The General

By dante umbero

Published on Oct 29, 2007


This is a story of erotic Gay fiction. If you are a minor or it is illegal to view this material in your area, please go away. If this sort of thing floats your boat, read on and enjoy.

This story took place in a fantasy world free of things like diseases; don't make love without a glove!

The General-12

Jock smiled lost in thought then said, "Dan is a crazy ass redneck I met in the desert. He came out to install some software for us. We clicked right off, and got to know one another pretty well. He bought out the software he installed for Intelligence and started his own company with it. When I retired he asked me into the business with him. I go back and forth to Washington keeping the brass happy and he makes the magic happen with the computers."

Carl laughed, "He sounded like a nice guy on the phone. Where does he live?"

"He lives in a big pile of a house, looks like it fell off a plantation. I live there as well. He inherited it from his family. They're some kind of local gentry, he also owns a major chunk of that forest you see out there." Jock said and pointed out the window at the dark brooding landscape they were driving through. "It really does have a plantation house on it." Jock said.

Carl watched Jock as he described Dan, Jock was concentrating on the road so he was unaware he was being observed. Carl noticed how Jock's face lit up when he talked about Dan. Carl had known Jock for more than 20 years; he'd considered him a good friend only surpassed by Eric. Carl had heard the rumors when Eric killed himself. Carl just couldn't imagine that two serious soldiers like Jock and Eric could be queer for one another. He had always assumed it was jealousy on the part of others passed over for promotion. In all the years he had known them and seen them both together and apart he had never seen anything that couldn't be explained. It was hard for non military people to understand the relationship that developed during your academy years. You became a band of brothers like in the movie, to a civvy some of the things that happened might seem queer but to most soldiers they were just the way it was.

He remembered coming in one afternoon from the football field and standing under the shower, he had blown an important play against Navy and he felt like shit. One of the other players came in the shower and while they talked Carl had bent his head down under the pounding spray while his teammate tried to console him, when that didn't work his teammate had taken a bottle of shampoo and washed Carl's buzzed head for him. Carl could still remember the feel of his friend's strong fingers scrubbing his scalp and telling him to suck it up. They hadn't been queer for one another just one buddy helping another through a tough spot. That's what being in the military was for Carl and men like Jock and Eric. He was sure of it.

"Dan married?" he asked.

"No divorced, he's got a couple of great kids, they're teenagers." Jock glanced at Carl and said, "What happened with you and Gina?"

Carl sighed, "Shit Jock, I guess the usual, we were so hot for one another we thought marriage was the way to go, then when the sex cooled a little we realized that that was about all there was between us. Luckily we didn't have any kids. It wasn't long after she realized this that Gina found herself another guy she thought she liked better. I got the paperwork at my office one day at lunch. When I got home my stuff was on the front porch and my key didn't work anymore."

"Geeze Carl, that really sucks." Jock said.

Carl laughed forlornly, "Yeah, it did, but I'm over it."

They pulled into the drive, Carl followed Jock through the back door and into the kitchen.

"I'm back here guys." They heard Dan call from the back porch. Jock showed Carl the guest room and pointed to the French doors that lead onto the back porch, and left him to settle in.

Jock entered the back porch and found Dan sitting in his favorite glider with a bottle of beer feet propped up on the coffee table hidden beneath the pizza boxes. Jock selected a bottle from the ice filled bucket and sat in the chair closest to Dan.

"So how'd it go, Jock?" Dan asked and rubbed Jock's knee then withdrew remembering Carl was due in the room. "Fine, Dan." Jock said and took a pull from his bottle, "Its gonna be fine."

They heard footsteps coming down the hall then Dan saw the tall blond frame fill the doorway. He was about 6'1" tall and looked to be about 250lbs, well muscled, he had thinning blonde hair and startling blue eyes. He approached Dan with his hand outstretched and said, "Dan, Carl Hargrove. Thanks for putting me up."

Dan stood to meet his hand and said, "No problem Carl, any friend of Jock's^Åyou know."

They sat down and began making use of the pizza and beer. They soon were talking and Jock and Carl easily included Dan in their tales. By the time the pizza was gone Dan had enough army stories to tease Jock for a long time.

"You know Dan, Carl here is a big Michigan fan." He smiled then, "Carl you are sitting in the house of the world's biggest Georgia fan."

"I'll try not to hold it against you." Dan laughed.

The evening was a comfortable success as far as Carl was concerned, Dan and Jock would later agree that they felt slightly uptight not quite as relaxed as they would've liked.

Carl went to bed, Dan and Jock gathered up the remains of the evening and went upstairs. Snuggled in bed, Dan asked, "Babe, you ok?"

"I'm fine, Dan. It will get better with time.

Dan had an early conference call the next day. The alarm pulled him out of a sound sleep and he wandered down to the kitchen to put on the coffee as usual. He had forgotten Carl in the morning fog and was startled when he found Carl sitting at the kitchen table nursing a steaming cup.

"Morning Dan, coffees ready." Carl said.

Dan was embarrassed he'd forgotten Carl and was dressed only in boxers. "Fuck, Carl, I forgot you were in the house or I'd have dressed first. I got a conference call in about 3 minutes and I just ran down for coffee. Help yourself to breakfast there's cereal, and stuff in the fridge." Dan poured his coffee and ignored Carl's chuckle. "Jock's awake he should be down in a few minutes."

"Yeah your alarm would wake the dead." Carl laughed.

Dan, smirked and mumbled as he left the room, "God damn crazy ass client wanting to talk at the fucking crack of dawn.

By the time Dan finished with his call and the backlog of email, it was nearly 10:00 he jumped in the shower, dressed and went downstairs for a refill on his coffee. He found a note on the table from Jock stating he and Carl had gone out for awhile. They'd bring back lunch. Dan went back to work and was finishing up a call when he heard Jock coming up the stairs. He hung up just as the pair entered the office suite. They unloaded a couple of deli bags and setup sandwiches on the conference table that centers the room.

"Looks like our timing is perfect." Jock said and smiled at Dan.

"You boys have fun?" Dan asked raising an eyebrow at Jock.

"I took Carl around and showed him the town. We picked up barbeque on the way back."

Dan could already smell the smoky aroma that was drifting up from the paper bags. He spied the little white Styrofoam container and laughed, "I see you remembered the dill pickles. Carl, its taken me the better part of two years to train Jock here in the fine art of southern barbeque. My grandpa always said that after you've filled up on barbeque you need to eat a few dill pickles to cut the grease outta your mouth."

Carl laughed as well, "Yeah he told me not to let him forget or you'd never let him hear the end of it."

They ate at the table and Jock went through his email. "I'll have to make a few calls this afternoon Carl, think you can occupy yourself for a couple of hours?" Jock asked.

Dan interrupted, "You know Jock I need to get out to the farm and talk with Greg, I could take Carl along."

Jock looked at Dan then said, "That's a good idea, take Carl with you give him a chance to see the countryside." He laughed and turned to Carl, "You'll get to see Dan's personal fiefdom. Try to not be too intimidated by Massa Dan's plantation."

Dan saw the twinkle in Jock's eye and gave him the finger.

"Thanks I'm good." Jock laughed.

"You'll need to put on some jeans I like to ride around the farm and check things myself, Carl." Dan said staring at Carl's khaki shorts.

They piled into Dan's car and headed south out of town.

"This is a nice town, Dan." Carl said.

"Yeah, I'm glad I was able to move back. It was tough though at first trying to stay in touch with my kids in Atlanta." Dan sighed. "So where are you going to end up, Carl?"

It was Carl's turn to sigh, "Hell I don't know, Dan. I know I don't want to stay in the D.C. area." Carl watched the houses getting farther apart and the forest close in. "Jock seems to have made a life here, he appears content."

Dan was lost in thought, "Yeah he settled into South Georgia like he was born here. I'm sure you'll find a place in time. Just from my knowing Jock it must be difficult to retire from the military if you don't have family and grounding outside it."

"Yeah maybe if it had worked out with Gina it would be easier. What happened with your marriage if you don't mind me asking?" Carl said.

"Shit Carl, we fought our entire married life until we just got tired of it. We had kids so we tried to stick it out for a few years but it just didn't work out. We only talk about the kids now." Dan said and laughed ruefully.

"Yeah I'd like to have someone to share my life with again. You know when I was younger there were all the guys that I went to the academy with, Jock and Eric were my closest friends. Then I got married and we drifted apart, then Eric, you know, bought the farm and Jock just disappeared, I guess part of my problem is I'm just plain lonely. Feel too old to date but guess I'll have to."

Dan suddenly felt very sorry for Carl, he could remember what his life was like before Jock. Dan turned the car into the lane leading to the farm. The live Oaks overshadowed the graveled drive and the Palmetto made eerie shadows in the gloom beneath them.

"Damn, Dan, you must own half of the county." Carl said as the gravel road continued.

Dan laughed, "No not quite. We're almost to the office."

"You inherit this place?" Carl asked.

"Yeah, me and my mother own it. It was my father's childhood home, the McClean's came here in the early 19th century from coastal Georgia. I still have relatives in Savannah. They built this place with a land grant and raised first rice then cotton and peanuts. My father moved into town after he married and went into practice, I was raised there and only came out here to visit my grandparents. After they passed away dad leased out the forest to Georgia Pacific and kept the pastures around the house for hunting. We let guys from all over come in during the season and pay to bird hunt. It pays the taxes and upkeep on the place. The leases make a small profit. I try and make it out here a couple times a month to check up on Greg our farm manager. He does all the maintenance and deals with the timber and hunters. He gets to live in the manager's house and draws a small salary. So far we've managed to not sell off to developers although we're close enough to Tallahassee to make that a very real possibility someday." Dan pulled the car up in front of the big house as he finished.

"Damn" Carl whistled. They were met by a man in his late fifties; Greg had lived around the edge of the farm since his childhood and knew the swamp and forest better than Dan did. He came around the corner walking stiffly and met Dan at the steps.

"Hey, Greg, how they hanging?" Dan said and shook the man's hand.

"Damn it Dan, I'm stiff as a board today, to much fencing yesterday I guess."

Carl listened halfheartedly to their conversation and took in his surroundings. The old house sat on a slight rise in the otherwise flat landscape. The fields nearby were gold with what looked like some kind of grain and they were dotted with clumps of trees scattered across their expanse. The forest they had driven through ended at a cluster of buildings nearby. Carl could tell the house was old and apparently unused, something about the windows with drawn drapes made the house look deserted. He was pulled out of his daydream by his name.

"Ok Carl and I will ride over and take a look while we're here, Greg. Take it easy man." Dan said and nodded his head at Carl to follow him. They walked down the drive and Dan turned into the clustered buildings. He ducked into the open end of a small shed and Carl followed.

"You ever ride a four wheeler Carl?" Dan asked.

"No," Carl said, "But always thought it looked like fun."

They were soon shooting down the dirt road leading from the house across the fields. Carl was taken with the combined thrill of speed and the power beneath him. He followed Jock's Polaris down the track and then off across the end of one of the fields that had ripe soybeans. They plowed through the high grass at the edge of the crop and then into a track that penetrated the woods. Carl could smell the dankness of the forest and noticed the sandy track getting progressively damper.

Dan pulled up under a large live oak, 300 years old at least, and shut off the engine. Carl parked beside him and they got off their machines.

"I need to look at a seep near one of the old levees, Carl. Greg thinks we'll either have to repair it or let the swamp take part of the field back." Dan said.

They walked through the woods, Carl could feel the squelch of mud under foot and was glad Dan had recommended jeans as the palmetto was sharp. Carl saw a rise in land approaching that had a modest sized pool of dark water in front of it.

"Damn, look at that. Greg wasn't shitting about a seep. The levy is failing there Carl, see the water, that's coming through from the swamp beyond."

Carl, was no engineer but he could only imagine how expensive a repair could be. "Looks like that could get expensive."

"Damn straight, Carl." Dan said as they topped the levy and surveyed the swamp proper beyond. "You see here that the swamp is only about three feet above the field but it'll spread out and take nearly three acres back half way to the road. I'll loose a dozen rows across that soybean field." Dan sighed, "Not to mention that to get permission from the Corps of Engineers in this day and age of preserving wetlands will be neigh on impossible. I can repair the levy as it stands but if I have to take it down and build a coffer dam the Corps gets involved."

Carl was looking down the levy and noticed four piles sticking out of the swamp with the remains of a platform on top, "What's that Dan?"

Dan looked at the platform and realized immediately what it was and where he was.

Dan had been around nine years old and was spending the summer with his Grandmother. His Grandfather had died that winter and his Father sent him out to the farm to stay to keep her company. Dan loved the farm, he loved to fish in the swamp not far from the house. There was a big ol catfish that lolled around an old cypress stump back there and he was damned if he wasn't gonna catch him that summer. He'd made friends with Slow Billie, a black kid around 18, who lived out there with his dad. The kid was retarded but was to Dan's 9 years a good friend. Billie encouraged Dan to try for the ol cat and Dan went down there most days to try. The farm manager back then had been a crusty old man named Calvin Hobbs and Dan was scared of him. Rumor was he was klan but Dan and his family tried to stay clear of those issues. They had good relations with the black community for that time period, and they liked to keep it that way. Calvin had told Dan one day to stay away from Slow Billie and stick with his own kind. Dan had said "Yes sir" and started sneaking down instead of openly walking down.

That day it was nearly a 100 degrees in the field and not much cooler in the swamp, Dan and Billie were sitting on the porch of the fish shack where Billie lived over the swamp with their poles, Billie was not shy about anything and would stand up and pull out his dick to pee whenever the urge struck him. Dan had as well just so as not to seem impolite but he noticed how Billie looked at him peeing. It had made Dan feel funny, kinda good. Dan knew Billie's dick was ever so much bigger than his and black as the rest of him. He had a funny piece of skin that slid over his end as well that Dan didn't have.

That day Billie had said, "Aint no cat gonna bite no bait in this stink, too damn hot."

Dan had laughed and said, "Yeah its hotter than hell." He had just started using those words that his dad used but his momma would switch him for using.

"Well mister Dan lets go back to de spring house and sit and cool off a spell." Billie said.

So Dan followed Billie off through the woods back up to the natural rise in the land, there under a large oak was a small stone building poking out of the ground with a low door way. Billie shoved the door open and Dan followed him into the gloom. He was struck by the sudden drop in temperature that made him shiver.

"Goose done walked across yo grabe, mister Dan." Billie said and put his hand on Dan's bare arm. Then slowly let it run up and down. "Not so fuckin hot in here mister Dan."

Dan giggled again, then said in a whisper, "What's that mean Billie, I've never heard that one before."

Billie giggled as well, "Fuckin is when you stick your dick in sompin when it gets all hard like and giggy it around til you shoot."

Dan's eyes must've gotten big cause Billie laughed again, "You wants to see mister Dan^Åcause my dick is hard already just thinkin about fuckin."

Dan nodded and then watched spell bound as Billie unbuttoned his jeans and let them slide to his ankles. His cock looked enormous to Dan and Billie immediately wrapped his hand around it like he was holding a baseball bat and started moving it up and down its length. Dan could feel his own dick get hard as well.

"You hard too mister Dan?" Billie asked.

Dan nodded and stretched his shorts out tight so he could see the outline.

"Let Billie sees it, I aint never seen no white man hard." He whispered.

Dan could see Billie's hand moving faster then slower and slowly Dan pushed his shorts and underwear down. His little cock popped out and slapped his smooth belly.

"Aint got no hairs down there yet, you will mister Dan. See I gots me plenty hair." Billie pushed his cock down and Dan could see the kinky black matt of hair around the base.

"Com'ere mister Dan and I shows you how to do it." Billie whispered and sighed.

Dan waddled closer and then he felt Billie's warm hand grasp his dick. Dan had never felt anything quite so good in his young life. Billie really only used about three fingers but he started stroking Dan and made him start to tingle all over.

"You wanna feel my dick?" Billie asked and turned so his hard cock brushed Dan's.

Dan slowly wrapped his hand around Billie's dick like he'd seen him do and started running it up and down.

"Damn, that's it. I'm gonna shoot." Billie whispered, and with that Dan simultaneously felt Billie's cock jerk and warm goo running over his hand then felt a rush that started somewhere in his belly and enveloped his whole being ending with his own dick jerking almost painfully but no goo came out of him.

"Dan, you ok?" Carl asked, watching Dan stare into the swamp.

"Sure Carl, I'm fine."

"Looks like you've seen a ghost." He said.

Dan laughed half heartedly, "Yeah this old swamp is full of ghosts Carl. Been a lot of meanness happened out here over time." Dan paused and looked back up the slight rise toward the mound he knew hid the old springhouse. He wondered if it was still there. "Let's go Carl."

Dan led the way back off the levee and down around the seep. He turned to the left and went parallel to the levee for a while then turned right as the ground started to naturally rise. It was still there. He picked out the mound and through a gap in the palmetto scrub he could see the black yawning opening. He shivered.

"What's that Dan?" Carl said and poked around the scrub trying to clear the doorway.

Dan couldn't believe how low it was he seemed to remember it being much taller and bigger all together. He could feel the cool damp air move out from the doorway and caress his face. "You come back tomorrow Mister Dan and Billie shows you some other things feel just as good." "It's a Springhouse Carl, use to be used to keep things cool, primitive refrigeration." Dan felt ill suddenly, he turned and started up the rise toward the ATV's he could hear Carl following and sensed the gapping hole under the mound.

They rode around the farm for about an hour checking out the new fencing and Dan liked to ride the logging roads to make sure the timber men were sticking to the markings. They were soon back in the car headed back into town. Carl could sense Dan's pensive mood and wondered if he'd somehow said something.

"You sure you're ok Dan?" Carl asked.

Dan was pulled out of his reverie by Carl's question, he looked over and could see the concern on Carl's face. "Sure man, I'm fine. Just got too hot out there in the woods and the levee is likely to cost a fortune."

The rest of the ride was in silence. Carl lost in his own thoughts of retirement and Dan seeing that gaping black doorway in the woods.

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