The Gentlemens Club

By Lady Poetess

Published on May 2, 2000



By Lady Poetess Copyright 2000 by Lady Poetess


This story is strictly fictitious, and bears no resemblance to the real Jude Law, Denis Leary, or anyone else. Any coincidence is just that, coincidence.


Jude moaned, clawing into the sheets as he arched his back. Every muscle of his body tightened in spasms of ecstasy, and the muscles of his thighs protested when he only spread them wider, lifting them high to clasp the man pounding into him tighter.

"Oh God," he cried when Seth made a particularly deep thrust, embedding his cock so deep and high up Jude that Jude jerked, almost lifting them both of the bed in his pleasure.

Seth had his eyes shut, and he gritted his teeth as he rammed into Jude hard and in short brutal thrusts. His harsh breathing became louder with each thrust, and with one last plunge, every muscle in his body stood out in harsh relief as he threw his head back and shouted out his climax.

Jude moaned softly as he felt the warm geysers of semen drenched his insides. His anal muscles tightened around Seth's softening cock as he relaxed, letting his breathing slow. He hadn't come, but it was okay. Then Seth was on his chest, softly crying, and Jude forgot everything but the feel of the rough beard of Seth on his chest.



Jude opened his eyes at the sound of the shower being turned on in the room next to where he was. He lifted his head and then sighed when he remembered where he was.

He stretched, letting the smooth soft sheets -- okay, not exactly smooth or clean, not after last night -- slide softly against his skin.

"Morning," Seth said, walking in with a towel around his waist.

Seth was short -- five feet four to Jude's six feet, and the man was not handsome at all. The face was too narrow and too pointed for those too large mouth and nose. Yet Jude couldn't explain what happened when he held the grieving man last night in his arms.

He never wanted to be with Seth, he hated the man sight unseen. Yet when Seth collapsed at the funeral, Jude was the only one who took the man home. And Seth had looked so vulnerable on the couch that when he opened his eyes and looked at Jude in those red-rimmed pained eyes, Jude couldn't resist kissing his forehead tenderly. And next thing the both of them knew Jude was on the bed, legs spread wide, and Seth was fucking both their brains out.

Jude arched his back slightly and rubbed his thighs together, enjoying the slippery feel of Seth's juices seeping down his thighs. "Morning," he said. Usually Seth wasn't his sort, but there was something about that man, an air of pure sex around the man that even now caused Jude's cock to harden slowly.

Jude buried in his head in his pillow and groaned. Shit.

He had just let his foster brother fucked him. Shit indeed.

Seth Gesshel Green was a practical man. He knew he wasn't handsome and he had taken care not to yearn for beautiful things, because beautiful things and he didn't exactly mix well. As he pulled on his trousers, however, he couldn't help giving the man on his bed another look.

Last night he had the most beautiful man he had ever seen in his bed. Jude -- was that his name? -- laid nude on his stomach, the sheets thrown off him, and sunlight danced from the window on his skin. Seth was envious of the sunlight; he wanted his lips to be the ones caressing the gentle slope of the long, graceful back, over the rising curve of those tight rounded buttocks. Last night was a revelation, really. He never knew he grieved for his foster parents whom he thought he despised, and grieved he did. And Jude saved him, offering him his body as an outlet for Seth's guilt and torment.

For that, Seth was grateful. And he was also irritated but the suspicion that might be nothing more than a pity fuck for Jude.

Jude turned those deep, broody blue-green eyes on Seth, and Seth felt his nerve break. How could one deal with a man so beautiful as Jude? With his light brown hair tousled and crowning his elegantly aristocratic and chiseled face like a halo, Jude looked like an angel, a fallen angel who tempted Seth with the sweetest of sins.

He blurted out the first thing on his mind. "Stay." When Jude just looked at him in what seemed like bemusement, he amended, "Stay for breakfast?"

He didn't have to go to work today, and for that he was grateful. Meeting a passel of children was the last thing he wanted to do in his state of mind. He rather spend it in bed with a man who might not be there come later today.

"Sure," Jude mumbled, turning over and closed his eyes.

Seth swallowed when he saw Jude's full frontal nudity. The man was slim but well muscled, and Seth could still remember the feel of the wiry curls on Jude's chest on his face and between his fingers. He could also remember the smell of Jude's skin. Pain hit him when he realized that this might be the one and only time he had beauty.

Get used to it, he told himself harshly. He always was practical. He would survive.

He never knew why, but he ended up coming to his parents' funeral and sleeping with their adopted son. Jude had no clear plans except to see for his own that the parents who never acknowledged his existence were really, truly dead. He had thought of spitting on their coffins. Or overturning them out of spite. Yet when he stood there from a distance, watching the mourners comfort Seth Green, he too felt a vague pain in his chest.

It could be hatred for the parents who dumped him with his uncle and aunt in England twenty years ago before they headed off to America, never to send for him. The Laws changed their names to Green, became filthy rich in show business, and Jude had waited for the day they would send for him. He wrote letters, so did his guardians, but no one knew if his parents ever received the, but they never replied.

For twenty years Jude had hated them, and now that they were dead, Jude found it hard to remember why he even bothered mustering up any feelings for them.

They had no place in his life for so long, it did seem stupid to waste so much energy on them.

But now, looking at the large, richly furnished house, Jude felt the rekindling of his anger. Seth wasn't even kin, a fucking adopted son, and that bastard would be the one receiving all this. While Jude, who had two jobs just to fucking survive, would get nothing. He didn't know what to do with Seth, however, not yet anyway, because for some reason he couldn't bring himself to hurt Seth.

For now, anyway.


John Cusack pulled the red bob off his nose and flung it to the far wall in disgust. "Next time you ask me to play clown for you I'm going to bitch slap you myself," he said.

Michael Vartan came in wearing a horrendous clown costume. "Stand in line," he said. "I've never been so humiliated in my life. To think I spent my Sunday dancing to some babies' tunes for a bunch of one-year olds."

"Thanks a lot guys," Seth said, truly enjoying himself.

"Don't thank me. Jason said I'd sleep on the couch if I don't help you," Mike grumbled.

"And you don't want to know what Ricky told me if I refused," Brian Littrell said, walking in after Mike. He threw off his silly cone hat and fake red beard with as much emotion as Mike displayed earlier.

Stephen Gately walked in last. "Actually I do like the way these fake noses honk when you press them," he said. "I'm proud to say I volunteer myself. Look at you," he told the others. "So much for the myth that the top runs the household."

"Watch it buster," Brian growled. "I run my household, I'd let you know."

"And who's the one forced to play clown again?" Stephen shot back.

Seth clapped his hands. "Children, children," he said, feeling much more cheerful than he could remember since he left Jude at home. "Thanks, really. I mean it. I have no idea how I'd have survived without you all."

The others looked really embarrassed now. "God, I'm late for an appointment," Brian suddenly said.

"I have to meet Mikey for lunch," Jason announced, ripping off his fake beard.

"Me too! I have a lunch date with a client," Mike said, conveniently forgetting that today was Sunday.

Seth waited until Mike, Brian, and Jason had fled through the doors before he looked at Stephen. They both burst into laughter.

"What have we here?" came Jude's bemused voice. "Two handsome fellows laughing, a sight for the eyes indeed."

"Oh my," Seth heard Stephen murmur.

He wanted to go "Oh my" himself. Cleaned up and in a simple flannel shirt under long woolen coat, Jude looked like a prince from a fairy tale, a golden, glorious prince. And he stood at the doorway of Seth's office, holding a large bouquet of roses in one hand, just like those princes did in fairy tales.

"I'm sorry but I have to give these flowers to Seth," Jude said, walking in. "No hard feelings, old boy."

Seth couldn't speak, so he just took the roses.

"Nice to meet you," Stephen said, holding out his right hand. "English?"

"As English as you are Irish," Jude said, clasping the hand tight. "Tell me you're not single, or I'll be forced to make a hard decision."

"I'm attached. Fortunately for you," Stephen said.

Seth realized he couldn't stand the sight of these two flirting and cruelly placed his foot over Stephen's and pressed down with all his weight. Hard. Stephen hissed and his elbow bumped into Seth's side painfully. Still, he got the message, and sending Jude a mischievous wink, he made his leave.

"That guy's boyfriend is very possessive," Seth said.

"I love it when you're jealous, and we've only met for not even a day," Jude said, displaying his dimples in all their devastating glory. "I'm on my way to the employment office, but I thought I'd drop by and see you."

"You're looking for a job?" And staying here? Seth wanted to ask, suddenly feeling a thousand pounds lighter.

"Yeah." Jude said softly, looking down at Seth. "I think it's time I start life anew."

That night he took Seth dancing. Or rather, they tried to learn the waltz, with Barbra Streisand playing softly in the background. Only soon both lost interest in the music, and Jude found himself pressed against the wall, his feet on the table for support and his weight resting on his buttocks pressed against Seth as Seth screwed him. Then it was on the floor, Jude riding Seth hard, moaning in pleasure as Seth's cock burned his anal passage, searing him into fiery lust before hot gushes of semen from Seth poured into him, cooling his desire and making him throw his head back and cry out in his own climax.

And so they spent the next few days. During the day, Seth continued his own life, running his party catering service, while Jude found a job selling sports gear.

"Perfect, now you have an excuse to flirt with everybody," Seth said, only half joking. He always knew one day Jude would meet someone as beautiful as he, and then he would leave.

"I flirt with everybody, darlin'," Jude told him, touching his cheek. "But it's the rare person who gets exclusive access to me."

And Seth, fool that he is, couldn't help but to believe him. He knew he was in for heartbreak, but he wanted Jude and the happiness Jude brought along with him.

At night, they learnt the waltz, which Jude said would come handy one day when they visited Buckingham Palace. And Seth taught Jude how to play poker, which Jude beat him at severely once he mastered the game. And they fucked in every room they could find, even on his parents' bed, and in all positions they could think of.

But worst was that Seth slowly found himself telling Jude everything about himself. "I hate my parents," he told Jude. "My father was always disappointed that I wasn't as beautiful a teenager and adult as when I was a baby. I'm not tall, I'm not handsome, I was always told, and I was never good enough in anything to please him or my mother."

"So screw them both," Jude said, strangely subdued.

Seth attributed the cold and distant look in Jude's eyes to the aftermath of their lovemaking. "I soon learned not to try, really. That way we don't step on each other's toes." Seth smiled. "You know, a thought just struck me. My father would love to have you as a son instead of me. You're just the right type -- beautiful, gregarious, and not at all afraid." He shut his eyes and rest his head on Jude's chest, thus missing the bleak look in the man's eyes.

"My father and mother never wanted me," he heard Jude say. "They just left me with their brother and walked away. Nobody wants me."

"I want you, Jude," Seth murmured, letting sleep claim him. He never knew if Jude heard him.

He had his answer in the morning. He found a note at the bedside.

I'll let you keep me. Jude.

Seth began to laugh.


"Sit down," Jeremy Northam said, pushing Jude down to the seat.

They were in Club Abracadabra, where Brian performed tonight. Jude looked up and saw Jeremy flanked by big muscular guys Nick, Kevin, and Alan, all looking as if they'd love nothing more than to beat Jude into pulp.

And Seth had wandered off with a few friends, laughing and chatting away. Shit.

"We want to know your intention towards Seth," Nick declared.

Jude relaxed. So this was what it was all about. "Seth and I are having fun together," he said.

"Look, we all know a pretty twink like you can't be serious about Seth," Jeremy said.

That irritated Jude. Somehow he had stopped thinking of Seth as ugly. How could a man who made you laugh and feel as if you belong to him be ugly? "What is wrong with Seth?" he challenged Jeremy.

"Nothing. But he's... well, what are the chances of you, who no doubt can have any man you want, finding what you want in an Ordinary Joe like Seth?" Jeremy asked.

Damn, was that man leaning over to Seth? Jude looked around Alan. "What did you say?" he asked Jeremy.

"Are you serious about Seth?" Alan asked, moving to block Jude's view of Seth.

"Look, what Seth and I are doing are our business, not yours, so fuck off," Jude said. "Excuse me."

Jeremy watched the man walked determinedly towards Seth.

"You know, I don't think he even realized we are here," Nick murmured. "That guy's entire attention is focused on Seth alone."

Jeremy smiled. "That's good."

"I love you. Don't flirt anymore with anyone," Jude said. "I can't take it."

Seth scowled. "If you think that nonsensical declaration is going to make me forgive you for snapping at Ralph, you have another one coming."

"You don't believe I love you?" Jude asked, frowning.

"No I don't." Seth pushed Jude away when the latter tried to cuddle up to him.

"What's wrong with you?" Jude snapped.

"Nothing. I'm tired. I'm going to bed."

"I'll join you."

"I'd rather you not." Seth slammed the bedroom door shut. Jude heard the lock being turned.

And Jude wondered if the pain he was feeling was that of his heart breaking.

Things get worse the next evening when he saw Seth at their -- Seth's house (Jude realized he had thinking of Seth's place as his own). Seth didn't say hello or kiss him like he usually did when Jude came home. Seth swung his fist into Jude's jaw and sent him sprawling.

"Get up," Seth demanded.

"No," Jude said, nursing his swollen jaw. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Seth crossed his arms. "I have made a few phone calls. Just what I just found, foster brother?" The last two words were said in a sneer.

Jude actually cowered.

"So what are you planning? You want to humiliate me for our parents' treatment of you? You want all this?" Seth gestured around him. "Take it, take the house, take the fucking money, I don't want them." His voice began to rise with his despair and humiliation. "You just have to ask. You don't have to play games and sleep with me."

"I never wanted to play games," Jude said, getting onto his knees. "Damn it, Seth, is it so hard to believe that I stayed because I love you?"

"Yes," Seth said, falling back onto the couch, looking as if all his strength had left him. And Jude couldn't bear to see this man so.

"I love you," Jude said, climbing onto the couch beside Seth.

"Don't be kind, please don't be kind," Seth said, edging away.

"I'm not the prom date who showed up with a prettier date, Seth," Jude said. "You know me, Seth. I love you." He was losing Seth, he realized desperately. And he had no idea how to make Seth believe him. "I love you," he said again, feeling like a stupid parrot.

"Why?" Seth asked. "Why me?"

"Because you're beautiful. I find you beautiful -- inside as well as outside," Jude declared. The question was easy, because he knew the answers. "You make me laugh and you take me as I am, even after I told you my dirty secrets. You know what worries me? That you love me only because I'm beautiful outside. I may be beautiful outside, but you make me whole, Seth. You're my inner beauty."

"That's the most disgustingly sweet nonsense I've ever heard," Seth said, his eyes bright with tears. How embarrassing.

"And I'll embarrass myself again and again if that's what it takes for you to keep me by your side," Jude said.

Seth looked away. Then back at Jude. "You could've told me outright."

"I'm a coward. I don't want to get kicked out of your life."

"You think I'm beautiful?" Seth asked.

"Don't push your luck too far," Jude replied, smiling.

"I'll need time to think about it," Seth said.

"Okay." Jude tried to mask his hurt.

"Uhm... okay. I'll have you," Seth said, and pounced. "You really should be punished, you cheat, you almost gave me a heart attack when I realized you're my foster brother."

Jude lifted his legs to pull his pants off. "Then beat me," he said, watching Seth unzip his pants. "Beat me with your thick stick... oh yes, like that." He shut his eyes and held on when Seth began pumping his swollen cock in and out of Jude. "I love you, Seth," he murmured.

And Seth's soft reply was all the benediction he needed. He was home at last.

Next: Chapter 16: Ralph

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