The Furnace Trick

Published on Feb 18, 2011



"What the fuck are you doing?" Ryan asked rising from where he buried his head with the quilt.

The room they shared was so cold their breath showed. In fact the entire dormitory floor was that cold. Other roommates were running to take hot showers to warm up before returning to their beds.

"Didn't you ever go camping? We got to share body heat" Taylor said. He was standing close to Ryan's bed wrapped in his own comforter.

"Shit...but maybe if we use both comforters....ok come on" Ryan knew his roommate was right. He reached for his quilt and pulled it down.

"You go back there, I have to face this way" He said "What the fuck are you doing naked?"

Taylorlay his comforter on tope of Ryan's quilt revealing his totally naked body. He climbed over Ryan to get in bed.

"Again camping dude, naked bodies share warmth, if we have clothes on we can't get heat from each other" He slid under the comforters.

Ryan had to admit he immediately felt warmer.

"Come on dude you too" Taylor said "take it off"

"Ok ok ok" Ryan peeled his shirt off and threw it on the floor followed by his boxer shorts. He was naked in bed and Taylor's naked body was behind him.

"Just go to sleep" Taylor said "We need to spoon to get our bodies warm"

"Fuck man" Ryan started to say.

"Don't worry about my boner, I'm turning over to face the wall, you can turn over and move close" Taylor

Ryan heard the rustling of the bedding as Taylor did what he said. He turned over and carefully moved close to his roommate..

"Shit man, can't help it" Ryan said as his cock brushed against Taylor.

"It's ok, our bodies don't know we're just roommates" Taylor said

"And straight" Ryan added.

There was silence as the two waited for their body heat exchange and time to let them sleep.

"Shit I'm still cold" Taylor said moving his body back against Ryan. He felt the guys hard cock against him and kept moving until his back was against the guys chest.

Ryan had a nice chest he knew. He had thought about it when jacking off many nights.

"Shit man move any closer and my cock will go in" Ryan said. He had seen Taylors bare ass of course and was alarmed that he sometimes dreamt of fucking it.

"It's ok if you do, hell sex will make us get hot" Taylor said hoping that Ryan would either think he was joking or he'd take the hint.

"You sure?" Ryan asked, he too hoping Taylor would get the joke.

Taylorreached behind him and felt the round rod he had seen now and then.

"Man what are you doing?" Ryan would have jumped out of bed but it was too cold.

"Just do it" Taylor said moving his ass so the cock opened his butthole.

"Shit man I told you I'm not gay" Ryan reminded him.

"But I am so just fuck me so we can sweat" Taylor moved his butt back onto the cock.

Ryan pushed his hips and felt the tightness surround him. His heart was beating harder, his breathing got deeper. He was about to fuck another guy for the first time in his life.

"Fuck" Ryan said as he moved it forward. His belly felt Taylor buttocks.

"That's it" Taylor told him "Now just take your time so we can raise our temperatures"

Ryan didn't respond. He was trying not to admit it felt good having his virgin cock inside Taylor's warm body and trying to ignore his body pressed against Taylor's back was already moist with sweat.

"Shit fuck me hard man" Taylor said "it's time"

Ryan realized his roommate was jacking himself off while he was fucking the guy. He had heard his roommie whack off at night often and presumed Taylor heard him despite his attempts to keep quiet doing it himself.

"Yea yea" Taylor's hand reached behind him and pulled Ryan's arm over him. "Grab me man, get some leverage" he instructed.

Ryan realized Taylor had done this before. He held the guys naked torso then pulled tighter and tighter. The more he fucked the harder he pulled the guy against him.

Ryan admitted to himself it felt good, it made him remember mental fantasies he had had when jacking off over the years.

And it reminded him he had surveyed Taylor's body when they first became roommates admiring his round buttocks. But he knew he wasn't gay, it was just college and students experiment there. It was ok, it was something to keep as a secret.

Besides it felt good, better then the one girl he had slept with over the summer. It was warmer, tighter and Taylor was squeezing him with his muscle, pushing his ass back on the cock as he jacked himself off.

The girl had just lay there. Taylor wanted it more then she did.

"Shit shit shit" Ryan said as his body released it's load in the warm chasm of Taylor's body.

"Nice" Taylor said "Feel warmer?"

Ryan was panting, recovering from the effort and the experience. He had to admit his entire body was flaming hot now. He felt Taylor's body was hot too.

"Shit I guess so. Does this make us queer?" He asked

Taylorlaughed "Naw just fuck buddies" he laughed "Don't worry it's a roommate secret, don't tell anyone."

Ryan smacked the boy's naked butt under the covers. "Who am I gonna tell?"

Then they slept. Ryan heard the yelling in the hallway and awoke to the morning light. Gathering the quilt around him he went to the door.

"OK who's the asshole that turned off the furnace last night, you almost froze everyone's ass" the dormitory RA stood in the middle of the hallway wearing a parka and ear muffs. "I turned it back on...should get warm in another hour" he promised and slammed his door.

Ryan turned back to his room which was warmer then the hallway. He suspected that was due to the heat that Taylor and he had generated over the night.

The fucking did work, he had to admit. They slept warm after that with their sweaty spent bodies pressed together.

"Dude some asshole turned the furnace off" he said moving back to the bed. Taylor was smiling.

"You you did that?" He asked

"Just get back in bed and fuck me again, the furnace won't warm up for an hour" Taylor said lifting the bedding.

Ryan got back into the bed and punched Taylor on the arm.

"Ouch, ok I deserved it. But you can get back at me by fucking me hard as hell too" Taylor said.

"You bet I will" Ryan wrestled with Taylor until the legs were over his shoulder. He jammed his cock into the boys upturned ass and fucked hard because of his anger, his realized lust and for the pleasure of it all.

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