The Full Moon

Published on Aug 17, 1997



The Full Moon

Brian's Song

I stood on the balcony, looking up at the moon, it was the fullest that I had seen in a long, long time. It's light shown brightly, lighting the area with a glow that drew me further and further into it's spell. The longer I gazed at it, the more I felt it pull. A cloud crossed it face and I glanced down to the street - - - there stood a man in full leather - - brown hair, full closely cropped beard, collar around his neck, hands bound in front of him, and a smile that told me, he was mine. I knew who it was, we had been talking for months across the continent, I blinked and glanced back only to find the street empty. Looking back at the moon it appeared to keep in time with my heart beats - - silently wished for my man to reappear. I looked up and down the street only to find it empty.

Well I was never one to let a full moon pass, I got dressed and went out. I still had an uneasy feeling that this wasn't an ordinary full moon night - - somehow this was a different night. It was a different night all right, the bars were very interesting to say the least, and being a weekend night only added to the fun. Now I know why bartenders dread that shinney disk in the sky. One guy had his front left pocket of his 501's filled with warm liquid a couple of times. And I saw more cock and ass exposed then in a high school gym locker room. The evening was interesting but that feeling still intruded, when ever I started something, that feeling returned....telling me there was more for me tonight...

As much fun as I was having in the bar...that feeling was still was time for me to head home, alone. All the way home the moon seemed to follow me drawing me into its spell, drawing me closer and closer. I got home and hit the sack, only to lay there awake, the moon light lit my bedroom with its glow. I laid there trying to invite sleep, only to find it alluding me. I got out of bed and walked to the living room, pulling the curtains back, the moon light flooded the room, surrounding me, drawing me into its glow.

I stood there, time was only an idea, I was taking to the moon without words. I felt him, my man was there, I knew before I looked down.....there he was, knelling at my feet...nude, his collar on, his tits clamped there chained, hanging against his chest, hands man....for me.....

I reached down and grabbed him by the hair, pulling him off his knees. I pressed my lips to his, crushing them, my tongue explored the craven of his mouth. I lead him to the playroom. I put a hood over his head locking it to the collar he was already wearing. I attached his bound hands to the overhead and pulled him slightly off the floor. As he hung there I looked at the body I had seen so many times but never in the flesh, till now. The first thing he would give me was the hair off his body, his body would be smooth and glisten. I started with the straight razor, the hair under his arms soon left his body and fell to the floor. What little hair he had on his chest soon joined the other. The one thing that got me was the line of hair from his navel to his crotch. I left that fine line and moved to shave his cock and balls, then getting a chair for him to stand on I bent him over and shaved his ass. Taking the chair away, I let him hang in his sightless state.

I moved silently around the room, getting various toys out. His body hung there, reacting to each breeze he felt with my movement. The wide black belt cut the air, landing across his back, leaving a angry red welt. It was joined by another and another. Each one left its mark, some crossing others. Small moans of pain could be heard, with each blow, the sweat soon made his body glisten. I put the belt away and got a small whip with tabs on the end of the straps. His ass soon had the whips signature on it. The harder I hit him the more he begged for more, the more he received the more he wanted, to give me the pleasure of his pain. His cock was hard the whole time dripping pre-cum like a sieve.

I lowered him, his body crumpled to the floor. I bound him to the table on his back. Taking his balls I squeezed them, the pain could be seen in his body, every nerve was responding to it. I bound his balls away from his body, they were tied tightly so both orbs were tight against his ball sack. I picked up the deep penetrating cream and massaged it into his balls, leaving him alone on the table.

When I returned to him, his balls were fire red, I grabbed them and pulled them further away from his body. I slapped his balls softly at first, then harder and harder, my last blow was with full force. He gave into the pain, accepting it, surrounding himself,only to leaving himself for a higher plain of feelings. The pain from his back and ass and now the pain from his balls took him higher and higher. His cock responded spraying it cream, volley after volley of cum left his cock, covering his chest, even hitting his hood. But even with cumming his cock stayed hard, hard as a rock, feed by the pain.

His cum slowly ran from his chest down his side. His breathing was slowing from it fast pace of giving into the pain, from his union of mind and body, when one can't sperate the feelings, the union of being without knowing.

I tied his legs up, exposing his beat ass, the red strips still standing out against his white ass. I grease my gloved hand and forearm. I tease his hole with my fingers, slipping one, then another in and out. His ass responds waiting for my invasion. His cock flexes, a drop of precum forms on its head. His ass opens for me, my fingers slides in, I withdraw them, only to push more and more into him. Soon my hand is in his ass past my wrist. Sounds of pleasure can be heard, muffled by the hood. He relaxed more and my forearm inched it way into him, my greased covered forearm slipping between his ass cheeks. I am caressing his body from the inside, reaching for his soul.

His body was sending messages,

he was again giving into the feelings of his body,

There were stars in his brain.

There was black. There was white.

Waves and spasms.

Full and empty.

Pleasure and pain, hot and cold, and everything all at same time and then the explosion, implosion, sinking, floating as his body gave forth with it essence, his back arching as the cum shots from his cock, his ass squeezing my hand and arm with each blast from his balls.

I untied him, taking the body that had given me so much pleasure into my arms. Holding his abused body tightly. My lips once again sought his lips, drinking through them all the pleasure, the pain, the oneness that only he could give me. His whole body was mine.

I woke up with a start. I was in the playroom, alone. Everything was out and had been used, but I was alone. I quick tour of the house produced nothing.

I stood on the balcony, looking up at the moon, it was the fullest that I had seen in a long, long time. It's light shown brightly, lighting the area with a glow that drew me further and further into it's spell. The longer I gazed at it, the more I felt it pull. A cloud crossed it face and I glanced down to the street - - - there stood a man in full leather - - brown hair, full closely cropped beard, collar around his neck, hands bound in front of him, and a smile that told me, he was mine.

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