The General

By dante umbero

Published on Apr 20, 2004


The General-9 This is a story of erotic Gay fiction. If you are a minor or it is illegal to view this material in your area, please go away. If this sort of thing floats your boat, read on and enjoy.

This story took place in a fantasy world free of things like diseases; don't make love without a glove!

Thanks for reading this tale of mine, I enjoyed writing it, many thanks to Rich who has helped me with suggestions and brutal honesty. I love to write these tales so please look for my stories again. Dante-

The General-9

Jock stood in the empty quarters he had lived in for 4 years, it looked really as it always did, he tended to travel very light. All his clothes and what personal belongings he had had here were packed into a duffle bag, two suitcases and a couple of boxes. He thought that in a way that was pretty pathetic. His commission was due to expire in a couple of days and he was soon to be a civilian again. He would make the trip to Ft. Sam Houston to be mustered out and pick up his stored stuff.

After Eric's death and his assignment to the desert, he had given up his apartment and stored their stuff. He would drive home in the pickup truck he had stored there also. He'd been offered help, but Jock had wanted to go through the stuff alone. A lot of it he would be getting rid of, he wouldn't need it, but some of it he wanted to keep and he somehow didn't want anyone else to see all that remained of his life with Eric.

The trip to Ft Sam was uneventful; he checked in with command and was ushered into the commanding General's office. He knew the general so they got right to it. The Army was relieved that Jock was retiring, he had been something of an embarrassment, but they were glad that his expertise would be available as a consultant in intelligence. He signed his papers, setup the address for his checks to be sent to and went to the storage facility to go through his stuff.

"I can probably sell all the stuff you don't want, General. There's always someone looking for second hand furniture around here." The Sergeant said.

"Thanks Sergeant, I think all the furniture can go and some of the small appliances." Jock said and sighed, remembering all the events of his former life that had occurred on the sofa and chairs. Memories flooded back, but they were happy memories. He'd exercised the bad memories and demons associated with Eric, that last trip to the cemetery.

"No problem, sir, Just leave the stuff in the bin that you want sold and before you leave come around to the office and I'll get an address to send the check to.

Jock quickly went through the boxes and sorted out picture albums and mementos from his tours overseas, things that he wanted to keep. The rest he organized neatly within the storage bin, threw the trash away and loaded his truck up and went around to the office.

The Sergeant snapped to attention when he entered and saluted, "All done, General?"

"Yeah, Thanks Sergeant, there's a living room suit, a small dining table and four chairs and a bedroom suit.

There is also an odd assortment of kitchen ware. It's all in pretty good shape, been in storage for six years." Jock said.

"Well General I'll just go take a peak and might go ahead and settle up with you since you aren't going to be close by. It's usually easier that way." The Sergeant said and smiled.

Jock kicked back in the office and thought back over the last couple of years.

That afternoon in D.C. they had looked at each other for a moment in time, just holding hands. Jock's tears streaming down his face. He could see the apprehension in Dan's face but he could also see desire and longing. It hit him then just how badly he had hurt Dan. Better to have called and had a screaming match than to have just shut him out. In that instant Jock knew that, for Dan, it truly would have to be a new start. He wouldn't be able to just pick up where they had left off.

Jock had gone with Dan to check in and went up to his room with him. Dan dropped his stuff used the facilities and they were leaving to go to dinner when Jock stopped Dan and leaned to kiss him. Dan froze again and put a hand up between them, "Don't Jock, not til after we talk some more." Jock's smile faded but he nodded and they went out. The Hotel was located just about a block off Dupont Circle so they were within easy walking distance of numerous café's and Bars. Jock ducked into a quiet bar and they chose a booth in the back. The waitress brought a beer for Jock and double Bourbon for Dan. They sipped their drinks looking everywhere but at each other. The silence stretched out and was getting uncomfortable.

"Go ahead, Dan." Jock said finally.

"What?" he answered.

"Tell me what kinda son of a bitch I am. Get it all out, I'll sit here and take it. Hell I deserve it." Jock said and sighed.

"Why, so it'll make you feel better?" Dan said and laughed bitterly. "Fuck, Jock, you let me sit for months without telling me what a son of a bitch I was, you let me do it to myself. So tell me why I shouldn't let you do the same?"

Jock stared with his mouth open at Dan, realization hitting home to him.

"I beat myself with the guilt until I couldn't even think about it anymore, "Dan said, "I had built a new world around you and I and suddenly you were, that's not right, you walked away. At first I felt like I'd somehow betrayed you but I finally realized that there is more to love than sex and fun times, you have to have some forgiveness too, some need to reach out and understand your partner. When I realized that I decided that you couldn't have loved me as I did you. Believe me, when you called me today I almost told you to fuck off, I'd survived and was beginning to learn how to go on without you...but I still love you. I hate what you did to me."

Dan I'm..." Jock started then was interupted.

"Sorry? Yeah, I guess you are. Tell me, though, how am I supposed to learn to trust you again? I fucked up, Jock I know that. It happened in like 60 seconds, was totally unintentional and when I found out I fixed it as best I could. I was ready to get on my knees to beg you to forgive me. You had all the time in the world to give me that chance. You had access to communications and you chose not to use them. I can't guarantee that we can ever be together again, Jock, cause I got to be able to trust the person I love." Dan said and downed his drink.

"Babe, I love you. I let hurt pride and fear of people finding out about me get between us. What made me call today was the memory of Eric and what I'd went through after he died. I never had the chance to tell him how much I hated what he did, how fucking much I wanted to slap the shit out of him and how much I wanted to hold him. When I saw the parallel to us, I had to call you...tell you that I forgive you had forgiven you really almost as soon as it happened. I don't know how to teach you to trust me again, but I'd like the chance to try." He said and touched Dan's hand. He felt the hand open and their fingers intertwined.

Dan was finished for the day, he turned off the laptop, turned the phone back to the answering service and turned off the light. He walked slowly down the staircase from the third floor, the little walk allowing him time to transition to his personal life. The sun was just setting as he passed the Palladian window on the landing between the first and second floors and the old grandfather clock chimed a deep toned 6 o'clock.

His business was doing better than even he had anticipated. He had managed two releases of the annual upgrade since his acquisition of the software and he had managed to make even the AG office happy with his support. There were negotiations going on around NATO HQ that his software might be allowed to be sold to some of our allies. His upgrade had made tracking terrorist communications must easier and more accurate. He was ahead of the curve on the financial side. He was looking forward to the new front man starting. He was having trouble keeping up with contacts in D.C. and the programmers all over the country. His buddies from Kentucky, the ones that send him bourbon every year, were now on board as contracted help and they were slowly streamlining the UNIX code speeding up the processing. Yes things with the business were good.

The kids were growing faster than he thought was normal or welcome. They came to stay every other weekend and for a month in the summer. They had been devastated by the abrupt breakdown in relations with their mother but had, in time, got used to it. He still didn't talk to Suk directly but had gotten used to communicating through her assistant. His Mom was now in the nursing home and he made a mental note to visit tomorrow at lunch.

"Damn," he thought, "I need to get my butt in gear," as he remembered the time and became excited at the evenings prospects.

He went into the kitchen, which he still hadn't remodeled; he wasn't a cook, and put the steaks in a marinade. All he had to do was open the bottle and dump it in a bowl and let them sit. He tore open a bag of pre-made salad and dumped it in a bowl also and then oiled some baking potatoes and wrapped them in aluminum foil and popped them in the oven and turned it on. He splashed a shot of bourbon in a glass with ice and went out the back door to turn on the gas grill. He wandered in the back garden looking at the flush of blooms from the old azaleas and rhododendron and made himself comfortable on the back porch with the newspaper. He dozed...

I was sitting on the bank of the river out at the farm, the sluggish green water making lazy whirls around an old tree stump. The sun was fiercely hot and I shaded my eyes as I looked up into the trees watching the bright light make tracery of the overhanging canopy. I was thinking about my son and suddenly he was standing over me. His silhouette blocking the sun; he was saying softly, "Dad, Dad" then in the way of dreams, the voice changed and was another loved and familiar one saying, "Dan, Dan."

I opened my eyes and looked up into his, the fatigue of the long drive evident in his slumped shoulders and drawn expression. He bent down and our lips met. "Fuck, time still stands still when he does that!"

"Hard day, Babe?" Jock asked.

"Fuck no, just another one. Boy am I glad to see you.

Welcome home soldier." I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and sucked his lips into my mouth.

"Home for good this time." Jock murmured into my neck as he started nuzzling me.

I pulled him down on the old glider beside me and made him put his feet up while I got him a beer. When I returned having checked the potatoes and set the table, he was sound asleep with his head back and his mouth ajar and snoring softly. My heart contracted and tears came to my eyes as the love I had swelled. I just stood and watched him for a minute and then put his beer in the fridge and went and put the steaks on.

When everything was ready I sat down beside him and put my head against his shoulder and just sat for a minute listening to his heart beat and his slow breathing. Then I gently kissed him and his warm brown eyes fluttered open.

"Fuck, babe, I didn't mean to pass out on you." He said quietly and yawned.

"It's ok, dude, you've been driving for the last two days. Supper's ready, such as it is." I said and chuckled.

"Dan, as long as it's food, I'm happy." He said and hugged me.

I went into our bedroom from the bath, and heard his gently breathing heavy with sleep. Some lovers would have been pissed, first night home and he goes to sleep, but I knew Jock. He was exhausted. I smiled to myself and snuggled up behind him and wrapped my arms around him. In his sleep, Jock pushed back with his butt and we spooned against each other. I sighed into the darkness.

The morning sun was making gray shadows around the room when I felt Jock's weight shift. He was still spooned tightly into my crotch with his butt and my morning wood was aching in the crack of his ass. He shifted again wiggling his crack tighter against me. I moaned quietly.

"Are you finally awake?" I hear him whisper, "I thought I was gonna have to jump up and down on the bed."

I laughed and put my arms around him and thrust my aching hardon into his crack. I heard him moan and felt him pulling down his boxers. I felt his hands reach into my fly and pull out my cock and then guide it into his tightness and he sighed. "Do it, Dan. I've waited weeks for this and I had to go to sleep on you."

I laughed and pushed into his velvety sleeve and moaned my love into his ear. It didn't take long and I was pouring my cream into his hot ass. He was rock hard by the time I finished and I settled on my back and let his weight pushed me into the mattress and I raised my knees and let him slip into my ass. He was licking my ear and I moaned as he thrust deeper into my chute and hit my nut. "I'm gonna cum, babe. I love you." He moaned into my wet ear as his dick jerked and I felt the tension release along his back.

We lay entwined in each others arms, watching the sun light get brighter through the shutters; lost in the feelings of warmth and attachment that only a strong emotional and physical bond can bring, tempered by shared hurt and regret and deep love. ******* This is the end of this series, I hope you enjoyed it. Dante-

Next: Chapter 10

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