The Girls Only Club

Published on Apr 19, 1998


The Girls-Only Club by Pamela

(c) 1997 "peter bernard"

  1. Chapter

Saturday morning promptly at 10 Blake arrived at Kathy's house. His anxiety as to what was to come this day was dispelled the moment she warmly greeted him at the door. ``Come on up to my bathroom, Pamela, Janet is already waiting for you with a hot bubble bath! We want to start you off nice and relaxed!"

Blake climbed the stairs and entered the steamy bathroom. Janet was just shutting off the water to the tub. Come on in, Pam!" she said excitedly while giving him a hug. Take off your clothes and get in the water. I'm going to give you a bath! I don't want to get my clothes wet so I hope you don't mind if I undress also!" As Blake took off his shirt, pants and socks, Janet pulled off her top and wiggled out of her blue jeans. They were both then wearing their bras and panties. With a little giggle at each other they unfastened their bras and hung them on hooks on the back of the door along with the rest of their clothes. I'll leave my panties on, since I'm having my period now," Janet said. Blake then climbed out of his panties and stepped into the water. He was swallowed up in the thick layer of perfumery suds. Janet leaned down on her knees outside the tub next to him. Blake noticed the prominent nipples of her breasts which were just at eye level only a foot away from him. He looked coyly at Janet and she laughed and said, why are you blushing Pamela?"

``Oh, nothing."

Are you excited about your big day?" He nodded his head and looked up at her eyes. She was extraordinarily pretty. Her eyes captivated Blake with their warmth. First thing is to shampoo your hair." She squirted some very fragrant shampoo out of a bottle into her hand and then lathered up Blake's hair. Her breasts bounced slightly as she ran her firm fingers into his scalp. While she did this she told him all about bubble baths; about the foaming beads she had put in the water to give it a sexy oily feeling. She told him how girls love to lie back in the fragrant water and let their skin soften by soaking up the bathing oils.

Dreamily she said, ``you have such nice thick hair, Pamela. When it is long, I know I'm going to be so jealous of you."

``Why Janet?"

``Because my hair is too wispy."

``Oh, no, I think your hair is really beautiful."

Well, I have to work hard to get it to look full bodied. Now, let me rinse the shampoo out." Janet picked up a hand held nozzle, turned on the water and proceeded to take the soap out of Blake's hair. When she was all done she squirted some water in his face that made him laugh. Now turn the other way and let me wash off your back." She picked up a loofa and gently washed his back. He helped her by getting on all fours, and she washed around his bottom and `clit'. It looks like you have some leg hair that I'll have to shave. It's not too much, but girls really should have smooth legs." After directing him to raise his leg out of the water and resting his heel on the side, she took a round, bright purple Flicker razor and proceeded to shave his legs smooth. I'm also going to take a bit off from your underarms and your face." She delicately used the razor to cut off any hairs she could find. When she was done she raised the drain stop and then rinsed Blake off with the hose while he stood in the tub.

When he stepped out she wrapped a large pink towel around him just under his arms, and tied a smaller pink towel around his head to dry his hair. Then she called to Kathy in the next room that they were ready. Kathy came in carrying a paper bag. So, are we all ready to become a lovely girl?" she asked Blake. Here is a clean pair of my panties which you can borrow for today."

Blake took the delicate pair of pale pink nylon lycra bikini panties and put them on. These have high cut sides and a full back," she said. I like the way they look on you Pam."

Kathy then reached into the bag and took out two boxes which she put down on the counter. Opening one of them, Blake saw that it held a single breast form. Kathy took it out and held it up to Blake's chest. Oh look, Janet its just the perfect color for Pamela." Indeed, the breast coloration seemed identical to Blake's pale skinned chest. Pamela, these are the newest development in mastectomy breast forms; they are so life-like that they are hard to tell from the real thing. To put it on, we use a little coating of this special kind of glue, which will hold the form in place for about a week. If you want to get it off before then you just have to apply a bit of rubbing alcohol to the sides of it, which then works its way underneath dissolving the glue and then it falls right off. The glue itself is made from a vegetable base and is completely non-toxic. There is also another wonderful feature, which has just been developed for these forms. I'll show you as we put them on."

Kathy then applied some glue to the bottom of the form. ``Pamela, you see there is a little clip on the back of the form which you have to make sure goes right over your nipple when you put it on." She placed the form against Blake's chest while demonstrating how the clip worked. The form was a little cold but his body quickly adjusted to the temperature. Though it was just an A cup size, slightly smaller than Janet's breasts, it stood out noticeably from his otherwise flat chest. The breast had a large life like nipple which also stood out prominently. After holding the breast against him for a minute, Kathy said that the glue was now set, and the breast would be securely on. She then repeated the procedure with the other breast. When she was done, Janet applied some powder to the area around his breasts so that any trace of the artificiality of his breasts was hidden.

Finally, Kathy said, ``Look in the mirror Pamela! Now, you are really Pamela!"

The image greeting Blake in the mirror was of a very pretty young girl's chest. Not very buxom, but sweet looking and delicate. Blake's eyes welled up with tears. ``I can't thank you enough."

``Pamela, we haven't even shown you the best part yet!"

She reached over and gently squeezed the nipples of his two breasts. ``Wow, I feel like my nipples are being touched!"

``You see Pamela, these breast forms have a built in device which translates any squeezing of the nipples down to your own. So for example, suppose a boy was fondling you, assuming you wanted him to!, then you would get all the pleasure just like we do. Here, feel this!"

Kathy gently rolled her fingers around the nipples and Blake started to feel waves of pleasure. He began softly moaning. OK, enough of that for now!" Kathy said, We still have a few more important things to do before the rest of the girls get here!"

Kathy and Janet had Blake sit down in front of a mirrored vanity in the outer part of the bathroom. The breasts tugged on his chest and swayed slightly as he moved. While he propped his feet up on a stool they applied a coating of pearly pink nail polish to his toe nails. While this was drying they took his hands and proceeded to manicure his nails and apply the same pink nail polish. His nails had grown out a bit, so with the glossy pink polish, his already rather delicate hands looked very feminine. The two girls then took a small scissor and trimmed Blake's eyebrows so that they were relatively thin and feminine. Kathy then produced one of her old white A cup bras and watched with crossed fingers as Blake put it on hoping that it would fit. Fortunately, it was just a tiny bit tight, but not unattractive. Blake's breasts filled out the cups and he could see his new nipples poking up beneath the bra material. While he was doing this, Janet had retrieved her bra and had put it on, as well as the rest of her clothes.

Kathy gave Blake one of her old white pull-over tops to wear. It was a little snug, so his breasts projected out distinctly from his chest giving him quite a nice figure. She said, considering all the trying on that you'll have to do today, its best that you wear a skirt which you can easily unbutton. I've got just the perfect one for you, but first put on your pantyhose and this slip." She gave Blake the pantyhose he had worn the other night and a white half slip. He sat down on the stool and put the pantyhose on. He could see his pink toenails lined up neatly under the stocking. Janet noticed him admiring that and said, it makes a girl feel really grown up when she knows that she has to wear stockings or pantyhose."

``I know what you mean Janet. I feel like I'm almost a woman now." When Kathy came back she was holding a pink wrap-around skirt which he then put on with her help.

The girls then applied rouge to Blake's cheeks, mascara to his eye lashes and showed him how to put lipstick on. They brought out the wig and helped him place it securely on his head and then brushed it until it had the right look. Kathy got out two silver rings with large glittering stones and put them on Blake's fingers, one on each hand. She also put a tennis bracelet around his wrist and a thin gold necklace with a cameo dangling from it around his neck. Now, the last thing is your purse and shoes." Kathy went to her room and came back with a pair of white ankle strap pumps and a white purse with a shoulder strap. Blake put the shoes on and slung the purse strap over his shoulder. Kathy and Janet exclaimed with excitement, Oh, you're just so perfect looking! This turned out better than we had ever hoped. I'm sure that you were really meant to be a girl!" Kathy said. `I'm even jealous of how you look" teased Janet. ``After you get some really pretty clothes today you are just going to be a terrible boy killer." The three of them laughed with excitement.

Just that moment, they heard the doorbell and Kathy said, ``Pamela, why don't you answer the door and let the other girls in!"

Blake nodded in agreement and he went down the stairs with Kathy and Janet following him. He opened the door and there stood Penny, Karen and Amy, who took one look at Blake and burst out into excited comments, Oh, how adorable!," How sexy and pretty your are, Pamela," My goodness, what a pretty face and figure, and Oh look at your pretty pink nails" and How grown up you are, now." Blake pirroutted once and excitedly gave each of the girls a hug.

What's all the commotion?," Mrs. O'Connor said as she came to the foyer from the kitchen. She was wearing just a short pale yellow nightie with matching panties. Oh, how marvelous!" she exclaimed when she saw Blake. ``Bl..., I mean Pamela, I can't believe what a pretty girl you are now! Come let me look at you. Such a pretty face and look at that bust of yours, you've become such a big girl! The boys are just going to die when they see you."

The girls and Mrs. O'Connor gazed admiringly at Blake as he stood holding his hands together in front of him and shyly swayed back and forth. ``I can't get over what a girl you are, Pamela," Mrs. O'Connor said. Just as pretty as any of the members of the Girls-Only Club. And you move so gracefully and feminine. Take off your blouse so I can see how your breasts look."

Shyly in front of all the girls and Mrs. O'Connor, Blake lifted off his top revealing his bra with his new breasts in it. My, my, my," Mrs. O'Connor said, what a darling chest! Your breasts look so natural in that bra! Turn sideways and raise your arms. Thats it, lift up your hair off your back. My, isn't that so feminine, with your bra strap running across your back, and your breasts bulging out from your bra! And look how your nipples are so stiff."

Blake walked back and forth demonstrating how much he had learned about having girlish mannerisms. His hips gently swayed as he walked over to the sofa and he sat down gracefully, while tucking his skirt under himself and then crossing his legs. Mrs. O'Connor walked over and sat down next to him and commended the girls on their choice of makeup.

Mom," Kathy said, go ahead and touch Pam's breasts." Mrs. O'Connor gently took hold of one of his breasts. With her fingers she pushed against the nipple through the bra and immediately Blake let out a soft moan. ``You see, Mom, he has the new breasts which transfer the feeling right through."

``They certainly are effective!" She kept on slowly massaging Blake's nipples while she spoke with the girls. Blake felt the pleasure increasing until he closed his eyes and fell into a trance.

Karen noticed Blake's expression and said, ``Pamela is going to be helpless around the guys. Any guy who gets his hand inside her blouse is going to get her to melt!" Everyone laughed as Blake sat there contentedly.

Well we have a busy day ahead of us," Mrs. O'Connor said interrupted Blake's reverie, I had better go upstairs and get dressed!"

Mom," Kathy said, today is the start of Pam's very first period, and she needs someone to teach her all about using pads and tampons."

Oh, I see what you mean," Mrs. O'Connor winked at the girls, I could show Pamela what to do just like I showed you and your sister when you were pre-teens. Let me take her up to my room while I get dressed and I'll give her a lesson. We should be ready to leave for the mall in half an hour."

Blake put back on his top and then Mrs. O'Connor escorted him up to her room. On the way up the stairs, Beth was coming down to have breakfast. It was the first time Blake had seen her and she was every bit as beautiful as her photograph. Well if it isn't the Girls-Only Club!", Beth said seeing the other girls coming up the stairway behind Blake. And this must be Pamela! I've heard so much about the newest member of the club. My god, you're even prettier than Kathy and mom were telling me. Oh, and look at her blushing! Pam, may I call you Pam?, You're just so precious. Brad and I can't thank you enough for agreeing to be a bridesmaid at our wedding!"

It was clear that Beth had no idea that Pamela was really a boy, and if Blake had any fears of passing in public as a girl, they were immediately dispelled by Beth's reaction. ``I can't wait to go."

``Did your family just move to town? I can't remember ever hearing Kathy or the other girls talk about you until just recently."

Blake was caught by surprise, but luckily Mrs. O'Connor intervened quickly, ``Pam's family is new to town. Its just amazing how fast she became friends with the club members. They just really hit it off great."

``Well, you probably will have to have the bridesmaid dress altered a bit, since Pamela is a few inches taller than Brad's cousin."

That's one of the things we were planning to do today." Mrs. O'Connor said, and I think we had better get a move on it!"

With that she continued on up the stairs, and led Blake into her bedroom and shut the door behind them. She had a large spacious bedroom with a private bath just like Kathy's. ``I'm going to pretend that you are either Kathy or Beth to make it easier for me to talk to you about periods. OK?" Blake nodded his agreement.

``Now, your period is nothing for you to be frightened about. I realize that you will see some blood coming out, but this is just nature's way of getting you ready to have babies. All girls experience some cramping and maybe other symptoms like headache and irritability so don't be alarmed if any of these things happen to you."

``I won't Mrs. O'Connor."

She led Blake into the bathroom and reached into a cabinet and took out a large package of maxipads. Here, take one of these," she said offering the box to Blake. He reached in and took out one of the pads which were individually wrapped in pink plastic pouches. Now I'll teach you how to use this to catch the blood. First let me show you how I wear them. I'm near the end of my period and am wearing one right now. First you sit down on the toilet seat." Mrs. O'Connor sat down and lifted up her short nightie and pulled down her panties revealing a pad with some traces of blood in it. ``You see, there isn't much blood here, not enough to change pads yet. See how the pad is held in my panties? Now you sit down and see if you can put in a pad."

Blake walked over to the toilet and was immediately confused as to whether he should lift his skirt up or take it off before sitting down. ``What should I do? Take off my skirt or lift it up?"

``Well Pamela you can do which ever is most comfortable depending on the outfit. If you are careful you can just lift up your skirt, but make sure you don't get any blood on it! That would be very embarrassing! If that doesn't seem possible then you can take it off."

Blake decided he would try lifting up the skirt. He raised it from the bottom over his waist and then realized he had to get the slip also. This he managed to also pick up. Then holding the skirt and slip up in one hand, he used his other to lower his pantyhose and panties until they were down to his knees. He then sat down on the seat.

``Now open up one of the pouches."

Blake did as he was instructed and took out a long white pad folded in three sections with a strip of wax paper covering some adhesive. Now remember to save the pouch so that you can dispose of the used pad when done. Now pull off the strip and carefully place the pad in your panties." Mrs. O'Connor guided Blake's hand so that the pad was positioned in just the right place. Now press it in firmly. Very good. I think you've got the hang of it. It'll take a little getting used to wearing it. For example, you'll feel the lump of the pad in your panties pressing against your vagina while you walk. But eventually you'll be entirely accustomed to it."

``I think I understand how to use the pads. I guess I should carry a few in my purse?"

``Yes, of course. And you realize that you can use some of the thinner pads when you think that your period might be about to start. That way you won't have an accident. At night, there are some really large pads that you can use to catch the heavy bleeding that you might have over a long period."

``But what about tampons? When are they used?"

``Obviously, you can't use them, but I agree that you should know about them since all girls do. Kathy and the other younger girls usually use these, so why don't I ask if one of them would come in here and give you a lesson on them."

Mrs. O'Connor left to go to Kathy's room to speak to the girls.

``Pamela needs to learn about tampons, and we are wondering if any of you are having your period now and could give her a little demonstration?"

Mrs. O'Connor, I'm wearing one right now and I was going to be changing it soon," Penny said. I'll be happy to show Pam what to do."

Me too," said Janet. I'll come along also."

With this, Penny, Janet and Mrs. O'Connor went back to Blake who was still sitting on the toilet seat.

``You can pull up your panties and pantyhose, Pamela, I think we are all done with the pads." Mrs. O'Connor said.

OK," Blake said as he got up and did as she said. I can feel the pad. But its not uncomfortable."

``Good. They really aren't that much of a nuisance. Now Penny and Janet are each going to show you how they use tampons."

Penny unzipped her jeans and slid them down her legs revealing her delicate white panties. She lowered these and then sat down on the toilet seat. Blake could see her pubic hair with a white string dangling out. ``See, the first thing I do is pull out the old tampon using this string. Why don't you do it, Pam, so you can see what it feels like."

Very gingerly, Blake took hold of the string and pulled it. The tampon didn't move. ``It won't move!"

``Yes it will if you give it more force. Don't be afraid to really pull on it."

This time Blake pulled harder and it started to move out. Its moving!" Blake cried and the two girls and Mrs. O'Connor laughed. He kept on pulling until it suddenly came out. It was covered with a little blood and Penny quickly covered it with tissue paper. Now we just put that in the trash, never in the toilet. Now I take a new tampon and put it in." She took a tampon out of her purse, took off the wrapper and handed it to Blake to look at. `You see it has an applicator which you put into your vagina and then push out the tampon into yourself, leaving the string to dangle outside." She proceeded to insert it and with expert fingers was done in a couple of seconds. ``Now you can throw out the applicator."

Why don't you try the whole procedure on me," said Janet. I'll just sit here and you do everything."

``OK, I'll try it." Penny stood up and pulled back up her panties and jeans. Then Janet unzipped her pants, pulled them down with her panties and sat on the seat with her legs spread wide. Blake then very delicately kneeled in front of her and pulled out the tampon, put it in some tissue and threw it out. Then he took a fresh tampon and inserted it slowly into Janet's vagina.

Janet winced slightly and Blake said with some alarm, ``I'm not hurting you am I?"

``No, no, Blake, its just very sensitive, particularly when someone else is touching my vagina. You must know that also!"

The tampon applicator was now half in and Blake continued pushing on it. Finally it reached the right spot and Janet said, that's perfect! Now push in the tampon and take out the applicator." Blake did as he was told and then with evident pride said, OK, all done. I'm so happy I didn't hurt you!"

``You really are a fast learner Pamela. Someday, maybe you will actually be using tampons instead of pads! For example, if you want to go swimming during your period they are essential."

Mrs. O'Connor added, ``Of course, girls tend to check up on their pads when they go to the bathroom. And I suppose you realize that from now on you have to pee sitting down just like a girl! You must remember to clean off your vagina with some tissue paper after you pee. Do you have to pee now? If so, we can make sure you do it right."

Blake nodded his head yes.

``Good. Now you can also show the girls how you have learned to lift up your skirt." Blake repeated his earlier lesson by raising his skirt and sat down again on the toilet. He sat there for a minute or two trying to pee with the two girls and Mrs. O'Connor watching him.

``Well, Pamela, do you have to pee or not. Hurry up now." Mrs. O'Connor said.

``I'm trying," Blake said.

Mrs. O'Connor started talking to the two girls about school, in particular whether they had heard about the results of the tryouts for the cheerleading squad which had just been held. All the girls in the club had auditioned. After another minute Karen, Kathy and Amy came into the room to see what was happening. Blake sat there on the toilet trying desperately to pee with now all five girls and Mrs. O'Connor standing next to him.

``How was your lesson Pamela?," asked Karen.

``I think I understand what to do with my pads. Mrs. O'Connor was just teaching me how to pee like a girl."

``Yes, come on now Pamela, we don't have all day!" Mrs. O'Connor said.

``I'm sorry. I'm trying to go and I know that I have to go. It'll be just a minute more."

The girls and Mrs. O'Connor resumed their conversation and Blake felt even more frustrated. The urge to pee was increasing at the same time as his `clitoris' had developed a very large erection. He was embarrassed that the girls were being held up waiting for him.

After several more minutes the conversation lulled and everyone turned their attention to Blake. He sat there surrounded by all the girls and Mrs. O'Connor. He now felt a tremendous desire to pee and at the same time his penis had become very hard and he had no hope of peeing. He sensed the impatience of everyone, whom he was holding up from starting the days activities. He was sweating and felt hot with his skirt and slip bunched up around him. He could feel his bra sticking to his skin from perspiration. The seconds ticked off in silence.

``I'm trying to go I really am," he said frantically.

We really do have to be going," Mrs. O'Connor said. Why don't you get up and let me pee, so I can get dressed. Then you can try again."

As Blake reached between his legs to pull up his panties and pantyhose, the slight pressure on his penis caused him to explode in an uncontrollable orgasm. He grabbed his penis as the cum shot out in rapid pulses into his hand, narrowly missing his clothes or any of the girls. The pleasure he felt was extraordinarily intense, and he gasped loudly while shouting, ``Oh, my God,...,I'm sorry...I don't know what happened to me!"

The girls were at first stunned by the sudden excitement but then had to fight to suppress giggles as Blake frantically attempted to keep his cum from dripping down onto his clothes.

Oh, you poor poor dear," Mrs. O'Connor exclaimed. We didn't realize that you were so frightened about peeing in front of us." She quickly pulled out a tissue from a dispenser and proceeded to clean up around Blake's thighs and penis. Then she turned on the faucet and led Blake over to the sink to wash off his hands. ``Kathy, help Pamela get straightened up so I can get ready to go."

Kathy took Blake by the hand and led him to Mrs. O'Connor's bed where she helped him pull up his panties and pantyhose, and then smoothed out his slip and skirt. She got a hairbrush and straightened out his hair.

He could see Mrs. O'Connor sitting on the toilet and in a second he heard her release a confident stream of pee into the bowl.

Don't be upset Pamela," Kathy said, some girls are very shy about peeing in front of others. I've even heard that in Japan many of the girls purposefully keep flushing the toilets so no one can hear them peeing. Its a terrible waste of water!"

``I guess I've got just so much to learn. I don't know if I'm ever going to be a girl."

Kathy sat down next to Blake and put her arm over his shoulder. ``There, there Pamela, these are just your very first days of being a girl. Don't be upset. I'm sure that in the weeks and months ahead your going to find yourself to be quite the young lady."

``I hope so."

Mrs. O'Connor now came into the bedroom to get dressed. ``Come on Pamela, you must forget about what happened. Why don't you help me choose an outfit for today."

``OK, Mrs. O'Connor," Blake said getting up.

``First we have to pick out a bra and panties from my drawer." She pointed to the second drawer of her dresser. Blake opened it up and saw that it was filled with several piles of bras on one side and panties on the other.

She took off her nightie and its matching panties and place them on the bed and came back to stand next to Blake totally naked. He couldn't help but notice her exquisite figure and large breasts topped with nipples almost as large as those on a baby bottle. He felt his heart racing as she said, ``what do you think? Perhaps the light blue bra?"

Blake saw the bra in question and picked it up. Yes, it is nice." The bra had very large cups like his mom's bras, but must have been much more expensive since the cups were entirely lace and very shear. Part way down the panty pile he saw a light blue pair and asked, are those the matching panties?"

``Yes they are."

``Oh, good then this is the perfect set to wear today."

``Help me on with the bra."

Blake arranged the bra and held it out for Mrs. O'Connor to slip her arms through it. She then turned around and Blake clipped the back on the first set of hooks.

``No, it should go in the middle hooks."

``I'm sorry," Blake said as he adjusted the straps. He then gave her the panties which she stepped into and pulled up.

``I think I'll wear jeans today and you can select a blouse for me from the next drawer down." She put on a pair of jeans she had hanging over the end of a chair while Blake closed the bra and panty drawer and opened the next one. On the right was stockings and pantyhose and on the left a neat pile of tops. He saw that there was a light blue one which he took out and gave to Mrs. O'Connor. She put it on and tucked the blouse into her pants.

``How do I look?"

``Oh, so very pretty Mrs. O'Connor. Just beautiful!"

``So, I'll just put on some shoes and we'll all be ready to go to the mall!"

(c) Copyright 1997: "peter bernard"

If you want to post this anywhere else, please ask the author for permission first. Thank you

Next: Chapter 5

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