The Game with the Bottle

By Cuffs Jacob

Published on Aug 19, 2013



The Game with a Bottle by Jacob Cuffs


This story fits into the categories of: Mutual Masturbation, Gay Adult Friends

The following story is a product of my imagination, which 'accidently' thought about while I was sitting on the toilet seat, waiting for... Lets not go there! I really thought about sharing this story but I guess there are people who would enjoy this horrendous concoction my mind excreted and bathed in so sharing is fucking caring :D

Anyone offended by mutual masturbation, gay relationships, sexual acts should stop reading from this point. If it is illegal for you to read such contents then please turn back, I wouldn't risk it.

For people who does not like my writing style let me get this straight; I'm young (still in university), I'm immature so this stuff will not be super serious. Oh and I am straight so I have no idea whether this story is offensive or just not good enough so post me some feedback and I will try harder next time :D

Anyway enjoy the story, please don't steal the contents because I'm sure you can think of better stuff and I'm sure you would hate it if I stole your ideas. Anyway here's my writer's email:

===The Game with a Bottle===

Rarely anyone has heard of the Game with a Bottle. Its a not a sex game in some ways but rules can be bent to make it fun. Participant can only be male. The more players your have the more fun you can have. This game is not for the faint hearted, only people who crave thrill, adrenaline and lawlessness all together. As the player you can either play as a team or as individuals. Each team must perform certain tasks pulled from a bottle, the opposing team gets the task your team has chosen. Winners or losers do not matter, only the brave can win and the faint-hearted will fail...

It was Monday morning and my shook vigorously on my bedside table. I grabbed for it aimlessly, my eyes willed to remain shut and my head throbbed, begging to be returned to it's rightful place upon my pillow. I forced my eyes open to observe the time on the screen. 4 am! I cursed as I proceeded to turn off my alarm but it was simply a message I recieved on WhatsApp. Who the hell can it be at this hour?! My mouth opened reluctantly to release a loud yawn as I opened I tapped on the screen of my smartphone and read the message. It was my boss; messaging me at this hour, what a fucking oddball! As the contents entered my mind, I no longer felt tired, my mouth twisted into a smile while my arms shot up into the air. I cheered silently to myself. I was chosen to go on the business trip to Venice. I've been on quite a few business trips and I can safetly say they are about 30% work and 70% fun. I read the message further and it revealed my partner for this trip. It was Ed. As I got my up to change for work I felt a tug on the sleeve of my pajama top. I looked back and saw my girlfriend, she beamed at me before saying, "What are you doing up so early?" I smiled back at her beautiful face as I stroked are soft long hair. I didn't answer and I'm sure she would enjoy guessing it more. She placed her arms around me waist, I felt her fingers caressing my body as they ran along the striped pattern of my pajamas. She sighed calmly, "You are going on a business trip, right?" I nodded solemnly. "Well I'll miss you, Val." I said as I removed her hand and started unbuttoning my pajama shirt. Val smirked and said, "I won't. Just have fun and don't do anything too gay." I stopped stripping and looked back at her, puzzled. She looked back at me with that look which seemed to say 'I can't believe you don't know'. She held up my smartphone with the message open, how she slipped it from the breast pocket of my pajama top was a mystery to me. "Your business partner is Eddy, didn't you read it properly?"

Ed can easily be the most professional guy in the whole company but after work he is a total animal. He would invite huge groups of colleagues to clubs, bars to drink, party and sometimes more. Ed was gay and from what my colleagues told me loved to play erotic sex games, preferably with muscular men. Ed was in his early 30s, about 6'3 but with meagre amounts of muscles in reply to the men he prefers. He has short, shaved hair and beautiful (says my girlfriend, who describes them as nice) blue eyes. He sat right beside me in the meeting room, he caught my stare and smiled at me flitatiously, I rolled my eyes to remind him of his annoyance. Ed may be a great friend but he used to flirt with me, a lot. I guess I am his type but he definitely wasn't mine! I was in my mid 20s, relatively muscular, 5'9 with sharp, intense brown eyes. Most girls say I have this charm about me and I guess it caught Ed straight off the bat and Ed never gave me a rest ever since he laid eyes on me. The meeting was soon over, it mostly consisted of my boss droning on about sale, co-operate image and stuff like that, I only made vague notes but it was enough, however Ed wrote nothing; throughout the whole office meeting he had his penis out through his fly, jacking off to porn on his smartphone. I punched him lightly, well not too lightly but just enough to hurt him a little to get his attention. "Ed, what the fuck!" I screamed at his silently from the corner of my mouth, "The office's Wifi is tracked, smartass. You'll be in deep shit if you are caught..."

"Jacob, is there something you would like to contribute to our discussion?" Asked the boss, his voice was authorative, commanding. Luckily I was sort of focussing on the discussion and I added my part. As the boss resumed the meeting from my point I leered at Ed's phone, still on porn. It was extremely lewd, somewhat hardcore but definitely not what I would like to see, the title of the clip was called Bottle game. I really don't want to describe it but all I saw was two guys jerking off, which is all I need to see before my mind says 'Time to get the fuck out of here'. "Wait," Ed said, tugging me by my arm, "You need to see this." NO way was I going to fall for watching gay porn! I ignored him and tried to concentrate on the meeting's discussions.

After the meeting our boss walked by and patted our backs before whispering "Good luck."

On the first day of the business trip we finished everything we need for the pitch; the powerpoint, the figures, the statistics. It was mostly done by Ed, I was the one who was going to do the pitch. The next day we set off to do the pitch, I had experience from several pitches I have done before and by far I had gotten the best deals and the best sales every time I pitched while Ed had all the information. We were a perfect business duo. After the work we decided split paths, I headed back to my hotel room to grab my camera, I was an amateur photographer. I wanted to carry on with photography in college but my parents weren't buying my passion. It was 9 PM before I returned to my hotel room, there was nobody there, I kind of half expected Ed with some Italian man sucking off each other but I guess the luck is in my favour. The door swung open the next morning, around 9 AM, Ed burst through the door still clad in his suit from the day before but slightly disheveled. I sipped my coffee still in my pajamas as I said, "Good morning, did you get laid?" Ed ignored me another man entered the room; he was a bald man in his 30s, 7'0 with calm yet sharp face, his eyes were piercing green. As expected he was ripped from top to bottom but he ws ironically dressed in shocking pink plain silk pajamas which were creaseless, giving an odd illusion that he was actually impeccably dressed. He leaned on the door and then glanced at me as I glanced back, he gave me a friendly smile and Ed introduced him. "This is Antonio, I met him last night," Antonio stretched his arms showing off some his sheer amount of muscles. "And Jake I need you to do me a favour." I looked puzzled towards Ed as he slipped out of his suit and searched through his belongings naked, his limp 5 inch dangled as he reached down and pulled out his pair of silk pajamas and a wallet. He slipped it on and opened his wallet handing me a wad of cash. "Film us using my smartphone, Jake. You can have this if you do." I looked at the cash, it was more than 6 month's pay. "I don't need it." I replied.

"I insist, do it for you love of photography and film-malking."

I thought long and hard, this was obviously going to end up a porno. But since its this important to him I decided to help him. "Fine." I stuffed the cash into my own wallet and proceeded to change my clothes. Ed grabbed me by the hand before I start, "Leave it on, its the rules of the game." I sighed, "I don't know what this game is, I don't want to do anything other than filming OK?" Ed nodded and I held his smartphone's camera, focussing on the two men. Antonio proceeded and caressed Ed on his body while both men's pajama bottoms began to tent up. A spot of precum appeared on Ed's silk pajama bottoms as he moaned softly in ecstasy. "I'm getting close, quick give me a bottle!" yelled Ed. Antonio grabbed a bottle off the table and opened the lid. Ed released his penis fully erected 7 inch penis into open air before capping the mouth of the bottle over the head of his dick. Antonio moved behind Ed and started rubbing his silk coated body all over. Then Ed's cock exploded. Jets of thick cum entered the bottle, filling it up to about a fifth of the whole container. Ed ended and detached the bottle mouth from the hole of his penis, which was still erected. Ed felt Antonio's plump perfect ass before move up to his torso, his hand never left the soft, smooth material of his pajamas. Ed undid a few of Antonio's buttons on his pajama top to reveal his smooth muscular chest. Antonio gave a slight yelp in surprise as Ed squeezed on Antonio's hardened nippled and Antonio's penis erected further. He pulled out the uncut enormous behemoth of a cock and allowed Ed to pump it until it shot it's load of cum into the bottle as well. "Now what?" I asked impatiently, I was fed up with this gay stuff they are making me go through. I didn't even enjoy it! I felt like I shouldn't have asked as both me closed in on me, their face smiling. "It's your turn."

To be honest I thought they might have supressed me while they have their way with me, I guess I thought of them too harshly. They simply asked me to release a load into the bottle too. I really couldn't, even with the thought of something I would deem sexy. It was no use, but their game must go on. "Antonio, read the second task to us." Antonio unfolded a piece of paper from the breast pocket of his pajama top. The next part I really disliked. "I'm not going into public wearing my pajamas!" I argued. It wasn't exactly the public, just a connected roof plateau which was an array of ventilators and vents. "Ok this is the second roun.," said Ed before him and Antonio lifted me out the window, I struggled but Ed told me to relax, and reminded that I only had to film.

Outside our room's window was a room full of vents and fans. The roof was of the company we pitched at. They placed me donw gently on the platform while the two men leapt down. I was still filming at this point. I just hoped nobody saw me, in my pajamas, in public, I'm sure this is illegal. Meanwhile Ed was embracing the cool breeze fluttering against his silk pajamas, "Damn I'm even more horny now, I wish we'd thought of this before!" He strode over to a random vent and aimed his erect penis into the hole. "Eat it, you cunt! Eat it all!" a spray of white slimy piss dribbled down the pipe, I feel sorry for the maintenance man when he comes along. Antonio was doing a braver move; he was jerking off at the side of the building before releasing his spray of cum down to the streets below. Ed thought it was hilarious and joined him. "We should go back." I said. Suddenly a door burst open and a business man came up to the roof holding a pack of cigars. He lit one and took a glance at his surroundings. I was already hiding behind a large filter fan box but I think he caught sight of Antonio's shiny pink clad body. He shrugged his suit and followed to inspect. I saw Antonio and Ed running running for another cover as the man looked at their previous hiding place. The man looked confused as he searched more carefully around the roof. This has now become a risky game of hide and seek and God knows the consequences of getting caught.The man closed in on my hiding spot. I had no chance of escape. All I had was the smartphone and the bottle of cum. I threw the bottle of cum over the man's head, luckily he didnt seem to notice it but as it hit the floor he turned away to inspect what fell. He looked at the bottle with white slime leaking out of it. He looked at the sky then seemed to be thinking hard. We took our time to escape, Antonio hoisted me up to the window to open it. But there was one problem. It was locked.

To be continued...

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