The Gentlemens Club

By Lady Poetess

Published on Aug 11, 2001



By and (c) Lady Poetess

Disclaimer This story is fictitious and has no resemblance to anyone dead or alive.


The Spence clan was one for wanderlust. They were notorious for it. Unlike his more famous cousin Sebastian, though, Theodore Spence lived the life more sedate. He loved good wine, good food, and good hotel rooms, his love put to good use by his stint as a holiday destination writer and critic for various TV shows, magazines, and newspapers.

He smiled as he walked down the arrivals hall of the privately owned airport of Gull Isle. This was the largest holiday resort in Eden - and the most expensive as well as popular. And ever since the new guy Christian Bale took over and made his critics pause and wonder with his so far decent track record, there were also some genuine attempts at setting up some ecological preservation programs. Christian had resisted his board members' demands that he opened his private share of the island as well as the rest of the ecologically diverse island to tourists in his own smug, don't-fuck-me way. As a mad Machiavelli who knew just when to stop being a dictator and to start being democratic, Bale was becoming a more fascinating figure for the media than when he was a washed-up playboy.

Teddy was angling for an interview with that guy, although he preferred to work incognito as a mere tourist to avoid the resort owners throwing favors his way. And as luck would have it, he had the perfect chance: the guy he chatted with during his plane trip happened to turn out to be Christian Bale's significant other.

James LeGros was a quiet man, but when he was prompted subtly, he talked his head off. Teddy could chat up a lampshade if he wanted to. And LeGros - as he preferred to be called - was on his way to meet Christian after almost three months' separation. On the plane, LeGros had told Teddy that he and Christian had their own lives, and it was possible for him to pull up his roots and follow Christian to Gull Isle. An accountant with enough assignments into next year, LeGros had told Christian that he would take a week's leave to join him later - now - for some quiet R&R.

"Actually, I half expect him to end this," LeGros said. "Gull Isle, you know, all those cute guys always around, I thought he would find someone new and forget about me. I told myself it's best to be prepared for the worst, you know?" For a silent type of guy, LeGros was on a roll: it was obvious he needed to tell somebody really badly his pent-up feelings. "But he kept calling every night, weird huh?"

"I think that's sweet of him," Teddy said.

"Yeah. And well... hey, why not you take the limo Christian is sending me as well? The fares here are exorbitant."

Teddy smiled. "Thanks, I'd love to."

So here they were, in one of the most beautiful tropical resorts in the world. Teddy was looking forward to this job. Man, he loved this job. Good food, great relaxation at first star hotels, and he got paid for enjoying life. What could he ask for? Okay, except for a guy. Teddy stopped wishing for his Mr Right the same day he decided to stop stepping on the scales. He had outgrown his childhood taunts of "Fatty Teddy", and while he was still chubby Uncle Teddy to his nephews and nieces, he didn't really have his old hang-ups much anymore. After all, he was successful, reasonably well off, and best of all, he discovered that his high school enemy Kevin Shapiro was stuck in used car dealership hell. Guess life, unlike high school, really counted brains more than brawns.

So what if his love life wasn't as varied or happening like his skinnier buddies? He couldn't get laid that often, hell, at least he got to eat enough European cuisine to last three lifetimes. How many people could boast that? Other people can bang their brains out in drunken one-night stands. Teddy had Gull Isle. Hello, Paradise.

A surprise greeted him when they reached the arrivals gate. Christian Bale himself was standing there, waiting for them, or more specifically, LeGros. Teddy recognized the man from those photos in the society as well as finance magazines. The man was quite a sight -- loud, garish unbuttoned Aloha shirt and knee-length baggy pants, so unlike the smart suit and tie fellow Teddy expected to meet. The man pulled off those tacky shades he was wearing when he saw LeGros.

"LeGros." Ignoring cool and decorum, Christian vaulted over the knee-high metal fencing barrier separating them. "About time you got here."

Ignoring Teddy, he pulled LeGros into his arms and silenced the man's laughing protests with his mouth. And despite LeGros' attempt at nonchalance, his arms tightened around Christian's neck to deepen the kiss, damn whoever was watching and disapproving. Teddy looked away, his eyes burning and his ears stinging from the soft laughter and whisper sweet nothings of two men standing near him.

"Hey, Christian, meet Teddy," LeGros said, finally dragging Christian to meet the man. "Met him on the plane, and he's spending a week here."

"Nice to meet you." Christian's handshake was firm. "Friends of LeGros are automatic VIPs here. You staying at the resort or at one of the beach houses?"

"The resort," Teddy said.

"The Platinum Suite?"

"Of course not!" The Platinum Suites were reserved for those with really deep pockets. Teddy had a budget to adhere to. "I'm staying at the -- "

"Anything but the Platinum Suite are lousy. Stick with me, and I'll get you a Platinum Suite. Don't worry, you'll pay the rates of whichever room you first booked in, and all drinks and room service are on the house."

"You're always this generous?" LeGros teased him.

"Hmm, only today, and that's because I'm in a very good mood," Christian murmured, playfully rubbing the tip of LeGros' nose. "That, and I recognize Teddy Spence when I see him."

"Good one," Teddy said sheepishly. "How did you -- I mean, my pictures are never put up on papers or anywhere."

"When I do something, I make sure I know as much as I can learn about the matter." Christian pointed a finger at Teddy, mocking the action of firing a gun. "But hey, no problem. Like I said, LeGros knows you and he likes you, so you deserve top hospitality." Immediately forgetting Teddy now that he had said what he wanted to say to him, Christian turned to the man his arm was deceptively casually encircling around the waist. "I miss you, LeGros. You have no idea how much things I have to tell you later tonight."

"I'm surprised there's no one here to keep you company while I'm away," LeGros teased him. But his voice had a slight tremor: he wasn't unaffected by Christian's unabashed show of emotions.

"No. Seriously, I'm glad you're here. I could use your dry insults and teases, and it's not the same when I try to have my assistant call me 'dunderhead' the way you do it. I..." He caught himself as he cast Teddy a glance. "I'll tell you later, okay, when we are alone."

"Okay, I'll be listening," LeGros said.

Christian laughed, breaking the maudlin spell, and urged LeGros to come with him to the awaiting limo. Christian held the man as if he was afraid that LeGros would break free and fly away, and LeGros leaned slightly against the man, as if he didn't want to break free. Teddy, forgotten, sighed and walked after them, feeling like the loneliest man on earth at that very instant.


His room was amazing. When the chambermaid told him that the Sultan of Brunei slept here was, oh, Teddy could believe that. Wide, clean, and filled with sophisticated amenities that scared him -- now these were a given in a room that cost $6,500 a night. But the view -- oh, the view! Teddy pushed aside the curtains of the wide glass panel that led to the balcony and gasped in delight at the seemingly unending sea of greenery that greeted his eyes. The sky was clear, a perfect greeting card cliche, but fuck, the sky was clear and the scenery was picturesque.

I love this, he decided. If he died of food poisoning after this trip, hell, there would be no regrets. With a reluctant sigh, he turned away from the view. A shower, and then he would have to get down to snooping around for his review. Now, all he needed to do was to figure out how the Jacuzzi device worked.

Ah, the beach. Teddy had only one real use for the beach -- eye candy. Tanned, tight-assed hunks in skimpy Speedos were his favorite type of eye candy, and one couldn't find better eye candies than on a holiday resort. He soon learned, however, that an expensive resort like Gull Isle phased out the local gigolos, beach boys, and fishermen that would be the main source of hard muscular bodies to watch. What was left was rich celebrities and bored millionaires and mostly tight aerobicized bodies in lieu of some well-done cosmetic surgeries or people like him who would just love to work out and lose weight, but baby, first pass the hamburger please.

Oh well. There was always that Patricia Cornwell novel he had been trying to finish for months, and now was a good time as any. In his baggy khakis and loose Aloha shirt (Teddy didn't believe in showing unnecessary skin unless by popular demand), he sat on the beach provided for beach visitors and tried to read. But he kept getting distracted by a particularly luscious view before him. Teddy hated to stereotype, but that cabana boy serving guest drinks was gorgeous and delightfully Latino. A strong, square jaw, a face with patrician, strong nose, striking eyes, and sensually formed lips were just starters. That white shirt and tennis shorts in the cool breeze mould to a well-muscled form. Not surprisingly, Cabana Boy here was being called to and fro to serve various guests. Most particularly, he was often called to perform tasks that required his bending over to display those tight buttocks to the world.

A woman caught Teddy staring and winked back as she asked CB here to adjust her seat (bend down first, darling). And Teddy couldn't help but to laugh. Oh sure, he knew what it was like to be teased and pulled along because of how you looked, since he was a victim of his overweight appearance since high school, but really, this was funny. He couldn't help his laughter.

His laughter died a quick unnatural death when CB turned towards him. Oh, damn. He knew one day his laugh would get him in trouble. Well, what else could he do but to wave timidly at CB -- no harm done, just a fat silly idiot here, look away. But CB just walked over, and Teddy's heart started pounding. Oh God, oh God, oh God... his heart was pitter-pattering too loudly and his mind was steaming into a pile of melted goo because damn it, CB was more gorgeous to the eyes the closer he came towards Teddy. Oh God, this was going to like he and that football captain in high school all over again, and look where that one led to -- lots of pain and humiliation. Remember Teddy, he told himself, this pretty CB here was that high school bastard.

Not that CB here was a boy. He was probably around Teddy's age. And when he lowered himself on one knee and looked at Teddy that way, Teddy didn't care how old CB was, as long as he looked at Teddy that way in those deep, soulful brown eyes, and as long as CB flashed that killer smile of his.

"Can I get you anything?" the CB said.

You in my bed, Teddy thought. Aloud, "Uh, nothing, thanks."

"You sure?" Oh, that husky, chocolaty voice. "The bartender's special pina colada will be perfect for a cool day like this."

"Okay, I'll have one then," Teddy said, fascinated by the man's deep, striking eyes. He shivered involuntarily with desire, and hoped CB didn't notice. CB had a way of looking at him as if he was all that mattered to CB in this very moment and time. "Uh, okay," he said again when the man just stayed there, looking at him.

Teddy peeked a look. No, there was no way CB here was looking at him that way. Teddy had been in the sun too long and he was now delusional. Because surely there was no way CB was looking at him as if CB was struck dumb by fascination. Attraction? Hah! Men like CB here didn't see Teddy as sexual beings. Best buddies, confidantes, party pals, maybe, but at the end of the day, that was that. Teddy had a few relationships, yes, but most of them were with average people with average looks. It was like a natural cosmic law, Teddy had decided -- Thou Shalt Not Covet Fatties or something in that vein.

Hence, his brain couldn't accept the possibility that CB here was getting the hots for him. Even as his libido gave a big "Yeah!" at the same time and his heart was torn between joy and fear of rejection.

"Uh, my pina colada?" Teddy prodded CB gently. He hoped CB would go. He wished CB would stay and look at him that way.

CB shook his head, as if he was fighting Teddy's attempts to snap him out of whatever funk he was experiencing. But he knew his place in the scheme of the guest-staff hierarchy. "I'll get it," he said quietly, gracefully standing up.

"Thanks." Teddy swallowed, but the lump in his throat wouldn't be dislodged this easily. He watched CB walk away, this time his mind not even registering CB's tight ass, only the intense, sharp ache in his chest. For a moment there, he actually believed... He tried to tell himself that he was being foolish. Snap out of it, Teddy! He knew beauty was only skin deep, et cetera, so he owed it to himself not to mix up with pretty faces and get hurt in the end. CB probably wouldn't be any different from other pretty faces around.

He'd believed that easier if he hadn't caught the glimpse of what he thought resembled desire in CB's eyes. And at that moment, he felt as if he wanted to cry for no clear reason.

Much to his relief -- and disappointment -- another CB came to deliver his drink. This one was handsome, great body and all, but Teddy felt nothing for this one. Damn that first CB, he'd spoiled Teddy for everyone else. Teddy sipped at the drink, not actually tasting it, and wondered how he would survive the rest of this week.


LeGros was not pleased that Teddy decided to cloister himself in his room when the latter had spare time outside interviewing people and exploring Gull Isle for his upcoming article. Teddy's weak defense that he was researching the soft porn channel on cable held no ground -- LeGros brushed that aside ruthlessly and insisted that Teddy accompanied he and Christian to the local gay dance club that night.

Teddy didn't want to go. He had avoided that CB for two days now, and he didn't want to bump into that guy. But he couldn't hide forever, he conceded, and the soft porn was getting tiresome. He told LeGros that the man need not have security drag him to the club, he'd come along. Never mind that he avoided dance clubs and discos and other hangouts for the fit and pretty like plague. He had attended one prom night, thanks, and he didn't want any encore of that disastrous, humiliating please-dance-with-me-anybody-please-please-please evening. But hey, this one? No big deal. Teddy's a big boy now. He could drink himself to oblivion if nobody wanted to dance with him. He never liked dancing anyway.

He wore black loose shirt and baggy dark pants. LeGros surprised him by eschewing his usual proper accountant-type suit for a mesh shirt that exposed his gym rat physique and a pair of snug fitting dark brown trousers that were actually see-through under strong light. No doubt those pants were Christian's. And Christian, looking smug as hell, was wearing an open leather jacket with nothing underneath and surprisingly modest black jeans. Still, Teddy felt as if he was a priest escorting two wayward Little Shop of Horrors rejects to the ball. And he hoped his friends back home never got wind of this day. Even though he genuinely liked LeGros and maybe even that self-absorbed Christian Bale.

Fully prepared to be forgotten as soon as they entered the club -- how true, alas -- and fully prepared to be ignored as well, Teddy immediately planted his big, cute butt on the drinks bar and ordered the strongest the bartender could whip up. This vacation wasn't fun at all. It was reopening all of Teddy's old demons and insecurities that he had kept neatly boxed up in his mind right there in that corner marked 'Repressed Memories'. Funny, really, if Teddy wasn't pissed and depressed at the same time.

"Hello!" CB. Jumping onto the empty seat beside Teddy, shouting to be heard above the music. "Enjoying yourself?"

"How?" Teddy had to ask. This was an exclusive club.

"Oh, I am one of the three owners of this place," CB answered. "So how do you like this place?"

Teddy was glad to see him. He wanted to reach out and kiss the man hard for noticing him in the crowd of people. "It's okay."

"You can say 'loud', I don't mind," CB said, his grin infectious. "I saw you and I thought I'd come over. Didn't see you around the beach lately."

"Well, I guess I was busy. Glad you found me, though I'm sure it's easy to see a big guy like me in this crowd."

"Ah, so that's your problem."

"What?" Teddy looked at the other man, disconcerted.

"You think I'll be put off by your size?" CB chuckled. Boy, how did he get those teeth so pearly white and straight? Can Teddy lick them? "I'm not," CB said. "I like big guys."

"Ah." Stupid, but that was all Teddy could say.

"People don't understand me, but I really like big guys. And your laugh the other day... it's beautiful. Full of life and vigor." Corny words from CB, but Teddy's heart was beating fast in response to them. And Teddy jumped when CB's fingers grazed his knuckles. "Dance with me?"


"Come on, you want it. I know you do."

"Fucking hell, you're arrogant, aren't you?" Teddy allowed himself to stand and his hand taken by CB's.

"I know I'm handsome, sexy, and good in bed. What's not to be arrogant about?" CB teased. "But tonight, I'm all yours."

Teddy nodded stupidly. He couldn't dance. He couldn't tell CB he couldn't dance. Hell, his brain had shut down. This was the prom night he never had, and this was probably a dream -- if so, he didn't want to wake up, ever. Never mind what people say ("What did that hunk see in that fatty?"), Teddy didn't want this end. He was in CB's embrace, and CB actually pressed his flat stomach against CB's rounded one, his muscular arms around Teddy, and they danced to the wild salsa beat.

Teddy moved awkwardly, and he could only laugh, because it was either laugh or babble stupidly, because Teddy didn't know what to say or do. Because CB here genuinely didn't seem to care, he just laughed and teased Teddy, urging him on, grounding his hips to Teddy's, their sex pressed together so tightly that Teddy started. His cock was hard, had been since he first saw CB, but to his shock, so did CB's, now swelling fast against Teddy's tumescence. Their erections ground together in heated intimacy as CB's hands pressed on Teddy's buttocks, urging him to feel CB's lust, and now CB was stimulating the rhythm of the fuck thrust with his hips... Teddy let loose a soft moan, and CB took the opportunity to cover Teddy's mouth with his.

Now this was the kiss. Really, the kiss Teddy's erotic dreams were made of. No, this was a million times better. The taste of CB, the feel of his tongue in Teddy's mouth, and their tongues mated, explored, tasted each other in an explosion of sensations. Only when CB broke off the kiss, Teddy wanted to cry. Why? Had CB came to his senses?

"Let's get out of here," CB murmured.

"Okay," Teddy answered breathlessly. "Where?"

On Teddy's spread shirt on the now deserted beach, CB drunk Teddy's muffled cry as he forged his cock slowly up Teddy's ass. It wasn't easy, for CB was a very well endowed man and Teddy had been too long without. But there was no denying the CB and Teddy wanted it just as bad. Teddy spread his legs as wide as could, welcoming CB's penetration. And then the pain was gone, to be replaced by glorious, glorious sensations of being filled so whole and utterly by CB. Teddy had only enough time to think -- Was this real? Was CB here really fucking me? Hell, yeah! Then CB was screwing Teddy real hard and Teddy thought the world was coming to a fiery end.

Later, when CB was spent, he touched Teddy. Not the urgent clawing on Teddy's hips, buttocks, shoulders, or back, but the real, slow, languid caresses of lips, fingers, and tongues on every inch of Teddy's naked body. The same body that Teddy was ashamed to bare before CB earlier until CB coaxed the clothes off him, the same body which CB now worshipped like a genuine, ardent lover who found every inch of his lover's body fascinating. The rounded tummy, the rounded thighs, the ample buttocks -- CB touched and worshipped every inch of Teddy. And when he pinched Teddy's nipples before suckling them slowly like a man enraptured with the succulent feast in his mouth, when he slowly later kissed and took Teddy's cock in his mouth as if he was utterly enraptured, he was playful, teasing, and tender all at once. And Teddy wanted to weep or laugh -- he didn't know which -- because here was CB touching and loving his body, imperfections and all. When they lay there that night, their legs entangled and their arms around each other, CB didn't shy away from touching Teddy's thighs, tummy, buttocks, in fact, he seemed to adore the abundant ampleness of Teddy's buttocks.

This was definitely Eden, Teddy thought. He'd give this place a fucking A+ in his review.


"Where were you last night?" LeGros asked the next afternoon, carelessly sitting down at Teddy's table. "You left without a word."

"Went back to my room," Teddy said. He liked LeGros, but he didn't know if LeGros would be one of those that would mock Teddy's fascination with that CB. He was sure LeGros wouldn't, but he didn't want to test the waters of their new friendship. "I had some emailing to do."

"Liar. Hey, whatever you did, if you don't want to tell," LeGros said, shrugging. "Anyway, sorry about last night. I wanted to be a better company, but Christian and I, well..."

"Oh, that's okay. I'd probably do the same if I were you," Teddy said, shrugging it off. Really, it was okay.

"No you won't, and that's why I'm here to apologize. It is wrong of me to invite you along and then ignore you like that."

"Christian can be a persuasive man I'm sure," Teddy told him.

"Yeah, right." LeGros made a sound of derision. "He thinks he wears the pants in the house. I'm just happy to let him believe that because he's much more amenable that way. What am I going to say again? Oh yes, I'm bored. Want to go jungle trekking with me? Christian will be caught up in his work until late tonight."

"God, LeGros, you know how I hate physical exertions," Teddy said. "There are some exceptions, of course."

"Come on. I'm bored here. Everyone and everything's beautiful, perfect, and fucking dull. I'll go mad if I don't do anything soon."

"Okay," Teddy conceded. "Just be prepared to carry me if I faint from exhaustion."

"Ha, ha, very funny. Now get your fat butt off that seat and come jungle bopping with me, man."

It was hotel regulations that staff and clients were not to indulge in extra- curricular activities outside professional boundaries. Yet no one was naive as to assume that the rule was being obeyed. Still, Teddy didn't want his CB hunk -- who asked Teddy to call him Chayanne -- to risk getting fired. But Chayanne was persistent, and tonight, Teddy found himself lying on a towel on the poolside, trying to tamper his self-consciousness at being naked in the (closed) pool after closing hours. Chayanne was good at bribing his colleagues, and he got this pool for them both with so much ease that Teddy had a suspicion that he wasn't the first guest -- or last -- to enjoy a rendezvous here with Chayanne.

Chayanne was swimming in the pool, in clear, fluid strokes. Teddy sighed, still languid from their recent climax, and he happily rubbed the insides of his thighs together, reveling in the feel of Chayanne's come seeping out from his ass onto his skin.

Chayanne was a popular guy, no doubt about that. He had everybody he knew in his pocket, and no doubt he'd gotten around too. He might tell Teddy he liked big guys, but Teddy knew the man had varied tastes in life, as evidenced by his delightful spontaneity around Teddy. Teddy was too rational to be jealous, of course -- how could he be, when he was determined to enjoy this guy to the max?

Chayanne pulled himself out of the pool, gloriously nude, and sighed as he lay beside Teddy.

"Isabella told me you went jungle trekking with Mr LeGros today," Chayanne started to say.

"Oh yeah, worst trip of my life," Teddy said, chuckling. "Got bitten by a large insect -- see? The bite mark still itches."

Chayanne just had to reach down Teddy's thighs and rubbed the bite mark soothingly. "Did Mr Bale come along?"

"No, he's busy... Good God, Chayanne, you're not jealous, are you?" Teddy asked, genuinely baffled by the look on Chayanne's face.

"No," Chayanne said too vehemently. He closed his eyes and lay back on the towel. "Yes," he admitted. "Sort of."

"What's there to be jealous about?" Teddy asked. "Have you seen how LeGros looked at Christian? Have you seen me? To think that LeGros would..." He couldn't help it, he laughed in genuine mirth. "Oh, wait until I tell LeGros this!"

"Don't laugh at me."

Chayanne's angry tone quieted Teddy almost immediately. "You're taking this too seriously," Teddy told him. "Come on, we're having fun, right?"

"Yeah." Chayanne didn't look placated however. "Fun. I can have anyone what I want. I didn't have to go to you that night at the club, you know that, don't you?"

"And this means, what? You want me to be grateful?" Teddy asked.

"No. But I want you to know that I can have fun with anyone, and there's a reason why I choose to be with you. It sounds stupid, but I like you. You're funny, you don't seem to let life take you down, and you're cute." Chayanne reached out and touched Teddy's stomach. "Is it so hard to believe that I really find you attractive? Just touching you, feeling your curves, burying my face in your plump ass cheeks... see? I'm getting hard just thinking about it."

Teddy wondered if the world could hear his heart's ear-shattering "Hallelujah!" "Oh, Chayanne," he could only say. "You're doing wonders for my self-esteem."

"I'm lonely. I like this, talking to you," Chayanne said. "Most people just want me to shut up and fuck them, but I think you really like me, don't you?"


"Would you like me if I'm big and if I'm not good-looking?" Chayanne asked.

"I'll marry you at once if you are big and not good-looking, as you put it," Teddy told him. Really, he was half-serious.

"I wish..."

"Don't say it. I'm leaving tomorrow." Teddy hated this feeling -- as if his heart was slowly shattering to pieces. "Chayanne, you okay?"

"Yeah," the other man said quietly. "Then tonight, let's make what's left of it special, yes?"

Teddy welcomed the man's attention, hungrily, desperately. Tonight, let him remember tonight until his memory failed. Tonight was theirs.

Chayanne held him for the rest of the night. His cock never left Teddy's heated clasp until dawn, he just had Teddy in his arms, fucking the man until he released his juices deep inside Teddy. Then they would talk, sweet nothings or about each other's lives and hopes and dreams until they both got frisky and started fucking again. He told Teddy about his life of hustling the tourists, screwing around, dreaming one day of having his own house and luxury car. Teddy told him about his own fears, insecurities, and the nightmare years known as high school. And Chayanne convinced Teddy that Teddy was beautiful, gorgeous, the sole reason why Chayanne, now seeing the early rays of the sun dawning across the horizon, banged Teddy violently, pounding his cock in and out of Teddy until they both came in a shuddering climax. He spilled himself one last time in Teddy, his own pleasure a loving tribute to Teddy, his beautiful Teddy.

He didn't say anything when they parted. He didn't have to. Teddy kissed him with all the unspoken feelings he dared to pour in one kiss, and Chayanne left only when he absolutely had to.


Christian Bale looked as if he was at the verge of breaking into tears. Impossibly suave Christian Bale about to cry? Shocking to everyone who knew him. But he was about to lose LeGros to New York for the foreseeable future, and he couldn't bear it. He told LeGros this, loudly and first persuasively, then angrily when LeGros refused to change his mind, and now, petulantly like a child denied his treats. LeGros wanted to go back with Teddy, because he would, in his own words, go fucking mad if he spent another day lounging around. LeGros needed to work, to do something. He needed his job back. Christian couldn't understand that. To him, he had given LeGros all the luxuries he could buy as well as all of himself. All he knew was that it wasn't enough for LeGros, and he didn't understand why. He just knew it was, somehow, his fault.

"I'll come over in a few weeks' time," Christian told LeGros at the airport. "It'll take me some time to put my things in order, and then -- "

"You'll club me and drag me back here?" LeGros asked him wryly. "Look, I can't stay here, Christian. I told you why."

"What is it? The food? The TV? I can make things right, LeGros. Me spending too little time with you? I will hire another assistant. I will make everything okay, LeGros, please. I'll put Mike in charge, anything."

"It's not you, Christian. It's me. I need to do something useful, I can't just sit around the pool every day reading some magazine until you get off your workday. I miss my job. I miss New York."

"Why can't you love me as much I love you, damn it?" Christian yelled, stunning everyone in the earshot. "LeGros," he tried to say in a calmer voice, "why must it always be me who must change for us. Stay with me here, we'll work things out, somehow."

"I love you, Christian. But damn it, someone has to be the rational voice here and it is always me. You have a life here, and I have mine in New York. I'm not leaving you. I'll just go back and sort all the loose ends in my life, and then we'll talk, okay? We need to find a way, but your way is not it."

Christian collapsed onto a seat, his hand instinctively pulling at his top shirt button until LeGros' hand stilled his. "I'll miss you," he told LeGros brokenly. "You take care, okay? And don't worry about me. I won't go cheating on you, I swear, and I'll call. I'll call every night like before."

"And I'll pick up the call," LeGros answered.

"You always do." Christian tried to smile, but failed. "Damn it, fuck, fuck, fuck!" he cursed, and then pulled the man into his arms, crushing the man in his embrace. Only Teddy could see the sole stray tear falling down Christian's right cheek.

Teddy turned away, his face burning at having witnessed such private exchange between those two. He was also envious, he realized with a shock. While he thought Christian rather pathetic in that show of emotion, he also wished that he had a Christian Bale in his life, one who loved him so much that he didn't want to let Teddy go, ever. He turned blindly away -- and saw Chayanne.

Chayanne walked up the hallway, not caring if his boss saw him.

"Caught you in time," Chayanne said. "I just want to see you leave." Because he couldn't believe it and would live in painful denial unless he saw Teddy leaving with his own eyes.

"You did," Teddy said, but he couldn't smile or infuse some cheerfulness that he didn't feel into his voice.

"I'll miss you."

"So will I." Teddy chuckled weakly. "Drop by sometime if you happen to be in New York, okay?"

"I will."

The announcer called for the passengers to get ready for boarding. Teddy sighed and turned to go.

"Hey," Chayanne said.

Teddy turned eagerly. "Yeah?"

"You're the best I ever had," Chayanne said, smiling melancholically. "Take care in New York."

"You take care too. And goodbye." The hardest thing Teddy had ever said.

He had to look one last time at the departure lane. Chayanne was still standing where Teddy left him, those eyes never leaving Teddy's. Teddy could still feel their weight on him as he patted LeGros' hand comfortingly when their plane took off. Only when LeGros handed him some tissues did he realize his tears were starting to fall freely.

Enjoying life, come by sometime.

Teddy smiled to himself as he read the email sent to him by LeGros. One month after they left Gull Isle, LeGros packed his bags and moved back to the island, most likely for good. Apparently Christian's accountant had a miraculous windfall at the casino and decided to retire. Teddy would bet that Christian had a hand in this. Apparently LeGros was worth a million American dollars of Christian's personal wealth (the man was smart enough not to use the resort funding for this purpose). Christian asked LeGros to fill the now vacant spot, and LeGros said yes to that, as well as to the next question Christian asked.

Teddy was happy for those two. As for himself, well... he opened his bookmark and went to his favorite online air ticket-booking agency. Chayanne? Well, he now only haunted Teddy in his dreams. Those dozens of times when Teddy found himself staring after dark-haired men he met, hoping that they were... well, that didn't count. He was moving on well. If he felt miserable because he couldn't help wondering if he was a moron to leave Chayanne, well, what could he say? Fatties and handsome, muscular Adonis hunks didn't mix well. But Teddy somehow wondered if being safe was worth it.

He reopened his email inbox and reread LeGros' email. Lucky bastard. Damn the torpedoes, Teddy decided, and keyed in his credit card number on the secure order page. He had to find out. He was going back to Gull Isle. To Chayanne. And if Teddy caught him cuddling up to someone else, well, Teddy would sit on that someone tramp and yell at Chayanne's fickle affections. He certainly hoped he wouldn't have to do that, really.

Fuck -- who was at the door? Pizza? No, he didn't order any pizza. He didn't even have much of an appetite lately, thanks to his constant emotional turbulence.

He opened the door.


Fancy that.

Teddy blinked. "Chayanne?" he asked.

"Yeah. Me. You said I can drop by when I come over to New York. Mr Bale let me your address after I begged him like hell for it."

"I just bought a ticket to go back to you."

Chayanne just smiled that beautiful smile of his, and Teddy realized how he'd missed those killer dimples. And that body. And those eyes. And of course, Chayanne's personality -- that was important too. Oh, fuck personality, they could catch up on that later. Much later.

"Can I come in?" Chayanne asked, a loaded question.

Teddy opened his door wide and stepped aside.

He would probably never understand what drew Chayanne to him. Not now, not in twenty years, not in fifty, not even despite Chayanne's daily and patient teasing reassurances that it was Teddy, inside and outside, who captured him and made him a willing, devoted lover until the very end of his life. But Teddy didn't question, not now, not later. Fuck common sense, fuck his insecurities -- Chayanne was here, taking Teddy into his arms, and later that night, kissing him and fucking him until they collapsed in a sweaty heap, laughing, nuzzling, and teasing each other before getting all serious and psychological. Chayanne would swear in overblown, romanticized declarations of love, fidelity, and romance, and Teddy would shiver like a shy and disbelieving nitwit. Needless to say, he was less eloquent in his own responses to Chayanne's bombastic speeches, but he did okay. Chayanne was still asleep beside him in the morning.

Really, fuck all that. Chayanne was here -- for him. Today, tomorrow, and beyond that. Teddy didn't care if people would look at them both and wonder what the hell Chayanne saw in him, or whether Chayanne would one day leave him for someone thinner, prettier, whatever. After all, Chayanne came here for him, and that said more than a million pretty promises could. And that, Teddy decided, was all that mattered.

You can find the story of Christian Bale and James LeGros in

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