The Gentlemens Club

By Lady Poetess

Published on Jun 1, 2003



By and (c) Lady Poetess


I wasn't thinking when I wrote this story. I have no idea what this story is about. I'm not really thinking when I wrote this. There's sex with a ghost, a gangbang, and somehow, Jay Vockler and Kyle Carlson manage to fall in love. Or something. Read at your own peril. Your wasted time will not be refunded.


Jaybur Vockler was awakened from his peaceful sleep by a warm and very talented mouth closing around his erection. "Not tonight," he murmured, "I'm tired, Alex." He lifted his hips and spread them wider - he loved sex too much to turn down an opportunity to fuck. If he could pull off his sheets off his nude body, he could reach out and feel no solid body over his, much less the head that was now sucking his cock like a pro. It was one of the unexpected perks of staying at a haunted beach house.

He called the ghost Alex because it was a name suitable for both male and female. Alex made its appearance felt the night Jay moved in, the night when Jay slept on this brand new bed and ended up having one of best fucks of his life. He thrust his now painfully hard cock up that invisible but definitely warm and wet mouth, opening his eyes and enjoying the sight of his hard cock pumping into what seemed like thin air. Only when one looked closer would one notice the skin of Jay's thickly veined cock stretched down each time Jay lifted his hips. There was a slight darkened of the luscious blood-filled cock crown where Alex felt a very real tongue licked at it when Alex paused in its cock sucking.

"Enough," Jay said as he felt the seminal tubes in his testicles and cock burned as his balls pooled his come in the urgent anticipation of a powerful orgy of ejaculations. He moved himself rather heavily to his knees, still sleepy, and then felt ghostly hands around his cock. Jay easily moved into position, letting his hips rest against invisible but definitely solid and plump cushions of very male buttocks. Then Jay's cock was pushing its way into and up a moist anus.

Jay shouted as his cock exploded, and he watched, fascinated despite having seen it hundreds of times now, as his creamy come spurted from his cock, splattering onto Alex's powerfully muscled anus to delineate the shape of Alex's anus. His come sluiced down Alex's thighs, creating a thin coating enough for Jay to make out part of the ghost's thighs and a hint of low hanging balls. Jay gripped Alex's thighs and thrust hard with each of his come-spurt, enjoying the sight of his copious fluids gushing down Alex's anus to pool at the top of his rectum, a bizarre suspension of semen in thin air to any observer watching this bizarre fucking.

He fell onto the bed, exhausted. Usually he could go for as long as his partner could take it, but he had been indulging in sexual excesses for the last few days. He was already drained close to the point of exhaustion and having to service a horny ghost whenever he was at home was testing his body's limits to the fullest. He groaned in protest when he felt Alex's mouth over his cock again. But his cock hardened once more, the primitive urge to fuck too powerful in him to resist. Jay sighed and smiled at Alex, or rather, the sight of his cock bobbing as Alex moved hungrily over that thick turgid shaft. It didn't take long this time. Jay closed his eyes and sank his head heavily back onto his pillow as his come now spurted and pool in Alex's oral cavity.

He watched as Alex made his way up his body. He could see the two glistening pools of semen, one high up in Alex's translucent mouth slowly flowing down Alex's throat, and another, larger pool in Alex's rectum. Then Alex finally leaves him, his ethereal form fading back to where he came from, leaving Jay's juices to spill down onto Jay's face. It was Alex's faithful goodbye gesture for Jay's services well done.

Jay licked at his face, using his hands to clean where his tongue couldn't reach before licking his palms thoroughly. He was really exhausted. This was turning out to be a fucking amazing vacation.

Jay woke up from the best night's sleep he'd ever had in a long time, aroused from his sleep by the warm sunlight streaming through the window onto his nude body. Three days into his vacation and he was already feeling like his old self again. It was tough getting away from the office but he was overdue for a vacation. He had worked his ass off for his father these last few years.

As he washed his face, he wished he had his friends here with him, but damn those two fuckers Lane and Ian, they got boring and decided to get hitched to one guy and settled down. Jay couldn't understand the appeal of settling for one guy when he could have anybody he wanted. He surveyed his face after he'd shaved - yes, he was one gorgeous motherfucker. He flexed his arms. He had neglected a few things these last few months, but he, the gym freak that he was, had always kept his body in top physical shape.

Alex wanted a morning fuck, and Jay obliged, fucking Alex as Alex was bent over the dining table. Pulling on a pair of skimpy light blue bikini trunks, he slung a muscle tee-shirt over his bare shoulder and left the beach house for a morning stroll down the beach. If he was lucky today - and he had a feeling he would be - he would beat yesterday's number of seven different people that got fucked by the amazing Jaybur Robin Vockler. His cock was already half-hard at the anticipation of sinking his cock into a willing tight hole - any hole - in time to work up an appetite for breakfast, stretching his already overlarge bulge in his swim trunks further.

Jay's mood brightened tremendously when he heard his name being called and turned to see the man calling him. He took off his shades, smiling in genuine pleasure as he saw Kyle Lowder Carlson, his friend Lane's twin brother, walking up to him.

Kyle and Lane weren't as close on one would expect them to be on the account of Kyle more sober and studious personality, but they were close enough for Lane to always return home to Memphis for Thanksgiving with Kyle and the family. Jay was always invited, and he was embarrassed that the only reason he intrude on the Carlson family gatherings was because he had been wildly infatuated with Kyle. It was crazy. Jay felt nothing but friendship towards Lane, the kid he knew since they were in grade school, but with Kyle, Jay was a goner.

Jay felt differently when he was with Kyle. His cock got hard, that was a given, but at the same time, there were strange and funny little aches in his chest whenever he looked at Kyle, spoke to the man, or even when he was just being close to the man in the same room. Watching now as Kyle walked towards him, that perfect chest in full display, Jay really hurt. Kyle was wearing a loose pair of shorts that reached below his knees, but the hint of a bulge when those muscular legs moved tantalized and teased at Jay's senses.

Somehow he managed to speak through the knot of lust in his throat. "Kyle! Lane didn't tell me you're here."

"I never told him," Kyle said. "I need a break, so here I am. I never expected to see you here. What's your place?"

"House Sixteen," Jay said. Come visit, he wanted to say, I'd treat you so good you'd come screaming out my name. He held his tongue however.

"I'm living next door. House Fourteen," Kyle said. "You know this place better than me. I understand you and the gang used to come here to screw and drink and smoke some joints every summer."

"Used to," Jay concurred. "Then your brother and Ian became boring."

"Maybe you can show me around the fun places."

Jay's pulse throbbed at the suggestion. He could show Kyle a few fun places alright. "No problem," he said carefully.

But his heart almost stopped when Kyle came up to him and placed his palms over each of Jay's nipples and massaged the erect wine-dark buds playfully. "Jay," Kyle said softly. "I'll take you up on that." Then Kyle was walking away from Jay.

Kyle was not getting away so easy, Jay thought as his hand sneaked out to grab hold of Kyle's shoulder. "Hold it there, buddy. What was that all about?" he asked, his voice husky with desire that was now choking him. His nipples ached from Kyle's touch while his cock was so hard he was close to popping out of his trunks. "You want me to fuck you, Kyle?" he demanded to know.

Kyle Lowder Carlson knew he shouldn't have teased Jay like that. His survival instinct warned him not to initiate physical contact with Jay, but his libido overrode his sensibility. He wanted Jay. He had always wanted Jay, had wanted Jay for years since he dropped by his twin brother's apartment four years ago and found the then still single Lane and the always single Jay in the middle of some buddy sex. Lane later told the embarrassed Jay that there wasn't anything going on between Jay and Lane, just two buddies getting hot while discussing their favorite topic - sex - and deciding to get off with each other. Kyle believed Lane, even if he assured Lane that he didn't care. He didn't care. Only, whenever he met Jay after that incident, he remembered the sight of Jay pounding his cock into Lane's mouth and found himself envying his twin brother.

"If you wanted him," Lane teased, "why not just have him? Jay's not that difficult to be had."

True. But Kyle wasn't like Lane. He didn't just have casual sex at the drop of the hat. But he was determined to have fun this vacation, and when he bumped into Jay, he thought he was so fucking lucky. No one gave good vacation fuck than Jaybur Vockler, stud extraordinaire who was the most notorious among the three Fuckerteers (which was what Lane, Jay, and Ian called themselves, a name Kyle always thought was stupid). Rumors told that it was Jay, not his father, who knocked up Jay's stepmother, and there were hushed rumors that the elder Vockler paid a tabloid a huge amount of money not to publish some photos of the two Vockler males fucking the beautiful supermodel Maria Gonzales on board August Vockler's yacht a few months ago. Jay was so depraved that Kyle couldn't ask for more in a casual fling that would never get clingy or demanding. If Jay was a problem, all Kyle had to do was to hint that he wanted commitment, and Jay would hightail out of Kyle's life soon enough. Jay was easy and perfect.

It wasn't easy overcoming a lifetime of inhibition and belief that he should be having sex only with a special person. But searching for the special person had burned Kyle too many times, and now that his latest ex had turned out to be a cheating scumbag, Kyle was fed up with being nice. He wanted to be bad. He could give up men, but he liked sex too much to consider the notion seriously. This time, he decided that if men were all scumbags, hell, he'd fuck them all and have a good time this time around rather than to have his heart broken repeatedly.

"I..." he wanted to tell Jay something witty or smart. "Yeah," he finally said. "I'd like to have a fling with you." He wanted to wince at his own words. It sounded as if he was proposing a business relationship. "I'm shy," he finally said. "I'm not good at doing this."

Jay smiled - oh, what an irresistible smile. "Don't worry. I'm good at doing... this." He snaked his arms around Kyle's waist, and Kyle gasped as he felt Jay's tremendous erection pressed against his. "We'll have a good time."

Kyle learned just how right Jay was an hour later when he bent over behind a rock formation, protected from the view of other beach goers, as Jay fucked him from behind. Kyle had never done this before, getting fucked when people sunbathing just a few feet away from him. Water still glistened from their bodies - they had swam in the sea first and Jay had teased Kyle so badly, even once actually diving under and pulling down Kyle's shorts to give Kyle's cock a playful lick at the cock slit. They had stood, their waist under the water level, and Kyle had kissed Jay even as their hands roamed beneath the water level. Kyle marveled at the size of Jay's cock, and while it was thick as he remembered it plunging into Lane's mouth, he was amazed at the way Jay could be so huge and hard in his hands. His shy and tentative caresses on that cock was rewarded when Jay released a mighty load into the water, causing creamy come to float up to the surface around them that Kyle was sure anyone watching them would know what they had just done. Hell, one look at Kyle's hotly blushing face and Jay's smirk and they would have assumed that the cocky son of a bitch Jay had conquered another willing victim.

Jay stretched Kyle so painfully wide that it felt as if it was a baseball bat being shoved up his ass. His ass tightened around Jay's cock, enveloping that muscular spear like a skin-tight sheath that caused Jay to bite down onto Kyle's shoulder blade to mask his groan of pleasure. Kyle could feel the veins of Jay's cock imprinted on his anal muscular walls and the burn of his sensitized anus as Jay's thick ridge scrapped against Kyle's insides with each slow and deep thrust Jay made. His body shook as indescribably powerful pleasures wracked him with each thrust Jay made into his body. The pleasure pooled until Kyle felt his body exploded into a powerful orgasm. He moaned brokenly, sobbing softly, as his body convulsed in a splintering climax that seemed to go on and on, barely aware of Jay's juices flooding his insides, so lost was he in this mighty climax that he had to be held in Jay's arms for support.


"It was good," Jay told Alex. Alex didn't pause in sucking Jay's cock, but hell, Jay pretended that Alex could hear. After all the servicing Jay gave the ghost, Alex should very least listen in return. "Just like I always imagined. Of course, I always imagined that it would be hotter if I get to fuck Lane and Kyle at the same time, but I doubt that this particular fantasy will ever come true. His Charlie wouldn't like it. I think Lane and Kyle will beat me if I ask them to put on a twin sex show for me. I'll make do with Kyle, which is good, because Kyle is better than any stupid sex fantasy anyway - oh fuck!" Jay poured himself into Alex's mouth. "Anyway, you know what I think? I'll get him to want me so bad, he'll keep coming back for more. He and I will be a couple. Yeah, that's a great idea." He really liked the idea of he and Kyle being a couple. They could have sex often and maybe even do some things he knew couples do, like maybe living together or something. "What time is it?" He glanced at the clock. It was almost seven. "Well, Alex," he said, standing up and giving his cock a little tug, "I'm going out with Kyle and I probably won't be back tonight. You'll have to find some ways to have fun tonight."

He felt a playful shove against his chest and laughed as he fell onto his ass on the floor. "Hey, I've an appointment with Kyle at eight," he protested when he felt Alex moving over his still hard cock. "Oh what the fuck," he murmured when Alex begin riding his cock. "I can get ready at seven thirty."

He ended up knocking on Kyle's door at eight fifteen. Kyle met his stammered apologies with a shrug and a grin, and Jay felt his world glow upon receiving that grin. "You're overdressed," he commented, his hand loosening the first few buttons on Kyle's white, semi-tight fitting shirt. The shirt was almost transparent - Jay could make out Kyle's dark nipples through the fabric as well as Kyle's perfectly chiseled torso. On the other hand, Jay didn't even bother. The club they were going to was pretty wild. From his experiences, his shirt will be lost ten minutes into the dancing so he just bothered with one of his favorite skimpy tight shorts that ended barely an inch over his thigh.

Kyle was skeptical of Jay's comments about overdressing, but he changed his tune soon enough when Jay brought him to the club. Ganymede was especially crowded tonight with beautiful hard-muscled men seeking no-string thrills of the night. "Wow," Kyle said.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Jay shouted over the music.

"Give me ten minutes and my panic will subside."

Jay laughed and guided Kyle along the room. Kyle exclaimed in surprise when hands touched him as they made their way. Jay held him comfortingly as they pushed their way through the crowd. It was wild alright. Jay's shorts were undone when they finally found a spot of their own, and there was a long film of come dangling from his cock, thanks to horny hands hungry of a piece of Jay. Kyle yelped when several burly men gather around him. Jay watched in amusement as they grabbed hold of Kyle and begin tearing at Kyle's shirt. "Relax, Kyle," Jay said, really enjoying the view as one man pulled Kyle's shirt off his shoulders while another man was pulling down Kyle's jeans. The shirt and jeans soon went flying across the room.

"Jay..." Kyle began to cry out in fear, but Jay only calmed him with a reassuring kiss even as one of the men got down on his knees and gulped down Kyle's cock down his throat. Kyle's fears soon faded into a lusty moan as another man unzipped his jeans and pushed his cock up Kyle's ass. Another man silenced Kyle by feeding Kyle his cock, while Kyle took in eagerly.

Watching Kyle being serviced by hard-muscled hunks made Jay unbelievably aroused. He grabbed a nearby dancer, didn't care to even see who that man was, and pushed the man down to his throbbing cock. He came hard in that mouth, and then, still wanting more, he took the place of the man that had just came up Kyle's ass. As he began fucking Kyle, he whispered into Kyle's ears that the party had only just begun. Kyle, his mouth and ass filled with delicious cocks, could only nod a little in perfect agreement.

"Morning," Jay said when Kyle opened his eyes.

Their naked bodies were Jay's throbbing cock pleasantly filling Kyle's bruised ass. Kyle let his right hand move down Jay's muscular left arm, playfully kneading those powerful muscles as Jay held Kyle closer to him while simultaneously penetrating Kyle even deeper.

"You okay?" Jay asked.

Kyle nodded. "Just a little bruised in the ass."

Jay lifted Kyle to straddle him and his hands playfully kneaded Kyle's nipples before gesturing at the bedside table. "Found some milk in your fridge," he said. "I think you'll need it after your huge dessert last night."

Kyle drank the milk gratefully, his parched throat welcoming the moisture. "So last night wasn't some wild dream."

"Nope," Jay said with a grin.

"Oh fuck. I didn't actually got gangbanged, did I?" Kyle was rather mortified when he recalled last night.

"Dude, you got on stage and took all comers," Jay pointed out. "I'm proud as hell. You're amazing, Kyle. You actually glowed like the needy slut you are, like a fucking star, man, even when you're covered with come in every inch of your body. No, it's okay, don't get up, you smell perfect to my nose. It's okay," he said, slowly kissing Kyle's lips. "Watching you last night, I was turned on like never before."

"I could tell from how hard your cock was last night when you took me home and fucked the shit out me," Kyle responded.

"I'm getting hard just remembering."

"You're always hard," Kyle pointed out.

"I'm harder with you."

"Oh? And how can I know if that's the truth?" Kyle asked teasingly.

Jay hissed as Kyle ground his ass playfully down on Jay's cock. "We'll get someone to come home with us," Jay suggested. "I'll fuck both his ass and yours. You can make all the comparisons you want."

They spent the afternoon in Kyle's place. Kyle and Filip, a gorgeous twenty-year old Italian tourist kissed and played with each other's dicks as they lay side by side on the bed, their asses lifted high so that Jay could switch ass with each thrust of his cock, Jay thoughtfully giving Kyle two hard thrust for Filip's one. Then Jay rode Kyle's cock as he deep-throated Filip's cock, before Filip fucked Kyle while Jay fucked Filip. Kyle lost count of their positions and games, all he cared about was how under Jay's orders and directions, he was experiencing pleasures he never knew existed before now. This extent for depravity in him shocked and later pleased him, and he was now addicted to the sins of the flesh Jay conducted on their bodies. When they showered once Filip left, barely able to walk, Jay teased Kyle with his hands even as he tantalized Kyle with stories of the escapades the Three Fucketeers used to get into. He even related this game in his boarding school days, where they would see how many virgin girls they could fuck, with bonus points for knocking up the girl. Jay was predictably the winner since he qualified to play when he lost his virginity at the age of fourteen to the deacon's wife. Instead of being shocked, Kyle was aroused beyond his imaginations. He was depraved. He loved being depraved.

He wanted to go back to the club. Jay protested. "I want you to myself at least once a day," he gasped as he fucked Kyle against the wall, his Vaseline-coated cock driving Kyle insensate with lust-fuelled frenzy. "I don't mind sharing you with the entire world, as long as you know you must come back to me."

"That sounds serious," Kyle teased.

"It is," Jay told him, his beautiful eyes sober for once. "I've always wanted you, Kyle. Fucking you is just a dream for me. You're Lane's clean and serious brother. How could I corrupt you?"

"You did a good job of it," Kyle reminded him.

Jay smiled, pleased. "Yeah, I did." He held Kyle close as they let the shower cleanse their bodies. "When you return to Washington, I'll fly down and find you," he told Kyle. "I know DC well. I'll show you all the fun clubs to go to. We'll pick up politicians and fuck them and then blackmail them with pictures."

"Will you seduce my ex?" Kyle asked, an idea forming in his head. "I want you to fuck him good, make him want you so badly, and then you let him know that you prefer me to him."

"Deal," Jay agreed immediately. "Tell me who, I'll fuck him for you in any position you want, provided you'll watch while I do it." He looked questioningly at Kyle, "You're not afraid that I will ditch you for him?"

"Will that be a big loss for me?" Kyle asked back.

Jay conceded that Kyle had a point there. It hurt more than he expected to realize that he meant nothing more than a transient pleasure to Kyle. He had to do something, he knew. If only he knew what he could do to make Kyle realize just how much Jay had wanted Kyle all along, ever since the first time Jay saw Kyle.

"I could be," he said - it was the only answer he could come up with.

"No, you won't. You're too crazy and wild."

"You're becoming crazy and wild," Jay pointed out.

"Give me a few more days. Maybe the novelty of uninhibited sex will wear off, maybe not." Kyle playfully touseled Jay's hair. "Look who's become so serious. Relax, Jay, let's have fun for what's left of this week."

Sure. But Jay wouldn't let this end after this summer, no matter what Kyle wanted to believe. He had three private planes to take him to which end of the world Kyle chose to hide in. After this, after this taste of Kyle, he was never letting go of the man, not as long as he could live and breathe. Kyle had made it clear that Kyle was his now.


Alex the ghost was obviously annoyed by Jay's long absence from the beach house. Jay was brushing his teeth when his briefs were unceremoniously yanked down. Poor Jay had to pound his cock into that ghostly ass until Alex was placated by Jay's negligence, but this meant that Jay had to fuck that ghost until his balls, already severely worn out by Kyle, protested with each of Jay's lusty ejaculation.

"I hope you will get a fun tenant when I'm gone," he said aloud as he lay on his bed. "Jesus, if anyone tells me I'll be fucking a ghost last month, I'll think them crazy. Maybe I'm crazy." He laughed when he felt a playful smack on his cock. He felt a finger probed at his ass, and he obligingly spread his legs for Alex. He gasped when he felt a very cold tongue push into his sensitive inside. He'd miss Alex. He was quite fond of this lusty ghost. "I'm leaving in tomorrow," he said. He felt the tongue pause in its delicious rimming of his ass. "You'll miss me, right, Alex?" Nothing. Alex seemed to have disappeared. Jay wished that ghost at least finished his rimjob first. "Come on, Alex. Don't be like that. You know I'm crazy about Kyle. I told you all about him. Alex?" Damn. "Let me give you a goodbye fuck, at least?"

Jay hid his smile when he felt Alex touching his cock again. His cock seemed to come alive, rejuvenated by that touch. He lifted his upper body up and reached blindly until he felt a semblence of a solid form. He let Alex guide his penis into that hot tight ass, and said his goodbye to Alex the best way he knew. When he awoke in the morning, he smiled when he saw what Alex had left him. There, just under the ridge of his cock crown, there was a tattoo of a ring of roses. He burst into laughter.

Later, he learned from speaking to the local librarian that a 18th century page was reputed to haunt the beach houses, still waiting for his lover, a nobleman, that never arrived. The nobleman was killed by the men hired by his father-in-law to stop the man from seeing the page.

He drove Kyle to the airport. They would be taking separate flights. But Jay would drop by Kyle's place as soon as he reached home and packed and warned his father that he was extending his vacation by another few weeks. He would also let his father have the keys to the beach house. The old man could use a change from fucking the pool boys at his club, and Alex could use the company.

"One day you'll love me," he told Kyle after giving the man a chaste goodbye kiss on the cheek.

"I doubt it," Kyle said, and then he was gone.

Jay felt his eyes moist. Must be the dust, there had to be some in this fucking airport. Or it could be that the only man whom he wanted was leaving him. But not if he could help it.

He reached his penthouse in Manhattan at nine in the evening. Disconsolate, feeling alone, he played his voice messages, barely listening to them. He called up Kyle and cursed when he got Kyle's answering machine. "Kyle, I don't know if you're listening to this, but I kind of miss you." Damn, he sounded like a maudlin idiot. "Damn, why can I do this right?"

"Jay? This is me. I was in the shower earlier, sorry," came Kyle's voice. "Yeah, sure, come over. You're supposed to avenge me by fucking my ex, don't think I've forgotten."

Jay felt his world turn again. Everything was okay now. "I'll be there first thing tomorrow."

"You do S&M? I've this interesting video I got from the adult store, and some of the things they do with the handcuffs and toys are intriguing."

"Not my type of sex, but I can get into it. We can see if we both like it," Jay promised. "I tried this thing once with this guy, he wanted me to rub itch powder over my condom and fuck him with it. He swears the itch intensified the feelings in his ass."



"Come down quick."


Jay had another surprise when he pulled off his shorts and walked to the shower. As he reached to pull open the shower curtains, he felt a now familiar ghostly mouth around his cock. "Well, hello, Alex," he murmured, "fancy seeing you here." He gasped as the tip of the tongue rubbed against the rose tattoo. He made a mental calculation. He had sixteen hours before his flight leave for Washington.

And as the bed violently rocked that night, the luckiest ghost in the world, Alex, lay back and decided that heaven was nothing compared to the fucking prowess of the incomparable Jaybur Vockler.

Next: Chapter 47: Gary

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