The Games Men Play

By R. A. Swain / Mnhowler

Published on Apr 14, 2020


Disclaimer: This is adult oriented original fiction depicting explicit sexual situations and graphic sexual situations between adult men. Some of the things depicted here may be considered unsafe sex. These acts are in the context of a fictional story and not recommended in real life. Always play safe. By reading further you are accepting this as natural behavior, and claiming to be of legal age to enjoy such material.

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The Games Men Play Chapter 5: The Boss

By R.A. Swain

Gary Winston leaned back in the chair behind his desk, closed his eyes and wished away the world. He opened his eyes a few times to check, but the world was still there, and so was his headache. Memories of the morning's project meeting filled his mind, followed by the long silences his presentation received, followed by the look of disappointment on his boss's face.

His boss, now that was a disappointment. When the company was bought out a year ago, Gary thought he was in line for a promotion, but instead the new owners brought in a rookie, a 25 year-old-fresh-out-of- college rookie to head up a major division, and Gary was passed over. He knew, deep in his heart, it was his age that made the difference. No one wanted a 46 year-old executive. A knock at his door derailed the train of disillusionment from its track through his mind.


Clark Thompson , his younger than thou boss, poked his head in. "Hey Gary, got a minute?"

"Sure," Gary said. In spite of his jealousy over Clark's presence and position, he did like the kid, and for some reason Clark seemed to like him. Once, when Clark first joined the company, they were talking and Clark mentioned how Gary reminded him of his own father. Gary hadn't known how to take that, either as a shot at his age or a compliment. He chose compliment.

Clark entered the office and closed the door behind him, turning his back to Gary for a moment. The sight of Clark's tight slacks set Gary off onto another thought track, one definitely not filled with fatherly images. Clark's blond California surfer looks didn't help matters. He shook the thoughts away as Clark turned to face him again. "So, bad meeting this morning."

"No, you think?" Gary tried to keep the sarcasm out of his voice, but a little crept in.

"Yeah, I do, but don't take your lousy presentation out on me," Clark shot back. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap," he immediately apologized.

"Me either," Gary said. "It's just been a rough day. "

"Tell me about it," Clark said with a grin. "I talked to the big bosses, and, well..."

Oh oh, here it comes, Gary thought. Time to cut the dead weight from the lifeboat. "It's okay kid, I'll save you the trouble. I'm fired, right?"

Clark shook his head. "No, but I went to bat for you big time. It's my ass on the line if you don't produce something better by the next meeting in a month."

"Why?" Gary asked. He saw the look of confusion on Clark's face. "Why did you put yourself in jeopardy for me?"

Clark leaned back against the door, showing off the his body in his tight slacks and tight white dress shirt and tie. "I told you, you remind me of my father. Well, I want you to have a chance to prove yourself, and to show me how grateful you can be when your boss does something nice for you."

Gary wasn't sure he was hearing things right. Grateful? Exactly what did this twentysomething stud have in mind, he wondered?

"After all, I only bought you an extra month of pay checks, and am risking my job for you." Clark continued. He casually brushed his hand across the front of his slacks. "If there was only something you could do to make yourself indispensable to me," he mused.

I could blow you, Gary thought. "You got something in mind?" he asked.

Clark looked around the office, books on the shelves behind him, the window of the office building across the street opposite him, nothing much different from his own office. He casually ran his hand across the front of his trousers, making it look as natural as possible, yet hoping the message got across. "I don't know, Gary. A really good salesman like you should be willing to go the extra mile to make the deal. Know what I mean?" Clark settled down in the chair in front of Gary's desk and rested his hand on his left thigh.

Gary fought back a smile, as the thought of what it looked like this kid wanted floated through his head. If he was wrong Clark might hit him, but it seemed like Clark was really coming on to him. "I'm a bit slow," he said. "If you could make it more clear to me?" With that he leaned back in his own chair again and tugged his tie loose, and opened the top three buttons of his dress shirt.

Clark smiled mimicking Gary's moves. "I think you're on the right track."

"You know I've got a son only a little bit younger than you?"

Clark nodded, opening a fourth button on his own shirt, revealing a very fuzzy blond chest. "You've mentioned it. And I've mentioned how much you remind me of my father. He's in great shape for a guy his age, and you look like you're in great shape as well."

Gary opened his fourth button, revealing his less hairy chest to his younger boss. He took his tie off and tossed it on the desk. "So, if I give you what you want, you'll help me keep my job?"

Clark nodded. "Something like that. Oh, you'll have to pull your own weight, but I'll help you pull it as often and as much as I can."

Gary smiled. "Is that what you'd like to see, me pulling," he paused, "my weight?"

Clark licked his lips. "For a start, yeah."

Gary pushed his chair back from the desk so Clark had a clear view of him. "You're the boss. I'll do whatever you tell me to do." He rested his hand on his stomach just above his crotch.

"I want to see you pull your, er, weight right now," Clark said. His own hand was now resting on his own crotch, and squeezing it.

Gary let his hand drop further south to his zipper and slowly pulled the tab down. He watched Clark's hungry eyes devouring his every move. He slipped his hand into his open fly and squeezed his own growing cock, before fishing around, more for show, in his boxers and then in one swift move pulling his stiff one from its confines. He felt the heat of his cock against his hand, and the flushed feeling of his cheeks, realizing he was now about to jerkoff in front of a kid, young enough to be his son, who was his boss. He closed his eyes and gripped his cock.

"Open your eyes," Clark whispered in a horse tone.

When he did, Gary was treated to the sight of Clark's shirt completely open, and his hand groping at his own crotch with great enthusiasm. "I like a visual myself," he said.

Clark's eyes lit up. "You'll get it after I feel you've earned it."

"Yes boss," Gary said, his hand rising and falling in a rhythm he imagined in his head.

"That's it, stroke it," Clark moaned. "Yeah dad, show me how you get off."

Gary didn't register any acknowledgment of Clark's words on his face, but he knew how to gain control of this situation. "Son, why don't you show your dad your own man-sized cock?"

Clark smiled. "Okay, dad." He opened his belt and then undid the button on his slacks. As he tugged his fly down he watched Gary's eyes widen when he reveled his lack of underwear. "I like to freeball, dad. Tomorrow you're going to do the same."

Gary nodded. This wasn't going to be a one shot deal, but he could get used to it. Releasing some tension at work with the boss could be a lot of fun. He watched Clark lower his tight slacks revealing muscular thighs, covered in the same light fur as his chest. He refocused on Clark's low hanging balls. "Man, you shave your balls?"

Clark nodded. "Yeah, do you like it?"

Gary found another chance to take some more control. "Will you let your dad feel those smooth balls?"

Clark quickly toed off his loafers and stepped out of his pants. Without thinking about the view he was giving the office across the street, he stood up and walked around Gary's desk, sitting on the blotter in front of Gary's chair, straddling his outstretched legs. He stroked himself several more times until Gary leaned forward, stopped stroking himself, and reached out for Clark's cock.

His fingers lightly caressed the smooth shaved balls. "They feel so soft."

"Feel the shaft," Clark said.

Gary brought his hand up to the ceiling pointing curved shaft and ran his hand up the underside. It was as smooth as the balls, but definitely not soft. He wrapped his fingers around the width and began stroking. Clark moaned and nodded, as he placed a hand on Gary's head and gently pulled him forward. Gary knew he was going to be giving this boy head in a second, and his mind flashed on his own son for a moment. The thought reminded him of his own unattended cock. As he took Clark's in his mouth he resumed stroking himself with his other hand.

The tip of Clark's cock was oval, and the skin felt tight to his lips. He ran his tongue around it in a circular movement, and then covered it with his open mouth. The shaft was much wider than any of the other guys he had sucked off, and Clark was also much longer. He felt Clark pushing down on his head, and the cock inching further into his mouth, and he thought he might choke, but Clark must've sensed something.

"Easy dad. Take it slow. Part of your new job description is to learn to take you boss's cock all the way down to his smooth balls. You'll get that part right, dad, because you want to keep doing this, won't you?" Clark asked.

Gary nodded with the cock half way in his mouth. He resumed sucking the monster and continued stroking himself. His lips felt the heat of the shaft and the pulsing from the balls. Clark was young, and definitely full of cum, he thought, and he was about to empty a load of it down Gary's throat.

"I'm gonna cum soon, and you'll swallow it," Clark said. "And then you'll sit back and finish yourself off."

Gary stopped stroking himself for fear he might not be able to last if Clark blasted in his mouth. He felt Clark thrust up onto his toes, and felt the throbbing of the curved shaft until the warm salty liquid filled his mouth. He fought his gag reflex, and thought of beef soup. A creamy beef soup. As fast as he swallowed, Clark kept his mouth refilled. Finally Clark moaned and pulled back.

Gary leaned back in his chair, sweat running down his cheeks, his own fist pumping furiously and then his cock pulsing. He watched his cum shot up and across his own pants legs and onto Clark's thighs. Damn, he thought, I wish I had stripped off.

Clark looked amused at the mess Gary made of himself. "I think you should get down here and lick your cum off my thighs," his boss ordered. "And then maybe work on my smooth balls with your tongue until I'm ready for the second round."

Gary fell to his knees and looked up at Clark. "Son, how many times can you cum in one session?"

"You'll have plenty of time to find out," Clark said.

Gary leaned forward and began licking the smooth shaven balls of his boss. The scent of his sweat mixed with the smell and taste of cum was intoxicating for him. He couldn't believe how lucky he was in getting to suck on this beautiful young cock. It wasn't like he had a thing for younger guys, he rationalized, but when offered a treat, one usually took it.

Clark placed his hand on top of Gary's head and slowly began thrusting his cock in and out of Gary's mouth. "That's it Dad, let me fuck your face," Clark said. He moaned and Gary bit down just enough to gently scrap his teeth against the soft underside of the shaft.

Gary reached out and ran his hands over the hairy legs and thighs before him, bringing his left hand around until his fingers brushed against the back of Clark's ball sac. Clark didn't seem to object, so Gary continued allowing his fingers to travel upward, until they were in contact with his hairy crack. Clark moaned again, and seemed to shift between thrusting into Gary's mouth and moving so Gary's finger went deeper into his ass crack.

Gary took the hint and began probing much deeper, until he felt Clark's tight puckered hole against his fingertip. He rubbed at it in a gentle swirling motion, and Clark let out a soft gasp. "Oh Dad, finger fuck you boy," he whispered.

Gary knew he had this kid now, but all he currently cared about was burying his finger as deeply as he could into the waiting hole. He slipped it in slowly, but knew he would need some lube if his cock was to go in the tight hole. "I don't have any lube here," he finally said.

Clark reached into his shirt pocket and produced a condom. "It's pre-lubed," he said. "Just go slow. It's not every day I let one of my salesmen fuck me."

Gary tore open the package with his teeth, and standing up he slowly rolled the condom down the length of his cock. He slowly pressed the tip of his member against Clark's waiting hole, rubbing it gently with his finger as he began to slip it in. "Oh man, you're tight."

Clark groaned. "You're huge. Go slower, please!" His voice was almost a whisper. He felt Gary's hand running up beneath his shirt and across his back. The hand slowly circled beneath him to his chest and then toyed with his left nipple. He moaned again., and felt Gary's cock pressing further into him. Slowly he felt his ass being filled up with what seemed like a never-ending cock. A shaft which was stretching his ring wide, and he was panting and concentrating on relaxing his muscle control just enough to enjoy what he know was about to happen.

Gary stopped when he felt Clark's balls rubbing against his own. "Don't worry, son. Dad's gonna take real good care of you," he whispered into Clark's ear. Slowly he began to thrust outward, and then in short pumping motions he thrust in and out of Clark's firm ass.

Clark felt tears in his eyes, and complete desire as Gary's hands explored his chest and cock while thrusting into his ass. He loved the short jerking motion of the cock filling his ass, pressing the tip against his prostate, and then rubbing it before pulling back. He knew he was going to blow a load if Gary kept this up, but he wanted to hold out to cum with Gary.

"Hurry up man," he said in a hushed tone. "I'm really close again."

Gary picked up his pace, feeling the sweat rolling down his own chest. "I'm close as well."

"Let's come together," Clark said. "Tell me when?"

Gary almost laughed, but the feeling of pleasure running up his shaft to the base of his cock and boiling balls was too much. He gave three short thrusts and moaned. "Now."

Clark felt the throbbing of Gary's cock in his ass and he let himself shot a load onto Gary's blotter, where the tip of his cock had been rubbing for the last few minutes. Both men shuddered in pleasure and then Gary pulled out and fell back into his chair. He breathed heavily for a few minutes. "Oh God! That was hot."

Clark, still leaning over the desk was breathing equally as hard. "Next time I ride your ass," he whispered.

"When is next time?" Gary inquired.

"You'll know," Clark said, standing up and pulling his pants up. "Sorry about the blotter. Figure you might want to change it."

Gary smiled. "Smart ass. Maybe I should spank you for juicing my blotter."

He saw the look of complete lust in Clark's eyes. "Maybe next time. Pops."

Gary straightened his cloths as he watched Clark do the same. "Thanks kid. I'm glad you're on my side."

End Chapter 5

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