The Garden Of Eden-Episode One-Him

By moc.loa@ogriveibmorcrebA

Published on May 21, 2006



You know I regret the day I met Dean Lancaster. I regret the day that I fell in love with Dean Lancaster. I regret the day that I ever allowed Dean Lancaster to take away my innocence.

You see to understand why I loved him I have to tell you how we met. To tell you how I came to hate him I have to tell you why. To understand why I dedicated my life to hurting him I have to tell you what he did to me.

Let me take you back to the day in my freshman year of high school, the day when I lost the one person I would have died for.

"Someone is looking excited today," Melissa Lapre said as I walked up to her at her locker. "Did someone get some dick last night?"

"As a matter of fact, I did," I said with a smile. Melissa gasped.

"You little hoe," She said with a laugh. "You let him fuck you?"

"When you're in love its called Making love, Mel," I said to her and she scoffed.

"Who told you that Bull crap?" She asked me. "Love is so overrated."

"Is it because Justin timberlake hasn't responded to your love letters?" I asked her with a smile.

"Probably," She said to me. "So you ready for that test in Earth Science?"

"Shit, I was suppose to study last night," I said hitting my forehead. "But Dean came over...."

"So you just blew our chance at getting a good grade because you were blowing your boyfriend?" She asked me. Melissa always cheated off my test when she didn't study.

"I'm sorry," I said with a sheepish grin. "What can I say? It was fun."

"Jamal!" She said with a groan. I put my arm around her shoulders and started walking.

"Well, we can go cram in the student Lounge and I'll buy you a muffin. Okay?" I asked her. She smiled. "And by cram I mean tell you all last night and by buy you a muffin, I mean I won't."

Dean opened his eyes and read his clock. It read 9:15 a.m.

"Shit," He said jumping up. He smiled even though he knew he was late. He had fun last night.

Making love to the boy he loved. He had always wondered when he'd lose his virginity. All his friends had lost theirs in eight grade, from the same girl, and he knew then that he wanted something different. Then he met different. He met me in October of eighth grade year. He knew I was what he wanted. So he kissed me one day when I was at his house and well...Now we were dating.

"God, I love him," He said climbing out of bed and heading towards the bathroom for a quick shower. He had to hurry so he could catch the bus in the next 30 minutes. The phone rang so he answered it. "Hello."

"Dean," A voice said over the phone.

"Josh?" Dean asked confused. "Man, shouldn't you be in school."

"Yeah," Josh said. He sounded a little weird to Dean. "I went to school to look for you so we could talk but you weren't there so I just left."

"Oh my bad," Dean said to him. "I kinda overslept."

"I bet," Josh said and Dean didn't like how he said it. Like he had something to say.

"What do you wanna talk about?" He asked him.

"I know your secret," Josh said and Dean's heartbeat skipped.

"What secret?" He asked nervously.

"I know all about Jamal," Josh said to him.

"What about Jamal?" Dean asked trying not to sound nervous.

"Don't play dumb with me," Josh yelled making Dean jump. "Hurry up and get to school. We need to talk about this during lunch. If I don't see you there you might not recognize Jamal when you see him." Dean heard Josh hang up and he dropped the phone. His secret was out. He had thought they had been careful. He needed to see me.

"Jesse," I called out interrupting him and his girlfriend, Tiffany kissing.

"Dude, you're voice is not a voice I want to hear when I am making out with my girlfriend," He said breaking apart from her. He looked at my face. "What's wrong?"

"Have you two seen Dean at all today?" I asked them. They shook their heads.

"No sweetie," Tiffany said to me. "Is something wrong?"

"I don't know," I said to them. "We kinda had sex last night and I haven't heard from him since."

"Oh god," Jesse said and I looked at him. "Dean is pulling the classic "Don't call me, I'll call you" trick."

"Be glad you're my best friend cause I could so punch you," I said to him. I looked past him to see Dean. "There he is."

"I still think that's what he is doing," Jesse said to Tiffany, who elbowed him, as they followed me as I walked towards him.

"Hey," I said to him but he looked pissed. He drug me away from Jesse and Tiffany.

"Well, he looks pissed," Tiffany said looking at Jesse.

"Yeah," Jesse said looking down at his watch. "Break ends in about 7 minutes. You want to pay a visit to the abandoned bathroom?"

Dean led me down an empty hall.

"Did you tell someone about us?" Dean demanded. I looked at him.

"No," I said with a laugh. He shook at his head.

"You told your friends didn't you?" He asked me and I stammered.

"Okay, so I told them," I said throwing my hands up in the air. "I love you and I wanted them to know it. What's the big deal?"

"The big deal is you weren't suppose to tell anyone about us," Dean said to me. "The bigger deal is that you tried to lie. The biggest deal is that Josh knows about us."

"Josh knows?" I asked him. He nodded. "How?"

"If I knew then I would tell you," He said to me. "Look, I have to talk to him at lunch. Just promise me you will stay away from him."

"Promise," I said to him. He looked at me. "I'm not lying. I promise."

"Cool," He said kissing me on the cheek. "By the way, I had so much fun last night."

"I couldn't stop smiling this morning," I said to him.

"I bet," He said kissing me again.

"So it's true," A voice said from down at the end of the hall.

"Oh my god," I said seeing Josh.

"Josh, let's just talk about this," Dean said stepping in front of me. Dean was really shorter than I. It was funny he thought he had to protect me.

"So you really are a fag," Josh said walking closer to us.

"You are really an ass," I said to him folding my arms.

"Jamal," Dean warned. Josh smiled at us.

"Aw, that's cute," He said to us. "Fag love."

"What do you want, Josh?" Dean asked him. Josh stopped in front of Dean.

"I want you to break up with him," Josh said to him.

"What?" Dean and I asked in unison.

"He is not gonna do that," I said to him. "Because he loves me. So why don't you redirect that misplaced anger you have for us back at your mom where it belongs, k? Thanks. Dean, let's go."

"If you don't break up with him right now all hell will break lose," Josh said as we turned to leave. "I will tell everyone you are gay and you will be kicked off the soccer team and the wrestling team. You will lose all your friends. Your dad and your step dad will beat your ass. I will beat your ass. You will have nothing."

"He'll have me," I said to Josh.

"I know that is why I said he will have nothing," He countered.

"Josh, get it through your head that Dean and I are in love," I said to him. "And our love can withstand whatever hell you throw our way."

"I'll do it," Dean said suddenly. I looked at him.

"Dean?" I asked him. Josh smiled his evil smile.

"You'll do it?" He asked him. "Break up with him then."

"Jamal, we are through," Dean said to me without looking at me.

"Look him in the eye and say it," Josh commanded. Dean looked at me and saw the pain in my eyes. He was selling me out so that he could keep his perfect image.

"We're through," He said to me. His words were empty of emotions but his face made me feel weird. It was like he almost meant what he said.

"I don't believe that," I said to him.

"You should," Dean said and Josh put his arms around his shoulder. "Stay the hell away from me or you will regret it."

"Have a good day," Josh said to me as they walked off.

"Dean," I called out but he didn't turn around. "Dean! Dean!" This couldn't be happening. We couldn't be breaking up. He took my virginity the night before. He told me he loved me. I told him I loved him. This was just a joke. I followed after him and grabbed his arm.

"Don't touch me," Dean said shoving me on the ground. Tiffany, Jesse, and Melissa walked down the steps as they witnessed it. The five minute bell rung signaling for students to head to fourth period.

"What was that all about?" Jesse asked me. I couldn't believe it. I lost Dean. The one thing I ever really cared about.

"Jamal?" Melissa asked me. "What happen? Did something happen?"

"I lost Dean," I said to them and they all looked at one another.

Okay, this is the first installment of The Garden of Eden. When u read it let me know what you think. Did it stink? Did you like it?

In episode 2, Dean asks one of Jamal's friends out prompting a fight. Jamal and Tiffany play tour guides to two new students and Jamal sinks his teeth in one when he discovers that the boy has a connection to Josh. Jesse feels as if he and Tiffany are outgrowing each other and considers cheating on her.

Join my yahoo group for more fiction...

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