The Gentlemens Club

By Lady Poetess

Published on Dec 4, 2023



By and (c) Lady Poetess

Disclaimer: This story is entirely fictitious and has no resemblance to anyone dead or alive. Any similarity to actual persons is merely coincidental.


Riker Strongfellow couldn't imagine that he would ended up squeezed in the back of a car with two gorgeous near-naked hunks. Okay, maybe he had that one particular dream once that starred his favorite movie stars, but that dream involved both big screen hunks doing really obscene things to Riker. Right now, Riker was squeezed against the door and the two men and sharing amused looks with his boyfriend Christopher Kennedy Masterson ("Kenny") who was driving through the rearview mirror while trying not to look directly at what was taking place next to him. Riker wished he could emulate the other guy that sandwiched the noisy lovebirds at the back seat. Despite being squeezed between the other end of the back seat and the lovebirds, Lane Carlson was blissfully snoring softly, his head resting against the door glass.

The other guy seated on the front passenger seat had no qualms about openly staring at Antonio Sabato, Jr and Ryan Phillippe making out heavily at the back seat. Eugene Dwight the Third was a self-proclaimed sexual-frustrated nerd, he wore thick and ugly glasses, and he sported a haircut that had the unfortunate effect of making him look like a cross between Pee-Wee Herman and Tweeledum. The only reason they invited him along was because Kenny felt sorry for Eugene whose parents were away on some European vacation and Eugene would be spending his summer break at the Virginia Military Institure dorm. Eugene was unfortunately pretty obnoxious and was rabid about getting laid. He was twenty-two, openly admitted that he hadn't gotten laid before, and he was determined to get laid or die trying.

Ryan gave a low moan of pleasure that had Riker pressing his legs together tightly to tamper the erection he couldn't help having. They were all in their early- to late twenties, except for Tony who was in his late thirties. Eugene had joked that aside from him, they made a walking Abercrombie and Fitch booklet in this vacation trip to a large cabin Tony had booked for them this summer. Riker wasn't sure if he fit the mould of an A&F model, despite being almost hairless on his body and being a white young man. Lane would - that guy with his near-perfect physique could have walked out from the cover of the A&F summer booklet. Ryan with his blond curls and slim but muscular physique and his long-time lover Tony could fit the definition too. They made a startlingly beautiful pair that Riker could only imagine that the gods created two beautiful people just to have them become a couple to the exclusion of mere mortals like himself. Riker glanced at Kenny, who always knew when to look at the rearmirror and return a warm look filled with unspoken promises to Riker. That look generated heat in Riker's loins more effectively than Ryan and Tony's heavy breathing.

Kenny and Riker had been dating on- and off for a year now. The "off" part of their relationship was when Kenny had to resume his college studies at the VMI and they could only correspond via emails or weekend phonecalls. But the few weeks they had when Kenny was at VMI and the breaks when Kenny could come down had resulted in some of Riker's happiest memories in his twenty-three years of living. They had met purely by chance when their mutual friends introduced them last Christmas eve and Kenny made a really bad joke about whether Riker could ride him as strong as his name seemed to imply. They spent the whole evening with Kenny pursuing Riker so relentlessly that Riker was flattered. To be fair to Kenny, Riker told him in advance that he wouldn't be able to give Kenny what the man obviously wanted. He couldn't bring himself to have sex, not so soon when he was still having difficulty moving on from his rape and severe beating at the hands of some violent thugs earlier that year. Riker wasn't even keen on starting a relationship with anyone. But Kenny understood, to Riker's relief, and dialled down his advances. They didn't do anything more heavy than holding hands when Kenny took Riker to the skating rink and taught the man to skate.

A year had gone by and Riker was starting to feel that maybe he could move on. He was slowly beginning to feel his desire to live and enjoy life and another human being's company as the months passed, and he began having fantasies of having intimate physical contact with Kenny. The both of them understood without saying that this trip would be where they would take their relationship further. Riker looked forward to it as much as he dreaded the possibility that his nerves would fail him and he would lose Kenny, the man having been so patient to remain faithful to a man that never allowed Kenny to fuck him.

"Jesus fucking Christ, get a room!" Kenny yelled.

Riker's reverie broken, he dared a look at the couple beside him and quickly turned away. Ryan was gripping Tony's thighs with his hands and his shorts was pushed down to the middle of his own thighs. Judging from the wet sounds and the fact that Ryan was grinding his crotch down at Tony with a pained-blissed look on his face, it didn't take a genius to figure out that those two were doing.

"Shit!" Lane, who was now awake, cursed. "Stop the car, Kenny."

"Can I have a turn next when you're done, Ryan?" Eugene asked hopefully.

Tony lifted one hand and made the bird gesture at Eugene.

"Are they done yet?" Lane asked as he sat cross-legged on the grass. "Hey, Eugene, stop looking at them!"

"Easy for you to say, you can fuck whenever you want," Eugene said from where he was standing, looking with a raptured expression through the window of the still rocking car. "Let me live vicariously at least."

"At least Eugene is not jerking off with those two," Kenny said, driving Lane and Riker into laughter.

"Damn, I'm horny," Lane announced. "I wish Charlie is here."

Ah, Charlie, Lane's mysterious boyfriend. None of them knew Charlie well and Charlie only showed up in Lane's lives unpredictably. Lane rubbed absently at the bulge in his khakis. He wasn't wearing a shirt. If Riker wasn't besotted with Kenny, he would be drooling at the view. Kenny's physique wasn't as stunning as Lane's, but the man cut a fine figure right now in unbuttoned light brown shirt that exposed his well-muscled chest and corrugated stomach and in low-hanging shorts that exposed the top few inches of his white Calvin Klein briefs. Kenny looked down at Riker and grinned as Riker placed his hand at the start of the curve of Kenny's taut buttocks, enjoying the feel of the white cotton Calvins under his hand, as he caressed Kenny there. Kenny sat down and drew Riker to sit in front of him, pressing them close so that Riker can feel Kenny's erection pressing against the cleft of his buttocks.

"I think we're all horny," Kenny told Lane as he playfully pushed one hand up Riker's T-shirt to pinch a nipple. "Maybe you can drive and me and Riker here will fuck in the backseat while Eugene watch."

Riker chuckled as Kenny playfully nuzzled his neck. "How far more are we from the cabin?" he asked.

Lane flipped the map down on the grass. "Probably another hour or so," he guessed. "Fuck, it's been a long drive and I can't wait to hit the showers."

"I can't wait either," Kenny whispered into Riker's ear, earning him a shudder of delight from Riker.

"Fuck me," Eugene breathed in awe, "they're going at it for the third time!"

"Why did we bring him along again?" Lane asked, shaking his head ruefully.

"I feel sorry for him."

Lane studied Eugene from where he was. "You know, he looks fat but judging from that loser's arms and thighs, I'd bet he's more muscular than flabby," he said, looking over Eugene critically like the personal trainer that he was.

"Well, military college does that to you," Kenny told Lane. "Eugene is too short for basketball and too slow for most athletic stuff, but he's a pretty good swimmer. I know he lifts weights too."

"He could slim down a little and work on his muscle tone," Lane said.

"You're going to help him look good and get a boyfriend, Lane?" Riker asked teasingly.

"Ooh, Lane, you're so sweet," Kenny said in a mocking high-pitched girly voice.

"Oh fuck off, guys," Lane said and returned to staring at the map. On impulse, he pulled his mobile phone out of his pocket and dialled a number. He frowned when he realized that the phone was dead. "Great, my phone doesn't work. I'm stuck with you guys in the middle of redneck country with nothing but trees in sight. Why do I feel like I'm walking into a slasher movie and someone with a chainsaw will appear next in the scene?"

"Eeuw!" Eugene made a sound. "Thank goodness I'm not sitting at the back."

Lane groaned. "Please don't tell me they have stained the seats."

"Okay, I won't tell you," Eugene answered back.

Riker laughed, and Kenny joined him, and they remained in that position, sharing a chuckle and at ease in each other's arms, as comfortable silence descended between them once the laughter ended. Kenny rested his chin on Riker's shoulder. "I'm glad you came," he murmured.

"Me too," Riker admitted.

"Sorry guys," Ryan said as they staggered up to the cabin. "Tony and me got carried away. I don't know why the car didn't start after we were done, but we didn't mean to do it, I swear."

"I know," Riker said sympathetically as he watched Tony, Lane, and Kenny, the strongest of the men, approached the cabin carrying the bulk of their luggage on their backs and arms.

Their car refused to start after Kenny had stopped to allow Ryan and Tony fuck in the backseat in peace and luckily for them, the sheriff's car passed them at the point. An hour later, a tow truck arrived and Tony told the repairman to bring the car to the cabin in a week's time.

In the heat, Tony had stripped down to his briefs only and he and Lane made a stunning sight that had Eugene watching them with a sigh. Riker thought they couldn't hold a candle to Kenny, his glorious Kenny, whose sweat-slicked skin glistened in the fading light and made Riker want so badly to lick the man's skin dry with his tongue. He paused at that thought - he had never thought of doing such things before, even before his trauma, and now, he was surprising himself with just how far his imagination could go when it came to Kenny. He fumbled with the heavy bunch of keys until he managed to locate the key to unlock the front door of the cabin. He opened the door wide and walked into the cabin.

"No lights, no electricity, oh God," he murmured when he groped around and couldn't find a light switch.

"Maybe there is a generator somewhere," Ryan said. "I'll look around the grounds."

"Don't block the door, honey," Kenny said as he gently nudged at Riker with his elbow, his hands carrying three heavy bags.

"Wow, you called me 'honey'," Riker said, letting the men pass.

"Must be love, baby," Kenny said with a wink.

Riker looked after the man, his heart beating so fast that he thought that it would burst from the joy he was feeling.

"There's nothing, no shed containing a generator, nothing," Ryan said glumly as he showed up at the door.

"Great! Let's sue!" Eugene said.

"I thought I made it clear that this is a true nature adventure," Tony said. "That means no electricity, no modern amenities, just us and nature." He frowned when a chorus of groans and curses answered. "Come on, this will be fun!"

"If I want to relive life among nature, I'd watch a documentary while eating fat-free yoghurt," Eugene complained. "Man, I was expecting a sauna and some herbal bubble bath!"

For once, no one called him on his words.


Intruders had disturbed him again. Fury gripped him as he watched those strangers moved around the cabin. They were pretty people, he had to admit, except for that strange and short fat guy that just stood there and complained while the others unpacked and cleaned. The watcher clenched his fists in impotent anger as he could only watch - for now - how the intruders messed up the furniture he had painstakingly arranged to his liking. Well, he would get rid of them, as always. He would remove them one by one without mercy or remorse, just like how he did away with the previous unfortunate people that made the fatal mistake of spending the night at Corpse's Calling.

"I can't believe I'm actually bathing in a freezing stream in the middle of the night," Kenny grumbled as he pulled off his shirt.

"Yeah, it's romantic, isn't it?" Riker said in a genuinely awed voice.

Kenny paused in his act of pulling down his shorts to look at Riker. In the dark, he couldn't see much, but he could see enough thanks to his more advanced night vision cultivated by his military training. "I guess so," he conceded.

"The stars, the whole nature thing," Riker said, "I'm starting to think that Tony had the right idea all along."

No, it was a right idea now because Riker liked it, Kenny thought privately. Kenny had wanted to respect Riker's privacy and give the man room to adjust to his presence in this trip by letting Riker bathe alone first. Riker was done, but he sat naked on a stone, his chin resting on his knees, watching Kenny now. Kenny felt his cock swell under the man's gaze as he kicked off his shorts, although he doubted that Riker could see him clearly.

He wasn't an imaginative man. He was born in a household where routine and pragmatism were encouraged and ideas and imaginations were seen as frivolous. His parents were pretty adamant at raising Kenny and his siblings to be very down-to-earth and realistic people. Kenny enjoyed being practical, maybe too much - he had never experienced the teenaged rebellion phase most people he knew did, he never did drugs or party, and his few sexual experiences arose from stable, long-term relationships with equally pleasant and pragmatic guys. They broke up when the lust that ignited their relationship cooled down and Kenny never felt totally heartbroken by his few relationships. He was, after all, practical. But with Riker, he felt as if some long dormant part of him, that part that dreamed and delighted in being frivolous, had taken wings and flown.

Those long phone-calls that sustained him when he thought he was pressured beyond his limits, when he laughed at Riker's silly chit-chats and tried awkwardly to contribute his own, he cherished them close to his heart. When he had the chance, he flew down to see Riker and they would spend time doing lovely little small activities like sharing a meal or just sitting on the couch and watching TV. Kenny had a healthy libido and it was frustrating not being able to fuck Riker like he so badly wanted to, but Riker gave him back enough to make up for his blue balls. Riker made him laugh and realize the value of sharing some quiet breathing room with a man that made him feel a hundred pounds lighter in his soul. Riker taught him to laugh and appreciate each laughter and to see the positive side of events. Of course, Kenny had a long way to go before he could fully be free from his pragmatism, and he doubted that he wanted to be free of them, as he suspected that Riker enjoyed his company because Kenny was a practical person that helped Riker find his own way when times were difficult.

A practical man would know when he had fallen in love. Kenny learned this lesson from watching his parents still in love with each other throughout the decades. He also learned from his parents' pragmatism to know that love didn't necessarily mean outrageous and fanciful gestures and words. Love didn't make one melodramatic - Kenny's parents were conservative types but when Kenny told them that he was gay, they loved him enough to accept him as what he was and adjust their own thoughts and values to allow Kenny to remain close to them. It probably helped that Kenny was a down-to-earth gay man that was a far cry from the party-loving fashion-conscious gay men Kenny's father once stared in perplexment in an episode of Queer As Folk. No matter what, Kenny learned from them that when it came to love, sometimes it was just better that he accepted it when he had it and did his best to hold on to it.

"Don't bathe yet, Kenny," Riker said, surprising Kenny. "Come here."

"What is it?" Kenny asked, making his way carefully through the weeds growing on the riverbank. He made sure that his erection didn't brush Riker even by accident. It still made him want to kill someone whenever he thought of what those lowlives did to Riker, and it made him so furious that he was unable to drive away Riker's demons and make everything okay again.

"Can I try something I've never done before?" Riker asked.

"Sure," Kenny said, hoping that it was something sexual. He would give anything for Riker to touch him in a sexual way.

And he cried out a "Hell yeah!" in delight when Riker straightened his back and bent forward to hesitantly take a lick at Kenny's chest. "Maybe I should bathe first," Kenny said, thinking of his sweat-soaked body, but Riker made a sound of protest and forced Kenny to stand still as he continued licking away at Kenny's skin. But Riker only slowly licked at the same narrow region and while Kenny didn't blame the man for his hesitance, he impatiently lifted his right arm and whispered, "Riker, my armpit, please." And he groaned in pleasure when Riker buried his nose and mouth obligingly among the thick furs of Kenny's armpit. Riker licked away, apparently enjoying the taste and the odor of Kenny's sweat-drenched skin and hair judging from the hungry mewling sounds the man was making. Kenny stood there, head thrown back and eyes closed tightly as he luxuriated in the delicious sensation of Riker's rough tongue against his smooth naked skin. "No," he murmured when Riker moved from the cleft of Kenny's buttocks down to Kenny's aching hairy asshole. "Riker, I should clean myself first, baby... oh, don't stop, yeah, right there..." He spread his legs wide and bent forward, supporting his weight by placing his hands on the knees of his wide spread legs as he moaned when Riker's tongue timidly penetrated the tight ring of muscles guarding his anal entrance.

"Are you sure?" Kenny asked when he poised over Riker later, slowly pressing the tip of his cock against the tight entrance of Riker's ass. "Baby?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm no longer afraid, Kenny. Please, make me yours," Riker told him and then he cried out when Kenny began pushing his cock slowly up the other man's tender anus.

For a moment Riker clung on to Kenny as he had a fleeting moment of remembered terror, but Kenny's harsh whispers of reassurances and comforting sweet nothings reminded Riker of whom the man fucking him now was. "Kenny," he whispered as he tried to steady his nerves. "Christopher Kennedy Masterson."

"That's right, Riker Peter Strongfellow," Kenny murmured. "It's me, baby. Let me know when you want to me to get out or move. Just say the word."

"Move," Riker told him as his nerves steadied. This was the right thing. Every part of him was on fire and he was filled with rapture at the realization that he had finally done it - he had touched a man he loved and this man was holding back in concern for him. No one had ever shown Riker such consideration before. "Move," he repeated as Kenny began to drive his cock, slowly but steadily, in and out of Riker. "Oh!" he gasped as indescribable pleasures exploded in the nerves of the inner muscles of his anus that he wasn't even aware he had. "Kenny, oh Kenny, yes, yes, yes!" He screamed out the last word as his orgasm exploded, splintering his senses and driving him into an earthshattering bliss that left him insensate with sensation overload.

Kenny, who hadn't had sex for as long as he known Riker apart from a few lonely interludes with his hands, couldn't hold back even if he tried. He felt his balls tighten and he only hastened the pace of his increasingly violent thrusts until he felt the dam of his control shatter and his orgasm bound him to Riker's climax, he holding Riker tight in his embrace as his hips lunged hard in his final thrusts, sending his powerful spurts of sperm to jet deep and high up into Riker's rectum with each fiery ejaculation from his engorged cock.

When he could finally speak, Kenny slowly withdrew his half-hard cock from Riker. Riker protested that he wanted to feel Kenny up his ass a little longer, and Kenny had to laugh at the man's enthusiasm. "You okay, love?" he asked tenderly. He reached for his shirt and bundled it before dipping it in the water. As Riker looked at him questioningly, Kenny gently used the wet shirt to clean up the mess between Riker's legs.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm feeling great, in fact. It's like I'm Sleeping Beauty that has just awaken from a long sleep," Riker announced. He stood up on the rock and stretched his arms. "I feel like shouting, for some reason. You know, I think I'll do it. Cover your ears, Kenny," he said. And then, he shouted, "I've been fucked! I've been buggered up my ass by Christopher Kennedy Masterson and it's the best feeling in the world. I've been fucked! All hail me!"

Laughing, Kenny pulled the man down from the rock into his arms. Their shared laughter slowly died as Kenny bent down to kiss the other man. "I love you," he whispered as he led them deeper into the water level. "When I graduate, I'm going to move to New York and we'll be really together every day."

"Or I'll move to where you are," Riker told him as Kenny began lathering Riker's hair with shampoo. He sighed - Kenny had strong but gentle fingers that massaged Riker's scalp in a delightful way. "I want to contribute to this relationship too," he said. "I don't want you to be the only one taking care of me. I'm not a baby."

"No, you're not," Kenny agreed. "You're the best part of me."


Lane Carlson sighed as the night breeze moved over his nude body. He placed one hand on the railing of the balcony and let his other hand caress his aching cock and wished that Charlie was here so that he could do the right thing and expel the come that was boiling in his balls. He hesitated, turning his head to make sure that Eugene was really asleep in the bedroom behind. He didn't mind Eugene openly ogling his nude body but he felt uneasy if the other man caught Lane in his vulnerable moment of loneliness. Not that he wanted to betray Charlie by fucking Eugene - it was an unthinkable concept for the once notorious playboy Lane to cheat on his boyfriend even when he was really horny. It was funny, really, how hard and low he fell. It was glorious how deep he fell even when he couldn't really explain how his heart worked. Waiting for Charlie to come home and worrying for his safety were bitch on Lane's nerves but Charlie was worth waiting for.

"Be safe, Charlie," he whispered as his thumb absently rubbed over the moist slit of his cock crown.

He sighed as he pressed the tip of his thumb into the sensitized slit, arching his back as he pressed the base of his cock and his balls against the cold metal of the railing. He let his index finger teased the sensitive underside of his cock ridge as his thumb caressed the slit, teasing his balls into producing more clear drops of lubricant. He lifted his other hand from the railing and used his fingers to form a tight sheath around the length of his cock shaft. Soon he was thrusting his cock through the sheath of his fingers even as his other hand continued teasing his cock head each time he thrust his cock deep through his tight grip. He bit his lower lip so that he would not make any noise that would arouse Eugene from his sleep, only finally gasping softly when the first hot spurt of his come splatter so hard that his body shook as his molten fluids splatter on his cheek and lips. Hungrily, he licked at his own juices as he clenched his buttocks and felt his balls tighten and burn with each subsequent eruption of his cock. He rubbed at the fluids on his chest and stomach with his palms and then licking his palms hungrily until his lust finally cooled to a controllable level and he could breathe steadily at last.

He stared down at the forest around him, his body slowly falling into the familiar languid ease that followed an orgasm, and he licked absently at his right hand at the lingering aftertaste of his semen. Then he gasped and straightened.

He had seen someone sneaking around the cabin ground beneath him.

"What the hell was that?" Tony exclaimed as he looked up at the shout that resonated through the hallways.

"Ouch!" Ryan gasped as Tony pulled his cock from Ryan's ass with bruising urgency.

"Stay here, Ryan," Tony demanded as he threw on his briefs and grabbed for the electric torch beside the bed.

"I'm coming with you," Ryan insisted as he threw on his shorts. "I've seen enough horror movies - you will die if you remain behind in a dark room while everyone else investigates the noise."

"Suit yourself," Tony said. "I bet it's just Eugene tripping over on his midnight snack trip."

"Most likely," Ryan agreed as he hurried after Tony. He paused only to grab the heavy clock on the bedside table, just in case.

It wasn't Eugene that shouted, it was Lane, and Lane shouted in exasperation rather than in genuine pain. Lane was cursing in the kitchen, having tripped and badly sprained his ankle in his chase after an intruder that had broken into the cabin, as he explained to the men that had gathered around him. Trust Eugene to take a deep sniff at the still naked Lane and asked, "Is that semen I smell?"

Lane sputtered and mumbled as curious eyes turned to look at him. "Look, the guy left a message," he finally said, gesturing at the crudely written note stuck on the larder door.

Riker flashed his torch at the sign. "Go away or die. This is your last warning," he read aloud.

"Someone has seen too many Scooby Doo cartoons," Tony declared. "Eugene, you didn't...?"

"Hey, I don't play stupid tricks like this!" Eugene protested. "I was asleep all along until Lane started shouting." He chuckled. "Looks like the intruder had interrupted Lane's love affair with his own hands."

"Which is something you should be a pro at," Lane snapped back.

"Aw, you could asked me, I have a willing ass right here," Eugene cooed nastily back at him.

"Come on, cool it off," Kenny urged when Lane made a lunge at Eugene. "Remember your leg, Lane."

"If I can walk, I would have snapped you in two with my own bare hands," Lane growled at Eugene.

"Promises, promises," Eugene said simply, walking over to study the note. "Man, his handwriting is atrocious. He actually spelled 'warning' wrong."

"Okay, everyone time out," Kenny said as the others began talking at the same time. "Tony, you and me will look around the grounds while the rest will stay and make Lane as comfortable as possible. Love, can you and Ryan take care of that?"

Riker nodded.

"'Love'?" Eugene echoed. "Is everyone here having sex except me? I hate this triphanged out with you guys hoping that you guys can attract some hot guys that I can try to score with. Instead I'm stuck in a house with pretty boys fucking each other but me!" he wailed. "This is a nightmare!" He paused. "Wait, except Lane, of course," he added with an evil look at Lane. "He's just a sweet homeboy pounding away at his cock as he thinks of his sweet honey boy."

"You are dead!" Lane growled. "Dead! I'll kill you!"

"Eugene, make yourself some sandwiches. I've bought some really nice smoked bacon strips," Ryan reminded the man, "and they are in the larder, top shelf."

As Eugene happily searched for those bacon strips, Ryan and Riker exchanged a look. Ryan would have to make sure that Lane would not in any way manage to get his hands on Eugene. Judging from Lane's murderous looks at the happily humming Eugene, they would have a hard task on his hands. "Good luck," Riker mouthed as he left the kitchen to get them more candles for the rest of the night.

He had given them their chance to go away. Now all he had to do was to see if these stubborn bastards would heed his advice. He thought of the handsome man on the balcony playing with his cock with all abandon, his powerful physique bathed in moonlight and so beautiful that the observer's groin ached, and felt his disgust at these intruders congeal and solidify. They had no right to be here and arouse disgusting feelings in him. If they refused to leave, he would show them no mercy.


"How are you feeling?" Kenny asked as he placed his hands on Riker's shoulders and massaged the man until Riker purred.

"I'm fine," Riker assured him as he turned to smile reassuringly at Kenny. "I'm no longer that fragile thing that needs taking care of, Kenny. I can take it. Hell, I took your big cock and I didn't break last night, right?"

Kenny grinned. "Maybe we should go a few more rounds, just to check if you can really take it," he teased.

"Hmmm, good idea," Riker murmured as Kenny nibbled at his earlobe. "Come on, let's stop or poor Eugene will kill himself. He's really wounded that we are sleeping with each other, Tony and Ryan couldn't take their hands and other parts of their bodies off each other, and Lane preferred his own hands to Eugene."

"I thought you can't stand Eugene," Kenny said as he tightened his arms around Riker's waist and watched as his lover made breakfast for everyone. "I hope he hasn't spoiled your fun, but I feel so sorry for him when he - "

"I know, baby. You're a big-hearted man," Riker told him, "and that's nothing to be ashamed of. I find him rather amusing at times."

"He keeps Lane company while the rest of us fuck like rabbits," Kenny said.

Riker laughed. "Poor Lane. He probably doesn't expect us to hook up so quickly - he no doubt hopes to spend some quality guy time with us and now all he can do is to fight with Eugene instead."

"That's why Tony, he, and me are going to spend some quality guy time and secure the grounds tonight."

"And that's another issue I want to talk to you," Riker turned to tell him. "Ryan and I have talked and we agree that it's time you macho males stop treating us like helpless weaklings. We don't need you to make us stay at home. We can take care of ourselves and we want to help."

"Someone has to take care of our possessions," Kenny said smoothly.

"Nice try." Temporarily distracted by the eggs, Riker turned back to his cooking. "This is starting to feel like a slasher movie."

"One about a masked madman armed with a chainsaw and missing tourists?" Kenny snorted most unelegantly. "Someone has seen too many bad slasher movies and it's not me, that's for sure."

"But either way, I am safe," Riker said with a laugh. "I'm obviously the complex hero so I will be the one to face the deadly villain in a bloody showdown."

"Oh, is that it? And how about me, the hero's love interest?" Kenny asked as he looked over at Riker's frying the eggs and bacon. He took an appreciative intake of breath and murmured that the eggs and bacon smelled great.

"Hmm, I don't know. There are as many movies where the love interest dies while trying to protect the hero as there are those where the love interest survives after being saved by the hero. That's another reason why you should stop trying to keep me safe while you do your macho heroic antics."

"And how about our friends?" Kenny asked, deliberately overlooking Riker's blatant if unasked request.

Riker let that pass - at least until after he was done with cooking breakfast. "Eugene is the annoying bastard, so he has first victim tattooed on his forehead. Tony and Ryan are the slut couple, they will have to watch their backs, especially in the shower. Lane is obviously a sidekick, given his lack of love interest, so he best hope that Eugene, Ryan, and Tony live as he's next after them. But that's in the movies. What do you think is going on here, Kenny?"

"I don't know for sure until I check the grounds," Kenny told him. "And then, once we have secured the perimeters, we'll work out a way to get the call that bastard at the workshop and get the back sent to us as soon as possible so that we can get the hell out of here."

"You sound just like an army guy," Riker said. "I like that. It's an hour drive to town. We could just pack up and walk back to town."

"Well, maybe."

"You want to find the bastard, don't you?" Riker asked, studying Kenny's face.

Kenny flushed a little in the face. "Well, we guys decided that we could tackle that bastard - "

"You guys?" Riker echoed indignantly. "What does that make me and Ryan? Your baggages?"

"Hey, real men keep their loved ones safe, and that's what we are doing," Kenny said haughtily. "Hey, the eggs are burning."

With an indignant sound, Riker turned to his eggs again. Kenny pinched his buttocks playfully and wisely fled the kitchen before Riker could resume their argument. He grinned - if this was what being married to Riker was like, he could spend forever doing this, definitely.

Ryan unwrapped the towel around his waist and carefully dipped his big toe into the river water. He shivered at the cold that met his contact with the water but he could get used to it. He slowly waded into the river, letting his body get used to the cold waters. Finally, he was waist deep in the river. Letting the cool waters rinse his body, he let his hands rubbed against his chest, wincing a little as his nipples, increasingly sensitized thanks to Tony's sexual manipulation of them, sent a fiery twinge of pleasure through his body in protest at his touch. The flowing river was creating pleasant eddies that caressed his body, especially between his legs, and Ryan spread his legs to let the cold waters course through his thighs and teased the sensitive pucker of his ass.

Where was Tony? He said that he would join Ryan after he'd found the body oil he seemed to have misplaced. If Tony didn't show up soon, Ryan would start the party without him. Ryan reached down and let his fingers massage his ass pucker that was starting to pulse with need. It was incredible how Tony could still find new ways to pleasure them despite the years they had been living together. Even more incredible was how a relationship like theirs, that started in hate, could eventually become one that remained so strong throughout the years.

"Tony, is that you?" he called when he heard a twig snap. Cautiously, he picked up a heavy rock from the river bed. "Tony?" he called again, knowing full well that Tony would not pull a joke, not at this moment, at least.

He cried out in alarm when he heard the distinctive sound of a crossbow being fired, and he leapt out of the way just in time as a crossbow thudded into a tree across the river out of the shadows. Ryan could make out the form of a man. Cursing, he tossed the stone at the direction even as he began shouting for help. Please let Tony be nearby with a decent weapon, he hoped as he began scrambling towards the bank. He could take care of a man, he had no doubt, but a man with a crossbow while Ryan was vulnerable? That was so fucking unfair. And damn it, Ryan was really frightened now. "Tony, where the fuck are you?" he shouted.

"Here, here," Tony said as he burst through the clearing. "Where? What?" he asked urgently, looking around him, a thick branch in his hands as a weapon.

Ryan pointed behind him, and the bolt gleamed in the moonlight.

Tony cursed foully as he embraced Ryan hard. "Thank goodness you are safe," he whispered, his voice shaking from barely controlled fury. That bastard was a dead man now - he had gone too far when he fired at Ryan. No one tried to hurt Ryan and get away with it, not when Tony had any breath left in his body. That bastard was a dead, dead man.

"It's a shot not aimed at Ryan," Lane said. "It's too far from where Ryan was standing." He bit his lower lip. "Or maybe he's just a very bad shot."

"Not likely - it's another warning," Kenny said, unfurling the roll of paper taped around the shaft of the bolt.

"Well, what does it say?" Ryan said, walking into the clearing.

"I told you to stay in the house," Tony exclaimed, turning to look as Ryan and Riker walked defiantly to join the three men.

"What does it say?" Riker asked Kenny.

Kenny scowled at Riker, but he read aloud the note nonetheless. "You have your chance. Now you will die if you do not leave by sundown."

"Okay, that does it," Tony declared. "Let's get what we can use as weapons and search every corner of this area until we find that bastard and beat him to death!"

"It's a big forest, he can be anywhere," Riker pointed out.

"He knows these woods more than you guys," Ryan added. "Why don't we just pack up and walk back to town. I think that's what the bastard wants us to do."

"He shot at Ryan," Tony growled. "I can't let him get away with this."

"Can you all stop acting like neanderthals?" Riker cried out in exasperation. "This has gone too far. You keep acting as if protecting us is everything that counts, but does it ever occur to your egostical stubborn self that we also want to see you safe? What good is it to us when you die trying to satisfy some bullshit macho act?"

"I agree with Riker," Ryan said fiercely. "I'm packing up right now and I am leaving - Riker, you coming? Good. Riker and me are leaving in half an hour, and if none of you come along with us, consider your actions a divorce on your part."

"What?" Kenny and Tony exclaimed simultaneously.

"I'm with Ryan. I love you, Kenny, but I'll be damned if I'm going to be treated like porcelein ornament or worse, a prize moose head on your wall. Put you guys in a forest cabin and all of you revert to cavemen! Come on, Ryan, let's go pack."

"Wow," Lane said as they watched Ryan and Riker stormed from the riverbank. "I'm glad I don't have macho issues like you guys."

"Shut up," Kenny snapped. "Come on guys, let's go back like they wanted us to. We'll come back again once they are safe back home and this time we will come alone and beat the shit out of this bastard."

"Good idea," Tony said.

"Boy, you two guys need help," Lane muttered under his breath as he followed, still limping slightly, after them.


"Where the fuck is everyone?" Eugene Dwight the Third called out as he wandered through the cabin. "Guys? Have the evil intruder killed all of you?"

Damn, where were they? Eugene woke up an hour ago and there was no one in the cabin. For a moment he feared that they had left without waking him, but to his relief, a quick peek in the bedrooms soon prove that the guys' things were still here. So that meant that either the guys were out or they were in trouble. Eugene hoped it was the former. He hated doing anything too dangerous. This vacation was already ruined as far as he was concerned, because he was hoping that they would end up somewhere with people. With cute guys like Lane and Kenny around to attract attention, Eugene hoped that he would get lucky and finally get laid. He was twenty-three, way too old to remain a virgin. He needed to lose it bad.

"What the hell!" Until today he had no clear idea what happened, but he opened the door to the study and then a man pounced on him, shouting angry invectives as Eugene lifted his arms to ward off the man's blows. He lay there for a few seconds, trying to assimilate the fact that someone was attacking him. With a roar, he pushed the man off him.

Lane was correct when he remarked that while Eugene was short and rotund, his bulk was pure muscle. The intruder was easily pinned down on his stomach.

"Are you the freak trying to drive us away?" Eugene asked curiously. When he got no answer, he reached down and turned the man to face him. He blinked in surprise when he found himself looking at a man so beautiful that Tony and Lane paled in comparison. Wow, Eugene thought. Hello, his libido said. Momentarily stunned, his hold on the other man weakened, and the man took advantage of his, pushing himself out of Eugene's grasp.

"No, you don't," Eugene growled, reaching out to grab at the back of the man's shirt. There was a loud tearing sound and the man stumbled and fell. Eugene tossed the torn shirt aside and ran towards the man. He didn't care who the man was anymore. His lust had taken over, driving what little left of his conscience, and it was a merciless Eugene that tore the man's jeans down the man's hips so hard that the seams of the jeans ripped apart noisily.

The man screamed when Eugene's thick cock clumsily pushed hard at the entrance of his anus before tearing apart the vulnerable soft flesh to plunge deep. Eugene cried out at the unbelievably hot and tight sensation of his cock being enveloped by this deliciously tight sheath for the first time in his life. He began to thrust his thick and heavily muscled thighs roughly, actually laughing at the futile attempts of the man under him to punch and bruise Eugene's barrel chest and hard rounded belly. Eugene lifted the man's thighs higher by hooking them over his shoulders so that he could plunge his cock deeper into that hot steaming hole.

Having that thick cock fucking the shit out of him soon had the stranger stop fighting and instead driving his own bottom to meet Eugene's hard and savage thrusts. The day was steaming hotter and soon sweat was coating their lustily coupling bodies, resulting in their thighs rubbing against each other in delicious ease as Eugene's large and low-hanging balls slapped heavily against the stranger's buttocks. Then the stranger was convulsing as his orgasm seized him, and Eugene roared is masculine triumph as his cock exploded, sending his fiery semen to flood the stranger's inside as his final act of domination.

"What's your name?" Eugene demanded harshly as he looked down at the man he had lost his virginity to. So beautiful, with thick dark eyebrows arching over startlingly dark brown eyes, with cheekbones so exquisite that the stranger looked like an aristrocratic lord lost in the woods. An unfamiliar burst of tenderness wound around Eugene's heart, mingling with possessiveness as Eugene's mind growled, Mine - this man is mine. "I'm Eugene Dwight the Third."

"Santiago Magill," the stranger said, looking away in a demure gesture of defeat that made Eugene adore him even more. "You are in my house," he whispered and tears fell from under his eyelids as he shut his eyes tight. "My house."

And Eugene realized that he couldn't bear to have Santiago look away from him. "I'll make it right," he said, gently kneading each side of the man's temples so that Santiago would look at him once more. "I won't let those guys hurt you the way you try to hurt us," he said, only a little wryly. "Why do you do such things to us?"

"You are in my house," Santiago said fiercely. It was a momentary fierceness that vanished the next heartbeat when his shoulders drooped and he looked away again, defeat etched on his too-handsome face.

"Leave it to me," Eugene promised him. "You're mine now. I'll take care of you."

He lifted Santiago up gently, a far cry from how he had roughly rammed his cock up that man only earlier, and Santiago wrapped his legs tighter around Eugene's torso as Eugene carried him and walked steadily towards the couch, each step driving him only deeper into Santiago. He was soon erect again, needless to say. He looked down at the juncture of their joined bodies and touched the base of his shaft, where his own juices glistened and his fingers came away stained with a little blood that came from Santiago's bruised anal passage.

"I've never done this before," Eugene confessed. "What I know came from porn movies..."

But he seemed to know enough, judging from how Santiago kissed him and rode him hard as Eugene pounded back just as hard as Santiago grind down at his cock. He also bit Santiago's right nipple so hard that it bled when they both came for the second time that day.

That was how the others found the two men. Santiago was arching his back and riding Eugene like a mad bronco cowboy, Eugene's impressively thick and long cock almost falling out of Santiago's ass with each deep thrust and withdrawal, and then Eugene clumsily grabbed Santiago, trying to turn them around so that he could be on top. Being Eugene though, he ended up toppling them from the couch to the floor instead, where, unfazed, Santiago went wild as Eugene's pale but rock hard buttocks pounded away between those well-muscled legs clasped around his thick waist.

"Holy hell," Lane said in reluctant admiration.

"I just wanted to drive you away," Santiago said meekly, looking nervously at his hands on the table. "This cabin is mine. But they said because my grandmother didn't leave a will, they have the right to take it from me."

Riker watched from the doorway as Kenny came up behind him. "Poor guy," Riker said. "He's been living alone all these years in the wilderness since he was a kid and this cabin was his home. No wonder he goes crazy when we show up and take over."

"He tried to shoot at Ryan."

"It's an accident," Riker corrected Kenny. "Look at him, Kenny. He doesn't strike me as the type to deliberately kill someone."

"Yeah," Kenny said reluctantly. "Even Tony doesn't want to kill him anymore after Santiago broke down and wept beautifully before Ryan. Poor Santiago indeed. He loves animals, keeps a large number of birds, squirrels, ducks, chickens, and even a bobcat that he calls his family, and Eugene is going to buy this cabin so that Santiago can live here always. Who would've thought that Eugene has this in him?"

They both looked at Eugene standing behind Santiago as Santiago explained his situation to Ryan and Tony in the kitchen. Eugene seemed startled when he realized that he had his hand rested protectively on Santiago's shoulder. He looked at his hand as if he couldn't believe what he had done.

"You think those two can last?" Riker asked.

"They barely know each other," the ever pragmatic Kenny pointed out. "But if Eugene wants to stay behind here with Santiago instead of running back to civilization, I guess he's pretty serious about this."

"He'll find the experience very interesting," Riker said. "We had a great time falling in love, after all."

"Better than great," Kenny corrected him. He bent to kiss Riker, only to be interrupted when Lane walked in to inform them that their car had arrived. "Lane, your timing sucks. Can't you give me some privacy and let me kiss my man? Well, go tell Ryan and Tony," Kenny told Lane, who grinned back and flashed Kenny the bird. Kenny silenced Riker's laughter with his lips.

Next: Chapter 49: Joey

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