The Games We Play

By Kryton Ex

Published on Sep 27, 2001



Disclaimer: This story contains sex and sexual situations between two consenting adult males. If you have issues with this stop reading while there is still disclaimer left. This story is completely fictional; the characters exist only in the realm of my mind. Comment are welcome, flames are not. Enjoy.

The Games We Play


Do you ever think about how people will affect your life when you first meet them? I mean if only you could know from that first handshake how much of an impact that person was going to have on your life I bet the both of you would take off running. Maybe it's best that we don't know. When I first met Patrick I had no idea what I was in store for, the most bitter-sweet year of my life is how I would describe it. I met Patrick my sophomore year of college. All freshmen were required to live in the dorms; I stayed at school that summer and decided to stay in the dorms for my second year too. Maybe I stayed because I hate moving, maybe it was because I was so busy with QC to worry about apartments, maybe it was because I was destined to meet Patrick.

I had been in the same room all freshman year and all summer, but I had it as a single during the summer. I threw all my junk on my side of the room and left for the QC officers meeting. QC is the university LGBTAA Organization, when I joined it freshman year it had maybe ten active members counting me. The senior in charge really did not care about the failing club so by the second semester we had five active members. Even the president quit, since I cared the most about the club I got voted president. I made the people who held on all this time officers and we worked like crazy to get our membership up. By the end of the second semester we went from five members to thirty and some of us stayed over the summer to work on the incoming freshman. We had a lot of gay people at our school, it's a really big university, but none of them wanted to be part of QC because of really crappy organization. I fixed that, now I just needed to let people know that I fixed that. Well, like I was saying I had gone to the QC meeting, it was about an hour long, then we all went out for lunch. When I got home I saw that my new roommate was moving in.

Now I had heard about "nightmare roommates" like the big dumb jock, or the super-nerd that dates his computer and never leaves the room, or the scary Goth that pretends to worship Satan to scare their conservative roommate. All these things I was prepared for. Even I am a type of nightmare roommate; I am the political gay. Not only am I gay, I have to make sure everyone knows it, my side of the room was covered in rainbows and pink triangles, so are half my shirts. I even have this giant rainbow flag on the wall over my bed. But Patrick had me beat. When I first entered my room, I noticed the very nice butt my roommate had because he was bent over emptying a box. As he stood up I notice how nice the rest of him was. He was about 5'9, dusty blond hair that was about two-inches long all around and a nice firm build. I walked in and dropped my bookbag on my bed, which is when he realized I was there. He turned to me smiling, flashing the whitest most perfect teeth I had ever seen and he reached out his hand to shake mine. He had a firm grip, I was liking this, I was liking this a lot.

"Hi, my name is Patrick," he said.

"Hi, I am Ken-ny," I replied back. That is when I saw it. On the wall directly across from my flag was a painting of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I was prepared for a lot. I was not prepared for this. Before I could say anything else other than my name his parents came in, they both introduced themselves to me then went back to moving in their son. I was sitting on my bed watching them unpack and feeling very awkward. I was hoping that it was not as bad as I thought, that maybe he wasn't THAT religious. It was worst, as his mother was hanging his clothes in the closet she was reminding him of all the stuff he had to get done. "Well, we've talked to the pastor here, he seems very nice, you will meet him Sunday. Church is from noon until four and the dress code is much looser because you are college students. My baby in college, I think I am going to cry again."

"Mom please, you are embarrassing me." He said making a gesture towards me reminding her that they weren't alone.

She looked at me and asked, "So, what church do you go to?" I answered. "None." Her only reply was, "Oh." then she continued with her son's religious "to do" list. "Bible study is on Thursday. Aaron should be here in an hour to show you the campus. I think this is your last bag. Do you have anything else you need to unpack?"

"Nope, I just need to hook up my computer and I will be done."

"Well, your father and I need to get back on the road. Give me a kiss. Take care of yourself."

Soon after his parents were gone. Causing a very unpleasant silence in the room. By that time I was lying in bed reading. Patrick felt a need to talk to me. I gave the shortest possible answers to let him know that I did not want to talk to him. Half of my room was covered in Christian paraphernalia. I wanted to speak to this guy as little as possible. But he kept asking endlessly stupid questions like, "Where are you from?"

"New York."

"Oh, I have family from there. What do your parents do?"

"Child psychologists."

"Really? Both of them?"


"Wow.that's weird. My dad runs a factory and my mom is a stay at home mom. That must have drove you crazy having your parents experiment on you all the time."

I did not feel like explaining that my parents could not use me as a test subject because they were my parents, that would have required talking to him, so I just answered, "yep."

I was finally saved by a knock at the door. Patrick's friend Aaron had arrived to show him the campus. Aaron took a quick look around the room and remarked on how "interesting" it was. Then him and Patrick left. I went back to reading my book and wondering how long it would take me to get rid of my new roommate. I thought I should make a pass at him, that would send him running.


When my parents left I was so nervous. My first time alone at college. I am glad Kenny was there, else I probably would have gone crazy. He seems pretty nice, but I think he is really shy. When Aaron showed up, I was happy to see a face from home. Aaron is a Junior. We are from the same town, so my mom made sure that he would show me the ropes so I would not be totally lost here. My mom is always looking out for me.

Aaron had shown me half the campus before the conversation turned to my roommate. We had been talking about everything going on at home.

"So how do you like Kenny?"

"He seems nice. Shy though."

"Must be weird you two living together."

I thought he meant because he wasn't religious, but then I realized that Aaron did not know that, he wasn't there when my mom asked him about church, so I asked, "Why would living together be weird?"

"I mean him being gay and all."

"He's gay? How do you know that?"

"Half of your room is covered in rainbows."


"That is a symbol for gay people."

I had thought he just liked rainbows. "Oh." I answered.

Eventually the conversation moved off of Kenny and to other things, like what classes I was taking and what books I would need. I wasn't sure what I thought about Kenny after that. I had not met anyone who was gay before, but I knew I wouldn't treat him any differently. I just hoped he wouldn't have sex in front of me.


I tried to hate him. I tried really really hard, but the meaner I was the nicer he was. Then when I did stuff to piss him off instead of being pissed he would just look at me with those big brown eyes in bewilderment. You know the look a puppy gives you when you kick him for no reason. Well, Patrick had coined that look. So every time I tried to hurt his feelings, I found myself apologizing.

We wound up becoming friends. Good friends. He never even mentioned anything about me being gay, so I wondered if he knew at times. Then I assured myself he had to know. I talked about QC all the time. He knew that it was the school LGBTAA organization and that I was president. No one has that much trouble putting two and two together. Then one night it happened. He tried to Christianize me.


I put down my candy bar and turn from my computer and look at his bed where he was lying in just boxers, one of his knees was bent and he was gently rocking his leg back and forth while reading. He was teasing me without even knowing it. "Yes?" I asked.

"Will you come to church with me this Sunday?"


He got out of bed and wrapped his arms around my neck. "Please, just this one time, we are supposed to bring people and I want to bring you."

For some reason Patrick always reminded me of honey when I was close to him. I don't know if it was his soap or his shampoo or what. But I have one hell of a sweet tooth and every time he hugged me, which he did quite frequently, I had to fight the urge to lick him. I continued to protest, but Patrick had already found my weakness. Usually most people respond to my coarse personality with anger, I can out do anyone when it comes to cruelty and anger, but Patrick had already realized what few others knew. I am helpless in the face of kindness, I don't understand it, I fear it, it conquers me. When I am barking out commands at QC people grumble and do them and things get done well. No one begs me like Patrick does. If the social committee begged for more funding instead of screaming about not having enough money for what they want to do, instead of standing firm on my decision I would have QC bankrupt in the first month. Thinking about how my officers at QC would never stoop this low gave me an idea about how to get out of this church thing, I said, "I'll go if you go to the QC meeting tonight." I gave a smirk knowing I had won until Patrick jumped up in victory.

"I knew that you would say yes, and I get to meet all your friends. This is going to be so cool. I get to meet your friends then on Sunday you can meet all mine." Patrick was throwing on clothes so he would be ready. I on the other hand was contemplating slamming my head through my computer screen to get out of this. Instead I turned to my candy bar for comfort, then two more before we left and as we departed I grabbed one more just in case.

Well, we arrived at the classroom where the QC meetings were held. About forty people were walking around talking and drinking punch, waiting for the meeting to start. I thought Patrick would be crouched behind me the entire time but the second we entered the door he shouted, "Hey, Michelle and Jessica." Then began walking over to two very good friends of mine, a lesbian couple that ran my social committee. I was very interested to know how he knew them so I followed him over. I find out that they go to church together! My two favorite lesbians, closet Christians! It was all too much for me. My attention was needed elsewhere so I left Patrick in the process of becoming the best friend of everyone in the room. Damn him and his charisma.

After a brief update of what was going on with each committee, Jessica took the floor. "Well, since my dear Kennedy," she always called me by my real name, I hated my real name, "would not let us buy both balloons and color posters for the annual QC Bash," she gave me a mean look, "we got the much cheaper black and white posters and a lot of markers. Guess what we will be doing at today's meeting." Groans came from Jessica's audience while the rest of the social committee began passing out boxes of posters and markers.


They colored! I was expecting anything but that. Honestly I had a Roman orgy in mind. I was totally put at ease when I saw two girls from my church there. That allowed me to be my usual social self and a lot of people gave me their numbers so we could hang out sometime. Some of them seemed really nice like Kenny's best friend Alex. He hung out with me the entire time that I was there, we even colored together. I hope once Kenny realizes I like his friends he will bring them around more often and open up some. After the meeting Kenny and his friends were going out to the Coffeehouse, they invited me too.

Kenny is scary around sweets, in the time we were there, he had two chocolate chip cookies, two peanut butter cookies and two sugar cookies which would not have been so bad had he not been drinking cocoa. My teeth were hurting just watching Kenny so I had tea without sugar, which Alex was nice enough to pay for. Kenny got wrapped up in a conversation with Michelle and Jessica while I was in the corner talking to Alex. Alex told me all this stuff about Kenny that Kenny had never mentioned. Like his name wasn't actually Kenny, it was Kennedy. His mom named him after her favorite president; his name almost ended up being George. It asked as in George Washington and Alex said no, as in Curious George the monkey, his mom's favorite fictional character. Since, Kenny's father believed in the power of names, he did not want his son forever getting into messes out of curiosity so he fought for his wife's second choice, Kennedy, because at least that way he would be a good leader.

I asked Alex how he knew all this stuff about Kenny. He replied, "We used to date."

"Why did you two break up?" I asked.

"We are too much alike, we make better friends than lovers, anyway I went home with him for spring break, once you get his parents talking they never stop. Interesting people though. But enough about Kenny, tell me about you."

That is when he leaned in close to me. He was totally invading my personal space. Then it hit me, he thought I was gay. He had just seen me at a gay meeting; he had no reason to think I wasn't gay. I was going to just explain why I was there and everything would be fine. But before I could open my mouth, Kenny walked over, sat in my lap and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Is the bad man bothering you, honey?" he asked.

I began to blush and answered, "No we were just talking, sweetie."

"Well, I am ready to go. You ready?"

I nodded. He stood up and we said our good byes to everyone and then departed.

When we got home, I took a shower and got ready for bed. When I came out Kenny was already in his briefs, but he hadn't gotten in bed yet, he was still at his computer. I took a quick glance over his shoulder to see what he was looking at. Porn. I stopped glancing over his shoulder and got into bed. When he realized I was in the room he cut off the monitor and walked over to my bed.

"Let me tuck you in," he said as he pulled my blankets up to my neck. Then he ran his fingers through my hair as he talked to me. I liked when he did that. "So did you have fun tonight," he asked me. I nodded. "Good," he said. Then he leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips. I felt a small shock when it happened, but it was so quick I had my doubts that it did happen. He didn't seem to make anything of it; he just smiled at me and went to bed, saying goodnight as he pulled the covers over his head.


I did my duty. I went to church with him; it wasn't as painful as I thought it would be. It was kind of nice after I got over feeling like the anti-Christ. They were nice people; they hugged me a lot and after church gave me many pastries. Like I said, it wasn't too bad. A couple days after that I walked in on Patrick doing the oddest thing. He was sitting on his bed with his Terri cloth robe wrapped around him taking an electric razor to his leg. I sat down across from him, on my bed and stared. When I was still incapable of figuring out what he was doing and he was concentrating on what ever it was far to hard to notice my expression of bafflement I finally gave in and asked, "What are you doing?"

Still concentrating on his task he mumbled, "I missed a spot."

"A spot of what?"

"Hair, on my leg. When I was in the shower shaving I missed a spot. I hate when I miss a spot."

I was now more confused than ever, "You shave your legs? Why?"

"For swimming, I shave everywhere."

Now maybe it's just me, it's probably everyone. When someone says they do anything everywhere the first spot I think of is their genitals. I figured when he said everywhere, he overlooked that part. So I asked, "everywhere?"

"Well, except for my head, yes."

I still assumed we were not on the same page so I asked again putting emphasis on the word everywhere, "You shave everywhere but your head?" He once again said yes. He finished with the spot he had missed and looked up at me. He could tell from my expression that I did not believe him. It wasn't that I thought he was lying, I just thought he was to dim to realize I was asking about his dick. He was really insulted that I did not take his word. He stood up untying his robe and saying, "Fine, I will show you." He dropped his robe to the ground and my eyes went right to his equipment. Yep, he shaved everywhere. I laid back on my bed and took this time to ogle his very nice physique. He had covered his face with his hands, as if not being able to see me look at him meant that I wasn't looking. He was blushing all over. If he was going to stand there naked and let me stare at him I was going to stare. After I committed his front to memory I told him to turn around. He asked why and I told him to see if his back was shaven. He said that he didn't even grow hair on his back, I just told him to turn around again and he complied. His back side was just as beautiful as his front, but I did not get to see it for long because he grabbed a pair of boxers out his drawer and put them on. As he was heading to his computer he noticed the bulge in my pants. He pointed to it and coyly asked, "Was that from looking at me?" I nodded. He said, "Well, if you need to take care of it, I can leave." I said, "No need." He probably thought I meant I wasn't about to masturbate, I meant he didn't have to leave for me to do it. I'm not shy. He sat down at his computer. I stood up in between our beds and began stripping. He looked up, realized what I was doing and quickly looked back to the screen. I laid in my bed completely naked and began to stroke myself. I let out slight moans, which caused Patrick to continuously peek behind him to see what I was doing. Each time I was looking right at him, because I had never taken my eyes off him. He was the object of my fantasy at the moment. After awhile of him pretending like he wasn't looking I finally told him that he would probably feel less weird if he just turned around and watched instead of pretending like he wasn't. He took my advice; he stood up from his computer sporting a raging hard-on and sat down next to me on my bed. I took his hand that was resting near my hip and slowly glided toward my cock giving him time to yank his hand away if I was going to far. I guess I hadn't because he grabbed my dick and just held it for a minute. He looked up at me; I had put my hands behind my head, just waiting for him to get me off. He looked back at my cock and slowly began to stroke it. I began to moan and arched my back to encourage him. He started to stroke me faster. Usually someone else giving you a hand job feels better that you giving yourself one. But having him touch me turned me on more than anything else ever had. I figured this is what happens when you go too long without sex. Your straight roommate gives you the best hand job of your life. Soon I was moaning that I was about to cum. Patrick just increased his concentration and jacked me off faster. I came leaving a trail of cum from my chest to my dick. And there was Patrick, sitting there with his hand covered in my cum, still holding my softening dick. This was going to get real awkward real fast. So I broke the silence by asking, "Do you want me to reciprocate?" He nodded. I got up on my knees and wiped us both off with my shirt. Then I pushed him back on my bed so he would be lying across it. I then pulled off those boxers to uncover the most perfect erect dick I had ever seen, it was about seven inches and cut. It was this lovely shade of light brown that was a perfect match to his hue. I had to have it. I made some comment about not liking to give hand-jobs and dived on his dick. What I said was true, I don't like giving hand jobs, why touch it when you can taste it. When I first went down on him he sucked in his breath totally unprepared for what I was about to do. Then I felt him relax beneath me once he realized that it was just a blowjob, no need to panic. I began to play with his head with my tongue, he began moaning softly. I then began taking more and more of his cock in my mouth. I felt his hand on the back of my head, but he didn't push me down on his dick, he just ran his fingers through my hair. I was thinking about sticking my finger up him ass, but then I realized that was the best way to end this abruptly so I didn't. I knew he was about to cum because I felt his fingers tightening around my hair. I prepared myself to swallow every drop of his load, but this guy came like this was his first orgasm and his semen had been pent up in his balls for years. I could not catch it all, but his semen tasted really good, I wondered what he had been eating; like everything about him even his semen was sweet and I found myself licking up every lost drop from around his cock and off his smooth shaven balls. After he was thoroughly cleaned by my tongue, I sat up and looked at him. Just as I had feared, he looked guilt ridden. He got off my bed, quickly put on all his clothes and told me he had to go somewhere. Still sitting their naked with my chin resting comfortably on my knee I nodded and he was gone.


I needed to talk to someone. I needed a friend who would be totally impartial. The first person that came to mind was Aaron. When he opened the door he took one look at my face and assumed the worst. He led me to his room, closed the door and asked, "What's wrong?" I relayed the events that had just happened with Kenny. When I was done I looked up at Aaron expecting him to be disgusted with me. Instead he just shrugged and said, "It happens." This was in no way helpful, so I actually asked him the question on my mind.

"Do you think I am gay?"

He asked, "Do you think you are gay?"

"Well, with what happened today, do you think that makes me gay?"

"Like I said, it happens."

"Has it ever happened to you?"


I was shocked, "With who?"


"Your best friend in high school?"


"Are you gay?"


"How do you know?"

"I like women. I am attracted to women. Just because Timothy and I blew each other a couple times after school doesn't change that fact. Guys get horny, sometimes stuff happens. It doesn't mean anything."

"But you were dating Kate."

"Loved her too, but she didn't give head, Timothy did."

"So you can do stuff with guys and not be gay?"

"I think so."

I was starting feel better. Then he crushed my fragile sense of comfort.

"But I am wondering about you."


"Well, because you made such a big deal out of what happened. Straight guys usually don't worry about being straight, it comes naturally for us."

Us? What did he mean by us? A group excluding me, that is what he meant. He thought I was gay and he just wasn't going to say it.

"Thanks Aaron, I just needed someone to talk to, I am going to get back home now, I am kind of hungry."

"You could have dinner here if you want."

"Nah, I'm fine. Thanks again for being here for me."

"No problem." He gave me a hug and I departed for the dorm.

When I arrived back I could see that my suddenly leaving had bothered Kenny by the long trail of candy wrappers from his bed to his computer. I wondered where he put them at; he had the nicest build. Slim and muscular, with short black hair and the most piercing blue eyes. I stood in the doorway just staring at him for awhile, he knew I was there but he was ignoring me. I finally worked up the courage to walk over to him and touch his shoulder. He looked up from his computer into my eyes.

"I'm sorry I freaked out like that," I said.

He replied, "I'm sorry I freaked you out like that."

He could be so sweet sometimes, usually after the consumption of large amounts of junk food. "Well, if a guy had to give me my first blowjob, I am glad it was you." His eyes got big, "that was your first blowjob?"

"Yep." I answered.

He looked back at his computer screen mumbling, "I can't believe I took his cherry." I laughed and asked if he was ready for dinner.


Note to self, don't blow roommate. It took a week for things to become totally normal for us again, but they finally did. But then I had the misfortune of cutting my poly sci class. I decided I wasn't going to go so I did not have to wait in the library for two hours for it to start. That meant I came home three hours earlier than I usually do. I walked in on Patrick playing with himself. He was terribly embarrassed. I was very much amused. He was completely naked; he was trying to cover himself with his blanket, but since he was lying on it he was having large amounts of trouble. It was the funniest thing I had ever seen; there was no way I was going to look away. I was almost at my computer when I noticed it. There was something white and cylinder in his ass. Before I could figure out what it was he managed to get the covers over him so I asked, "What's that white thing in your ass?"

He replied, "Can we not talk about this?"

I said, "Sure. Right after you tell me what is in your ass."

He looked down at the floor and mumbled, "A shampoo bottle."

My mouth was agape. "Why is there a shampoo bottle up your ass?"

"You said we wouldn't talk about this."

I did give my word, so I started playing computer games. Sure I broke into laughter many times that day, but I didn't talk about it anymore.

The next day I went to Alex's room. I told him we needed to go shopping, Alex knew I hated shopping, in my opinion there were just too much of everything. Who the hell wants to decide between twenty different brands of cola? I just want pop. I don't even have a preference in junk food, if it is sweet I like it. Alex asked me what I needed to buy, I said a dildo. That grabbed his roommates attention, he was the super-geek type of roommate, he turned from his computer and stared at me through his glasses. I stared right back. Alex followed my eyes to his roommate and asked, "Would you like us to bring you back one too?" That made his roommate turn back around and at least pretend to mind his own business. Alex looked back at me confused, he knew I was not a toy type person, so I explained.

"It's a gift, for a friend."

Alex answered with an "Ah." and off we went to the porn store.

Just as I feared and the exact reason I brought Alex, there were three thousand different kinds of dildos and I had no idea what to get. Alex began questioning me, "So how big?"

"I don't know."

"This friend of yours, how big does he like his dicks?"

"It's for Patrick, I walked in on him bonding with a shampoo bottle so I thought I'd get him a dildo. So I guess a shampoo sized dildo." A few people in the store stopped and looked at me when I said that, I just ignored them staring at the wall of endless multi- colored dicks.

Alex replied, "I bet that was one of those really embarrassing things he was hoping you wouldn't share with people."

I shrugged.

Alex sighed. "Okay, My shampoo is not shaped like a phallus so that won't help. I know how big you are, is he comfortable with you."

"You know how big I am?"

"Yeah, I measured you when we were dating, you don't remember?"

I was in the state I am in whenever I am faced with a shopping situation, this sad daze, mesmerized by what I felt was an insurmountable amount of dicks. How would we ever find the right one? My mind went back to Alex's question and I answered, "No."

"You don't know how big you are?"

"Why should I care, I can't fuck myself, I know how big you are."

"For future reference you are 8 and ¬ inches, so is he comfortable with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Does it still hurt when you fuck him." Alex said that kind of loud and grabbed the attention of the entire store.

"I don't know, I haven't fucked him."

"You two aren't fucking?"


"Then why are you buying him sex toys?"

I shrugged.

Alex stepped behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pushing his groan up against my ass. Softly nibbling on my neck he said, "If you ain't getting if from him, you must be damn horny, why don't we go back to my place and really give my roommate something to stare at, I'll even let you be on top."

I pulled his arms from around my waist still looking at the dildos, I quietly said, "I'm not in the mood."

Alex was shocked, "You? Not in the mood for sex? Man, you got it bad for Patrick."

I weakly objected, "No I don't."

We finally settled on a nice blue 7-inch gel dildo. It was really pretty, it had this nice slippery texture I liked, it felt soft and hard at the same time. As I was walking up to the register, Alex asked what he was using for lube. I had no idea. He said that if he was too shy to buy the dildo he doubted he bought lube. So I picked up a big bottle of raspberry flavored lube to match the dildo. I left it on his bed with a little note then headed out to the QC meeting.


I come home from having dinner at Aaron's and what do I find on my bed? A big blue dildo, lube and a note saying, "I figured you should give your shampoo bottle a rest." I began to blush without anyone there to even see me be embarrassed. My first thought was there was no way I was sticking that up my ass with him knowing about it. Then I picked it up; it had the most interesting of sensations. It felt really nice and I became more and more curious about what it would feel like inside me.

I eventually gave in to my curiosity and pulled off my pants and boxers. I laid in the bed and lubed up my new toy, then I put lube on my fingers and lubed up my hole. I positioned the dildo up to my asshole and slowly pushed it in. It felt so good that I found myself playing with my ass for a good thirty minutes before I even thought about jacking off. I barely had to touch myself to cum all over my chest and stomach. I got up and showered, taking the dildo with me to play with some more while I was in the shower. I was dressed and innocent looking far before Kenny would get home but something made me want to get caught, to turn red beneath his gaze. So right around the time I thought he would show up I ripped off my clothes and laid in bed with the dildo in my ass waiting. It was so hard for me not to play with myself as I waited. When I heard the familiar sound of his keys at the door, I began fucking myself with the dildo. He walked in, closed and locked the door, then looked down at me. He paused for a second then said, "I see you got my gift."

"It's a real nice gift." I replied.

"I'm glad you like it." He then moved to his bed sat facing me and picked up a book! He wasn't going to watch me. To get his attention back to me I asked, "You want to try it, it feels really good."

He put down the book and said, "Not really my thing."

I pulled the dildo out my ass. Then walked over to his bed completely naked. I felt his eyes moving up from my crotch to my eyes. I began to straddle him and he made room for me on his lap by wrapping his arms around my hips. I kissed him softly on his lips, then leaned in again to kiss him more passionately, our tongue's invading each other's mouths. I broke our kiss to ask, "So what is your thing?"

He ran his finger down the middle of my chest then looked back into my eyes and answered, "You are." My entire body tingled when he said that. That is when he lifted me up and laid me down on his pillow. Passion gives you strength to do stuff like that; I had no idea he could lift me so easily. There I was lying there with this really hot guy licking my upper torso. Then he said to me, "I really want to fuck you, do you want me to fuck you?" I had always had this thing about my ass, when I first discovered masturbation I had also discovered my prostate. I started putting little household items up my ass and worked my way up. I didn't think it meant I was gay, I just liked the way stuff felt up my ass. I really wanted Kenny inside me, but all of a sudden this rush of guilt ran over me. It almost drowned me with its intensity. At this point Kenny was fingering my asshole and that felt really good. Every touch had a double meaning, there was as much guilt as pleasure with every kiss, every caress. I could not continue. "You have to stop," I said. "Why do you want me to stop? Doesn't it feel good?" he asked while still sucking on my nipple and fingering my ass. Ignoring his second question I answered his first, "Because I don't have the strength to make you stop and I can't do this." The second those words came out my mouth he stopped touching me. He just sat there at the edge of his bed staring at the wall with this expression of total anger on his face. I suddenly felt very naked at that moment. I picked up my boxers from the floor, put them on and went to bed without saying a word. I heard Kenny get undressed and he also went to bed.


That was all I could take. Talking about a cock tease, he defines the term. I stopped speaking to him unless he asked me a question then I gave him the most short and precise answer I could. This time he did not mistake my not speaking to him for shyness, he knew I was pissed. He did everything he could to make me forgive him, but I wouldn't. There was only one thing he could do that would make me forgive him. He had to love me as much as I loved him. I had admitted it to myself. I was in love with a closet case. Now he had to admit he was gay or I was going to make him as miserable as he was making me.

He tried everything, he baked me cookies, he did my laundry, he gave me his pudding at lunch. All these things would have worked had he not committed the ultimate crime. Making me love him. I realize now how childish I was being, that he was hurting and I decided to hurt him more for pulling me down into his mess. But at the time it seemed like a good plan.

Actually my plan of making him feel like shit worked, sorta. One night while again trying to beg for my forgiveness, he finally came to the conclusion that there was only one way to win my forgiveness, to give me what I wanted. He grabbed my face and began kissing me. We wound up naked and in his bed. I was fingering his ass again and I asked him once again, "Do you want me to fuck you?" He had his eyes closed and was biting his bottom lip. He was so beautiful. "Yes." He said between moans. But was I satisfied, no. I wanted more.

"But Patrick, getting fucked up the ass by a gay guy isn't a very straight thing to do, are you sure you still want it."

He remained silent concentrating on how I was making his body feel.

"Tell me what I want to hear Patrick," I demanded.

"I love you." That should have been enough, but I am a greedy bastard. "And." I asked. He wouldn't answer me. "Say it Patrick." Still nothing. "Tell me that you are gay and I will make love to you for the rest of the night." I saw his lips forming the words but they wouldn't come out. What did come was an ocean of tears. I spent that night just holding him while he cried onto my chest. Yes, I have a remarkable ability of not getting laid when it comes to my dear sweet Patrick.


I woke up with my head buried in Kenny's neck. I got ready for school and left. I really did not want things to get weird between us but I needed to think. I spent all of my religious history course, "The Life of Jesus Christ" thinking about Kenny's finger up my ass. Fortunately, that was the only class I needed to go to that day. I found myself at Aaron's house once again, explaining to my friend what had happened. When I was done all he said was, "You're gay."

I tried to object, but then he stopped me. "I am your friend, until you admit this, you will be miserable and you will make him miserable, you are gay."

"But I'm not sure I am." I weakly protested.

"Dude, you stick stuff up your ass for fun, you're gay."

Maybe I should have left that part out. I sat there staring at my shoes. Then Aaron asked, "Okay, have you ever been attracted to a girl?"

I quickly answered, "yes!" thinking there was still hope.

"Who?" he asked.

I could not think of a single girl.

"What about guys? Any guys you are attracted to?"

I replied, "There are guys I like being around."

"Like who?"

"I don't know, you, Kenny, Alex."

"Who is Alex?"

"Kenny's best friend."

"And why do you like being around him?"

"The way he acts, he makes me feel all fluttery."


"Hard to explain."

"Do you think he is attractive?"

"I can see why people think he is attractive."

"Do you think he is attractive?"

"Yeah, I guess I do."

"What about Kenny?"

"I love Kenny."

"And are you attracted to him?"

I sat there for a few minutes pretending like I was considering when I was really working up the courage to answer.


"Do you want to have sex with him?"

"Very much so, yes.I'm gay aren't I?"

"Yup." I fell back on Aaron's bed, covering my face with my hands. That's when I felt Aaron's arms wrap around me, he held me tightly against his chest and I began to cry again. Once I had pulled myself together I decided I needed to go talk to Kenny. Before I left Aaron asked, "When we were talking you named me among the `guys you like to be around'," he made quotation marks in the air, "does that mean you think I'm hot?" I kissed him, before he even realized what happened my tongue was in his mouth. After the initial shock, I felt his body relax against mine, with his arms wrapped around my waist he returned my kiss. I even felt him becoming aroused. I stepped back ending our kiss just as abruptly as it started and answered him, "I think you are very hot." Then I ran out the door to go make amends with Kenny and finally get laid.


I woke up in Patrick's bed alone with a really sore neck. I got up and took a shower for my poor aching neck. Then I rotated between reading and computer games not being able to focus on either. Fortunately, I had bought Bon-Bons for an event like last night. So there I was at the computer drowning my sorrow in ice-cream and chocolate when he walked through the door.

"I need to talk to you," he said.

I turned around, folded my hands in my lap and listened attentively. That's when he started. "I've been thinking. I love you, I love you more than anything in this world and if I am going to be with you I can't do it half-assed. If I'm going to give myself to you it has to be mind, body and soul. You are right, I am gay."

He stood there waiting for my reply. I began to laugh hysterically. He frowned. I asked him, "How long were you practicing that?" When he realized why I was laughing he began laughing too.

"I've been standing in the hall pacing back and forth for the last thirty minutes. My first version was, `fuck me, please'. I thought this draft was better."

I was still laughing. "I would have found both hilarious." I said. I stopped laughing and walked over to him. I looked him right in his eye and asked him, "Are you sure?"

He replied, "I am very sure." That is when I kissed him. We slowly peeled off each other's clothes. I laid him on my bed and began to lick every part of his body. He just closed his eyes and totally surrendered his body to me, that turned me on immensely. I worked my way down to his dick making sure no part of his upper body missed a visit from my tongue. Then I licked the tip of his dick causing him to giggle. Mental note, Patrick's dick is ticklish. I wrapped my mouth around the head and began to suck it. Then I moved on, making sure I licked the entire shaft after that I moved down to his balls. I chewed and sucked his inner thighs all the way down to his toes.

Damn he tasted good, I pushed his legs up and he held them there for me, exposing his cute little pucker. I had to kiss it. I buried my face in his ass and began fucking his hole with my tongue. He began to moan louder and spreaded his legs further to give me better access. He began rocking against my mouth. My dick was getting so hard. I had to fuck him. I crawled up to his ass, positioning my dick in front of his hole. I gently pressed against his hole and asked, "You want me to fuck you?"

He opened his eyes and looked up at me, "Stop teasing me, yes I want you to fuck me right now," he pleaded. With that I pushed all eight inches into him at once. He quickly inhaled from the shock of me doing that, grabbing my dick with his tightening asshole, after a few moments he began to relax his muscles letting me once again have control of his body. I began to slowly fuck him, exchanging soft kisses as he moaned with his legs wrapped around me. I increased my speed and he could no longer concentrate on kissing me, his head went back and I could feel that he was at the edge. So I sped up more, that did it, Patrick yelled as stream after stream of cum came from his dick. The neighbors had to have heard us. I wasn't much quieter though, his orgasm caused him to tighten his ass, which was just too much for me, I was cumming inside him seconds later.

We laid there in post orgasmic bliss, when Patrick lifted his head from my chest and said, "You know I do love you, right? This wasn't just about sex." He looked at me with those big pleading puppy dog eyes. I pushed his head back down on my chest and answered, "I know. I love you too. Now go to sleep." He did, I soon heard the steady breathing that signified Patrick's sleep. I on the other hand could not sleep. I kept wondering how this naive, cute kid could make such a difference in my life. When I first shook hands with Patrick four months ago I wasn't prepared for him, and he definitely wasn't prepared for me. I am glad we both had no idea of the storm that was coming because we might have chosen a different path and I must say the rewards at the end of this one was well worth the journey.

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