached over and moved the hair out of Cindy's eyes. As she did this, her fingers touched Cindy's forehead and Molly felt a bolt of electricity go through her. She didn't know why but it felt nice to touch her. Molly also saw a smile come across Cindy's face. It was a smile that seemed to tell her something but she didn't know what it was. Cindy went on talking about her life and Molly found herself looking more and more into Cindy's pretty eyes. When she finished, Molly paused for a moment before she said anything.

"I like everything you have said, and like I said, you did a good job with the filing that you did for Shelly yesterday." Molly then paused for a second then continued, "But you mentioned that you wanted to get a car. Do you have a car that you can use now?"

"No, we only have one car and my father has to have it for work. I usually take the bus when I need to go anywhere during the day. Is that going to be a problem?" Cindy said and Molly could see that Cindy was suddenly scared that she wasn't going to get the job. This was what she first wanted to do when Cindy came into her office but now that she got her there, she realized that wasn't what she really wanted now. She wanted to find a way around this problem for Cindy's sake but also for her own. Her mind began to go a mile a minute as it did when she was in the courtroom and

had to think fast when something went wrong. As always she came up with a solution, one she couldn't believe that she was actually considering.

"I may have a way around that problem, but I need for you to answer a couple of questions."

"Okay, anything you want to know." Cindy said visibility relieved.

"Have you ever had an accident of any type?"

"Oh no, never." Cindy said.

"And do you consider yourself a good driver." Molly said as she gave

Molly her hardest stare, a stare that she reserved for witnesses that she thought was not giving her the complete truth.

"Yes I do." Cindy said just as confidently.

"Good, then I think that it will work out, you are officially hired." Molly said and then she was surprised by Cindy's reaction. She shrieked and then she jumped over and gave Molly a big hug. Molly was shocked at first but then she returned the hug. She wasn't much of a hugger but Cindy had an effect on her and it felt nice but she quickly broke off the hug when she

started to feel something strange about it.

Molly got her wits back before she continued, "Can you work over tonight? That is something I don't normally ask anyone to do but I do need for you to do so tonight."

"Sure, anything you need for me to do. I really do appreciate you hiring me. I promise that you won't be sorry. I will do anything you ask of me." Cindy said as she got up and when Molly stood up she was going to shake

her hand but before she could, she was being hugged again. This time she was more prepared. Molly held her a moment and she could smell Cindy's freshly washed hair and strawberry scented hair and a hint of her perfume. She liked both and she held on to her until Cindy let go. Again Cindy gave her that smile that seemed to be saying something but Molly still wasn't quite getting what the smile meant. She then escorted Cindy to the outer office and had everyone come there and then she introduced a beaming Cindy to the group, none of whom was surprised at the decision to hire her. They all welcomed her to the office and then they returned to their offices. Molly had Shelly show Cindy the phone system and how she screened the calls for the associates and for Molly. Once she had that down pat, Shelly made her way to Molly's office.

"So now that we have her, what are we going to do with her?" Molly asked as Shelly sat down across from her desk.

"Actually, I have been thinking about that all night. I mean, I have

thought about it before when we talked about it but last night when I knew that we were actually going to hire someone, I started to seriously think about it." Shelly said.

"And what did you come up with?"

"Well first, I thought that I would get a board and set it up in the

office and everyone would put what they need for her to do and as she does them, then they would be marked off. In her free time, then she would file and anything else that needs to be done. And when she is ready, then she can

handle the office when I take a day off."

"Well I have been telling you to take off; we can survive a day or two without you."

"I know, but still I hate to take a day off but I do believe that I see a day coming my way soon." Shelly said with a smile.

"Good, now what happens when two of us need her to do something immediately? Who decides which one she does first?"

"I have thought of that too. I figured that either you or I will make that decision, that way they will be mad at us and not Cindy."

"Good idea, but I am putting you in charge of her so you will be making that decision, besides I may be one of the people needing her to do something that conflicts with someone else."

"Great, now I will have the boss mad at me." Shelly said with a laugh.

"Well, you do love to walk on thin ice." Molly said smiling.

"True," Shelly replied.

"Now to a real problem, we need to solve." Molly said turning serious.

"What is that?" Shelly said as she straightened up in her seat."

"The fact that Cindy doesn't have a car, which prevents her doing one of the main things that we hired her for."

"She doesn't? I just assumed that she did, everyone has one nowadays." Shelly said.

"You know what happens when we assume something." Molly said.

"Yea, we make an ass of yourself as I just did. I'm sorry. What are we going to do, I mean you hired her anyway." Shelly asked.

"I have a solution but I need your help." Molly said and then she spelled out what she needed for Shelly to do. Once Shelly left the Molly's office, they both felt better about things. Molly then got back to her work;

she had to finish the paperwork done for the case that she won the day before. Once that was done, she left to deliver the file to the courthouse. As she left, she saw Shelly working with Cindy and she had to smile as she knew starting tomorrow, she would be able to send Cindy to do this.

She returned just before noon and she saw that everyone was getting ready to leave. She shut down the office during lunch and she encouraged everyone to leave for an hour. When she first started the firm, she told everyone this and they all agreed with her that is was good to clear the mind before getting back to work. But she quickly noticed that no one was doing as she asked. She gave them a few weeks then she cured them in staying in the office. She had Shelly make sure that no one had any clients scheduled during lunch then on that faithful Monday morning, at twelve sharp; she got up and went to the outer office. There she got a fog horn and turned it on. Everyone came from their offices to see what the hell was going on. There they saw Molly standing in the center of the room with the fog horn blaring.

They tried to get her to turn it off but she just stood there. As soon as everyone was in the office, Shelly got out a new sign that said "Closed for Lunch", she went to the front door and placed the sign on the door and she walked out. Once everyone else figured out that Molly was going to keep blowing her horn, they quickly left the office. At that point, Molly smiled to herself and she turned off the horn. Then she removed the earplugs that she had bought when she got the fog horn. Tuesday, Molly played the scene out again and this time, it didn't take long for everyone to get out of the office. Wednesday, when Molly went to the center of the office, she found that she was the only one there. She had made her point. She then went back to her office and had a quite lunch and got some work done.

Molly went to her office and pulled off her shoes. She went to the kitchen and got a coke and a salad that she had made. She took it to her office and ate quietly. She glanced out the window and she noticed that Cindy was walking down the street. A few minutes later, just as she was getting ready to get back to work, she saw Cindy walking past the office. She watched her for a moment, then went to work.

"Do as I say and not as I do, I see."

Molly jumped and looked up to see a smiling Cindy standing in her doorway. "You scared the shit out of me. What is this scare Molly week?" Molly said but she was smiling.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just saw you sitting here alone and thought about asking you if you wanted to get out and walk around the block. It is a pretty day out there. Maybe I shouldn't have, I was just wondering... Never mind, it is just seems like you need a break too." Cindy said and Molly could see that maybe Cindy was feeling a little out of place.

This was her first day and everyone had places to go and she had no car to go anywhere.

"Well, maybe a walk will do me some good." Molly said and she saw Cindy's face light up and that made her feel good. Molly then put her shoes back on and she walked with Cindy out the door. The air was nice, she noticed, as she started down the walk with Cindy to her right side. She wasn't sure what she was going to say to this young girl but Cindy solved the problem by asking a question about work and as soon as Molly had it answered, Cindy had another question coming at her. Soon the questions turned from work to more personal matters. These questions were something that Molly would not normally be comfortable answering, especially to someone that she had known for only a couple of hours but Cindy had a way of asking the questions that put her as ease. Cindy first asked her about law school and her family. Then Cindy got even more personal as she asked about her love life. Molly told her about marring her boyfriend from college but by the time she had finished law school they both knew that they were going in different directions so they got a friendly divorce. Then Molly surprised herself as she went into detail about her second husband and about catching him with his pants down. Then she told Cindy that she was through with men and that got her another of Cindy's smiles. By this time, the lunch hour was over and they both went back to work.

"You ready?" Molly asked Cindy after everyone had left for the day and she was coming out of her office to where Cindy was patiently waiting for her.

"Yes, but what am I ready for?" Cindy asked as she followed Molly out the door.

Molly didn't say anything as she turned the alarm on and locked the door. She then led Cindy to her car which was a new BMW 5 series. "Catch," she said as she tossed her keys to Cindy.

"What is this, a driving test?" Cindy asked.

"Yep," Molly replied as she went to the passenger side of the car. She waited as Cindy figured out the key ring and pressed the button to unlock the door. Molly got in and watched every move the Cindy made as she adjusted the mirrors and the driver's seat as she was a couple of inches taller than Molly.

"Do you really trust me to drive your new car?" Cindy asked as she buckled her seat belt.

"You will have to earn my trust, I can't just give it to you." Molly

replied as she buckled her seatbelt.

"I plan on doing just that." Cindy said as she looked over at Molly. This comment impressed Molly but she noticed that sometimes Cindy seemed like a young girl she was but at other times, like now, she seemed much older and

wiser than her years would indicate.

Cindy then backed out of the parting spot, and carefully entered into traffic. "Where am I going?" Cindy asked.

"My house, just go up Henry Street, and follow it to 25E. Go right there unto you get to Lakeway Drive. Take that for ten and half miles and then turn by the large oak tree. My house will be on the right, about a mile

down that raod." Molly said giving Cindy the way to her house at once to see

if she could remember the directions.

Cindy was nonplussed as she said, "Okay, sit back and relax, we will be at your house soon."

Molly sat back but she didn't relax, at least not at first. But as Cindy drove, she found that her foot that was pressed to the floor was no longer pressed so hard. By the time they were halfway home, her feet were laying on the floor of the car, completely relaxed. They didn't talk as they rode to Molly's house as Molly was busying watching Cindy drive and Cindy was busy driving, making sure that she made no mistakes what so ever. Cindy got them to Molly's home and Molly watched for her reaction. She knew that Cindy was expecting to see a large house but instead she saw a modest one story ranch style house.

"Not quite what you were expecting to see is it?" Molly asked with a


"No, I mean you are a lawyer and you have three other lawyers working for you. You have to be loaded." Cindy said and then she covered her

mouth with her hand. "Maybe I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry."

"No, that's okay, I kind of set you up there but that is what I wanted to do. I was being a little mean. Come on in the house and I will show you around and explained everything to you." Molly said as she got out of the car.

Molly guided Cindy to the door as she showed her the front lawn and her flowers that she admitted she had a yard service do all the work. Once inside, she gave a tour to Cindy of her house and while the outside looked like most every other house in the area, she did have most of the modern conveniences inside the house. She had a large guest bathroom with a walk in

shower and a separate bathtub that was bigger than Cindy had ever seen. As she gave the tour, she also explained how everyone shared in what was earned by the firm. She got only a slightly larger share because she owned the firm. Shelly also got a share as she was a very important part of the firm and now that she was apart of the firm, then she would also share in what they all earned. Cindy said that was fine with her, she said that Shelly had explained some of that the first day she showed up there. She was cool with that arrangement as she trusted Molly to take care of her.

"What you think?" Molly asked when she was finished with the tour.

"It is beautiful, I can't believe just how beautiful it really is." Cindy said and Molly could tell that she was dreaming of living in a home like this one day.

"Just wait; you haven't seen the best part yet." Molly said as she took Cindy by the hand and led her through the house to the living room where she opened the curtains to reveal sliding glass door. Molly stood in front of Cindy blocking her view. Molly slide the door open and she pulled Cindy out onto her deck. Molly then stepped aside and let Cindy come forward. Cindy gasped as she looked out over the lake. Molly's house sat up on a cliff and she had magnificent view of the lake below her.

"Oh My God, that is beautiful." Cindy said as she squeezed Molly's hand and it was then that Molly realized that she had never let go of her hand. It had just felt natural to her that she didn't notice it but now she did notice it as Cindy was gripping it tight and wasn't letting go. "If I lived here, I would never leave this deck. I would sleep out here, it's so lovely." Cindy continued.

"I know, that is very tempting but I do have a firm to keep up and employees that depend on me to make sure they have jobs so that they can feed their families." Molly said seriously.

"I guess so, but still it would be hard to leave this place. You do have a beautiful home."

"Thank you, now let me change clothes and we can be on our way. You are welcome to stay out here, I will be right back." Molly said as she eased

her hand from Cindy's grip. Molly then went on to her bedroom but as she did so, she couldn't help to look at her hand that was only seconds ago holding Cindy's small soft hand. Molly was beginning to wonder if she was going crazy. She quickly changed into a pair of designer jeans and a tee shirt and then she put on her tennis shoes, all of which were name brand items. Once satisfied with her outfit, she went back to find Cindy who was right where she left her, standing on the deck, looking out over the lake.

"You ready to go?" Molly said.

"Sure, where are we going?" Cindy said as she took a last look at the lake and then followed Molly.

"I am going to show you one more thing."

"What?" Cindy asked as her voice went up a bit showing her excitement of everything she had been shown so far.

"Just wait, you'll see." Molly said as she brought Cindy through the

house and into the garage.

"What do you think?" Molly said as she turned on the garage lights and Cindy saw a newer model Jeep and an older model Volvo.

"About what?" Cindy said, not sure what Molly was asking her about.

"Your company car is what." Molly said as she went to the Volvo. "You are the only employee at the firm to have a company car."

"I don't know what to say. I know that I need a car but I can't use one of your cars. What if something happened to it, I could never forgive myself." Cindy said as she seemed to be stuck where she was standing, not coming any closer to the car.

"Hey, you need a car and I need for you to have a car to do the job that I am hiring you for. Besides, I never drive the car and it needs to be driven." Molly said as she went to Cindy and took her hand forcing her to walk over to the car. Once she was there, she put the keys in Cindy's hand and she went to the passenger's side seat. She got in and waited for Cindy to finally decide to get in.

"I'm glad that you finally decided to join me." Molly said with a smile.

"Are you sure about this?" Cindy asked as she turned to Molly.

"Yes I'm sure. Like I said, I never drive it any more and it likes to be driven. My father gave it to me when I went to college and he has taken care

of it ever since. I wanted to trade it in but could never bring myself to do it. Besides my father loves to tinker on it and with it being driven again then he will get to do that. So you will be doing us both a favor." Molly said hoping to convince Cindy to take the car.

"Now I know I can't drive this car." Cindy said as she started to get out of the car.

"Just put the damn key in the ignition and start the damn car!" Molly said with forcefulness that few dared to ignore.

Cindy looked at Molly and saw the look in her eyes and she put her seat belt on and started the car. "I guess this is another driving test?" Cindy said as she hit the button to open the garage door.

"You guessed right." Molly said as she turned the frown on her face to a smile trying to put Cindy back at ease.

Cindy backed the car out of the garage and they were on their way. "So where are we going now?" Cindy asked.

"Your driving, go wherever you want to drive, I'm just along for the

ride." Molly said as she sat back in the seat. She felt funny riding in the passenger seat as she had never let anyone drive her Volvo. But she felt comfortable letting this young girl drive her pride and joy.

"I was afraid you would say that." Cindy said with a smile. "So tell me about your family while I figure out where I'm going to go." Cindy continued.

"Okay, well my father is a retired auto mechanic and my mother still

teaches kindergarten. She keeps saying that she is going to retire but I think she would miss the kids too much so they will have to make her retire.

Molly then continued on talking about her childhood and how her parents were so proud of her when she went to law school." Cindy listened to every word as she drove and Molly felt like she could just talk all night but after getting the main points said, she turned the conversation toward Cindy and her family.

"Well, let me see where to start. My father is a mechanic so we have

that in common but my mother never worked. She has never been in the best of health but she does what she can. So most of our money goes to her doctor's bills and since my father never had any health insurance we were always hurting for money. We sort of live from month to month but that is okay, we have always been close so it really wasn't so bad. I wanted to get a job while I was in high school but since my grades were never that great mom and dad won't even think about it. But now I can and if they don't have to support me then they will have more money for themselves. That is why this job was so important to me." She then went on to talk about her parents

and Molly could tell that she really loved them but also that she wanted move on. There was also something down below the surface that Molly sensed that Cindy wanted to talk about but was hesitant to do so. Molly wanted to press but she knew it wasn't the time.

"I'm getting hungry, how about you?" Molly asked when Cindy had stopped talking.

"Starving, but I didn't want to say anything." Cindy said.

"You should have told me. Just pull into a burger place; I'm in the mood for something bad ." Molly said as she gave Cindy a wink.

"Sounds good to me." Cindy said as she winked back.

Cindy quickly found a fast food joint and started to pull into a parking spot.

"No, go through the drive through, we can eat while we ride around."

Molly instructed her.

Cindy gave Molly a questioning look as she got in line. "I didn't think you were one to eat and drive."

"I'm not but then I won't be driving, you will." Molly said.

"I see another test. Will I ever get done with your tests?" Cindy asked.

"I hope not, that will mean that you won't be working at my firm, I'm beginning to like to have you around." Molly said and then wanted to take it

back. She didn't want Cindy to read more into that line than she intended but then again she wasn't sure what she intended. She then looked over at Cindy and saw it was too late; Cindy had a smile that went from ear to ear.

Cindy ordered their food with both going for cheeseburgers, fries and shakes, chocolate for Molly and strawberry for Cindy. As Cindy drove on back to the highway, Molly separated the burgers and set Cindy up so that she could drive and eat. Molly watched Cindy eating for only a moment but then she felt her stomach growl at her and she forgot about Cindy's driving and began to devour her juicy cheeseburger and fries.

"I hate to mention this but we are getting low on gas." Cindy interrupted Molly as she was talking about some of the cases that they were currently working on.

Oh okay, just pull into the nearest station that takes a credit card." Molly told Cindy as she reached for her purse and began to dig around in it.

"Ah, there it is." Molly said a minute later as Cindy pulled into a filling station. "Use this card to pay for the gas and then you can hold on to it to use for gas and stuff but only for business and always get a receipt. Remember that, always get a receipt. And I don't want to see a charge to Sandra's Dress Shop on the monthly bill." Molly said with a smile.

"Oh didn't you hear Sandra just opened a Dress / Gas Station on the corner of Main and Alexandra Street." Cindy quipped back at Molly.

Molly laughed and then she said "Good one, I will have to remember that. I'm going to visit the little girls room, be right back."

Molly went on into the station and found the restrooms. She went in and was surprised to find that they were actually clean. She went to an open

stall and pushed her designer jeans and panties down and sat down. As she released her bladder she thought about the girl she left outside filling up her car. For someone she had just met this morning, she was placing a lot of

trust in her letting her use her car and giving her one of her credit cards.

This wasn't something that she did, trust people. Even the people that worked for her, had to earn her trust over time but Cindy she just opened the doors wide open to her. Then she realized that she was just sitting on the toilet thinking long after her bladder was empty. She hurriedly wiped her pussy dry and then put her clothes back together. She left the stall and

washed her hands then went to the door and started out only to run smack dab into Cindy. She felt Cindy's arms catch her. She looked up into those light blue eyes and she froze there. Molly's mind took in the feel of Cindy's body against her and the feel of Cindy's arms holding her tight. She allowed

the feeling to go deep into her soul before her mind began to work again.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." Molly said as she separated herself from Cindy's grasp.

"No problem." Cindy said with that same knowing smile that she seemed to reserve just for her.

Molly then stepped aside and went on out to the car. She started to get into the driver's seat before she realized that Cindy was the one doing the driving tonight. "I have got to get my mind back together!" She commanded to herself.

Cindy was soon back behind the wheel and she again got them back on the road. As she drove, Molly settled back into her seat. She loved the feel

of riding in a car. It reminded her of the times that she and her parents went on vacation during the summer. She always slept as they drove and before she knew what was happening her eyes began to close and she was asleep. She dreamed about going to the beach but instead of her parents driving, it was Cindy driving the car.

"Wake up." Molly heard in the deep recesses of her mind and she felt

someone shaking her. She woke up to find that they were parked in front of her house.

"What time is it? How long have I been asleep?" Molly asked as she wiped her eyes.

"It is about eleven." Cindy said as she smiled.

"You have been driving around for three hours? Why didn't you wake me? I didn't mean to fall asleep on you but riding in cars always puts me to


"Well not quite three hours, I drove for a little while after you feel asleep on me and then I drove us here." Cindy said.

"And why didn't you wake me when you got us back here." Molly asked again.

"You looked so peaceful sleeping there and I couldn't bring myself to wake you. So I just let you sleep, and I just watched you sleep. Your face looked so relaxed. But then it was getting late and I need to get home and get some sleep. I don't want to fall asleep on the second day of my new job.

My boss might just fire me."

"Well let me get into the house and let you go, as I don't want to have to fire you tomorrow for sleeping on the job." Molly said with a smile and then she put her hand on top of Cindy's hand and she squeezed it. Then realizing what she was doing, she quickly took her hand away. But Cindy had turned her hand over and she squeezed it before Molly could take it away.

Molly arrived at work the next morning at seven and opened the door.

She went and put on the coffee and as she waited for it to make, she went to the outer office and looked around. She thought about how everything seemed to fit together. It was as if the firm had been missing a piece of the puzzle but this morning she didn't have that feeling. Cindy completed the firm or did she complete something else. Molly then shuck her head as she figured that she was thinking to much so she went back to the coffee maker and she made a cup of coffee. She then went to her office and shut the door. A little while later she heard the door open and she heard Shelly talking to Cindy and she found that she was smiling.

About ten she finished up a brief that she needed to get to the courthouse and she slipped her shoes on and grabbed her purse. She got to Shelly's desk and she started to tell her where she was going to be when she

saw the chalk board on the wall behind Shelly's desk. There were already several things on the board and a couple of them had been marked off. She had to smile, she forgot all about Cindy as she worked on the brief. She looked out and saw that her Volvo was not in the parking lot. She knew that Cindy was already on the job, the job that she was hired to do and her associates were putting her to work. Molly put her purse on Shelly's desk and she went to the board. She put down what she needed done and when it had to be done by. She then put her brief into Cindy's in-box that Shelly had made for her.

"It's going to be nice having her around, isn't it?" Shelly stated more than asked.

"Yes it is, yes it is." Molly said as she went back to her office with a smile.

When lunch time came around, Molly went to the kitchen to fix her something to eat and she found that she was looking around to see where Cindy was but she wasn't to be found. Molly was kind of disappointed not to see her. Molly went ahead and heated up the soup that she was having for lunch and went back to her office. She ate and looked out the window to see if she could see Cindy walking but again she didn't see her. She went back to her soup and her papers.

"Want to go for a walk?" Cindy called from the door.

"Shit!" Molly said as she about jumped out of her skin. "I need to put a sign on the door saying "It is not nice to scare the shit out of the boss." Molly said after she got her nerves under control.

"Sorry... again." Cindy said with that ever present smile. "So do you want to go for a walk, it's another nice day out there."

Molly waited for a moment to make it appear that she was thinking about whether she wanted to walk or not but she knew what her answer was going to be. She had made it a point to bring her tennis shoes with her this

morning. "Yea, I guess I could use some fresh air." Molly said as she started to put her tennis shoes on. She then went to where Cindy was waiting for her

at her door and they went on outside for their walk.

This became a routine for Molly and Cindy for the next couple of weeks with the exception of Molly learning to listen for Cindy to quietly walk up to her door. Molly only missed one day and that was when she was held up in court but it was raining that day so it was just as well. Molly tired to figure out why she had developed such a friendship with Cindy who was nine years her junior and on the surface, she had nothing in common with her but she just enjoyed her company and the conversations that they had. Cindy while not book smart; she was very sharp and she had a quick wit which Molly

could appreciate.

On the fifteen of the month, they had their monthly meeting where they went over their cases for the month and also looked at the money they had brought in the previous month. Molly always had food brought in and make the meeting a very casual affair. When they all got settled in their seats, Molly noticed that Cindy was standing at the door and Molly could tell that she was unsure as to what to do, come on in or go home.

"Well don't just stand there, get you something to eat and plop your

butt into a seat so that we can get this show on the road." Molly told Cindy

and she saw that a smile came over her face. But then Cindy ran back out the

door and a moment later she reappeared with a legal pad in her hand. This pleased Molly as it showed that Cindy was going to be prepared for anything that might come up during the meeting that affected her. Cindy quickly got her some food and found a place at the conference table that was in the law library in the upstairs of the house that Molly had bought for her firm.

Molly then started with Sam and he went over his cases that he had completed the previous mouth and also the ones that he was currently working on. They all discussed his cases and then it was Wanda turn and after her Robert presented his cases. As this went on, Molly noted that Cindy was furiously taking notes. She was going to have to ask Cindy about why she was doing this, not that she minded as they all were taking notes. Molly then went over her cases and asked for everyone opinions. Once that was completed they all took a bathroom break and reassembled in the conference room.

"Cindy, would you mind stepping outside for a moment?" Molly asked.

"Sure..." Cindy said and then Molly saw a worried look on her face.

"Yes we are going to talk about you but in a good way. We are about to divide up the money brought in last month and we haven't discussed your pay.

We need to do that and I want everyone to feel free to say what they think." Molly said and she gave Cindy what she hoped was her most reassuring smile. She saw that Cindy was relieved and she stepped out of the

conference room.

"Okay, now comes the hard part. There are two things that we need to

discuss. First, Cindy only worked a couple of days last month, so does she get her full percentage for the month. Then secondly, just what should her percentage be. This will come out of all of our percentages in case you haven't figured that out yet." Cindy said and this brought a laugh from everyone.

"Well I don't know how everyone else feels but I have worked her ass

off these past three weeks and I believe that has helped me to pick up another case or two with the time she has freed up for me. So I think she should get a full check for last month. And everyone knows that I'm the tightest son of a bitch around but I do want to make sure we pay her enough to keep her here." Sam said and everyone laughed at the tightest son of a bitch remark. He was tight but Molly as well as everyone else knew he was also the first one to offer Cindy some money to hold her over until she could get paid. They all had done this but Cindy refused all of their offers, saying she was fine until payday.

Wanda, Shelly and Robert all agreed that Cindy should get her full shared for the previous month. She was an asset to the firm and they all wanted to keep her and they all thought that she was more than earning her pay. Once that was settled, they got down to the percentage that Cindy was to receive. As it stood now Molly got 28 percent of the share while Sam, Robert and Wanda received twenty two and a third percent and this left Shelly with five percent. They all discussed various percentages and Shelly gave them Cindy's take home for an average month. They finally settled that Molly, Sam, Wanda, and Robert would give up a quarter percent and while that did not seem like much, with the money they were bringing in, Cindy would be making about three times what most people just starting their first

job. Plus this way they could always go back and raise her percentage later on. Shelly wanted to give up some of her pay too but the rest would not let her do that. Once that was settled, Shelly got up and invited Cindy back into the room. Molly them explained the percentages to Cindy who sat and listened carefully but didn't say anything but Molly knew that Cindy would not understand the percentages until she heard what the percentages meant in real dollars. Shelly then went over the income that they brought in for the month of May and Molly watched Cindy's eyes light up as the numbers were spelled out. There was also a rainy day fund that each lawyer put a small part of their cut into. This Molly explained to Cindy would keep them afloat if they should have a bad month or two. Cindy and Shelly didn't have to contribute to this since they made the least but they would get their share if it was needed. And if a lawyer should want to leave the firm then he or she would get their share of the rainy day fund. Finally they got to the pay

that they would actually take home that month. Shelly would normally have this worked out but since she didn't know what Cindy's percentage would be, she had to do some last minute figuring. Everyone took another break so that she could work. This was Shelly's most important job and they all wanted her to take her time. When they got back into the room, Shelly handed each a slip of paper with their pay for the month of May. Molly glanced at her slip but she kept her eyes on Cindy and she saw her eyes grow

wide when she saw it. Then she saw a tear come to her eyes. Cindy then stood up.

"I want to thank you for this, but I don't think I deserve this much. I only worked a couple of days in May and even if I worked the whole month, then I still don't think I have earned this much." Cindy said and then she cried as she looked at the slip of paper. Molly started to get up to go to her but big Mama beat her to Cindy. Big Mama wrapped her big arms around Cindy and told her that she had more than earned her money. Molly saw Cindy start to smile as she tried to wrap her arms around Big Mama. When Big Mama let her go, Cindy went to everyone else giving them a hug. But she saved Molly for last and when she hugged her, Molly felt Cindy hug her tight

and she held her a little longer than everyone else. Molly couldn't help herself but to hug Cindy back and she hated for the hug to end. Then as Cindy stepped back, Cindy whispered to her "Thank you for being my boss and for being my friend."

"Your welcome and I enjoy having you as a friend too." Molly whispered back to her.

Everyone talked for a few minutes before the meeting began to break up. Molly then ushered everyone out the door as she said that she would clean up. They all had families to go home to and she didn't. They all offered to help her but like always she refused their help and made everyone including Cindy go.

Molly got to work but for the first time, she kind of wished that someone had stayed but she knew she was the one who made them go. It was only a moment later that she heard someone coming up the steps and she froze. She wondered if someone had forgotten to lock the front door. She started to look around for something to use as a weapon but she couldn't see

anything. Her heart was pounding in her chest and her knees began to shake.

"It's me Cindy!" Molly heard Cindy call from the steps and she felt a great relief and she also had to smile as Cindy was the one she really wanted to stay over and help her.

"Cindy who?" Molly called out as she tried not to laugh."

"The Cindy who works for you," Cindy said with a frustrated voice.

"Oh that Cindy," Molly said as she saw Cindy walk into the room.

"How many Cindy's do you know anyway?" Cindy asked.

"Ah, just you." Molly said with a smile.

"Then why did you ask, silly." Cindy said smiling as she realized that Molly was pulling her leg.

"So what are you doing back here anyway? I thought I told you to go home."

"You did but I got a little ways down the road and turned back and I

don't care what you say, I am going to help you clean up." Cindy said.

"What if I say no and tell you to go home. I am your boss, you know." Molly said not really wanting Cindy to go.

"I would say that after the meeting ended, you stopped being my boss

and I can do as I please." Cindy said as she put her hands on her hips.

"I see, well if you are going to be such a pain about it, then get to work." Molly said as she threw the wet cloth she was holding at Molly.

Molly was a second slow on catching the wet rag and it hit her in the face. "I owe you one for that." Molly said as she bent to pick up the rag.

Molly put her hand to her mouth as she tried not to laugh but it got

the better of her and she broke out laughing. "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to hit you."

"I bet." Cindy said but she was laughing with Molly. They then began to clean and put up the left over food as that would be what they all ate the next day. As that was when Shelly would hand out the checks and they would enjoy a second meal together. As they worked, Molly also talked to Cindy about getting set up to pay her taxes as they weren't taken out of her check. She said that Shelly had already told her about that and that Shelly had set her up an appointment with the tax attorney for the next afternoon. Molly warned her that the man was a pain to deal with as he always complained at the amount of work he had to do but to ignore that as he was only happy when he had something to complain about. This brought a snicker from Cindy. Then continued to talk until they were about done then she asked a question that would forever change her life.

"So what are you going to do with your first paycheck?" Molly asked Cindy.

"Save most of it but I thought I might go Saturday to buy some new outfits. In case you didn't notice, I have been wearing the same outfits every week." Cindy said.

"Well, I did notice but that is okay, not everyone is a clothes horse like I am. I have closets full of clothes and still I buy more." Molly said.

"You do have beautiful outfits. Maybe we could..." Cindy started to say then stopped herself.

"Maybe we could what?" Molly asked.

"Maybe we could go shopping together Saturday. But I know you won't want to go with me, forget that I asked." Cindy said but Molly could see that Cindy really wanted her to go.

"I would love to go with you." Molly said and then she saw a blur as

Cindy rushed to and she was being hugged. She put her arms around Cindy and hugged her back and she felt that strange feeling again and she wondered just what she had gotten herself into.

"We are going to have a great time, I know we will." Cindy said as she let Molly go.

"I know that we will too." Molly said.

At the appointed hour on Saturday morning, Molly was looking out her

kitchen and she saw Cindy pulling into her driveway in her Volvo. Molly felt a sense of wellbeing wash over her as she saw Cindy start to get out of the car. She had spent her weekends alone for the past four years since her divorce and while it was nice and she enjoyed the time alone, having Cindy there to do something with, she felt the loneliness that she didn't know she

had been feeling leave her. Molly then awoke from her thoughts as she heard her doorbell ring. She grabbed her purse off the table and as she went past the mirror in the living room, she took a last look at her hair and makeup and then she answered the door.

"Are you ready to blow all of your paycheck today?" Molly asked as she opened the door.

"Well at least a part of it." Cindy said laughing.

"Then lets get this show on the road, girl." Molly said as she sped past Cindy and headed toward the car. Cindy stood there a second and then hurried to catch up with her.

"Where do you want to go first?" Molly asked as Cindy was getting into the car.

"Anywhere you want to go, you know more good places to go, I am sure. But there is a place I do want to take you to but we will go there last." Cindy replied.

"I do have a few places that I love to go to and they have beautiful

clothes. I think you'll love this first place." Molly said and then she told

Cindy how to get to the downtown shop.

When they entered the upscale shop, two sales clerks sped toward Molly trying to get to her first. Molly was used to this treatment as she had spent a ton of money here and the salesgirls worked on a commission. Molly went to her favorite clerk and she started to talk to her, having momentarily forgotten Cindy. But then she remembered her and she started to look around. She excused herself from the clerk and started to look. As she went around a rack of dresses, she spied Cindy looking at some pant suits. She started to call to her when she saw Cindy reach for the piece tag. She watched as Cindy's eyes went wide and she dropped the price tag as if it was

a red hot coal that had burnt her fingers. Molly stepped back as she thought

about the shop that she had brought Cindy to. She realized that the least she had ever spent here was a little over a thousand dollars and that only got her three or four outfits. She then thought about Cindy's paycheck and while it was more than enough for a girl her age, it was not enough to be shopping in a place like this. Molly realized that she had really screwed up. She was so excited about having someone to shop with, she had forgotten that not everyone was as well off as she was. Now she had to find a way out without making Cindy feel bad or trying to buy something she really couldn't

afford to just because of her. It didn't take her long to figure out a way out of the mess that she had gotten herself into. It would mean that she might insult a few of the salesclerks but then with the money she spent they would

have quickly forgotten about whatever she was about to say.

"Oh there you are I have been looking for you." Molly said as she came around to clothes rack she was hiding behind. "I don't know about you but these prices are ridiculous. I can't believe what they charge for this stuff. I'm ready to go to another place if you are."

"Yea, but only if you are." Cindy said but Molly could see the relief in her face.

"I'm more than ready; let's go to that place that you talked about."

Molly said as she took Cindy by the arm and started to escort her out of the

store. Molly could feel more than a few sets of eyes boring into her back but she didn't care. Molly was more important to her than any of the clerk's feelings.

"We can go to another of the places that you shop if you like." Cindy told Molly once they were outside.

"No, I want to go to the place you talked about. I really do." Molly

assured Cindy and she saw Cindy's eyes light up and that pleased her.

Cindy drove them across town and talked all the way about how big this place was and how many different types of women's clothes that they had. And they had a size to fit everyone from the slimmest women to the heaviest one. They also have a line of clothes that were made by a company in South Carolina. They weaved their own cloth and then made it into women's outfits. Cindy said that she always tried to find their stuff as it was quality made clothes and the price wasn't bad either. Molly wondered why she had never heard of this place but then again she always stuck to the high end shops. When Cindy pulled into the parking lot, Molly saw that it was crowded already and they had to park far away from the store, which was huge, like a big discount store which was what this was, except it only sold

women's clothing.

"I hope you like this place but be prepared, it will be pack with women looking for the prefect outfit and you know how women can be when they are doing that." Cindy said with a laugh. She took Molly by the hand and Molly felt herself being pulled/dragged toward the store. She also began to feel the excitement that Cindy was feeling. When they entered the store, all Molly could see were racks after racks of clothes and lots of women and girls going through everything. Cindy still had her hand so she didn't have much choice but to follow her. Cindy took her to the center of the store where the more dressy clothes were. Cindy finally let go of her hand as she began to look at some pants suits. Molly went to some of the dresses and she

first looked at the quality of the sewing and the material and found that it

really was pretty good stuff. She couldn't help herself as she looked at the

price and she was just as shocked as Cindy was when she looked at the price tag in the other shop. Except for her it was because of how cheap the clothes were. Molly went over to where Cindy was and she could see that she already had a couple of pant suits to try on and she was looking at some long skirts. Molly went through the skirts with Cindy and she found a couple of skirts that she liked. She had always wanted to get a long skirt but she hadn't found one that she liked until now, but still she found herself putting it back.

"What are you too good to wear these clothes, just because they didn't come from a fancy shop, doesn't mean that they aren't worth wearing?" Cindy told her and Molly could see that Cindy was very serious. Molly knew that Cindy didn't really buy her act at the other store. She also

knew that she was being put to the test and this wasn't a test that she wanted to fail.

"No, I'm not too good to wear these clothes." Molly said just as serious as she pulled the skirts back off the rack.

"Good then lets find you a blouse to wear with those skirts." Cindy said as she took Molly's hand again and led her over to where the blouses were hanging. Cindy made her hold up on of the skirts to her waist as she went from one blouse to another until she found one she liked. Then she repeated the process for the other skirt. Once she was satisfied with the outfits, she picked up a couple of blouses for herself and they went back to

where the skirts were. Cindy went through a bunch picking out a few for herself and then she also picked out a couple more for Molly.

"Now let's go try all these clothes on." Cindy told Molly as she led her to the center of the store where there were a mass of dressing rooms. They had wait for a few minutes in line before a room opened up. Again, Cindy took her by the hand and started for the open dressing room.

"The sign says only two outfits and one person per room." Molly said as she realized that Cindy was dragging her into the dressing room with her.

"If we do it that way, we will never get through. Now come on and let me see what you look like in these clothes." Cindy said as she closed the door behind them.

The room was not very big but they had room enough for them both to stand and move about but not much more than that. Molly could feel a quiver in her stomach at the thought of undressing in front of Cindy and also seeing her undress. For the first time in a long time, Molly wasn't sure as to what

she should do. She looked at Cindy and saw that she was already pulling her top off. She wanted to avert her eyes but something inside her made her watch as Cindy pulled her top over her head revealing her cotton bra. It was

nothing fancy or revealing but Molly could see the shape and size of Cindy's

breasts. Cindy then unsnapped her jeans and unzipped them. She pushed her jeans down and Molly watched as Cindy white cotton hip hugger panties came into view. Again they were plain and nothing fancy or revealing but Molly could see the shape of her mound and she could see a few brown hairs peaking from the sides. When Cindy got her jeans off, she straightened up and let Molly look at her. She didn't do anything suggestive but just stood there and let her look and that is what Molly did. She could feel her nipples tighten and she felt the beginnings of moisture begin to form in her pussy. This hadn't happen in a very long time and it had never happened as she looked at another women. She felt like she was frozen in place and it was only when Cindy said "Well you can't try on any clothes on if you don't take

what you are wearing off first."

Molly wanted to say "Sorry" for staring but she didn't want to bring

attention to what she had been doing. But her mind was not working clearly and it couldn't have been any more obvious as to what she was doing. Molly started to turn to undress but she felt like it would be better to be nonchalant and undress like Cindy did. She began to unbutton her blouse but she realized that her fingers were a little shaky. She took a deep breath then went back to unbuttoning her blouse. When she got to the last button, she pulled the blouse from her jeans and she started to slip the blouse off her shoulders. That is when she looked down to see the bra that she was wearing. That morning as she was getting dressed she was feeling a little sexy for some reason so she put on a matching set of a black sheer undies. She could plainly see her nipples through the thin material and she could also see that they were hard. It was too late to turn around now so she took off the blouse and she saw that Cindy's eyes were glued to her erect nipples. She hung up her blouse and then her hands went to her designer jeans. She unsnapped and unzipped them. She pushed the tight jeans down over her hips and she had to work to keep from pushing her panties down with her jeans but as thin as they were, it would not make that much difference. She pushed them on off her hips and she could see the thin strip of red hair above her pussy with the rest of her pussy shaved clean. She slipped her shoes off and then slipped her jeans off. She straightened up and she let Cindy look at her. She could see that Cindy was mesmerized by her body and that made her feel good. Even thought she was thirty six, her body was still

in great shape with her breasts barely sagging and her butt firm. This made Molly feel good and it also made her pussy leak a little more and her nipples harden a little more. Molly then realized what was happening and she knew that she had to stop it now before something happen that she would regret later.

"Well let's see what these clothes look on us." Molly said and that brought Cindy from her trance.

They both put on their first outfit and then turned around to let the other one see what they looked liked. They continued to do this until all the clothes that they had brought into the dressing room had been tried. But the whole time that they were in the dressing room Molly kept glancing at Molly when she removed her clothes and she noticed that Cindy was doing the same thing. She tried hard not to look but there was something inside of

her that made her. It was something that she couldn't control and that she didn't like. She was one that was always in control of what happened around her but anytime she was with Cindy, she felt completely out of control of what was happening.

But finally they were through and they gathered their clothes, Cindy

carrying the clothes that they were going to buy and Molly the ones that they were putting back on the rack. Molly was hoping that they were through but as soon as they put back to clothes that they weren't buying, Cindy started to shop again. One part of Molly was disappointed but another part of her kept glancing at the dressing room knowing that they would soon be back there. Molly quickly got back in the mode of shopping and she had to admit that the store was growing on her, especially when she found her designer jeans at the quarter of the price that she paid for the ones she was wearing. They picked out a number of outfits and got back in line for the dressing room. They talked to the women around them as they waited and compared the outfits that they had. One woman had a skirt that Cindy loved and she told her where she found it so Cindy promptly dumped the clothes she was carrying into Molly's arms and she took off leaving Molly carrying them all. The woman they were talking to laughed and she offered her daughter's help in holding the clothes until Cindy got back. The girl looked

about eight and was looking a little bored with all the shopping that her mother was doing. So Molly added a little incentive and the girl's eyes lit up. The mother refused and the girl frowned but then Molly put her lawyer skills to work and soon she convinced the little girl's mother to let her accept the money she offered. Cindy got back just as a dressing room was opening up. Molly gave the room to the girl's mother and the girl, who said her name was Mia, stayed with Molly and Cindy. Soon another room opened up and Cindy and Molly took the clothes from Mia and they went into the room.

This time, Molly didn't take her time in undressing and of course, Cindy wasn't shy. Molly again felt her eyes drawn to Cindy's body as she undressed. She also noticed that Cindy was doing her share of looking. Molly

knew by the end of the day she was going to have to change her panties but she also noticed that when Cindy bent over showing Molly her cute little rump that there was a telltale sign that Cindy was a little wet too. They tried on their clothes and again picked what they liked and disliked. When they came out, Mia was eagerly waiting on them and she took the clothes that Molly gave to her. She was talking a mile a minute to her two new grown

up friends. Molly also noticed that Mia's mother was keeping a close eye on her and that was good. They shopped till mid afternoon when their legs gave out and Mia had to leave them. Molly got into her purse and pulled out a twenty and gave to Mia who went to her mother showing off the money she had earned.

When they got to the checkout Cindy started to separate the clothes but by then they both had forgotten who had picked out what. "Why don't we put it all on my credit card?" Molly suggested.

"No, I'm not letting you pay for my clothes." Cindy said.

"Oh, I don't plan on doing that missy. When we get back to my place,

we are going to divide up what we have bought and then you, my young friend,

are going to write me a check from your new checking account. That way I will be the first person you write a check to." Molly said with a smile.

"Cool, I can live with that." Cindy said.

They plied all their clothes on the counter and the clerk began to ring them up. The bill came to $563.48. Molly thought to herself that she had paid that much for one outfit from the stores where she normally shopped. Now she was paying that much for a number of outfits for both herself and Cindy, who was smiling as she began to gather the bags of clothes.

When Cindy got them back to Molly's house, they gathered their things and then headed into the house. There they dumped the clothes into the living room and headed to the kitchen. They were both starved to death from a day's worth of shopping and neither wanted to stop to eat on the way home. Cindy instead offered to make them both hamburgers that she assured Molly would be the best that she had eaten. Molly, being no fool, quickly took her up on the offer. So they stopped at a grocery store on the way home and Cindy went in to get the ingredients that she needed. Molly pulled out a couple of pans as Cindy made the ground beef into patties adding the special spices that her mother had taught her to use. Cindy made their hamburgers as Molly got out the condiments and chips.

As Molly took the first bite of her hamburger, her mouth exploded with juices and spices that she felt herself moaning.

"God Damn girl, I think I screwed up hiring you as a Go-fer." Molly said with her mouth still full of her hamburger. Then she saw that Cindy was

looking concerned until she added, "I should have hired you as a cook. This is the best hamburger I have ever eaten." Molly then saw Cindy's face light up and the she blushed a bit.

"What is in this anyway?" Molly asked as she swallowed.

"It's my mama's secret and I will never tell." Cindy said all proud of herself.

"Well then, you will have to promise me that you will cook for me again sometime."

"I think that I can arrange for that to happen." Cindy said with her

face beaming from the joy she was feeling. It was then that Cindy finally took her first bite satisfied that Molly was pleased with her cooking.

They went back to living room once the hamburgers were eaten and the dishes done. They both collapsed in chairs and let their food settle before they got up to divide out the clothes. They had separated everything out and Molly was more than a little surprised to find that she had bought just as many clothes as Cindy did. The fact that Cindy had put her on the spot by saying that she was too good to wear discount clothes, didn't help any either. But now she realized that she was stupid to pay so much when she could pay a quarter the price and get just as good stuff. And if the truth be known, the clothes were probably made in the same place. But then Molly noticed that Cindy was searching around in the clothes that she had bought.

"What is wrong, Honey?" Molly asked.

"I didn't get a blouse for this skirt. This is the one I wanted to wear Monday too. I meant to go back and find one and I forgot. Shit that pisses me off. I can't believe that I forgot to get a blouse and I don't have anything at home to go with it."

"Well, we can go back tomorrow. It is not big deal... Wait a minute;

hold that skirt back up to your waist." Molly instructed Cindy who did as she was told.

Molly studied it for a moment then she smiled, "Hold it right there and don't move a muscle." She said as she jumped up and headed to the back of her house. She went to her guest room and on into the walk-in closet. She

started to go through her blouses before she found the one she was thinking of and then she saw a second and third blouse that she thought would work. She took them down and hurried back into the living room where Cindy was waiting with a confused look on her face.

"Put the skirt on, and then try these blouses. I think they will work just fine with that skirt." Molly said as she watched one final time as Cindy took off her top and pushed her jeans down. She saw Cindy in her bra and panties and she felt a need to shift a little in her seat. She sat there looking at Cindy who was taking her sweet time in putting the skirt and the first blouse on. Molly couldn't believe that she was getting turned on by another woman but after watching Cindy undress and dress all day and finding her panties getting wet each time; there was no doubt about what was happening to her. This was so far from what she thought that she would feel. She had never felt turned on by another woman before in her life but it was happening to her now.

"This is perfect; will you sell it to me?" Cindy asked.

"No but I will give it to you." Molly said and she was surprised to see Cindy frown.

"No deal then." Cindy said as she started to take the blouse off.

"Hey, wait a minute. That blouse is too big for me. I bought it right after my second divorce when I had gained a little weight." Molly said.

"Still no deal, I will buy it off of you or you can keep it. I'm finally earning my own keep and I don't want to take anything from anyone. Do you understand?" Cindy said.

"Yes, I do. Okay we will work something out. Now try on the other two blouses and see what you think of them." Molly said and she saw Cindy smile again as she took off that blouse and tried the second and third one and all

looked great with the skirt.

"I love them now how much did you pay for these?" Cindy asked.

"That is immaterial and I'm not going to tell you. What we will do is decide what they are worth to you and to me. And as far as I am concerned, they aren't worth anything since I can't wear them anymore. You need them but you could easily go back to the store tomorrow and get something similar. So let's say that they are on a three for on sale and it that is twenty bucks." Molly said.

"Deal," Cindy said as she couldn't find a flaw in Molly's thinking.

Molly didn't bother to tell Cindy just what a deal she was giving her. She had paid more than sixty dollars apiece for those blouses. Cindy stayed in the last blouse and the skirt that she had bought as Molly added up the costs of the clothes that Cindy had bought and added the twenty for the blouses. Cindy then sat down and wrote out her first check. It was a hefty sum but still considering all that she had bought, she wasn't paying much.

"I guess I have better be going." Cindy said as she handed Molly her


"Do you have to go so soon, it is still early?" Molly found herself saying and she really didn't want Cindy to leave just yet.

"No, I could stay a while longer, what do you want to do?" Cindy said as her face lit up.

"I'm sure it has cooled off outside by now, lets get something to drink and sit out on the swing."

"Cool, I will fix us something, you go on out." Cindy said as she headed to the kitchen leaving Molly sitting there.

She started to call out to Cindy to tell her where everything was but deicide to let her figure it out. She went on out to the deck and wandered over to the swing. She looked at it for a moment and the she realized that it was much smaller than she realized; she had always sat on it by herself and it had plenty of room but with Cindy there with her they would be sitting much closer together. But the die was cast so she sat down and waited on Cindy.

"Here are our drinks." Cindy said as she carried out a tray with two

glasses and a pitcher of what appeared to be strawberry daiquiris.

"I see you found the rum." Molly said not so sure that she should be

allowing Cindy to drink. Cindy was just a few days shy of her eighteen birthday and even if she was eighteen, she would still be three years away from legal drinking age.

"Nope, I didn't look for any alcohol." Cindy said.

Molly gave her a look to say "Then how can they be any good without the rum." But she didn't say that.

"Just taste it, if you don't like it you can spice it up with some rum." Cindy said daring her once again and unlike herself, she took up the challenge.

Molly watched as Cindy put the tray down on the table by the swing. She then took the pitcher and poured out about a quarter glass full of the daiquiri and she gave it to her. Molly put the glass to her lips and slowly took a sip. She let it sit in her mouth and she got the full favor of the strawberries and she thought she could just taste a hint of rum but as she swallowed, she knew there was no rum in the drink.

"Well," Cindy said anxiously.

"It is good. How did you make it or is it another of your mother's secret receipts?" Molly asked as she put her glass out for Cindy to fill it up.

"Actually it is my father's and god forbid if my mother finds out that pop taught me how to make them for him." Cindy said with a laugh. She then filled her own glass and then she sat back on the swing.

They sat back and slowly swung on the swing and they sipped their drinks. The air began to cool and the late afternoon sun felt good on their bodies. They talked for a while and then were silent as they watched the sun

go down over the lake. Molly could feel Cindy's shoulder as it pressed against her own shoulder. It all felt so nice and she felt so comfortable with Cindy

there. She felt like she wasn't alone anymore. She slowly leaned back against Cindy and it wasn't long before she felt Cindy's head on her shoulder. They sat that way until the sun had long since set in the west. Molly noticed that Cindy's had moved her hand to her thigh and Molly had a sudden urge to place her hand on top of it, to hold Cindy's hand. Just as she was about to do this; her brain began to work again and she quickly folded her hands in her lap. Molly knew the situation was about to go spiraling out of her control. She decided that the night hand come to an end so she did the only thing she could think to do. She began to yawn.

"Are you tired?" Cindy asked and Molly could hear the disappointment

in her voice.

"Yea, I think you wore me out shopping today." Molly said as she really did begin to feel tired.

"It's getting late, I should be heading home." Cindy finally said as she started to get up.

Molly got up and walked with her to the couch where all of Cindy's and her clothes were laying. Molly took some of the new outfits and Cindy grabbed the rest. They walked quietly to Cindy's car. Molly began to wish that she hadn't feigned tiredness but she couldn't take it back now. She had

enjoyed the day and was suddenly sad to see it ending. When they got to the car, she put the clothes that she was holding into the passenger seat and then she stood there as Cindy put the clothes she had in the car. Then Cindy

stood before her and Molly found that she was staring into Cindy's beautiful


"I had fun today." Cindy said quietly.

"I did too, girl." Molly said as she reached up and ruffled Cindy's hair.

Then Molly watched as Cindy stepped toward her and she saw her opening her arms. Molly felt Cindy wrap her arms around her body and she could feel Cindy's body being pressed against her. Molly wasn't sure what to

do at first but then she found that she was returning the hug. The hug went on and she felt Cindy's head on her shoulder and she laid her head on Cindy's shoulder. Molly knew the hug was going on much too long but at the same time she didn't want to be the one to end it. It had been so long since she had been held and the feel of Cindy's soft body against her was bringing back feelings that she had thought were long dead. But the feelings were for another woman and that did bother her but not enough for her to stop the hug. They stayed that was for awhile longer but then she felt Cindy pulling away. Molly didn't want to let go but she did. But Cindy didn't pull

completely away. She left her hands on Molly's hips and Molly found that Cindy was staring into her eyes and she was staring back. She recognized the

look in Cindy's eyes and Molly knew what Cindy was going to do next. Molly knew the smart thing to do was to pull back and stop this before anything happened. But Molly just could not bring herself to stop her and as Cindy closed her eyes, Molly closed her own eyes. Molly could sense Cindy's head approaching her face. She felt Cindy's warm breath just before she felt Cindy's lips touch hers. The kiss was tentative and short but it still left Molly breathless. Molly opened her eyes and she could see that Cindy was staring at her trying to find what reaction she was going to get. Molly stood there trying to decide just what her reaction was. Her mind was a mass of confusion. She knew she felt something for the young girl facing her but she

also knew that she shouldn't be feeling these things. She then saw Cindy closing her eyes and then she felt Cindy's lips on hers. The kiss was again tentative and Molly kept still, willing herself not to give into the kiss. But as Cindy's kept her lips pressed against her lips, Molly found her will breaking. Molly brought her hand up and she put it to the back of Cindy's neck and she

slowly opened her lips. She felt Cindy opening her lips and the kiss became more passionate. Molly knew that Cindy had started the kiss but she was in full control now. She tilted her head a bit more and she held Cindy's head in place as the kiss became more intense. Her free hand was caressing Cindy's back and she could hear Cindy moan softly. Molly introduced her tongue into Cindy's mouth and she found that her tongue was met by Cindy's tongue. Their tongues danced in Cindy's mouth for a moment then Molly withdrew her tongue. Molly released Cindy's head and she stepped back. They stood there in silence for a moment then Cindy leaned back in and gave her a quick

kiss. She then ran to the drivers side of the car and she gave Molly a sweet

smile before she jumped into her car and sped off, leaving Molly standing there wondering what she had just done.

The light from her front porch spotlighted her as she watched Cindy's taillights disappear. Molly couldn't believe that she had just kissed another woman and even worse an employee of hers. She knew that Cindy had started the kiss but there was no doubt as to who finished it. She stood there for a

few minutes before she could move her feet and she walked inside her house. She tried to use the logic that was the core of her mind but at the moment logic was failing her. She looked at the new clothes that she had bought and that brought back the day that she had spend with Cindy and how much she enjoyed it. She turned from there and went out to the porch hoping the cool night air would clear her head but then she saw the swing and she remembered sitting there with Cindy. It seemed that everything was reminding her of Cindy. So she went to her bathroom and stripped her clothes off, leaving them in the floor and she turned on the shower. As the water warmed up she looked at herself in the mirror and she could see that her lipstick was slightly smeared and she put her finger to her lips and she

could feel where Cindy's lips had just been. She then felt the tears come to

her eyes and she started to cry. All the loneliness that she had felt during

the last years of her second marriage and the few years since came over her. She knew that Cindy had began to ease those feelings but Cindy was someone she couldn't be with, there was just no way. The tears came hard and she soon found that she was sitting in the floor sobbing. It was like the road that offered her sweet peace was the road she couldn't take. As the tears slowly began to end, she got up and walked into the shower and found that the water had turned cold but she didn't care. The cold water stung her

skin but it seemed to clear her mind for the moment and she knew what she had to do, and she was going to do it no matter how much it hurt, it was the

only thing that she could do.

From the shower, she went to her bedroom and put her pillows up against the headboard of the bed. She got her laptop out and some files that she had brought home. She worked on them until she couldn't keep her eyes open any more. She closed up her laptop and turn off the lamp by her bed. She settled down and quickly fell asleep as she always did. But it wasn't a restful sleep. She tossed and turned all night and when she woke early the

next morning, she felt like she hadn't slept at all. She looked down at her feet and found that they were tangled in the sheets.

"Fuck!" Molly said as she tried to kick the sheets away. She woke up

feeling sad and it only took her a moment to know why. She had a great day with Cindy yesterday and tomorrow she was going to do something to break that little girl's heart and she knew that her own heart would be broken at the same time. But she had enough going on in her life and experimenting with lesbianism was best left to young girls and when they are in college. It wasn't for a thirty six year old woman with a law firm to manage. She just didn't need that complication, besides she wasn't attracted to women, she told herself over and over. But she couldn't help to wonder if she wasn't attracted to women, why did Cindy have such an impact on her yesterday. That was the question that kept coming back to her and one that she didn't have a good answer for. She got up and went to the bathroom, then on to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. She sat at the kitchen table trying to figure out what to with her day. Her mind kept going back to the time that she had spent with Cindy, the shopping, the walks and the times she stayed after work to just talk. Molly knew if she stayed in the house all day she would go crazy so she got up and got dressed. She then headed toward the office. She never worked on Sundays but today was going to be the exception that made the rule. Once there, she buried herself in work. She worked until her eyes were crossed from reading and writing. It was only then that she realized that she hadn't eaten a bite all day long and her stomach was telling her about it. She packed up her things and headed out but as she was turning out the lights and activating the alarm system, she looked down at the chair that she first saw Cindy sitting in and it made her want to cry. She quickly shut the door and went on out.

That night she didn't sleep any better than she did Saturday night. She woke up with the sheets again tangled up in her feet. "Fuck!" Molly cried out as she kicked her feet free once again. Molly got up and started what she knew would be the worse day of her life, ever worse than catching her second husband fucking that intern as she was bent over his desk.

She got to the firm early day and started the coffee. Once it was done, she headed to her office and closed her door. She heard everyone come in and she felt a chill go up her back when she heard Cindy's voice for

the first time that morning. Molly tried to drown out the voices from outside of her office and concentrate on the briefs that she was working on.

A little after ten, she closed the file that she was working on and reached for the next one and then she saw that there was no next one. For the first time in her law career, she was actually caught up. With the work she had done on Saturday and working all day on Sunday, she had put herself out of work. She knew that she would go stir crazy hiding in her office for the rest of the day. She slipped her shoes back on and she peeked out the window and was relieved to find Cindy's car not in the parking lot. She grabbed a couple of files off her desk, not caring what they were and she rushed out of her office.

"I'm off to the court house." She called out to Shelly and then she noticed that Sam, Robert and Big Mama gathered around Shelly's desk.

"Cindy can take that, she will be right back." She heard Shelly call out to her as she got to the front door.

"I've got it, thanks." Molly said as the door shut. She got in her car and she saw four sets of eyes looking out the door and the windows. She knew that she would soon be the object of conversation and somewhere in that conversation would come the line "I think she is going crazy on us." and the sad part was that she was beginning to think that the statement would be correct. Molly was afraid to go to the courthouse for fear of finding Cindy there, so she just started to drive. She went over the conversation that she was going have with Cindy later that afternoon. At noon, she stopped and got something to eat and then got back into her car and tried to

make the afternoon go by faster but with nothing to do, the day dragged by. But it finally came time to head back to the office and she felt a huge lump

in her chest and her stomach began to churn.

She walked in as everyone was packing their things and getting ready

to leave. She got a strange look from everyone but no one said anything to her. She saw Cindy sitting by Shelly's desk and she could see that she had a

fearful look on her face. That only made her feel worse but she knew it was now the time to get this over with. She went into her office, only this time

she left the door open. A few minutes after everyone had left the office, she heard soft footsteps coming in her door. When she looked up, she saw Cindy looking at her from across her desk.

"Are you going to fire me?" Cindy asked and Molly could see that she

was about to cry.

"No honey, I'm not going to fire you. Why would you think that?" Molly said as she got up and went to Cindy. She then guided her to the couch. As soon as Cindy sat down, she started to cry and then she started to sob. Molly knew this wasn't going as she had planned and she took Cindy into her arms and held her as she cried. She tried to calm her down and it was only after she had cried herself out that Molly was able to get her to talk.

"I'm not going to fire you, why would you ever think that." Molly asked again.

"Because I kissed you Saturday night and then you have avoided me all day. You stayed away from the office just so you wouldn't have to face me didn't you?" Cindy said.

"I did stay away from the office today because of you but not so that I could fire you when I got back. And as far as the kiss went, I believe that I also kissed you. But there is something I needed to talk to you about and it does involve the kiss." Molly told

"What do you want to tell me?" Cindy said and Molly could see the hurt and fear in her eyes.

"I know that I kissed you back the other night but I'm really not into women. I mean I have been married twice." Molly said.

"But both times you got divorced and I know that you weren't happy in either marriage, you have told me as much. And you enjoyed the kiss. You can't say that you didn't, I know better." Cindy countered.

"You are right on both points but that doesn't change the fact that you are a lesbian but I'm not. That is just how it has to be. Cindy please don't argue with me about this. Let's just be friends and leave it at that, okay."

Molly said.

"Okay, if that is the way it has to be but I think that you are wrong about you not liking women." Cindy said.

"I'm not wrong and let's talk about something else." Cindy said.

"What do you want to talk about that is more important than us." Cindy said.

"Honey, there is no us and there never will be. That is what I have been trying to tell you." Molly said and then she tried to find another subject to bring up. "So when did you realize that you were into women?" Molly asked then she wondered why of all the subjects that she could have brought up, why that one.

"Since I was about fifteen, I guess."

"How did you know? I mean, that is so young." Molly said now curious.

"I just knew. I mean, I didn't like boys and women got me excited. I

just added one and one and got two." Was Cindy's simple reply.

"I see, do your parents know?"

"Oh god no, I am putting that off as long as possible. I know that they will still love me and all that but still they want me to get married and be

happy. But I know I wouldn't be happy with a man." Cindy said.

"I'm sure that you will find what you are looking for and she will make you happy."

"I already have found that woman and she is you." Cindy said and before Molly knew what was happening, Cindy had slid in close to her and she

was closing her beautiful blue eyes as she leaned in toward her.

Molly's first instinct was to jump up and run, or at least push Cindy away. She wanted to stop this before it started as she had intended to do when she started the conversation with Cindy. But for some reason, she did neither of these things. What she did do was to close her eyes and accept the kiss. She felt Cindy's lips touch her lips and the same thing she felt Saturday night as she kissed Cindy came flooding back to her. She felt the loneliness that had been her life for so damn long leaving her. She raised her hands to Cindy's shoulders and brought her in close. She felt Cindy melt into her arms and she hugged her tightly. Cindy turned her head and she opened her lips. Molly took advantage of the situation and she slipped her tongue into Cindy's mouth and she felt Cindy begin to suck on it. Molly knew that this was all wrong but there was something about Cindy that she couldn't resist, something about her eyes that had some sort of control over her. She kissed Cindy harder and she felt her whole body responding to the kiss. She could feel her nipples begin to harden under her bra and she felt her pussy begin to get moist. She felt like she was living again. The kiss continued as she sucked Cindy's tongue into her mouth and she caressed it with her own tongue. She felt her breathing quicken and she finally ended the kiss so that she could catch her breath. Cindy pushed her on back so that she was leaning against the end of the couch and Cindy curled up against her. Molly then wrapped Cindy up in her arms.

"This is so wrong; nothing good can come of it." Molly said as she kissed Cindy's forehead.

"No, that's where you are wrong, this is what was meant to happen, this is our fate. I just had to keep pushing until you gave in." Cindy said as she rose up and kissed Molly lightly on the lips then she settled back down.

"So you were seducing me all along." Molly said.

"Well, trying to as best as I could." Cindy said. "I didn't exactly know what I was doing; I just knew I had to try. As soon as I saw you the first time, I knew that you were the one I was looking for."

"But I'm so much older than you and you had to know that I was straight." Molly said.

"Yea, well I'm into older women and I when I saw you looking at me that first day, I knew that you were interested."

"How could you know that? I didn't know that then nor do I still know that. I'm not completely convinced that this is going to work, or if I want it to work." Molly said as she began to wonder about Cindy.

"I saw it and I see it in your eyes. I saw it that first day and I saw it Saturday in the dressing room. You looked over every inch of my body and I know that your nipples were hard and there was a wet area in your panties." Cindy said.

Molly felt herself blush at Cindy's last statement and she wanted to

counter Cindy's argument but she knew that Cindy was right, at least about the dressing room.

"Well, I..." Molly started to say but she didn't know what to say. For the first time she could not come back with anything.

"Well, what? Does the great lawyer not have a comeback? Does she concede the point?" Cindy said with a giggle.

"Watch it there missy, or I'll..." Molly was saying.

"Or you'll what?" Cindy said as she looked up at Molly with a mischievous grin.

"Or I put you over my knee like your mama should have obviously done

more often." Molly said and then she pictured looking at Cindy's cute bottom

over her knee and it made her shiver and she knew that Cindy picked up on that. "Now I want to spank this girl, I am going crazy." Molly thought to herself.

"Is that a promise or a threat?" Cindy said and Molly saw that same mischievous grin, only her eyes had something else in them and that started her juices flowing.

"You'll regret that statement," Molly said as she pulled Cindy up to her and she put her hand to the back of Cindy's neck. She brought her head down slowly as she stared into those light blue eyes. Then she closed her eyes and she felt Cindy's lips on hers. Her lips felt so nice, softer than any man's lips that she had kissed. And Cindy didn't push anything, she let Molly control the kiss and that felt so natural to her. Like this was the way a kiss should be with her. As she kissed Cindy, she let her left hand go to her back and she ran her hand up and down Cindy's back. She felt Cindy's bra strap and she had an urge to unhook it. She let her hand go on down to Cindy's lower back and she went on down and her hand began to go up the rise to Cindy's butt. She let her hand rest on Cindy's butt cheeks and then she gave

her right cheek as squeeze. She felt Cindy moan into her mouth and Molly sucked Cindy's tongue into her mouth. Her hand pressed down on Cindy's butt and she could feel Cindy grind her pelvis into her. This made Molly moan and

she suddenly wanted to explore another woman's body but not any woman's body, she wanted Cindy's body. The kissing began to get more intense and she could feel Cindy begin to move her hands. They started at her arms but soon found their way to her chest. Molly sucked in her breath as she felt Cindy's hand cup her right breast. "Oh god" Molly mumbled into Cindy's lips as they kissed.

"It's me Shelly, I forgot my purse!" Molly heard Shelly shout from the front door.

"Oh fuck!" Molly said under her breath as she pushed Cindy off of her.

"Damn!" Cindy said aloud.

"What?" they heard Shelly say as they heard her footsteps approach Molly's office. They both scrambled to straighten out their clothes and hair

before Shelly got there.

"Nothing, what are you doing here, we thought you had left." Molly said as Shelly entered the room.

"I said I left my purse here. I got halfway home before I realized it was here. I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached. So what are you two still doing here?"

"Ahh... I was just going over some things I need to have Cindy take to the courthouse first thing in the morning. Wasn't I, honey?" Molly said not realizing that she had used "Honey" to Cindy.

"Yes, I'm getting them now." Cindy said as she quickly picked up on what Molly was hinting at. She grabbed a few files off Molly's desk and started for the door.

"I'll see you all in the morning, after I go to the courthouse." Cindy said.

"Sure I didn't interrupt anything?" Shelly said and Molly knew that Shelly wasn't buying the files and courthouse thing.

"No, everything is fine, why are you asking?"

"It's just that you were acting strange today and Cindy was very quite. She normally talks up a storm but today she hardly said a word. Is something

wrong, has she done something that I need to talk to her about? You had to go to the courthouse today and that was something Cindy could or should have done."

"No, she is doing great. Please don't say anything to her. You know how she is, she will just worry. I don't know about you but I'm ready to get out of here. Let's go." Molly said as she guided Shelly out of her office. Molly could feel the moisture on her panties and she hoped that Shelly didn't pick up on

her scent. But Shelly was pretty sharp and she knew that she would be the first to figure out what was going on.

Molly left with Shelly and she headed home wondering just what she had gotten herself into. She had meant to end it with Cindy before it started but did she do that, no, she did the opposite. She was now committed to Cindy and that was the last thing she wanted but then she remembered how Cindy's lips felt kissing her and when she felt Cindy touch her breast, she thought she was going to cum right then and there. The thought of making love to Cindy scared her but she also knew the very thought of doing that made her so excited. It scared her but also excited her. This was all going to be so confusing but she knew that she wanted Cindy. She wanted to know everything about this young girl that seemed to know what she wanted, the girl that had cast a spell upon her and she couldn't break free, not that she really wanted to at this point. But now she had to figure how they were going to work this. Obviously making out in her office wasn't such a good idea. She felt like a school girl getting caught making out in her daddy's car. This thought made her giggle. It was at this point that Molly realized that she had long since passed her house and she had to turn around to get home. She knew she was in deep shit, but she knew that the first day she laid eyes on Cindy. When she woke up the next morning, the sheets weren't tangled in her feet and she woke up with a smile, a smile that didn't seem to want to go away.

She got to the office as usual and put the coffee on to heat. She was kind of hoping that she would find Cindy already here but then she realized that she was being silly. She told herself to cool it; this wasn't the time or place for that type of thinking. She had to get her head back into the game.

So she went to her office with her cup of coffee and lit a cigarette. Once she finished the cigarette she started to get down to work but then she realized that Cindy had taken all of the files that were on her desk to "Go to the courthouse for her."

"Oh well, that figures" she thought. She then went to her computer and started to catch up on her emails. A little while later, she heard Shelly and then the other's voices. After the emails, she went to her voice mails and she took notes as the messages player. Soon she was deep into her work and had for the moment forgotten all about Cindy but then she heard the door open and she heard that voice that she had been waiting for. She listened for a few minutes as Cindy talked to Shelly. Then she heard Cindy say something about giving some files that she picked up at the courthouse for Molly. She heard the footsteps and then her phone rang. She wanted to ignore it but she knew that she had to take the call. She picked it up as Cindy came to the door and Molly motioned for her to come on in as she talked. Molly noticed that the file covers had changed since Cindy had picked them up the previous night and had to smile at her attempt at deception. Molly pointed at the chair in front of her desk and she watched Cindy sit and she lost her train of though when Cindy winked at her. Molly had to make the

caller repeat what they had said as she frowned at Cindy but it didn't faze her at all as a grin appeared on Cindy's face. Molly talked for a few minutes more then she was able to hang up.

"Did you have any trouble at the courthouse this morning?" Molly asked all business like.

"No it was no trouble at all; it was like getting to sleep in late on a workday." Cindy said with a smile and then she let out a little giggle.

"I bet it was." Molly said with laughing. Then she started to bring up the wink when her phone rang again.

"We on for a walk at lunch?" Cindy whispered as she got up. Molly smiled and shook her head yes.

It turned out to be a busy morning for both Molly and Cindy. Molly's

phone rang off the hook as in a matter of hours; she had picked up two nice accounts for her firm. It was two companies that she had handled at her previous firm. It seemed that they had gotten tired of being treated like their business didn't mean anything to the firm so within hours of each other they made a change to the person they knew would take care of them and treat them right. This meant a steady income for her firm. So she scheduled a meeting for the afternoon with all her associates, as she wanted them to be prepared for the meetings that they would have with their new clients the next day. She had one of them coming in the morning and one in the afternoon. She then sent gave Cindy a list of things to get for the next day. This kept Cindy busy all morning and it would start her off running the next

day as she had to pick up snacks for the meetings.

It was a couple of minutes after noon when Cindy returned from one of her errands and when she walked into Molly's office she found her sneaking in a cigarette.

"No comments, I need this one, it has been a very busy morning." Molly said trying to head off any comment from Cindy.

"Did I say anything? No, and I wasn't going to either." Cindy said. "So you ready, you definitely need to get out and relax a few minutes."

"You can say that again." Molly replied and then she saw Cindy smile

and start to say something so she continued with, "And don't even think about it!"

Cindy smiled real big and she held up her hands as if she wasn't even thinking about repeating what she had said but Molly knew that was exactly what Cindy was about to do.

"There are a few things I want to talk to you about." Molly said as they went out the door to go for their walk.

"What's that?" Cindy said as she slipped in close to Molly as they turned the corner and started down the sidewalk.

"We keep our... our whatever it is... away from work. No more kissing or winking at work. I'm still not sure of everything yet but I do know that we need to keep this away from work." Molly said as the turned the corner.

"I understand that won't be a problem." Cindy said. Then Molly felt something brush against her hand and the next thing that Molly knew Cindy was grasping her hand and entwining her fingers with Molly's.

"Didn't you just hear what I said and then agree with it?" Molly asked as she raised her hand with Cindy's hand firmly attached.

"Yes I heard but we aren't at work right now and no one will see us." Cindy said confidently.

"Are you always going to be like this, doing what I ask but then again not quite doing what I ask?" Molly asked with a smile.

"Yep!" Cindy said as she leaned over and gave Molly a quick kiss to the cheek.

"You are incorrigible." Molly said with a laugh as she squeezed Cindy's hand.

They talked and walked and as they came back around the block and were heading toward the office, Molly felt Cindy release her hand but as soon as they were past the office, she promptly took Molly's hand again. Molly knew that her life had changed forever, whether that was a good thing or not, she didn't know. As they came to the office again Cindy dropped her hand from Molly's but she did give it a squeeze before releasing it.

"You wouldn't be free for dinner tonight would you." Molly asked as they were going up the walk to the office.

"I think that I could free up my evening for you." Cindy said with a

sweet grin on her face.

"Good, then leave after work but come right back after everyone leaves and we will go someplace to eat." Molly said.

"Cool, our first date." Cindy whispered as she entered the door. Molly hesitated a second as Cindy's words hit her.

"She's right; I did just ask her out. I asked another woman out." Molly thought to herself and then she realized that Cindy was holding the door open for her and her eyebrows were arched as if asking what was holding Molly up.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about something."

"Me, I hope." Cindy said as her eyes sparkled.

Molly looked around and saw that they were alone, "Cindy, I can't believe you. You don't listen to a thing I say!" Molly said angrily then she

started to reach out for her but Cindy quickly jumped away laughing and then she ran into Molly's office.

"Cindy get out of there, everyone will be coming back from lunch any

second now." Molly called out as she headed after her. As soon as she entered her office, she felt a hand grab her arm and she was swung around. She found herself looking into Cindy's blue eyes and the anger she was feeling at her melted away. She felt Cindy's hand at the back of her neck and her head was being pulled forward. She didn't and couldn't resist her and soon they were kissing. Molly kissed Cindy back as she pinned her against the back of the door. The kiss went on until they heard a car pull up and they parted out of breath. Cindy smiled and she gave Molly a quick kiss. Then she

left the office before the door opened and Big Mama came in. Molly didn't see the look that Big Mama gave Cindy or the way Cindy was blushing from that look. Molly was too busy trying to figure out how she was ever going to

manage Cindy and she knew in her heart that there was no managing Cindy. She was a sprit that had magically appeared into her life.

The afternoon was a whirlwind of activity as Molly brought her associates up to date with their new clients. Sam had worked with Molly at their previous firm, with the clients so Molly asked him to give his input on them. The afternoon was a big brainstorm and Molly assigned Sam and Big Mama one of the accounts and she and Robert the other one. That way each client would have someone they were familiar with working for them. They worked until about six and when Molly came out, she found that Cindy had left. They were supposed to go out to dinner that night and now she was wondering where she was. She knew she should have gotten around to getting Cindy that cell phone. Molly bid everyone a good evening as she went

into her office. A couple minutes after everyone had left, that she heard the door opening and she felt the beginnings of a smile appearing on her face.

"You need to have shorter meetings. I have been driving around the block for over an hour." Cindy said as she appeared in the doorway.

"Is that so, you telling me how to run my firm now?" Molly said as she was getting up.

"Yep," Cindy said with a giggle.

"We'll see about that." Molly said as she stepped in front of Cindy.

She then leaned in and gave her a quick kiss.

"What about no kissing and stuff at the office." Cindy said as she took Molly's hand.

"Shut up and come along or you get no dinner." Molly said.

"You would send me home with no dinner?" Cindy said.

"Yep," Molly said in the same tone that Cindy had said "yep" earlier. This cause Cindy to giggle again and she stepped in close to Molly as she set the alarm and they went to Molly's car.

The first stop they made was at the cell phone store. There Molly helped Cindy to get a phone. Molly said the phone would be a way for her to contact her on nights like this and she could also use it for work, but any calls that were made for work, Molly said she would pay for. Cindy started to protest but the look Molly gave her, shut her up quickly. As they were leaving, Cindy said she forgot something and she went back into the store.

"Hello," Molly said as she looked at the unfamiliar number appearing on her phone.

"Hi sweetie, I wanted you to be the first person I called on my new phone." Molly heard Cindy say into her ear.

"You're silly; get your ass out here before I leave you." Molly said with a hint of a smile in her voice.

"You wouldn't dare!" Cindy said.

"Try me." Molly said and she turned to see Cindy bursting through the door of the store heading straight for her. Cindy gave her a kiss before she

got into the car.

Molly took Cindy to a restaurant that she had always wanted to try. She forwent all the upscale restaurants that she normally went to. This place was supposed to have great food and it also provided a bit of privacy which at this point was not a bad thing. They were met at the door and were taken to the back section which was reserved for smokers. This was one of the few places in town that still allowed you to smoke. They both ordered a diet coke to drink; Molly really wanted a glass of wine but since Cindy would not turn twenty one for three more years from Friday. They had a big party planned for Friday at the firm to celebrate Cindy turning eighteen. But, of course, Cindy didn't know this yet. When their drinks arrived, they both ordered steaks and as they waited for them to be cooked, Molly couldn't help it but to light up a cigarette.

"Do you mind, it has been a long day?" Molly said as she exhaled the

smoke and felt herself relaxing.

"Seeing how you already have it lit before asking, I don't mind at all." Cindy said with a straight face.

"I'm sorry, I can put it out." Molly said as she took a last puff and started to put it out in the ashtray.

"No, I was kidding. I don't mind." Cindy said as she grasped Molly's

hand keeping her from putting the cigarette out. Cindy then took the cigarette from the hand she was holding and held it out to Molly who took it

in her other hand. Cindy released Molly's hand but for a moment before she took it again, this time she entwined her fingers with Molly's fingers. Molly looked down at her hand holding Cindy's and she gave Molly's fingers a squeeze.

"So what you got planned for your birthday Friday, a night on the town." Molly asked smiling as she was fishing for information.

"No, I'm not much for partying or anything. I'll probably just stay at home with my parents." Cindy said with her mouth drooping a bit.

"Well, I am sure that they will want to celebrate your birthday with

you." Molly said.

"They have done that for the last seventeen years; I think that they

wouldn't mind doing it a day early if I had plans." Cindy said with a smile.

Molly knew what Cindy was doing and it was exactly the same thing she was doing. "So they wouldn't mind too much if someone from work would happen to ask you to dinner or something after work on Friday." Molly watched as Cindy's face lit up but she then added, "I heard that Shelly was going to take you out for your birthday." Molly then saw that Cindy's face all but dropped to the floor. "But I told her that since I was the boss, I got first dibs on taking you out for your birthday."

"You were messing with me all along!" Cindy cried as she got up and went to Molly and hugged her tight. Molly felt herself blushing but she also

felt good about what she had done.

"Yea, I wanted to do something for your birthday but wanted to make sure you really weren't doing anything." Molly said.

"I wasn't but I am now!" Cindy said as her face was all smiles.

Molly talked a little about work to get the conversation going and then she got Cindy to talk. She found that she was beginning to love to stare into Cindy's hypnotic eyes as she talked. They seemed to sparkle when she was talking about something good and they turned cold and sad when she talked about the opposite. Their steaks soon arrived and while their talking slowed

as they ate, they still kept the conversation going. They took their time in

the restaurant and stayed long enough for Molly to smoke a couple after dinner cigarettes. It was starting to get late so they made a stop at the restrooms before heading to Molly's car. Molly hit the button to unlock the car and she went to Cindy's door to help her inside and when she closed the door she wondered just why she had done that. When she got to her side of the car, she saw that Cindy had reached over and opened her door for her. Molly slid into the seat and she looked over at Cindy and she had a far off look in her eyes. Molly shut her door and she turned toward Cindy only to find her leaning toward her. Molly closed her eyes and accepted Cindy's kiss.

Molly felt her heart flutter at the first touch of Cindy's soft lips and she put her hand to Cindy's shoulder and pulled her closer. Molly parted her

lips and she moved her tongue out and she ran it along Cindy's front teeth and she heard Cindy groan. Cindy opened her mouth and Molly moved her tongue a little deeper and she felt Cindy's tongue. She circled Cindy's tongue with her own as the kiss became more passionate. Molly moved her hand down to Cindy's side and she felt Cindy suck in her breath. Then Molly felt the need to touch Cindy a little more intimately. She had never had that urge before and she didn't know why she was feeling it now but she was. She slowly moved her hand upward and inward and she began to feel the swell of Cindy's breast. She felt her heard beating wildly and she could also feel Cindy's heart beating just as fast. Molly paused a second, then she moved her hand up the swell and then she was cupping Cindy's breast. It was so soft and it felt so natural for her to be grasping it. Molly gently squeezed Cindy's breast and she heard Cindy moan into the kiss. Molly felt her own nipple begin to harden and her pussy was getting wet. Molly moved her fingers across Cindy's nipple. It was as hard as a rock and she felt Cindy break off

the kiss as she needed to breathe. Cindy grasped for her breath as she moved her hand to cover Molly's hand with her own. Cindy curled her hand around Molly's head and brought her in for another kiss. Molly kissed her hard and she continued to caress Cindy's breast. Molly began to feel an itch

down deep, an itch that had not been scratched in a long, long time, one that was now wide awake. She felt Cindy's searching out her breast and she turned slightly in her seat to help her. When Cindy's hand touched her breast, Molly pulled her lips away from Cindy's lips and she moaned aloud. They were both gasping for their breaths as they kissed and caressed each other. It was only when the car parked behind them turned on their lights thus lighting up the car that Molly realized where she was and what she was doing and who she was doing it with. She sat back in her seat and Cindy did the same as they both slowly calmed down. Molly couldn't believe that she was necking in a car. She had never done that, not even when she was in high

school. She looked over at Cindy and she knew that she wanted to do much more with her than kiss and caress.

"I think we had better go, we both have a long day tomorrow." Molly said as she buckled her seatbelt and she started her car. Cindy only nodded but she didn't say anything but then she didn't need to. Molly gave her a last kiss when Cindy got out of her car at the office. Molly didn't get far down the road when she heard her cell phone ring. She looked at the number and this time she recognized the number.

"Hello Cindy,"

"I forgot to tell you to have sweet dreams tonight." Cindy said.

"Sweet dreams to you too, now get on home and get some sleep." Molly

said smiling.

"You too, bye-bye," Cindy said and then Molly heard her disconnect.

Molly woke the next morning feeling pretty good. She had a big day coming; these accounts would put her firm on solid ground as it would give them a steady income every month. As she showered, her mind left her work and went back to the night before in the car. She could feel Cindy's breast in her hand and it felt so good. The memory was so clear in her mind she found that she was looking at the very hand that had touched Cindy. She knew she was fast approaching the point of no return, if she hadn't already passed it. Molly felt her nipples tighten and she put her hands to her breasts and she squeezed them. She felt herself shiver even under the warm spray of the shower. She caressed her breasts and then she began to pinch her nipples and that made her moan. Her fingers started to pull on her

nipples and then her mind went to Cindy and she could picture Cindy in the shower with her. It was Cindy pulling on her nipples and caressing her breasts. That made her moan louder and she felt her juices start to flow. She moved a hand to her pussy and she felt the trimmed hair and she could feel that her pussy was wet with her juices. She began to run her fingers up

and down her slit and she slipped a finger into her pussy. She moved it in and out pretending that it was Cindy's finger. Her knees got weak and she had to

lean against the shower wall and she fucked her pussy harder. She took her other hand from her breast and she began to caress her clit. She moaned aloud and she began to feel a tingling in her belly. It had been years since

she had last had an orgasm and this felt so good. She worked her clit harder

as the need to cum became stronger. Her clit was hard and she circled it with her fingers. She felt her pussy grip her finger and she pushed a second

finger into her pussy. She fucked her pussy as she knew Cindy would and she had the picture of Cindy's lovely face in her mind as she felt the first waves of her orgasm wash over her. She cried out and she felt her stomach spasm as she enjoyed the feeling of pleasure wash over her. As she recovered from her orgasm, Molly knew that she was lost; there was no way she could stop what she had already begun with Cindy.

The day went by fast and furious and she thought that both meetings went well with their new clients. All of her associates came through like she knew they would and the clients seemed satisfied that they would get the attention that they thought they deserved and wasn't getting at Molly's old firm. Once both meetings were over with, she had one last meeting with her associates and they divided the work between them. It would add to all their

work loads but not so much that they would be overburden. Molly knew that if things continued to grow, then she would have to add another associate or

two but that was something to worry about later. By the time the meeting with her associates ended, Cindy had already left for the day and Molly had to admit that she missed not being able to say good night to her. So Molly packed up her things and headed for her home.

Molly had just sat down and lit up a cigarette when she heard the doorbell ring. "Oh god, I'm too tired for guests tonight, maybe they will go

away." Molly thought to herself but then she heard the ringing of the doorbell becoming more insistent. "Goddamit, go away!" Molly shouted silently but then she pushed her tired body up from the comfortable chair that she was sitting in. She went to the door and opened it to find herself looking at someone holding a paper bag in front of her.

"God, you are slow!" Molly heard coming from the other side of the bag and she stepped aside to let Cindy in.

"What are you doing here?" Molly said as her mood suddenly changed from being too tired to poop to feeling a renewed energy.

"Cooking you some dinner, I knew you would be tired and probably too

wired to do anything after the day you had." Cindy replied as she went into the kitchen.

"You had just as busy a day." Molly said as she followed her into the kitchen.

"Yes but the pressure wasn't on me today, it was on you. You are responsible for the firm and its success depends on you, not me." Cindy said.

"Now you are making me feel tired." Molly said with a slight laugh.

"See, I told you so. Now sit down and let me fix you a cup of tea." Cindy said.

"I never was much a tea drinker; I'm more of a coffee drinker." Molly said as she started toward her coffee pot.

"I told you to sit down, now do it!" Cindy demanded and Molly immediately sat down. "Good, this tea you will like."

Molly sat as Cindy heated some water then she poured it into a cup. She then got a tea bag from her purse and dipped it into the tea. She put just a little cream and sugar into the tea and handed it to her. Molly took a tentative sip.

"This isn't bad, what type of tea is this?" Molly asked.

"If I told you then I would have to kill you." Cindy said with a grin.

She then started to talk about everything and nothing as she frolicked around the kitchen finding the pans and dishes. Molly followed the

conversation as best she could but she began to feel the day catching up with her. Molly added a word to what ever Cindy was talking about but mostly she just listened. Before she knew it, Cindy was putting a plate of food in front of her and she started to eat.

"This is not bad, girl." Molly said and she started to eat faster.

"You were hungrier than you thought you were." Cindy replied with a smug smile.

Cindy then started to talk again and she continued to do so until they both had cleaned their plates. They sat and talked a few minutes more when Molly felt a yawn come on that she couldn't stop.

"It's time for you to lay down girl." Cindy told her.

"No, I can help you clean up." Molly said as another yawn hit her.

"Nope, I made the mess, I can clean it up. You are going to lie down

and rest." Cindy said as she came over to her. Molly didn't resist too much as she went with Cindy to the living room and lay down on the couch. Molly thought a short nap would do her good and then she would get in there and help Cindy clean up. She closed her eyes and then she heard a voice in the kitchen. It was soft and gentle and sounded so nice. Molly then realized that she was hearing Cindy singing as she worked. She wanted to tell Cindy she had a beautiful voice but sleep over took her. Somewhere in the fog of her dreams, she felt someone covering her up and then she felt soft lips kissing

her lips.

"Sleep well my darling, my love." Molly heard in the back of her brain and it made her happy.

Molly heard the alarm go off and she reached over to turn it off and

she almost fell off the couch. She tried to figure out why she was on the couch and then she remembered laying down last night and then nothing much else. But then the buzzing of the alarm clock was getting to her so she

sat up and found the clock and turned it off. She wondered just what Cindy put in her tea to knock her out but she was watching her the whole time and she didn't do anything unusual or suspicious. Plus she didn't feel drugged. She felt like she just had a good nights sleep, but she was going to ask Cindy about it today.

"Okay fess up, just what did you put into my tea last night?" Molly asked Cindy as they turned the corner on their lunch hour.

Cindy laughed aloud as she took Molly's hand, "So you think I drugged you last night?"

"No, not really but how did I sleep so well? I was too tired and my brain was working overtime to sleep last night."

"Years ago my mom found this herbal tea in a Chinese food store. The

old Chinese lady that ran the store said that it was known for its calming effect. My mom bought some and took it home and found that the lady was right. She went right back and bought more. Then she used it on us when ever someone was upset or feeling bad. She was also known for bringing it out on Christmas Eve. For some reason, I always slept through the night and they were able to put my toys together and actually get some sleep before I woke up the next morning." Cindy said laughing. "So anyway, I just borrowed some from her yesterday as I knew that you would need it last night and I was right." Cindy said proudly.

"Yes you were and I didn't think that you drugged me but next time, tell me about it first." Molly said.

"Well the secret is out now so when I fix you a cup of tea, you will

know which is sooner than I ever knew. When I was upset, mom use to make me a cup of her tea and sit with me as I drank it and we talked. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep. I always thought it was the talk that calmed me down and made me feel better, which it did, but the tea did its part too." Cindy said with a laugh.

"Your mother is one smart lady, you know that?" Molly told her as she gave her hand a squeeze.

"Yes she is, that is why I'm so smart." Cindy said with another laugh.

"That you are, don't sell yourself short." Molly cautioned her.

"I also served you a turkey breast last night; I figured that the turkey couldn't hurt." Cindy said with a smile.

"You covered every angle, didn't you?"

"Yep, I always do." Cindy said with smug smile.

"I'm beginning to realize that young lady." Molly said.

Friday finally arrived and Molly woke up wondering just what the day

would hold. They were having a party for Cindy at work during lunch but it was after work that Molly was wondering about. She had gone out the night before and bought Cindy an expensive necklace for her birthday and she wondered if that was such a good idea but it was too late to change her mind

now. She got ready for work and then left wondering if she was up to this. When she got there, she made her morning coffee and headed to her office. She lit up a cigarette and sat back and let the smoke relax her. She knew if

she didn't relax, she would be a mess by the day's end. Soon she head everyone begin to arrive and the day soon got started. She didn't get to see

Cindy until later on, when Cindy was manning the switchboard. Molly noticed that she wasn't happy and she went out there to see what was wrong.

"Why the long face?" Molly asked.

"Shelly said she had to run some errands and I asked why I couldn't do them since it was my job. She just said this was too important to trust to me. What did I do wrong?" Cindy asked and Molly could see that she was truly worried but Molly couldn't help to laugh which made things worse for Cindy.

"What's so funny, this is my job we are talking about?" Cindy said now she was really about to cry.

"Honey, what is today?" Molly said.

"It's Friday!" Cindy said getting frustrated.

"What else is it? What else is today? Have you forgotten already?" Molly asked smiling.

"It's my birthday?" Cindy asked.

"Yes and do you think it would be nice to have the birthday girl pick up her own cake and stuff. That is what is too important for you to do." Molly said then she continued, "I can't believe that you forgot your birthday already, maybe I don't need to take you out to dinner tonight and I can take

your present back." Molly said.

"Don't you dare!" Cindy said and about this time Big Mama came out of her office.

"Don't you dare what?" she asked.

"Oh nothing," Molly said as she winked at Cindy causing her to giggle.

"Nothing my big fat ass," Big Mama said with a laugh and then she gave them both a knowing look as she went to the kitchen to start cooking their lunch.

This caused Molly and Cindy to both laugh. Molly then went back to her office and she wondered just how much Big Mama knew about what was going on between her and Cindy. But that was something to worry about another day; she had enough on her mind today. When Shelly came back, she went straight up to the conference room and Molly joined her there. They worked to set the room up. They always did something for the person having a birthday but since this was Cindy's first birthday and the fact that it was also her eighteenth birthday, they went all out. It wasn't long before Sam and Robert joined them in the conference room. Molly knew that this was killing Cindy having to sit down at the switchboard and not knowing what was

going on. They all helped Big Mama bring up the food that Cindy wasn't allowed to see, she could only smell the food as it was being cooked. When noon arrived, Molly was elected to go down and get the birthday girl. When she got there, she put the "closed for lunch" sign up and then she made Cindy put a blindfold on. She escorted her up the stairs and when they entered the conference room, she left her there and joined the rest of her workers.

"You can take your blindfold off now." Big Mama told Cindy and as she did, they all started to sing "Happy Birthday" to her. Molly watched Cindy as she looked around the room that was decorated for her. There were streamers running across the room and a Happy Eighteenth Birthday banner on the back wall. There was also a full dinner laid out on the table that Big Mama had cooked in the kitchen. By the time they had finished the song, they had Cindy in tears. Molly knew that the tears weren't from their singing. She also knew that with Cindy's voice, the next person's birthday Cindy would do a solo. Once the singing was done, they put Cindy art the head of the table where Molly usually sat and they began to eat. Everyone was asking Cindy what she was going to do that night since she was finally legal

and even Molly asked as she prayed that Cindy would be discrete. Cindy was looking directly at Molly as she started to speak and Molly knew she was going to spill the beans when she said that her parents were taking her out to dinner. Big Mama said that she was a good daughter to want to spend her birthday with her parents and Cindy blushed but not for the reason everyone thought she was blushing for. They all ate and had a good time, most of coming at Cindy's expense but she ate it all up. Molly figured that she had never been the center of attention in her life with her mother always being ill but now she could be. Molly couldn't count the number of times that they

made Cindy blush. Then it came time for Cindy to cut the cake and finally the presents. Sam gave Cindy a pretty blouse and when she opened Robert's present there was matching slacks. They then confessed that their wives got together and did the shopping. Big Mama then told her that she should be grateful for small wonders and they got a big laugh from everyone. Big Mama got her some simple tops that she could wear with about anything. Then it came time for Molly's present. Cindy opened it and found a beautiful

set of ear rings which Cindy would later discover would match her necklace. She put them on and showed them off to everyone. Cindy then gave everyone a hug, with her hug to Molly having an added squeeze. They talked for a few minutes more then it was time to go to work. Cindy refused to let anyone else take down the decorations and clean up the food. She said they did all the work getting it ready so she would take it down. But as everyone left she hugged everyone again saying it was her best birthday ever.

Molly caught Cindy later that afternoon and told her to come over to

her house at about six and they would leave from there. This would cut it close but she had a reservation at a nice restaurant for six forty-five and that was as late as she could make it. To get a later time, you would have to make the reservation long ahead and Molly didn't know she was going to do this until the first of the week. So at five sharp, Molly was out the door beating everyone else and that never happened. She sped all the way home and praying that they would be no cops and she got lucky. She made the thirty minute trip in less than twenty. As soon as she was inside of her door, she started to strip so that by the time she was in her bathroom, she only had to peel her panty hose off and jump into the shower. She washed her hair and then her body in record time and she blew dried her auburn hair and

fixed it up. She then applied a bit of make-up and a dab of her favorite perfume behind her ears and between her breasts. She then hurried to her bedroom to decide what to wear. She knew that she should have made her decision last night but she plain old forgot and now she was paying for that

lapse of memory. She went to the closet and for a moment she was paralyzed from the choices. She cursed herself for being a clothes hog but that was for another day. She quickly went through her closet and found a dark blue dinner dress that went to her ankles. It had an opened back and a slit up the side. She knew she looked sexy in this dress. She had bought it a week before catching her husband fucking his intern so she had never gotten a chance to wear it. She grabbed a pair of shear panties and slipped them on, then slipped the dress over her head. She adjusted it and looked in the mirror and she knew she was dressed to kill. As she was adjusting her hair, she heard the doorbell ring. She rushed barefoot toward the front door, when she saw herself in the mirror in the living room. She saw how fancy her

dress was and then she thought about Cindy's dresses. She was suddenly scared that she had over dressed but hearing the doorbell ring again, she knew it was too late to change now. She went to the door and opened it. She then sucked in her breath at what she saw.

"Damn girl, you are beautiful." Molly said as her eyes locked on Cindy's tight mid thigh dress.

"You are even more beautiful." Cindy said as Molly saw her eyes going up and down her body. Molly was more relieved that she hadn't overdressed and now she was wishing that she had picked something that she could wear a bra with as she felt her nipples tightening.

"Where are my manners, come on in as I get my shoes and purse." Molly said as she stepped aside and let Cindy in. She watched Cindy walk in and her eyes focused in on Cindy's ass as it went by her. The tight dress framed her ass and Molly just wanted to caress it. She then told herself to cool it or she would have to change her panties before she got out the door.

She went back to her bedroom and found a pair of shoes that would work with the dress and then she found the matching purse. She pulled her card holder that held her credit cards and drivers license and put it in the new purse and then she grabbed some money and a few tissues an stuffed them in. She did a last look at her makeup and went to find Cindy.

"You ready?" Molly said as she entered the living room where Cindy was putting some lip gloss on.

"Oh... yes." Cindy said as she held out her hand to Molly who took it as if it was a natural thing to do.

"Good, I am getting a little hungry. Hell, I am starving to death. I

don't know why, I ate too much at lunch but it has been a busy day and I have been running around all day."

"You and me both," Cindy said as she slipped into the passenger seat

after Molly had opened the door for her.

Molly went around and got in the drivers seat and she looked over at

Cindy who was putting her hair back in a clip and Molly noticed the earrings

that she had given her earlier that day. This made her smile and Cindy smiled with her as she knew that Molly just saw her earrings. Molly took off and they headed toward the restaurant. They talked about Cindy's day and how she liked the party that everyone at work had gotten her. Molly then asked about what her parents had gotten her and she saw that Cindy was blushing a little, which made Molly press more. Cindy finally confessed that

her mother had gotten her some panties and bras, some of which were very sexy. She said that it surprised her that her mother would do such a thing but then she said that her mother said that she thought that she would need them, since she was out in the world now and would finally start to date. This made her giggle a bit and Molly did the same. Her father went more conservative as he got her some stuff for her car. They talked until they got to the restaurant and as Molly hoped, Cindy was impressed. They went in and were taken to their table immediately, which was in the smoking section. Molly knew as the night went on she would get more nervous and she would need a cigarette or two or three.

Cindy was afraid at first to order anything as she kept looking at the prices. Finally Molly took the menu away from her and she read it to her until she found something that Cindy wanted. She then ordered for both of them and they sipped their tea as Molly smoked her cigarette and Cindy talked. Molly could tell from her voice the Cindy was a little nervous as she was talking a bit faster than usual. But after their food came, the conversation

slowed as they ate and Molly felt a little calmer and she could tell Cindy was finally relaxing. After dinner, the waiter and all his fellow waiters came up behind Cindy singing "Happy Birthday" and brought her a small piece of cake with a lighted candle. Cindy blushed and swore to kill Molly as soon as they

got outside.

After Molly paid, Molly started to head for her home. They were both

quite and once on the road, Molly felt Cindy reach over and take her hand. This made her feel a little calmer but still there was a burning question that was in her mind. She knew she would ask Cindy inside but she was afraid that

when she asked Cindy that, she would say "No" but then again she was afraid that she would say "Yes". The time had come to either do something or forget it and Molly was never one to avoid doing the hard things in life.

"Would you like to come in for a few minutes?" Molly said as she turned to Cindy.

"Yes, I'd love to." Cindy said and Molly noticed that Cindy's hand had begun to sweat and she knew that meant that Cindy was as nervous as she was.

"Good, I got something to show you." Molly said as she got out of the car.

"What is that?"

"You will just have to wait and see." Molly said smiling.

"I hate when people do that?" Cindy said as she came around to car to Molly's side, taking her hand again.

"Do what dear?"

"Tell you something but then don't really tell you."

"Well if that is the way you feel about it, then forget I brought it up. It really wasn't anything anyway."

"Noo.... You don't. You got to show me now!" Cindy demanded. "You can't take it back!"

"Sure I can, in fact I just did." Molly said as she reached for her keys. She loved to mess with Cindy and she was so easy to do that with. But she knew she could only take it so far.

"Pleaseee..." Cindy pleaded.

"Well maybe, if you are a good girl." Molly said as she opened the door and let Cindy inside.

"Oh, I'm a very good girl." Cindy said and her voice becoming very sexy.

"I bet you are." Molly said as she reset the alarm. She then turned to face Cindy and she knew from the look in her eyes what Cindy wanted to happen tonight. This made Molly's stomach flip and she knew she needed to relax a bit.

"Would you like a glass of wine?" Molly asked.

"That would be nice but I don't really drink." Cindy said.

"Don't worry; I don't plan on getting you drunk." Molly said as she winked at her. "Have a seat in the living room and I will be right back."

Molly went on into the kitchen and got a bottle of chilled wine from

the refrigerator. The bottle almost fell from her hand as she realized that Cindy's hands weren't the only ones sweating. "Get a grip!" Molly said to herself as she got a couple of glasses from the cabinet. She poured them both a glass of wine and grabbed her cigarettes from her purse and then she saw the small package within. She thought about how to give it to Cindy then

she got an idea. As she started back toward the living room she heard a song

come on the stereo. It was an old song from a brother and sister group from the seventies. She had loved the singer and had worked hard to find all their songs. As she got closer, she heard Cindy's voice join that of the singer and it was almost as beautiful as the singer and Molly didn't thinking and anyone could get close to her voice. As she entered the bedroom Cindy was singing "Rainy days and Mondays always get me down..." but then she stopped when she saw Molly watching her.

"Sorry, I love that song, it is so beautiful." Cindy said blushing at being caught singing.

"No please continue, you have a beautiful voice, please don't stop."

Molly said sincerely. Cindy smiled and then she started to sing again, putting her whole soul in the song.

"You do have a beautiful voice, I wasn't lying." Molly said as she handed Cindy her glass of wine.

"Thank you." Cindy said as she blushed again.

"To a great eighteen birthday, and to many, many more." Molly toasted Cindy and raised her glass to her. Cindy clinked her glass and the both took a sip of wine.

"Thank you, I don't think I could have a better one than I am having

now." Cindy said.

"So have you ever considered singing professionally?" Molly said as she lit up a cigarette.

"My mother tried to get me to do that. She used to enter me into all

these talent contests and I won a bunch but then it got to be work so I quit. It up set her a bit I think but she respected my wishes. I just like to sing, I don't want to do it as a job." Cindy said as she took another small sip of wine.

"I can understand that. I love to sing too but I can't carry a tune if my life depended on it. So I restrict my singing to the shower and the car. That way no ones eardrums will be put into jeopardy." Molly said as she laughed.

Cindy laughed with her before saying, "It couldn't be that bad."

"Oh yes it could." Molly said.

"Show me, let me listen to you sing." Cindy said daringly.

"There is no way in hell that is going to happen, little girl." Molly said as she put her cigarette out in the ashtray.

She then sat back and took a sip of her wine and she looked at Cindy, who was staring back at her. Molly wanted to say something but nothing would come to her head. She looked at Cindy's blue eyes and she felt her soul start to slip away. Molly could see that Cindy's eyes had this far away look

and Molly had to look away from those eyes but her own eyes betrayed her as they stayed on Cindy. They drifted down to her breasts as they stood out in the tight dress that she was wearing. Molly's eyes went on down to Cindy's hips and she wanted to place her hands on those hips. Cindy's dress had slipped up and Molly could see most of her thighs. They were so smooth and white. Molly felt her nipples tighten and her pussy begin to moisten. When her eyes got back up to Cindy's eyes she found that her eyes weren't the only ones wandering. She also noticed that Cindy's breathing was a little faster than it was before. Molly knew she wanted to kiss Cindy right then but something stopped her.

"I forgot all about what I was going to show you. Would you go into the kitchen and get my purse for me?" Molly said as she was finally able to break her eyes away from Cindy.

"Sure," Cindy said with more than a little disappointment in her voice. She then got up and went toward the kitchen with Molly's eyes glued to her ass the whole way.

Molly got up and began to pace the floor. She thought about giving Cindy the necklace and then sending her on her way. She just didn't need this in her life. She had what she wanted and the last thing she needed was love to come in and complicate everything. And with this love being another woman would only make it that much worse. She just didn't need this. That is

what she would do she decided then Cindy walked into the living room and Molly just stood there staring at her. "Oh god, I can't give her up." Was what went through her mind in that instant.

"Come here by the mirror." Molly told her and she did. "Now face the

mirror and close your eyes." She continued as Cindy's face gave her a questioning look. "I'm not going to bite you, just do as I say." Molly continued with a soft smile.

Cindy turned toward the mirror and closed her eyes. Molly took the purse for her hands and she opened it. She took the little box out and opened it quietly. Her hands were shaking as she took the necklace out and she had to make her hands stop shaking before she could open the clasp. She then put the necklace around Cindy's lovely neck and shut the clasp.

"Now you can open your eyes." Molly said as she watched the eyes open and she saw them light up at the sight of the beautiful diamond necklace that matched the earrings that she had given her earlier that day.

"Oh my god, it is beautiful, but you didn't have to give me anything

more. The earrings were enough." Cindy said as her fingers came up to feel the diamond necklace that now adorned her neck.

Molly knew she had she had made the right choice in getting Cindy the necklace. She saw the tears begin to run down Cindy's eyes. She turned Cindy around and she hugged her to her body.

"Happy Birthday baby," Molly whispered into Cindy's ear. Then she felt Cindy grip her tighter and she felt tears begin to run down her own cheeks. They held each other as they cried and then she felt Cindy pull back. Molly looked into Cindy's eyes as they grew wide. Molly knew what she wanted, what she had missed all her life. What she thought that she had found a couple of times in her life only to find that she was wrong. Molly brought her hands up and she tenderly wiped the tears from Cindy's eyes. She then slowly leaned in and she closed her eyes as she felt Cindy's lips touch hers.

Molly kept the kiss soft and tender. She moved her lips across Cindy's lips and she could feel Cindy's hand caress her bare back. Molly kept her hands on Cindy's face as she kissed her. The kiss went on for what seemed an eternity. Molly ended the kiss and she moved her hands down to Cindy's hips.

"That was nice." Molly said softly as she got her breathing to slow down.

"Very nice," Cindy echoed.

Molly pulled Cindy back against her and she closed her eyes as she kissed Cindy again. This time she quickly opened her mouth and she slipped her tongue into Cindy's mouth. She moved it along the edge of Cindy's front teeth and then on into her mouth. She heard Cindy moan and she heard Cindy moan louder when she moved her hands from Cindy's hips to her ass. They were so firm that as she caressed them, she found that Cindy wasn't the only one moaning as they kissed. She then felt Cindy's hands on her ass and they started to squeeze her buns. That caused Molly to moan more and she had to break of the kiss for a second. They hugged each other as their hands became more aggressive. Then their lips came back together in a passionate kiss. Molly opened her mouth and this time Cindy moved her tongue into her mouth. Molly began to suck on the tongue as she ground her hips into Cindy's hips. Molly's body was responding to the kissing and the feel of Cindy's body against her body. Her nipples were hard and her panties were

getting soaked. She wanted to see and feel more of Cindy's body but she wasn't sure how to go about getting her out of her clothes. She continued to

kiss and caress Cindy's body but then she felt Cindy trying to slip her hand

under the back of her dress but like Cindy's dress, hers was a bit tight. So

Molly broke off the kiss and she gave Cindy a few more kisses on her lips. She then pulled back from Cindy and she reached behind her neck and unhooked her dress. She pulled the dress around and then she slowly let it fall exposing her breasts. Her thirty-six old C cup breasts sagged only a bit and her nipples were sticking out begging to be touched. She slipped the dress on down past her hips and she let it fall to the ground. This left her

standing in only her shear red panties that gave an outline of her trimmed auburn pubic hair and what she knew was a huge wet spot in the center. She looked up at Cindy wondering if Cindy approved of what she was looking at. She quickly got her answer as Cindy stepped in and she cupped her breasts. Her hands were soft and they didn't just smash them in her hands like all the men in her life had done. Instead she softly squeezed them and she ran her fingers all around the breasts before she finally got to her nipples. She teased them and Molly moaned aloud. This was how she liked to be treated; slowly, softly, and lovingly. Molly looked down as Cindy dipped her head down and she felt her lips encompass her right nipple.

"Oh gawd baby, that feels so damn good." Molly moaned as she put her

hand to the back of Cindy's head and held her in place. Molly could feel Cindy smile as she sucked harder on her nipple. Molly's hands left Cindy's head when she knew Cindy wasn't going to leave her breasts and she moved them to Cindy's back and then on around her body. She felt the swell of Cindy's breasts and then she was cupping them in her hands. They felt so good and she began to caress them through her clothes. She heard Cindy moan as Cindy's lips moved from her right breast to her left one. Molly moved her fingers to Cindy's nipples and she could feel how hard they were even through the clothes. But Molly wanted more so she pulled Cindy from her breast and she saw the disappointment in her eyes as if she was doing something wrong but Molly reassured her by kissing her lips and then she turned Cindy around. She slowly unzipped Cindy's dress and she pushed it off

her shoulders. She pulled the dress down Cindy's body exposing her back to her. The dress went on down and Cindy's hips came into view and finally her panty covered ass. The panties were made of a black lace material and they cupped Cindy's ass cheeks perfectly. Molly let the dress fall and Cindy stepped sideways out of it. She started to turn around but Molly held her in

place. She first cupped Cindy's ass in her hands and she sighed. Nothing felt so perfect in her hands before. She caressed them through the lace material of the panty. Then she gave them a gentle squeeze. She then ran her fingers up Cindy's back and she saw the goose bumps appear on her skin. She got to Cindy's bra and she unhooked it. She pushed the bra over Cindy's shoulders and she let it fall off of Cindy's breasts. Cindy finished taking her bra off her arms and she let it drop to the ground. Cindy then turned her head around and she looked into Molly's eyes with a nervous smile. Molly smile back and she slipped her hands around Cindy's sides and on to the front of her body. Molly brought her lips to Cindy's and kissed her. They kissed as their tongues danced their own dance. Molly eased her hands up and she cupped Cindy's bare breasts. They were smaller than her own breasts but they fit into her hands perfectly. She felt and heard Cindy moan as they kissed. Molly caressed Cindy's breasts tenderly and she felt her melt into her arms. She held her tightly as she kissed her and caressed her breasts. She began to tweak Cindy's nipples and she felt them grow even harder. Molly felt Cindy hands reach back and grasp her hips and then on back to her

ass. Molly pushed her hips forward and she rubbed her pussy against Cindy's ass. Molly slipped a hand down Cindy's stomach and she came to the top of her panties. She slipped her fingers under the panties and she felt Cindy's pubic hair. It was soft and fine and after hesitating a second she went on down and the felt the top of Cindy's pussy. This was the first pussy she had

ever touched other than her own. She had never imagined ever doing this much less wanting to but there was nothing right now she wanted to do more. Her fingers ventured on down and the felt Cindy's clit trying to peek from its hood. Cindy moaned loudly and she pushed her hips forward. Molly teased the clit a second with her finger tips and then she let her fingers venture n down and she could feel the wetness coming from Cindy's pussy. She cupped Cindy's pussy in her hand and she felt Cindy shiver and then moan loudly. She began to stroke Cindy's pussy with her fingers, running them up and down her

slit. Cindy kissed her harder and she was moaning and groaning. Molly then felt Cindy's knees go weak and she knew that they needed to go to her bedroom and quickly. Molly removed her fingers from Cindy's pussy and that brought forth a groan from Cindy. She turned Cindy around and held her tightly.

"I think I know a better place to do this." Molly whispered into Cindy's ear as she kissed it tenderly.

"Hurry, please..." Cindy replied as she kissed Molly's throat.

When they got to her bedroom, Molly left Cindy standing as she turned down the covers. She then turned to face Cindy standing there in only her panties and Molly knew she had never seen a creature so beautiful before. But Cindy also looked as nervous and scared as she felt.

"I've never done this with a woman before." Molly confessed.

"I've never done it with anyone before." Cindy confessed back, but then she continued with "But I know I want to make love to you tonight."

"I want to make love to you too." Molly said, knowing that she was telling the truth. Molly then held out her hand and Cindy took it. Molly pulled her in close and they kissed as their arms wrapped around each other. The kiss was slow and sensual. They both knew that they were going to make love so there was no need to push things, they could let it go slowly from now on. Molly let her fingers dance up and down Cindy's bare back. She would go to the top of Cindy's panties then back up. She felt Cindy's fingers tenderly caressing her back and shoulders. Molly opened her mouth and they kissed that way for a moment then their lips would close again. Molly kissed her way to Cindy's neck and she kissed her there but she would then go back to Cindy's sweet soft lips. She felt Cindy's breasts and nipples rub against her nipples and breasts. "This is how making love should be." Molly thought to herself. She squeezed Cindy tighter against her body; she didn't want to ever let her go.

But the need for Cindy began to grow within her body, she kissed Cindy lightly on the lips a few times then she pulled back and she led Cindy

to her bed. She had her lay down on the center of then bed then she joined her there. Molly lay partly on top of her and she began to kiss Cindy again.

Molly ran her fingers up and down Cindy's right arm as she kissed her lips, cheeks, eyes, throat and then back to her lips. She felt Cindy begin to stir

beneath her and she knew the time had come, whether she was ready for it or not. Molly kissed her way down Cindy's throat to her chest. She looked down at Cindy's bare breasts which were pointing back at her. The areoles were small and the nipples hard. Molly bent down and tenderly kissed each nipple and she heard Cindy moan. Cindy's skin tasted salty from the sweat and excitement. Molly cupped Cindy's right breast in her hand and she took the nipple into her mouth. She sucked softly at first but as Cindy pushed her breasts upward, Molly sucked a little harder. Cindy groaned and Molly felt Cindy's hand on the back of her neck. Molly knew that she was doing something right. Molly squeezed the breast as she sucked and bit gently on the nipple that she was sucking. Soon Molly left this breast and went to the

other one. She kissed it and then she sucked it into her mouth. Molly was getting into this big time; she never knew making love could like this. Molly sucked and kissed this nipple and went back to the other one. Then she felt Cindy start to push her downward.

This was the scary part for Molly, "What if she didn't know what to do when she got there, what if she didn't like the taste, what if her strict catholic upbringing kept her from going on." These thoughts went swirling around her head. But they didn't stop her as she kissed her way down Cindy's

body. As she got to Cindy's panties, she picked up on the smell of Cindy's arousal. This scent only served to increase her own arousal. She kissed the top of Cindy's panties and she kept kissing her way down until she got to Cindy's pussy. She tasted Cindy's juices through the lace material of her panties and she liked the taste. She kissed her way down Cindy's pussy and then back up to the top of her panty. She got up on her knees and she put her hands to the sides of Cindy's panties and began to pull them down. She watched as Cindy's brown pubic hair came into view. She kept pulling until the top of Cindy's pussy came into view. The lips were pink and swollen with her

arousal. The juices clung to the pubic hairs and she could now see the pinkness of the tissue between Cindy's pussy lips. She then pulled the panties on down as Cindy lifted her hips to help her. Molly pulled Cindy's panties on off and she looked down on of her pussy. It was a beautiful pussy

with the inner lips covering the outer lips and Molly could just see Cindy's

clit trying to peek out from between those lips. Cindy opened her legs and the lips parted a bit and Molly could see more of the pinkness hidden by those lips. Molly hesitated a second as she looked up at Cindy's blue eyes. Molly wanted nothing more than to please this lovely creature lying on her bed.

Molly lay down on the bed with her head directly over Cindy's pussy.

The scent of Cindy's arousal was strong now and Molly could see her squirming and she knew that Cindy was dieing for some attention. Molly lowered her head and she kissed Cindy's pussy, the first pussy that she had ever touched with her mouth. Cindy's juices coated her lips and she licked them off getting her first good taste of pussy juices. The juices were a bit

tangy but she liked them. She lowered her mouth back down to Cindy's pussy and she began to lick. She started at the bottom and went up to the clit, giving it a kiss. This sent Cindy to moaning and she pushed her hips upwards. Molly smiled and she began to lick up and down Cindy's slit. She sucked up the juices as she licked and she swallowed them hungrily. Molly quickly decided that she liked to lick Cindy's pussy. It tasted nice and she liked how she was pleasing her friend. She moved her tongue all around the outer lips and she pulled on the lips with her lips. This caused Cindy to moan and groan. Molly then placed her tongue at the bottom of Cindy's slit and she parted the lips with her tongue as she went upwards. She was able to get more juices this way and Cindy seemed to love what her tongue was doing to her. Molly licked deeper and deeper on every stroke. Soon she had her tongue in as deep as she could get it. She moved it around and she found Cindy's entrance and she teased it with the tip of her tongue. Cindy was moaning and

calling out her name. Molly licked a good long time this way before she opened Cindy's pussy lips with her fingers. She looked into Cindy's pussy and saw the pink flesh and she saw the moisture as it came from her pussy. Molly

put her tongue to the entrance and she swirled it around. This caused Cindy to buck her hips and she felt Cindy's pussy contract against her tongue as she had a small orgasm. But Molly knew there was a larger orgasm just waiting under the surface and she wanted Cindy to experience a full blown orgasm.

Molly sucked up the girlcum and she started to lick harder and deeper. She pushed her tongue deep into Cindy's pussy and she began to fuck her with her tongue. From the corner of her eyes she could see Cindy griping the

sheets and this made her work her tongue harder within Cindy's pussy. She moved it around and sucked up the juices she loved. She could feel Cindy's clit with her nose as it brushed against it and she wanted to get to it. This she knew was where she would really get Cindy off. She wet her index finger in Cindy's juices and she put it at the entrance of Cindy's pussy. As her mouth moved up to Cindy's clit, she began to insert her finger into Cindy's pussy. She kissed Cindy's clit and then sucked it into her mouth. This caused Cindy to moan loudly. As she finger went deeper, it came to a barrier and she realized that Cindy's pussy had never been penetrated by anything. She started to withdraw her finger when she heard Cindy speak.

"No, don't, I want you to have me completely, pleaseee."

Molly put her finger back inside Cindy's pussy but she wasn't sure how to go about breaking her hymen, with hers been gone so long ago. Molly went back to Cindy's clit with her mouth to distract Cindy as she put a second finger to Cindy's pussy. She began to work them in and out going to the hymen and then backing off. She began to lick Cindy's clit making her moan and then she gave a hard shove with her fingers. They got to the barrier and

stopped a faction of a second before breaking through.

"Ohhhhh... Gawd," Cindy cried out as her hymen broke and Molly's fingers went deep into her pussy.

Molly stopped her fingers to let Cindy get use to them and also let the pain ease off. Then she began to lick on Cindy's clit as her fingers began to slowly work their way in and out of her pussy. Molly started to lick the clit a little harder and she could feel Cindy began to push her hips back against her fingers. She knew that Cindy was ready for a real orgasm. She sucked her clit into her mouth and as she sucked, she teased the clit with the tip of her tongue. Her fingers were going faster and deeper into Cindy's tight virgin pussy. Cindy began to really moan and groan as she got ever closer to a climax. Molly began to fuck Cindy harder and she sucked and licked on her clit harder and faster. Molly felt Cindy's pussy begin to clamp down on her fingers and she started to jerk and shake. Molly fucked her harder until Cindy cried out "I'm cummmminggg Molly!"

Molly felt Cindy convulse and then her hand was soaked with the girlcum shooting out of Cindy's pussy. Cindy was a squirter and Molly quickly went down to her pussy and sucked up the girlcum as she removed her fingers from her pussy. Molly licked up the cum and when she looked up she saw that Cindy's face was red and her veins were sticking out on her forehead. The orgasm had sucked up everything that she had inside of her. She slowly began to relax but the orgasm was still flowing through her body.

Molly looked down at her fingers and she saw that they were coated with Cindy's girlcum and drops of blood from the breaking of her hymen. She then looked at Cindy's pussy and saw the same cum and blood still leaking out. As

revolting as the idea would have been a few weeks ago, she felt the need to take all of Cindy, so she licked her fingers clean and then she lay back down and she tenderly licked Cindy's pussy clean of her girlcum.

When that was done, she went up to Cindy and hugged her tightly. She

gently rocked her in her arms as Cindy enjoyed the aftermath of a truly powerful orgasm. Molly caressed Cindy's sweat soaked face and she kissed her skin, tasting the salty sweat. Slowly Cindy's eyes began to flutter as she came back to reality. Molly kissed each eyelid and then Cindy's eyes opened wide.

"Did I do okay?"

"Oh god, it was better than I ever dreamed that it could be. Thank you!" Cindy said as she leaned in a kissed her.

"I wasn't quite sure what I was doing."

"Well you did great, I knew this was right and it was. You're okay with everything aren't you?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I never thought I would ever make love to another woman but I think that this is what I have always wanted. I just didn't know


"I knew it!" Cindy said with a smug smile.

"Oh, you did, did you?" Molly said as she began to tickle Cindy's sides and getting her to laugh and squirm.

"Stop it!" Cindy cried as she tried to fight back but Molly caught her by surprise and she kept up the attack until she had Cindy breathless from laughing. She then held her as the giggles stopped and they just lay there and held each other.

"I didn't hurt you did I, you know when I..." Molly started to say.

"Broke my cherry? No I'm a little sore but it's a good sore. I'm glad it was you that made me a woman. I wouldn't want to ever lose it to anyone one else." Cindy said as she shifted her hand to Molly's left breast and she began to caress it. Molly was about to say something but the words got stuck in her throat and wouldn't come out. Instead she looked down at where Cindy's hand was caressing her breast. It went around and around her breast and Molly found she was starting to breathe a little faster. Cindy's hand circled her breast and then her fingers went across her nipple and Molly groaned. Cindy's mouth then went down to her nipple and kissed it. Molly let out a moan as Cindy eased her over onto her back. Cindy then cupped both of breasts in her hands and she started to go from one to the other kissing and

sucking on them. Molly began to really moan and she felt her already soaked panties getting wetter. Molly placed her hand to Cindy's head and stroked her hair as she sucked on her breasts. Molly moaned and moaned and she pushed her breasts up to Cindy's mouth.

"Bite them gently," Moly told Cindy and then she felt Cindy's teeth graze her nipples. "Oh gawd, yes," Molly told her and Cindy began to bite them a little harder but not too hard. Just enough to make it hurt just a bit and that added to her pleasure. Cindy bit and sucked on Molly's nipples until Molly pushed her head on down. Molly felt Cindy kiss her way down her body until she got to her panties. She then felt Cindy begin to pull down on them. Molly lifted her hips and she felt Cindy pull them off her hips. She hoped that Cindy would like what she saw of her pussy. She was afraid to look down

so she kept her eyes closed. But she soon got her answer as she first felt Cindy's warm breath on her pussy then she felt Cindy kissing up and down her

slit. Molly moaned loudly and she gripped the sheets in her fists. Cindy then began to lick up and down her pussy. She could feel the tongue go between her pussy lips and it felt so damn good. Cindy kept on licking, long past where her ex husbands and boyfriends would have stopped. This felt so much better than what they ever did. Cindy was going at her pussy with a passion.

She licked the outer lips and then going inside before going back to the lips. Then she would go to her clit and kiss and suck on it. Molly was in heaven as Cindy licked her pussy. Then when Cindy went to her clit and stayed there, she felt two fingers at the entrance of her pussy. They slowly entered her and she could feel Cindy exploring the insides of her pussy with her fingers. Molly smiled to herself but then the fingers began to fuck her and Cindy's mouth was sucking hard on her clit. Molly felt an orgasm beginning to rise within her body. It kept building and building but Molly held it off for as long as possible but Cindy was working hard to get her off and finally Molly

let her body go. She felt her toes curl up and her pussy began to spasm. She

shook and cried out as the orgasm hit her and she called to Cindy to not stop. The orgasm washed over her and she came harder than she had ever cum before. She shook and shook and she cried from the pleasure and somewhere inside of her foggy brain she could feel Cindy still licking her pussy. This drove her to another orgasm and then another one until she pushed Cindy away from her pussy.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god..." Molly cried as she finally lost any ability to think.

When she came back to, she found that she was being hugged tightly by Cindy and she was kissing her face.

"Did I do okay?" Cindy asked and Molly could see that Cindy was really concerned about how Molly would answer.

"Did you do okay? Honey, you did better than okay, I have never cum that hard before."

"Seriously?" Cindy inquired.

'Yes honey, I'm very serious. I loved every second of it." Molly assured her as she kissed her lips.

'So you'll want to make love with me again?" Cindy asked.

'Yes, I think that is a definite possibility, not this very second, I need to rest a second but I do want to do this again and again and again." Molly said as she hugged Cindy close to her.

"I love you." Cindy said.

"I think I love you too baby." Molly replied and knowing that she meant it. They then kissed and settled in the bed. They caressed each other and whispered sweet nothing in each other's ears as they fell asleep.

Molly woke early the next morning as she always did but this time there was someone in her bed. She looked over at Cindy sleeping so peacefully and there was this tranquil appearance on her face. Molly couldn't figure out what there was about this girl that turned her on so much but there was definitely something there. She delicately lifted the sheet from Cindy's body and gazed down at her body. She watched as her breasts rose and fall as she breathed and her eyes went down to that pretty pussy that was covered by her brown pubic hair. She could smell the scent of sex on her. She found that she was becoming aroused just from looking at her. Molly lowered the sheet and silently slipped out of bed before she attacked her. She wanted to let her sleep and she needed some time to think.

She went to the kitchen and started the coffee maker. She then went to the bathroom and took a shower. When she got back to the kitchen, the coffee was ready so she fixed herself a cup and she walked out to the deck. She loved to sit out here in the mornings with her coffee and have her first

cigarette of the day. And since her house was located at the farthest point of the cliff and her neighbors were a decent distance away, no one could see

her deck so she went out sans clothes. The fresh morning air felt refreshing

to her body and the morning sun had a warming effect. She sat down on the swing and lit her cigarette. She let her mind go back to the previous night and how she had made love to Cindy. There was no way that she could say that Cindy seduced her and she didn't know what she was doing. Cindy might have played a big part in getting them to that point, but she is the one who

took over from there. She was definitely the aggressor once they were in the bed. And she couldn't say that she didn't enjoy it either, no one had made her cum that hard before. She also knew that she enjoyed making Cindy cum, she loved every part of her body. She then tried to picture a nude male in her head to see what effect it had on her but she just could get a clear image, Cindy's body kept forcing its way in. There wasn't anyway

around it, she was into women or at the very least, she was into one woman and Cindy was that woman's name.

"Molly, Molly, earth to Molly." Molly heard coming from behind her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was lost in thought there. I didn't hear you." Molly said as she turned her head to see Cindy standing with the sliding door open

in a bath robe with her long brown hanging down wet and shinny, holding a cup of coffee.

"Do you want to me to leave you alone?" Cindy asked.

"No honey, I want you to come out here and sit with me." Molly said as a smile came across her face.

"Oh my god, your naked!" Cindy exclaimed as she came out and she could see Molly's body.

"Yep, as the day I was born." Molly said laughing.

"Someone will see you." Cindy said.

"No they won't. Look around, we are high up on the cliff so no one can see us from the lake unless you go to the edge of the deck. And the neighbors are far enough away and set back from us so that they can't see anything." Molly said and she saw Cindy looking around and once she was satisfied that no one could see her she started to untie her robe as she said "I can't believe that I'm doing this." She opened the robe and she let it fall from her body, revealing herself to Molly who found herself getting aroused just from looking at her.

"Come here and sit by me for a few minutes then we will fix us something to eat." Molly said as she padded the cushion beside of her. Cindy

came to her and she sat right beside of Molly and then she curled up against

her. Molly took Cindy's chin in her hand and she gave her a light morning kiss. She put her arm around her and they snuggled up against each other. They talked for a few minutes then Molly picked up her cigarette case and pulled one out and lit it and as she started to put it back on he table beside of her, Cindy took the case from Molly, who watched as she took one out. Cindy put the cigarette to her lips and then she took the lighter out of the cigarette


"Don't you even think about lighting that cigarette little girl. I won't have you start smoking because of me." Molly demanded.

Cindy went ahead and lit the cigarette and she inhaled. Molly waited

for the coughing fit that was sure to come but then Cindy exhaled like she had smoked for years.

"I'm not smoking because of you. I have one every once in a while so

there." Cindy said as she leaned back against Molly.

"Well I don't like you smoking." Molly said but then she sat back but she was determined to make sure that she limited Cindy's smoking even if it meant she smoked less. They then began to talk again but only after Molly put her cigarettes out of Cindy's easy reach. But it wasn't long before Molly felt her stomach growl and then she heard Cindy's stomach growl louder.

"I think that it is time we get up and made us something to eat." Molly said as she took her arm from around Cindy's shoulders.

"I'll fix us something. You sit here and relax." Cindy said as she jumped up and she made Molly sit back down.

"You're not my maid; I can and will help you." Molly said as she started to get back up again but Cindy pushed her back down by the shoulders.

"I know I'm not your maid, I'm your girlfriend. And I'm going to cook us some breakfast." Cindy said as she walked off. Molly thought about that for a second and realized that Cindy was right, she was now her girlfriend. She set the swing to swinging and she felt relieved about everything. It took her a while to get to this point but she knew that she could never let Cindy

out of her life. She sat back and relaxed and she felt complete.

"That looks and smells good." Molly said as she got up and went over to the table where Cindy was placing two plates of food down.

"Thank you," Cindy said as she turned to go back inside and Molly's eyes watched Cindy's cute ass until it slipped back inside the sliding glass

doors. Cindy quickly returned with a fresh pot of coffee and she poured Molly a cup.

"Well, thank you, now you sit down and let's eat." Molly said and then she added, "And again I don't expect for you to be serving me all the time, you hear me."

"Yea, I hear you." Cindy said but she had that smile that told Molly

that Cindy heard her but she was going to do as pleased and there wasn't a damn thing Molly could do about it.

They both made quick work of the eggs, ham, and croissants that Cindy had fixed. Molly didn't realize just how hungry she really was and she quickly finished off her meal. Cindy offered to make her more but Molly knew it was better to leave the table not completely full. They then moved back to the swing that was in the shade of the roof that hung about halfway across the deck. The air was quickly warming up and it was going to be a hot

one, but Molly had plenty of shade trees and there was always a breeze so that took most of the heat away. They sat and talked about what to do and neither could decide but then Cindy suggested that they clean the cars. Cindy said that since most of her job entailed driving from one place to another, she practically lived in her car and it looked like it. But the area beside the deck was still in the sun so they gladly put off washing the cars

till it was completely in the shade.

"So what do we do till then?" Molly asked restless to get up and do something.

"I got an idea." Cindy said and she had this wicked grin on her face.

"Just what do you have in mind?" Molly asked but she was about half afraid of the answer.

"This." Cindy said as she turned and got up on her knees and she put

her left hand to Molly's cheek and she kissed her. Molly was surprised at first by the kiss but she started to respond to the kiss and she started to kiss Cindy back. Molly then felt Cindy's hand leave her cheek and she next felt it on her breast. Cindy's fingers pinched her nipple and she felt it hardening and she felt her body responding to Cindy's caresses.

"Not here honey, someone may hear us. We can do this tonight, okay."

Molly said as she tried to catch her breath.

"No one is around to hear us, you said so yourself." Cindy said as she got off the swing and she got on her knees in front of Molly.

"Honey, lets go inside okay." Molly said and then Cindy's lips kissed and then sucked her right nipple into her mouth, "Ohhh..." Molly continued. "Cindy don't, pleaseee..." She continued but by then Cindy was caressing both of her breasts with her hands and her mouth was going from one nipple to the other one sucking and biting them.

Molly tried to use her hands to try and push Cindy away but they didn't cooperate, instead one hand ended up curled behind Cindy's neck holding her in place and the other one was combing through Cindy's long brown hair. Cindy's mouth felt so good as it sucked hard on her nipples and Molly started to moan louder and louder until she had to bite down on one of

her knuckles. Molly swore to herself that she was going to get Cindy for doing this here but not until after Cindy had gotten her off. She was past the point of stopping her now. Molly felt one of Cindy's hands go down her body and then she felt it on her pussy. She felt the fingers start to go up and down her outer lips and she moaned. Her feet seemed to rise on their own and she put her heels on the edge of the swing. She then scooted her ass to the edge of the swing, thus opening up her pussy to Cindy's fingers. The fingers went along her slit and she could feel that her juices were coating them. Soon she felt a couple of fingers entering her pussy and she had to really moan. The hand that she was biting on flew out of her mouth and she let out a moan. She felt like she was on fire and her body was soaked in sweat from both the morning heat and what Cindy was doing to her pussy. The fingers started to move in and out of her pussy and she cried out to Cindy "Oh god that feels so damn good baby." Molly then felt Cindy biting both of her nipples hard and she again cried out. Molly then noticed that Cindy was no longer sucking on her nipples but then she felt Cindy's mouth on her clit. She kissed it before sucking it into her mouth. The fingers were moving faster inside of her pussy. There were two in her now but soon she felt a third finger worming it way inside of her pussy. That helped to fill her pussy and Cindy was sucking ever harder on her clit. The fingers stretched her pussy lips out wide and they moved faster inside of her. Cindy pushed them in deep and hard and Molly felt the swing start to move from the pushing that Cindy was doing with her fingers inside of her pussy. Cindy started to twist her fingers as she drove them into Molly's pussy and Molly knew that she wasn't going to last long. Cindy was now licking and sucking on her clit and she felt her orgasm begining to rumble inside of her pussy. She

put her hands to Cindy's head and held her in place as the orgasm hit her.

"Oh fuck, I cummmingggg..." Molly cried out no longer caring who heard her. Molly felt Cindy's fingers leave her pussy only to be replaced by her mouth as Cindy sucked up her girlcum. Cindy gently licked her as she came down from her orgasm.

"I ought to beat your butt for doing that to me. I told you not to. Anyone could have heard me screaming like a dog in heat." Molly said as she put her feet back on the deck.

"You said that no one could see us." Cindy said as she stood up smiling like a kid that had gotten away with something.

"I said no one could see us, but I didn't say anything about them not hearing us." Molly said. "What am I going to do with you? Bust your butt is what I should do with you." Molly said smiling with Cindy standing just out of reach.

"True, but are you woman enough to try it?" Cindy said daringly and with her eyebrows raised. This was enough for Molly and she quickly jumped up and caught Cindy around the waist before she could move. She pulled her over to the swing and Molly sat back down with Cindy standing in front of her standing sideways to her.

"Well you got me, now what are you going to do with me?" Cindy asked

as she shook her cute ass at Molly.

This was more of a dare than Molly could take so she decided to put Cindy to the test. She hooked her right arm around Cindy's waist and she put

her left hand on Cindy's ass caressing it, but she was still not sure she could spank Cindy until Cindy said, "Well you going to do anything or just sit there?" And she had a smug look on her face. Molly brought her hand back and she smacked Cindy a good one on her ass.

"Ouch!" Cindy said with a surprised look on her face.

"Didn't think I would do it did you?" Molly said now that she had the upper hand as she caressed Cindy's ass.

"Nope, but that didn't really hurt." Cindy said laughing.

"Oh I see, well let me try and fix that." Molly said wondering just where Cindy wanted to take this but she was about to find out.

Molly caressed Cindy's ass a minute more then she quickly she raised

her hand and brought it down with a smack.

"Ohh..." Cindy said and before she could finish, Molly raised her hand again and brought it down again. She started to spank Cindy's ass, not too hard but enough to leave a little sting and she could see Cindy's white ass start to turn a little red. She loosened her grip on Cindy's waist so that she knew that she could easily get away but she made no effort to do so. Instead she moved her ass around and she started to moan a bit. Molly had to admit she enjoyed the feel of Cindy's ass against her hand. She couldn't believe that she was enjoying spanking Cindy but she was. But she was learning so many new things about herself lately and this appeared to be one

of them. Molly stopped after a couple of minutes and she gently caressed Cindy's ass and as she did this, she moved her hand to Cindy's pussy and she

found it very wet. She started to run her fingers up and down her slit as she went back to spanking her. Again she didn't spank her all that hard but you could hear the sound of her hand landing on Cindy's naked ass. She inserted a finger into Cindy's pussy as she began to spank her a little harder.

"Oh fuck, Molly" Cindy cried out.

Molly began to spank her harder as her finger pushed deeper into Cindy's pussy. Molly saw that Cindy's ass was getting redder and redder and she didn't want to go too far with this, even though Cindy seemed to be getting into it and she had to admit she liked spanking her. Molly gave her a couple of hard swats that caused Cindy to cry out then she slipped down onto the deck and she pulled Cindy down on her so that Cindy was on her knees with her pussy over her face. Molly pulled Cindy on down by the hips and she began to lick. Cindy's pussy was coated with her juices and Molly licked them all up before she parted Cindy's pussy lips with her tongue. She

licked deeper and deeper as she sucked up the juice. Molly moved her fingers to Cindy's pussy lips and she spread them open. She stuck her tongue

into Cindy's pussy and she moved it around inside of her pussy. She licked up and down and she moved to Cindy's clit and started to suck on it. She slipped a finger inside of Cindy and she heard her groan so she knew that Cindy was still a little sore from losing her virginity last night so she didn't fuck her too hard with her finger but mainly concentrated on Cindy's clit. She licked

and licked on it before she sucked it into her mouth and she teased it with the tip of her tongue. This cause Cindy to push her hips down harder almost smothering Molly but she kept sucking and licking until she felt Cindy convulse. She quickly moved her mouth to Cindy's pussy and she caught the girlcum that she squirted out. Molly felt like she was drowning but she kept

sucking and swallowing the girlcum until Cindy fell forward and her pussy left Molly's mouth. Molly crawled from under Cindy and she looked down on Cindy's red ass and her flush pussy that she left exposed. Cindy's body was soaked with sweat just as hers was but that didn't stop her from pulling Cindy's up and hugging her as she kissed her.

"God you are going to be the death of me." Molly said as the sweat dripped off of her body.

"Death of you, now who just got done spanking whom?" Cindy inquired with a little laugh.

"You didn't seem to mind it when I was spanking you and beside you practically dared me to do it." Molly said. Then she added seriously, "You didn't mind it did you?"

"No, I kind of liked it to tell you the truth as long as you do it just like that, and I did dare you but I wasn't sure what you would actually do." Cindy said.

"Well now you know, be careful what you ask for around me." Molly said with a laugh. Then she kissed her lightly on the lips.

"I don't know about you but I need to cool off and get this sweat off of me." Cindy said as she got up and helped Molly up.

"Come with me." Molly said as she pulled Cindy to the side of the house. "There is no use in taking a shower if we are going wash the cars in a minute, we'll just rinse off with the hose."

"I'm not sure that I trust you with a hose in your hands." Cindy said with a laugh.

"You got a point there." Molly said laughing with her as she handed the hose to Cindy and she went and turned on the water. Molly waited for Cindy to blast her but when she turned around; Cindy had a devious grin on her face but then the just smiled and said, "I'll be nice... this one time."

Molly walked over to where Cindy was standing and she closed her eyes as Cindy sprayed the water away from her until it had cooled down and the she put the hose over Molly's head and let the water spray.

"Damn, that's cold!" Molly screamed but she stayed in place as she let the water rinse the sweat from her hair and then the rest of her body. Once she got use to the coolness of the water she began to turn around and Cindy began to spray her body with a gentle spray. When she was facing Cindy, she felt the spray hit her breasts and then it went on down to her pussy and she

opened her legs. Cindy stepped a little closer and Cindy concentrated the spray there. Molly shivered then moaned as the water hit her clit. Molly moaned and moaned as her clit got hit with the spray. Cindy then twisted the

nozzle and the spray hit her a little harder and she felt like she was being

hit by a thousand electrical shocks all to her clit. It did not take long for her to reach a climax and she came. She felt Cindy come to her and hold her as she came.

"Damn that felt good." Molly said as she kissed Cindy and then took the hose from her.

Molly got her legs back under her and she began to spray Cindy rinsing first her hair and then she went to her body. Cindy turned around and Molly saw her cute ass that was now a little red, so Molly sprayed it gently as she used her hand to caress it. She then rinsed off her legs and went back to her body. She concentrated on Cindy's breasts getting the nipples hard again. She then went down to her pussy and started to spray it but then she reached down and opened Cindy's lips and put the spray right on her clit. Cindy cried out and she held on to Molly's arm and she shook and cried as the water caused her to climax yet again.

"Oh god, that felt good. I didn't know I could cum that way." Cindy said breathlessly.

"Why do you think I have a hand held sprayer in my shower?" Molly said with a wink.

"We will have to try that out." Cindy said.

"Oh we will." Molly said. "Now let's get to those cars."

Cindy went and put her robe back on and drove the cars around to the

side so that they could get started. They got the vacuum cleaner out and all

the stuff that they needed to wash the cars. Cindy started first cleaning out her car and then vacuuming it out as Molly cleaned her windows. Once they were both through, they switched places and Cindy vacuumed Molly's car and Molly cleaned her windows. When the insides of the cars were clean, they set up to wash the outsides.

"By the way, do you always clean your car naked?" Cindy asked as she

was filling up the bucket with water and car cleaner.

"Oh hell no, I never ever dreamed of doing something like this, it's

your bad influence showing on me." Molly said and then she continued with, "Plus I wanted to see your naked body a little longer."

Cindy blushed but Molly could see that she had made Cindy feel good.

"Well I like looking at yours too." Cindy added as she leaned over and kissed her. But when the kiss ended, Molly swiped the hose from Cindy and started to blast her with the water. This caused Cindy to scream and run from her all the while cussing her. She tried to hide behind her car but Molly snuck around and as she turned the corner of the front of the car she got Cindy again. Cindy screamed again and called her some more bad names but she was also laughing as she did so. But soon Cindy got brave and she went on the attack. As Molly sprayed her, she faked Molly out by starting to run away but then she turned quickly. When she got to Molly and she took the hose away from her. But then Molly didn't put up too much of a fight. Cindy sprayed her and Molly was the one to run and cuss. Finally the game played out as they were soon out of breath.

Cindy then used her robe to dry off enough to go in and get them some bottle water from the refrigerator. They sat on the step going to the deck and drank the cool water before getting up to wash the cars. Molly had a long brush the she used on the main body of her car as Cindy got a smaller

one and washed the wheels and bumpers. When the car was soaped up Molly went to get the hose just as Cindy grabbed it so they both had a hand on it.

"I'm not sure that I trust you with that hose." Molly said with a smile.

"Nor I you," Cindy replied not letting lose of the hose.

"Then what are we to do, both rinse the car?"

"I have an idea." Cindy said as her now familiar and still wicked smile came across her face.

"I'm about afraid to ask but I will. What is your idea?"

"The first one to make the other moan controls the hose." Cindy said

as she dropped the hose and she pulled Molly to her and started to kiss her.

"Not fair..." Molly mumbled as they kissed but she quickly went on the attack. She dropped the hose, and she placed a hand to Cindy's pussy. She started to stroke her and she thought that she had won as Cindy almost let out a moan. But Cindy swallowed it and she grasped Molly's ass with one hand

and squeezed it. The other hand went to Molly's pussy and she start to work

her clit. Cindy took the clit between her index and thumb and gently rubbed it. This was too much for Molly and she moaned involuntarily.

"Damn it, you don't play fair." Molly said a little breathlessly.

"All is fair in love and war and fights over the water hose." Cindy said laughing. But then she pushed Molly back against the car. She kissed her and

Molly felt her ass slip and slide against the fender of the soapy car. Molly

put her arms around Cindy and started to kiss her back just as passionately.

Cindy moved her hand back to Molly's pussy and started to caress it. This caused Molly to moan again and this time she didn't try to hold it in. She moaned freely and moaned even louder when Cindy dropped to her knees and she started to lick her pussy. Molly placed her hands on Cindy's head and held her in place as Cindy's tongue dance across her pussy lips and then to her clit. Molly felt Cindy suck her clit into her mouth and then she felt Cindy's finger slip into her pussy. The fingers began to fuck her pussy as her tongue teased her clit. Molly moaned again and she began to move her hips to

the motion of Cindy's fingers going in and out of her pussy. Cindy was good and her mouth never left Molly's pussy. Soon Molly felt her orgasm growing and she let loose with a loud moan as she came yet again.

"You're like the Energizer Bunny, you never quit, do you?" Molly said as she caught her breath.

"Nope, and thank you, I do try to please." Cindy said as she gave Molly a last kiss then helped her to the step. Molly sat and rested as Cindy rinsed her car. When she was done, Molly had her energy back and she got up to help Cindy wash the other car. They then put up their stuff and went into the house. The air conditioned house gave them both a chill. They decided to

take a quick shower together. There they kissed as they washed but the day was finally getting to them.

"You have worn me out today, you know that." Molly said as she lay down on the bed in her bedroom. She had gone there to find something to put on but the bed looked so inviting.

"But it has been a fun day hasn't it?" Cindy asked as she lay down beside of her.

"Yes it has. I have enjoyed it very much and I'm not just talking about the love we have made today, which was great. But just spending the time with you was fun." Molly said as she turned toward Cindy and gave her a kiss.

"I had fun too today, the last two days have been like a dream to me, a dream that I don't want to ever end." Cindy said.

"Well I can't guarantee that every day will be like a dream, but I think that we can make it pretty good. But we have to work at it you know. There is a lot that we have to work out. And I'm still coming to terms with being with another woman. I mean that I feel closer to you than I ever did to either of my husbands or any boyfriend that I have had. But that doesn't change the fact that this is all new to me. You have to be patient with me, okay." Molly said seriously.

"I know and I will be patient. Now that I have found you, I don't want to lose you, but you have more experience with relationships so you will have to help me too." Cindy said.

"I will and the first thing we have to work on is cheating on moaning contests." Molly said as she poked Cindy in the side.

"Ohh..." Cindy said in response to the poke in the ribs then she continued with, "All is fair..."

" love and war and water fights." Molly finished for her. Then she kissed her and the kiss went on for a long while. Just a gentle kiss that they both didn't want to end but when it did Cindy rolled Molly onto her back. She then laid her head on her chest and they both drifted off to sleep.

"Wake up sleepy head," Molly heard as she began to wake up. As her eyes opened she saw Cindy smiling down from the foot of the bed. "There you are, hurry up and get up, I'm starving to death." She said in a cheery voice.

"What time is it, how long have I been asleep?" Molly asked as she wiped the sleep from her eyes.

"It's five and you slept for about three hours. Do you feel better now?"

"God, I slept for three hours, how long have you been up?" Molly said as she sat up and stretched.

"I woke you about an hour ago but you looked like you needed the sleep." Cindy said.

"You should have woken me when you got up. What have you been doing for an hour?" Molly asked as she got up and went over to her panty drawer and got a pair out.

"Oh I have been busy, I went through all of your papers on your desk

and then I scoped out your jewelry. I was about to look for any hidden cash that you may have when I decided I was hungry." Cindy said seriously.

"Yea, right. I know you better than that." Molly said as looked for a bra and then some shorts and a blouse.

"But I did look through your clothes and I borrowed these shorts and

blouse. I hope that you don't mind. I did do it without asking." Cindy said as she turned around modeling the outfit.

"No, that is fine; you can wear anything that fits you. I should have told you before. You have seen all the clothes I have. I'll never wear them all. Anything that fits you, you can have." Molly said as she came over to Cindy and gave her a kiss. She did have to admit the outfit that Cindy had chosen did look great on her.

"No, you know how I feel about you giving me your clothes, besides it is more fun to borrow them without asking." Cindy said laughing.

"I see how you are now. I will have to keep my eye on you from now on." Molly said as she went toward the living room with Cindy hot on her heals.

"I think you started keeping your eye on me long ago." Cindy said as

she hugged Molly from behind.

Molly thought for a second and she knew that Cindy was right but she

didn't want to or couldn't admit it at that moment, so instead, she turned around and hugged Cindy and gave her a kiss that told Cindy what Molly couldn't admit.

"So where do you want eat, my treat." Molly said as the kiss ended.

"No you treated last night and every other night we have eaten out. Tonight is my night to treat. So grab your purse but leave your money behind, it's not worth the paper it's printed on. Now get your ass in gear, like I said I am hungry." Cindy said as she let Molly go then and headed for the door leaving Molly looking for her purse then hurrying after her friend.

"So it's barbeque ribs tonight." Molly said as she sat down in the corner booth that they were seated at."

"Yep, I've always loved ribs and this is the best place in town to get them. And don't bother trying to keep your face and fingers clear. That is half the fun in eating them, getting messy." Cindy said as she ordered for both of them.

"I'm just glad that I didn't get you a picture phone, I know you would just love to show me with my face covered with sauce all around the firm."

"Who me, would I ever do that?" Cindy said all innocent like.

"Yes you... you showed me your true colors this afternoon when you cheated in out little contest."

"Hey that is the way it goes, sue me if you didn't like it." Cindy said laughing.

"I would love to get you on the stand, I could have you begging for mercy in no time." Molly said.

"Oh, I know how good a lawyer you are, I've seen you in action." Cindy said then Molly could see that Cindy wanted to take back her words. But before Molly could follow up on what Cindy had said, the waiter brought a huge plate with a full rack of ribs on it. He also had two plates with a bake potato on each plate.

As soon as the waiter left, Cindy told Molly to dig in as she sliced off some ribs for herself. Molly watched as Cindy pulled a rib off with her fingers and she started to eat. In no time, Cindy had barbeque all around her lips and she was obviously enjoying herself.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Cindy asked, and Molly could see that she

was concerned that she didn't like ribs.

"Oh, I'm going to eat, I was just enjoying watching you eat." Molly said and then she cut off some ribs from the rack and she placed it on her plate.

She then reached down and pulled off a rib and put it to her mouth. She pulled the tender and juicy meat off with her teeth feeling the sauce coat her lips. She saw a messy smile come to Cindy's face. Molly had to admit that the ribs were great and she was enjoying not having to worry about how she was eating but instead just enjoying the food. Cindy was bringing the fun side of her back out. They ate and talked and soon there were only a stack of bones on each of their plates, Molly's face was just as messy as Cindy's face was. They then washed their fingers in a bowl of water that was provided for just that purpose. Molly wiped her lips and face clean and then

she was ready to bring up the subject that Cindy had thought she had avoided.

"So just when did you see me in action. I know I haven't been in the

courtroom since you have been here." Molly asked as she took a sip of her coke.

"Did I say I had seen you in court?" Cindy asked innocently.

"I believe that your exact words were "I've seen you in action."" Molly said with a slight smile.

"See I didn't say that I had seen you in court, I only said I had seen you in action and I meant that I had seen you in action around the firm." Cindy said and Molly could see that Cindy was really hoping that Molly would

buy what she was selling.

"Come on girl, fess up." Molly said.

Cindy sat back and thought for a minute then she started to talk. "Well it was about eight years ago and my father had to serve on a jury. It was during the summer and I was bored so he took me along. He told me to sit in the back and be a good girl. For me it was something exciting, a new adventure and I could see my father doing his "Civil Duty" as he put it. I sat quietly and watched as one set of lawyers came in and then I saw you and your team come in. I don't remember just exactly what type of trial it was or if you were defending or what. I just remember having to stand as the judge came in. Then they brought the jury in and I could see how proud my father was sitting in the jury box. It started off slow and I was starting to get bored but then you stood up and start to work on the poor man in the witness stand. You started off by asking easy questions but then I could tell that the questions became harder for the witness to answer. Like I said I didn't understand everything that was going on but I could see as plain as day that the man was starting to sweat on the witness stand. And you looked so calm as if you were asking about the weather so something else mundane like that. I watched your every move from that moment on. I watched how you walked and talked and I vowed to grow up and be just like you. Then at the end of the day, you actually smiled at me as you went out of the courtroom. As we went home that afternoon, you were all I could talk about. I even started to study harder and my grades actually went up. And once I got use to studing harder, I kept it up all through school. I eventually realized that I wasn't smart enough to be a lawyer like you but still I wanted to be the same type of woman you were, someone who knew what she wanted and worked toward it. "

Molly sat back and took in what Cindy had said. She had no idea that

she had had such an effect on anyone but then she had to say, "I wish I could say that I remembered you but I don't. I was in court a lot those days

and one trial run into another."

"That is okay, I knew that you wouldn't remember me. In fact, I didn't realize that you were the same person until I had been working there for a week. You were at Shelly's desk and Sam said something smart to you and you turned and gave him a look to kill, the same look I saw you gave the man

on the witness stand. I knew then that you were the woman that I had looked up to for so long."

"Is that the reason that you feel the way that you do about me now?"

Molly asked suddenly wondering just where Cindy's feelings originated.

"Oh hell no," Cindy said laughing, "I started to fall on you when you interviewed you that first day, just the way that you talked to me and treated me so nice, even though you were a big fancy lawyer and I was a no body."

"Okay, I was just wondering." Molly said.

"Well, now you know." Cindy said.

It was later that night when Molly got the question that she knew Cindy was dieing to ask.

"So when did you start to like me?" Cindy asked as they lay in bad, with Cindy's head on her chest.

"I know you would like to have me say and time and date but I can't." Molly said after thinking a bit. "It was just somewhere between meeting you and our first kiss."

Cindy rose up on her elbows and she smiled before she came up and kissed her and then she settled back down in Molly arms. Molly combed her fingers through Cindy's hair and caressed her face. She watched as Cindy's eyes got heavier and heavier until they closed with a gentle sigh. Molly could not believe her luck in finding what she had been looking for, she just never would have believed that she would have found it with another woman.

When Molly woke up the next morning, it was to the smell of fresh coffee and food cooking into the kitchen. Molly thought about telling Cindy to stop cooking and doing so many things for her but then she knew that Cindy was going to do it whether she told her not to or not. So she decided to just enjoy the attention, which was something all the men in her life seemed to have never gotten around to give her. She got up and trotted toward the bathroom to relieve the urge in her bladder.

As she entered the kitchen, she saw Cindy standing by the stove with

just an apron on. Her cute little ass was just framed by the apron and Molly

couldn't resist sneaking up behind her. She was as quite as she could be and

as she got right behind of Cindy she dropped to her knees and she kissed Cindy's right ass cheek.

"What!" Cindy cried as she jumped and stepped back thus tripping over Molly.

Molly was ready for that to happen and she reached out and caught her in her arms as she fell. Cindy looked up her with her eyes wide in fear but then she had to smile as she realized she was safely in Molly's arms.

"You scared the shi..." Cindy started saying but she was cut off my Molly's lips kissing her. The kiss was gentle and tender at first but Molly soon opened her mouth and she accepted Cindy's tongue in her mouth as the kiss became much more passionate. They kept kissing until Molly started to smell something burning on the stove. She dumped Cindy off her lap and jumped up to pull the pan of bacon off the eye.

"Oh no, the breakfast that I was making for you is ruined." Cindy said as she got up to see her effort burnt to a crisp.

"Maybe I can think of a way to make it up to up." Molly said as she pulled Cindy's apron off leaving her naked. She then gave her a kiss and started to lead her toward the bedroom.

"I don't know I put a lot of work into making breakfast for you. It'll take an awful lot to make up for that." Cindy said seriously.

Molly turned her head around and said, "Oh I think I'm up to the task."

"Your sure?" Cindy asked pretending to be doubtful.

"Oh, I'm quite sure." Molly said as they entered the bedroom.

"Good!" Cindy squealed, then she popped Molly on the ass as she flew

passed her and leaped onto the bed.

"Ouch! You'll pay for that little girl." Molly exclaimed.

"Promises, promises, promises that is all you give me!" Cindy said laughing.

"You'll think promises in a few seconds, little girl." Molly said as she jumped on top of her.

Molly tried to pin Cindy to the bed but Cindy managed to slip out from under her and she gave Molly another slap to the ass.

"Ouch, now you're going to get it!" Molly cried as she twisted around and grabbed for Cindy. She caught her by the arm as Cindy was trying to get up on her knees. Molly slipped her legs out and pulled Cindy down so that she ended up over her knees. Molly placed her hand on the center of Cindy's lower back holding her in place.

"Now I got you where I want you." Molly said knowing that Cindy could easily get lose if she wanted.

"Yea, but the question is, what you going to do about it?" Cindy said as she propped herself up on her elbows and looked back at Molly.

"This," Molly said as she raised her hand and brought it down on Cindy's cute dimpled ass.

"Ouch," Cindy cried as she jumped, then she looked back at Molly again and said, "That didn't hurt, is that the best that you can do?"

"Then why did you say "Ouch" if it didn't hurt?" Molly said as she ran her hand around Cindy's ass, caressing it.

"You surprised me, that's all." Cindy said smiling.

"Oh I see, well let me try it again and see if I can get your attention." Molly said as she continued to caress Cindy's ass. She did this for a few minutes more and she could feel Cindy begin to get into the caressing of her

ass. Molly then lifted her hand and she began to spank Cindy. Molly's hand came down on her ass and she watched as her ass responded to the spanking. The soft flesh would go in and then bounce back. Molly watched as the flesh slowly turned redder. She heard Cindy moan and she felt her rubbing her pussy against her thigh as she spanked her. The spanks weren't that hard but she knew that Cindy could feel them.

"So is that a little better?" Molly said after she had spanked Cindy

for a couple of minutes.

"Oh yes," Cindy moaned as Molly was back to caressing her ass. Molly

then slipped her fingers between Cindy's legs as Cindy opened them for her. Molly found Cindy quite wet and two of her fingers quite easily slipped into

her pussy. Molly moved her fingers in and out of Cindy's juicy pussy and she

felt Cindy begin to hump her fingers, pushing back against them. Molly started to fuck her harder pushing her fingers in deep and fast. But then she stopped and she used the same hand that was wet with Cindy's juices to start spanking her again.

"Oh god... fuck nooo..." Cindy cried out from the loss of contact to her pussy and the renewed contact that Molly's hand was making to her ass. Molly was spanking her a little harder and Cindy was back to grinding her pussy onto Molly's thigh.

"Oh fuck yes..." Cindy cried as Molly continued to spank her. Molly could feel her thigh getting soaked with Cindy's pussy juice. Molly spanked her until Cindy was crying and moaning then she stopped again. Cindy was close to cumming so Molly left her pussy alone as she ground onto her thighs. She slipped her still wet fingers between Cindy hot ass crack. She moved her fingers down to where she felt Cindy's little puckered hole. She teased it a bit and she felt Cindy raise her hips up. Molly slowly pushed her finger against the puckered hole as she other hand slipped under Cindy's belly and then onto her pussy. Molly's finger penetrated Cindy's asshole up to the first knuckle. She pushed it on in and she heard Cindy moan loudly. Molly pushed her finger in deeper and she began to fuck Cindy's asshole as she teased Cindy's clit. Cindy moan louder and she pushed her hips up causing Molly's finger to go deeper into her asshole. She started to press harder on Cindy's

clit and she felt her start to shake. Molly started to fuck Cindy's asshole as she caressed her clit. Cindy moaned and cried as her orgasm approached. Then she began to shiver and Molly felt Cindy's asshole grip her finger. She

knew that Cindy was cumming and she caressed her clit harder making the orgasm more intense. Then Molly felt a hot liquid coat her thigh. She knew that Cindy had cum hard.

Molly removed her finger from Cindy's ass and she caressed her warm red ass as Cindy came down from her orgasm. Slowly Cindy began to come back around and she turned over and then she pulled Molly to her. Cindy kissed her hard and then Molly rolled over to her back bringing Cindy with her.

"I can't believe that is the second time I have spanked you in two days. I don't know why I'm doing that to you. Maybe there is something wrong with me to want to do that." Molly said as she began to really feel that way.

"Will you do something for me?" Cindy said as she propped her self up so that she could look into Molly's eyes.

"Sure, anything," Molly replied.

"Feel your thigh where I was laying across it?"

"Why?' Molly asked.

"Just do it for me, okay?" Cindy said and Molly reached down to where Cindy was laying minutes before.

"What do you feel?" Cindy asked.

"It's wet." Molly said knowing where Cindy was taking this.

"Just how wet is it?" Cindy asked with a smile."

"Very wet," Molly applied.

"Well then, if there is something wrong with you for wanting to spank my cute little ass, as you say, then there is something wrong with me for wanting you to do it to me. So we're cool, now stop worrying about it."

"Okay if you are sure but if I should do soothing that you don't like then tell me. Okay." Molly said.

"Oh don't worry, I will but I don't think that will ever be a problem. I want to do things for you, need to do those things and I need for you to do things to me. Does that make sense to you?" Cindy asked.

"Yes it does, I think that you have a more submissive personality and I have a dominate one. Maybe that is why my marriages never worked, we were both trying to be in control and that didn't work. But for us, it is a perfect fit." Molly said as she brought Cindy up to her and kissed her. As they kissed, Molly slipped her hands down to Cindy's warm ass and she tenderly caressed the warm cheeks. Cindy moaned into her mouth as the kissed.

When the kissed ended Cindy moved down Molly's body giving kisses along the way, with an extra few kisses to her nipples. Then when she got to

her pussy, she used her fingers to spread her lips and she started to lick. Molly groaned and pushed her pussy into Cindy's face.

"Lick me baby, I need to cum so damn bad." Molly told Cindy and then

she felt Cindy's tongue go deeper into her pussy. Molly felt Cindy pull her lips out wider and she felt her pussy being stretched. Cindy had two fingers at each side and she was pulling out hard and then she was licking in deep and sucking out the juices that Molly was producing. Cindy would go up to her clit and lick it then back to her pussy to lick and suck. Molly cried and groaned as Cindy licked her. Soon Molly felt two of Cindy's fingers slip into her pussy

and her mouth go to her clit. She sucked milly's nub into her mouth and teased it with her tongue. The fingers began to fuck her pussy as her mouth sucked hard on her clit.

"Fuck me hard baby," Molly cried as she felt her orgasm beginning to

gather within her pussy. Cindy pushed in deeper and deeper as her mouth sucked harder on her clit. Molly trapped Cindy's head between her thighs and she force Cindy to stay in place. Cindy picked up her speed of her fingers adding a third finger to Molly's pussy. This was enough to get Molly

off and she screamed out Cindy's name as she came.

Molly released Cindy's head from her thighs and relaxed but she could still feel Cindy licking her pussy as she drifted in and out. It felt so good to have her pussy licked so gently and tenderly. As she came back to her senses, she felt Cindy grabbing her behind her knees and she pushed up and then out. Molly reached for her legs and she held them up and out wide and she could feel her pussy and asshole exposed to the cool morning air that was circulating in the room. Molly looked down as Cindy smiled at her then she saw her lower her head to her pussy. She felt Cindy begin to lick again and she let out a loud moan. Cindy licked up all of the girlcum that had coated her pussy and then she moved on down. Molly felt her start to lick the sensitive skin between her pussy and asshole. Molly moaned and then she felt Cindy start to go lower. No one had ever licked her where Cindy was about to and she wasn't sure about that until she felt Cindy's tongue touch her asshole and she moaned as it felt so good. She felt Cindy's tongue ring her asshole and she cried out to Cindy, "Oh god, that feels good baby."

This made Cindy start to lick her harder. Her tongue coated Molly's asshole with saliva. And then Molly felt the tip of Cindy's tongue at the center of her asshole. Molly tried to relax as she felt Cindy's tongue start to open her up. It went in and then it went out only to come back in. The tongue started to fuck her asshole and Molly moaned loudly. She felt Cindy's tongue

go in deep and she cried out. The tongue kept fucking her and Molly felt another orgasm begin to rise up inside of her. Cindy's tongue then left her asshole and Molly groaned but then she felt something harder at the entrance and then she felt Cindy's finger pushing into her. Cindy's mouth went to pussy and she began to lick up the juices that were flowing from her. Cindy's finger began to fuck her asshole as her tongue licked her pussy and then her clit. Molly cried out "Fuck, fuck, fuck..." as Cindy teased her clit with the tip of her tongue. Molly felt the first wave of her orgasm hit her and she let go of her legs. Cindy's finger came out of her asshole but her mouth was firmly locked onto her clit and she sucked on it for dear life. Molly felt wave after wave of pleasure wash over her and Cindy continued to lick and suck on her clit until she couldn't take it anymore and she pushed Cindy's mouth away from her pussy. When she came back around, she found that Cindy was holding her tight and kissing her.

"Oh god girl, you are great. I've never had a lover as good as you are." Molly told Cindy as she kissed her gently on the lips.

"Nor I you," Cindy said.

They lay there a little while before the hunger hit them and they went to the kitchen. They threw out the burned bacon and put some more on, then cooked up some eggs and rolls. They took their late breakfast out to the deck and ate. They then spend the rest of the day just talking and running some errands.

They retired to the bedroom earlier that night and after making love, Molly was holding Cindy tight in her arms. She thought about how the weekend had changed everything in her life. She knew that Cindy was now a part of her life. She knew that there would never be a man in her life, there would be only Cindy. As she was thinking, she was subconsciously caressing Cindy's back as she lay on top of her. She looked down and she felt like her heart would burst. Cindy had come to mean so much to her and she kissed her on the top of her head. Then making sure that Cindy was asleep, she whispered to her "I think I love you baby."

Cindy looked up and with tears in her eyes, she softly said "I love you too." And the Cindy kissed Molly tenderly on the lips.

Molly didn't regret telling Cindy what she did as she knew that it was the truth.

The next morning they went in separate cars to work with Molly leaving earlier so that they could arrive at work at their normal times. That evening, Cindy went to her home and that left Molly on her own. She first went to take a shower and then she made her something to eat. She went out to her deck and sat down and ate her sandwich. Even thought she had done this ever since she had moved into the house, for the first time she felt alone. She knew who she was missing but was determined to get through the night. But as she tried to sleep all she could think of was Cindy and how nice it felt to have her in the bed with her. She turned to Cindy's side of the bed and she could smell her perfume. This only made her loneliness feel worse. She ended up tossing and turning the rest of the night. The next night was even worse for her and she knew that she was in trouble. She was more in love with Cindy than she had ever dreamed that she was. Wednesday she wanted to tell Cindy to come home with her but she wasn't sure how to play this. Cindy was young and she still lived at home. She decided to wait until the weekend, she knew that she could wait that long. Wednesday she had to work over about an hour and she almost dreaded going home to an empty house. But as she turned into her road and then down her driveway, she saw her old Volvo parked in her driveway. Molly's heart leaped with joy and she slammed on her brakes. She then rushed to the house and she saw that the alarm was off. She turned it back on and she called out to Cindy but she got no reply. She checked the kitchen, then the deck but no Cindy. Finally she went back to her bedroom and there she found boxes of clothes all around as well as other things. She also found a naked Cindy laying on the bed with her arms held out to her. Molly squealed like a schoolgirl and began to shed her clothes in record time. Once her clothes were removed, she jumped into bed and started to kiss Cindy. She kissed her mouth face, arms, every part of her body as they both cried. Finally their need for each other

became too great and they made love over and over again until they both had nothing left to give. Then the talking began.

"So you moving in?" Molly inquired.

"Yep," Came Cindy's reply.

"So do I have a say in this since it is my house."

"Nope," Cindy said with a giggle.

"Well, I guess I will have to get use to it." Molly said with a smile that spread across her face.

"Yep," Cindy said.

"Is that all you can say, yep and nope?"

"Nope, I can say that I love you." Cindy said as a tear ran down her


Molly kissed the tear away and she said "Baby I love you too"

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

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