The Further Adventure of Luke and Jake

By Steve Rose - Laureate Author

Published on Jul 28, 2024



Please note that none of the characters in the story exist and the events that take place are purely imaginary. This is a continuation of the earlier story Luke's Big Adventure. Readers may find it useful to read that story first before starting this section, but the story can still be read a stand-alone. I hope that you like this as a piece of writing.


Do not read this story if you are in any way offended by acts of a homosexual nature.

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Chapter 3

`Come on, you two, time to get up! We need to get going in the next twenty minutes if we are to get to the airport in time!'

Luke, who was already awake, nudged his boyfriend who groaned loudly and started to protest at the interruption to his sleep.

`Dad's outside and we need to saddle up right now. Just time for a shower and something to eat and then we'll be on our way!!'

For Luke, the excitement had been building for several days and now that the moment had finally arrived when they would be going to the airport he was filled with a mix of emotions. On the positive side, he was looking forward to his first trip to America and meeting Jake's family again, but, on the negative side, he was anxious about the flight only ever having been on short-haul journeys before but above all, for the first time in his life, not being with his mum and dad at Christmas. The teenager had managed to keep these sentiments under control in all the hustle and bustle that was associated with preparing for the visit. He had no trouble updating his passport and getting an ESTA, but, because of his previous health issues, organising his travel insurance proved to be complicated but his father managed to get it sorted. In addition, there was the thorny issue of sorting suitable clothes and bags and buying presents to take to Jake's family. As usual, Molly had been a great help and had identified several items that were not too bulky but would be suitable.

Jake had also been excited at the prospect of seeing his parents again but had misgivings about leaving Robert and Molly who had made him feel so welcome. Like his boyfriend, Jake had benefitted from Molly's advice on the question of what to buy as presents for the family but, in turn, had been a useful source of information on the kind of clothing that would be appropriate to take on a holiday visit. On his last conversation with his family, Jake had also learned that his uncle, aunt and cousin would also be coming for the Christmas break. Although he was pleased by the news, it also meant more presents to buy but, once again, Molly proved to be of enormous help in suggesting easily packed items.

One piece of good news that the teenagers received was that they had each been paid for the work they had done. Jake had earned a significantly larger amount than his boyfriend, but Robert had already suggested that they should each get an international money card which they could top up from their British bank accounts rather than take cash with them or use their normal bank cards abroad which would attract an exchange fee. Once the process was fully explained, Luke and Jake readily agreed.

When the teenagers emerged on the stairs, they saw that Robert was already transferring their luggage to his car and Molly was standing at the door to the kitchen from which the smell of toast and coffee was wafting.

`Good morning, boys. I know Robert is anxious to leave but I think we've got time for a snack before you go.'

The teenagers nodded enthusiastically and had disappeared into the kitchen when they heard Luke's dad shouting,

`Molly, are those layabouts up yet? If we don't leave soon, we'll get caught in the morning traffic!'

`Don't worry, Robert, they're in here having a quick snack and a drink, and we'll all be ready to go in a few minutes.'

Still muttering under his breath, Robert accepted his wife's assurance. Luke and Jake emerged into the hallway and, together with Molly, followed the teenager's father out to the car. Before they left, Molly checked with the boys that they had not forgotten anything, and Robert produced a folder in which he had secured their passports and other travel documentation with the instruction that they should guard them with their lives.

On the drive to the airport there was some stilted conversation with Luke becoming increasingly nervous as they got nearer but Jake and Molly tried to keep the conversation light to keep Luke from becoming overanxious. Despite Robert's concerns about traffic, they arrived at the airport in very good time. Having unpacked the boot of the car and been subjected to a second round of checking that they had everything they needed, the two teenagers accompanied by Luke's parents moved into the Departure area. They found the correct check-in zone and looked around for the queue for the desk. As they seemed lost, a young lady came up to them and asked,

`Are you flying today? You can check-in at one of the machines and print your boarding pass? Do you have luggage to check in? When you have your boarding passes, just take your luggage to the baggage drop and then you're free to go through to Security.'

When she received a positive response from Luke and Jake, she smiled at Molly and Robert and directed the teenagers to a vacant machine where they successfully checked in. The teenagers returned to where the adults were standing and then all four walked slowly towards the entrance to the Security check area. Robert moved forward and Luke hugged his father and then embraced his mother, and he was then followed by Jake who did the same.

Trying bravely to control their emotions, everyone stood together and had a general embrace before finally breaking apart. Luke kissed his mother and said,

`I hope you have a great Christmas! I'm going to miss you, but we'll speak to you on Christmas Day, and we'll be back before you miss us!!'

Jake embraced Molly and said,

`Thank you for everything and for all your support and consideration. Have a great Christmas!'

Molly smiled and said to the teenagers,

`Happy Christmas to you both, too, and please, Jake, pass on our best wishes to your family.'

Luke and Jake exchanged another hug with Molly and Robert before they turned and walked through to the Departure Gates. At the entrance to Security, they turned and waved and then disappeared from view. Molly and Robert stood quietly for a few more minutes before returning to their car.

Because they had arrived so early, they teenagers were through Security relatively quickly and found a place to sit, from which they could see the departure board. Once settled, Luke opened the folder that his dad had given him and checked that their passports, travel documents and boarding passes were safely inside. As he did so, the teenager noticed an envelope with his and Jake's name on it, written in his dad's handwriting. He took it out and opened it. Inside was $250 and a note wishing the boys a Happy Christmas and adding that they will need some cash immediately they arrive in America.

Wow, generous!!' Jake exclaimed when he saw the money, Your mom and dad are soo good!'

With plenty of time to kill it was not long before the teenagers decided that they were hungry and went in search of food, taking their carry-on luggage with them. Having eaten, the teenagers returned to the waiting area until, finally, it was time for them to leave for the departure gate. Jake noticed that as they walked towards the flight Luke's previous excitement had been replaced by evidence of nervousness. As soon as they were seated waiting to be called forward for boarding, the American teenager gave his boyfriend a hug and whispered words of encouragement. It was, perhaps, fortunate that they were in one of the earliest groups to board the flight and made their way down to their allocated seats. Looking at the boarding passes, Jake said,

`Which do you want, the window seat or the middle?'

Luke mumbled a reply that indicated that he did not want to sit by the window. As soon as this decision was made, Jake passed some of his hand luggage to the British teen and asked him to stow it in the overhead locker. Luke was stretching up awkwardly and a young fair-haired flight attendant came up and said,

`Would you like some assistance, sir?'

Luke felt the piece of luggage being removed from his grasp and watched as it was deftly placed into the overhead locker. He turned to thank the young man that had helped him, and the flight attendant smiled and said,

`You are lucky today as there is nobody in the aisle seat so you and your friend can spread out a bit if you want to.'

Luke nodded in thankful acknowledgement and, as he sat down next to Jake, the American whispered,

`That young flight attendant is so into you. Play your cards right and you might get to join the "mile-high club"!'

`Piss off, Jake, stop fooling about.'

`I'm not. I saw him checking you out as soon as we started down the aisle towards our seats and normally, they are busy during boarding, but he still found time to get close to you when you needed a bit of help.'

Luke continued to shake his head but when he glanced up, he caught the attendant's eye and received a warm smile in return. The British teenager looked away but could not escape the young man's gaze when shortly afterwards the safety briefing was being conducted. Jake stifled a smile as he watched his boyfriend squirm but grew concerned as signs of acute nervousness returned to Luke's face as take-off approached. He reached over and held the British teens hand and whispered in his ears. The caring American was pleased to note that once they were in the air Luke began to return to his normal good-natured state. Apart from the fact that he was an inexperienced flyer, Luke was also concerned that the length of the flight might have an adverse effect on his body and was relieved that the aisle seat was empty, and he could stretch out and, from time-to-time, get out and walk up and down the cabin. Every time Luke left his seat to take some exercise, Jake gave him a conspiratorial wink and jerked his head in the direction of the flight attendant.

The pair spent some of the flight watching a movie, reading and playing computer games. After they had passed the half-way stage of the flight and had eaten their rather indifferent meal, the teenagers sat back and dozed. Jake adjusted the blanket he had wrapped himself and Luke inside so that he could surreptitiously slide his hand across and gently stroke his boyfriend's cock through his jeans. In response, Luke sighed contentedly as pleasurable feelings spread through his body and reciprocated by gently sliding his fingers across the American teenager's bulge. Getting hornier by the minute, Luke turned towards his boyfriend who had managed to release the British teen's cock from his jeans and then began to wank it with long slow strokes. Jake, in turn, moved to a position that gave Luke access to his rampant prick and a process of mutual masturbation under the cover of the blanket ensued. After a short while, the British teenager stifled a moan as his orgasm washed over him and he shot ropes of cum onto Jake's hand and over underside of the blanket. The American was also close and, moments later, reached his climax and more hot spunk was deposited onto the blanket. When they had recovered, Jake said,

`Well, maybe not quite the "mile-high club", but pretty good anyway!! Now I think I need to go and freshen up.'

Luke giggled and said,

`Absolutely and I need to do the same and perhaps we ought to get rid of the dirty blanket.'

The two teenagers walked towards the toilets and, as he waited to take his turn, Luke caught the flight attendant's eye and the young man grinned and winked at him and smiled at the door to the other toilet opposite the one which Jake was occupying. When they got back to the seats, Luke told Jake about what had happened and worried that the flight attendant might have seen or guessed what they had just been doing, but the American teenager shrugged it off.

After another brief nap, the pair of teenagers awoke to the news that the plane had started its descent into Washington's Dulles Airport. The flight was almost over and within a short time they would be on American soil and Luke and his boyfriend would be re-united with Jake's family.

Luke's demeanour had briefly changed into one of concern as the plane began to descend, but this was short-lived and, by the time they were on the ground and taxiing towards the gate, he was as excited as Jake. As Luke walked to the door of the plane, the fair-haired flight attendant smiled at him and winked as he said,

`I hope you enjoyed the flight despite the ups and downs that you experienced during the journey.'

Jake stifled a laugh as he overheard what had been said as he brazenly thanked the cabin crew and said that he was looking forward to the return trip which he hoped would be as satisfying as the one he had experienced that day.

The teenagers separated when they reached the immigration hall and Jake said to his British boyfriend,

`I'll see you by the baggage claim. Try not to be too long.'

Luke assured his boyfriend that he would try his best and be as quick as he could. As he took a while, by the time he was re-united with the American, Jake had unloaded their luggage from the carousel, so there was no delay as the pair made their way towards to customs. Despite a bit of quizzing by the customs officer, the teenagers were quickly through into the arrivals hall. There was a large crowd of people waiting for family and friends, but Jake saw his mom and dad in the middle of a small group and, waving frantically, pointed them out to Luke. They pushed through the crowd and Jake was hugged tightly by his parents who quickly made room for Luke to join in.

Scott Johnson said,

`Welcome home, Jake, it's so good to see you again and welcome to America, Luke! Kate and I hope that you have a great time with us!'

Luke nodded,

`Thanks. I am greatly looking forward to my visit!'

Jake looked around and asked quizzically,

`Where's Ethan?'

Kate smiled at her son and said,

`He's back home. He doesn't know you are coming today. We wanted it to be a surprise.'

Scott nodded and then said,

`Okay, let's get your things into the trunk and get back because we told him we were just going out to the mall to do some shopping, and he'll get concerned if we're not back soon.'

During the drive to the house, Luke spent most of the time looking out of the car window taking in all the new things he was seeing. The journey took less than an hour and they pulled into a drive that led to a large house set back from the street and surrounded by a large area of land. As the car came to a halt, Ethan appeared from the back yard and was momentarily puzzled when the rear doors of the car opened but this quickly changed to a scream of delight as first Jake and then Luke emerged from the vehicle. Fortunately, both teens had braced themselves because the young American boy rushed towards them and enveloped them in a hug.

Despite admonishments from his mom to let the newcomers settle in quietly, Ethan was so excited by the arrival of his brother and Luke that he followed them everywhere they went and stayed with them after Kate had shown the pair the room that they would be sleeping in. Scott followed behind carrying their luggage and said,

`I hope you guys have brought some warm clothing, because it looks as though the next few days are going to be pretty cold.'

Assured that both boys had brought thick clothing, Scott then added,

`I guess you are tired after the flight or at least might want to freshen up and maybe unpack a few things, so we'll leave you in peace and by that, I mean all of us, including you, Ethan.'

Reluctantly, the youngster left the older teen's room, dragging slowly behind his dad. As soon as they had left, Jake pulled his boyfriend into a tight hug and whispered,

`And now it's time to give you a proper welcome to America!'

As he spoke, the American teenager cupped Luke's bulge in his hand and felt the British teen's dick begin to swell. Grinning, Jake added,

`Why don't we "freshen up" together?'

Leading Luke by the hand, Jake opened the door to the large En-suite bathroom which housed a very large shower, a bath and two basins as well as a toilet with, to the British boy's astonishment, a telephone next to it. Jake pointed at the shower and said,

`Shall we?'

Luke nodded and, after locking the door, the pair quickly undressed and stepped together into the cubicle. The shower was amazing as not only was there a huge overhead sprinkler but also there were jets of water that could be directed at the body from the side. The youngsters spent a while enjoying the warm shower, playing with the jets, and soaping each other with shower gel. However, it did not take long before both teenagers were sporting rock-hard cocks and Jake turned to face the back wall of the shower and guided Luke's rampant dick towards his waiting hole. The British teen wrapped his arms around the front of Jake's body as his prick slid easily inside the American. Slowly and steadily, Luke slid in and out of his boyfriend's hole eliciting moans of pleasure as he teased Jake's prostate. The pair quickly found a good rhythm with each working to maximise the pleasure they were giving and receiving. With each of Luke's inwards thrusts, Jake pushed back to meet them, and the horny British teen wanked his partner's shaft in time with their fucking rhythm. It did not take long before the excitement took over and Luke could feel his balls tighten and his shaft began to throb deep inside Jake whose own dick was oozing pre-cum. With one last gasp, the British teen reached his orgasm and splattered ball juice deep inside his boyfriend, who, moments later, fired his own cum against the wall of the shower.

Luke slumped forward against Jake's back and, as he fought to regain control, groaned appreciatively in Jake's ear,

`Now, that's what I would call a great welcome to America! Thank you! I love you so very much!'

Jake leaned back and planted a kiss on the British teen's lips and, as he broke away, responded,

`I couldn't agree more, I enjoyed welcoming you. I love you too!'

The pair spent time cleaning themselves up and wiping down the shower before they returned to their room and got dressed. When they emerged into the main house, Ethan was waiting for them and led them down to the den where Kate and Scott were sitting.

`Hi, guys, you both look refreshed. Did you have a good shower?'

`Yes, mom, the shower was awesome!!'

`Good. Your dad and I thought we'd have something to eat soon but after that I would suggest that you stay up as long as you can. I found doing that made the jet lag easier to cope with.'

Luke and Jake both nodded in acknowledgement of the advice that had been given.

Scott then said,

`I thought that you might like a quiet day tomorrow, but hopefully you'll be able to join us at Ethan's last day at school before the Christmas recess. Later in the week you might like to go to DC and do some sightseeing. I've got a meeting there most days so I can take you and bring you back. How does that sound?'

Fantastic, Mr Johnson', Luke exclaimed, I'm looking forward to visiting Washington and seeing it for real rather than on a movie or television.'

`Great, Luke, but please call us Scott and Kate, OK? Also, you need to know that at the end of the week we have the boys' uncle, aunt and cousin, who you met in England, coming up for the Christmas holiday. It will mean a bit of doubling up as Ethan and Noah will have to share with you two but that shouldn't be a problem, should it?'

`Not at all, dad. It'll be great to see them again.' Jake responded and Luke nodded in agreement.

Ethan, who had been quiet for longer than usual spoke up,

`Dad, can I come with you when you take Jake and Luke to DC, please?'

Scott looked at the two teenagers who nodded their agreement and the said,

`Okay, Ethan, but on condition that you behave yourself and don't argue with the older boys and that tomorrow you give them some space to settle in and relax.'

`I will, dad, I promise.'

Kate announced that food was ready, and everyone gathered around the spacious kitchen table and were served a generous helping of warm stew which tasted delicious. However, the effects of the long flight and the time difference had two effects on the teenagers. First, they found that their appetite was not great and, second, they were having difficulty staying awake. Indeed, shortly after they had finished the warming meal, Luke looked slightly embarrassed as he said,

`The food was delicious, thank you - er - Kate and Scott but would anyone mind if I went back to the room, I'm hardly able to keep my eyes open and I think I need to sleep?'

Kate smiled understandingly and said,

`That's fine, Luke. I'm surprised you and Jake have lasted for as long as you have. I'll see you in the morning, whenever you want to appear. You too, Jake. I think you look just as done in as Luke.'

`I am, mom. Thanks.'

The two teenagers left the table and headed straight to their room and quickly undressed and got into bed. They had just enough time for a hug, cuddle and a kiss before they both fell fast asleep.

It was still dark when Luke woke for the first time and checked the time and, realising that it was way too early, tried to get back to sleep. He felt Jake stirring beside him but laid still pretending to be asleep. The American teen sat up briefly, groaned and then flopped back onto his pillow and returned to sleep immediately. Luke watched as his boyfriend breathed steadily beside him and an overwhelming feeling of love swept through him. As he lay awake, he reflected on how fortunate he was to have met Jake and for the two of them to have got together in the way they had. Although it took rather longer, Luke also returned to sleep and, by the time he woke again, he could tell it was daytime. He looked at the clock and was astonished to realise that it was mid-morning. He leaned over and kissed Jake who was still sound asleep and allowed his lips to run down the American teen's body and take his flaccid dick between his lips and feel it slowly harden as he teased it with his sensuous lips and tongue. In response, Jake began to moan as he slowly regained consciousness and recognised what was happening. Realising that his boyfriend was now awake, Luke continued with the wake-up blow job holding Jake firmly down on his back so that he could not move. The horny American teen had no intention of doing anything other than enjoy the sensations he was receiving from the oral examination of his now-rampant prick, although he did begin to thrust upwards to meet his lover's slurping mouth. Luke's fingers found their way to Jake's hole, and he pushed inside until he made contact with his boyfriend's prostate and sent ripples of pleasure through the American teen's body. Realising that Jake's uncontrollably throbbing shaft meant that his boyfriend was approaching the point of no return, Luke increased his efforts and was soon rewarded with a torrent of hot cum that splattered against the roof of his mouth and down into his throat. Grinning at his boyfriend, Luke said,

`Good morning! I hope you slept well and that your alarm call was even better!'

Dreamily, Jake nodded and whispered,

`It was wonderful and a great surprise but now, I want you inside me!!'

In any other circumstance, Luke would have happily agreed, but he hesitated when he realised that his body had reacted to the effects of the flight and not only was he aching but also his muscles had tightened and movement was not as good as it had been, something that he hoped would be temporary. Jake realised at once that something was wrong and looked concerned,

`What is it? Why the hesitation? Are you in pain?'

Luke tried to put on a brave face and responded with a grim smile,

`My body has tightened up a bit and it's not as easy to move today but hopefully I can go somewhere to do some exercises and it'll be better, so if you want me inside you, then you'll have to do all the work.'

`It'll be my pleasure and yours too, I hope!'

Jake moved his boyfriend onto his back, wanked his cock and lubed it up before he sat on Luke's chest and slowly moved back towards the rock-hard cock. Luke held his dick upright as Jake lowered himself onto the tip before allowing it to slide deep inside him until it was completely swallowed up. The pair knew each other so well that they did not need to say anything but easily moved into a steady rhythm of Jake rising and falling on and off the shaft buried deep inside him. The moans emanating from Luke added encouragement to his partner who increased the tempo gradually over the next few minutes. Although in no hurry to reach a climax, nature took over and the British teen felt his orgasm building as his ball tightened and prepared to release his juice. With a low moan, Luke shot ropes of spunk deep inside Jake who grinned down at him as he felt his bowels being coated by the warm, sticky goo. As the prick inside him softened and began to slide out, Jake lowered himself onto the bed and lay beside Luke and the pair held each other tightly for several moments of mutual love.

Finally, Jake moved and said,

`I think we ought to get up and have a shower, mom will wonder where we are.'

Luke acknowledged the comment and slid out from his side of the bed but wobbled as he stood up and Jake reached out to steady him.

`Are you sure you are alright?'

Luke had recovered his balance and said, quietly,

`Yes, I'm OK and I'll be better after a shower.'

The British teen walked somewhat unsteadily towards the En-suite and, true to his prediction, by the time they had both showered he was feeling much better and felt ready to face the day, although still anxious to go to a gym to exercise. When he mentioned this to Kate, she immediately suggested that, after they had had something to eat, they all go to the local Country Club where there was a gym and swimming pool. The hour that he spent in the gym seemed to make something of a difference and he demonstrated that he was still doing well by swimming several laps in the pool at a speed that made several other swimmers stop and watch.

The time at the Country Club was cut short, however, because Kate had to go to Ethan's school to collect him and, as soon as the youngster got into the car, he said,

`Can we go to get a burger?'

Kate sighed but acquiesced and went to a nearby drive-thru and they emerged from there with each of the boys holding not only a burger but also large cups of soda. For Luke the experience of eating an American burger was new and very enjoyable and this, coupled with the fact that he was beginning to feel as though he was recovering from the after-effects of the flight, made him feel more relaxed.

When they reached the house, despite it being quite cold, Ethan was keen to play outside, but Jake and Luke resisted the invitation. Instead, the older boys suggested doing something in the den and Ethan immediately invited them to play some computer games, which, given his familiarity with them, he easily won. They played several rounds of different games before Scott arrived home.

After an early meal, everyone went to Ethan's school where the local PTA was holding a Christmas Social event. There was a disco and other activities for the students, but Ethan was more interested in showing off his `friend from England' to his classmates. Luke allowed himself to be dragged around various groups and answered their questions about his home country. Jake accompanied his boyfriend with an amused look on his face but also keeping an eye out to ensure that Luke did not become overtired. The event came to an end relatively early and, as he was going into Washington the following day, Scott suggested that it would be a good occasion for them to visit the nation's capital. When Luke and Jake thanked him and accepted the offer, Ethan reminded his dad that he wanted to tag along as well. Scott indicated that he was happy to agree if the older teens were content to have him with them and reminded them all that they would need to get up early the following morning as he was leaving just before seven. On hearing this information Jake and Luke, who were still feeling some jet lag, retired to their room, again falling asleep within moments of getting into bed.

To be continued.

I hope you liked this part of the story. If you would like to hear about the continuing adventures of Luke, Mike, and Jake and their partners, let me know.

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If you liked this story, My story The History Tutor's First Term has recently appeared in the Adult-Youth section and may be of interest. Also please search for my other stories on Nifty in the Authors Section under Steve Rose. Please only use the current email address for any comments

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