The General

By dante umbero

Published on Mar 15, 2004


This is a story of erotic Gay fiction. If you are a minor or it is illegal to view this material in your area, please go away. If this sort of thing floats your boat, read on and enjoy.

This story took place in a fantasy world free of things like diseases; don't make love without a glove! Dante-

The General-2

I awoke stiff and sore from the nights exercise and the hard mattress, the alarm told me I needed to get my ass in gear but my back told me to sleep some more.

I decided to compromise and take another hot shower.

Under the hot water I thought about what had just happened in my life. The warm glow from the sex was still very much floating through my consciousness. I hadn't had sex before last night since my divorce became final. Go figure, but we had celebrated our freedom from each other by getting drunk and fucking like rabbits. Unlike this morning that morning after had been filled with recriminations and insults. I didn't know where this was going, I still wasn't comfortable being queer and I could tell Dr. Balmy was gonna make a fortune off me when I got back home, but even with all that I hadn't felt so alive in years.

I went to the mess hall and filled up on powdered eggs and bacon with a side of coffee and juice. Nothing like a little nooky to build an appetite. I was just finishing up my coffee when Jock walked in; the whole room stood and saluted. I had risen to my feet also and sat back down when everyone else did. I watched intently but covertly as Jock went through the line and ordered his oatmeal and toast and grabbed a coffee, all the while talking to the men smiling that neon smile and missing nothing. He looked the room over and then wandered over to my table.

"Morning Dan, mind if I join you?" He said and his eyes twinkled.

I stood up and said, "By all means, General." I let "General" drawl out as only a south Georgia cracker can. I smiled as his checks colored ever so slightly.

We sat and he started in on his breakfast, he asked about my day, I filled him in on the meetings, the conversions, the general build. All through my spiel I felt his leg next to mine and ever so slightly rubbing. Finally not being able to stand it anymore, I dropped my head down and said just loud enough for him to hear, "Fuck, Jock, quit. In a minute I'm gonna have to stand up, and all your boys are gonna get to see the tent you're making in my pants."

He laughed loud enough for the nearby tables to hear and I blushed like a 16 year old school girl, and then laughed also. "Well I'm glad you're enjoying your stay Dan." He said, I excused my self and managed to camouflage the tent with the tray and my briefcase.

I went to the computer room and sat down at my terminal and started the build. I reviewed the current database and wrote a couple executables that would help clean up some of the data for conversion. Branock came by and picked me up for the installation team conference call with Corporate. The call was the usual rat race with the tech support guys not really knowing what was going on, no one had prepped them. I had gotten pretty pissed but had managed to stay just within the bounds of professionalism. Due to the security stuff I had to download the upgrade through a ultra secure web connection, run a program that would remove the encoding, then burn it off on a CD then upload it manually. I had planned on just bringing the CD with me, but Corporate had got it wrong and I would have to do it here.

After the call I went back to my quarters with Branock to set up my laptop to do the download off the web. Between us we managed to get out of the local network and onto the web. The download started, Branock went back to the computer room and I kicked back with Thoreau while the download completed. I was lost in a daydream concerning a certain General and myself, Walden open across my chest when the door was rattled in its frame by a knock. I glanced at the laptop, satisfied that no classified info was showing and yelled, "Come!"

Jock walked into the room, I immediately started to straighten up to stand when he put his hand on my shoulder and said, "At ease, Dan. I came by when I heard about the minor fireworks and the snafu with the software. Anything I can do?"

I chuckled, "Your boys thought that was fireworks? They ought to see me when I don't have company. I gotta admit I was pretty pissed at those fucking idiots at Corporate, but hey, it wasn't really their fault. I told their boss before I left what I would need and he didn't bother to pass it along. Just the way things work in my happy little world."

He drew a chair up next to mine and picked up Walden.

"You reading this?" he asked.

"Yeah like only for the millionth time." He looked skeptically at me and I laughed. "Haven't you ever heard how cultured us southern boys can be? We discuss Thoreau and sometimes Hawthorne at halftime during Georgia Games."

He looked at me and the smile disappeared and he became serious again, "Dan, are you ok with what happened? I never want to hurt you or cause you any grief." He said and squeezed my shoulder.

"Uh oh, now you've done it." I said and sighed. The look of concern on his face got even more so. "Just when I was getting rid of that woodie you gave me this morning, you have to go and touch me." I said and smiled at him. His face changed and it was like the sun came out from behind a cloud and all those damn white teeth. "Jock, I'm alright. I've been thinking all morning about last night, trying to understand what happened. I'm not really comfortable being queer, don't really know how to act any other way than how I am, but I sure as hell don't want to run you off. Besides I just might want you to hurt me in a good way one of these days, you know?"

He laughed and then touched my face and said, "You know, your ex-wife was right, you are a sonovabitch."

"Yeah take the ladies side." I said.

He patted my shoulder then stood up and said, "I gotta get going, I'm buried in reports to the CIA about your install. Still gonna be up and running next week?"

"Hell, yeah. I just got to run the conversions on your old data and link the new software over to it and then verify the integrity with some testing. Piece of cake, big guy." I said and smiled. I watched as his tight ass encased in fatigues went out my front door and wondered for like the twelfth time if I should just go jack off to help ease the tension. That made me laugh out loud and I decided that I could wait.

The rest of the day went slowly but no other major hang-ups happened. Branock came by at about three in the afternoon and wondered if I wanted lunch as the mess hall would be closing until supper in a few. I looked up from the data reports that I was running on the old database for future validation, stretched and said, "Well partner I'm not much for lunch, but I could sure use a cup of coffee while you eat, if you don't mind company."

We went to the mess hall while yet another batch of reports were running and I grabbed a cup of coffee while Branock went through the line. When he had settled himself I asked, "So Lieutenant, tell me why a General is running this Rinky Dink base instead of a full bird or maybe even a half bird?"

Branock looked uncomfortable, so I knew he knew the reason. He cleared his throat and said, "Officially I don't know, but scuttle butt is the General's been sidelined till he retires. There's all kinds of rumors about what he did but it must have been pretty bad. The Army doesn't promote a guy at 40 to General and then send him to this hell hole for no reason. The general opinion is he fucked up somehow, but no one is talking if they know what it was. I personally have nothing but respect for the man. Most guys would have let that kind of promotion drive them out of the service, but the General takes his duty seriously. He's a great man." He blushed.

"And you're a credit to his command, soldier." I said and grinned.

"So, Dan, I'd ask you the same thing, why's someone with your knowledge and experience doing a Rinky Dink install like this for?" Branock looked at me and smiled.

I laughed and said, "Well Lieutenant, when the boss tells you to go to Hell's lil half acre and play with you soldier boys' toys, you pack your bags and paste a smile on your ass and go. That's the way the corporate world works. Of course it doesn't help when the boss thinks you're an egotistical smart ass that is known to be hard on his teammates, and clearly contemptuous of his management abilities."

Branock laughed, `Well I guess that explains it."

I wandered back to the computer and started the first conversion. The database was huge, like 12 million files, so each conversion was gonna take a while. I decided that I could kick them off in the evening, and monitor them from my laptop during the night. If they bombed my laptop would alarm and I could fix them. That suited the sergeant just fine as he would be able to get some sleep while it was running. While the conversion was running I wrote another executable that would search out and change certain control characters so the next step of conversion would progress. It was late when I looked at my watch.

Branock was still at his desk plowing through reports when I said, "Hey, Lieutenant, I'm about done here for awhile, this conversion is gonna take most of the night and I can monitor it from my laptop. I think I'm gonna grab some supper, I won't be coming back over here tonight unless the conversion bombs."

"OK, Dan. I need to head over to the office and check on email and catch up on paperwork. If you need to come back in tonight, my quarter's extension is 325. I'll need to come in with you." He said and stood up.

We parted at the door of the bunker, I headed toward the mess and he headed to wherever his office is.

After I ate I went back to my quarters and checked the conversion and set the laptop's audible alarm as high as it would go so I could hear it if conversion was halted. I decided to take a shower, as the dust had accumulated again. As the water cascaded over my body I thought about all the shit that I had worked through. I knew that part of my problems had always centered on my emotional distance from others. My wife always accused me of being uncaring, and while that might have been true to a certain extent it was mostly my fear of feeling venerable and ultimately hurt that held me back. While my wife was a wonderful person in many ways, she had needed to feel emotionally attached to her man and I couldn't do that. Our kids suffered at my hands also, they had needed their father to be plugged into their developing lives and while I had been dutiful, I wasn't emotionally attached to them either. Because of that I had loads of guilt to deal with and the cycle was setup and running at full speed until the shrink helped me halt it. I was more attached to my kids now, but they were leery of being disappointed yet again. I had a lot to answer for. Now into my life walks Jock, I wondered what I felt for him, was this just another means of finding the warmth of personal contact without the emotional attachment? Was I hoping that a homosexual relationship would require less emotional investment than a heterosexual one? Then of course there was the chronic question, was I really gay at all?

Jock sat on his porch and thought about Dan, he rocked in the squeaky chair and listened to the wind whistle through the chain link fence of the perimeter. Eric would have liked, Dan. They were much alike in many ways. Neither was quick to give the game away too soon, Eric had been an introvert and quiet while Dan was at first blush an extrovert of the first order, but Jock could sense the hidden depths of despair that Dan had alluded to and a hurt little boy lurking behind the soft drawl, salty language and bluff exterior.

Jock and Eric had met at the academy, both anxious to make the military their career. Jock had come from the wrong side of the tracks in New Mexico and Eric was living up to a proud family tradition of military men. His forebears had served in the US military with distinction since the Revolution. How the "wet back", as some of the cadets had called Jock, and the Maryland blue blood became friends was a mystery to most.

Jock smiled as he remembered the first Thanksgiving at the academy when he was too poor to go home and Eric had invited him to drive down to Maryland to stay with his family. The big house on the eastern shore, the gathered family, so different from his, he had been lost. Then Eric's father, a retired colonel, had sensed it and went out of his way to make him feel at home. The visit had enlightened Jock in other ways also. While they were there, Eric seduced him. It wasn't one sided, Jock had known he liked guys but had, of course, kept it secret. Jock had fallen in love by Christmas, but Eric said that kind of stuff was queer. Jock had initially been hurt but learned to take what Eric offered and be satisfied. They slept together and hung out together all through their academy years. When they graduated Jock was worried that they wouldn't see each other again but the Colonel, had intervened with some old friends and they were assigned together.

All during the years that they slept together, Eric never once said he loved Jock, but when the Colonel had intervened Jock suspected something was up. He had, as usual, went home with Eric before reporting to their first duty and he had gotten the Colonel alone and started to thank him, but the Colonel cut him off and put his hand on his shoulder and said, "You mean the world to my son, I think I know what is going on and I want you to know that I've come to love you like another son. You two will not have it easy in the service, and I worry like hell cause I know what can happen. Just be careful, and don't be too hard on Eric because he can't face all his ghosts. He has always taken his heritage a little too seriously. I know him better maybe than you do, I know he cares a great deal for you." I had been floored and then comforted.

The years had not changed their relationship dramatically; they served together the first rotation but then were split up for the next one. Jock had suspected Eric had requested the split and worried like hell, but on leave he had come to Jock and confessed he had requested the change because he didn't know how to deal with their relationship anymore. He confessed he loved Jock and wanted them to be together forever. Jock had been happier than he had known was possible. They had requested reassignment to a large base and both got them, they had shared an apartment, life was good. Promotions had followed, and they were both up for Major when the first Gulf War started. Both were assigned to the field but in different divisions. It was a tough time, but they both survived to come home to their happy domesticity. Then it fell apart and Eric was gone forever. Jock sighed and wondered when he would be able to think of Eric without crying.

Jock had seen the light go on in Dan's quarter's, wanting like hell to go over and recreate last night again, but he watched the light for awhile, still thinking of Eric. A Coyote howled and he stood up retrieved the bourbon and went toward Dan's quarters.

I finished my shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. When I went into my bedroom I heard a noise in the sitting room. I stuck my head around the corner and saw Jock sitting on the sofa the bourbon on the coffee table sipping a drink. "Hey Jock, sorry I was in the shower." I adjusted my towel and sat across from Jock on a chair. I checked the laptop and then took the glass Jock handed me. "This conversion will take most of the night, so I decided to monitor it from here. Gonna have to make this my only one tonight." I said as I raised my glass to him and sipped.

"That's fine, Dan. I just...wanted...I thought..."He stammered then just looked at Dan and frowned.

"It's ok Jock. I'll make a deal with you, why don't we not try so hard and we'll agree to not put too many expectations on each other, deal? Hell I like just talking to you, if it wasn't that last night was so fucking good I'd be happy just knowing you." I said and put out my hand.

Jock took my hand but just held it instead of shaking it. "Yeah, I like you too, Dan, but I don't think I'm gonna be happy just being your friend. Besides, I'm like hard as a rock looking at your nearly naked self." He said and smiled that wicked sexy smile with all those teeth again. He pulled on my hand and I stood up and pulled back. He stood and we went to the bedroom.

At the door I lost my towel and his hands were running up and down my chest. "Fuck, Jock, you drive me nuts with your hands. I never knew my tits were so sensitive...ohhh!" I moaned.

He looked up at me and smiled, then his lips were on mine, and I was tugging at his shirt. We stumbled backwards and I fell on the bed. He laughed and started taking off his clothes while I stroked myself watching. Once again his firmly molded body was exposed to view; his tight abdomen and mounds of his pecs, his stiff dick with the collar of skin hugging the rim of his head. The mound of black pubic hair covered part of his low hanging balls and his muscled thighs dusted in black hair. He knelt on the bed and then knee walked up and lay on top of me. My arms wrapped around him and our lips met again. I could feel as his dick poked around between us, while mine stayed snuggly tight against my stomach. He was into a serious lip lock and his probing cock was rubbing around my crotch, I spread my legs and he settled between them and moaned into my neck. I caressed his head feeling the high and tight cut of his black hair while the other hand traced the tight muscled back down to his firm ass checks. I could feel his fingers working between us and then one touched my asshole, I jerked with anticipation. He froze, then whispered, "Sorry, I don't mean to rush things. You're just so hot I want to touch every part of you."

I took his hand and placed it back on my butt and said, "Go for it soldier..." then I moaned as his finger probed again. I had never really thought about being a "bottom" or what that entailed until now, while one part of my brain was awash in testosterone and whatever other cocktail of hormones fuel my sex drive, there was a quiet part that was horrified at the thought of such a powerful guy as Jock pounding my tender hole.

Jock moved down my neck once again with his lips caressing everything in their path. Once again my nipples were sucked into his warm mouth and I groaned , but he had farther south in mind as he moved down my body. First my navel and then he settled onto my aching dick. As he sucked me into his mouth his fingers were once again at my hole probing and massaging, then suddenly one popped into my chute and I moaned loudly as he took me deeper into his throat and groaned. He was fucking me with a finger and sucking me. I was teetering on the edge of orgasm. I had one hand on his head and the other rubbing my nipples. He pulled off my rod and was taking my nuts into his mouth and then I felt his tongue at my hole and moaned. The feeling overwhelmed me and when he grasped my aching rod I started to cum, his tongue was in my hole and I could feel my ass clench and unclench on it.

When my breathing started to return to normal, Jock came up and rested beside me and kept stroking my chest and stomach, touching the pools of cum that were spattered through my chest hair. He just stared at me, until I looked back at him and smiled, "That was great General." I drawled, "what would like me to do to you?"

"It's your bed, Dan." He said and smiled.

Latter Jock was nestled against me with his back against my chest and my dick between his butt checks. He was asleep, I could tell cause he was twitching and sighing, then I felt him jerk awake and whisper, "Eric!"

Jock was running up the stairs of their apartment complex, he had rushed as soon as he had read the email. Eric and he had been exchanging emails for months at lunch, usually nothing really erotic, just casual "how's it going" but this time the email had been cryptic. "I've been outted", is what it said, "I can't bear to live with it, tell Dad I'm sorry." Jock opened the apartment door, the chain was in placed he yelled for Eric, but there wasn't an answer, he kicked in the door and rushed into the living room and then through into the bedroom, and then he smelled the cordite it was coming from the bathroom. He opened the door a crack and saw the blood splatters and flesh on the wall above the toilet, he was gasping for breath, trying to breath, trying to call for Eric and then he jerked awake.

"It's alright, Jock, you were dreaming." I whispered against his neck and tightened my grip around his chest, I could feel his muscles relax in my embrace and he sighed. He turned in my arms and I could see him staring up at the ceiling, see the panic in his face. "Jock, who's Eric?" I asked quietly.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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