The General

By dante umbero

Published on Apr 7, 2004


This is a story of erotic Gay fiction. If you are a minor or it is illegal to view this material in your area, please go away. If this sort of thing floats your boat, read on and enjoy.

This story took place in a fantasy world free of things like diseases; don't make love without a glove!

Thanks for the email, I really like the feedback, flames and all! We all have a story to tell, I think; hope you continue to enjoy mine.


The General-6

Springhill Cemetery, Easton, Maryland: Jock didn't really know why he kept punishing himself like this. Eric was gone and wasn't coming back, it wasn't his fault; but he still made the pilgrimage to the cemetery every time he was nearby. He had flown into BWI and was due at the Pentagon in the morning, but for this afternoon he would visit Eric's folks and his grave. Eric's Mom had suffered a stroke the year after Eric died and now the Colonel cared for her and looked older and frailer than ever. Jock thought about Dan, he was flying on to Atlanta in two days, the month had passed finally. They were to go on to the coast south of Tallahassee, for a week. They hadn't seen each other since Dan left the base and Jock was missing him pretty bad. He parked the small rental car and got out, the humid early fall air feeling like a wet blanket compared to the dry desert he was use to. He straightened his hat and walked across the freshly cut grass toward the shade of the old magnolias that guarded the family enclosure where Eric lay.

The shade was deep under the trees, and the low iron fence that enclosed the dozen or so graves was well tended. There was the tombstone of the Civil War general with it's union and confederate flags, the tombstone of the WWII general that had the Emerson quote, and finally Jock stood over the simple marble stone, military issue that recorded Eric's life. Once again he felt the tears sting his eyes and his heart constrict with pain for the old loss. He placed his hat on the tombstone, reached into his uniform coat pocket and withdrew the seldom used beads his mother had given him long ago.

"Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Our Mother," His whisper sounded through the old graves, "accept this Holy Rosary which I offer you to show my love for you and my firm confidence in your powerful intercession. I offer it as an act of faith in the mysteries of the Incarnation and the Redemption, as an act of Thanksgiving to God for all His love for me and all mankind, as an act of atonement for the sins of the world, especially my own, and as an act of petition to God through your intercession for all the needs of God's people on earth, but especially for this earnest request." He remembered Eric as the young man he fell in love with, the strong and compassionate man he lived with and finally the human carnage that he had seen in their bathroom. "Oh Mother of God, comfort his soul and let him rest in peace. I beg you, dear Mother of God, present my petition to Jesus, your Son. I know that you want me to seek God's will in my request. If what I ask for should not be God's will, pray that I receive that which will be of greater benefit for my soul. I put all my confidence in Thee."

He paused and then quietly, "I believe in God the Father..." His childhood memories of his mother came back to him and for some reason a quiet peace descended on him. He remembered that awful day and the days that followed; having to stand at this very graveside outwardly devoid of emotion, while inwardly his soul cried out in anguish and then the family gathering latter when Eric's mother had all but accused him of murder and the fight that ensued between the Colonel and her. Then the last time when he had visited and the Colonel had told him that he wasn't to blame and cursed the family heritage that had driven Eric and finally the tragedy of his mother's stroke and nearly vegetative state. Mentally he added the Colonel and Eric's mom to his lengthening petition. "Our Father who art in heaven..." his prayer came up to him from childhood and as he prayed it felt like he was peeling back the layers of grief he had wrapped around the memory of Eric. "Hail Mary full of Grace..." he looked down at the grave and realized his tears had stopped, " and in the hour of our death, Amen." Jock looked out from under the shade and realized the sun was shining as beautifully as ever, in that moment he said a final goodbye to Eric, and the memories that had haunted him both sweet and bitter. He returned to the car and headed for the Colonel's house.

The Colonel met him at the door of the large colonial house and hugged him tightly. Jock once again felt the pang of the hurt he hoped he could avoid. The Colonel backed away from him and looked him up and down, "You're looking fit, Jock. That desert must agree with you."

"I'm doing well Colonel, I've got meetings at the Pentagon and thought I would stop by and see you." He said.

"You've been out to Springhill, haven't you?" The colonel said and sighed.

"I just needed to visit him one more time..." Jock said.

"You need to move on, Jock, Eric's gone." He said and led Jock into the dim study where he had once told him that Eric loved him.

"I know, Colonel, maybe that's what I did out there today...say goodbye finally." Jock said and looked out the window at the tide come in the inlet.

The colonel stared at Jock for a few seconds then said, "Eric loved you, Jock. Maybe not in the way you wanted, but he loved you. I know that he loved his Mother and I also, and we felt betrayed too. There is no sense to make out of it. Eric did what he felt he had to do. When it first happened I wanted to hold on to you as a substitute but Ellen wouldn't allow it. She, like him, has a stubborn streak that can't be overcome. I tried for awhile to make her see reason, but she wouldn't and now it's too late. Of the three of us, you're the one that has a life to live. If you were my daughter in law I would tell you the same thing. I know you loved him, Jock, but you're too young to let your heart be buried out there with him."

He sighed again and Jock could see the tears welling in his rheumy blue eyes, so like Erics.

Jock went to the Colonel and hugged him close, "I think I've found someone else...I didn't know how I was going to tell you. Believe me when I say I loved Eric and some part of me still does, but like you said, he's gone from me. I've done all I can for him and his memory... I wish I could have somehow made it easier for you and Ellen, but I always felt I made it worse.

"The best thing you can do for me, son, is be happy with your new man. I know that that is what Eric would have wanted, would have done himself if it were you out there in Springhill." He hugged Jock back.

I was running late, as usual. "Fuck, I'm gonna have to convince the shit to buy a God Damned cell phone." I mumbled trying to make it through traffic at the airport. Jock's flight was due on the ground at this very moment and I still had to find parking and get to the terminal. I keyed my cell's speed dial to the Delta counter in the terminal and asked the tired sounding attendant to page General Ramirez to a courtesy phone. Time ticked by as traffic got slower if nothing else. The canned hold music interspersed with Delta sales pitches was making me curse loudly. The attendant came back on and said there wasn't a response. She said that the flight was late coming in so the General probably wasn't even in the terminal yet. She would indeed page him when the flight arrived and pass along the number for him to call. I clicked off the phone and cursed a van that cut me off suddenly.

I had had an eventful month. I had taken my kids to see my Mom and we indeed managed to get some air cleared. Unfortunately when I arrived at my Mother's it was obvious she couldn't be left alone any longer. So while the kids entertained her, Aunt Mallie and I had looked into and acquired an apartment for her in a monitored housing unit attached to a very nice nursing home. The finances were arranged through the family attorney, who had me made executor of my late fathers estate and chief trustee. That way I could see to the financial arrangements for my Mom without having to constantly explain everything to her when she forgot it almost before I finished. It was all very sad. I had moved what things she would need into the apartment but would need to clean out my childhood home if it was to be rented. I had spent a lot of time working through all the rather complex financials of the estate what with the "farm" and the business holdings. So for the last three weeks I had shuttled the three hours to my Mom's not to mention performed my regular job which had seen me fly from Georgia to Maine and out to Oregon in the space of two weeks.

I had managed to talk to Suk at least in general terms...I had told her I had started dating someone and that I thought I might be in love again. She hadn't taken it too well at first but then had actually smiled and wished me luck. "Fuck, why was life so complicated?"

I entered the terminal and checked my watch I was officially 20 minutes late. Just as I was heading for baggage claim, my cell chirped and I answered to discover Jock's voice on the other end.

"Hey, Dan, what's up?" Jock asked

"Fuck, Jock, I'm sorry I got stuck in traffic, but I'm in the Terminal now. You at baggage claim?" I asked.

"Heading that way now, we were late getting out of National." He said and chuckled.

I rang off and realized I was nearly running, so I slowed down and went downstairs to baggage claim. I expected to pick Jock out right away, how many Generals could be waiting for his bag, but as I scanned the large area that was crowded with people I didn't see any uniforms. When my eyes ran over Jock I initially didn't recognize him, but then I picked him out and immediately sprung a boner. Jock was wearing a pair of loose white walking shorts and a red and white tropical print shirt open at the neck. "Fuck he looks absolutely fabulous." I had never seen him in Civies before, only in uniform and naked, the thought made me even harder if that were possible and a wicked smile to cross my face. At that moment Jock spied me and the million watt smile lit his face up. I put my arm around Jock's shoulder and pulled him up against me tight, Jock's arm went around my waist and we hugged in a normal "guy" way.

"Jock, you look too hot to be allowed in public." I said quietly.

Jock just smiled and shook his head at me as the baggage carousel started around.

In the car, we kissed passionately both over heated from the separation. Finally I pulled away and laughed. "I got bad news, Jock." Jock raised his eyebrow in a question, "Instead of staying in my place tonight I need to drive on down to Thomasville, it really isn't out of the way and we can crash at my parents' house. I've had to check on Mom every weekend to make sure she is settled in at the new place. We can go on to the beach in the morning. I'm sorry." I said and sighed

He took my hand and said, "Dan, I'm so fuckin glad to be near you again, I don't care where we stay, OK? I just want to be with you again." He chuckled again and then punched me in the shoulder."

"Ok, Ok...sorry, I'm just stressed out because of Mom and things." I sighed, "I tried to talk to my ex-wife and kids about us...I'm afraid I didn't get very far. They know I'm dating someone, they just don't know who or, more importantly, what sex. I know you want us out in the open and I do too, just give me a little time, Ok?" I said as I started putting the key in the ignition.

Jock grabbed my hand and held it there, then with his other hand turned my face to his and kissed me passionately, then whispered "Babe, don't get stressed out over this...I think everyone will figure it out eventually. The last thing I want to do is drive you nuts, OK? Just relax, I trust you to tell them in your own time."

We hit the interstate and the miles went by, Jock proceeded to tell me about his meetings in Washington and I filled him in on the shit with Mom and the estate. I also elaborated on the conversation with Suk and the kids. Along about the time we were getting off at Macon, Jock said, "Dan, no wonder you're stressed out. You've had to deal with all the shit with your Mom alone. We could have put this off until another week." He took my hand again and held it. He'd been doing that a lot while we drove.

"Jock, don't you get it, I've been busting my butt cause I wanted to be with you again. It's about the only thing I've wanted to do in a long time." I said and squeezed his hand.

We hit Thomasville at twilight and Jock was utterly charmed by the old neighborhood where I grew up. We turned down the quiet street lined with live oaks and dripping Spanish moss. When we turned into my folks driveway Jock said, "Hell, Dan, it's like something out of Gone with the Wind!"

I laughed and said, "Well it looks like that but it really isn't that old. It was built in the 1890s when all the rich folks from up north started wintering down here." The house was beautiful though. It is a three story Greek revival style with white clapboards and dark green shutters. The front steps were flanked with sago palms and the yard had live oak and magnolia. We went in the back door and I flipped on the light in the back hall leading to the kitchen.

Jock's arms went around me and held me still for a minute while his lips nursed the back of my neck. "Fuck, Jock, that feels good." I moaned as I felt his erection nudge me through our thin pants. I relaxed for a minute and just enjoyed his arms around me once again. Suddenly all the shit I'd went through to get to tonight had been worth it. I sighed and stepped away from him and walked into the kitchen. It was a big room and had last been renovated when I was about 10. I opened the fridge and Jock once again latched onto my neck this time though he started licking my ear. "Fuck, where did you learn that shit...ah!" I moaned, "You want something to eat?" I asked half panting.

"No..." he whispered and kept right on licking my ear and the spot just under it.

"Oh yeah, you want something to drink?" I whispered

"No..." more licking. I was about to come unglued.

"Hell, you want to just go upstairs and fuck?" I gasped.

"Bingo, babe, unless you want to just do it here on the table." He said, smiling wickedly at me as he brought his lips to mine. Our mouths opened and his tongue was finding all my fillings; I was literally dripping wet below the waist.

"Come on." I said and took his hand and led him through the house and up the stairs two at a time. I had left the bed in my old room made up last weekend, as I knew we would have to stop off here sometime this week.

We fell onto the bed, Jock definitely taking the lead, he tugged and pulled and finally got my shirt opened and latched onto a nipple, "Fuck..."I moaned. I ran my hands through his buzzed hair and across his firm shoulders. His hands were unfastening my slacks and then they were open and his mouth was outlining my aching dick through my boxers. I could feel his hot breath tickle my rod and his hands were working under my butt. Then in one fluid motion he lifted my hips and tugged my shorts down and took my rod into his mouth in one swoop. I gasped at the sensations of his mouth bobbing up and down on my dick. I started thrusting up into his mouth; I could feel my orgasm nearing. "I'm gonna blow, Jock...God, here it comes." I gasped as I thrust one final time deeply into his mouth and I felt his suction get even harder as I blasted a heavy load.

He gently started licking my dick clean, my hands tenderly stroking his head. Then he released my softening dick and started on my nuts, I knew where this was going and I pulled my knees up and apart letting him get me ready. He looked up at me and smiled then started taking his shirt off. He paused and licked my ass, and soon slipped a finger in and started finger fucking me. He stopped and took off his shorts and boxers and then returned to fingering me. He finally stopped at three fingers and then slowly climbed up on top of me and pressed me into the mattress. I reached into the nightstand and handed him some lube. He smiled and then lubed himself and me.

The first thrust was painful but I soon remembered how to relax. He slowly fucked my ass all the time whispering in my ear and licking my earlobe. Some things ought to stay private between two lovers so I'll let your imagination decide what he whispered to me. Needless to say by the time his thrusts got firmer I was hard again and pulling his ass tighter into mine forcing him as deep as he could go. His rhythm started getting erratic and I knew he was close. I started clinching my ass as he would withdraw causing him to moan on the out stroke. Suddenly he thrust into me firmly and held and I could feel the pulses of his cock as it shot his cream into me. He rolled onto his back and I followed not allowing him to slip out. I knelt there impaled on his member and jacked myself to another big load that splashed across his chest. Then I nestled up beside him and sighed as I put my arms around him and hugged him close.

"I've missed you, Jock." I whispered as I toyed with one of his nipples.

"Yeah, I've missed you to, Dan. This your old room?" He asked.

"Yeah, if you look really close you can still see the outlines where my AC/DC and KISS posters use to be." I laughed.

"I love you, Dan." He whispered

"I know. I love you too." I said as I drifted toward sleep.

To be continued.....

Next: Chapter 7

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