The Gentlemens Club

By Lady Poetess

Published on Feb 6, 2000


Pairing Sean Patrick Flannery(IJ4)/Linden Ashby (MP)

Sean and Linden -The Gentlemen's Club- Spinoff -JustAnotherWriter-(

Uh...Hi......Okay, first let me say thank you, whoever is reading this, for...umm.. reading it. If you want to print this or something feel free, but if you'll like it (and I'm hoping you will) and would want to distribute it, that's fine as well, as long as you keep my name on it or my pseudonym at least. Thoughts and comments(especially constructive ones) are appreciated and very much welcome at

Keep in mind, however that this is my first story, thus a lot of room for improvements. Thank You's... First, I'd like to thank Em, aka. Lady Poetess, for creating such wonderful make beleive world that makes me want to write and for giving much needed advice in starting, and to someone who wrote the original story, that served as an inspiration for this one. and to you, yes you, the one who's reading this, for bothering to read this. Thank You!!!

Notes: This is a part of the The Gentlemen's Club universe that Lady Poetess has created so most of the characters that I have here might be familiar (duh...of course they are, they're actors and musicians look alikes duh!!!). Sorry for the lateness of the season (of course if you're reading this on December, this would not be a problem) but I just had to make a kiss the focal point of this story.

Disclaimer: I don't make assumptions about their orientation or sexuality I beleive that's their business, I just want to write my fantasy into paper, I don't know them and I don't think I will ever know them at least not personally. Trying to sue me would be a waste of your time since I don't have anything of value that I can sell to pay any complainant.

****************************** Prologue ******************************

"Come on Sean. It'll be fun." "Thank you so much for the invite Ethan but I really don't think I should..." "Sean," interrupted a familiar drawl from behind him, "don't bother arguing with him. He won't take no for an answer. I've already tried." Sean Patrick Flannery turned to face his friend, coming out of the kitchen. One of the best Manhattan Doctors around Linden Ashby, "But Linden, isn't this suppose to be your building Christmas party?" Sean calls Linden, "Linden" basically because he considers Linden a nice name, besides most of Linden's friends calls him Coop, he doesn't know why, that is he never asked. So he likes the way Linden sounded anyways. Ethan Hawke smiled brightly, "Sort of. Several of the other occupants have invited friends along too. Besides Sean, if anyone deserves to be an honorary tenant of the building, it's you. Without your influence Doc and the other tenants would still be dealing with 'Doctor Scrooge' over there." Sean looked at him with bemused gray-green eyes and Linden glared at the grinning Ethan, "Keep it up Ethan and I'll tell Matt, what you've been eating behind his back." He warned. Ethan laughed, "I'd like to see you try it Mr. I don't eat anything but vegetables or something healthy." Linden smiled wickedly, "I was talking about the chocolates that you've been devouring while Matt is dieting." "You wouldn't!" "Linden...", Sean interrupted. "Relax Sean, he knows I wouldn't really do it...or he hopes I wouldn't do it." Sean looked worriedly between the two, relaxing as he noticed the mischevious twinkle in Linden's gray-blue eyes, "Linden, please refrain from teasing him." "Sure Sean,...for now. So," he said quickly, "how about it Sean? You want to come to the party or do you and Murphy have big plans tomorrow night?" Murphy is the name of Sean's Labrador. He was taken from the pound two years ago as puppy who was all skin and bones, but because of Sean's compassionate nature that mutt has grown into a healthy exuberant runt. "No Linden. But," "Great. It's settled. I'll pick you up at seven. See Ethan, it's easy when you know how to ask." And with that, Linden turned and walked quickly back to the kitchen, leaving a stunned Sean and an amused Ethan in his wake. Ethan patted his shoulder sympathetically, "I promise it'll be fun Sean. We'll see you guys tomorrow." "Thank you again for inviting me Ethan." "No problem."

**************************** 1 *****************************

True to his word, Linden appeared at Sean's door at precisely seven. Sean motioned him to a chair as he hurried to finish dressing. "I'm sorry Linden. Eric had some problems with his computer and it took longer to fix then I thought it would. I'm almost ready." Sean worked at a computer shop and when it comes to fixing gadgets, Sean is one if not the best at the trade. Linden shook his head in exasperation, "Sean. When will you learn that you don't have to do everything?" Sean poked his head out of the bedroom, "I wasn't trying to do everything Linden. I was just trying to see what the problem was and trying to fix it." Linden smiled at his friend's sincerity, "Whatever Sean. Just hurry up will ya? Doc and Ethan's expecting us." Matt or Doc is Ethan's partner and a psychiatrist thus the name Doc. "Yes Linden." Sean emerged moments later clad in black jeans and a cream colored sweater over a green t-shirt. He grabbed his coat, then knelt to talk with Murphy, "You'll have to stay here tonight Murphy. Maria will be here later to check on you. I'll be back later this evening." The dog looked at him intently for a moment then yawned. "Just behave yourself all right." Murphy snorted and walked to his normal resting place atop the sofa and lied down. Linden watched the exchange in amusement. As the dog settled his lap while waiting for Sean to finish dressing, he reached down and scratched the dog's ears. The black canine looked at him expectantly, "I'll bring you something back boy," he whispered in a conspiracy tone, "I promise." The stubby tail thumped happily against the floor boards. Linden looked up to find Sean staring at him. "Don't encourage him Linden. He's already gotten too lazy." Murphy whined pitifully. "Don't try to talk your way out of this. There's no way I'm going to let you eat a box of donuts on your own." The dog harrumphed disgustedly and turned away from his human companion. Linden's laughter echoed lightly in the apartment and Sean reveled in the joyous sound. It had been too long since Linden had sounded so relaxed and carefree. Sean was suddenly glad that Ethan had insisted that he go this evening. Worried at the direction his thoughts were headed, Sean rose abruptly, "Shall we go?" He pulled on his jacket and headed quickly out the door. "Sure Sean. Whatever you say," he murmured to the retreating figure. He reached down and and rubbed the dog's head one last time then headed out the door after his friend.

The ride to the apartment building passed in companionable chit-chat as Linden relayed the latest fiasco that happened earlier in the morning at the hospital. Apparently, one of the younger patient's has been searching for candies atop a counter and found a spider, the youth was convinced that it was a Christmas present from Santa and has never let it out of his sight since. It was definite chaos when the spider got away and the nurse who found it fainted and thus making the pediatric ward a very happening place. Sean enjoyed hearing the stories of the boisterous hospital. Being a quiet and reserved child, he'd never known the kind of frantic, free-for-all exuberance that Linden often described among his patients. The warmth that radiated from Linden as he talked of his patients always made Sean smile, and he wondered if anyone would ever speak of him with that kind of loving warmth. He shook off the gloomy thoughts and concentrated on Linden's story.

They reached the building at 7:45pm and Linden parked his Jag as close to the door as he could. They walked into the brightly lit hall and were greeted by a smiling Joanne. Joanne was the sister of John one their poker buddies. Her brown hair was pulled back in a knot entwined with satin ribbon. The flowing red dress was cut demurely but flatteringly. Linden couldn't help but stare at the lovely woman, "Joanne, you look stunning. Those grubby sweats you wear does not do you justice." Joanne beamed at Linden's praise, "Thank you kind sir." Joanne was one of the tenants on the building and much prefers the comfort of cotton and denim rather than dressing up so seeing her in this get-up is quite rare. She took his overcoat and Sean's coat and hung them on the rack behind her, "I was beginning to think that Ethan was wrong and that you two weren't coming. I'm glad I was wrong." She looked the blonde doctor over critically. The dark grey suit was well tailored and emphasized his narrow waist and hips. The gray silk shirt emphasized his gray eyes and made them sparkle and dance. She had to admit he looked good. "You clean up pretty well Doctor," she teased. She surprised the smiling doctor by wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him briefly on the lips. "Joanne?!?" She giggled as she stepped back. Her brown eyes glowed with mirth as she pointed to the light fixture over Linden's head. He followed her gesture and groaned at the bundle of green and white hanging there from a golden cord. "Cute Joanne. I wondered why you were being so helpful." "Hey. A girl's got to use every advantage she can." "Uh huh," he murmured unconvinced. "Your turn Sean," Joan said eagerly. She laughed as Sean looked at her nervously. "Oh come on. I don't bite...much," she joked and kissed the blushing man. The kiss lasted much longer than Linden's had.

Finally, Linden stepped in, "Let the guy breathe will you? You're worse than Steve. You know that Joanne?!?" Stephen was one of their dearest friends who was an outrageous flirt that is until he hooked up with Ronan, another one of their poker buddies. Joanne was unrepentant, "Sorry Sean. Merry Christmas." Sean cleared his throat hesitantly, "No apology necessary Joanne and Happy Holidays Christmas as well." She smiled at the flush that spread across Sean's tanned face. "I promise I'll behave myself Sean, but I just had to use that mistletoe. And no and in case you were asking.No, I didn't put it there Linden. But I'd love to find out who did." With a smug smile she linked arms with the two men and led them in to the party. Joanne Cusack was the envy of many men and women that night. Being escorted by two gorgeous blonde men. Sean and Linden paid special attention to the animated woman as the evening progressed and she positively glowed. Linden was surprised at how much fun he was having. Joanne was an intelligent and observant woman and had a knack for making even the uptight human being relax. He had seen Sean smile more this evening than he had in the last three weeks combined.

He had been worried about his friend. Sean had seemed troubled recently, but had refused to talk about it, saying it was nothing. Linden knew better. When they met two years ago at the hospital, Sean was a too controlled even for a 32-year old. They met while Sean helped a boy who broke his ankle while playing at the park. Sean was such a do gooder, a Dudley Doright personified, trying to save the world. They became immediate friends and since then he has gotten to know the guy quite well, in fact he had gotten to the point that he could usually tell when something was bothering his reserved friend. Linden wondered if Sean was suffering from the "holiday blues" as he himself calls it. When Ethan had mentioned the Christmas party at the building he was determined to make his depressed friend go, hoping the festivities would brighten his flagging spirits. It looked like he had been right to push Sean to go. "Hey Sean," he called, "let's go check out the food. If I go back to your place empty handed Murphy will never forgive me. And I hate to see a over grown dog pout." Sean rose to follow the tall doctor, "Linden, you really shouldn't encourage him so much." "Lighten up Sean, It's the holidays."

Matthew Broderick watched the two friends with amusement as they moved easily through the crowd. Linden stopped and introduced Sean to some of his colleagues, some doctors like himself, nurses and such and Matt marveled at the change in the doctor. When he had met Linden three years ago he had been a sarcastic jerk, at least most of the time anyway and was convinced that the man was a psycho waiting to happen, he's a psychiatrist, so he knows the signs very well. However, every so often his softer side would peek through, especially when he was dealing with his patients, the younger ones, but those times were few and far between. He wasn't mean spirited, just reserved, suspicious and very driven, ever since the divorce he has been acting even worse. Sean had changed all that. Linden seemed happier now, content even. Even the nurses on the pediatric wing agreed that Sean was a positive influence on the 38-year old doctor. Oh, he was still sarcastic and a major pain in the butt at times, but he was easier to deal with, more affectionate. He was one of the few gentlemen left who would open a door for ladies and offer his seat to old people. He and Sean both did and it was nice to see. It seemed such a small thing to them, but it meant a lot to people around them. Sean was really rubbing off on Linden, and he, for one, was grateful.

Ethan watched the two men and smiled at the ease between them. They looked good together, each a compliment to the other, maybe not in looks, for they are both similar blonde, both has green eyes, although Linden is about three or four inches taller than Sean's own 5'9, but in temperament certainly. Sean had the boy next door good looks and innocence while Linden had the "brooding Mature American Doctor" features and the temper to match. Their differences and similarities made them a handsome couple. Ethan stopped short at the thought. Were they? He didn't think so, in fact he's been pushing the two together for quite some time now and they both seemed oblivious to his attempts. But he knew from experience that things doesn't always appear as they look or at least that was the case with Jeremy and Billy. He studied them with renewed interest, watching how they interacted with each other. Linden was as lively and boisterous as always, and having met his society oriented ex-wife of his, Ethan knew it was a survival trait for him. Sean however seemed just a little off. He hung back slightly when Linden went up to talk to people, only stepping forward when Linden motioned for him to. He smiled politely but it didn't quite reach his eyes, or at least not as much as it usually did. As they moved through the crowd, his green eyes never left the tall form in front of him, as if he was drawing strength from the handsome doctor. Sean's normal reserve was even stronger than usual, but Linden didn't seem to notice. Or maybe he did, he thought with a start, that's why he railroaded Sean into coming tonight, or rather they both did, he thought with a grin.

Oh Ethan knew Linden don't usually come to these kind of gathering, opting to stay at his apartment or the hospital to help prepare for the holidays, but he hadn't really thought about it until now. He smiled brightly as they returned to the table, watching them Completely unobserved. Shortly after they sat back down, a beautiful young woman came to the table and asked Linden to dance. Ethan recognized her as one of the nurses that Linden casually dated after his divorce. Linden smilingly excused himself and followed the red-haired beauty out to the dance floor. Ethan watched Sean, waiting for his reaction. He seemed oblivious to him, having eyes only for the retreating couple. The expressive green eyes reflected his sadness, and something more, for a brief moment, then became shuttered as his normal control fell back into place. Ethan watched Linden as he laughed and danced with the newcomer and wondered how one man could be so lucky, yet so blind.

His gaze met Joanne across the room and they both looked at each other and had the same idea. Ethan nodded and Joanne walked across the hall towards Sean and he knew that she was up to something or at least she would try to.

"Sean. Would you mind helping me with something?" "Of course not Joanne. What can I help with?" "Well," she began hesitantly, frantically searching for a way to talk to him in private, "I really hate to ask, but I've got some food in the car that would spoil if I don't bring it in, they really need to be refrigerated. I don't think I can handle all of them and I'm parked at the far end of the lot..." Sean smiled, "I'd be happy to." "Great. Come on then." She led Sean to the hallway, waiting as he retrieved their coats. She pulled her keys from her coat pocket and headed out the doors into the cool night air. She hated lying to the gentle man beside her, but she really did want to speak with him. The man in question fell into step beside her as she walked slowly to her car. She broke the silence, "I'm really glad you two came tonight. Ethan and I wasn't sure you would." "Linden seemed eager to come so I agreed. He was right, and so was Ethan, it has been enjoyable, especially since you're here." He answered, his voice, however, was laced with sadness. "I'm glad." She paused, uncertain how to broach the next subject. Taking a deep breath she plunged forward, "Sean, can I ask you a personal question? You may refuse to answer it if you don't want to." He considered for a moment, puzzled then answered, "Of course you may Joanne." "How long have been in love with Linden?" The soft question caught Sean off guard and he sucked in a startled breath. Joanne's hand grasped his shoulder, offering suport, "I'm sorry Sean. I didn't mean to startle you like that." "No. That's quite alright Joanne." He took a deep breath and met her concerned brown eyes, "Is it that obvious?" Joanne smiled reassuringly, "No. I just happen to know the signs. Does it bother you that I've guessed?" He thought and looked into her face for long moments before answering, "No. As long as Linden isn't hurt by your knowing." "Sean, you know I won't say anything. I wouldn't have even brought it up except you looked like you could use a friendly ear. Sometimes it helps to talk." Sean held her hand and smiled sadly, "He doesn't know does he?" Sean shook his head, "How could he? I didn't realize it until a few weeks ago. I knew I cared for him. He's my best friend, Three weeks ago as I helped him with some kids at the hospital, I realized it was something more. I couldn't take my eyes off him. That night I dreamed about him,... about us together, and it surprised me. I've never felt this kind of connection with anyone before, let alone a man. It's like I've found a part of my soul that I didn't know was missing. But I know I can never tell him," he finished sadly. "Why not?" she inquired. "I think you know 'why not' Joanne. He would never accept that kind of relationship. It goes against everything he is." "You might be surprised Sean." "No. I don't think so, not in this case. And I won't risk his friendship to find out.", he answered, his voice adamant and in a much softer tone he asked, "May I ask how you knew?" Joanne smiled, "I watched my brother John go through the same thing. He fell hard for a guy that he just met. He confided in me because he said he needed someone to talk to. He swore the guy would never go for someone like him so he wasn't even going to try. Well, right before he finished his photo shoot he got up the courage to ask the guy to lunch. They really hit it off. Later, Mark, the guy he was attracted to, asked him why he had waited so long to ask." "So things worked out well for them?" "Oh yeah. They have a place now and both seem to be very happy." "The difference Joanne is that Mark was gay. Linden, on the other hand, is not." "Are you sure?" Sean glanced at her. "Have you ever considered the possibility he may be bi? Or that he may be feeling like you are? You said you'd never felt that connection with a man before, maybe Linden's the same way. I don't think you realize the changes in Linden since he's known you Sean. He's more alive, more gentle when he's with you. He seems happier too. But sometimes Linden can be a bit dense. He may not realize what's going on. You have to admit that subtlety can be truly lost on him sometimes." Sean chuckled. "Anyway. I guess what I'm trying to say is give it a chance. I'm here if you ever need to talk to someone. I hope things work out for you, I really do. I think you two would be good for each other in fact I'm sure Ethan feels the same way." Sean blushed hotly. Joan laughed and hugged him "If you need anything or want us to kick a certain doctor in the butt for you, I'd love the opportunity. I can't believe that he's so clueless in this. Anyway, I won't say anything but I'm here for you, both of you." "Thank you Joanne," he said softly and hugged her again. She smiled brightly up at the handsome man in front of her, "You're welcome Sean."

******************************** 2 ********************************

Linden searched the crowd again, looking for the familiar figure. God, he never thought he'd wish for that red godawful print polo shirt that Seans seems to prefer, but at least it made Sean easy to spot. Finally he saw the familiar light-brown haired figure enter through the main door. Sean was walking arm and arm with Joan talking easily. Something made her laugh and Sean blushed brightly. Linden felt an unaccustomed flash of envy at the warm look that passed between the two and wished he knew what she had said to his shy friend that could make him as red as his favorite shirt. He waved the smiling couple over to the table and eyed them both critically. It looked like they'd been outside, the cool still adding a slight flush to their cheeks and noses. "So, did you enjoy the walk?" he asked archly. "Very much so, Linden," came Sean's guiltless reply and Linden felt like a heel for the accusing tone of the question. "Joanne and I had a very nice walk. The sky are remarkably beautiful tonight since it is so cool. I think we may be in for some snow later though, there were some clouds were gathering on the horizon. There may be a White Christmas after all." "The kids would be happy to hear that," Linden replied automatically, his eyes on Joan, trying to read her expression. No blush. No secret glances. Maybe it was just a simple walk. Linden mentally shook himself. Not every woman was like his ex-wife, scheming to get the his gentle friend alone and take advantage of him. In fact, Sean looked more relax than he had in several weeks. If Joanne could do that with just a simple walk, then he'd have to encourage her to do it more often. Something stirred inside him at the thought of someone else being the one to help his friend relax but he didn't dwell on it. He felt warm brown eyes on him and turned to find Joanne watching him, smiling.

"Care to dance Doctor?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with amusement. Linden felt like he had missed something important, but didn't ask what. He shrugged and smiled his best "prince charming smile". He rose and offered his hand to Joanne with a flourish, "It would be an honor beautiful lady." Joanne shot a glance at Sean as she took Linden's hand in hers, " Don't go anywhere Sean. You're next on my dance card." Sean rewarded her with a smile and inclined his head in acknowledgment. She smiled back and kissed him lightly on the cheek as she passed. Linden was so stunned that he didn't even notice that she had whispered something in Sean's ear as well. He just stood, shocked at the new intimacy between them. Once again he wondered what had happened on their "walk". He led the slender woman out to the dance floor and was grateful for the slow song the DJ began, it let him get close enough to talk to Joanne. "What's going on Joanne?" he asked suspiciously. "What do you mean Linden?" "You know what I mean Joanne. What's the deal with you and Sean? I mean, I'm glad to see him smiling again, but I'm not going to let you take advantage of him." Joanne laughed, "You know Linden. I don't know whether to be insulted or flattered. First of all, Sean is a grown man who knows his own mind. Secondly, I would never take advantage of anyone, especially one as sweet as him."

Linden raised an arched eyebrow at her. "Just don't hurt him, okay. He's been through enough. I don't know what's been bothering him lately but if you can get him out of this funk great. Just be careful with him. You've never had to deal with those big jade eyes when he's been hurt. He's worse than my patients when he's begging for something." Joan wondered if Linden realized how he sounded when he talked about his friend. She shook her head in exasperation, it was like watching John and Mark all over again, only worse. Linden caught her gaze and bristled, "What???"

She smiled her Mona Lisa smile, that Linden was really beginning to hate, and just shook her head at him. They danced in silence for a while then his partner finally spoke, "Linden, have you ever been in love?" Linden looked at her in confusion, "Yeah, I guess so. Why?" "Nothing." "Wait a minute. Are you hinting that Sean might be in love? That's why he's acting so weird." "I never said that Linden." "No, but it would explain a lot." Joanne watched as Linden's reviewed Sean's actions of the past few weeks. She couldn't help but wonder if he'd finally see what was in front of his face. She knew she'd promised Sean not to say anything, and technically she hadn't. But she couldn't stand to see him so unhappy, not when the thing that could make him happy was so close. If only the two of them could see it. She'd always wanted to play matchmaker, but something about these two made it more so, they do, they might not know it yet, they belong together. She wouldn't press the issue, but she had to at least open the doorway, the rest was up to them. She made a mental note to call Mark and thank him for his advice when John had been so confused: Sometimes you have to help people see what's in front of their face. People can be extremely unaware, especially where their own happiness is concerned. She hoped for Sean's sake that Mark was right.

Linden's voice cut through her reverie. "OK Joanne, spill it. Who is she? He told you something on that walk didn't he?" Joanne could hear the hurt and accusation in Linden's voice. She felt for the Blonde doctor. His gray eyes were shuttered, guarded, a lot like they use to be before Sean had come to know him. She held his gaze, searching for a way to answer without betraying Sean's trust.

Linden was afraid of what her answer would be, afraid of the growing hurt he felt building inside him. Why would Sean confide in her but not him? Weren't they friends, best-friends? This was the kind of thing that friends shared with each other, wasn't it? He waited for her answer, not sure he wanted to hear it. "No Coop, he didn't tell me anything," she said quietly, adding silently at least not anything I didn't already know. She watched as Linden visibly relaxed, his eyes dancing with her words. He smiled a sweet, open smile and Joanne noticed again how soft and gentle his eyes were. He was an attractive man when he smiled, and she could see how someone could fall for those eyes. She liked this side of Linden, he seemed more approachable, more open. It was so much better than the sarcasm he usually showed. She didn't realize she'd been staring at him until he backed away uncomfortably and she watched the color rise in his face. She chuckled at his discomfort. "You are a confusing man Doctor Linden Ashby, a study in contrasts." "What did I do now?" She heard the song winding down to its final chorus and decided to risk one more comment, "You're an intelligent man Coop, too bad you're don't get some really obvious things that are right under your nose." He stared at her in confusion as the song they were dancing to ended. She confused him further by kissing his cheek lightly and taking his hand in her own, "Just keep looking doctor, I'm sure you'll get them... eventually." She led him back towards the table, stopping short to add, "And I'm happy for you when you finally do." Without another word she walked to the table and claimed Sean's hand for the next dance. Linden walked to his chair and sat, trying to make sense of her words.

The remainder of the evening passed quickly and he and Sean were soon bundled in the Jag and headed towards Sean's apartment. They were both unusually quiet on the drive back, lost in their own thoughts. As they reached their destination, Sean seemed reluctant to break the comfortable silence that had grown between them. He cleared his throat self-consciously, "Thank you for encouraging me to go this evening Linden. I had a very enjoyable evening." "Anytime Sean, you know that. Ah, buddy, you know you can talk to me about anything don't you? I mean, if something was bothering you, you'd tell me right?" Sean was suddenly glad for the darkness of the car's interior, "Of course I would Linden." He paused, not sure how to continue, knowing he could never tell Ray what was truly on his mind. He looked out into the darkness, lost in thought. "Well, I guess I'll talk to you later Sean. Thanks for coming tonight." Sean nodded, shaken from his jumbled thoughts, "You're welcome Linden," he answered automatically. "Would you care to come up for a few moments? I know you have something for Murphy." "Nah, I really shouldn't. It's late and I've got an early operation scheduled tomorrow. Would you mind giving it to him? I know you rather not, but give it to the big mutt anyway, for me. I just don't think I'm up the those stairs right now." Sean did his best to hide his disappointment, "Of course Linden. I wouldn't want Murphy to think you had forgotten him. I'll let you go so you can get some sleep." He moved quickly from the car, pausing only to say, "Thank you again for tonight." Linden could tell Sean was upset and disappointed but he wasn't sure why. "Hey Sean?" he called, stalling his friend before he closed the car door, "you're still coming over for Christmas poker party aren't you?" Sean brightened considerably, "Of course Linden. If the invitation is still stands." "Don't be silly. The guys would kill me if I didn't include you in with the party. They adopted you the first time you beat Jeremy at pool. Anyway, why don't I come over and pick you up Christmas Eve. The weather is suppose to turn bad and that way they can be sure you'll be there." "I'd like that Linden." "Great, I'll pick you up around six?" Linden's mind worked for a moment, remembering the number of people that were usually over for Christmas Eve party and the chaos that surrounded them. The prospect did not appeal to him, and he didn't want to subject Sean to that, at least not for some time yet. He wanted this Christmas to be special for his friend, not terrifying. His mind came up with a plan to spare them both, "Why don't I bring over dinner, that way you don't have to deal with crazed well wishers quite so soon. Trust me, Tonight was tiring enough. We could have a quiet meal, just the three of us." "Three Linden?" "Yeah. You, me and the mutt." "I'd like that Linden," he said quietly, not trusting his voice to say anything further. Linden noticed the flush that spread across Sean's face, visible even in the dimness of the car's dome light. His mind recalled Joanne's words about missing obvious clues that were right under his nose.He looked at his handsome friend, studying the down turned face. Could it be? He wasn't sure, but a slight twinge in his intuition said it might just be an interesting Christmas after all. Choosing his words carefully, he watched Sean's face for his reaction, "Great. It's a date then. I'll see you tomorrow night." Wide and startled green eyes locked with his, and Linden couldn't stop the lopsided grin that spread across his face as he handed his stunned friend the wrapped treat for Murphy, "Something wrong Sean?" "No Linden. I'm fine. Please drive home safely." "Sure thing. Good night buddy." "Good night Linden," Sean responded automatically as he stepped away from the car and closed the door. He stared after the car as Linden pulled slowly away from the curb. His steps were light as he moved up the stairs to his apartment, his mind a whirl of emotions. Had Linden really called it a "DATE?"

*************************** 3 ***************************

The sky was a dark as Linden moved the Jag easily to the curb outside Sean's apartment building. He still wondered if he was misreading the situation. Was Sean really attracted to him? He had spent the evening after dropping him off driving around trying to sort out his thoughts on the matter. At first he was frightened and a little disgusted with the idea. Everything he had been raised with said that this sort of attraction was not for him, Oh sure. most of his poker buddies he knew were together but he didn't feel that that was to be his fate as well., he had a wife for goodness sakes, albeit a bad one. On the other hand, it didn't feel wrong, not with Sean. Then he had started looking back on their friendship and realized that somewhere along the way Sean had come to mean more than just his friend. He had become an important and integral part of his life. In fact, Linden couldn't imagine life without his best friend. Sean accepted him, wholly and without question. He offered an unconditional friendship that Linden had never known before. It was as attractive as it was frightening. Linden worried that he wasn't worthy of that friendship, let alone anything more. They had been through so much together and always their friendship remained, sometimes strained but always intact. Could there be something more than friendship between them? Did he want something more? He still wasn't any closer to an answer but he had the feeling that tonight would help him in that decision. Sean's happiness and their friendship were the most important things to him and he wouldn't do anything to damage either one.

A sharp tap on the passenger's window startled him from his musings and he looked up to find worried green eyes watching him intently. He smiled self-consciously and motioned for Sean to open the door. "You caught me Sean, I was wool-gathering. Sorry if I worried you. I am, however, extremely glad to see you. It saves me another trip up and down those damn stairs."

Sean studied his friend intently then nodded, "What can I do to help you Linden?" "I'm glad you asked buddy. It's going to take several trips to get everything up to the apartment, so could you help carry?" "Of course Linden."

Linden exited the car and opened the large trunk, revealing several plastic grocery bags, a portable CD player and a large picnic basket. Sean's eyebrows shot up as he looked at the items. Linden laughed, "Welcome to the world of my Christmas indulgence, Sean The food has always been this way, get use to it." He handed Sean the CD player and two of the plastic bags. He took the picnic basket and the two remaining plastic bags. He struggled with the trunk for a moment before finally managing to close it. "Well, I'll be ," he said triumphantly, "we can do this all in one trip. Well Sean, onward." Sean laughed. "Yes Sir." Sean has a nice laugh, Linden thought.

They managed to reach Sean's apartment at the 4th floor without incident and Sean ushered Linden into the quaint apartment. Murphy barked happily as they came through the door, snuffing around Linden to see if he had brought any treats, "Just hold on you walking garbage disposal," the object of the dog's attention explained, "you'll get your present in a minute." Linden set the basket and sacks down carefully on the kitchen table and Sean followed suit. Linden grinned at his friend, "Now before you get mad, this is from the kids at the hospital not me." Sean looked at him in confusion. Linden opened one of the sacks and withdrew a plate of cookies called Murphy. Sean started to protest. Linden held up a hand, "Sean, they made me promise he'd get this, they made this themselves. If it makes you feel better we can give it to him a little at a time." Murphy growled in protest but Sean nodded.

Linden selected a large piece of cookie and handed it to the dog, "Just remember there's more of that. If you behave I'll try to talk him into giving you more after dinner." Murphy whined and happily settled down with the treat. "The food looks great Linden, please thank the guys for me." Sean complimented. Linden turned from where he was unpacking the grocery sacks, "Oh, they didn't fix this, I did." The revelation shocked Sean and Linden did his best to look hurt, "Don't look so surprised. I promise it's completely edible. No one's died from my cooking yet." Sean looked apologetic, "I'm sorry Linden. I just never expected..." "me to cook." his friend blushed. "It's okay Sean. I'm just teasing you. If you want to set up the CD player that would be great. There's a few cd's on the bag, choose whichever ones you like." Sean moved obediently to the bag and removed several Christmas CDs and placed one up on the player.

Soft instrumental music filled the apartment. He looked into the basket again and withdrew a bottle of wine and two glasses and set them on the table along with two thick red candles in silver holders. Linden turned from the salad he was preparing and smiled at Sean's back. His friend had set the candles on the table and lit them and was admiring his handiwork. "Looks great buddy." Sean jumped slightly at Linden's voice. Linden just smiled and set the salad on the table. "Linden," Sean asked hesitantly, "is there anything else I can do to help?" "No. I think it's under control. You just relax, your part comes after dinner...dishes." Sean laughed and Linden's heart warmed at the rich tone of it. He hurried in the final preparations, not wanting to let the food get cold. He heard Sean setting the table and smiled to himself, it felt so "right" being here tonight with him. He heard Sean begin to softly sing along with the Christmas carols on the CD and closed his eyes, listening to the warm baritone tone. The voice was soft but sure and Linden wondered if Sean even realized he was doing it. Linden sighed contentedly and finished what he was doing. He opened one of the grocery bags. He felt Sean's presence at his shoulder and turned to face him, "The nurses in the hospital made the cookies and thought that you might like it. You have become the most sought-after non-doctor bachelor on the pediatric wing" Sean flushed lightly at Linden's words. "I'm sorry Linden, I didn't mean to be a nuisance." "Hey no problem, bud, it give us doctors a chance to breathe once in a while."

Linden unwrapped the cookies and groaned at the large heart shaped one sitting on top of the others. The words 'For My Sean' and several 'X-s' and 'O-s' were written neatly across it bright red frosting, "Looks like Lucy made that one." Lucy was one of the most persistent of Sean's admirers. Sean looked at the large cookie, muttered "Oh dear" and turned bright red. He looked at Linden nervously, "Ash. Is Lucy going to be there tonight?" "Yeah, but don't worry. The guy's under strict orders to restrict her. The other nurses all put their foot down this time, something about taking advantage of a minor..." Sean's blush deepened and Linden lost his struggle to keep a straight face. "Just kidding buddy. Well, if the table's ready I think dinner is too."

Dinner was a quiet affair. They spoke of past holidays with family and Linden couldn't believe how lonely Sean's holidays sounded. He had always been surrounded by family, and guessed he had just assumed that everyone else was too. He looked forward to Christmas almost as much as the kids did. He just wished that he had kids of his own at least then his marriage wouldn't have been such a waste. Oh no, I'm not going to go there.Linden thought. He vowed that he'd make sure Sean experience the same things he did when he was young. Without thinking, he placed a comforting hand over his companion's hand and squeezed lightly. Sean looked at him and the sadness in those clear gray eyes almost broke Linden's heart.

Sean looked quickly away and withdrew his hand, "Thank you for dinner Linden." "You're welcome Sean. shall we clean up here and head to the Pool House?" "Of course Linden." Sean gathered the dishes from the table and placed them in the sink. He filled the basin with water and began to wash them with detached efficiency. The intimacy established during dinner was gone, replaced by an awkward silence that grated on Linden's nerves. He crossed the apartment to the CD player and switched it to radio, searching for a local station playing Christmas music. He glanced out the window, "Hey Sean, come here," he called excitedly, "it's snowing." "That isn't that uncommon this time of year Linden." "Now who's being a Grouch? Get over here would ya? It's really coming down." Sean joined his friend by the window and looked out at the swirling clouds of white. He wondered how long it had been snowing. Judging by the light covering on the ground, it had not been snowing long. He looked across at his companion and marveled at the change in him. Linden's whole face lit up as he watched the snow coming down. His cynical, usually guarded face was watching the snow like a kid who just heard school was cancelled. "It's going be a white Christmas after all. The kids are going to be so pleased. Well, we'd better get moving if we want to get out of here before it gets too bad."

Sean nodded and started to move back to the sink when a reflection in the window's glass stopped him. Over the reflection of Linden's face hung a bundle of greenery and white berries, the mistletoe that Mrs. Kitteridge had given him earlier in the week. He had put the small sprig over the window to dry and had forgotten it was there, now it seemed to beckon him towards Linden. He remembered Joanne's use of a similar sprig of mistletoe just last night. He took a steadying breath and came to a decision, with deliberate steps he moved back to Linden's side. Linden turned to meet him, his gray-green eyes questioning, and Sean nearly lost his resolve. Linden watched him closely, laying a steadying hand on his arm, "Are you alright Sean?" The gentle gesture was all it took. With trembling limbs, Sean took one last step towards his Italian companion, leaned forward and kissed the well loved lips. Linden's lips were warm and still under his and Sean groaned inwardly at the lack of response. He broke the brief contact and lowered his face, unable to meet his friend's eyes. How could he have been so foolish? He knew that Linden would never accept something like this, he only hoped his own mistake had not cost him his only real best-friend. He started to turn away but a strong hand caught his arm and held him in place. He refused to look at Linden, not wanting to see the disgust he knew he would find in those beautiful, expressive eyes. He opened his mouth but his voice refused to come. He cleared his throat and tried again, "I'm sorry Linden. I don't know what came over me..." "Sean, don't." Sean's heart broke with those soft words. He couldn't stop the silent tears that trickled down his cheeks, "I apol..." Long fingers caught his chin and raised it while Linden's thumb press lightly against his lips. Warm blue eyes searched his face and Sean couldn't continue. "Don't you ever say you're sorry." Before Sean could react, those warm lips once again brushed his own, but this time they were far from still. Linden's sensual lips teased at his, his tongue flicking lightly against the corners of Sean's mouth. Sean moaned and opened his lips to Linden's questing tongue. Linden ran his fingers through Sean's thick hair, cupping the back of his head, drawing him even closer. Strong arms wrapped around Sean's slender waist as Linden clung to him like a drowning man. Tentatively, Sean explored Linden's mouth, teasing at the hot moist warmth he found there. The arms around his waist tightened and Linden could feel the evidence of Sean's arousal pressing against his hip. He ended the kiss reluctantly but didn't take his arms from around the slender form pressed close to him. He smiled into those unnaturally bright green eyes and wiped at the tears that fell silently down Sean's handsome face. "It's alright Sean. It's alright." Linden held Sean's trembling frame against him. "Are you sure you're okay Sean. You feel a little shaky." "It does seem a little hot in here Linden." "I don't think it's the room buddy." "I don't either," Running his hand lightly over Linden's slender hip Sean searched his lover's face, trying to gauge the doctors's reaction.

"Oh God Linden," he said full of fear, anxiety, and hope, "please tell me it's true, please." "It's true Sean," Linden assured him as he placed his hand on his Sean's chest. The sheer emotion of the moment brought them both to tears. Sean tested the waters by running his hand up the taller man's arm and he smiled at him slightly. His lips parted and he let out a sigh of amazement before moving his hands further around the broad back and bringing himself closer to the man, holding him in a in a firm yet gentle embrace. Linden's face was nuzzled into the side of Sean's neck and he began kissing his friend's satiny skin. A small moan of appreciation vibrated through Sean's broad flat chest pressed against Linden's own.

Sean's hands rubbed up and down Linden's back as the doctor began sucking at his neck, his own hands holding his firm body tight. He brought his strong hands up to the blonde's head and brushed his long fingers through the hair. It felt like an angel has caressed him and he moved his lips from Sean's neck to sigh in his ear. He cradled the head gently and brought their mouths together once again, their lips parting, both tongues dueling.

He inhaled and felt the scent of Sean fill his lungs with the warmth of love. With both their eyes closed and still locked in a passionate kiss they stumbled towards the living room couch. Linden could feel a heat building inside of him that was like nothing he'd ever felt. His head was floating above his shoulders, both legs turned to jelly, his whole being and existence was centered on that deep kiss. Sean held him and as they bent over they fell backwards onto the couch and.THUMP!.right onto the floor.

Linden rolled off of Sean laughing as they coughed and as Sean tried to catch his breath after being crushed beneath the larger man's body, but he was laughing too. Both on a delirious high, the huge release of all that tension and stress had swung us both men the other extreme. They managed to crawl from the floor and sit on the couch, slouching back, still giggling. Linden stared at Sean laying on the floor, seeing all his beauty just as he had before, but in a new light. I actually could have him! Sean thought to himself. It was really happening, we were kissing and touching, in each others arms and loving every second of it. His heart swelled and he felt happier then he ever had in his 33 years.

Linden rolled onto his side as his laughing finally began to subside. He gave the younger man the warmest smile the earth has ever known, his brilliant green eyes looking right into him. A smile back was the only answer he needed. Sean crawled over Linden's feet, looking up at him like a adorable puppy, and he slowly slid his hands up my legs, stopping just below my shorts. He rested his head over Linden's knee and for once the dog did not join the brawl, probably recognizing the moment as it is. Sean searched the green-eyed man beside him, his eyes questioning almost like he was asking for permission, but stayed silent.

On Linden's case, he just wanted to sit there gazing into his lover's beautiful eyes forever. He ran his hands down the smooth, strong arms and rubbed Sean's shoulders gently. A contented grin crept across his lips but soon turned to a look of excitement as he gathered the material of the man's shirt in his hands and began to pull it up. Sean raised his arms allowing the doctor to pull his shirt off over his head and then settled back into his resting position. He leaned forward enough to unbotton the other man's shirt off. Sean's fingers worked the zippers on Linden's slacks loose and he slid them purposefully down the man's legs and off his feet.

Linden sat there in his boxers as Sean stood and began to undo his own clothing, but Linden stopped his hands and did it for him. "Oh.God, Sean," was all he could whisper as he looked down at him with amazement. He let his jeans drop to his feet and he stepped out of them as he stared in awe at the tent in his boxers. "I knew exactly what I wanted to do", he thought and I wanted to do it with all my soul, but was almost scared to. This is too good to be true' he thought to himself, this can't be happening'. But it was, the man that he wanted for so long, maybe unconsciously, was standing before him, ready and waiting for him to make his move. His eyes begged him and he could almost see his the younger man's heart pounding in his chest. Carefully, so his hands wouldn't shake too noticeably, he slid them up his thighs, up his hips and up to his ribs.

Sean closed his eyes and took a deep breath, enjoying the touch but becoming more tense as he waited. Then Linden gently took hold of the waist band of his silk boxers and lowered them. He inhaled quickly as his last piece of clothing was removed and Linden eyes grew wide.

The man that stood before him, could have put Michaelangelo's David to shame. Linden ran trembling fingers through the soft blonde hair under his hands marveling at the silken feel of it. His whole body was alight with familiar sensations. He could feel the tension building in his genitals as Sean own hands caressed his hip and back. He pressed his hips against the former, shuddering at the white hot flash of passion that shot through him, "Oh God Sean." Lips pressed lightly against his and he kissed them hungrily. "You feel Good Sean." "Thank you Linden." Linden's deep laughter caught him off guard. He looked at the man in confusion. "You are one in a million Sean." Linden caressed the vision before him and began to kiss the pale flesh once again. He pressed soft kisses against Sean's collar bone, nuzzling the sensitive flesh where neck meets shoulder. Then he moved lower, kissing and tonguing the wide chest. He licked one flat nipple and was rewarded with a soft moan from Sean. He nipped the small pink nub and watched it harden at his touch. He sucked the erect nipple and felt a tremor pass through his partner's body. He continued his assault on first one nipple, then the other, until Sean arched against him panting in need. Only then did Linden continued his downward exploration. Linden soon knelt before his lover's form, planting feather light kisses against Sean's abdomen and hip. Sean's erection brushed against his cheek as he pressed his lips to the man's hip. He heard Sean whimper at the brief contact. Linden kissed closer to Sean's genitals, inhaling the musky odor of the other man's body. He hesitated, unsure what to do. He reached out and ran his long fingers down the exquisite shaft, watching the flesh jump at his touch. He thought back to past lovers, drawing from how those women had pleasured him this way, wanting to make this perfect for his love. Sean felt his hesitation, "Linden, you don't have to do this if you're not comfor....Oh Linden!" His voice trailed off in a broken groan as Linden engulfed him. The warmth of Linden's mouth drove every coherent thought from his mind. He clutched at Linden's strong shoulders, trying to maintain his balance against the flood of sensation washing over him. He could feel the rush of passion building deep within him. His body trembled uncontrollably as Linden's tongue teased at the head of his throbbing erection, bathing it with short, quick strokes then engulfing him, sucking at the hyper-sensitive flesh. He felt his hips begin to move in rhythm to Linden's sucking. He could feel the heady sensation of his approaching orgasm. "Linden..." he struggled to warn his attentive lover. The warm mouth lifted from it's task just long enough to reassure him, "It's okay Sean. Just relax, let it happen. It's okay. Let it go" Linden kissed his lover's hip tenderly then resumed his attention to the training manhood in front of him. He reached down and cupped Sean's balls, caressing the delicate flesh just behind the heavy sack. Sean's hips bucked wildly at the touch and Linden increased the pressure of his stroking fingers. Sean's body trembled and Linden wrapped a steadying arm around slender man's waist. He felt Sean's balls tense and braced himself for the incoming release. Sean cried out hoarsely as the orgasm racked his strong body. Linden clutched at the rounded buttocks, as the first spurt of Sean's seed filled his waiting mouth. He swallowed the thick fluid reflexively, noting the flavor of it. He held Sean in his mouth until the tremors of his orgasm eased. He ran his lips slowly down the length of Sean's shrinking shaft, letting it slip slowly from his warm mouth. Sean slumped against him and Linden eased him slowly to the floor, wrapping the spent body to his chest. Sean looked at his gentle lover and caressed the beloved face, "Please tell me this isn't a dream Linden. I'm scared that I'm going to wake up now and you'll be gone." Linden hugged his flushed friend close, "It's not a dream buddy. I'm right here." As if to prove this point, Linden kissed the full lips, urging them open. Sean's tongue darted forward, delving into Linden mouth, tasting himself on his lover's tongue. The slender American wrapped strong arms around Linden's larger form, then paused, "Linden. You're still quite dressed.", looking at Linden's boxers. "Good observation buddy," Linden joked. Sean reached between them and cupped the growing bulge in Linden's underwear, "I think it's your turn now Linden. If that's alright with you."

Linden sighed as the strong hand cupped and fondled him, "Please Sean." Sean finished removing Linden's boxer and folded it neatly beside the strewn clothing around them, carefully. Rising, he motioned for Linden to follow him. The doctor followed eagerly as Sean led him into the bedroom. The single bed looked barely big enough for him, let alone for the two of them, but Linden didn't care. He just wanted to feel those hands holding him, caressing him, loving him. He stood uncertainly at the end of the bed as Sean sat and removed his socks. Without a word the Sean beckoned Linden to him. Linden stood before the glorious male, head held high, eyes locked with his lover's. Sean never broke that contact, It was his turn to blush as Sean's eyes roamed up and down his form. He was suddenly self-conscious under the intense gaze and tried to turn away. Smooth hands caught his hips and pulled him towards the bed and his lover's embrace. The feel of warm flesh pressed against him made him moan aloud. Soft lips kissed his chest and toyed with his masculine nipples. "You are as beautiful as I imagined Linden. Even more so because you're really here." Sean's words broke through Linden's fear and he clung to his lover tightly. No words were needed as Sean caressed and aroused his passionate lover. He cupped the perfectly formed buttocks, squeezing them lightly, delighting in the feel of the smooth skin under his hands. He kissed the broad chest,feeling the muscles tense beneath the olive flesh. He caressed the strong arms and back. He kissed the well known face, running gentle hands over the distinctive features as if trying to imprint them forever into his memory. He pulled the unresisting doctor to the bed, wanting to feel Linden against him, needing to feel him. Linden curled against his chest, entwining his long powerful legs with Sean's, pressing their bodies together tightly.

Sean could feel the hardness of Ray's erection pressed between their bodies and positioned his own rapidly stiffening shaft against that silken steel. He heard Linden's sharp intake of breath as the heads of their cocks brushed together, sending erotic electricity shooting through them both. Sean kissed Linden deeply plunging his tongue in and out of man's moist heat. He moved his hips against Linden's, matching his rhythm to the thrusting of his tongue. Linden clung to him, his breath coming in ragged gasps as his own hips began to move. His body arched against Sean, and he cried out his friend's name like a prayer. He felt Sean's manhood, hard and solid against his, and delighted in the knowledge that he could bring this man such pleasure. Strong hands clutched at him, anchoring him, allowing him to give in to the sensations running rampant through his body. He heard himself cry out Sean's name as his body shook uncontrollably against Sean's smooth, hot flesh. Small, delicate hands caught his face and found himself looking into passion glazed green eyes that he know so well, "I love you Linden." "I love you too Sean." he whispered as he felt the first wave of release hit him. He buried his face in Sean's shoulder, "Oh God,....!" His lovers name fell from his lips like a prayer as he spent himself against the solid wall of his lover's body as they both fell asleep in one another's arms.

********************************* Epilogue *****************************

Linden awoke several hours later, alone on Sean's bed, covered with a warm blanket. He remembered holding Sean in his arms and falling to sleep holding that smooth strong body. He stretched languidly and looked around the room for his clothing. He found one of Sean's shirts and his own slacks folded neatly beside the bed and smiled at his lover's thoughtfulness. 'His lover', he liked the sound of that. He would never regret what had happened between them tonight, and he hoped Sean wouldn't either. When he had looked in to those uncertain green eyes and saw the depths of love shining in them, he knew this was where he belonged. He had never been more sure of anything in his life. He pulled on the soft shirt, inhaling deeply at the scent that clung to it, Sean's scent. He tugged the slacks on and wandered out to find his missing lover.

Sean sat at the table writing in his diary. Linden stood silently in the doorway, watching his handsome lover with a contented smile. Murphy wandered over and nuzzled at his hand, begging for attention. Linden reached down and scratched the dog's large head.

Sean turned at the motion and smiled warmly at Linden, "Good evening Linden. Did you sleep well?" Linden crossed to the table and sat down beside his friend, "Like a baby Sean. Why didn't you wake me? We're suppose to be at the pool house this evening." "It's still early. Besides I don't think we'll be going anywhere for a while. Go take a look outside." Linden wandered to the window and looked out on the white landscape. It must have been snowing steadily since they'd finished dinner. Sean was right, he doubted they would be going anywhere, at least not until morning. He felt strong arms wrap around his waist and leaned back against Sean's chest, "It's so beautiful Sean. Funny how I never seemed to notice it before. But then, I seem to do that a lot." "What do you mean Linden?" Linden turned in Sean's embrace and ran his hand lightly down his lover's handsome face, "Joanne was right. It was right in front of my face and I almost missed it. I'm glad I didn't." He kissed Sean softly, relaxing into the comfortable embrace. He stood silently in Sean's arms for a few moments then stepped back,

"I should call Ethan and tell him that we won't be over tonight." As he reached for the cell phone it rang sharply. He jumped and opened the phone cautiously, "Hello?" There was a slight pause and then a smile spread over Linden's features, "Yeah Ethan, we're fine. We got distracted after dinner and lost track of the time." Sean nearly choked on the mouthful of water he had just taken. "You know Sean and his stories." Linden shot a naughty smile at his blushing companion as he listened to his friend on the other end of the phone. "Don't worry , we'll stay put. I don't think we have much choice right now. We'll see you as soon as the streets are cleared." He added under his breath, "In this area that could be sometime next year." Sean smiled at his friend's complaint, then laughed at Linden's next words, "No tell Matt. I was just joking, We should be there sometime in the morning....Yeah, I'll tell him... Merry Christmas. Tell the guys to not enjoy themselves too much." A pause. "Yes Doc. I promise. Good night." Linden hung up the phone and turned to face Sean, "Well it looks like you're stuck with me a little longer Sean. By the way, Joanne said to stay put until morning." Sean smiled at his light haired lover, "Joanne is very wise woman Linden." "Yeah, I think so. I'm also suppose to tell you Merry Christmas for her and she said that we ought to thank John and Mark." "What was that about?" Linden moved to Sean's side and put his arms around the slender man. He couldn't seem to get enough of his handsome friend. He kissed the upturned lips and felt his body stirring yet again as Sean's body pressed against him. He took the delicate hand in his and led Sean back into the bedroom.

***************************** finished *********************************

Next: Chapter 12: John

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