The Game Series

By Eros Zob

Published on Feb 11, 2005


Disclaimer: The following story is, for the most part, a work of fiction. None of the characters are meant to represent any real specific people. The following material deals with sexual situations involving homosexual acts. Other situations include bondage, domination, and various other, if not all sexual fetishes. It is not recommended that this material be viewed by persons under the age of 18 or anyone else who does not wish to read a story involving acts of homosexual sex.

The Game

by Eros

Chapter 1

Technical Difficulties--

Jake paced back and forth, trying to look natural. He was failing at it. The sign on the door next to him was explicit: "Faculty Only." That sort of thing never phased Brad though. Rules and regulations were more guidelines to his kind. Suggestions, if you will, like a stop-sign in a mall parking lot. A random student at their school might assume Jake and Brad were of the same kind. They dressed the same. They listened to the same music. They hated the same people. And they were both perpetually adorned with their one single prize possession, a skateboard. Skaterboys, they were labeled, by the throngs of teenage girls who would never think of dating them, but secretly found them adorable. They were different because they chose to be. And they were reviled, and esteemed for it at the same time. They were an alternative form of what the 80s called punk, but with better hair, and music with lyrics you could discern.

The side door to the school library was typically a place where a short row of TVs on tall metal push carts might be found afterschool. It was the entrance to the storage room which housed all of the school's portable technology. Since it was the last hour of the day, and none of the teachers had returned them yet, the hall was vacant. Except for a grungy slightly bruised young sophomore loitering about. Jake was a watch guard today. It was a position he knew all to well. A muffled grunt broke the silence of the hallway. It was coming from the TV room.

A month ago Brad and Miles had devised a bet between each other. Whoever could wack off in more restricted areas of the school by the end of the year wins. Today was the second to last day of school. Brad didn't like losing, so this was his second time today. Somehow Jake had been elected judge and official record keeper for the bet, but also, guard.

Suddenly the door burst open. Out popped Brad, with his trademarked grin. He had scraggly, slightly curly black hair and a darker complexion than Jake, who's hair was nearly blond.

"Well..." he announced, "looks like we might get a DVD player next school year, cause VCR #8 just had an unfortunate accident.

"You jizzed in the VCR?" Jake snorted, holding back a chuckle.

Brad's grin was his answer.


"Go check it out score keeper!" Brad said while patting his friend on the back, he reveled in the fact that he could show off his handiwork.

Jake rolled his eyes and stepped into the room. Following along a row of TVs he got to number 8. He immediately saw signs of abuse. The door flap to the VCR was slightly moist. Out of curiosty he reached down and pushed the flap inward. Inside he discovered a huge wad of skater spunk. It trailed deep into the back of the machine. Jake giggled at Brad's creative destruction, and sprinted back to the door.

"Yer fuckin' sick man" Jake said emerging from the forbidden room with a smile on his face.

"I know...can't wait to tell Miles" Brad mentioned as they headed for their lockers "How many is he up to now?"

"I'm not tellin' till tommorrow..."

"You commin' over tonight to play pool?"


Chapter 2

A spark of Inspiration--

Brad had a pool table because his dad was rich, a doctor even, but Brad had a ping pong table because his dad felt guilty for the divorce. He was a better doctor than he was a dad, unfortunately. It probably bothered Brad, and his little brother that his mom left, but you'd never know. He had the house to himself most of the time and the nicest skateboard Jake had ever seen.

When Jake arrived Miles, was already downstairs. He knew because he overheard the tale end of their conversation.

"yeah...yer right!" boomed Miles.

Jake popped his head into the room to see Brad and Miles at the pool table, appearing as if they'd reached some final resolution. Miles was less shaggy than Jake and Brad. He'd recently cut his hair short, and dyed parts of it blond. He had finer features than the other two, and being captain of the soccer team gave him an unusual amount of popularity for a skaterboy. But, despite the hair change, and the working out, he hadn't turned his back on his skater buddies. He was still as passionate about it as he ever was.

"Whazzup Jake?" Miles offered, "We were just talkin' about you"

Brad took over, "Yeah, we decided you're gonna be in on our bets from now on"

"Oh yeah?" Jake said pretending he wasn't a little scared of the concept.

"Yeah, we came up with a game." Miles grinned, his smiles were less frequent than Brad's, it always took you by surprise. "It's based on a dare everyone has to do, the winner gets to decide the loser's fate."

"Should make for an interesting summer" Jake responded, half sarcastically. He'd learned long ago that being a skater meant keeping things real. Being cool was something that could be faked, but being real was a character trait above all. It was infallibly better than cool, and seemingly impossible to fake. And so Jake might have been the first human in existance to do so. On the outside he was interested and willing. On the inside he was terrified of both of them. Brad was nuts, visibly crazy. Jake knew Brad could come up with some twisted shit. Miles on the other hand was quieter, he never turned down a dare with Brad and always held his own. The quietness almost scared Jake more.

"So yer in? Whatever the consequences, or yer a pussy" spoke Brad. He stared at Jake with his crazy eyes. It meant he was serious and absolutely expected utter compliance.


"Cool! Here's yer candle"

Brad handed me a dark purple candle that his mom had no doubt left behind. They had similar ones in hand. He then pulled out his trusty lighter and lit them all. After setting them on three separate stools he wriggled out of his shirt and began unzipping his pants. Miles was taking his shirt off. Jake stared at them in confusion.

Giggling with excitement, but with serious eye-contact Brad explained, "Keep yer nuts three inches over the flame. Last one to pull away wins."

"What a fuckin' freak," was all Jake had going through his mind. But who was crazier the nut job that came up with it, or the losers that followed along with it? Jake slipped out of his shirt too.

Miles had been working out, it was clear. Jake remembered last summer at the beach they had all been skinny nobodies. But a year had passed and all three of the boys were growing into their bodies well. Miles' was still thin, from running back and forth on the soccer field, but his tight body was subtly muscled now. He didn't appear to have an ounce of fat on him. Looking at his shirtless torso one's eyes were immediately drawn to the cut stomach muscles that formed ridged lines down into his pants. He had strong arms for a soccer player, but there was a reason he was captain, he was in peak shape.

Brad on the other hand had not spent much time working out. He had a naturally thin physique. His abs were visible and his torso was lean, but his complexion was darker than the other two. His boyishness was growing out of him and he almost appeared to be a man now. His darker hair color brought more attention to the tuft of pubes trailing downward from his navel.

Finally Jake. He was the palest of the the three, but he had a good body. He still appeared to be a boy, however, he had an innocent gaze to his eyes. He was as skinny as Brad, but didn't spend much time working out. His stomach was flat and his blond hair made for a barely visible treasure trail.

Now naked, Jake was having difficulties with where to aim his gaze. He couldn't help but catch glimpses of the other two's bodies. They'd changed since last summer, all of them. He caught a glimpse of Brad's dick. It was huge, he thought, big enough to gag a VCR. He had never noticed it before, but Brad was uncircumcized. He didn't know why he'd never noticed it. I guess it's just not something a guy necessarily notices upon accidentally glancing at another guys cock. When they were younger Jake had seen both of them naked a handful of times, and never thought anything of it, but now things seemed different. He was amazed at how much they had all grown.

"Step up fuckers" announced Brad.

"This is gonna suck" mentioned Miles.

The three young sophomores eased themselves over the wooden stools beneath them. The candles sent wafts of a waxy odor up their bodies.

"Three inches. Any higher and yer out" Brad reminded them.

At first the pain was unbearable. Then Jake glanced at the others and noticed Miles and Jake were lifting their penises out of the way. It was the last place they wanted a sunburn. Jake followed suit. He quickly snatched his dick upwards and out of the heat of the flame below. It still hurt.

"Fuck Fuck Fuck..." Brad was slowly dancing over his flame, with a wide grin. He'd occasionally steal looks at the others to make sure they were still in position. He didn't care if he was "checking other guys packages out." He was gonna call them on it if they moved up even an inch. Then he accidentally let his focus slip and dipped down for a second, searing a few pubic hairs in the candle flame. "OOOWW FUCK!" he yelled repositioning himself. The others laughed at him.

The sharp heat felt increasingly hotter as the seconds eased by. Each boy was now eyeing the others wishing above all for them to pull out as soon as possible. But the competitive nature of this sort of endeavor mixed with the open ended consequences was going to make for a painful ball roast.

Miles felt like his balls were boiling in his scrotum, but he was too affraid to let Brad win. He'd tough it out. Finally Jake's face began contorting like he was having an orgasm. The other two looked him up and down from balls to face and back again, waiting for the inevitable forfeit. His smooth slightly muscled frame was tensing up, and finally Jake pulled off.

"Shit, Fuck, Owww!" screamed the blond skater as he pulled back out of the warmth of the candle. He rubbed his balls profusely. The pain wasn't worth it for him. Brad and Miles smiled at each other, they had both guessed that Jake would be the first, he was new to their dares.

Suddenly the pain was all they could concentrate on. Jake looked on while his two best friends fidgeted over the burning pain in their ballsac. Brad scrunched his face up and began breathing erratically, while Miles simply closed his eyes and tried to ignore it. Finally Brad pulled out.

"FUCK! DAMN that hurts!" he yelled.

Miles looked relieved as he pulled away from the burning candle, and pulled his boxers back up. He had a mild concern in the back of his head. He hoped his pain wasn't all for not. He knew, deep down, that Brad would never back out of a bet, or a dare, but Jake was new at it. Technically he deserved a worse punishment for being the first.

"Ok, now let's see. I'll be right back." Miles grinned, before darting off towards a room in the back of the basement. It was Aaron's room, Brad's little brother. He never came down when the boys were there, because he knew Brad would beat the shit out of him. All the same Brad's little brother looked up to him. He was gonna be a skater too. He also had a talent for soccer. One day he hoped to be on the same team as Brad's friend Miles who he also looked up to. He was in 8th grade now, two years younger, and had just left earlier that evening to stay with his mom for the week. Miles returned with something behind his back.

"You first Brad" began Miles barely able to speak through his smile. "Five minutes, with this over yer face" He then revealed his surprise to the boys. It was a small formerly white, and never washed, used jock strap. Aaron's jock strap, the one he used for soccer at middle school. Brad was going to have his little brother's dirty jock strapped to his face for five minutes. His ever present smile vanished.

"Mother Fucker" he looked up at Miles waiting for the joke to end. But Miles was serious. Jake was trying not to giggle, but doing a bad job.

A sideways I'm-screwed-smile crept over his mouth and all he could say was, "fuck..." He thought for a moment, then reached his arm out to accept the unwanted thing.

"I'll put it on for ya" Miles said. Then he jumped behind the naked highschooler, and slipped the soiled strap upside down over Brad's face. He positioned the cup directly over Brad's nose and mouth like a gas mask. "Keep yer hands behind yer back too" he added, then walked over to Jake who was watching Brad's eyes squint at the stench in his face. He couldn't help but inhale the aroma of his own little brother's crotch. It smelled like he had sweat and/or pissed a gallon of his own fluids into the small young-adult sized nut guard. It fit tightly over his face. He had slowed his breathing but then suddenly inhaled deeper sucking the fabric into his mouth. He instantly spit it out. The taste was foul and grimy. If Aaron was home now and accidently walked down stairs he would see a sight that he'd be able to hold over his older brother's head for years. It was unfortunate that he was gone.

"Now your turn. Yer gonna wish those candles were scented man." Miles warned as he grinned at Jake who was sitting on the small wooden stool wearing only his boxers and jeans. "Five minutes right here" with that said, Miles pulled the elastic of his blue boxershorts out from his tight stomach and let it snap back against his waist. Jake's eye's bugged out. What did he mean by that?

Brad, hearing the news, began laughing inside his brother's jock. He inhaled the fumes of his brother's crotch and once again tasted the fabric that had soaked up his younger siblings nut oil. He gagged slightly.

Then without explanation, or a pause for contemplation, Miles reached his hand out around Jake's head, stepped in front of him, and pulled the boy's face into his groin. Out of instinct Jake tried to pull back, but Miles' forceful grasp held him in place. He pulled Jake's face closer and closer until finally the poor guy's nose was sandwiched between the soccer studs boxer-covered balls. He could feel Miles' limp penis along the left side of his face. The tip of which, though covered in blue fabric, rested right next to Jake's lips. It was the most intimate position he'd ever been in. Especially with another boy. Brad watched in amazement as Jake was forced to inhale the live odor of his friends crotch. Miles rubbed the skaters face from side to side grinding his lips and nose into his ballsac. It felt good. The soccer star closed his eyes and let out a small moan, though no one heard it.

Miles had gotten pretty close to having sex with a girl once, but he'd never had this much attention on his cock before. Jake suddenly felt a pulse on the left side of his face. He knew what it meant. The cock resting on his cheek was stirring a little, coming to life.

"Sniff it, loser" commanded Miles from above.

Not knowing what was meant to be a joke anymore, Jake complied. He inhaled the musky scent of Mile's crotch. Miles' eyes opened wide and glanced at Brad who was still being bothered by the dirty jockstrap bound to his mouth and nose. The two made eye contact. Without a word Miles communicated to Brad that Jake had just willingly sniffed his nutsac.

Jake felt the cock along his face stirring again. It was stiffening. Miles' continued rubbing the half naked skater's face into himself, up and down now. His cock flopped upward giving Jake a new position for his face. His nose was now a point over which his tormentor's cock bounced up and down. He was getting harder and harder. Miles' suddenly repositioned himself so that his back was to Brad. For some reason he didn't want Brad seeing him get hard. It was kind of embarrassing, yet it felt too good to stop. The time was nearing it's end. Then, with more privacy, Miles' again rubbed Jake's face along the side of his erected dick. A spot appeared on the boxers. Jake was dizzy with confused excitement. He didn't know if it was wrong to be enjoying this. It was exhilarating to be a part of another boys pleasure. His lips passed over the dampened spot of pre-cum, and for a second Jake tasted the saltiness of Miles' spunk. He was lost in mindlessness. Then at the most vulnerable edge of orgasm Brad called time, removing his brother's dirty jock from his face.

Miles', almost shocked, looked down at Jake with what might have been guilt. Jake peered up at him. Then snapping back into reality he reached for his jeans and pulled them on as quickly as possible. He had to hide the stain, he had to hide his boner. Neither of them knew what Brad would think of it. While he slipped his jeans back on Jake couldn't help but stare at the hard on bouncing inside Miles' blue boxers. He stuffed it to one side and zipped up.

Brad broke the silence "That was...Fuck...Yer gonna get it next time fucker!"

Miles smiled back at Brad with deviance, at that moment he snapped back into the skaterboy he was. He instantly forgot about the near orgasm he just had that would have ended up all over his buddies face. He was just a horny teenager again that had won a dirty bet with his friends.

"You name the time and the place, I'll be there to beat ya" returned the soccerboy.

"Tomorrow, bitch" Brad answered, his smile renewed. Then he tossed the jockstrap back to Miles. "You better put that back where ever you found it, he'll get pissed if he thinks I've fucked with his stuff. Miles, grinning, and headed for Aaron's room.

Brad looked down at Jake who was dazed. "How was YOUR crotch sniff?"

"Fuckin' nasty," It was probably a lie, "He's dead tomorrow"

Miles opened Aarons bedroom door. It was a mess. Laundry strewn everywhere. He headed for the boy's gym bag next to his dresser. That's where he had gotten the strap. Then suddenly he remembered his own condition. His erection was still obscenely protruding to the left side of his pants. He was surprised Brad didn't see it. He needed to take care of it before returning. But it was kind of a strange place to take care of such a thing. Your best friend's little brother's room.

He looked around for something to do it in. He had to hurry. Then quickly snatching up the first article of clothing that already appeared dirty Miles found himself holding an 8th grader's dirty pair of tighty whities. If he wanted to be a skater, Miles thought, he'd need to switch to boxers anyway.

He quickly unzipped his pants and slipped his chunk of hard meat into Aaron's dirty undies. It wouldn't take long. Jake's face had practically put him over the edge anyway. He pumped a few times, then suddenly he let out an uncontrollable moan. With that he spurted jet after jet of hot skater-spunk into Aaron's underwear. When he had finished they were dripping with cum. Miles knew it would dry up before the kid came home, it was just wierd to think of jizzing in another boy's undies. He wadded them up and tossed them in the corner.

The boys were still being sore losers when he returned, more relaxed. Miles chuckled at their threats. But he was really more relieved that Jake hadn't mention the erection.

"Yeah yer fucked tomorrow..." announced Jake, trying to sound tough.

"And no fuckin' chestnut roast next time, you gotta come up with something better" added Brad, feeling stupid for nearly burning his balls off.

"No problem."

To Be Continued...

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