The General

By dante umbero

Published on Mar 30, 2004


This is a story of erotic Gay fiction. If you are a minor or it is illegal to view this material in your area, please go away. If this sort of thing floats your boat, read on and enjoy.

This story took place in a fantasy world free of things like diseases; don't make love without a glove!

Thanks for the email, I really like the feedback, flames and all! We all have a story to tell I think; hope you continue to enjoy mine.


The General-5

The next few days sailed right on by, the install was virtually complete, I needed to finish up testing and then start training on Monday, but for this Sunday, I was in slow motion. I'd got up late, took a long shower and had had breakfast with Jock. We were screwing every night and I was not looking forward to leaving. Jock had told me he had reports to complete this morning and then wanted me to drop by for sandwiches and beer on his porch, he thought he could get the game on his radio, Cincinnati was taking on the Astros in Houston. We hadn't talked anymore about my leaving and what would happen when we weren't in this twilight zone of a military base anymore. I didn't know what I wanted. I knew I wanted to continue with Jock, but the thoughts of living together, being together long term and all the changes that would entail were daunting to me. I understood Jock not wanting to hide anymore, but was I ready to take the plunge and put my money where my big mouth was. I wasn't ashamed of Jock, but I hadn't flaunted my wife and our sexuality either. The only exposure I had had of gay men living together wasn't pretty. I'm not nor, I hope, ever will be a simpering fairy addicted to clothes and pretty boys. The thought of waking up with Jock every morning and snuggling with him every night though was very appealing. I needed time, I just hoped Jock could understand that.

I had heard back from my kids they were up for a trip to Grandma's and I hoped the 3 hour drive would give us some time to talk. Not to mention my mother was probably going to have to have someone with her all the time soon, she was having a lot of trouble with memory, the doctor's had told me they suspected Alzhiemer's but I was hoping it was something else. My dad had passed away while I was in college so I was all she had. My and her living arrangements were going to have to change soon.

I live in a small apartment near my job in Atlanta. Suk, pronounced [S ue-k], my nickname for my ex-wife Susan, lives in our house in the suburbs with the kids. In spite of all the sharp words and anger we actually get along fairly well. I still pay half the mortgage and eight hundred a month in child support and she takes care of the rest, we split things like clothes and goodies for them. Suk's an attorney and I would have thought she would take me to the cleaners but she was the one that wanted out. Sometimes I think she still loves me at other times I think she could easily kill me. Still we both want our kids to be as happy and well adjusted as possible so we keep it civil most of the time. As far as I know she isn't dating anyone either, I think the kids still want us together. Fuck, divorce sucks almost as much as being married to someone you don't love.

I wandered out of the base laundry where I had just done a load of shorts and socks and went back to my room and put it all away. Then I wandered around to Jock's and found him fiddling with a boom box radio. I could hear stations cut in and out as he scanned the dial for a clear station. He had a bucket of ice that had about 6 bottles of Corona peeking out and a plate piled with sandwiches and a bowl of chips. As I settled into my rocker the station came in and the announcer was calling the starting lineup. Jock handed me a Corona and I said, "Damn, Jock, I knew I liked you for some reason."

He gave me the finger and then passed me the plate of sandwiches. "Yeah I'll take you up on that later." I laughed at him. We sat and talked and drank the beer since the game wasn't much, Houston was walking away with it by the bottom of the fifth so Jock turned the radio to a salsa station and we just rocked in the hot afternoon.

"Got an email from my kids, guess I'm going down to Thomasville with them next weekend to see my Mom. She's not so well, in fact I might have to move her up with me or move down with her for awhile." I sighed

"What's wrong with her?" Jock asked the squeaking of his rocker making a lazy syncopation to the salsa.

"The Doc thinks its Alzhiemer's, its getting tough to leave her there alone. Aunt Mallie, her sister that lives down the street, called me right before I came out here and told me Mom got lost coming home from the Grocery. We have a lady that comes in every day and cooks for her and helps clean up the place but that's not enough anymore." I said

"Yeah it's tough to see your folks get old, both mine died suddenly from heart attacks, but not before they became almost bedridden. I was lucky, I have five brothers and two sisters all living near there. All I had to do was feel guilty about not being there. Your Mom live in town?" he asked.

"Yeah in the house I grew up in. My old man was one of the town Docs, he passed away while I was in college. Went in to the office to see a sick kid and never came home. Mom found him in his office chair, like he went to sleep. It was my Great Grandparents house, my Dad grew up on what we called the "farm" but is actually known around those parts as Mon Frer Plantation. It's about a thousand acres of swamp and low land that once raised rice and some cotton, but now is mostly timber and a hunting retreat. A group of trustees run it for Mom, I didn't think she was up to that kind of business and I certainly didn't want to stay there. Lately though I've thought about just chucking the IT biz and going home and taking up the family business. I guess the only thing keeping me from it is it would mean my kids would be 3 hours away. I can't figure a good way to stay in touch with them from that far away. How about you, Jock, what are you going to do when you get out?"

"Oh I don't know, a former General with full security clearance is always a handy thing to have around if you do government contracting. I've been approached by a couple companies about consulting work when I get out. The Pentagon would like that, that way they get my services but aren't embarrassed by my lifestyle. Also a couple arms manufacturers have inquired about me as well, a retired General makes a great lobbyist. I just don't know if I'm up to living in D.C. though."

He paused and continued to rock then he stopped and looked at me, "We've beat around this bush long enough, Dan, what about us?"

There it was, he wanted to know where we go from here..."Jock, I want to continue to see you. I realize you got to stay in this hell hole for a couple years and I can use that time to get my kids and my Mom straightened out. Hell, I wish I could just marry you and be done with it, but we both know that can't happen right now, we both have more to consider than just us. You have your obligation to Uncle Sam and I've got my family obligations. Can't we fit us in together in some way while those things are being taken care of?" I said and smiled.

"You know, Dan, after Eric, I vowed to myself that I would never make concessions ever again about a relationship. I wanted a text book romance and partner. I realize that that is unrealistic. I want to go on seeing you, however and whenever we can. You need time to get comfortable with the concept of us. You know which ever way you look at it, from your perspective we're queer as a three dollar bill, I've had a lifetime to get use to that idea, you're just getting started." He took my hand, "I trust you, Dan, and I don't believe you will ever betray that." He let my hand go and went back to rocking.

I looked at his strong profile in the sunlight, his features were very fine and his eyes were so soft and warm you could just fall right into them. I'm beginning to think I got it bad for this guy, the reality of parting from him is hitting me full force. "When can you get out of here for a few days, Jock?" I asked.

"What've you got in mind?" he said.

"I was just thinking that I have about three weeks of vacation time that I need to burn and I could get a house on the gulf pretty easily, a buddy owes me a favor. We could do some fishing, lay in the sun and get to know one another in a more normal atmosphere. I want a chance to know you out of that uniform and sit in the sun and watch your ass get sun burned, I want time with you alone, just us." I said and sighed.

"I'll have to see about my schedule and clear it with command." He said.

We sat and rocked and resumed talking about general things. I can't relay to you how easy we are together, we are almost exact contemporaries and while our lives have been very different, there is enough similarities to make the conversation easy and comfortable.

The week went by all too fast, working all day making the Friday deadline and fucking around with Jock every night. Our last night was really tough, of course my emotions were for shit also, I knew one of the first people that I was gonna have to call back home was the shrink to setup a little extra time. I had worked late with Branock getting the last bugs worked out. They were satisfied and I felt they would do fine. I shook Branock's hand and agreed to meet him the next morning at 0900 for the trip back to civilization. I went back to my quarters and got the bags packed back up except for my shaving kit and traveling clothes. I sat on the bed staring at the bags, wanting to go to Jock and not wanting to say good bye...Fuck.

I went out into the dark, it was late and the stars were once again overwhelming. I softly went up onto the porch and could hear a radio with some soft rock playing from within. Jock's voice floated out and told me to come on in when I knocked quietly. I found him sitting on the couch his hands behind his head leaned back and his feet up on the coffee table. He watched me as I walked in and then held out his hand and I took it. I sat down beside him and my lips touched his neck just below his jaw, I felt more than heard the sigh escape his lips as my mouth wandered up to his and we kissed softly at first then more passionately. I opened my eyes and looked into the warm brown orbs staring back at me. Deep within them I could see his emotions churning, God this was gonna be hard.

"Jock, I don't want to leave you...I don't ever want to leave you." I whispered into those soft brown eyes.

"Fuck, Dan...I don't want it to happen either. A month is going to seem like forever." He said and started kissing me again slipping around to my ear.

I groaned then said, "Oh Christ, you realize they could probably do surgery on me as long as you lick my ear." I heard him laugh softly then move to my neck.

We moved to the bedroom, it was where we both wanted to be, there wasn't any use in prolonging the inevitable. "I want you in me, Jock." I whispered into his neck. He smiled at me and went to work on my rear end. First with his mouth and then with his fingers, I was soon moaning and shivering as he stretched me, then his weight pushed me into the mattress and his lips were on mine and I felt him at my entrance and the nudge.

I sighed as he pushed into me and he whispered into my ear as he nibbled, "I love you, Dan. Every part of you...ah."

His rhythm was bringing me close to my own climax his words, the first spoken feelings of love between us, adding to my feelings of passion. I gripped his tight butt and pulled him deeper helping him reach that magic spot inside that only his climax could reach. When it hit he groaned and said, "God, I love you." At that moment my orgasm rocketed through me, between the friction of his pumping into me and my over excited brain, I managed to climax without touching myself.

Our breathing was returning to normal, I had Jock hugged up tight face to face, my chin resting on his buzzed black hair. He said softly, "Dan, I meant what I said earlier."

"I know, babe." I said and brushed my hand up and down his back, "I love you too." His sigh sounded in the room and I felt his grip around my waist tighten. I stared into the darkened room and wondered how I was going to manage telling my kids about this man.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 6

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