The General

By dante umbero

Published on Mar 11, 2004


This is a story of erotic Gay fiction. If you are a minor or it is illegal to view this material in your area, please go away. If this sort of thing floats your boat, read on and enjoy.

This story took place in a fantasy world free of things like diseases; don't make love without a glove! Dante-

The General:

The desert landscape rolled by as the Hummer slowly made its way to the base. I was reading a battered old copy of Thoreau's Walden and occasionally nodding as the very young corporal, who was driving, tried to entertain me with stories of being in the Army. "geez" I thought, "Why in hell did the boss send me out here. Surely after my years of dedicated service" I smiled, "this wonderful location should have gone to one of my junior colleagues." I knew very well why the sonovabitch had sent me, I was labeled as "trouble" by the new management.

I install computer software and have done so for the same company for 10 years, but 2 years ago our company was "aquired" by a brash new survivor of the dot com bust and the managers, now younger than me, thought my methodical and thorough style of implementation too slow and too expensive. They preferred to roll them in, plug them in, then go back to corporate and dial in and play phone tag with the clients. I had seen more than a few of the companies long term clients move on to other vendors, and usually had the satisfaction of telling my boss "I told you so." The other reason was I was the last of the "old guard" that still had military clearance for the secret stuff. Part of the companies business had always been with the military, but with the acquisition the new guys were slowly divesting the company of that software. So here I was rolling across the (Nevada?) desert headed for a base, that most of America didn't know existed, to do the final install for a piece of satellite software that use to listen to the Soviet Union and who knows who it listens to now, terrorists probably.

I should tell you about myself, my name is Dan McClean, and I'm 42. I'm 6' 10" tall and weight 270lbs. I've mostly succeeded in keeping the middle age spread down to a bare minimum but it is creeping up. "I have to start running again", I think as I look at my stomach bulge over my belt. I've got dark brown hair that I keep short to help disguise the fact it isn't as thick as it use to be and have grey/green eyes and wear glasses. Thank God for no line bifocals. I'm divorced with a couple of great kids that I don't see very often, thanks to their mother. The marriage was really a mistake from the start but kids came along so we tried to tuff it out. When we finally drifted so far emotionally apart that we were barely speaking to each other she decided we were better off separated. That was 6 years ago, and since then I've been seeing a great shrink that's helped me get in touch with my emotions and overcome my fear of becoming emotionally attached to someone else. I don't date and really spend most of my time working. After a year of visits to Dr. Balmy, as I jokingly refer to him, he asked me what I thought about homosexuals. I had laughed and made some remark about not thinking about them at all, but deep down I knew he had finally found the secret spot that I kept hidden from everyone including myself. That night, in the journal I keep at his insistence, I wrote a line that I've looked at nearly everyday since. Scrawled across a whole page and ending with a hole where the pen actually ripped the paper under the pressure I wrote.. Fuck, I'm Gay! There is lots of territory here, but I digress from the main point of this story.

I won't go into all the childhood trauma that caused me to bury myself so deeply into the closet that I didn't consciously realize it either, but suffice it to say that I'm glad that Dr. Balmy helped me uncover all that shit and will help me through it. Hell maybe someday I'll actually be normal.

I chuckle out loud and the Corporal asked if the book was funny. "No, Corporal, just something I thought about." I said and smile.

The vehicle stopped at a gate in the middle of nowhere and the corporal leaned out his window and swiped his card through a digital reader, then asked for my ID card and did the same. Almost instantly the gate rolled back and the vehicle started up again. I had left my car at Ft. Benning where I had hopped a military flight to a lonely airfield in the desert about an hour drive from this gate, and as I didn't see any immediate buildings I assumed we still had a long drive.

"Sir, there's bottled water in a pack behind the seat if you'd like some, and I wouldn't mind if you got me one too. He said and smiled.

I pop the cap on a couple and hand him one. "So where are we going, Corporal?" I asked as I sipped the lukewarm water.

"Sorry sir, but that's classified. I can tell you we're still inside the good ol U.S. of A. though." He laughed then asked, "Where are you from, you sound like you're from the south." His Midwestern accent betraying the corn fields of Iowa or Kansas.

"Yes, I'm from south Georgia," I drawl, I realize I drawl and smile because I can't help it. I'm proud to be from the south. Born, raised and educated there, go Bulldogs.

We lapsed back into silence and I got lost in Walden again, the tragedy is I have it nearly memorized. The afternoon wore on and I was beginning to wonder if he had anything to eat in that pack with the water when we topped a rise and I could see a manned check point coming up.

"You'll be switching to another vehicle here, sir." The corporal said as we pulled to a stop at the checkpoint. I got out of the hummer and a sergeant saluted me smartly then opened the back hatch and started unloading my stuff. A lieutenant came up and saluted then extended his hand and I shook it.

"Mr. McClean, I'm lieutenant Branock. I'll be your liaison officer while you're staying with us. If you'll come with me we'll be driving you over to the base and get you settled in your quarters before you meet the General." He said and smiled.

He is about 6'3" tall and very blond with very blue eyes and very handsome. I managed to return his smile and thanked the corporal for his driving and followed the perfect ass of Lieutenant Branock to another Hummer and got in the back. We set off on a better road at a higher speed and were soon pulling into a compound of quanset huts and cement bunkers. We pulled up to one of a small group of frame buildings and stopped. We got out and Branock helped me get my stuff as the hummer drove off. I followed him into the building and realized that it was a small house and apparently all my own. He showed me the three rooms a small sitting room/office that we entered from the outside and then a small bedroom and an attached bath. He waited in the sitting room while I dropped my suitcases and used the facilities. Then lead me out and toward one of the cement bunkers. I swiped my card through the reader and the door opened and we were in a narrow passage that ended in a staircase. Down the stairs several flights and we ended on a hallway that led into a reception area. Another sergeant snapped to attention when we walked in and said that we were expected. The lieutenant led the way through a door and we were in a comfortable office.

A man about my age stood up when the lieutenant snapped to attention and saluted then he came round the desk and extended his hand to me.

"You must be Mr McClean. I'm General Ramirez pleasure to meet you." He said and the grip was strong that shook my hand.

The General was about 6' 5" and had light olive skin. He had black hair from what I could see of his high and tight cut. He wore wire framed glasses and his brown eyes were keen but somewhere in them I detected a warmth. He had a marvelously broad chest and from what I could see from his fatigues strong legs. His smile showed a wealth of very white teeth which he flashed a lot. I, on the other hand, had spent the whole day traveling here so my summer weight wool suit was a lot worse for the wear. I looked like I had slept in it. Then I immediately thought, only a fag would care.

"The pleasures all mine, General. Please call me Dan." I answered and smiled in return.

"OK Dan, have a seat, dismissed Lieutenant." He said and sat opposite me in the other chair. He looked at me with those warm brown eyes and then smiled again. "Glad you're here. We need that software up and running ASAP. Your boss said you were the best they had for this application so I'm confident you'll get us working soon."

"Well, General, I don't know about the best part, I'm about the only one left that can install this package.

I'm one of the dinosaurs." I said and smiled.

He laughed also and said, "Yeah I know what you mean. That young lieutenant that brought you in probably knows more about these computers than I do. Oh well, age does have its benefits I guess." He said.

I laughed and said, "Yeah, getting fat and loosing your hair." I said and brushed my own thinning hair with my hand.

"You're not looking too bad." He said. "How old are you, 40?"

"42 actually, but sometimes it feels like 52."

He laughed and said, "Well I just turned 42 a couple months ago myself. I know what you mean." He paused lost in thought, then. "Well I'll let the lieutenant show you your workstation, actually you can link up to the network with your laptop from your quarters. All I ask is that you not wander around the base unescorted. This is a highly classified facility and you're only clear for certain areas. You can attend mess with the officers but I'll have to ask that you not socialize with them or the enlisted. Most of the men here don't know what their bunk mate is doing nor do the officers necessarily know what their fellow officers are doing. I'm about the only one around with all the pieces of the puzzle. It takes a pretty self assured man to stay out here very long. If you need anything, or need someone to talk to, feel free to come back and see me. I'll want an estimate of when you'll be done tomorrow afternoon and then a timeline and updates every couple days." He smiled again and I was mesmerized by his brown eyes.

"Thanks General, I think I can manage that. These installs don't take very long. Will the lieutenant be able to tell me where I can and can't go?" I asked as I stood up.

"Certainly, you're free to walk around the compound, but it's entry into the buildings that is off limits."

He said and extended his hand. I took it and once again felt the strong grip and the warm hand, he held my grip for a heartbeat longer than I anticipated and then smiled at me again.

I met up with the lieutenant again and he escorted me back up and outside. We went across the compound and entered another bunker and went down another staircase into a large computer room. I was taken over to a desk with a pc on it and introduced to another sergeant who took me through their configuration to date. They left me alone and I went to work on their system. It's what I do and I do it well, so the time just disappeared. I was finalizing my research and coming up with a project plan when Branock stopped by and told me that the mess hall would close soon. I asked if he could take me along to it, I looked at my watch and realized it was after 6 o'clock, and told him I was done for the day.

We entered the dining room and I realized these guys really were out on the edge. The room looked like it had last been decorated during the Korean conflict, but I grabbed a tray and went through the line with Branock and settled at a table. I had just started in on my meatloaf when Branock snapped to his feet and saluted, I looked up and then stood up as the General approached.

"At ease Lieutenant, Mr. McClean. You gentleman mind if I join you?" He said and smiled that neon smile and looked at me.

"By all means, General, have a seat." I smiled back and returned to my meatloaf. Branock and the General talked about various housekeeping duties, perimeters and checkpoints and things called IGA's. I just kept eating my food and thinking about the knee that kept bumping into mine under the table. I thought I was initially mistaken but every few minutes the General's knee would bump into mine. Eventually it just leaned against mine and stayed there. Now given my conversations with Dr. Balmy and my self realization about my repressed sexuality I was really incapable of reacting like most gay men would have. I should have just tapped back but I froze and tried to keep eating.

Finally Branock excused himself and the General turned to me.

"So Dan, how'd it go with the computers?" he smiled and once again I felt him nudge me with his knee.

"Well General, I think I can have you boys running in a couple days and the testing done next week. What say you make arrangements to get me out of here by next Friday." I said.

"That's great Dan, I can make arrangements for you to be taken into the airfield for the weekend so you can go home and visit the family though."

"That's ok, General, I was going to work through the weekend and get this done. I haven't got anyone waiting at home for me anyway." I said as I played with my Jello.

"Not married?" he asked

"Divorced, and the kids have plans this weekend." I sighed. "How about you?"

He cleared his throat and said, "No, I'm married to the service. Career man, been in since I was 21."

"Not a bad idea actually, I sometimes wish I'd taken that route, except for my kids it would have been much less painful." I paused, "Cheaper too." Then I smiled at him.

He eyes twinkled as he smiled back and I felt the pressure against my knee again. "Fuck, I think he's coming on to me." I thought and smiled back.

"Dan, what you got planned for this evening? We haven't got much in the way of entertainment here. The rec hall has TV and ping pong and some video games. Just remember about the socializing thing." He said.

"Well General, I think I'm gonna avail myself of a long hot shower and try to get rid of the sand and then I'm gonna have myself a drink and make an early night of it." I said

He frowned slightly, "Don't get carried away with the drinking."

"General, I've been doing this install for 10 years I know how you soldier boys work. I'll be keeping myself out of everyone's way and you don't have to worry about a drop or two of bourbon around a Georgia boy like me." I said and smiled then a thought popped into my head, as the knee nudged me again, "Care to join me for one later?"

He thought a moment and then the knee moved away, "Sure my quarters are just behind yours. Come around after your shower and we'll sit on the porch and have that drink." He smiled again.

I excused myself and went back to my quarters. They were certainly less cheerful than a hotel room but I'd been in worse. I unpacked my suitcases and got the bottle of bourbon out of my briefcase. I went into the small bath and stripped my travel rumpled clothes off. I hung my suit up in the bathroom doorway so the steam would help hang the wrinkles out, (I hoped) and stood under the scalding water and let the warmth soak away the stiffness.

After my revelation about my repressed sexuality I had only shared the "good news" with the shrink. I was reticent to talk to my kids or ex-wife about it. They had had enough of my barbed comments, and general bad humor without having that laid on them also. I hadn't immediately gone to a gay bar or a cruising spot or anything, I had actually not even particularly thought about having sex with men. Suddenly though as I stood under the hot water, I knew I wanted the General. I could feel my 7 inch rod rise up at the thought of those warm brown eyes. I really didn't have too much of an idea of what I wanted to do with him, but getting naked was certainly involved.

I finished my shower and put on a pair of jeans and a polo shirt. I grabbed the bourbon and a couple of glasses that were in the bathroom and filled them with ice from the little fridge. I looked in the mirror and immediately thought how queer it was to do that. The screen door banged as I walked out into the chill night air. The stars were very bright more so than any time I could remember. I went around the side of my quarters and found a sidewalk that led between the buildings. It came out behind them and into a small open area that was backed by a larger version of my quarters. I could make out the front porch and I saw the motion of a figure rocking in a chair on the porch. At the foot of the steps the General's voice floated out to me and quietly invited me up. I went up and sat in the chair beside him.

"Hope you like bourbon, General. You see I got me some friends in Kentucky and they take great pride in their bourbon. Send me a bottle every year for my birthday, just now getting to open this one." I said and poured a couple fingers in each glass and handed one to the General.

"Bourbon's fine, Dan; I'm not much of a drinker. The occasional beer is about the best I do." He said and accepted the glass.

"Well to Buck and Kyle back in Frankfort, them would be fighting words, but your lucky I'll just make you drink this shit." I said and I could hear his quiet laughter. We developed a cheerful banter between us, and talked about "guy" things. My love of all things southern, and of course my favorite subject, Georgia Football. The General was an Army fan, go figure that one out and was a proud Latino who was active in Latino causes, namely education and bilingual access. We had soon consumed our first glass and I poured us each a second, "For the road, General." I said.

"Dan, when we're here why don't you call me Jock. I get tired of being called General all the time." He said and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"That'd be fine with me Jock. Don't suppose you'd care to tell me how you got that nickname." I said and chuckled a little then sipped the smooth firewater.

Jock laughed quietly and said, "Well my real name is Jorges, but my drill sergeant in basic didn't know how to pronounce it so he just called me Jock. I've been Jock to my friends ever since."

"Well Jock, I think I'd be honored to be in that number." I said quietly then raising my glass high, "To Buck and Kyle a pair of mean ass UNIX programmers."

I heard the ice clink in his drink as he sipped. We sat in the darkness and the only sound was the squeaking of the rockers and the night sounds of the desert.

"What's your life like, Dan?" he said in a quiet wistful way that I couldn't figure out.

I collected my thoughts took a long sip of my drink, trying to decide which version I should tell, the truth, or a very watered down version. I settled on the truth and said, "Well its pretty much like shit, Jock. Grew up in Thomasville, went to college in Athens then work in Atlanta. Got married to the first girl I ever screwed, had two wonderful kids, but we shouldn't have got married. Then divorced, the job pretty much is in the crapper, just hanging on for as long as I can to pad the 401k. Really just feel kinda lost. My shrink tells me its middle age and long repressed guilt for some crap that happened in my childhood, I think he's full of shit about a lot of things but that isn't one of them. I just work and wait for the end sometimes." I laughed but there was a bitter edge to it and he heard it. "What about you?" I took a long sip.

"Well pretty much the same, I guess. I Grew up in Tucumcari, went to the Academy at West Point and then a series of duty stations. I had a upwardly mobile career, promising future one of the youngest Generals, first one in my class, then shit happens. A couple bad decisions, and the career gets sidelined and I end up in this dust hole waiting for retirement in a couple years. Never married, no kids, folks are dead and my brothers and sisters are like strangers. I know exactly what the fuck you mean. I don't know what happened but somehow I feel like I've mislaid most of my life." He sighed

Ok so our little good ol boys having fun just went to shit. I could have done many things; I could have told him he was wrong or any number of trite things to ease the situation. This man had somehow plumbed the depths of my despair with his, so instead I did something I would never have thought of in a million years. I reached over and laid my hand on top of his.

"I'm sorry Jock." Is all I said. He turned his hand over and our palms met and his fingers interlaced with mine and he squeezed. We sat there holding hands and drinking our bourbon and rocking in those squeaky rockers. Somewhere, a long way off, a coyote howled and was answered from the other direction. I shivered and Jock stopped rocking and leaned close to me.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" he whispered.

"Jock, I've know? But...I want to...if you'll show me how." I stammered suddenly afraid and excited.

His hand held mine and his other came up to my chest and I felt his warm breath faint smell of bourbon, then his lips nuzzled my ear and rockets went off in my head. I turned and his lips touched mine. His were firm but soft at the same time and I could feel the stubble of his five o'clock shadow. My free hand came up and touched the side of his face, I could feel the weathered skin that had the faint traces of wrinkles the strong neck that only a lot of physical exercise can cause, I felt the prickle of his hair. I suddenly wondered if it was possible to have your heart come up your throat and out your mouth from beating too hard. His tongue touched my closed lips and I opened my mouth to let it in. He tasted of bourbon and some personal flavor, all his own. It was like kissing my ex-wife but infinitely more sexual. Time stopped for me.

Our lips parted and he said, "I've waited a long time for someone like you Dan. Sounds corny, but I feel like I've known you all my life."

I sighed and picked up my now empty glass. I looked at the bottom of the glass and then looked at Jock. "I'm past casual sex, Jock. I'm so screwed up; my wife left me, my kids don't really want to be around me. I'm opinionated and grumpy, hell I'm more than grumpy, my ex-wife thinks I'm a real sonnovabitch. Are you sure you wanna get involved with me? Cause I'm thinking that if this is as good as I'm feeling it is, you could have a lot of trouble getting rid of me."

His lips found mine again and I was lost in his kiss. He pulled back and said, "Lets go inside."

The rockers were left, I picked up the bottle and my glass and he picked up his glass and still holding my hand, he led me through the door and into a larger version of my own quarters, we went through the sitting room and into a bedroom that was furnished with a double bed. I realized absently that at some point in the past they must have had families here. Then he turned and took the bottle and glass from me and sat them on a night stand then his strong arms went around my waist and his lips were once again on mine. As his tongue was finding all my fillings his hands were moving under my shirt and up my chest. I was hard, more than hard. I was throbbing. I remember a buddy of mine in high school use to call it a purple throbber. Jock's hands were pushing my shirt up and I took it off then his hands were at the waist of my jeans and I felt the tightness give way as he loosened them and pushed them down and my aching dick was waving in the air between us. He pulled back and looked down at my pecker that was waving hi to him, and then looked me in the eye and smiled a smile of pure sexual delight. As I stepped out of my jeans and took my shoes and socks off, Jock was taking off his fatigue shirt and under shirt. He sat on the bed to remove his boots and I sat beside him and watched. His chest was perfectly smooth a nice foil to my dusting of light brown hair. I lay back on the bed when he stood up to take off his paints and watched as his perfect ass appeared and then his sculpted thighs.

When he turned around I was amazed and turned on by his 6 inches of uncut meat with a bush of jet black hair mounded around it. I scooted over and he lay down beside me. He turned towards me and his lips found mine again.

I could feel his dick poke me and the juice leaking out of both of us was quickly slicking everything down. My hands went down his strong back and I cupped his tight ass and moaned as he ground his crotch into mine. He shifted and pushed me to my back and his lips moved to my neck. His hands were alternately running across my chest and stroking my aching dick. His head moved down and I felt his lips touch my nipple, which had always been insignificant to me, a redundancy before, now became a vortex of sexual heat that was hard wired to my aching cock. His busy hands were making me crazy as he slipped lower and kissed first my treasure trail and then I felt his lips touch my cock head. I moaned loudly and he sighed as I slipped into his warm mouth. My hands were rubbing his stubbled hair and I said, "God Jock, I'm gonna cum."

He backed away and looked up at me and smiled then came back to my lips. We kissed for a while and then I decided that it was now or never so I started down his body with my lips. His nipples were like hard little buds as my tongue flicked them and he moaned. I ran my hands down his strong chest and across his rippled abs, finally ending as I clasped his dripping hard dick in my fist and started stroking like it was my own. He sighed and moaned and when my lips touched the exposed and plum colored head he sighed and said, "Shit." I let his rod slip past my lips and into my mouth keeping my teeth well protected with my lips. When he hit the back of my throat I stopped. His pubic hair beckoned but I didn't know how to go any deeper. My tongue made circles on the underside of his rod and he was moaning almost non stop. Suddenly he tensed and groaned and said "Fuck I'm gonna cum." I thought about what I could do and decided in for penny in for a pound and went back to giving the best head I knew how to. He put his hands on my head and slowly pushed until his cock was at the back of my mouth, my tongue swirling around his shaft. I heard him groan and felt his rod get even harder, and he said "fuck" once again and moaned as I felt his rod jerk and my mouth flood with his cum. He just kept cumming and I tried to swallow it but his dick was too far back in my mouth. His load dribbled out of my mouth and down his column and into his mound of black hair. Finally he released my head and pulled me up to his mouth. I had swallowed what I could and found it to taste much like my own. (Yes I've tasted it, and so has every other guy.) His tongue entered my mouth and he was still moaning. Then he rolled me back onto my back and looked into my eyes.

"You want me to suck you off or you wanna fuck me?" he said and smiled.

I sighed and said, "It's your bed, stud, you decide."

He rolled off me and reached into the bedside stand brought out a small bottle and a condom. He handed me the condom and popped open the bottle. He squirted a stream of liquid into his hand and started rubbing it into his crotch behind his balls. Then he grasped my sheathed dick and rubbed a lot on it. By this time my somewhat deflated manhood was once again at purple attention. He straddled my waist and leaned down and kissed me. I felt him lower his ass onto my rod and position it with one hand then I felt the pressure as his weight pushed against my rigid column, I was worried that he would bend it as the pressure increased then suddenly he sighed and I felt his ass part and my head slip in. Instinct took over and I thrust up into his warm tunnel and we moaned in unison. "God, you're so hot." I sighed as my hands went up his tight chest and clutched his shoulders and then I thrust my tongue down his throat and my dick up his ass and I fucked him like there was no tomorrow. He rocked up and down with my thrusts stroking me like my wife never could. I could fell the tension building and I noticed his dick was hard again and dripping and he was moaning on the down stroke as he forced my prick deep inside him. I was breathing like I'd run a marathon and the tension was more than I could stand when I moaned and went over the edge, "Oh Fuck Jock!" I groaned as I pounded the last time into his hole and he moaned I could feel my dick throbbing and dumping cum into the rubber and suddenly his cum was shooting across my abdomen and chest and he was still rocking and moaning.

He collapsed onto me and nuzzled my neck as our breathing returned to normal. I must have dozed off. I was awakened by the cold air from the open window blowing across my naked body. Jock had moved to beside me again and his arm was across my chest and his face nestled onto my shoulder. I brought my arm up and touched his shoulder. He jerked awake and I whispered, "It's alright Jock, it's just me. I need to close the window and take a piss."

When I returned he was sitting up against the headboard of the bed. I had looked at my watch and realized I needed to return to my own bed before morning. I sat beside him and reached for my clothes. His hands touched my shoulder and then pulled me down to him and his lips touched mine again and I realized it wasn't just a onetime thing, he could still make time stand still.

"I need to get back to my room. We have taken an awful chance, I could never forgive myself if you got into trouble." I whispered as his lips nuzzled my ear.

"Don't worry, Dan, no one comes to my quarters without calling first, we'd have plenty of time to get you out of here, but you're probably right, no sense taking a chance. This was your first time wasn't it?" he asked.

"Yeah, Jock guess I'm not quiet a virgin anymore, at least one end isn't." I said and smiled. "We might have to try the other end sometime."

"Dan, I hope...I mean...I don't usually...what I mean is...Oh fuck, I'm not good at this." He sighed.

"Jock, listen to me. What happened happened cause I wanted it to. It was great. I spent 10 years married to a woman and never had sex that was that good. I realize that you don't fuck every civvy that wanders on base, I don't think you're some kind of perv or anything like that. I felt a link between us when we were talking out there and this is a natural conclusion to that closeness." I said quietly and kissed him and pushed my tongue into his mouth. I brushed my hand across his chest and felt his nipple harden. I broke our kiss and sat back up. He watched silently as I dressed. I didn't bother with my socks and stuffed them into my pants pocket. I stood up and looked down at this beautiful man who had just led me over into a new life and smiled.

"Dan, I want to be with you again, OK?" he said.

I laughed and said, "Like there is any fucking way you're gonna get rid of me. I'll leave the bourbon here, for tomorrow night."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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