The Ghost My Lover and Me

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Aug 14, 2008


The usual disclaimers apply; this is a factual story that evolves sex between guys and a supernatural entity. If you age underage or do not find this subject matter to your liking, please navigate away from this page. The first part deals with setting you, the reader, up so that you understand the current conditions.

Setting: a small coastal town on the eastern side of Monterey bay, the year is 1990.

I had just moved to California, and was settling in to a new job. I was tired of living with my dad and daily searched for a new place to call home. I had tried living with the chef of the restaurant I was working at and his lover, but, that didn't seem to be working out. Besides the fact that he was a huge coke head, he had an attitude that would not allow you to be anything but subservient to him. I was into my third month with them when the owner of the restaurant approached me about moving into a mobile home she owned next to the restaurant. The rent was good and it seemed like a perfect match for me. Quiet, right on the ocean, and near my work. The chef tried to talk me out of it giving me all kinds of excuses why I shouldn't move in, but I let his comments fall onto deaf ears. All except one. He told me about someone dying there less than one year ago. It seems that one of the busboys had committed suicide in the back yard of the home by shooting himself in the head with a rifle. I questioned the owner and she did confirm the story, but from her explanation I deemed it "safe" to move in.

Within the month I was moving my meager belongings into my new pad, and was planning on having a party to celebrate. Well some of my friends decided it would be cool to hold a s‚ance and try to contact Billy, the young man that had died. Now I was not a firm believer in the afterlife and especially of ghosts and things that go bump in the night, so I figured why not. I gathered a group of about ten friends, stocked up on the booze and food and even invited a medium to conduct the s‚ance. The night of the party arrived, having chosen to conduct the s‚ance on the one year anniversary of his untimely death. My friends arrived and we quickly took seats around the table. The medium lit a single candle and instructed us to hold hand. She began by calling out to Billy, informing him we were all friends and did not mean to cause him any harm. I was finding it hard to focus as I was sitting between two of the hottest guys I had ever met since being in California, both of who worked at the same restaurant as me. Leo to my left was a hot seventeen yo Latino, who was build solid, and sported a huge bulge in his jeans. Cody was eighteen, a tall lean surfer whose golden blond hair and striking blue eyes always seemed to make me melt when he'd look at me.

Cody had been an almost fixture at my house since I had moved in, using it as his base of operations for hitting the waves. It was not uncommon for me to wake up, find my coffee pot brewing, Cody's clothes piled up on the floor of the living room, and a fresh joint in the ashtray on the coffee table. I have to admit, I really did enjoy his morning visits. He would return from the ocean and strip naked on my back deck, then come in and spend the next few hours hanging out with me wearing nothing but his form fitting Joe boxer, boxer briefs. We'd drink our coffee and smoke a joint and just kick it until life dictated that one or the other needed to begin his day. I guess I should describe myself, I'm Brad, 5'8 soccer build, great legs, dirty blond hair blue eyes and at the time this story takes place I had just turned twenty two. I should mention quickly here that Cody and I had begun playing around by his third visit. The first time happened after he came back from surfing. He asked if he could take a shower, and I told him sure, but not to take long because I needed one too, and the hot water runs out fast. At his insistence, I agreed to join him and shower at the same time. My shower, as he put it was large enough to hold six people and that by showering at the same time, we'd save hot water. I was conscious of my growing cock, and tried to get in fast so that he would not see my erectness. I began by rinsing off under the spray. Letting the hot water soak into my skin. I turned and moved so Cody could get under the spray as I began to lather my hair. To my surprise I soon felt Cody's strong hands rubbing the bar of soap over my back. I raised my arms to support myself as he continued to wash my back and shoulders. He was talking about the waves and how he did surfing, but to be honest, I really didn't hear him. I was too involved in the feelings of his hands working my back. I could feel the heat of his body as he stepped closer to me, his hands now working over my shoulders and neck. A small moan escaped my lips and I hoped Cody hadn't heard it, but he had. I tensed, and was ready for him to stop, but he slid his hands under my arms and began washing my chest and abs. His chin rested on my shoulder, and his swelling cock nestled between my cheeks. I slowly turned around and our lips met. Our tongues pushing past each other's lips to begin exploring the others mouth. Wrapping my arms around him, feeling his strong body. I broke the kiss and lowered myself slowly down his body. Kissing my way past his neck, stopping to send some time on his erect brown nipples. My hands worshipping his back and buttocks. I continued kissing my way down over his washboard abs, and over his trimmed bush, finally coming to the object of my lust, his now fully erect seven inch cock. The purple head just barely peeking out of his foreskin, a long drool of pre-cum dripping off the end. I looked up to see him smiling back at me. His hands gently caressing my head:

"Go on Brad;" he said "I know you want to as much as I want you to." I grasped the base of his throbbing cock and slid the head into my waiting mouth. "Oh God," he moaned, "I have been waiting for this moment since the first time I saw you."

I slowly worked his cock back and forth in my mouth, sliding it deeper each time I went forward. Snaking my tongue under his skin, tasting the saltiness of the ocean trapped beneath. I reached up and began working his sac, tugging gently on his large balls. Cody leaned back against the shower wall as I manipulated his cock in my mouth. I looked up at his face to find him lovingly looking down upon me, a look of passion upon his face. I slowly slid his skin back exposing his ever leaking cock head and began to run my tongue around the rim. Cody shuddered and began to beg me to stop, telling me he wouldn't beagle to last much longer. I ignored his pleas, and continued to suck his pole, which he was now thrusting into my throat. Grabbing my head, he gave two final thrusts and his cock exploded in my mouth. His hot surfer cum shot out, bathing my throat, filing my mouth almost too fast for me to swallow. I sucked and swallowed until his orgasm slowed, then I released his cock allowing just the head to remain in my now open mouth. His body relaxed and he groaned a sigh of relief. I stood to face him, and he again grabbed my head and began t kiss me with a passion I had never known.

This began what was to become a daily and soon nightly ritual. Our sessions began with just blowjobs and moved on to hot fucks with his cock breeding my ass. My only regret was that Cody never spent the night. He would come over after the restaurant closed, we'd smoke a joint or two, make love for several hours, and then drift off to sleep in each other's arms. I would always awaken in the early morning hours, Cody gone and me all alone. I comforted myself in the fact that he'd always be there when I finally woke up in the morning.

This went on for the two months prior to the s‚ance. I knew I was falling for him, but there always seemed to be a distance between us if others were around. The Friday before the big s‚ance, we had just finished an intensely hot session on my back deck, when Cody turned and sat on the side of the lounge chair, his back to me, an almost visible dark cloud hung over his head.

"What's wrong babe," I asked tenderly. "Did I do something to upset you?" Cody shook his head and quietly said; "No dude, you could never do anything to upset me." Breathing out a deep sigh, he turned slightly more to face me.

"Brad, these last few months have been so fucking incredible. I can't not being her with you." Cody lowered his head shaking it slowly from side to side. "I want too much to tell you I love you, but I can't do it. I am not ready to make that sort of commitment."

I reached over and lifted his chin, turning his head to face me. "I understand babe, I am not asking you to make the commitment. Who said there has to be a commitment for us to continue being together like we have been?"

Tears began to well up in his eyes. "People are starting to talk about us at work, and even some of our buddies are making comments. I don't know how I feel about anyone knowing about us. That's why I never spend the night. That's why I sometimes park far away and walk over." A single tear broke free and trailed down his cheek. He tried to turn away, but I caught him and gently wiped his sadness away.

"Cody, I know what you are saying. I understand the turmoil in your mind. I do not care if anyone is talking about us, and I don't care what they are saying. However, because it troubles you, it troubles me." Another tear traversed his face, and I leaned over and kissed it away. "If someone at work is talking, let the talk. Why should it bother us? They talk because they do not know for sure if something is going on between us. Let them keep guessing, spreading the gossip, it will soon pass when something else comes along. As for our friends, I don't think they really care if we are 'doing it' or not. I think their concern lies in the belief that if you and I were together, they might feel cut out. I know that won't happen, so again, why worry about it." Cody leaned back against me, my arms wrapping around him to keep him safe.

"I guess I just need time for all this to sink in." He said laying his head against my chest, his breath coming long relaxed, soon his frame relaxed and I knew he was asleep. Now here I was sitting next to him, his hand openly being held by mine, and no one seemingly cared.

The medium had given us the instructions, and was begging to call forth Billy. There was a noticeable tension in the air that hung around all of us in the semi darkness. Tara, one of our friends and coworkers, began to giggle as a way of easing her fear, and was immediately scolded by the medium.

"People, this is a serious matter. I am opening the door to the spirit world. Only I stand between you and anything that comes through. We are close, the door is open and I am waiting for Billy's essence to come to us. If he feels that you intend to mock him or cause him harm, he might not come. Worse yet, he may still come and then decide to protect himself from you. I will be unable to guard you from his wrath. So I say again, concentrate; make your mind at peace, focused only on him."

The room became still, as the medium called to Billy once again. Nothing. I was about to call an end to the fiasco, when without warning, the flame from the candle set in the middle of the table, shot up to almost two feet in length. The group of us all gasped in unison, nearly sucking the air from the room.

"He is with us," the medium quietly announced. "He has crossed over and his spirit is here in the room. Billy, I ask that you give us a sign that you are here, and that you understand that we are all your friends." The stillness of the room was broken by sound of a sharp knock from above us. The flame also shot up as it had before, not angrily, but gently rising up from the wick. "Be at peace Billy, we have asked you here tonight to bring you peace. To help you overcome the stigma of your untimely death." The medium continued to speak to him calmly, her voice soothing and gentile. "We have called you here tonight to answer some questions about why you took your own life." Without warning a large table lamp across the room, fell to the floor with a deafening crash. The temperature began to get colder, and the tension from my guest began to rise. "You are angry?" The medium asked. "why are you angry? Are you trying to tell us that you did not take your own life? Are you trying to tell us that someone killed you?" There was another loud knock from above us. "Can you communicate to us who this person is?" Another knock. "Is the person here in this room with us tonight?" No response. "Is this person known to anyone here?" Another knock. "Does this person work with someone here?" Another knock, louder this time.

Suddenly Tara jumped from her chair and in almost hysterics, began to babble about getting out of there. She ranted about how scared she was. The medium tried in vain to calm her down, but to no avail. Tara bolted out of the room and through the front door. Seconds later we all heard her car start and take off at a high rate of speed. Two other people got up and left following in Tara's stead. The Medium, visibly shaken, stood. "NO ONE MUST LEAVE!" She sternly voiced her concern. "We brought the spirit of Billy here with those present, and need all that were here to send him back and close the door." Her words fell upon mostly deaf ears as more people left. She collapsed back into her seat, visibly drained and shaken. Slowly she looked to the four of us that remained. Leo, I, Cody and a fellow coworker Paul, still sat in our chairs, holding hands. The medium softly warned us that there was a problem. She told us that she was going to try to send him back, but doubted she would be able to succeed. Joining our hands she began to speak, apologizing to Billy for the disruption. Asking him to kindly return to his plane of existence willingly. She continued doing this for almost a half hour, when suddenly the candle's flame went out. She collapsed and told us she had failed. She told us that we had to assemble the same group together that she used to call him forth, to send him back. Until we could do that, his spirit would remain here amongst us. She stood and as she walked to the door, she wished us luck until she could come and send him back. The four of us sat in stunned silence, not knowing what to think.

After a short time, Paul and Leo rose and began putting my house back in order. Cody leaned to me and whispered in my ear that he didn't feel good. I got up and took him to my room and laid him on my bed. Drawing the comforter over him, I assured him that nothing was wrong, that it was all just a show. Cody curled into a fetal position and began to tremble. I sat with him, until he seemed to relax, then went to see my other guests.

Paul and Leo had finished getting my house back the way it was, and were trying to get my dog to come in the house. My dog stood at the back door, hair on her neck up and just growled. We left the dog outside, and retired to the living room beers in hand. We sat there for a while, not speaking, none of us drinking the beers we held. Leo spoke first; "where did that come from?" He asked pointing to the coffee table in front of us. There, sitting in the middle of the table was a single 22 cal. Bullet. Before anyone moved, Paul quietly whispered; "Billy was shot with a 22".

Well, that's the end of part one. I welcome all comments about this story. Please feel free to email me at: I promise to respond to all who take the time to write to me. I have already begun to get part two on "paper" so you shouldn't have long to wait.

Next: Chapter 2

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