The General

By dante umbero

Published on Mar 21, 2006


This is a story of erotic Gay fiction. If you are a minor or it is illegal to view this material in your area, please go away. If this sort of thing floats your boat, read on and enjoy.

This story took place in a fantasy world free of things like diseases; don't make love without a glove!

By popular demand I've revised this story line...I guess that stories really do take on a life of their own and continue. I've decided to give you interested readers a glimpse into Dan and Jock's life together. Who knows when it will end. Dante-

A single ray of bright sunlight woke me up. I turned on my side and reached out feeling the cool empty sheets, then memory returned. Jock was on the road this week but would be home tomorrow night. I sighed and turned back the covers and made my way into the adjoining bath.

Shortly after Jock got out of the service and moved in with Dan, he started being the front man for their software company. The down side was that put Jock on the road to D.C. a couple times a quarter to keep all the brass happy.

The coffee had just about finished when the phone rang. Jock's voice purred into my ear, "Hey babe, did I wake you up?"

"Fuck, no. I'm just standing here waiting for the coffee to finish. How're things in D.C.?"

"The usual bullshit, but we're good for another year. I think we'll get a trip to Europe this year, looks like we will be able to sell to the UK and maybe France." He paused then, "I miss you really bad, Dan." He sighed.

"Me too, Jock, you're still booked for tomorrow evening?"

"Sure, babe, my plane lands at 5:45, we can stop for dinner on the way home. We've been meaning to try the Parrot, might be a good opportunity."

"Cool, I'll see if they take reservations." I paused then smiled, "I love you Jock."

He sighed again into my ear causing every hair on my body to raise and tingle, "Yeah, I know babe. I love you too."

We hung up and my day went along, I stayed busy on the phone with programmers and testing customizations for the military. Midmorning I called the Parrot, it was a new restaurant in Tallahassee that was owned by a gay guy we'd met in the Mall. Of course at the time I didn't know he was gay. Jock and I had been in a Tower store trying to decide on a CD for my daughter's birthday. I'm an attentive father but who the fuck can keep track of their kids shifting tastes in music and have a life? I was trying to follow the musical monologue one of the teenaged sales clerks was giving me, when he wasn't rolling his eyes, and Jock was chuckling to himself at my obvious discomfort, when a guy about my age with dark hair walked over and asked Jock if I was always this slow, causing both of them to laugh. I told the clerk that I'd just take a gift certificate and turned to Jock and the new guy and said, `Fuck you both very much," and stalked off behind the clerk. I wasn't mad, and Jock of course knew it.

I exited the store and found Jock and the guy talking, as I approached Jock said, "Dan this is Mark Bodroe."

The guy turned and I took his out stretched hand, "Pleasure, I guess, Dan McClean, "I smiled to ease his embarrassment.

"I'm sorry about the comment, Dan...I just...." He stammered.

"Don't worry about him," Jock said, "He's use to it from me," and laughed.

"Yeah, you're just an all around great guy, huh?" I said and smirked at Jock.

"I'd like to make up for my comment, Dan, why don't you and Jock stop by my restaurant some evening and I'll buy you both a beer?" Mark said and smiled. "It's called the Parrot and I've only been open for a few weeks. It's over on Calhoun near the State House." He said, "I'd really like to make it up to you."

I felt Jock at my elbow, "We'd be glad to stop by sometime, wouldn't we Dan." He said and nudged me in the ribs.

"Sure, we'll stop by one evening soon." I said, wondering what was going on.

Mark who was about 5'3" and chubby but not fat smiled a wealth of white teeth and shook hands with both of us and said, "Great, look me up if I'm not at the door when you come by." I watched him walk away; he had an average body, very dark hair that he kept rather long, nice guy I thought.

"He's gay." Jock said, pulling me out of my reverie.

"Really, you know I never have been any good at this gay shit." I said.

"Yeah, I know. He asked how long I'd known you and I told him we'd been together a few years. He figured it out from there. He's unattached, been in the restaurant trade for several years, but this is his first time as owner." Jock sighed.

"Should I be jealous?" I asked and laughed as we walked to the car. Jock knew that I'd been blessed to not have that particular gene, and since I generally couldn't tell if a guy was hitting on me let alone Jock I usually was blissfully unaware. It had always made my ex-wife furious that she couldn't illicit even a spark of jealousy from me.

"Actually I think I'm the one that should be jealous; it was you that he was interested in." He said and laughed ruefully.

"You're shitting me?" I said and laughed. Then realizing Jock was serious, he had not been so blessed in the genetics department. I took Jock's hand, something we didn't normally do in public, and said, "Babe, you know I only have eyes for you." Humming a few bars of the old standard.

Jock shrugged and smiled that killer smile, "Yeah, I know." He said. Latter that night in bed, Jock whispered into my ear as he licked it, "You really only have eyes for me?"

I paused and looked him in the eye then said, "Jock, there isn't anyone but you for me, I can't envision ever being with someone else. Ok?" My lips strayed to his, he is the sexiest man alive to me. Just the touch of his lips sends me rocketing toward the edge of orgasm.

A warm mellow voice answers the phone, "Hello?"

I pause, then, "Is this the Parrot?"

"Yeah, this is Mark, how can I help you?" The voice said.

"Mark, don't know if you remember me, this is Dan McClean...." I started

"Hell yeah, Dan, how's it going?" The voice was upbeat.

"Good, thanks, Jock and I were planning on stopping in for dinner tomorrow and I wondered if you take reservations?" I said.

"No, we don't, but don't worry there should be a table just about anytime." He said and sighed.

"Business slow?" I asked.

"Well almost non existent if you really want to know. We've only been open a month, though." He said.

"Anything I can do? I run my own business also." I asked

"Cool, you wouldn't let me pick your brain would you?" He asked, "I'm trying to wade through these statements from my bank and I'm really lost." He sighed.

"Sure, dude, I'll help if I can. I'm not a financial expert but I'll look at them if you want."

"Great, can I buy you lunch?

I sighed to myself, then "Sure, I can be at the restaurant in about an hour." I said

"Great," the relief was evident in his voice, "You have no idea how lost I am."

So an hour later I was pulling into his restaurant parking lot. The building was nice, late Victorian with big plate glass windows. His sign was illuminated and had a parrot in garish yellow and green outlined in neon.

I went through the door and into the dim paneled entrance. The maitre de stand was empty but I saw a couple of guys at the bar so I went in there. I heard my named called and turned to see Mark come around from the back of the bar with his hand out stretched.

"Dan, glad to see you again." He said as I took his hand and we shook.

"Glad to help, Mark." I said and looked around. "Nice place." And it was, dark paneling and dark ebonized furniture. The décor was Art Deco and sleek modern, and had been very well done.

"Thanks, Dan, just need a few more customers." Mark said and smiled. I followed him into the bar and he settled us at a table in the back. It was covered with folders and papers. Mark pointed me to a seat and asked me what I wanted for lunch.

"Something light, if that's ok." I said. He wandered off to the bar and punched something into a computer screen then returned and settled himself across from me and slid a glass of beer my way.

I sipped the beer as he explained his financing and I looked through his statements. Yeah he needed more business that's for sure. I was buried in his paper work, turns out he used the same bank that I did so I was very comfortable with their statements. Mark slid a salad my way and I looked up at him and smiled.

"Thanks man." I tasted the chicken mixed with wild greens and the tang of the vinaigrette and said, "Dude this salad is great." I looked around and could see that some tables were busy but really only about half the restaurant was occupied.

"Yeah, its one of my signature dishes." Mark said and sighed, "What's your take on this crap?" he pointed to the neat stack of statements.

"Mark, man, you need more customers like you said. I see maybe a couple accounting options that could help your cash flow in the short term. Who's your accountant?" I asked.

"You're looking at him, with occasional help from a Kelly Temp." He said, "I can't afford an accountant."

"Ok Mark, I'm not prone to giving advice but you need a professional." I took out a pen and one of my cards and then took out my Trios and scrolled through the contacts till I found my accountant. I wrote his contact info on the back and handed it to Mark. "Give Bryan there a call, he takes care of my books. I can't afford a CFO either but I know when I need professional help. He's saved me his fees in fucking taxes if nothing else." Then I went back to my Trios and scrolled through contacts til I came up with the ad agency that helped me with my presentation to NATO, I took the card back and wrote that down as well and slid it back to Mark. "This is the name of an ad agency I've used, keep in mind I have almost no marketing needs but they do put together mean ass dog and pony shows for Jock to use in D.C. for the National Security folks. I'd trust them to put together a great commercial if I needed one." I picked up his menu and looked through it while he digested the information. His menu looked appetizing, of course what do I know about restaurants.

Mark sighed and said, "I'll never be able to pay for a commercial, as it is my ads in the newspapers are going to run out and I'll not be able to renew them."

I looked at Mark, I had been where he is, and I knew the utter frustration of seeing what you've always wanted go down in flames. I made a snap decision, my best kind usually. "Ok Mark lets call Bryan and see if he can see us, and I'll call Conner Boyd at the bank and see if he can see us as well." Two phone calls latter we were sitting in my car headed for Bryan's office, Mark had taken his apron off and had his books and statements packed into a brief case. I noticed as we circled the block that his restaurant was within walking distance of a bunch of state offices, he had a ready lunch crowd he just needed to plug into them.

We pulled back into his place a few hours latter, I'd basically given him my whole afternoon and knew that back in my office the email and voicemail would take the rest of my evening but Mark's fires were under control. The accountant had assured me that Mark's books were clean and that he couldn't see any problems with investing. Conner, at the bank, put together the paper work for me to do a wire transfer of my investment into Mark's business account. My lawyer, Will, also came up with a quick fax of a limited investment document just to keep everyone happy and by the time we were sitting in Mark's bar, the ad agency had said they could see him tomorrow.

Mark clicked his drink with my bourbon and said, "Welcome aboard partner."

"Lets talk about your menu, Mark. I notice that your prices are the same for lunch or dinner. Have you thought about offering a limited lunch menu served here in the bar at a reduced rate? That way you could lower your wait staff in the dinning room for lunch and concentrate on a captive customer base." Mark said, "Captive customers?"

"Yeah Mark, look around the street outside, those buildings are full of State workers who can't find a parking space if they drive out to lunch so they're walking to your competitors. They can't afford your dinner prices and might find the dinning room a little too posh for their work wardrobe. I'd like to see you offer a lunch menu and lighten the bar up by opening the shutters during lunch and letting the wait staff in here dress down a little. We can have the ad agency run the commercial with this new menu and put out a bunch of flyers in the buildings lobbies. Also put out a sandwich board on the sidewalk with the daily special and price." I stopped and looked at Mark who was frowning.

"Dan, I hadn't planned on running a lunch counter. I want to provide a fine dinning experience." He said.

I laughed, "And you will, Mark, for dinner. Lunch will improve your cash flow until the dinning room gets busier. Who do you think makes the reservations for the power meals in the government? It'll be the secretaries who treat themselves to lunch in here."

I could see the idea take hold of Mark, he pulled a menu towards himself and started marking it up in pencil.

I picked up the phone in my office late that evening, a nearly empty bowl of cereal was perched near the desk edge and I moved it as I said, "This is Dan."

"Hey babe, how was your day?" Jock said and sighed.

"Busy Jock, still pounding away at it." I said through a yawn. I filled him in on my day with Mark, he initially sounded slightly pissed but by the time I finished he understood. He's a warm considerate man, he'd have done the same thing.

"So you own a piece of a restaurant now?" he laughed.

"No I just loaned the guy some money and hope to get it back with a fair amount of interest. It's still his place." I sighed, "Hope your horny General cause I could just about fuck a hole in concrete at the moment."

Jock chuckled in Dan's ear and said, "I'm a professional Dan, trained to deal with small arms fire."

"Ouch, small?" I said and laughed "My gun's bigger than yours."

"Ah that's just cause you're such a horn dog, half the time I'm afraid its gonna bust." Jock said a certain sexual tension evident in his voice. "I miss you too, babe."

They could go on like this for hours; Dan smiled to himself and adjusted his boner. I pulled up under the canopy of the terminal in Tallahassee and looked at my watch, 615 pm, I was late as usual. I scanned the groups of travelers and the odd limo driver until I caught sight of Jock standing at the curb grey suit still crisp, bright yellow tie knotted neatly at his bronzed throat. His Italian shoes still shone with their military polish. He caught sight of me as I pulled up. I popped the trunk and watched the bulge in Jock's pants that was perfectly centered in the space between the trunk lid and the bottom of the rear glass in the rearview mirror. I smiled wickedly to myself, still horny as a monkey on Spanish Fly from our phone sex last night.

Jock slipped into the bucket seat and the door closed he leaned into me and I tasted his lips, my world suddenly dissolved into this one experience and my thoughts centered totally on Jock and the taste of him. I felt his hand slip up my thigh and cradle my rock hard cock encased in khaki. Our lips parted and Jock had a wicked smirk on his face.

"Dan, you are the horniest sonovabitch I've ever run into." He said and laughed.

I laughed as well clutching his hand around my genitals and said, "General I'd better be the only horny sonovabitch you're feelin up." I slipped the car into gear and drove out of the airport.

Our conversation on the drive to the Parrot was lively and warm and intensely loving, we touched often and freely. We always seem to need that tactile assurance of each others presence and willingness. Especially after we've been apart for a few days.

The Parrot's parking lot was about half full which made me breath easier and Mark met us at the door. He shook hands with both of us and told the hostess to give us table twelve. It was located near the back of the restaurant and I realized that what I thought was the archway to another set of rest rooms was in fact an entrance to a private dining room. It appeared to be hosting a power dinner of some kind. Jock and I sat down across from each other. The waitress brought us menus and took our drinks orders. We both settled on beer, Corona if you must know, and looked over the menu.

Mark brought our beers and said. "I recommend the Surf and Turf Special tonight, the beef is aged and I picked the crab myself. I have a guy from over in Fort Walton that brings me the catch twice a week." He said.

I looked up at Jock and met his eyes, I raised an eyebrow and shrugged he looked at Mark and the general said, "Sounds great Mark, we're in your capable hands."

"Great, I'll put in your order." Mark said walking toward the bar.

Jock put down his menu and looked around the restaurant. "Nice place you got here." He said and smiled at me. His, I'm gonna tease the shit out of you about this, smile.

I smirked at him and said, "Dude, it isn't my place, I'm just the banker."

"And what happens if he defaults? This place is nice but not very busy." Jock said seriously.

"I line up with the rest of his creditors. I'm just an investor Jock. Wait til you taste the food."

In due course Mark and the waitress brought our salads, it had the same vinaigrette that I'd tasted earlier but without the chicken. I watched as Jock tasted it and saw the spark in his eyes and knew he liked it as well. The steaks and crab cakes arrived and they were quite simply perfect. I couldn't imagine why this place wasn't packed and in due course I felt sure it would be.

Jock interrupted my thoughts and said, "Forgot to tell you, Dan I ran into an old Academy buddy in D.C. he's retiring this month. I invited him down for a visit. Hargrove was a close friend of Eric and me. I lost touch with him after know and was surprised to find him holed up in the Pentagon pushing papers. He served with us in the first Gulf War we use to hang out together. We had dinner this week and he is feeling kind of lost. I invited him down to try and help him make the transition into a civvy. Hope you don't mind."

He looked at me and I could see he wanted me to be ok with it. I asked, "Is he married?"

Jock shook his head, "No divorced. Eric and I use to speculate about Carl's sexuality. Then he got married and we thought that settled it.

Maybe it didn't, I picked up a bunch of signals at dinner, but it was too weird for me." Jock sighed and then continued, "Eric and I played it very close to the chest, he was so paranoid about being discovered, Carl would've been about the only one to have seen anything that would've given us away."

I asked the obvious, "So did you tell him about us? I mean is he coming to Georgia expecting to find you living alone?" I could tell I'd hit home, Jock had been the one to want us out and about to most folks yet he was the one that found it most difficult to tell people who'd known him in the service. In fact I don't think he'd told any of his Army buddies. What few I knew about, and I'd not met any of them. I watched his cheeks color slightly. "Jock, good God man, he's gonna get the shit shocked out of him isn't he?"

He cleared his throat, always a prelude to the General speaking, "Dan, I'll handle it, don't worry."

I laughed, "Well General, "I drawled, "I'm not worried about me." I paused then reached across the white cloth and closed my hand around his fingers, "Jock I know this will be tough for you. When's he coming?"

I could see the look of love he shot me and he said, "Two weeks, I think he's coming in on a Friday and I asked him to stay a week maybe two. He doesn't have any family anymore so he's at loose ends, knows he doesn't want to stay in Washington and doesn't want to go home to the snows of Michigan. I thought we might take him down to the gulf and go fishing." He yawned and I could tell the week was catching up with him, "I haven't made any definite plans."

We finished dinner and Mark brought coffee. He sat with us, talking and thanked us both for helping him out. Jock caught my smile in his direction and smirked back. We complimented him on the meal, paid and drove home. The stars were out bright as we drove the straight as an arrow road through the swamp to Thomasville, the road formed a boundary of the "farm" and I could just make out the blink of a light from the big house through the live oaks and palmetto as we passed the drive.

"So what is Carl planning on doing for a job in civilian life?" I asked my thoughts drifting back to our earlier conversation.

Jock must've been about asleep because he started slightly and said, "Oh, I'm not sure; he trained as a Lawyer after the Academy and worked for the AG most of his career. I suppose he's going to find a firm to join although I'd say that might be difficult."

Latter snuggled up in bed with him, he licked my ear and whispered, "Thanks for understanding."

I was busy playing with his foreskin but managed to turn my head and kiss him again. He pushed me back into the bed and his weight settled on top of me. I brought my knees up and he settled further down and his sigh warmed my ear. All too soon he was filling my ass with his warm cum. When he pulled out, he sank down and engulfed my prick in his mouth and swallowed the load I shot. We spooned together in the dark under the cotton duvet and I listened to my beloved's breathing turn steady and deep and knew he'd passed into his own realm. Lying there I wondered what I'd done to deserve such happiness.

Next: Chapter 11

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