The Ghost My Lover and Me

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Aug 15, 2008


The usual disclaimers apply; this is a factual story that evolves sex between guys and a supernatural entity. If you age underage or do not find this subject matter to your liking, please navigate away from this page.

Part two -

He three of us sat there looking at the .22 cartridge. No one spoke, we just sat and stared. After a while I reached out and picked up the bullet. It looked pristine, like something you might have just bought at the store. Paul, Leo and I moved into the kitchen to examine it under brighter light. After a complete going over, we concluded that it must have been left by one of our friends as a joke. All three of us hit the ceiling when Cody's voice broke our silence; "Brad, who's the dude in the living room?" Paul, Leo and I looked at one another, knowing that there were only the four of us in the house. I turned and looked at Cody, whose face was devoid of color.

"There is no one there babe, it's just us." The word babe slipped out before I knew I said it. I could feel the stare of everyone as a silence covered the room. "Er...Ah...Um;" I stammered at a complete loss for what to say. "I meant there is no one there DUDE;" my words completely unbelievable. Cody turned back to the living room, almost as if he hadn't heard my slip.

"There is a guy sitting on the couch, bout my age, brown hair...I think, I can't remember much more, I must still be sleepy. Come on I'll show you." And he began to walk out of the kitchen and headed for the living room, the three of us in tow. When he walked into the living room, Cody stopped short, almost like he walked into a wall, "Fuck;" Cody whispered. "Well he must have gone into the bathroom;" and he walked to the small half bath located just off the living room. Leo and I followed Cody; Paul remained in the living room, his face showing a look of deep thought. As Leo and I neared the bathroom, he elbowed me and hissed into my ear; "Babe? What's that all about?" He snickered and rubbed the small of my back. I declined to answer as we were now standing outside the little bathroom. Only Cody, Leo and I were there, or had been there for that matter. From the living room we heard Paul calling to us, so we headed back down the hall.

Walking back into the living room, we found Paul sitting on the couch. "Cody, where did you say this person was sitting?" Cody pointed to the center of the couch. "Right there, I saw him plain as day;" Cody replied. "Why?"

After a short pause, Paul responded, "No reason, I was just curious. Well I am going to head home; this has been a crazy night. See everyone tomorrow." Paul then picked up his jacket and headed for the front door.

I sat down on the couch, and Leo sat down close to me on my left. Cody, paced back and forth for a few minutes, and then announced he needed to clear his head, and was going to go catch a few waves. From where Leo and I were sitting, we could clearly see Cody through the sliding glass door stripping and then donning his wet suit. Leo glanced at me a couple of times as Cody changed a questioning look in his eyes. We watched as he disappeared through the back door to the garage, only to emerge a second later with his surf board. Cody the bound down the few steps to the beach and in seconds his form was swallowed by the darkness. I could feel Leo looking at me, but I did not return his stare.

"Ok, this is probably none of my business, but shit I gotta know." I slowly turned to look at him. "Ok so first you call Cody 'babe', then he is going surfing and strangely all his stuff is here, like he lives here. Come on Brad fess up, what's going on. Are your guys like boyfriends or something?" I continued to just look at him, not really sure how to answer his pointed questions. Billy slid his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.

"Brad, I won't tell anyone, if you are. I guess I am just nosy, and since I like you like a brother, I figured maybe you'd want to tell me." His hand began to caress my shoulder and neck as he spoke. I thought about moving it, but I liked how it felt. I sat there for a few minutes, collecting my thoughts. When I did finally speak, my throat was so dry my voice cracked.

"I think that if something were going on, it would be between me and Cody, don't you think?" Leo nodded but did not remove his arm from around my neck. His fingers continued to caress my neck and slowly moved up to my face, where they began to direct my head so we were face to face.

"I like both of you guys a lot. As I said, my feelings are that of brothers. If you guys are messing around, I would hope you could make room for a third." With that said, Leo pulled my face to his and our lips met. The taste of beer was fresh on his lips and tongue as it slid into my mouth in a seductive a way as if our tongues were making love. Leo, began pushing me down onto my back, his hands never once leaving my body. His fingers deftly opening the buttons on my shirt, opening the cloth so my chest was exposed. His crotch began grinding into mine, his boner, encased in his jeans sliding against my own jean encased cock. He slid his t shirt up and hooked it over his head, allowing his olive colored skin to rub against my tanned chest. I could feel his cock beginning to throb, as he continued to grind his crotch to mine. His breathing became deeper and more labored, and I knew he was getting close.

I tried in vain to move him, to make him slow down, but he was almost possessed. When it happened I don't know, but I was now aware of his naked cock thrusting inside my underwear. Bending my head, I could see that somehow he had taken his cock out and opened my jeans and got his cock through my boxer briefs fly hole. The feeling of his cock sliding against mine, our combined pre-cum acting as a lube only made the feelings more intense. Pushing himself up into a pushup position, he continued his long heated thrusts into my underwear. I felt his cock get stiff and jerk hard against the front of my underwear, and then felt his hot seed spurting out all over my cock and balls. The sensations were too much and my own cock began to shoot a big load next to Leo's. I closed my eyes and let the feelings wash over my body, at that very moment it was just the two of us. Nothing else in the world mattered, as if we were completely alone on some deserted island somewhere.

I opened my eyes, and realized I must have fallen asleep. Leo was gone, and I could hear Cody stripping off his wet suit and stowing his board in the garage. Panic set in and I remembered what Leo and I had done. I reached for my open shirt, but found it buttoned. Reaching down, my jeans were also fastened. I lifted my waistband and slid my hand into my underwear. There was no trace of cum or evidence of what Leo and I had just done. One thing made it clear something had happened. I was completely drained of energy, wiped out. Cody walked in, with a towel slung low and wrapped loosely about his waist and asked where everyone was.

"Paul left before you went surfing, and Leo, well I guess he took off after I fell asleep. He was here when I dozed off, but he is gone now." Cody flicked his wrist and the towel fell to the floor.

"I'm gonna hit the shower, and then thought I'd spend the night, the whole night with you. That is if you want me too.

"Want you too? Baby I have waited for you to stay, so that I can roll over in the morning, and see your face." Cody leaned down and kissed me long and deep. I could taste the salt on his lips and the taste turned me on even more.

"Let me shower and I'll meet you in the bed room." He gave me a quick peck and then disappeared into the bedroom. I was still lying on the couch when Cody came bounding out or the bedroom, leapt up into the air and pounced on me where I lay. "Don't think I didn't catch that little slip of the tongue earlier," his lips brushing against mine. "Did you see Leo's face, when you called me babe? I thought he was going to faint." Cody's lips again pressed to mine. I could not figure out if he was mad or happy, so I just lay there kissing him back.

"I am sorry for that," I mumbled into his mouth. "It's been a pretty weird night. I will be more careful of what I say." Cody rose up, his legs pinning mine to the couch, his beautiful cock resting on my crotch.

"No, don't be. Say it all you want. I realized right then that I need you to say it. I want people to know how we feel." Cody reached up and took my hands in his and raised the above my head, pressing them into the arm of the couch, his face now in front of mine. "I want them to know that you love me and that I love you. I not afraid of them knowing anything about us. Well, I don't want them to be peeking in the window while we have sex." I broke out laughing as did Cody. He kissed me again and then looked to the windows; "Hmmm, I don't see anyone there now..." and he lowered himself on the couch, Kissing my chest as he opened my shirt. Not stopping until he was kissing my swelling bulge. After undoing the button, he used only his mouth and teeth to unzip my fly and open my jeans. "Am going to give you a lil pre-view of what is coming after I shower." His tongue began to lick my swelling cock through my underwear. My cock was throbbing as he closed his mouth over the shaft and began slowly working it from base to tip. Slipping his fingers under the waistband he released my cock and quickly devoured it. His mouth was like heaven, soft, wet and hot. My cock slid in and out easily as his talented tongue slithered its way around my shaft and head.

Cody raised my hips up and began working his way down past my balls, further down until his tongue began to flicker over my hole. I felt him circle it, and then felt him begin to do some heavy licking. I pressed back onto his face, and his tongue darted in my hole. Using his thumbs, he spread my cheeks and began his intensive assault on my hole with his tongue. I could feel his tongue diving deep into my ass, well past my sphincter. My cock was throbbing and my balls were drawn tight against the base of my shaft. I knew I was going to cum soon, the pleasure was too strong. As if he could read my mind, he left my ass and came up to suck on my cockhead. I just moments, my cock erupted, and my balls delivered one of the biggest loads they have ever produced.

Cody continued to suck until my cock softened. "Now don't tell me you can't get it up again, cuz I know you can. I'm gonna hit the shower, you get in the bedroom and get naked." And with that he left me for the dark recesses of the bedroom. Soon I could hear the water running, and using all my strength, I rose up and made my way to the bedroom.

I folded the sheets back and stripped off my clothes. When I took my underwear off, I brought them up for a closer inspection. My musk was present, but there was no cum, or any evidence of my tryst with Leo. My mind went back to what I thought had happened; I continued to sniff the front of my underwear, licking the pouch where my cock had rested. I could clearly taste my own sweat and musk on the fabric. Falling to the bed, I began lubing my hole up, inserting first one then three fingers, slowly fucking my hole, waiting for Cody to come slide his cock into me.

I felt a presence next to me on the bed, as a coolness enveloped me, as I felt strong arms circle my chest. Something was not right. The form behind me was not Cody. I could actually feel anything, yet I knew it was there. I tried to open my eyes but found that they would not cooperate. I could also feel a cock, smaller than Cody's beginning to slide past my cheeks and poke at the entrance to my hole. I felt the cool arms sliding up, holding me tight. With one powerful thrust, the invading cock slide completely into my ass. Then without pause, the presence that was fucking me began thrusting into me with wanton lust. I finally managed to open my eyes just a bit, and gazing to the wall before me I stared into the mirror attached to the wall. What I saw was my reflection, and a figure behind me fucking my ass. I concentrated on the figure, and slowly he came into focus. There behind me, fucking me was the figure of a young man, remarkably like the person Cody had seen earlier. My mind struggled with the reality of what was happening to me, as he continued to fuck my ass. I tried to speak, but found I was not able to form any words. I could feel his cold breath on my neck where his lips were pressed against me. Was this really happening, or was it another vivid dream like the one I had just moments ago with Leo? I continued to struggle with these thoughts as this mystery lover continued to make fantastic love to me.

Finally I was able to hoarsely ask what was happening to me, who are you I demanded to know. My mystery lover slid his hand over my face, his soft cold skin tingling against mine as he slid his hand over my eyes and mouth. "Shh," his icy breath clung to my ear. "Do not fear me, I am here for you." He began to grunt and his thrusts became more forceful. I could feel his cock shooting it's cum deep into me, as his teeth bit into my neck. Slowly he withdrew his still hard cock, as he released his teeth from my neck. I felt warmth emanating from him now, warmth that was not there moments ago. He paused for a brief second as we both heard the shower turning off.

"Who are you I asked in a whisper," unable to move to see his face. I felt his warm tongue glide across my neck, over the area where his teeth had just bitten me. I felt his lips brush my ear, as the Bathroom door opened, allowing the bright light to cascade through the bedroom.

As the light spilled across the bed, I felt his presence vanish from behind me; "I am Billy".

OK guys there is part two. Hope you enjoyed it! I am already working on part three, so stay tuned. Keep them emails coming; I love to hear from you all.

Next: Chapter 3

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