The General

By dante umbero

Published on Apr 14, 2004


This is a story of erotic Gay fiction. If you are a minor or it is illegal to view this material in your area, please go away. If this sort of thing floats your boat, read on and enjoy.

This story took place in a fantasy world free of things like diseases; don't make love without a glove!

Thanks for the email, I really like the feedback, flames and all! We all have a story to tell, I think; hope you continue to enjoy mine.


The General-7

The sun was setting on the gulf, a beautiful ending to another wonderful day. Jock stood on the deserted stretch of sand and looked out across the water, wishing they could have a lifetime watching the sunsets from this beach. He looked down the beach to where their chairs were sitting. Dan was asleep on his lounge, the bottle of beer lodged in the sand beside him and a book open across his chest. Jock smiled at the perfect peace that seemed to radiate from his lovers sunburned face. He loved him; all nearly 7 feet of him with his brown hair and crisp gray/green eyes, his lanky firm body and the dusting of hair on his chest. Jock could tell Dan was getting a woody in his sleep; the baggy trunks were developing a tent. Jock's cock stirred in response. Yeah they were really great together in bed too, better than anyone ever before, he thought. He sipped his beer and let the breeze ruffle his baggy board shorts and he inhaled deeply of the salt air. They had been here all week, just hanging out, lying in the sun. The perfect vacation, they had went surf fishing one day and had ended up just finding a secluded area in the dunes and fucking each others brains out. After that they gave up all pretense of finding any other activity. He smiled again, not some folks idea of a vacation but he was having fun. Dan had chilled out on the beach and Jock had come to realize how intelligent, funny and most of all comfortable he is to be around. He figured that, while they were certainly lovers, they were fast becoming best friends also. Whatever they were doing, Dan could make it a blast by his salty banter and funny stories. Jock tried not to think about leaving and going back to the desert, even though he knew it was soon going to happen.

He wandered back to his chair and sat down facing Dan, he reached out and gently massaged Dan's growing erection. He moaned in his sleep and raised an arm above his head. Jock took a sip of beer and instead of swallowing he spit a thin stream into Dan's partially open mouth. Dan swallowed then choked slightly and coughed and then opened his eyes.

"Fuck, what're you doing, Jock, trying to drown me? Hell if you want to get rid of me just take the god damn car." He paused then looked down at what Jock's hand was doing to him. "Don't you ever get enough?" He said and smiled wickedly.

In answer, Jock leaned down and kissed Dan, pushing his tongue into his mouth. Later while still astraddle of Dan in their bed with 7 thick inches wedged inside his ass, he looked deeply into Dan's eyes and said, "I will never get enough of you babe." ----

I looked up into Jock's eyes, "God I love him." I thought as I idly played with his foreskin, fascinated with the way it slipped back and forth, milking the last trace of cum from him. His tight ass was clamped onto my slowly softening cock. "Yeah babe, I'll never get enough of this..." Just then my cell phone chirped.

"Fuck, " I said and rolled Jock off me and scrambled to the heap of swim trunks lying on the floor. "Hello."

"Dad?" My 9 year old son's voice piped through the ear piece.

"Hey, Dukes, what's up?" I replied calling Matt by his pet name. Call me a shit but I've got a pet name for everyone I love.

"Mom, wants to talk to you. Are you having fun on the beach?" he asked.

"Sure am, how's school this week? Did you do alright with your spelling test?" He hates spelling.

"Yeah, I guess so. I go for a belt test this weekend, are you gonna be able to come?" he asked a trace of veiled hurt in his voice.

I looked at Jock who was watching my face, "Sure Dukes, I can be there what time is it?"

"I'll let you talk to Mom, that's what she wanted to talk to you about anyway. Bye, Dad." He said and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Bye, Dukes, be a good boy." I said and sighed as I waited for Suk.

"Dan? I have to be in Boston day after tomorrow for a deposition, I hate to ask but can you cut your trip short and come back and take the kids for me tomorrow evening? Matt has his purple belt test on Saturday and Hannah has a riding lesson. You can drop her on the way to the test and I'll get Marlena to drop her off either here or at your place after the lesson. I know this is a really shitty thing to do, but old man Beckham won't let one of the junior associates do this one and since it's my case I have to go. If you can't I can get Marlena to let them crash with her for the weekend and reschedule Matt's test." My ex-wife said all this in rapid fire courtroom banter. She was really very good at what she did. Before I could say anything she was off again. "By the way how's the beach? You staying at Greg and Marsha's place?"

I laughed, "Sure Suk, you know I'll take the kids. Tell Beckham he owes me a day on the coast though. Have Marlena drop her back at your place, Jock and I'll stay over the garage."

"Who's Jock?" she asked.

"Oh he's a great guy I met while doing an install. He's been down here hanging out with me. He doesn't go back til Sunday evening. He's a real live General in the Army." I said and looked at Jock who was smiling.

"Well I can only imagine what their house looks like with you two good ol boys hanging out in it all week. Dan, please clean up the beer cans before you leave." She said and I could hear the frustration in her voice.

I looked around at the piles of dirty clothes and the stray beer and pop bottles and food wrappers here and there, "It don't look that bad, Suk. We'll clean it up before we head out. You know me, I won't leave Greg's place too shit canned."

"Yeah I know you all right, Marsha had to hire a professional cleaner after your last week long binge. Be careful driving back. I need to be at the airport by seven so if you could get here by 5:30 the kids can ride the bus home and be ok til then." She said.

I agreed and hung up. I looked at Jock and sighed, "Sorry, stud, but duty calls at home." I brightened, "At least you'll get to meet the kids. Actually this could be a good thing. Matt has karate and Hannah has a riding lesson on Saturday morning, then we can do something fun with them Saturday afternoon, like go to the mall and catch a movie then dinner and have Sunday morning with them. Should give us an opportunity to let them see us together and begin to get use to you."

I said and hugged him. I felt his grip around me tighten and his lips caress my neck.

"What if they don't like me?" he murmured against my neck.

"They will, Jock, they have wonderful taste, just like their dad." I said and hugged him tight.

During the drive back to Atlanta, Jock told me about his meetings in D.C. He had told his superiors that he would be resigning his commission at the end of this tour and they should be thinking about vetting a replacement. They had agreed to reassign another senior officer so that he and Branock could do weekend rotations. That would allow him to see me every other weekend. He could get military transportation back to Ft Benning without problems and I could meet him there and we could plan the weekends from there. We pulled into the drive and parked in the open garage. The Brick two story house was nice, I'd always liked it. Jock and I lugged our luggage up the stairs and into the little apartment that was over the cars. I told him I had spent many nights up here both before and since our divorce. My apartment in town was only one bedroom so if the kids needed to stay overnight I usually stayed up here. We threw our bags in the bedroom and then went through the garage into the big house.

"Hey Bug." I said hugging my daughter sitting at the kitchen table buried in homework. "This is General Ramirez, a buddy of mine. He's been at the coast with me and doesn't fly out til Sunday evening. He'll be hangin out with us this weekend."

"Hello, General. Did you enjoy the beach?" She said extending her hand toward Jock, reminding me of her mother.

Jock was bemused by the precocious ness of my daughter, but smiled and shook her hand and said, "Yeah your dad is a lot of fun to hang out with."

Hannah looked at me and cocked an eyebrow and said to Jock, `Haven't known him long have you."

Jock and I laughed and I asked where her brother was.

"The Nintendo king is downstairs practicing for tomorrow." She said returning to her books.

As we went toward the stairs to the basement I said, "Call for pizza, you know the drill."

"Do you like anything special on your pizza General?" she asked Jock.

"Nope, whatever you get is fine with me." He said.

In the basement family room we found Matt practicing his Karate. I have to admit I'm not up to speed on the Japanese terms, but he looked pretty proficient to me. "Hey Duke man, what's up."

"Hey Dad." he said running to me and hugging me, then seeing Jock he blushed slightly his red hair and fair complexion highlighting the slightest pink to a neon glow. He backed away from me and looked at Jock then at me. He is tall and very thin with freckles that he hates. He is also a very sensitive and caring person.

"Matt, this is General Ramirez. He's a buddy of mine." I said

"Hello." Matt said a little shyly. He was more like me than his sister.

"Hey Matt, liked your Hon gi. What level are you up to?" Jock asked and before you could whistle Dixie, they were deep into discussions of sets and philosophies. Jock is a black belt in Tang So Do. Another little piece of the puzzle I didn't know about.

I wandered back upstairs and my daughter, she was hanging up the phone when I got back in the kitchen and grabbed a diet Pepsi out of the fridge. "You doing ok, Bug?" I asked again.

"Sure Dad, did you have fun at the beach?" she asked

"Yeah." She was growing into a very attractive girl, at 12 she was just on the cusp of womanhood, still a little plump but her athletics were shaping her up. She rode horses and played basketball, thanks to my height.

"So what's the General's story?" she asked.

""No story that I know of, met him on an install. He's a great guy, I was going to the beach and asked him to join me. We had a blast. He's also a black belt, so your brother is currently monopolizing his attention." I said neutrally. "Why?"

"No reason other than he acts like he's known you a long time and I don't remember you ever mentioning him." She said.

The pizza arrived and we all ate in the family room in front of the TV then we all went for a swim in the back yard. Jock joined right in the rough housing that Suk hates and the kids love. He could vault Matt higher than I can and he smiled when Hannah rode around the pool holding onto my neck like she did when she was little. Afterwards the kids decided they both were tired and went upstairs. I went up, later and tucked them in bed. "Dad, I like Jock. He's cool." Matt said and smiled.

I grabbed two beers out of the fridge as I went to rejoin Jock at the pool. I turned the pool lights on and found him sitting in a lounge watching the lights make patterns on the trees. I sat down beside him and leaned over and kissed his lips gently.

"Hey, stud, sorry about all this. I know it isn't what you'd planned for your final couple of days of vacation. I'll make it up to you someday." I said and sighed.

I felt his hand intertwine with mine, "Dan, I'm kinda lost around your kids, they are so like you. They both love you very much. I just realized I'll never know what it's like." He said.

I touched his face and made him look at me, "Jock, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. We can't have kids together, but I think you'll find that my kids will come to love you like I do." I kissed him and whispered, "You better run while you can."

He laughed and pulled me to my feet and led me to the garage. Latter after making love, Jock awoke and found Dan gone, he padded barefoot to the bathroom and found it empty. He pulled on his shorts and went downstairs and into the main house. They had locked the garage doors so they could leave the house door into the garage unlocked. The house had an intercom system that connected the apartment to the living quarters of the main house but Jock didn't hear anything from it. Jock entered the house quietly and wandered upstairs finally he looked into Hannah's room and saw her sleeping form under a pile of comforter. At Matt's door he looked in and found Dan, curled up with Matt. He stood for awhile and watched then went back downstairs. He was standing at the sink drinking a glass of water when Dan came up behind him.

"Sorry, babe, but Matt has nightmares. He started having them when his mom and I got divorced. I heard him in the intercom, I didn't mean to wake you." I said as I put my arms around his waist and lay my head on his shoulder.

"I woke up and you were gone. I wanted to make sure everything was ok." He whispered.

"As long as you're around, Jock, everything is gonna be ok." I said and kissed the side of his face.

The next day was busy, we dropped Hannah off at the stables but stayed long enough for Jock to see her ride. His reaction was similar to mine the first time I saw her ride. Amazed that such a small girl could handle such a large horse. Then we went to the Dogo for the belt test. Jock was as excited as Matt about the test and Matt, of course, didn't have any trouble at all. Jock hugged Matt like I did after the test. I was amazed that Matt didn't shy away from him. I guess that the mutual interest had overcome his natural shyness. Our eyes met over Matt's head and I could see my own pride reflected in his.

We got back to the house, the kids changed and then we headed to the Mall and ate lunch at the Rainforest. Afterwards we polled the kids for movies and they both opted for the latest Matrix movie. We went to the arcade later and Jock and I teamed up against the kids at a couple of games and got completely trounced. I laughed and told Jock that he shouldn't ever try to play kids at their own games. Matt told me we should take Jock to see the panorama since he'd never been to Atlanta before. So off we went to the Battle of Atlanta Panorama. We wandered around it letting Matt show off his knowledge of history and watched bemused as Hannah flirted innocently with a boy about her own age in another family group. The day ended at a Ben and Jerry's store with large portions of ice cream. By the time we got home we all were exhausted. Matt and Jock played Nintendo and Hannah and I talked about the boy at the panorama.

"I'm not trying to get in your business, Bug, but be careful." I said.

She rolled her eyes at me and said, "All I did was talk to him."

"I know it's one of those Dad things." I laughed. "I'm really not ready for this."

Hannah laughed and hugged me tight.

She went to her room to call a friend and discuss the boy, I wandered into the family room and lay down on the couch watching Matt whip Jock's ass at a game.

I was awakened by Matt whispering, "Should we wake him up?"

Jock said, "No, go on to bed and I'll tell him to go tuck you in before he goes to bed."

"How bad did you kick his ass, Dukes?" I asked startling them both.

"Pretty bad," Matt said, "Didn't mean to wake you up, Dad."

"It's ok, go on up I'll be in to tuck you in, in a minute." I said and smiled.

Matt left the room and I reached and took Jock's hand in mine, "How you doing?"

"I'm good, Dan, don't worry about me. Your kids are something else...I haven't had this much fun in a long time." He said and smiled.

"I wish you didn't have to go back, Jock." I said

"Neither do I, babe but there isn't any way out of it for a while. We getting together in a couple weeks?" he asked.

"Fuck yes," I said, "How am I suppose to get along without you?"

The next day, Suk got home about noon and after a quick introduction in which she managed to get most of Jock's public life out of him, we all went out to brunch. Suk was interested in our week and how we had left the house. While she didn't believe me when I told her we had cleaned it up, she backed off when Jock agreed with me that it was nearly as clean as when we arrived. The kids were more subdued when their mother and I were together, always feeling the tension in the air. We finished pretty quickly and I told them that I needed to get back to my apartment and get Jock out to the airport. We said our goodbyes in the parking lot. I told the kids I would see them the following weekend, we would go to Thomasville and they told Jock bye hoping they would see him again.

The ride to my apartment was pretty quiet, both of us anticipating a painful parting. Jock looked around my meager place, really all I ever did there was sleep. The furniture was mismatched odds and ends that I'd taken with me after the divorce. He sat on the couch and watched while I cycled the answering machine listening to the panic in the voices of people I work with trying to trouble shoot software that was older than they were. Satisfied that nothing important was on the machine, I threw Jock a diet pepsi and popped the top on one for myself. "What'd you think of Suk? Kinda intense, huh." I said.

"Yeah, she acts all pissed, but I think she still loves you Dan." He said and sighed.

"Probably, but we just can't live together. I still love her kinda, she's the mother of my kids and all. Hell we fought most of our lives together, but with Suk fighting is how she communicates. Think about it, she's in a courtroom nearly every day, she just brought that communication style home to me every evening. It got old pretty quick." I said and saw sadness in his face, "Jock, baby, don't be worried about Suk. I love her because of the kids. Nothing else, I'm not in love with her. She's more like a sister really anymore."

"It's just that I'm afraid one of these days you're going to wake up and think what the fuck am I doing sleeping with a guy, when I can have her. I want you to be sure, Dan." He said and looked at me.

I sat down beside him and held his chin as I kissed him slowly, letting my tongue glide across his lips. "I'm sure, babe. I'm in love with you. What Suk and I had was never like this. It was never this passionate or loving. Hell we couldn't stop fighting long enough. She fought because she could never touch the part of me you can." I said and pushed him back into the couch and started licking his jaw and neck.

We had a couple hours before he needed to be at the airport, we might as well make them count. I opened his shirt and admired his smooth tight chest. He wasn't overly pumped but he definitely had me beat in the pec department. I let my lips caress his nipple all the time looking up at his face watching the reaction my lips caused. I found that nearly as erotic as the action itself. He sighed and put a hand to the back of my head and I let my lips travel between his pecs and then down to his navel. He was almost completely hairless there also, just a whisp of soft black hair beneath his navel that gradually got thicker as it approached his pubes. I opened his shorts and continued to move south moving the waistband of his boxers down as I went. I finally pushed his shorts and boxers past his knees and let them slump to his ankles. His dick was thickening but wasn't completely hard yet. I paused to admire its near perfection. His pubic bush was smaller than mine but it was thick and jet black, the skin of his penis was darker than the surrounding flesh and his foreskin completely covered his dick head and puckered tightly closed. His balls were average sized and almost always tight against his crotch. I let my tongue glide through his pubic hair and inhaled of the fragrant musk as I touched the tip of his prick with my tongue and heard him moan. The foreskin was retracting as he hardened and I watched fascinated by the hydraulics. I engulfed his prick and let his semi hard cock slide to the back of my throat allowing me to bury my nose in his fragrant pubes again. I felt his weight shift allowing him to straighten out his legs and spread them slightly. I also felt both his hands on my head as I started bouncing along his hard length. He was really getting into the blow job when I let one of my fingers slip into his hot hole and he thrust up and moaned louder. I sighed with the reflected pleasure of my lover and stoked his passion higher by fingering him as I bobbed on his pecker. I could taste the precum he was leaking and could feel the precum leaking out of my own trapped erection. Suddenly he moaned and thrust as he pushed my head down and I felt my mouth flood with his salty load. He sighed and then whimpered as I licked his entire load away. When I released him from my mouth he was soft again and I tugged his foreskin back in place as I sat up and we kissed gently.

"Your turn." He said. He opened my shirt and started licking my chest also, then moved south and was soon sucking my thick cock surrounded by light brown hair. He got me nice and wet and then straddled my lap and impaled himself on my rod. I sighed and he moaned as I slipped into his velvet sleeve. I could never get over the sensation of his tight butt and his muscular thighs as they pistoned him on me. I was pretty close by the time he really started to hit his rhythm and I kissed him passionately as I moaned and let my orgasm wash over me. He sat completely onto my thighs and held still as I pulsed my creamy load into him. He stayed there and watched me as I came down from my high. Then he sat beside me and we cuddled.

At the airport I walked Jock to security and we stood and looked at each other. What could I say that would let him know how much I loved him and how much I was going to miss him. I could see the same thing written in his face. I smiled at him and then put my arms around him and our lips met. The crowd continued to swirl around us and time stood still like it always does when I kiss him. We broke apart and I said, "Damn, babe, hope no one that knows you saw that. Sorry."

He put a finger to my lips and said, "I don't give a fuck any more, Dan. I love you so much...I don't know what...fuck."

"I know, Jock, I know." I said staring into his soft brown eyes and reading understanding there.

I was sitting in the apartment going through my email and the messages again when the phone rang.

"So Dan, tell me about Jock." Suk said.

"What's to tell Suk, I met him in an install and found him to be a lot of fun, we are about the same age and share a lot of the same interests. Why?" I asked

"No reason, I thought he was pretty hunky and was wondering if he was single." She said tentatively.

Fuck, I thought how do I handle this, then I remembered our passion and the kiss at the airport, "He's taken Suk." I said, "Off the market, in a passionate love affair...probably getting married soon."

"I hope she knows what a catch she's got." She said.

"I do, Suk, I do." I said and laughed.

To be continued.......................

Next: Chapter 8

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