The Gift

By moc.loa@tpircsrettuC

Published on Oct 27, 2004


WARNING - This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may (and probably will) involve sex between men, youths and boys. If such material offends what the hell are you doing on Nifty.

My characters do not use condoms or other safeguards but this story is fiction ... get it. I write my stories in 'full screen' text, they are best read that way.

Onto the story. Enjoy. Donate a coupla quid. KEEP NIFTY FREE ..... for comments and criticism, all mails answered.





Mark walked down the road on the way back to his school, he'd left the place some time ago but he made a habit of wandering down to the Sports Field at the rear of the school where the boys practiced and generally just kicked about on a Saturday morning. He liked football, he was good at it and he felt the need to pass on his expertise. He also liked younger boys, he found the fourteens and fifteen a real turn on, he'd never quite sorted out if he went there for the boys or the exercise.

He was sixteen and a waiter in a local hotel, he rarely worked weekends which suited him just fine. he lived at home, he didn't drink and he didn't smoke, his one vice was young boys and he didn't get much chance to exercise that. He was just under six feet tall, not skinny but not musclebound either, currently he had what you could call a pudding basin cut, his hair was short and dark and he just brushed it down to his skull. He thought he was pretty dishy but then again most sixteen year olds think the same. Naturally enough being dark haired he was also quite dark in complexion, not really an English Rose type but all the same why the hell couldn't he swag a chicken.

He'd sighted one last Saturday, a small boy whose name he thought was Avram or Aaron, sounded Jewish or something similar, a short and slender boy maybe thirteen or fourteen and this kid was a doll .... really. To say he had the hots was an understatement.

This was his main reason for going down the field on what was turning out to be a pretty miserable Saturday, fine rain, you know the stuff that soaks you through before you realise it. He was desperately hoping that this kid was there and come hell or high water he was gonna chat the little brat. He had a feeling about this kid, he didn't know if it was the gaydar he'd read about working or if he was just imagining things but there was something there, he knew in his mind that there was something about this kid. Mark was determined come what may he was going to have a crack at this little angel come what may, he pushed open the cage door and strolled towards the group playing ball.

He made a show of greeting the kids most of whom he knew. Little blondy was there and even chimed in a 'Hello, Mark' with the others.

'Hi, kid,' Mark went into overdrive. 'I'm sorry I don't know your name.'

'Arron,' the boy grinned. 'One A, two Rs,' the lad sped away. At least Mark had a name to wank over if nothing else. Mind you the cum he'd spilt over this kid in the week would have floated a battleship.

They barely got another hour's practice and general horsing around before the heavens opened and the kids made a run for shelter Mark studied the boy Arron and the more he saw the more he liked. The kid pulled a Newcastle United training suit on over his wet shirt and shorts and stood with the others looking waterlogged and forlorn, Mark had the overwhelming desire to cuddle the boy's frail body and just hug him to death, he was developing a serious case of the hots for this kid. After a while the group broke up and Mark lingered, he didn't know how he was going to chat up Arron but hopefully if he lurked long enough he could at least tag onto the kid when he left and walk along and have a chat.

Fortune smiled on Mark for once.

'Oh, bollocks,' Arron shouted and like a spoilt child kicked his bike.

'What's up, kid?' Mark was in like a shot.

I've got a bloody puncture,' Arron groaned.

'Haven't you got a pump?'

'No,' Arron looked close to tears, the other lads had disappeared there was just him, Mark and a knackered bike left. Mark's heart leapt, now was his golden opportunity it was time for the Good Samaritan bit. He looked at Arron trying not to drool over the boy's fresh face, the scattering of freckles over his cute nose and his adorable lips.

'Where do you live?'

'Clarendon Avenue,' Arron gave his bike another withering glance. 'Heap o' shit.'

Mark wasn't too taken with the boy's bad language but he had a point, the bike had seen much better days, it was a relic, maybe a handmedown.

'I live up that way,' Mark felt inspired and it was true, young Arron must actually cycle past his house to come to the school. 'I've got a puncture kit indoors, we can fix it up if you wanna walk along.'

'Great,' Arron grinned. 'You're a hero.'

'That's me,' Mark agreed cheerfully. He was over the moon, Arron was going with him, he would actually get the little angel indoors and then anything could happen. 'Come on, we're gonna get wet anyway,' he casually put his arm around Arron's shoulder and gave a squeeze.

'Right,' Arron pulled free but gave him a sunny smile. 'Let's go, Marky.'

Mark nearly fainted, Arron had called him Marky, he'd smiled at him, the kid was game, he was absolutely certain of it. His little angel was up for it, he was convinced.

'Good job I don't have to rush,' Arron chattered as they hurried through the steady rain, they were both soaked to the skin but as Mark said, they could dry out in the kitchen whilst fixing the tyre.

'My people have left me grub,' Arron wittered on saying all the things Mark wanted to hear. 'They're not back home until around ten this evening.'

'Haven't they got you a sitter organised?'

'Come on,' Arron crowed. 'I'm fourteen not four.'

Mark shrugged and grinned, even better, the prey didn't have to rush home, they had all afternoon to themselves. Purely by chance his own parents were away for the weekend so he had the house to himself. In fact, he didn't see too much of his people, what with his shifts at the hotel and the fact that they tended to go away weekends it meant that their communication was mainly by notes stuck to the fridge. Suited Mark, he was a loner anyway, or at least he was until now.

'I'm freezing,' Arron moaned as he pushed his disabled bike in the rain.

'You can have a hot bath indoors whilst I sort the bike out,' Mark offered hopefully.

'Dunno about that,' Arron glanced at Mark and grinned. 'Don't want to spoil your Saturday, you must have things to do.'

'Not really.'

They walked the rest of the way in silence. Mark wondering if he'd overdone it a bit on the bath offer and Arron wondering if this sixteen year old stranger was after his body or just being a friend in need. He'd seen Mark looking at him the same way that David had and suspected that maybe the older boy fancied him but he wasn't really interested in any liaisons at present. He was fixated on Darren from the film company, by the wildest of coincidences young Darren who was the same age lived a mere stone's throw away from himself and they had become firm friends over the last couple of months. Unfortunately, although he'd given Darren every encouragement the kid hadn't made a move, despairingly Arron assumed that Darren was either as thick as a plank or as straight as a ruler, neither option was very pleasing.

'Here we are,' Mark announced and slung open a garden gate ushering Arron and bike down towards the small council house.

Arron stood and watched as Mark bent over and recovered a key from under a convenient plant pot, unlocked the kitchen door and replaced the key.

'Don't they trust you with a key?'

'Forever losing it,' Mark smiled. Let's get in the dry.'

'Wanna cold drink?' he propped the bike up alongside the kitchen sink and took his soaked coat off.

'Wouldn't mind something hot,' Arron looked waiflike standing in the middle of the kitchen dripping water.

'Tea or coffee?'

'Whatever,' Arron grinned the stock teenge answer to everything.

'Take your top stuff off, it's soaked,' Mark acted casual. 'Drape it around the cooker,' he turned away and clicked on the oven opening the door, it was an expensive way to dry things but he wasn't paying the bill after all. He pulled up two kitchen chairs and used one to drape his own coat over and then his training top.

'Right,' Arron moved as he saw what Mark was doing, he peeled off his wet top and then after a pause dropped his trousers leaving himself in his football kit of shorts and shirt.

Mark gulped and quickly turned away to tend to the kettle, was Arron going to take anything else off, hardly likely but you never knew.

'Can I take my boots and socks off?'

'Why not,' Mark answered without turning around from his coffee making. 'You may as well dry off if you haven't got to rush off.'

'Nah. No panic,' Arron returned. Mark's heart was going like a trip hammer, the kid was stripping in his kitchen. He must be gay or at least game, no normal kid would go into a complete stranger's house and get stripped off without good reason. The fact that Arron was completely soaked though to the skin escaped his attention. The fact that Arron was a bit too trusting for his own good was also a factor that Mark had failed to pick up on, he'd unwittingly put himself into a position of control and responsibilty for a fourteen year old kid and he was about to spoil it all. Mind you, no one had ever said that Mark was bright.

Mark busied himself and made two mugs of coffee when he turned he nearly fainted. Arron was standing barechested in his football shorts waving his shirt around in front of the open oven, he still had his socks on but his trainers were racked out to dry with his other stuff. Mark's little angel was almost naked, surely he was up for it. Mark handed the mug over and collapsed onto one of the other chairs. Where the hell do I go from here? He thought.

Arron sat the other side of the kitchen table and grinned across. 'Getting warmer,' he commented looking at the steam arising from the sodden clothing.

'Yeah, they'll soon dry out,' Mark stood up suddenly and knelt by the sink. Rummaging around underneath he produced a pump and brandished it. 'Told ya.'

'So you did,' Arron agreed with a laugh. 'You got a kit in there as well?'

Mark silently produced a small tin and placed it on the table.

'Nothing wrong with the tyre,' he said moments later. 'Someone must have let it down.'

'Cunts,' Arron frowned. 'They picked the right day for it as well.'

'Never mind,' Mark sat down again. 'Well if you don't have to rush home......'

'Nah, no panic anyway, it's raining.' Arron grinned. 'Toss me out when you like, I'll be on my way if you have things to do.'

'We may as well go upto my room and watch the sports on the box, it's warmer up there.'

'May as well,' Arron agreed quite cheerfully. 'The rain's set in for a bit,' he looked at the kitchen window with the water running down. 'Floooding tonight,' he laughed. 'I love floods.'

'Probably wouldn't if you lived in Bangladesh,' Mark stood up. 'Come on Arron, let's catch some football on the box.'

'Yeah, righton,' Arron stood up and looked at Mark. 'Lead on Marky.'

Mark was virtually walking on clouds as he mounted the stairs to his room with little Arron in tow. Jeeeze, the kid was half naked and he was actually going to go into his bedroom, the boy must be willing, he must want it. What kid in their right mind strips off in a strangers house and then goes into his bedroom? A boy who was ready for a laugh or quite possibly a game. Mark was convinced.

Arron on the other hand just thought Mark was one of the boys, he'd helped out with the bike, he'd allowed him to dry his wet clothing out and now he seemed quite happy to let him watch television whilst his kit was drying out. Good ol' Mark, a regular little angel ..... well he wasn't all that little, Arron gazed at Mark's bum as he followed him up the stairs. Nice bum but Mark seemed straight enough, anyway, Arron was besotted with Darren at the moment. Mark was just a casual mate.

'Make yourself comfortable,' Mark waved at the bed as there was only one chair in the room and that was parked in front of his computer.

'You sure about this,' Arron cast his eyes around and perched nervously on the side of the bed. The very first thing that caught his eye were the posters common to most teenagers bedrooms; Eminem, Arron Carter, S Club 8, Aerosmith and Westlife, not a girl to be seen. 'No girls?'

'It's the music not the gender,' Mark replied not quite appreciating the remark. Who the hell wanted to oggle girls when you could stare at Calvin Goldspink or Aaron Carter.

'Oh, I see,' Arron grinned still not realising what was going on. 'I thought you preferred boys to girls,' he grinned widely not wanting to offend his host.

'I do.'

That, as they say in the Old English Book of Etiquette is a conversation stopper.

Arron looked confused for a moment and then gave Mark a slight smile. 'You're talking about singers and whatnot?'

'Not just singers,' Mark sat on the bed alongside Arron and shuffled closer. He placed his hand on top of Arron's smooth thigh just short of the hem of his shorts. He looked at his little blonde guest and smiled slightly, surely he was broadcasting his love, surely Arron could see that.

'Er, excuse me,' Arron reddened a little and gently removed Mark's hand. 'Let's not get carried away.'

'Why not?' Mark replied in what he thought was a reasonable tone. 'We're in a nice warm room, we've got all afternoon to ourselves, what's the hassle. He moved closer and draped his arm around Arron's shoulders and hugged the boy nearly fainting at the scent and the damp body heat. Boy funk and hormones. He felt his penis damp within his boxers, he was dribbling and why not? This kid was a very serious turnon.

'Time for me to go,' Arron gave a shaky laugh and tried to rise from the bed. It had suddenly come to him, Mark was after his body, he was alone with a much bigger boy and he was in danger. He wouldn't have minded so much if he fancied Mark but he didn't and that was an end to it.

'No it isn't,' Mark frowned and with his arm still around Arron's shoulder bore him back to the bed. 'Where's the harm, there's just the two of us.' Mark gazed into Arron's eyes and then did something he'd wanted to ever since the lad had taken his shirt off. He ducked his head and mouthed one soft coral pink nipple and his hand dropped to Arron's crotch feeling the soft mass within the kid's shorts. Mmmm, not to bad for a fourteen year old kid. He sucked Arron's hardening nipple and massaged the boy's soft cock.

'Geroff, for Christ's sake,' Arron yelled and struggled. 'Have you gone fuckin' mad or something. He tried to get off the bed but Mark's weight was on him keeping him pinned. 'You're a fuckin' poof.'

'Shut up, you foul mouthed little prick,' Mark nipped Arron's nipple, maybe a bit of pain might calm him down, he could swear the boy's sex was thickening and filling out. But Arron squealed at the pain and continued to struggle. Mark grinned and lightly kissed Arron on the lips. 'Playing hard to get, kid?'

'Uuuuurgh,' Arron screwed his face up at the kiss. 'Homo cunt,' he snarled.

That was it. Mark's fragile control slipped uncaging his beasts, these were the animals within him and he didn't even know. There was rage, violence and lust and they were coming. Most people have these things within them but not everyone gets to be in a secluded bedroom with a half naked fourteen year old angel besides them. Mark was as hard as an iron bar and all that was between him and and his desire was Arron's curious attitude and a pair of still damp shorts.

He dipped his head again and this time forced Arron flat onto the bed with his body weight, he kissed the boy again but Arron's lips remained firmly shut, no response at all. Mark pinched Arron's cute little nose stopping the air supply and as Arron's mouth shot open he slipped his tongue into the warm wetness seeking a partner.

'Mmmmmmmfph.' Arron bit Mark's tongue.

'Shite.' Mark screamed with the pain and sprang back on the bed tasting his own bloody saltiness in his mouth, he rocked back on the bed and lashed out with his half clenched fist catching Arron on the side of the mouth, then as the boy struggled to get from the bed he hit him again a classic right hander to the point of the jaw.

Arron's eyes closed, he flopped back onto the bed, he was out for a count of ten.

'Fuckin' 'ell,' Mark looked at the unconcious boy and rushed to the bathroom spraying blood as he ran. Once in the bathroom he ran the cold tap and stuffed his mouth with towel, a quick rinse and more towel. He was hurt but not that badly, his tongue was obviously slippery and Arron's teeth hadn't got that much of a purchase. Thank God, he thought. The little bastard could have bitten off my tongue.

He looked at his blood smeared face in the mirror, he had a good body, he looked alright, how the hell could the little prat treat him like this especially after leading him on so. He snarled into the mirror and grabbed a pot of hand lotion his mother used and returned to the bedroom. No more moonlight and roses, this was time for sex whether Arron wanted it or not.

Back in the bedrom Arron was alive that was for sure, he was on his side clutching the pillow to his face protectively, perhaps he was expecting more of the same. Mark was in control now, he knew what he wanted and he was going to take it.

He roughly grabbed the boy's thin legs and flipped him onto his back, Arron pressed the pillow to his face. Mark had a moment of weakness as he heard the boy's sobs but banished it, weakness was for wimps. He tugged Arron's shorts and briefs down stripping the boy completely. Mark steeled himself against the muffled crying and tugged at the garments until they were clear and tossed them on the floor, Arron made a half hearted attempt to hang onto his clothing but settled for retaining his pillow instead. Maybe it was a bit of the ostrich syndrome, what you can't see isn't happening. How wrong could you be?

Mark knelt on the bed and studied the sight spread beneath him. A totally naked Arron, the remains of a summer tan fading to an alabaster whiteness where his swimming costume had covered and dead centre a limp and retracted noodle barely two inches in length, there was a fine golden pubic fuzz more than a bush, other than that he was completely hairless. The absolutely charming scattering of freckles on his face didn't extend to his chest, his body although still childlike was absolutely flawless, Mark swallowed and grabbing his crotch and the stiffness within groaning. He had to have this kid, like right now. For starters he ducked his head and nuzzled at Arron's soft dicky looking up the boy's belly as he felt the limpness jerk and begin to stiffen.

'Not completely dead then,' he laughed at the pillow covered face and then ducked his face a gain. This time a slow swipe up the length of the boy's expanding dicklet and just the quickest lap above the pink glans just beginning to protude from it's foreskin. Jesus, he thought. After all this the brat was getting a stiffy ..... so much for the virgin Arron.

'Pervert,' Arron's voice was muffled beneath the pillow.

'This is perverted,' Mark slipped his finger under the thickening organ and sucked the warm flesh until it was fully hard in his mouth and now at it's full stretch of around between four and five inches. Not bad for a tiddler.

Arron cursed as he felt himself getting hard, he had no control over the bloody thing but one ray of hope on the horizon was that perhaps Mark just wanted to blow him or even sixty nine. Wrong again, Arron.

'Whatcha doing,' Arron squealed as he felt his legs being crossed forcing him to roll over and lay on his belly. Christ, he hugged his pillow and started to cry again in fright. This can't be happening to me, it just can't.

Mark gazed at the pure white buns which were tightly clenched as if that would stop him, he grinned wolfishly ..... no fuckin' way. He swallowed the blood in his mouth and studied the naked and defenceless boy on his bed. It was time. He peeled off his shirt and kicked off his trainers. Standing for a moment he quickly dropped his jeans and boxers, his erection popped free, sure enough he was precuming but no matter he also had the hand cream for Arron's tight little arse. He knelt on the bed with his legs inside Arron's and forced them apart.

'Whatcha doing?' Arron moaned asking the question for the second time, he clenched his butt cheeks fiercely, he was pretty certain what Mark was about to attempt.Mark ducked his head again, kissed both snowy cheeks and lightly ran his tongue from top to bottom of Arron's crack. 'You fuckin' sick bastard,' Arron spat into the pillow.

'Shut it, Pumpkin,' Mark grinned as he gave one pure white buttock a hard slap and watched in delight as his handprint appeared in bright red agaist the snowy skin. Arron yelped in pain and clutched at the pillow. He didn't believe this was happening. The last time he'd done this sort of thing it had been with David and it had been loving and gentle, a bit of pain at first but after that he'd enjoyed it and so had David, he suspected this experience was going to be a little different.

Mark squirted his mother's lotion onto his straining member and worked it in, looking at Arron's tightly clenched cheeks he gave a forceful thust with two fingers and holed in one.

Arron bucked and shrieking into the pillow. The pain was unbearable as Mark rammed his fingers in as far as he could go effectively pinning his prey to the bed. Jesus it hurt he savaged the pillow as Mark pushed deeper and then started to move his fingers in and out oiling and lubricating Arron's tight little hole. 'You like that, you little slut,' Mark grinned as he roughly finger fucked his little victim ignoring the sobs of pain. 'If you like that you'll love this.'

Arron screamed again as the fingers were pulled out in one rough jerk and he felt his legs being parted and then the feel of a hot bulbous mass pushing between his cheeks forcing them apart. 'No, no, please,' he begged but Mark was too far gone to care now.

Arron screamed again as he felt Mark give one almighty thrust and pierce him opening his spincter and filling his back passage with something hot and fleshy, something far bigger than David's and David was a good six incher. God knows what this animal measured.

Mark was in heaven, he felt his knob encased in living flesh and then the incredible sensation as his cock sank deeper and deeper into Arron's tight little boy bottom. Wicked, absolutely wicked. He began to move in and out sinking deeper and deeper into the sobbing boy. Arron saw sense at last and relaxed, he could no more stop this thing happening as he could stop the rain from falling. God it felt massive, he felt his whole lower body in pain as Mark's outsized cock filled his anus and rectum.

'Gotcha,' Mark sighed in satisfaction as he dug deep and nestled against the youngster beneath. He gave an extra hard prod really sheathing himself and then started to fuck, his nuts were uptight, the pity was it wouldn't last too long but the second time would be better. He was still convinced in his own mind that Arron really wanted him and that they would probably 'be at it' for the rest of the day.

'Oh, my God,' Arron moaned as he felt the hardness of flesh that must have been seven inches long spear into his gut, the one consolation was the precum and the lube but that didn't stop the pain as the bigger boy ravished his tender white bottom. He could feel Mark's kisses and the slipperyness of saliva and probably blood on the back of his neck as the older boy just lay on him and pumped his hips up and down working to a climax. 'Enough, enough, please.'

'No way,' Mark grunted moving faster and digging deeper into the bruised flesh as he felt his climax boiling up. He was going to cum, his first ever fuck and that with a fourteen year old virgin, or so he thought. 'I'm cuming,' he groaned.

'Fuck off, you're killing me,' Arron moaned but secretly glad it was coming to an end. Every dog had it's day and this bastard had his to come.

'Yeah, yeah,' Mark was well into his stride now, he was hot, his erection was so hard it was aching, he could feel his semen boiling in his balls and then it happened. What felt like red hot sperm shot up his rigid shaft and then the blessed relief as he felt spurt after spurt of his hot spunk shoot into his little lover. The hot liquidity, the easing of movement and the absolute bliss of laying there rammed into Arron's sweet bottom giving the boy his all. He gently moved his hips forcing his softening cock into the spunky mess literally forcing the bruised and battered boy into the mattress. 'Jeez. That was so good,' he sighed and stirred himself inside Arron's soft bottom.

He softly kissed the back of Arron's sweat sheened neck as his beasts crept back into their cage, It was over.

'You'll fuckin' die for this,' Arron sobbed and lay perfectly still. Was it all over?

Mark rolled on his side taking the boy with him and idly stirred his now flaccid penis in it's spunky mess. surprisingly enough he thought Arron pushed back but maybe he was imagining things. Finally he slipped free in a surge of cum and blood.

Blood. Mark sat up alarmed and before Arron could say anything shoved him onto his belly again and forced open his legs.

'No, please,' Arron cried out thinking Mark was going to assault him again.

'It's alright,' Mark peered at Arron's exposed ring shining with hand lotion and oozing cum, there was a tiny split with a minute trace of blood. The kid would live. 'It's alright,' he repeated and then kissed Arron's soft bum.

'It's alright, you cunt,' Arron snarled and slid to the edge of the bed. 'I'm going to the bathroom and don't you dare come in.'

Mark lay on the bed in the afterglow and gradually reality began to return. Now what? He'd commited a serious offence, he'd raped a minor, where the hell was this going to finish. Being nice to Arron may be a start but he felt from the kid's attitude that may prove an uphill struggle. He might even have destroyed his own life for just one fuck, this could be the end of the road.

He closed his eyes, he'd done it and what was done was well and truly done, anything from now on would be pure damage limitation. He remembered his Dad telling him once that he had commited a minor offence and had been locked up for a month. His Dad had said that once you'd done a naughty and been captured it was all out of your hands, pretty negative advice but Mark knew now exactly how his father had felt. He'd done wrong and now his fate was in someone else's hands.

He was still laying there contemplating his situation when Arron returned, he'd quite clearlry washed and also purloined a tattered bathrobe from the bathroom.

'You bled all over my shoulders,' he looked at Mark and quite amazingly smiled. 'I hope it hurts like hell.'

'It does,' Mark admitted.

'So does my bum,' Arron gingerly sat on the computer chair and stared at Mark still sprawled on the bed. 'Put your trousers on, your body makes me sick.'

'Sorry,' Mark grovelled. He clambered back into his track suit bottom without bothering with his other clothing, he knew that he was on a razor's edge with this kid. 'Look, Arron. I'm really sorry about this afternoon. I just got carried away. I just liked you so much and you were making all the right signs............'

'And you raped me,' Arron sneered and then fell silent for a moment. 'What the fuck do you mean,' he suddenly shouted. 'I was making all the right signs? What are you? Fuckin' mad?'

'I dunno,' Mark nearly blubbered. 'I just liked you and I thought you liked me.'

'Well, I liked you too,' Arron seemed to be calming down. 'I thought you were a mate in need and that I could sit in the dry and watch a bit of TV ..... and then you turned into a bloody maniac.'


'Sorry, sorry, fuckin' sorry. Is that all you can say,' Arron lost it again. 'You will be sorry once I've seen my Doctor and told him about you. You'll have the flashing blue lights around here tonight.'

'You can't prove it,' Mark shot back defiantly.

'Don't be a moron all your life,' Arron sneered now back in control, he adjusted his bathrobe. 'Ever heard of DNA. You're a dead man, Romeo.'

'For fuck's sake,' Mark burst out. 'I've said I'm sorry, can't I make it up to you somehow, I'll do anything.'

'Anything?' Arron sniggered. 'I suppose I could blackmail you for ever but that's not my style.'

'And?' Mark asked nervously.

'I could have a bit of revenge, square the account sort of thing.'

Mark looked at the smaller boy perched on his chair. The kid was obviously very highly strung or to put it bluntly, exciteable but he had good cause to be. What Mark did notice as well was that Arron was fiddling with the fold of his gown down by his crotch, was it possible the revenge the kid mentioned may be something other than the police or blackmail?

'If I report this you'll get reported and you'll finish up in Youth Custody, Feltham or somewhere else. Those big black druggies would tear the arse out of a good looking sixteen year old white kid, you'd be a girl in five minutes flat.'

Mark was well aware of all this, he just looked at Arron and then dropped his eyes. He was at the boy's mercy.

'I must admit I quite liked it when you gave me a little suck,' Arron spoke quietly. He flipped his bathrobe open to display his boycock at full stretch and as hard as a rock. Mark stared at the pale shaft and the fully exposed dark pink glans as Arron slowly wanked it to his evident enjoyment.

'Glad I did something right then,' Mark ventured a grin.

'It's not fuckin' funny pal,' Arron scowled. 'A bit of a suck and then a fuck. You get to be my bitch for a bit.'

'What about afterwards?'

'Dunno,' Arron gave an evil grin. 'You do the bitch bit and that gets the police out of the way but it doesn't make us buddies.'

'Fair enough,' Mark sighed with relief, the immediate danger was past it was a matter of taking it one step at a time. He'd never been actually fucked before but it didn't seem he had an option, bestways was to get it over and done with and then get the kid out of the house. Maybe then try and forget about the whole incident all together.

'On your knees, rapist.'

'It's be more comfortable on the bed.'

'OK,' Arron agreed warily. 'No funny stuff otherwise I'll tear lumps out of you,' he ground his teeth and glared ferociously.

Mark nearly laughed but he didn't, he'd been bitten once and he didn't want a repeat. He just stood silent as Arron flopped onto the bed and spread his gown out, the boy's stiffness jutted up onto his belly with just the finest trace of a shiny smear at the end. It was payback time.

'Take your trousers off,' Arron ordered. 'Then when you get hard I'll really know you're a pedo.'

Mark couldn't follow the boy's logic but dropped his stuff anyway and fully naked crouched on the bed between Arron's thin legs. Both of them were as hard as iron pipes anyway, he couldn't see what erections proved, they were both clearly on heat but it was Arron that was in the driving seat. He idly contemplated flipping the little blonde over, ravishing him again and fuck the consequences but held off.

'Don't even think about it,' Arron murmured as if reading Mark's mind.

Mark ducked his head and sucked Arron's balls before lapping up the boy's twitching cock and then finally took the engorged glans into his mouth and began to bob his head up and down. Rather to his suprise he found the taste of Arron's cock nice, it was so smooth and hard, the taste of precum was slightly tart but not disgusting as he'd been expecting.

'You're gonna make me squirt,' Arron giggled and holding Mark's head made little thrusts upwards. Mark gave a hidden grin with his mouth full of boymeat. If the squirt came there and then that's be the fuck out of the window. Now that's one thing he didn't fancy, someone up his arse, he certainly wasn't that type of boy. All he wanted to do was to keep Arron happy and get him out of the house. After that, who knows.

'Marky,' Arron wailed and then to Mark's shock and horror the kid started to squirt milky cum into his mouth, he gagged and gobbled swallowing the slimy spunk as it splattered into the back of his throat. Jesus, the kid could have warned him. 'That was good,' Arron sighed as Mark lapped at his limpening cock. Mark remained crouching and looked up Arron's smooth belly.

'Pity that you're an animal,' Arron commented.

'Look, I've said I'm sorry,' Mark was trying to be cautious but he was also getting annoyed. 'What have I got to do?'

'You've got to let me fuck you,' Arron snapped. 'Or you're in deep shit.'

'Fuck off.'

'Fair enough,' Arron leapt from the bed and grabbed his damp shorts and briefs. 'You're phone working?'

'Not for you it's not,' Mark decided to front the little twerp out. It was time for call his bluff.

'Whatcha gonna do,' Arron jeered. 'Beat me up. Kill me and bury me in the garden?'


'Fuck you too,' Arron panicked. He flung open the bedroom door and ran down the stairs followed a moment later by the still naked Mark. He caught up with Arron in the kitchen which was now like a furnace with the oven blatting away at full blast.

'Look, Arron. Can't we sort this out.'

'Yeah. I fuck you and we're quits,' Arron glared at Mark but the older boy could see that the younger was scared. It was back to being on the old razor's edge again.

'What if I say yes.'

'We do it and I'm history,' Arron smiled suddenly. 'And you still owe me, cunt.'

'You got it in you,' Mark sneered.

'Bet on it,' Arron declared confidently.

'Let's do it,' Mark unconditionally surrendered. He just wanted the blonde monster out of his house and out of his life. There was always the possibilty of finding Arron one dark night. The thought of beating the kid up and raping him only this time really bad made his dick twitch. 'Let's do it,' he turned to return to his bedroom.

'Here'll do,' Arron turned the light off, the kitchen was immediately plunged into gloom as the rain continued to obscure the windows making it seem like dusk.

'No way,' Mark protested.

'Alright the bedroom, Arron conceded. 'May as well do it in comfort.' Once back in Mark's bedroom Arron grinned and dropped his shorts which he'd just managed to get on, he peeled his briefs off and Mark groaned. The randy little bastard was hard again. Unfortunately, Mark didn't know David otherwise he would have been aware of Arron's extraordinary sex drive. Arron was verging on being oversexed and he wanted his revenge. 'On your back on the bed.'

'On my back?' Mark looked mystified.

'Full frontal,' Arron grinned. 'I heard about it,' he lied thinking about better times in the summer with his David.

'Jeez,' Mark lay on his back and looked at his blonde tormentor. 'Now what?'

'Spread your legs,' Arron instructed.Grasping the tube of lotion he knelt between Mark's outspread legs. 'Knees on chest, Romeo.' He instructed.

With a sigh Mark took his knees back up onto his chest, the sense of humiliation was strong but what could he do. He'd never been fucked before and the only consolation was that Arron hadn't got the biggest cock in the world. All the same he felt a right idiot laying out on the bed with his ring exposed for this little twerp. The thought of getting his own back came and went, let's get this over with first, he thought. He looked at Arron as the smaller boy took his time covering and massaging his fleshy little spike until it was rock hard and gleaming. As Arron moved in Mark closed his eyes. His first fucking ..... and with someone he'd just raped.

'You ready for this, Romeo,' Arron smiled as Mark whinced at the feel of slippery flesh at his ring. Arron located dead centre gave a small exploratory push and then postioning himself solidly on the bed thrust in hard and deep. He grabbed Mark's upper arms as the older boy yelled out and spasmed. Firmly seated in living flesh Arron ground in and sighed with satisfaction as he felt his cock immersed in tight flesh and his pubics up close under Mark's scrotum.

Mark felt unendurable pain, he never thought it would be like this. Arron's four or five inches felt like a iron pipe thrust into his arse tearing and forcing his sphincter apart and spreading his anus. He attempted to struggle free but Arron had picked his postion well, his body pinned Mark to the bed and his hot cock speared the older boy hard and fast.

'Jeeez,' Mark groaned. 'Your hurting me.'

'You're bigger than me and you hurt me,' Arron grinned callously and started to slowly move in and out. 'But now I know you're a real queer boy.'

'What are you talking about,' Mark gritted through clenched teeth. The little bastard was going to pay for this.

'You're getting hard which means you're getting pleasure out of this,' Arron moved a little faster. 'Not a bad fuck though,'

'Fuck off,' Mark groaned. To his shame the fourteen year old was right, as soon as Arron had started to move his own penis had started to stiffen, the more Arron fucked the harder it got.

Arron knew perfectly well that when he and David had fucked each the bottom had always got an erection but that was because they enjoyed both giving and taking. The logic was Mark enjoyed being fucked even if he was unwilling to admit it. Arron grinned down at his victim and lunged and plunged, if he hurt the bastard so what, he had the nagging pain at his rear end to remind him what this was all about. 'You like it, you cunt,' he snarled as he pumelled away at Mark's tight arse. The darker youth's meaty cock was twitching and jumping on his belly as Arron pounded away. Unfortunately, good things don't last forever. Arron gave a low groan as he felt his nuts tighten up and then the surge and the relief as he blasted away spuring his milky boy's spunk deep into the now totally humiliated Mark.

For his finale Arron slid free with one jerk bringing a yelp of anguish from Mark's lips.

'You bastard,' Mark dropped his legs hiding his ravaged bum, Arron wasn't the biggest dick in the world but he'd hurt, he'd also taken Mark's virginity and his pride but at least the prospect of prison was fading way. Arron couldn't shop him now, DNA testing went both ways. Mark looked at Arron and slowly grinned as he sat up, there was still a fair bit of the afternoon left and after all, he did outweigh the brat. 'All over then?'

'Yeah, I think so,' Arron grinned cockily. 'You ain't a bad fuck for a cretin.' He laughed as he started to step into his briefs.

'I'm not that much of a cretin,' Mark remarked conversationally as he stood and watched Arron hop around as he tried to get his briefs up without taking his eyes off the older boy. 'You didn't really fuck me just now you know.'

'You've gotta be joking,' Arron laughed shortly and grabbed his still damp shorts. 'Of course I did.'

'No,' Mark snarled. 'You fucked yourself.' His arm shot out and he pushed the startled Arron onto the bed. 'This DNA shit goes both ways, don't it, loverboy?'

'Stop it,' Arron was frightened, he knew what was coming, he could see it in Mark's furious eyes. 'Leave it Mark, let me go.'

'I don't think so,' Mark grinned as he leapt onto his bed pinning the younger boy down. 'From the front this time, I think.'

Arron had no chance, he struggled and he kicked out but Mark ripped the briefs from, him tearing them in the process and then spread him on the bed forcing his knees upto his narrow boyish chest.

'Please, Mark. Don't. Please.' Arron started to cry, he was powerless against Mark, he was at least a couple of stones lighter and Mark was fighting fit ..... he also knew what he wanted.

Mark held Arron's arms down and nudged his slippery glans up against Arron's bruised ring and gave an almighty shove.

Arron shrieked until Mark's hand clamped onto his mouth, he struggled but to no avail, he was pinned by the older boy's heavier body and Mark was now going wild thrusting and ramming in deep and hard just as Arron had done ten minutes previously.

'You bastard, you bastard,' Arron cursed and started to cry. He didn't want to, it wasn't manly but neither was being raped by a sixteen year old lunatic. The last fuck had been painful but this one was agony. He was spread out like a chicken ready for stuffing and that's exactly what was happening, Mark's seven inch prong was merciless as it tore into his tender flesh. 'Please,' he cried out but there was no mercy in Mark's eyes, only rage and maybe pleasure as he tore into his helpless victim.

'You're getting looser,' Mark corkscrewed himself into the sobbing boy bringing another yelp and a moan. 'But you're still a good fuck.'


'Foul mouthed little tart,' Mark snarled and started to move faster and faster. 'Here we go kiddo.'

Arron closed his eyes and tried to black out the sight and the feeling of Mark's thick cock tearing into his bum but he couldn't ignore the pulsing and the slipperyness he felt inside himelf as Mark offloaded his second cum of the day. The older boy sighed with satisfaction as he felt himself empty into the little blonde. He slid free carefully bringing a flood of spunk out with his limpening cock.

'That was a good one,' he remarked cheerfully as he got off the bed and stood up.

'I'll get you for this,' Arron wiped his eyes and covered his middle with his torn briefs.

'Get dressed and get out,' Mark was now back in control. 'You got your revenge and I got mine too, now we're quits ..... fuck off home.'

'I'll get you back,' Arron threatened like a child.

'Piss off Arron,' Mark laughed. 'You wanted to play otherwise you wouldn't have come up here.'

'Loony,' Arron mumbled as he got back into his briefs, he felt dampness at his bottom, probably cum and more blood but he just wanted to get out of this house and get home.

'Go fuckin' home,' Mark shouted. 'You're a prickteaser and you got what was coming.'

'Bollocks,' Arron risked and got into his shorts. 'I'll get you, you basta..........'

Mark's hand shot out and slapped Arron around the side of the head nearly driving him down onto the floor.

'Get out, I'm not going to tell you again.'

'I'm going, I'm going,' Arron babbled as he fled.

In the kitchen he recovered the rest of his gear which was nice and dry, the rain seemed to have stopped which was a mercy. What was a bigger mercy was that Mark stayed upstairs although Arron heard him go into the bathroom. He thought briefly of trashing the kitchen but there wasn't much to destroy, anyway, if Mark caught him he'd kill him. Only one thing might come in useful in the future.

As he started to wheel his bike down the path he quickly ducked and retrieved the kitchen door key, with a bit of luck Mark will assume that he'd lost it in the excitement of the afternoon.

'Up yours Mark you shit,' Arron scowled as he opened the gate, it was a fair old walk home but he couldn't cycle his bum felt like it was on fire. 'I'll be back,' he gave the house an Arnie smile. Too fuckin' true I'll be back, he promised himself. Nobody fucks with the Arron man.


Coming soon: 3 - BAD DAY FOR MARK Pix of Mark and Arron

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