The Gentlemens Club

By Lady Poetess

Published on Aug 27, 2000



By and Copyrigh Lady Poetess


This story is entirely fictitious and bears no resemblance to anyone dead or alive.


The mortuary of Excelsius Dei was located at the heart of middle-class New York. It offered affordable services -- for the want of a better word -- for the dead, but what made it well-known was that the new manager not only knew all there was about handling the dead, he seemed to take the whole job of his a little too seriously.

The man in question stood at the balustrade of the second floor of the building, watching curiously at a man dressed like an altar boy fresh from church service walking through the doors. He saw the altar boy take in the surrounding with a look of surprise.

The manager heard the wild stories, of course, that his mortuary was more akin to a demonic haunted castle than a reputable business house. He had discounted these stories as child's tales, an urban legend if you will, but obviously if a man of God took the tales seriously, he might had to exercise some PR control. Any man or woman walking in through the doors of Excelsius Dei would see a spotless, clean, white-walled two-story building with little resemblance to anything remotely demonic. Friezes of religious scenes of Christianity hung from the walls, and there was always soothing Celtic tunes from the speaker. The only indication of the nature of the business Excelsius Dei dealt in was the faint smell of embalming fluids and formaline from the labs on the second floor and the basement.

The only demonic resemblance in Excelsius Dei was the manager, a fact that the man admitted ruefully. He was a tall man who had a preference of dark clothing. The dark brown cashmere shirt and black pleated slacks he was wearing at the moment made him look paler than he actually was, and his raven black hair, slickly combed and groomed, only made his actually healthy complexion look ashen and white, especially in the dark. Thus, he had to be careful with his dealings with the customers, for most of the time he terrified the already grief-stricken clientele. He had a nice, friendly, sympathetic assistant hired for that task, and so far she was doing great.

Candy was on leave at the moment, however, and now the manager was forced to deal with customers on his own.

He looked at the altar boy talking to the woman behind the information-cum- payment desk. Lucille said something to the altar boy, and the boy looked up at that moment, right at the manager.

"Mr Boreanaz?" Lucille called the manager. "Mr Hartnett here needs coffins."

David Patrick Boreanaz, Jr. found himself looking at not a boy, but a man with clear blue-green eyes and the most appealing dimples he had ever seen. The dark brown hair highlighted the beautiful eyes and the fair curve of his lips. David took a steadying breath as he drank in the glint of mischief just lingering in those eyes and the teasing possibilities in those lips. Tantalizingly, there was also a serious air around him.

What a pity all this beauty was wasted on a man of the word.

David wiped his hands with a dry sterilized cloth and descended the stairs.

Joshua Hartnett looked at the man seated like a king in his large intimidating chair in the surprisingly spacious and bright office. He took off his altar boy robe, revealing smart light brown shirt and light blue jeans.

"You're not a priest," the man David Boreanaz said.

"No," Josh said, taking a seat across the desk from David. He was blithely unaware that his one simple word had sealed his doom. "I'm just an altar boy. I didn't have time to go back and change after the service, not when you are obviously about to close."

"We close at eight," David said simply. "But I am usually here until one in the morning." At Josh's questioning look, he explained, "I am always short-handed, and someone has to look into the embalming and making a corpse presentable for viewing. I am always training some apprentices, but they never stay long."

Josh smiled, flashing white teeth. "Probably they get creeped by the late hours working for you."

"I'm not that eerie to look at," David stated simply.

"No, you're not," Josh agreed. He wasn't lying -- David, even here in an office lit by bright lights, looked like a powerful, predatory vampire. It wasn't just those dark hair and clothes, or the fact that the man actually had a slight widow's peak. No, every inch of David's tall, muscular frame radiated strength and power. When David looked at Josh that way now, as if he was toying casually at the decision whether to let Josh go or to feast on his fears, Josh felt the powerful surge of thrill washing over him. He looked at the man's large hands clasped on the man's stomach, at the fine dark hair on the man's arms, and at the man's lean, dark- clothed body, and bit back a sigh. David Boreanaz was dark and ethereally beautiful, just like Hades in darkness.

He realized then that David had been studying him even as he studied the man. And there was no mistaking the bright fiery hunger burning in the man's eyes. Josh almost shrunk back into his seat at the intensity of it. He had never been looked at in this way before, not like as if he was something that David wanted very badly.

It was crazy, this instantaneous heat that flared up between them.

Yet David was now standing, and walking around the table towards Josh.

Suddenly afraid, Josh pushed his seat back from the man.

David only grinned, flashing teeth uncannily like a wolf. "Why are you looking at me like that? You look as if you think I'm going to eat you."

"Aren't you going to sit there?" Josh asked nervously, nodding at David's chair.

"No." David climbed onto the table, right in front of Josh. And Josh took a steadying breath when he found his eyes level with David's crotch and spread legs. The dark fabric clung to the curve of well-muscled thigh, but most intriguing was the way the fabric wrapped around the curve of David's penis, hinting at an impressive erection. "So, why are you here?"

Maybe he had mistaken David's intention, and the man only wanted to talk business. Josh didn't know whether to be disappointed or relieved. "I come on the behalf of the St Franciscan House of the Lord, a -- "

"An old folks' home run solely on charity," David interrupted somewhat impatiently. "Yes, I know. What do you want?"

"Affordable funeral costs," Josh said. "Many of the residents are the elderly who as homeless and without any relatives. We end up bearing the costs of the funerals, but nowadays everyone is jacking up their prices. Except Excelsius Dei."

"What happened to your contract with Eternal Bliss?" David asked.

Josh didn't ask how David knew that; perhaps it was good business to know of one's rival and what the rival was doing. "They refused to consider a lower price for us."

David crossed his arms, causing his dark shirt to stretch across his broad shoulders and emphasizing the way his biceps stretched the seams of his sleeve. "So you think maybe Excelsius Dei would provide a low-cost package for you instead," he said.

"Yes. I know it seems like a profitless gesture, but in the long run, we will provide you with steady clients," Josh said, adding, "for the want of a better word. And think of it as a good act of kindness. These old folks lead hard and lonely lives. The least we can do is to --"

David shook his head. "Spare me the Good Samaritan speech. I'm not that charitable in nature. I already run a mortuary that makes only moderate profit, Mr Hartnett. I can't afford to lower my prices."

"Not even for kindness' sake? Jesus said --"

"No scriptures," David said quietly. "Unlike you, I don't believe in God. Religion makes me ill."

Josh shrugged. "Very well. I'll just have to keep looking," he said in false bravado. Excelsius Dei had been the House's last hope.

David looked quite disappointed that Josh was tempted to laugh. "You're not going to preach the hellfire and brimstone thing to me?" he said in a sneer.

"Unlike the religious people you know, Mr Boreanaz -- "

"David please."

"Mr Boreanaz," Josh emphasized. "Unlike them, I'm afraid I'm not a keen preacher. Hell, I hate being preached at myself. I'm sorry I wasted your time. Excuse me." Josh made to leave.

"I'll do it."

Josh turned, his eyebrows raised in query.

"I'll do it," David said simply. "Provided you'll go out on a date with me.'

Josh looked at his feet, then back at David, a real grin on his face. "Mr Boreanaz, I'm still recovering from a really nasty experience of failed brainwashing by a couple of overzealous heterosexual priests. I really would like to go on a date with you, but right now I can't."

"Can't or won't?"

"Won't," Josh said. "I'm still somewhat confused about life at the moment. Maybe next time."

"It's just a date. No sex, not even a kiss, unless it's by mutual decision," David said. "Come on, just one night of dinner, and you can have as many coffins and funeral services you want at whatever price you quote."

Josh licked his lower lip in thought, the action causing violent surges of lust to boil in David's blood. It was all David could do not to grab that man and take him right there on the table. "Well, okay," he heard Josh say through the boiling blood in his head. "You've a deal."

David grinned.


"So you've got the coffins, at the cost of your virtue?" Tobey Maguire, patron of the St Franciscan House of the Lord, said in outrage. "I can't believe it!"

"It's just a date," Josh said.

They were both in his office two days after Josh's meeting with the manager of Excelsius Dei. Tobey paced across the office, slowly, almost in rhythm to the religious choral josquins playing from Josh's player. At length the man looked up. "No, you're not going out with him. Fuck, I feel like your pimp."

"Mind your language," Josh said absently. "Besides, it's just a date. You think I can't handle this man?"

"Josh, we are talking about a man whom everyone has fun exaggerating his ghoulish activities. He's the King of Ghouls according to some wit!"

Intrigued despite himself, Josh looked up from his paperwork and at his employer. "What do you know about him?" It never ceased to amaze him how Tobey, supposedly oblivious Tobey, seemed to know everything that was needed to know about everyone and everything.

"He is the seventh son of a seventh son. If I recall gypsy lore correctly, that's a sign of psychic abilities, and David Boreanaz is half gypsy. He leads a quiet, exemplary, if bizarre life. He was involved in special effects in Hollywood until he came back two years ago and took over his father's business."

"So he wasn't exactly a rapist serial killer. So what's the problem?" Josh asked.

"Josh, the last you need is a date with a persistent man," Tobey said. "Not when you still need time."

"I'm okay," Josh said. "I really am."

"If you're okay I will know it," the other man said with a snort of disbelief. "God, I could kill your stupid parents for putting you in the hands of those morons."

"They're just morons," Josh said. He was okay, for he no longer felt the hurt when he mentioned his parents. "Look, Tob, it's just a date. One innocent date. Is it so hard to believe that?"

"Very well, go to the date," Tobey said in exasperated resignation.

"And don't try to spy on me," Josh told Tobey. "I can take care of myself."

"I believe you," Tobey smiled, crossing his fingers behind his back.


"So tell me again why I can't sleep with you?" David said, pulling up in front of Josh's apartment block.

"Persistent, aren't you?" Josh said easily. "I'm just a very picky person. I don't give out that easily."

"I like that," David answered, getting out of his car. As he opened the door for Josh, he said, "So, what will it take to get some from you?"

"Well, you can try by not pressing me for sex." Josh didn't care, however. He had a great time. David took him to a simple grill restaurant and they had discovered how little they had in common except for a shared love for golf. "You have no idea how much you sound like one of those high school creeps."

David stood at the car. "Can I come in?" he asked, tilting his head and smiling boyishly. "I promise I won't talk any more about sex."

He looked so much like a dark demon in the night, illuminated only by neon lights and the streaming of light from windows of the apartments, a handsome, dark, demonic man, that Josh felt his breath caught. With that came awareness that he trusted David. Surprising, really (he had to be losing his usual instincts), but he trusted David when he stood there, looking like the prince of the night. And right now, with David's green (he insisted they were blue, but Josh still swore they were green) eyes intense on him, he couldn't say no.


David could only look at Josh stupidly. His fingers clenched to keep them for touching Josh. But Josh, beautiful Josh, looked just like an angel. With his shy yet mischievous smile, he lit up the world, and David wanted that smile on him and only him always. He spent the whole evening making the man smile, and he realized how easy it was.

He also learned an irresistible new allure -- Josh had an air of innocence around him. Not affected, not forced, just innocence. And David realized Josh probably had no idea how naïve and how innocent he was. The man corrected David when David used words like 'fuck', and the man had no idea how easy it would be for David to manipulate him into wanting it too. Josh trusted David, and he showed that in his face, in his eyes, without himself even aware of it.

And David was so tempted to abuse the power he has over Josh. The man was like a newly fallen angel, ignorant in the ways of the wicked and the liars. Josh even wore nothing but white or light shades, for fuck's sake, this evening wearing light ocher turtleneck shirt and brown jeans. And he looked good enough to eat in them, the shirt hugging his slim frame, revealing the well-shaped and broad shoulders and narrow waist.

David's cock had been hard since he first picked up Josh, and he had been hard ever since.

His libido dampened slightly, however when he saw Josh's place. He swore. The man actually had a painting of the Madonna and baby Jesus hanging over a wall. Josh was innocent, David realized, and the man was probably a devout Christian as well. He saw the Bible on the living room desk and felt the last of his hard-on wilt away.

He wanted to stomp his feet and howl out his disappointment, but that would probably scare Josh.

"You really believe this sort of thing," he said, realizing he was purposefully baiting Josh.

"Don't bait me, David. This 'thing', as you put it, keeps me sane," Josh said, walking up to him with two cans of 7-Up.

"No beer?"

"No alcohol here I'm afraid. No smoking, no liquor, no sex." Josh grinned. "Enjoy."

"You sure need someone to spice up your life," David said, looking at Josh. God, he could look at the man again and again.

"I have enough spice in my life. What? You think I'm not happy living like this?"

"From my experience, people who believe in God are just looking for someone to blame all their problems on." A thought hit him. "You are gay, aren't you?"

"Yeah." Josh sat back and studied David. "And don't ask how I can believe in God while continuing my gay sex life. I don't have one."

"A sex life?" David stopped breathing.

"Yeah. I never had a chance."

What an innocent prick, David thought dazedly. Josh had no idea what he was doing to Dave by casually revealing his virginity. David rubbed his cock with his right hand when Josh wasn't looking. God, he wanted Josh like hell now, he wanted to be Josh's first, to spoil him for other men, and to mark the man with his touch and semen. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't think, he couldn't even see through the red haze of his lust.

Josh switched on the liturgical strains of Bruckner on his player, which did nothing to dampen David's hard-on.

"You had a bad experience with the Church," David managed to say.

"I don't want to talk about it," Josh said, his fierce tone caught David by alarm.

"And you still have faith."

"I don't need the Church to say my life is wrong to believe in God," Josh said, "and it is not their right to say whether I can or cannot believe because I like looking at men more than women."

The sudden fire in Josh's eyes stunned David. "I don't screw around, I don't lie, and I don't hit anyone. I am just living my own life according to His Words. So who the fuck do they think they are to tell me I'm a sinner?" Josh said quietly but ferociously. "I choose to see them as wrong, and I choose to believe God loves me still, and fuck the Church."

"You said the F word twice," David couldn't resist saying. God, he loved this fiery contradiction between innocence and ferocity in Josh.

"Fuck you," Josh said, surprising David into laughter.

David felt light-headed. He was grinning like an idiot and he didn't care. Right now, Josh was making him feel... happy. He felt as if nothing else mattered in this world but Josh. Josh, funny, innocent, beautiful Josh.

He wanted to fuck Josh's brains out. But he doubted Josh would appreciate hearing that. "Josh," he said instead. "I really like you."

Josh's eyes twinkled mischievously. "I thought you wanted to sleep with me."

"I do." David pushed his lower body forward in the seat, making sure Josh noticed the way he spread his legs and arched his back a little to push his erection forward. "Does that terrify you?"

I want to sleep with you -- does that terrify you? It terrified Josh even as it thrilled him. He felt powerful, virile, and invulnerable to have aroused this much a man that oozed sex as much as David. At the moment he was intoxicated with this unusual sensation of power. Surely it wouldn't be wrong to flirt with this for a moment? Just a moment, before he went back to being steady, practical Josh.

He saw David loom over him and the way the man's head slowly descended towards his. His own lips parted instinctively, craving the feel of the man's lips on his. Then he was pushed back on the couch, and David was kissing him. So this was a kiss, he thought stupidly -- a real kiss, so different from the few shy kisses he shared with his childhood friends. David's lips rubbed against his erotically, even as his tongue slowly pushed into Josh's mouth, startling him.

David only held him then, the man's large arms on his upper arms, until Josh relaxed. Only then did David's tongue begin its slow sensual exploration of Josh's mouth. Josh hesitantly let his tongue rub against Josh's, and when he heard David's grunt of approval, he let his tongue awkwardly mimic David's. He pushed his tongue carefully into David's mouth, and was rewarded by David's deep, intoxicating mouth tasting him. Their tongues writhed in a mating dance parodying the way David's groin grounded against Josh's.

Josh was in heaven; this had to be heaven, as he drowned in David's embrace and kiss. He was dimly aware of his shirt being unbuttoned and pushed wide open, hence it was a shock to his languid senses when he felt David's mouth leaving his and then he felt the warm, wet feel of that mouth over his right nipple.

"No!" he cried, pushing at David's chest. "I can't do this."

David's mouth sucked on the nipple a few seconds longer, then with a loud "Fuck!" David lifted himself off Josh. His face was terrifying, an expression of violent thwarted desire, and David actually bared his teeth in a growl.

But he pushed himself away nonetheless, and his face soon eased back into his casually handsome mien.

"I'm sorry," Josh said, breathing heavily as he tried to control his own blood rush. His own cock was hard, and his lust terrified him. "I'm so sorry, David," he whispered. "I shouldn't have teased you."

David's face softened, and he actually smiled softly, tenderly. "It's okay. Josh. We both got carried away. Look, can you show me where is the bathroom?"

Josh looked at the raging bulge in David's slacks. They both knew why David wanted to retreat into the bathroom. A thought hit Josh -- he wouldn't dare, would he? He looked at David's face, the almost comically pained grimace revealing just how close to breaking point David was, and felt his resolution hardened. He sat up and started unfastening his jeans.

"Josh, I can't take this cockteasing any longer," David choked, actually gripping his erection with his right hand.

"Look, I owe you a come. There are ways to do this without actually poking me, right?" Josh said, his voice quivering.

David didn't hesitate or argue; in fact he didn't want to argue. He ripped at his trousers, and didn't care where he threw the damned thing. He saw Josh's eyes widen at the sight of his cock -- it had to be pretty terrifying because David swore he was never this hard or huge with lust before -- but Josh just sat there, waiting nervously.

"Turn around," David rasped, climbing on the couch.

Josh obeyed, then flinched when he felt David's cock head against the entrance of his anus. "David, I'm not ready for that yet," he said weakly.

"I know," David said simply.

Josh felt the head fit tightly against his pucker, and stopped there. David didn't penetrate, just letting his cock crown flex and throb against Josh. Then David pushed slightly; parting the tight folds slightly until the head was half buried in the folds. Then with a soft curse David pulled out, and Josh turned to look. What he saw aroused him beyond control -- David spread Josh's buttocks and fitted his shaft along the cleft, the red-purple bloated head standing an inch out of the cleft, oozing slippery, tasty-looking juices. Then David started thrusting his cock along the cleft.

Josh moaned, he could feel every thick throbbing vein on that heavy shaft burning his butt cleft as it rubbed against it. Sensations beyond coherent description fired through Josh's nerves as David fucked him this way. He loved this, he loved the fell of David's large hairy balls thudding loudly against his, and he loved the way David held his hips in his hand. He reveled in the way David's breathing became harsher, the way he brought this virile man so low in his lust.

Then David shouted, gripping Josh hard as his ejaculation erupted, sending forth thick ropes of semen spraying onto Josh's back and buttocks, onto David's chest. David thrust harder with each ejaculation, groaning in pleasure, until with one last spray of semen he groaned brokenly and fell back onto his back, exhausted.


"I don't believe it," Tobey Maguire said, looking out the window. "Look at this, Wes."

Wes Bentley - Tobey's assistant, housekeeper, and lover - looked out. He saw nothing that should evoked Tobey's exclamation of surprise. All he saw was that weird religious kook Joshua Hartnett stepping out of a car. Then he frowned as a tall man stepped out from the other side. The driver caught Josh's hand as he was about to walk towards the building, and next thing Wes knew, those two were kissing most passionately. The tall man had Josh in his embrace, and Wes would bet that they were using tongues.

"So that Josh finally decided to give out," Wes remarked. "Big fucking deal."

"Look at the man pawing Josh, Wes."

Wes did. For a moment he was struck by the contradiction between those two. Josh had always seemed to be one of those holy old priest types, never showing any sexuality. The other man, however, was different. Watching Josh and the other man together was like watching an illicit embrace between an angel and a demon. Wes shook off his fanciful notion and turned to Tobey.

He turned to Tobey, an evil grin on his face. "Don't tell me you're jealous of Josh. I can do you better than this strange guy."

Tobey let himself be embraced by Wes from behind, but he pushed away Wes' straying right hand. "I'm not jealous, Wes. It's just that this man would eat Josh alive. Look at him. Josh will get hurt."

Wes inhaled Tobey's cologne and buried his face in Tobey's shoulder. "Look, Tobey, we've been through this before, love. You can't take care of everybody. Josh will have to take care of his own ass."

"I know," Tobey said with a sigh. "But it's hard, you know. Josh is so vulnerable."

"I'm hard," Wes said, pressing the evidence into Tobey's back. "Take care of me, Tob."

Tobey pulled the shades down and laughed when Wes pulled him down to the floor.

David hadn't stepped foot into a church for as long as he could remember. He pulled his greatcoat around him, feeling cold all of a sudden as he stepped into the silence of the church.

He saw Josh kneeling at the second row bench, the man's head bowed in supplication. It angered David to see Josh further subjugating himself to a fantasy like God, but for Josh's sake, he would hold his tongue. He stood there, a dark figure in a place of holiness, patiently waiting for Josh to finish his daily prayers. Only when Josh stood up and saw him did he moved, smiling and walking towards the other man.

"Hi," he said simply.

"Hi," Josh replied in turn. "I thought you said it was only a one-time date."

"I also said no fucking, and we did it anyway," David said cheerfully, ignoring Josh's outraged look at his vulgarity. "Sort of," he amended. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a stalk of rose. "For you."

Josh looked away, anywhere but David. David looked at the man uneasily.

"One night only," Josh said. "I can't do more than that."

"Jesus, what happened Josh?" David whispered desperately. "Did those fucking priests tell you what we did is wrong? You told me you don't care what they say."

"No, it's not that. Please, don't ask me anymore," Josh said, turning away.

David couldn't bear that. "Josh," he started to say.

Josh turned suddenly, and his eyes were red with tears. "Dave, I'm confused, okay? I really am, and I can't handle us. Not now. Please."

David felt a chill in him. "Fine," he said, his voice hollow. "Go back to your fucked-up God. I hope He gives you a better time than I did."

"David, please wait!"

David turned, eagerly, too eagerly.

"Look, I told you I once underwent a brainwashing process," Josh started to say. "Except they call it rehabilitation. You see, I was born in the Catholic belt. I am born to believe in God and I do. And then I find myself attracted to the boys I know."

"Trust me, your confusion is nothing unique," David said, sitting down and gesturing at Josh to do the same. "My own teenage years were pretty much hell."

"But your parents didn't force you to kneel and pray for one whole day without food after discovering a gay rag in your bedroom." Josh looked at David. "They didn't put you under the care of priests and well-meaning people who try to correct your flaw."

"What did they do to you?" David asked, not wanting to hear the answer.

"It's in the past," Josh said simply. "Don't hate them, David, they're just trying to do what they think is right. But it took me years to restore my self-esteem and faith. I spent so long hating what I am. Only now can I finally start to live, and I am just not ready for you and me. Please understand."

It was a reasonable request. David knew that. He didn't want to accept it. "I will hate you if you walk away," he said simply even though he was dying inside.

Josh's look hurt David more than they both would admit did, but David forced himself to look away. "I can't wait, Josh."

"And I can't choose, not this way."

David walked away without looking back.


Stupid, stupid, stupid, David berated himself that night, pounding on Josh's door. "Joshua Hartnett!" he yelled at the top of his voice. "Open up! I know you're in there!"

"Shut the fuck up!" someone shouted behind one of the doors of the apartments beside Josh's.

"Josh!" he yelled only louder.

He didn't hear the elevator door open, but he heard Josh's calm voice cut through his frantic haze. "What are you doing, David, trying to have my lease revoked for me?" Josh asked, standing at the corridor with his briefcase.

David looked at the calm, unruffled man. Josh was immaculately groomed as always, even at nine in the evening. In contrast, David was a mess, an emotional wreck who looked like shit.

"I'm a stupid, thick-headed mule," he said. "I am so wrong to ask you to choose. It's not fair, I know."

Josh smiled, that smile that always made David stand ten feet tall. "I forgive you."

David moved out of the way as Josh unlocked his apartment door. "And I'll wait for you," he said. His voice trembled. "But can I still see you in the meantime?"

"Sure. Like I said, I like you." Josh looked almost shyly away. "You look awful. Come on in and I'll fix up something for you."

David nodded quietly. Already his lust was surging forth, hardening his cock and making his heart beat a million times faster, as was the norm when he was near Josh. But he would control himself even if it killed him. He would do it all for Josh.

At that moment he knew -- he would do it for Josh; he would do anything for Josh. Josh who made him feel as if he was on top of the world, Josh who made him feel as if he could slay dragons. He had no idea why he was here, but now he knew. He was here for Josh.

He was, hence, totally shocked when Josh walked out from the kitchen totally nude. David sat on the couch, dumbstruck, looking stupidly at the sight of Josh in all his nude, muscular glory, standing before him. That man's thick, pulsing erection stood out from a thick thatch of dark brown hair under, the sight making David's mouth water.

"Why?" he managed to rasp.

"I trust you. And it feels right," Josh said simply. "I've been thinking too. And you're right, I've been hiding for too long."

David watched, unable to move, as Josh unbuttoned David's shirt slowly, the man bending down to kiss David's exposed chest slowly. David closed his eyes, unable to look at the beautiful sight of Josh gifting him this, not without losing his composure. Then he felt Josh unbuckling his belt, and his sanity returned. He pulled Josh up, and kissed the man hard, hungrily. Josh's hands still fumbled, until finally they wrenched David's pants down his knees. David laughed, breaking off the kiss, and pushed Josh gently onto the carpeted floor. Then it was Josh's turn to close his eyes and cry out in pleasure as David's mouth closed over his erection.

He shuddered in pleasure of his first blowjob, and Josh couldn't bear to watch David's mouth working on him, those lips nuzzling and licking at the tip of his cock before enveloping his shaft down that warm, hot throat. He didn't want to lose control and blow his wad and thus expose his inexperience to this man. But it was no use. Just one lick of David on the sensitive ridge of his cock head, and he exploded, spilling his rich ejaculate into the willing mouth of the other man.

David was still laughing when he threw Josh onto the bed. Josh tried to laugh, but only succeeded in a weak laugh as his eyes fell on David's raging cock. It looked huge to his inexperienced eyes, the cock tip reaching way past David's navel to leak silky crystal liquid droplets down that large smooth head. And Josh felt his buttocks clench in anticipation.

He let David fall on him, the feel of their naked, sweaty skin on each other driving them both mad with impatience. Josh couldn't help it -- he trembled despite his determined bravado when David moved his huge body over his, those muscular thighs gently moving between Josh's thighs.

"Relax," David whispered, nuzzling Josh's face. "It'll hurt, but I'll make up for it, I swear."

"I'll hold you to it." Josh sighed when David lifted him, pulling him up to straddle the latter's thighs.

"Will you look?" David asked, his right hand reaching down to position his cock against Josh's willing pucker.

Josh looked down, resting his forehead on David's chest. His eyes couldn't tear away from the sight of his thighs resting on David's legs, his upraised buttocks angled perfectly for David's upward plunge. He saw the cock tip part the tight folds of his anus just like that day David took him. He willed himself to relax, gritting his teeth even as he started to feel his ass stretch. David's hands were gentle as he coaxed Josh to sit on him, and Josh did.

"Aaa-aahhh!" he cried as the head started going in, and pain wracked him as that thick cock started tearing into his unused anus.

He heard David curse, and felt the man lifting him. "No," he said forcefully, pushing himself down even more. "I want it, I want you, Dave," he said through his pain.

"I'm killing you," Dave said miserably. "God, I wish I'm a smaller man." He looked and sounded so miserable that Josh couldn't help but laugh.

"Dave, I won't have you any other way," Josh whispered, lifting himself experimentally on that cock. He lifted himself off an inch, and then lowered himself back down. That wasn't so bad. He repeated the motion. And again. He heard David's low sigh, and felt the man's hands tightening on Josh's hips, urging him on. Josh found his rhythm and started riding David, slowly at first. Little did he realize that David was oozing precum with each passing second, the copious lubrication slicking them both so much that each downward plunge only sent David another inch up Josh.

Then Josh felt it -- the sharp pleasure of David's cock brushing his prostate. "Oh God, this is great!" he cried, increasing the pace of his movements. He gyrated his buttocks even as he rode David increasingly harder, making the latter cry out in pleasure. Josh felt like a king, he clenched his anal muscles experimentally, and liked the way David moan at that. He placed his hands on David's sweat slicked chest and kissed the man. David gripped Josh's buttocks, meeting the man's downward thrust with his own upward thrust. Josh loved this, he loved the way David's pubic hair tickled his balls, the sound of their flesh slapping hard, and the way David filled him. The pain was there, but now he couldn't distinguish it from the white-hot pleasure. He screamed, his body arching in spasms as he climaxed, and then he heard David's low guttural roar. David's semen spilled up his until now virgin anus, drenching his inside, burning the torn flesh inside in a wonderful fiery sensation.

Josh laughed weakly then, reveling in the feeling of being filled. He pressed his sweat-slicked body to David's, letting his own semen on David's stomach wet his own skin.

"You just give me a religious experience," Josh murmured when he stopped laughing.

David, every one of his senses drained dry by the orgasm, could only run his hand along Josh's cheek tenderly.


The church congregation couldn't help but to be abuzz when the demonic King of Ghouls was seen standing by the car parked in the church car park. No one knew whom this hermit-like, mysterious figure was waiting for, but everyone had an idea.

Imagine their surprise when the angelic-looking altar boy whom everyone thought was weird walked up to the man and got into the man's car. Only Wes, watching across the street, noticed David's face when he took Josh's hand in his, or the way Josh smiled at David. Oddly pleased, Wes pushed his hands into his pocket and walked to the car.

Next: Chapter 20: Dylan

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