The Fuck Club

By Michael Tolliver

Published on Dec 14, 2015



Welcome to the next adventure of Michael and friends. I hope you will enjoy this episode, it was fun writing it. Let me know guys, it's always great to hear from you.

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Philip had been invited to give a series of three lectures at Berkely and there would be a flat for him to use in the heart of San francisco near the Opera House. He asked me if I would like to go with him. I had never been to the States so I jumped at the offer. The lectures would take place after the end of Hillary Term before Easter. He would be there for a week so it would be a good oportunity to get to know the city. During the day I would be free to explore.

Philip had a contact who could tell us about gay life in the centre and he said that whatever else I did, I should go to the Campus Theatre, the Nob Hill sex show and the Central Sauna. So on the Saturday the day after we arrived I put on a tank top and shorts and took myself over to the address for the sauna he had given us. At first I just couldn't find it. I knew it had to be pretty big because Philip's friend said that on popular days there could be as many as two hundred people there. He had told us that the best time to go was on a Saturday, under 25s got in at a much reduced rate so there was usually a pretty hot crowd. But when I eventually found it the entrance was really small and the sign discrete. It felt like I was going into a Speak Easy. Inside it was bright and clean. A very cute guy wearing nothing but a jock strap and a smile, was standing behind the desk in the foyer, he gave me a very careful looking over before he gave me a key with an elastic band for my wrist for a locker, a towl and some lube. See you later," he said with a grin and a squeeze of his cock.

"Hope so," I said and gave his cock a lingering look.

"Yeah, I'm sure you will. The changing room and showers are through there."

I followed his directions; the changing room was packed and I had to squeeze through to find the locker that went with my key. I got groped so many times that it was clear that this was likely to be a very busy afternoon. beyond the changing room there was a communal shower area with about twenty shower heads, this was also crowded. I found a vacant one and turned on the water. It was all very steamy and hot and there was plenty of sex going on around me. As I was checking out the equipment on the wall I found a strange gadget like a small metal dido with holes in it attached to a hose. I was trying to decide what it was for, when the sexy Italian looking guy under the next shower said it was for giving yourself an enema. "Guys don't usually like getting shit on their dicks, so this is there to get you really cleaned out. Here let me show you." He got me to turn round and bend over and then slowly pushed it into me. Immediately I felt the huge rush of warm soapy water in my arse. It was an incredible feeling and reminded me of the time Simon had pissed in my arse, but there was much more pressure this time. I started to get a hard on. The guy in front who was getting fucked hard by a huge black guy, smiled at me, and being careful not to lose the dido I edged forward so that I was near enough to bend over and suck his thick hard dick. Just then the dido was pulled from my arse and a gush of warm soapy water fountained out over the guy behind me. "O yeah, that's it flush it out." My arse was totally relaxed after the enema so the guy behind me had no trouble pushing his cock in where the dido had been. Once again I had the glorious feeling of a big cock up my arse and another in my mouth. Tingles went up and down my spine.

"O, this arse was made for fucking, I love it." said the guy fucking me, then talking to the guy whose dick I was sucking and the black bloke fucking him, he added "Shit Tom, you two have to try this hole out." The four of us were attracting quite a crowd. There were five or six guys standing round playing with their dicks or with the dicks of the guys around them.I really got off on having an audience, and realised I was getting sluttier by the day and hornier by the moment as was the guy I was sucking off. I was holding his balls with one hand and jacking him hard with the other. His balls were tight up against base of his cock, his head lolled back and he groaned loudly as he emptied his ball milk into my mouth. I sloshed the glorious fluid around to savour the unique taste of his cum. The black guy must have felt the contractions in the arse he was fucking because he suddenly froze and announced to everyone near. "O yeah, filling up your arse white boy. Cumming in you! Yeah, take that cum" The guy fucking me speaded up, and slamming me hard shot the first load of the afternoon up my arse. The only one who hadn't cum was me. But that was fine, I had only been there twenty five minutes and Philip wouldn't be free for another five hours, he had a faculty drinks party fixed for that night. You can get a lot done, and you can get done a lot in five hours. My sex partners pulled away but I was only just getting started. I smiled at a cute teenager in the circle around us and licked my lips. He straight away came over. His cock was long and straight and smooth and it slipped into my mouth and down my throat like a hot knife through butter. One of the others went round the back and once again I was getting fucked from both ends. The teenager had a fast trigger but what he lacked in staying power he more than made up for in volume. Four more thick jets of sweet cum filled my mouth and went down my throat to join the others. I hardly felt the guy in my arse cum I was just aware of him pulling out and another cock taking his place. I stayed bent over, and in the next forty minutes I took five more loads up my arse and four more in my mouth.

After that I had to stand up strait and a small trail of cum leaked from my loose arse and down the inside of my right leg. One of the watchers looked disappointed as I stood up. He was cute and was furiously masturbating, Well, waste not want not. I knelt down and slobbered over the nob of his cock as his fist repeatedly bumped into my chin. He came in a watery flood and pulled me up for more sharing. Snow balling is wonderful especially if both partners have a mouthful of cum to share, but one is still pretty good. I staggered off a bit stiffly to do some exploring. From the showers there was a corridor that led off to a bar where porn films were being played. There was a play room with a padded black plastic floor for orgies. Ah orgies, I thought happily of what had happened so far, sixteen loads in an hour and a half. Eight in my arse and eight more in my mouth. Could this be a record night? Well onwards and downwards. The real surprises however, I found downstairs. The steps were dark as I picked my way down and led into a maze with glory holes on both sides and then into a room with two slings; both actively occupied. Everywhere was crowded and I had to squeeze through which was fun. One boy, who looked about sixteen but must have been older because the age limit for entry was eighteen, was leaning against the door jam. he looked a bit spaced out but happy and he seemed to be wet all over, on his face, in his hair all down his chest. As I got close to him I realized it was cum. He was covered in cum.

"Blimey, you look as if you've had a good time!" I said laughing.

"Man, I've been in the sling for three hours. I've lost count. This has been a really good day." He gave a lop sided grin and a trail of cum flowed out of the side of his mouth and down his chin." I couldn't resist and leaned over to kiss him and lick it up. I went on down his chest sucking up as much cum as I could. Standing still and bent over in that place was of course an open invitation for others. I didn't know who it was, and I didn't care, but someone came up behind me, held onto my hips and pushed his cock in my arse. Cumboy pulled me up for a harder kiss. Then he wispered in my ear."If you like cum buddy, you're gonna love my arse." He turned around and presented me with his cum filled hole to rim. Careful not to dislodge the fucker in my arse I bent over to tongue the smooth boy-arse in front of me. He groaned and relaxed and a cascade of warm cum flowed out and into my eager mouth. Shit how much spunk was there!? I slobbered, and sucked, and swallowed as my arse was still being hammered. My face was covered in cum. I held my hands under his arse to catch whatever cum I missed. Then licked my hands and buried my face in what was left. Eventually the guy fucking me came and I turned round to see who he was, 23 or 24? Looking slightly asian but not, dusky skin, strong nose. Native American perhaps? O how I hoped he was Native American, I had fulfilled one of my boyhood dreams of being fucked by Tonto!

I left Cumboy and Tonto and went through the door into a more brightly lit area. The walls and floor were tiled and there were two shallow plastic baths. People were sitting in them and a dozen other guys were pissing on them. I had found the water sports room. There were other drains in the floor so people could piss wherever they wanted. I saw the last boy I had sucked of in the showers standing in the middle of the room looking for somewhere or someone to piss on. I grinned at him and saw that he recognised me. He nodded and looked down at his long soft cock. I went over, knelt down in front of him and took the head of his cock in my mouth. I looked up at him and he gave me a big happy grin. his piss was sweet, pale and abundant. What had he been drinking? Coca Cola, lemonaid? I swallowed eagerly, then with my mouth full I looked up again and spat it over him. He closed his eyes in pleasure. The next mouthful I kept and stood up to kiss him. He knew what was coming and opened his mouth wide, and I spat his piss in for us to share, which we did noisily. I had been holding his dick tightly to stop his piss and quickly squatted down again to get the rest, and he didn't disappoint. I was still drinking when I realised that another guy had moved over to stand next to us. I looked up, older than us, may be thirty, thirty five, with a crew cut, and hairy chest and legs. his fat pale dick hung over me. he grunted and his flow started in a drenching shower, over my head, soaking my hair, down my face and into my mouth. The guy whose piss I had just been drinking knelt down beside me and joined in the shower. We vied as to which of us got to drink it. I lost because I was laughing and the piss went down the wrong way, so while I was coughing and spluttering he got to drink the rest. I was feeling very hot, it was like a furnce down there. I stood up thinking I would go back to the shower area and told the others two what I planned.

"O, you're English, right. Is this your first visit here?"

"Yes, and yes." I replied.

"Well you don't need to go upstairs to cool off, does he Tim?" So they knew each other.

"Nope, we have our own special showers right here. Come on I'll show you." He led us over to the far wall where there was a shallow pool maybe a foot deep, nearly filled with piss. They both stepped down into it and I followed.

"This is the piss shower," said Tim, "All the urinals of the club are connected to a tank down here. There are about twenty or thirty heads around so the tank gets pretty full especially on a day when the place is as full as this. This is a great way to cool off." He reached down and splashed us both with piss from the pool then He turned a tap on the wall beside us and immediately a fine spay of piss showered us. We kissed, embraced and splashed in the urine. It soaked our hair and ran down our bodies. I closed my eyes and looked up to let it fill my mouth, the others did the same. It was incredible, I was completely drenched in piss. I had to tell Jim about this, he would be so shit jealous I think he would holiday here just to try it out. The piss was sort of cool rather than cold. Hairy chest turned it off. "We have to share this, so we can't take it all," he said with a chuckle. We climbed out refreshed and cool again.

Hairy guy's dick was stiff, standing out from his muscular body, "I always get hard in the piss shower." It looked far too good to waste so I bent over and sucked it, enjoying the pissy taste. He wasn't the only one turned on, my own cock was hard too, and so was Tim's. While I sucked hairy guy, I felt Tim fingering my cunt. Judging rightly that I was ready he put his cock against my arse hole and pushed, it slid in easily. He seemed in no hurry and just slow fucked me while he watched me sucking dick. Why couldn't I have two mouths and two cunts? Like one of those ancient godesses with multiple breasts, I could satisfy a whole gang at once. But I was being satisfied quite well already. After about ten minutes I could feel hairy boy beginning to tense up and my heart beat a little faster as I felt the signs and waited for my reward. He grunted, then for a moment froze, before slamming my mouth for the last time and flooding it with spunk in three big jets. Rich and creamy, just like the doctor ordered. Mama's 'nanna pudding served up warm. Tim inspired by what he was seeing grabbed my hips and pumped his cum into my arse to join the rest that was there. I was so turned on by the piss showere and the double fucking that I came too into my hand, and licked it up.

I straightened up and looked around for my towl. I saw one by the wall and went over to get it. It was slimey with cum and wet with piss; it would do nicely. I wrapped it round my kneck, I hugged the other two, and kissed them again.

"How long are you going to be in San Francisco?" asked Tim.

"Another week, I'm here with my boyfriend."

"Really!? He knows you're here?"

"Sure he's a slut too." This was a bit of an exageration, but give it time.

We needed a proper shower to clean of the piss and cum, so that's where we headed. I found out hairy boy was called Al. I thought after the shower some time in the sauna to relax would be a good idea. Of course I got fucked again before I got there. As I was squeezing through the crowd someone got a wiff of my piss soaked body and leaned over to lick the back of my kneck and into my ear. Licking my ear is a sure fire way of getting me interested, I paused and leaned back.

"You taste soooo good." said a low voice behind me.

"O yeah? I've been in the piss shower." I could feel rough fingers exploring my arse.

"And you feel ready too."

"Always." I said. And I thought why not? The fingers were replaced by a cock, which was just fine by me. I didn't know how big it was, I just knew it felt great. And I didn't know what the guy looked like. I just stood there, my arse out to meet his thrusts, then when I felt him cum and pull out, I just walked on. The other two had waited patiently for me to finish.

"Sorry," I said. "It's like going to work in a chocolate factory. For the first day you just can't get enough." After a quick shower instead of going to the saune we went to the bar for a drink. I leaned back on the big leather sofa. "I feel well and truly fucked, and my arse is feeling very satisfied."

"How satisfied?" said Tim.

"Well, pretty satisfied. Why do you ask?"

"This is the first Saturday on the month so we'll be having the cum contest this evening."

My head shot up. "O yes, what's that?"

"They get volunteers who go up on the stage. There are padded stands and you lean over with your arse in view. Then anyone who wants comes and fucks you. They wear condoms."

"Condoms, why?"

"After they've cum they give their condom to the judge who keeps them in separate piles. After an hour they count up how many condoms are in each pile and whoever has the most is declared the winner."

"What's the prize?" I asked.

"The condoms of course," said Tim, "I've done it couple of times, the last time was two months ago, it was great. Most of the guys are so horned up by the time they come up on stage that they don't usually last long. I was the winner last time and I got fifty five condoms. You have to drink them in front of everyone. You like being fucked and you like the taste of cum how about volunteering?"

"I love being fucked," I said laughing. "and I don't just like the taste of cum, I love it, so why not." I checked the time behind the bar another two hours before I aught to go. That was enough time.

"You register here at the bar." I went over and recognised one of the barmen as the boy I had first met at the door. He had shed the jock strap now and was working naked with a half hard on.

He smiled when he saw me, "Ah the English guy. Well did you have a good time?"

"The best," I said. "Fucked good, back and front."

"That's what we like hear. Satisfied customers. What would you like?"

"Three more Buds and I want to register for the Cum Contest."

"You got it." He brought over the beers, "As part owner here, I get to go first. I said I would fuck you."

"Great," and I went back to the others.

Just a bit later there was an announcement that the contest would begin in ten mimutes and everybody interested should come to the bar. I saw two other naked boys one black climbing the steps onto a stage so I followed them. We grinned at each other and high fived before looking out over the rapidly growing crowd. The black boy had a really big dick, he aught to be doing the fucking; I'd take him on.

The barman got up on the stage too. "OK guys the contest is just about to start. These three eager sluts have come forward. Their arses are cum slick and ready. You know the rules the boy who gets the most fucks is the winner. We have Dwayne," and speaking to the black boy, he said, "Come forward Dwayne, show your arse to the guys." Dwane came forward and waved his arse around. There was much cheering. "Now you Greg." The other boy stepped forward and did a slow turn, bent over and spread his arse cheeks for the crowd. "That's it, and now the last contestant, all the way from London, England, Michael." I came forward, turned round, knelt and stuck my arse in the air. More whoops and whistles. "As the owner of this joint I get the first fuck. Michael I think. He took a scoop of lube from one of the dispensers and greased up his cock. He walked over, stood behind me and shoved his cock in my arse. "OK guys there are two more arses." There was a scramble for the stage.

The three of us stood there for the next hour as one by one the crowd came forward to fuck us. I was standing next to the black boy so while we were being fucked we kissed and played with each others dicks. Sometimes a guy would climb up on the stands so that we could suck cock at the same time. Perfect. I suppose I should have let the guys I was sucking finish up in my arse but I loved the taste of cum too much. So in the next hour I sucked off five more guys and swallowed their cum. After Barboy had come I had someone's cock up my arse for the whole time including Al and Tim. The other contestants were the same.

At the end of the hour Barboy came back on stage. The last fucker pulled out of Dwayne's arse and handed over his condom. "OK guys, this has been really close, Michael from England took 21 cocks, Dwayne took 20 and Greg 19. So Michael is the winner." There was a lot of cheering and clapping. Barboy held up his hand. "Now it's time for the finale. "Michael you are the winner do you want the cum one rubber at a time or all of it in a glass."

I grinned at everyone, "Dwane and Greg and I have just had a word. We are all so close that we want to share it. So could we have it all together in a glass?"

"Ah the generosity of the Brits! Share it you shall." A large wine glass was brought forward and the sixty condoms were emptied into it. By the end the glass was full almost to the top. Careful not to spill any, Barboy brought the glass over to me. I held it up for everyone to see, before taking a generous swig. I showed the mouthful to the crowd and swallowed. Then the glass was taken to the others, and so the glass was passed round. We each swallowed five huge mouthfuls of warm sweet cum. There was still quite a bit left in the glass, so Barboy brought it over to me. I grinned and handed it back, "Nar, you get the last bit." He turned to the crowd and with a huge grin on his handsome face emptied the last into his own mouth.

Next: Chapter 10

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