The Gentleman in Room 203: Chapters

By Ghien

Published on Jan 2, 2014



The Gentleman in Room 203

Chapter 1 The Beginnings

My name is Matthew Nielsen.

My roommate/best-friend is Allen Vincent. We grew up together in the same town in Missouri, did the same things, played to the same sports, and went to the same college after graduation. Some people considered us more like brothers. We had so many similar attributes, it looked like one of our fathers had cheated on one of our mothers, but we knew that wasn't the case. We were 6' 2", blond hair, green eyes, and had killer water polo bodies. Water polo requires a lot more muscle than some people expect. I mean, have you ever tried to wrestle someone underwater? To be successful, you packed on the weight. I weighed in at 220 lbs while he weighed 230. Not noticeable by sight, but when we stepped on the scale, it let us know our one difference.

Actually, we had two differences. The second one was the fact that I was gay. While Allen was out and about pussy chasing, I was standing at the edge, admiring all the attractive men that would walk by. However, if he couldn't bait and catch a girl that day, he always had a backup plan, me.

I had told Allen when we both sophomores in high school that I was gay, I was afraid that it would ruin our friendship, but I was wrong. Allen looked at me and said, "I know dude. I've known since sixth grade. I knew you were clearly oblivious, but I just knew. It never did or has bothered me." After that day, our friendship got stronger and we would look out for each other.

The day that I became his backup blowjob was after a failed attempt to get in the skirts of Cindy Porter, the high school cheer captain. He came by my house really pissed.

I asked, "Strike out tonight?"

"Yeah," Allen said. "The stupid little broad kept on enticing me and leading me on, but when it came down to it, she claimed that had better things to do. She used me to get a free dinner and then left me with a serious case of blue balls."

"That sucks man. If it makes you feel better, if I were Cindy, I would have never left you blue ball. Maybe black-and blue balls." I said.

"You're such an ass Matt."

For the next couple of hours, we played games. Before we knew it, it was almost 11 PM. Allen decided to stay over and called his parents while I told mine that he would be staying.

We didn't mind sharing beds, which comforted me that my best friend would still do that even though I was gay. Most guys our age couldn't fathom the idea of sharing a bed with a man, so they would go to great lengths to make sure that didn't happen.

While we were getting ready for bed, Allen asked me if we wanted to jerk off. We'd been jerking off together since we found out that we could, so it didn't faze me when he asked.

So when into bed together, and pulled our cocks out. Allen had a nice 7 and half-inch cock that was 2 inches around. I had an 8-inch cock that was also two inches around. We both were uncut.

We started jacking off and enjoying ourselves when out of the blue Allen asks, "Matt. Would you give me a blowjob?"

I was startled. "Why should I give you a blowjob?"

"OK. Now hear me out. I wouldn't ask you if I didn't think you weren't a little keen on the idea yourself," he said. "For example, black-and-blue balls?"

I blushed. I guess I had been hinting at it before, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship. Did I want to suck his cock, yes. Why, it was a beautiful, perfect specimen and I had been a little down on my luck lately in the cocksucking business. The last person I sucked off was the quarterback after homecoming, you know, for moral support. However, that was in October and it was now March.

I thought about it before I spoke. "OK. I'll suck you off, but you have to promise me one thing. This can't ruin our friendship. We are going to be roommates next year at college and if this goes south for either of us, I don't want to imagine what we will do if we live together."

"Matt, I would never want to jeopardize our friendship. I was just afraid of asking the question as you are of the outcome. You are my best friend, and that is final. I've never let anything get in way of our friendship before this and won't let anything get in the way after this either. I promise to be your friend forever."

Satisfied with his answer, I decided to proceed.

"OK. Sit back, relax, and enjoy."

Allen leaned back and I went to work at his cock. It had gone flaccid during the serious conversation, but I soon as I touched it, it sprung back to life. So did mine.

I gave it a kiss first. That made Allen moan. Then I slowly licked my way down his entire length. When I got to his balls, I popped one of them in my mouth and sucked on it for a while before I did the same to the other one. I then licked underneath his balls. It was slightly sweaty there and completely musky. I loved the smell and the taste and made sure that no patch of skin was untouched by my tongue.

"Matt, you killing me. No one has ever done this before."

"Oh no, should I stop? Wouldn't want to explain to your parents how their son wound up naked in my bed and somehow died."

"Shut up and get back to work." I happily obliged.

I blew hot air at the tip of his cock. He was so hard now that the foreskin had pulled back completely on its own. He gasped at the sensations. Then I grabbed his shaft and slowly put my lips on it. He took a deep breath in as I slowly invited his cock into the warmth of my mouth. I was a pretty damn good cocksucker, so I had long ago learned to control my gag reflex. When my nose nestled his pubes, the head of his cock was in my throat. I pulled off, sucking as I worked my way up. When his cock left my mouth, it made a very audible popping sound. I quickly put his cock back in my mouth. Allen grabbed the sides of my head and started face fucking me. He was enjoying this as much as I was.

The face fucking went on for ten minutes before Allen started making noises. I knew he was cumming, so I increased my suction and bobbed my head faster. Within in five seconds, I felt his cock expand in my mouth I felt the first shot of semen hit the back of my throat. I quickly pulled off a little so I could taste him. Soon the second, third, fourth shots filled my mouth, but he wasn't done cumming. I had to swallow so I could take more. He shot off at least seven more times in my mouth before he was done. I made sure there was no cum left in his cock, let alone his balls before I let him out of my mouth.

"Oh my god. That was fucking amazing Matt. I've come so hard in my life. Can we do this again?

"For you? Anytime."

After that night, Allen came to me whenever he got blue-balled by a date. I would suck him dry that night and again in the morning. If he stayed for a weekend, I made sure his balls and prostate couldn't pump out any more before he left on Sunday.

Even though we had crossed this barrier, both Allen and I did not want any more from each other. We decided along the way that I would only service him if he was not in a relationship at the time. He wanted to be with girls and I wanted to be with guys. It didn't even create a blemish on our friendship. It was just my way to help him. Soon we graduated high school and went off to college.

Chapter 2 Moving Into College

Allen and I had decided to go to the same school in Missouri, but major in two different fields. He was majoring in Physical Education while I was majoring in Music Education. Since we were both education majors, we would have some similar classes along the next couple of years, but our core classes would be different. However, we made sure we had all of the same gen eds together so we could get our work done in our room. We were both smart kids, so homework was always finished quickly. I was valedictorian of our graduating class while he was the salutatorian. Homework would never be a problem.

After we moved into our room together, we decided to hit the showers. It was August, and we had moved a crap load of stuff up to the fourth floor of our dorm. We both stripped and walked to the showers. The showers were separated by partitions, so everyone had their own privacy. I was both relieved and disappointed at this. I would not be able to scope out any of others guys on our floor without having to get in the shower with them. Something told me that wasn't going to work. In a way, it was good that I wasn't going to be able to see all their cocks and balls. I was gay man and really didn't want to start lusting after straight men. I wasn't going to get what I wanted from a straight man.

After we showered, we headed back to our room, dressed and headed to dinner. Along the way, Allen decided to do some sightseeing.

"Oh my god, hers tits were so fucking huge," Allen said often. "I fucking love college already."

"Yes, her tits were pretty big, but what exactly would you do with them," I asked.


"Really, what kind of stuff?"

"Man, I don't know, just stuff." I laughed at my friend's failed attempt to articulate what he would like to do with another person's breasts. While he was no novice, he clearly didn't know what to do unless he was put in the situation.

After 10 minutes of poking fun at each other and sightseeing (I was doing just as much as he was, but clearly at different people) we made it to the dining hall. Once we got our food, we sat down at started eating our food and talking in between bites.

"So there is this big party tonight, you good to go," asked Allen.

"Sure, where is at," I replied.

"It's at the Xi Mu Pi house. It's their back to school mixer."

"We've been on campus for about four hours, most of that moving crap, and you already know a party is being held?" I asked suspiciously.

"Well, when I back down to check our cars for stuff, I ran into this girl..."

"Ha, I knew. Boobs and pussy have to be involved for you remember things," I retorted.

Allen laughed. "You know me to well, bro. But really, this party is sounds cool. It might be a good chance to find someone to hook-up with."

Now I was still a virgin in every way south of my neck. I frequently gave Allen blowjobs throughout the summer, but he didn't want to reciprocate and I didn't want him to either. I didn't necessarily want to stay a virgin, but I didn't want to lose it in a one-night stand. I wanted it to be special. I was a hopeless romantic.

"I'll go, but I can't promise that I will actually hook-up with anyone," I said.

"Cool. But I am going to say that I can't make that same promise. If I run in to Natasha..."

"Who the hell is Natasha?"

"Girl with big boobs who I met going down to your car. But as I was saying, I might hook-up tonight. So I might run off at some point in the night," he said.

"Allen, I could care less if you left a party to hook-up with some chick. If it was a dude, I might get concerned...but we are both capable of taking care of ourselves," I replied.

"Thanks man, I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't be upset with me possibly bailing on you if the chance arises."

"Oh my god, is the big, strong, Allen Vincent suddenly trying to protect me," I said in the most annoying voice possible.

"Shut up asshole."

We finished eating dinner and headed back to our dorm. It was 7 PM when we got back to our room and the party didn't start until 10 PM, so we decided to completely organize out room for the next couple of hours. As it neared 9:30, we hit the showers once again to freshen up for the party. After we were done, we dressed and headed to the party.

"Random question, where the hell is this frat house," I asked.

"Somewhere on Greek Row. And before you ask, Greek Row is not only an area for all the sorority and fraternity houses, it's the name of a street I've already looked up the area."

"Well someone's prepared tonight. Got to make sure where we are going because you wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to have sex with a random chick," I said.

"You know me too well."

Chapter 3 The Party

The frat house wasn't very far away from our dormitory, so it was a quick walk to the house. We didn't want to get caught drinking and driving because it would mess up our education and our parents would hang us out to dry.

As we approached the house, you could just smell the booze. It was still early in the night for the party, so the smell was welcomed. Come tomorrow morning, it wouldn't be so pleasant.

"Hey Matt, I see Natasha at the door. Do you mind if I bail on you?" asked Allen.

"I don't care. Go. I don't want you to get clingy. Unlike you, I want to have a good time tonight," I replied.

"Thanks. Let me know when you leave. Natasha's got her own room, so if something happens, I won't be coming back tonight," Allen winked.

"You dog!" I said. "Well, good luck in your endeavors. And remember, `Wrap it before for tap it.' I don't think we need any small children in our dorm."

"Thanks. Same to you. I don't want you getting all pregnant and mopey on me."


Allen bounded off to see Natasha. She indeed did have large breasts, which made me wonder if she had back problems. I paid my fee at the door and was handed a cup by a slightly intoxicated frat boy.

"Now don't lose your keep tonight. It's your ticket for free beer out of the keg. If you lose it, it's another five bucks. All right dude?" said the frat guy.

"Sure, no problem." The guy was cute, but the alcohol had already gotten to his system and when you're sober, the other people look a tad bit disturbing.

I quickly found my way to the keg. Allen and I had already lost our beer virginities back in high school, so I was accustomed to the taste of beer. That first didn't go so well, but now I was a pro.

I mingled my way through to mob of people and talked to a few girls. Girls have always been attracted to me, I just never could return the sentiment. I had made up my mind before I came to college to be honest with people about my homosexuality. My reasons were that the university was a very liberal school and had zero tolerance on discrimination of any kind. They wanted everyone to feel safe. Students who violated the policy were immediately expelled with no refund. We were a prestigious school as well, so it didn't look good on transcripts either. I also wanted to meet a guy while in school and if I weren't openly honest about it, I would have a very hard time succeeding in that.

Most of the girls quickly bounded away after I told them I was gay. They had other prospects that night, so why waste their time on me. Even then, I still was able to collect a small congregation of girls who wanted to have a gay friend.

One girl, Gabrielle, wanted to know a lot more about homosexuality than I was prepared to talk about. Still, I entertained her.

"So when you say you're mean..."

"Yes, I like men."

"So you let guys put their dicks in your mouth?"

"On occasion. But I'm not a slut, I don't just do it for every guy."

"Do you like it?"

"I enjoy it. Hence why I've had repeat performances."

"Do you sw..."

"Swallow? Yes, I enjoy the taste and don't want it to go to waste."

Gabrielle looked at me for a second. "I'm sorry for hassling you. I've just never met an openly gay guy my age. I'm from a small conservative town, so boys just were never gay. If they were, they never came back."

I asked her, "Are you uncomfortable with gay men?"

"Oh no, I just was curious. I'm fine with it. I usually am not this inquisitive, but that's probably the beer. Well, I hope we can hang out sometime, you know. Be friends?"

"I don't see a problem in it." I said.

"Well, see you later, I gotta go see if I can get lucky tonight!" With that, Gabrielle bounced off. She was a pretty little blonde girl, I would say 5' 8". Even though I was gay, I could appreciate her body. It definitely looked as if she kept in shape.

Chapter 4 Him

After talking to Gabrielle, I went back to the keg. After our conversation, I kind of lost my buzz, so decided to remedy that. Along the way, a few more girls chatted me up, I was able to sneak back to the kitchen.

As I was filling my cup, someone else came in the kitchen. When I looked to see who it was, my mind was blown away. In walked a man. All night, I had being seeing a lot of good looking guys that I would do things to, but this guy just set the bar at an impossibly high place. He just exuded man from his pores. He was probably three or four inches taller than I was, which really was an eye catcher. He had short jet-black hair, grey eyes, and a beautiful tan. His jaw line was so strong that it just made you drool. He had a very nice build, strong looking arms, killer pecs, incredibly flat stomach accentuated by a narrow waist. His shorts hugged his thighs and his calves looked like they could kill. He also had an impressive bulge that made me want to get down and pledge my loyalty.

"The name's Chris."

I was got off guard by him speaking. I had been caught staring at this statue of a man. I felt the embarrassment in my face.

Still unable to find my voice, Chris spoke again. "Like what you see?"

If I could have gotten redder in the face, I probably did in that instant. Of course, I liked what I saw! No gay man wouldn't. I managed to speak before the situation got any worse.

"I'm Matt."

"Nice to meet you Matt. You here with anyone particular tonight?"

I was surprised by his forwardness. I hadn't said anything to him about being gay, but I ogling probably gave me away. Still, he made no mention of it either, but I guess the question broke that barrier for us.

"Actually, no. My roommate and I came to the party, but we parted ways at the door. He went off to hump someone's leg."

With that, we both laughed a little. A little of the awkward sexual tension had broke.

"Well would like to go out to the back patio with me? It's a little crowded in the house for my liking. I was headed that way," he pointed to the glass doors behind me.

I could not let this hunk get away from me. "Sure! I was kind of getting tired of the insides as well."

After we filled our cups, we made our way out to the patio. A few people were out here, talking or making out. We found a couple of chairs and sat down. Chris pulled his chair to face me so we could have a conversation.

"So I take it that you're gay," I asked.

"Yeah. Just ask my ex-boyfriend." Chris said. Again, we laughed a little. I was put at ease now that I knew this man was gay.

"Sorry about earlier." I said.

"What do you mean?" he said.

I blushed, "The ogling in the kitchen."

"Oh that. Don't apologize, I kind of enjoyed it. Gave me a boost of self-confidence." he replied. "And just to let you know, I was checking you out as well. If you had looked at my face a little longer, you would have seen. And I liked what I saw."

I was floored by the charm of this man. His voice just sounded so sexy. It was low and deep like a real man. If could record his voice, I would play it over and over again. Still, with the compliment, I blushed, but also got a boost of confidence. It was nice to know that we both found each other aesthetically pleasing, so now all we had to do was talk and see if we liked anything else. And talk we did.

Chris went first. He was a junior business major. He was from Oregon. He was the quarterback for his high school football team, but when he got to college, he didn't want to play anymore. He wanted to get his degree without the extra duty of a sport. However, he didn't drop his workout regimen. Instead of gaining 15 pounds of fat freshman year, he gained 15 pounds in muscle.

I then talked about myself. I told him about Allen (not everything). How I had played water polo for my high school. Like him, I didn't play for the school here, but I didn't play because it interfered with my intended major. The band rehearsed the same time all the sports did, so I couldn't to both. It really didn't bother me, I loved music more than I did sports.

"So you have plans to keep in shape," Chris asked.

"Not yet. My roommate is playing for the school's team, so he has to adhere to their workout schedule. So I'm going to need a partner..."

"Then it's settled. You'll be mine. My workout buddy graduated last year, so the spot's vacant if you want it."

I almost shouted my response. "That'd be great." I could imagine us in the locker room changing, then we would start getting sweaty...our bodies pressed together. His cock rubbing against my...

My phone vibrated in my pocket, bringing me back to reality. "Excuse me, let me check this." I said. It was a text from Allen. "Just to let you know, heading back to room. See you tomorrow morning. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. ; )"

"Who's it from," Chris asked.

"My roommate. He wanted to let me know he was going back to our room." I answered.

"Well, I think he has a good idea. It is 3 in the morning." he said.

I looked at my phone. "Shit! When did it get so late?"

"When you find good company, sometimes time flies by." Chris remarked.

For the hundredth time while in the presence of this man, I blushed. He had a way with words that sent shivers through my body. I just like being in his presence.

"Would like to go? I'll walk you back." Chris asked.

I looked at him. "I think I would like that very much."

With that being said, Chris and I started walking back to my dorm. We weren't drunk, but we would bump into each other along the way. It seemed he wanted body contact with me as much I did. About halfway back, I felt a hand in mine. I looked down to see Chris' fingers intertwined with mine. I looked back up and in his face. He had this twinkle in his eyes. He gave my hand a squeeze.

"I kind of wanted to do that all night."

"I did, too."

We continued to hold hands all the back to my dorm. When I steered him to the door, I thought we would part ways.

"This is my stop."

"I live in this dorm too." Chris smiled.

"Really? Which room?" I asked.

"203. It's a double room that I got as a single. Come on, I walk you to your room." he said.

We entered the building and walked through the lobby. The whole way to my room, we continued to hold hands. It was like neither one of us wanted to let go.

When we got my room, we stopped.

"I really enjoyed meeting you tonight," I said.

"I did, too." Chris said. "Are you free tomorrow night around 7?" he asked.


"Good, guess I like to meet with you again." With that, Chris leaned in and kissed me. It wasn't my first kiss, but damn, it hit me like a freight train. My blood boiled and went straight to my groin. This man could kiss. Or I was just easy to please. Before I knew it, he leaned back. I started to follow him back, but he placed a finger on my lips, stopping me.

"Save that for tomorrow. See you at 7." With that, he winked and turned back towards the hallway. I stood there, watching him leave until he went in the staircase. After he was gone, I stayed there for a while, too stunned to comprehend moving. Chris just had rocked my world for a good 10 seconds. Eventually, I came around and decided I needed to go to my bed.

When I opened the door, I saw Allen in his bed asleep. I stood there for second before I closed the door, got undressed, and went to bed.

That night, all I dreamt about was Chris.

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