The G Hole

By Karl August

Published on Jan 12, 2012



The G Hole by Hot August Karl

The bill changer made a gentle whirr as it sucked in Travis' five-dollar bill. He settled back into the hard plastic seat and waited for his eyes to adjust to the pitch.

Walking home in the rain late Monday afternoon, Travis slipped into the bookstore on Sixth Avenue. The adult bookstore.

The man behind the counter, a kid really, looked up but didn't offer a greeting. He sat on a tall stool behind the cash register reading a textbook and eating handfuls of cheese puffs from a greasy brown sack. The shop was moderately lit and smelled faintly of wet carpet and the sharpness of disinfectant.

Travis wandered down twin rows of shelves filled with videos boxes of different sizes and colors. His heart was thump thump thumping as he steeled himself from racing to the dark doorway to the video arcade, where he could see the flickering lights seeping from under the doors to the video booths.

Casually Travis looked back at the kid at the counter who was watching him, bored. His fingertips were stained orange and he was sucking on them noiselessly.

"Curious?" he said to Travis. It was more of a statement than a question, but Travis nodded. "Why doncha go in a try it out? You've got all kinds of time. We're open 24 hours a day. Holidays too," he said as an afterthought.

Travis' eyes, now adjusted to the dark, scanned the walls for glory holes.

There was one on each of the two walls of the booth, both a different shape. Neither of the holes was jagged, which was perfect. He'd cut his chin on the jagged wooden hole once and had to have his sister Monique pull out the splinters with her eyebrow tweezers.

Travis wasn't a stranger to adult arcades.

The first time he went to one he was in college. It was a lonely and horny afternoon. He spent the better part of the afternoon watching an attractive black man give blow jobs to almost a dozen different men of all shapes and sizes, in both ways shape and size could be measured.

Travis was jealous of the man, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to feed the man his own cock, or suck on the thick penis the dude was fervently fisting.

The man heard Travis in the next booth and beckoned for Travis to stick his dick through the hole. At the thought of being watched, Travis' knees buckled and he shot four or five ropy strands of semen onto the cement floor.

Travis buckled up in a hurry, cum still dribbling out the end of his cock. As he made a hasty exit, he could hear the black man laughing.

As the afternoon wore on, Travis fed a few more bills into the bill changer, while peering through the glory holes on either side his booth. Riveted, he watched the men lower their pants to the sticky floor and either jack off to the sex scenes on the screens before them or as they stuck their cocks through the glory holes to be sucked. A few men groaned loudly as they came, almost all of their loads greedily swallowed by the faceless men serving them on the other side.

Travis held off on his own orgasm until his balls were full and heavy. Even when a beautiful blond college boy entered the booth next to him and motioned for Travis to stick his cock through the service hole, Travis refrained. After a few moments, the blond left his booth to cruise some other rooms but returned a few minutes later, trying the door to Travis' booth first, then settling back into the stall next to Travis'.

Travis watched as the blond bent forward, sticking his ass checks directly over the glory hole on the wall on the opposite wall. After a minute or two, the college kid let out a loud groan and Travis watched as the blond gyrated his hips, grinding them against the hole. Travis wasn't sure if the guy was getting rimmed or fucked, but Travis reached through the fly of his boxers and was soon matching him stroke for stroke.

The blond shot and moved away from the wall. He wiped the splay of cum off his belly with a paper towel and, grinning through the hole at Travis, stuffed the cum-soaked tissue through the hole.

Travis waited until he heard the bang of the door as the blond left before picking up the paper towel and bringing it to his nose, inhaling deeply. The rag was redolent of ass and cum.

The booths on either side of Travis were empty long enough that Travis lost his hard-on, his five-inch penis shrinking back through the hole of his boxers, like a frightened turtle retreating into its shell.

Soon, the video monitor was flashing, demanding more money. Travis briefly considered leaving, but it was just barely past eight o'clock. He hoped some guys might sneak out of the house for a quickie, yet.

There was a slight creak of a door and the murmur of hushed voices as someone entered the booth next door.

The blond college jock was back, this time with a slightly built older Hispanic man.

The Hispanic man tried to cover the hole with the plastic chair and his shirt, but as he was undressing, the blond moved the shirt and grinned at Travis through the glory hole.

Travis sucked in his breath as the older man turned and a nine-inch club swung into view.

"Skinny guys always get all the meat," he muttered, and was glad it wasn't his hole that was about to be invaded.

The college kid handed the dig-dicked gent a foil wrapper and a small bottle. Travis caught a whiff of poppers waft into his booth as the Hispanic took a large hit and handed it back to the blond, who also took a couple hits. Then the blond inhaled and the foil wrapper was discarded unopened on the floor.

Travis stood up momentarily, opened his door and glanced down the hall. Three guys glanced back in his direction. Travis held their gaze for a moment before shutting his door, this time leaving it unlocked.

His hands trembling slightly, Travis fed another fiver into the bill changer. As the mechanism whirred, he pulled off his pants. Leaning forward, he braced himself against the wall with his forearms and took several deep breaths.

Next door he could hear grunting and flesh slapping flesh as the blond was getting fucked. Travis imagined the college boy and the Hispanic man with him in a threesome.

Travis' own cock stirred and was hard within moments.

He felt cool air caress his ass as the door to his booth opened momentarily, then close. He heard a soft clang as a metal belt buckle hit the cement floor behind him and felt a pair of hands grasp his hips tightly.

As he felt his butt cheeks part, Travis hoped it wouldn't hurt and that the blond would be watching.

Copyright 2009 by Karl August visit me at or email

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