The Fuck Club

By Michael Tolliver

Published on Dec 8, 2015


THE FUCK CLUB 8 A week in Florence

Well guys, here is the next instalment of Michael's adventures in Oxford and beyond. Hope you are enjoying the story. All comments are very welcome.

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The flight from Heathrow to Pisa was uneventful but mildly uncomfortable, as they always are. At least it was fairly short. Philip was waiting at Pisa Airport when I arrived and when I saw him I ran into his arms.

"Baby, baby" he said as he hugged me, "Did you have a good flight, any stories to tell me about cute flight attendents? Did you join the mile high club?"

"No, but I have a good story to tell you about Eric."

"O Lordie, what now?" We got a trolley and went down to the car park. "I've just bought a new toy."

"Tell me." I said, but he just smiled, "You'll see.". We arrived at the car park level and walked over to a shiny new latest model, Alpha Romeo Spider, dark blue. I sank into the cream leather seats.

"I like it."

"THought you might. I do too."

I couldn't quite believe how lucky I was. I had a beautiful lover, with a perfect body and a great cock that always seem to be hard and ready to fuck me, He was inteligent, cultured and, rich too! I didn't think I had died but I did think I had gone to heaven.

"It's a bit cold to drive with the top down at this time of year, next time we'll come in the summer and we can drive this thing as it is meant to be enjoyed." So, he was planning ahead and it seemed I was part of that plan. I grinned and I couldn't stop. Philip saw it and looked at me bit uneasily, "What?" he said.

"O Nothing," I replied, "nothing, it's just that I love you?"

"O,that's good," said Philip in a mock flipant voice, "as it happens I love you too. My own special slutty Ganymede."

As we drove along I told him about Eric and the party and the gang bang in my arse. I thought I was a bit old to be a Ganymede but he was right about the slutty bit.

"What am I going to do with you? How am I ever going to keep you satisfied? I've only got one cock."

"And a very nice cock it is too," I said. It was an opening which I grabbed (literally) and reached over to play with his dick through his trousers as we drove along. He was already hard as I guessed he would be.

"I suppose you'll want to go on one of the cruises next year?" I was a bit startled by this mind reader act, but then I thought, he knows what I am like, of course he will have guessed that I would like to go. It would be fun trying to beat eighty eight, though sucking them all off rather than being fucked by them would be better. "What do you say that we both go?"

"Both! But that would be great, you wouldn't mind. I mean it will get pretty wild. Could you watch me in a sling and not mind?"

"I don't know. It was hot watching Eric fuck you and then seeing him cum in your mouth by the river."

"And I was turned on by seeing Eric suck you off as he was fucking me. What does that make us?"

"Man whores Michael. Except that we are sluuttier than whores because they at least do it for money and we like it just for the love of cum."

"Yeah, that's us. Man whores, but very stylish man whores right?" We both cracked up. "Am I corrupting you?" I asked.

"Impossible, I'm too willing." There was a new round of laughter as we drove along. "I don't know how I would feel watching you getting fucked by everyone like that porn star, just taking everybody on, or kneeling next to you sucking off a row of cocks. On one hand it's a turn on, you know, thinking of your pretty face covered in cum. That is a turn on, and me licking it off."

This talk was getting to me. I struggled with the zip of his jeans but eventually managed to pull it down. He wasn't wearing any underpants and I got his hard cock out with no trouble and sank my mouth over the warm wet head. I let my saliva coat his cock to make it slippery, and perhaps it was bacause of that and by breathing through my nose, that for the first time, I felt it slip right into my throat and I found my lips pressed into the hairs at the base. I had done it! Now I knew I could deep throat any cock I saw; well, perhaps not Eric. I set about exploiting my new found skill with gusto and Philip groaned above me. Once again I felt intoxicated by his smell and the taste of his precum. We hadn't made love for three days and I knew from experience that if I could make it last Philip would reward me with a huge load. I sucked, slurped and loved that dick for thirty minutes until Philip was almost in agony. Lots of times he nearly came but I always backed off for a few seconds to let him calm down.There was a slight buzz I felt too because of the power I had over my man at this moment

"O shit Mikey I can't hold out any longer. Let me cum in your mouth. Mikey please. O shit, yes, O shit."

Determined to please him I took up a hammering action on the head. Philip writhed in his seat and I wondered about our safety. Clearly Philip had the same idea and slowing down, he pulled over onto the hard shoulder. With his hands free, he grabbed my head and bouncing up and down in his seat, repeatedly fucking my throat. I nearly choked but managed not to just, and it was while he was deep in my throat that he came. It felt like a big load judging by the number of spasms in his cock, and it all went straight down to my stoumach.I loved it that I had given Philip a wonderful experience, but I hardly tasted it. What is so great about sucking cock is that moment when your mouth fills up with cum so that you can really taste it. But I was quibbling. Giving Philip the pleasure he deserved was the best thing I could ever do. Making love to him was not only a pleasure but it was also felt like a huge privilege. I would use the joy of our fucking to join us together on a far deeped level. I knew other people would fuck me, and I knew I would go on swallowing cum from strangers cocks. But somehow in a way I didn't understand, sex with Philip was different. For the moment I was just going to take things as they came (lterally) and see where it took us.

As he turned the engine back on he leaned over to me and wispered in my ear. "When we get home I'm going to fuck you till you beg me to stop, and suck your dick till there's no cum left in your balls." I closed my eyes and leaned back in the big comfortable seat, and my grin got even wider. La Dolce Vita. "Let's go."

Philip's family had a large apartment in a Renaissance Palace next to the Arno and with a view of the Ponte de Vecchio. It was an amazing place. I went from room to room marveling at the architecture and the pictures. Finally I stood on the balcony of the drawing room overlooking the Ponte and drinking in the scene.

Philip came up behind me and put his arms around me. He pulled me close to him and I relaxed happy into his arms. He put his cheek next to mine and wispered, "Happy?"

"I'll always be happy with you." I wispered back.

"His hands slid down the sides of my body and reached around in front of my trousers and began to release the buckle of my belt. I reached behind me and realised that Philip was naked. The wall of the balcony was high and I leaned my arms on it as my trousers were pulled down. His cock was already oiled and he thrust forward hard. I was waiting for it and by this time was expert at relaxing my arse. His whole cock sank in to the hilt in one long, steady thrust. I closed my eyes and my head tilted back on his shoulder and I rejoiced in the glorious feeling of being fucked. He wasn't rough but he wasn't gentle either and this time I didn't want him to be, just at this moment I wanted to be owned by him and at this moment more than anything else I wanted to have his cum deep inside me. I pushed back hard against him, clenched his cock hard with my arse muscles, and then relaxed. I wanted him to cum as quickly as he wanted to cum inside me. We were going for broke. Punch, punch punch. O shit, how I loved it, being fucked and especially being fucked by Philip. I was wanking my own cock as he was railing my arse, and came inside my fist. I slowly brought up my handful of cum and held it behind my head. He lunged for it with his mouth, sucking it up noisily, I could feel him licking my fingers clean. He didn't last long after that, there was a flurry of punch fucks, and he hugged me even closer and hissed "O yes, O shit. Yes" I could feel his cock pulsing as his cum shot out deep and hard into my warm and welcoming arse. O yes, come home to where you belong.

That was how the next few days went. Philip had laid in plenty of food and for the most part we stayed in bed. He would fuck me, then I would fuck him or the other way round. I sucked his cock and rimmed his arse and swallowed his cum. He sucked my cock and rimmed my arse and swallowed my cum. His prediction was wrong though I never begged him to stop. We fucked in bed, on the sofas, on the floor and a couple of more times out on the balcony.

After four days we needed milk. I drink it all the time, yes cow and cock. I had certainly drunk enough of Philip's cock milk over those four days. But cum makes tea taste a bit funny, Philip tried it for a joke one morning, so we needed the other kind. And both of us thought that it was time that we saw some of the city, Philip had been coming there all his life and spoke fluent Italian.

"My Mother is Italian." He had told me between fucks. That would account for his sun tanned looks and that big dark cock; his wonderful big dark cock. So we played the tourist thing. We bought each other gold chains in one of the goldsmith's shops on the Ponte. "These used to be butchers' shops but the Medicci princes didn't like the smell so the butchers were pushed out and the gold smiths moved in. There's a passage-way above us so they could cross the bridge without mixing with the great unwashed like you and me."

"You smell just great to me," I said and kissed him there on the bridge, people looked but we didn't care. Nothing else matters when you are in love. We did all the things you are supposed to do. We went to Santa Croce, and saw the Medicci tombs. We gazed in awe at the David in the Academia. I couldn't believe the size and force of the statue. There were no tourists and we had the place almost to ourselves. I stared in amazement. Michael Angelo had acheived a greater realism than the Greeks. This was no Demi God but a real human.

"I've seen it so many times, but it still leaves me breathless."

"I've only seen it in pictures before. They don't prepare you for this."

"We spent a day exploring the Uffizi and over breakfast the next day he said, "Now there is another little museum I think you will enjoy, then we can put culture on a back burner." He took me away from the palace down a small lane to another museum tucked away. "This is the Pazzi Museum, another banking family, like the Medicci though not so successful. There are some nice things here, though it is more the loo in the basement that I think you should check out. Saturday afternoon is usually a good time. I have to go to my bank. Meet me in the Piazza della Signoria in a couple of hours, that should give you enough time to sample the goods." And with that he was gone. Banking on a Saturday? Which bank was that? O well, do as the man says. I walked down to the basement and found the loo. It was busy. There were ten or so guys in there and the doors to the cubicles were mostly closed, I wondered who was behind them. Most of the guys were pretty young and all of them looked very Italian. With my blond hair I stood out and was an immediate focus of interest, All the guys turned to look at me, trying to size me up I guess, was I just there to take a piss or for something else. (Or if I was lucky both, I thought.) I wasn't sure what to do so I went over to one of the cubicles. Now I could see why Philip had thought I might enjoy the place. Every lockup was connected to the others by huge glory holes. One of the boys I had seen outside came into the booth next to mine and immediately pulled out his already hard dick and squatted down for a moment to check that I was watching before starting to jack off. I knelt down on the floor to watch him through the hole, and thinking quite rightly that this was an invitation he stood up and stuck his cock through the hole into my very willing mouth. I let him deep throat me but I was determined that he should come in my mouth not down my throat. It was medium sized and just right for sucking and suck it I did. He held on to the top of the partition as he thrust through the hole and we were making a hell of a noise. Well that would settle any doubts about why I was there.

Then the door to my cubicle was pushed further open and another guy came in. He was naked from the waist down showing muscular incredibly hairy legs, and a short, but very thick, very stiff dick with an even bigger mushroom head at the end. I really like the feel of a mushroom head in my mouth. Well, I love any kind of cock in my mouth of course but a mushroom head is a bonus: it's like sucking on a lollypop. He was in his mid twenties with Mick Jagger lips and course peasant features. It was Lust at first sight. He was slowly wanking, and looking at my mouth as I sucked the cock through the glory hole. I pulled him over and took turns sucking first him and then the cock through the hole. After a couple of minutes of this hairy thighs had other ideas. He held my head tightly and hammered my face, then muttering something in Italian he erupted in my mouth, two huge splashes of watery, sweet cum and a couple more smaller ones, washed across my tongue and strait down my throat.I was still swallowing when he pulled out and pushed me back to the other cock. I was just in time. The cock came back through and I had barely closed my lips around it when the boy came. A second mouthful of cum and I had only been there for fifteen minutes. Was it always like this? There was cum on my chin as I turned back; hairy thighs had gone but the audience had grown. I stood up and squeezed out into the main area before kneeling down again and looking around eagerly, my mouth hung open. Come one come all. I had another hour and three quarters and you can swallow a lot of cum in that time. A lad in his teens came forward next, quickly followed by two others. I went from one to the other. A dirty little plan had formed in my mind I wonder it I could get them all to come in my mouth at the same time? Now that would be amazing! I was careful not to let any of them get too close before the others were ready. And they seemed to get the idea I opened wide my arms and pulled them in together close to my mouth which was wide open to receive their cum. Sometimes I licked a head to show my eagerness and to catch a taste of precum. It worked perfectly, the youngest started cumming first but no sooner had the others seen the thick white cum across my tongue than they started cumming too. Three cocks coming almost at once, it was glorious. I opened my mouth even wider to show the other people standing around. Several were wanking as they watched the show. I turned my head from side to side. There was a hand on my shoulder I turned round as another cock was put in mouth range. It came before I could get it into my mouth, I managed to catch most of the cum but a lot splattered my face.

At that moment the door opened and to my horror two security guards came in. No one else seemed at all bothered though, the guards were followed by two other guys. It was very crowded now, there must have been nearly twenty people there. One of the security guards hung a sign on the outside of the door, closed and locked it. Glory be for gay security guards, now I knew why this loo was so popular. Well bring them on. I opened my mouth again and turned my head from side to side.An older guy perhaps thirty, was the next one to cum, he carefully laid his cock on my tongue and added his own to the mouthful of spooge already there. I hadn't swallowed any yet, though my mouth was so full of cum by this stage that I would have to swallow soon or risk wasting it on the floor. I thought I could manage another load and hoped that the sight of my open craving mouth would be the spur. I wasn't disappointed. I had to lean forward to get it, but I managed. the guy was wanking furiously and pushed forward so that I could just put my open mouth under his cock and the jizz, splashed into it. I really had to swallow now, but before I did I swirled it slowly around in my mouth, With my lips closed I sucked it through my teeth and rolled my tongue around in it. It took two gulps before it was all gone. Lucky boy lucky, lucky me.

Action was going on all round. One of the security guards slipped off his uniform, lay down on the floor, and began to suck off another naked guy. The guard was very sexy, with short dark hair, heavy stubble and a small gold ring in his ear. This was getting to be a really good party. By leaning forward as I had, my arse was in the air and someone, I couldn't see who, took the opportunity to pull my shorts down. A tonge lovingly rimmed my arse. Everyone loves being rimmed, and I was no exception, especially because I guessed what was about to happen. The tonge left my hole and I telt a cock pushing at the entrance. O the wonder of cock! Cum in my mouth and soon there would be cum in my arse to match it. He slipped in with no trouble, I guessed he must have greased it and anyway Philip had already fucked me that night and once again in the morning so there was plenty of grease and cum in there already. I arched my back and pushed back with my arse to meet his thrusts. I could see that the bloke the guard was sucking was also sucking another cock; way to go! For a moment Ipaused to enjoy the cock in my arse. I closed my eyes to savour the moments better. My fucker was pounding me hard, then he froze, this was the moment, I was about to be bred. And bred I was, the guy grunted as he came deep inside me. He fell away but another pair of hands held me in place and with hardly any pause another cock was pushed hard into me. I glanced behind, it was the other security guard. I love a man in uniform, especially a man with a big hard cock like the one that was in me now. Now there's a thought; being fucked by a soldier or better still being fucked by a lot of soldiers.....A platoon, how many was that? In a fox hole.....

I was really close to his mate and with a bit of contortion managed to lean forward enough to pull his arse cheeks apart and rim his hole. It was a nice arse smooth and tight and clean, with just a slight smell of soap. The security guard I was rimming was jerking around and I guessed he was ready to cum. I couldn't get to it from where I was but I reached over and gently squeezed the head of his cock and I felt the jizz spurting into my fist. I brought it round looked at it in my hand and then lovingly sucked it up. As I looked over I saw the guy, my guard was sucking, had also cum in his mouth. Cum glorious cum. I was reminded that my arse was still bare and exposed when I felt a third cock pushing to get inside. This guy was a bit rougher than I really like, pounding my arse with abandon. I was a bit relieved when he came quickly with load grunts and such fierce thrusts that I was forced flat on the cum splattered floor. When he pulled out I struggled to my knees to see two more guys mastubating in front of me. I nodded and grinned. One of them had a coke bottle shaped cock that was thicker in the middle tapering to a missile like head. He moved forward a couple of steps and offered it to me. Offer accepted, and with it more cum, how many was that? Six? Seven? I was about to get number eight. I took over the masturbation of the other cock, it was already slippery with precum but I spat on the head anyway. Seeing this the guy pulled his cock from my mouth for a moment and bending down and holding my mouth open spat a gob of saliva into it, before I was able to decide if this was good or not, he thrust his cock back into my mouth and added his cum to his spit. I swallowed both down gratefully.

My back was getting a bit uncomfortable, and my knees hurt. I struggled to sit up and slumped against the wall, between as I realised immediately, two urinals. I looked up to see the guard I had rimmed, standing in front of me with his soft cock in his hand and looking down questioningly. I smiled and opened my mouth. He grinned back. It was a moment before the piss came. Warm sweet piss splashed over my face and down my chest. I closed my mouth around his gushing cock and swallowed it down. He pissed for nearly a minute. Sometimes I gargled and spat it back at him. He didn't try to move away. When he had finished I had to cum. I stood up looking around and a cute teenager knelt down in front of me. He stuck out his tongue and teazed the underside of my cock with his tongue, his eyes fixed on my face. I screwed up my face as my orgasm hit, he inched forward and almost without my feeling it closed his mouth around my spurting dick. It was the most incredible feeling. He closed his eyes and I could see that he was wanking too. He looked up and opened his mouth to show me my cum. I put hands under his arms and pulled him up so that I could get at his cock as well, I wasn't about to let his cum go to waste on the floor, there was enough going to waste there anyway, so I slid down his body and licked and sucked around the purple, engorged head of his penis. His balls were pulled up tight at the base of his cock and I gently neaded them. They were huge; the biggest balls I had ever seen. Was this a promise of things to cum? I certainly hoped so! Everyone likes a big dick, me included whether it was in my mouth or in my arse. But what I really liked was a heavy cummer. I much prefered a mouthful of spunk from a smaller cock than just a squirt from a big one. This cock was a good size, I could take it down my throat but it wasn't huge. I wanked his cock and sucked him hard. Then he came. The first shot was fierce, it splattered forcefully againt the roof of my mouth. The second shot was not so hard but massive. Three more heavy shots followed. His whole body convulsed with each eruption. I wondered if the kid was ever going to stop cuming in my mouth. I gathered it up, it was thick, sweet and strong, I kid you not, the boy pissed cum.

It was his turn to pull me up into a tonge swapping, cum swapping kiss. Our combined loads passed lovingly between us as we slowly swallowed them down.

"That was amazing," I managed to say as I recovered my breath.

"O, you are English or perhaps American?"

"English, and you are Italian?"

"No I am Dutch and a student here at the University."

"This must be one of your favourite places in the city."

"O yes the guards are very helpful and I come almost every day. What is it you English say? A cock a day keeps the doctor away." He laughed, "or three or four if I'm lucky! You are number three today. But now I have to go."

"If you can wait a minute while I try to clean up, I should try to get some of this piss off me at least. I'm meeting my boyfriend. Would you like to join us." He quickly looked at his watch, thought a moment and nodded happily. I splashed water down my front and dried it with the hand towls, I pulled up my shorts and retrieved my tee shirt from the floor and pulled it on, it was wet and slimy with cum from the floor. Well it couldn't be helped. One of the security guards unlocked the door. My Dutch friend adjusted the student bag on his shoulder and we set off to meet Philip in the square.

Philip looked me over with a knowing smile. "You've got cum stains all down the front of your tee shirt." Then he looked at the other boy and I could see that he was as taken with him as I was and it was only then that I realised I still didn't know his name. Introductions were soon made. "It's Abraham but everybody calls me Hans."

"Well Hans, this is Philip and I am Michael. And I just want to say that I loved sucking your dick and your cum tastes great. Philip this boy pisses cum. He cums for three people and then some. Do you always cum like that?"

"Yes, I guess I do. The regulars at the Pazzi know me and they seem to enjoy sucking me off." he said with a modest smile.

"I bet they do."

"But I like cum too as you know." Philip was more than very interested by now, but hard as we tried it wasn't possible to meet again before either of us left. We exchanged contact details, drank our coffees and left.

For a while I had been wondering how I could get Philip interested in piss. He knew about my interest of course because of Simon's big mouth, but he had never mentioned it again, and nor had I. I had decided just to leave it, I liked piss play but if Philip wasn't interested, well that was fine too. Then fate took a hand. A couple of days after the orgy in the Pazzi loo Philip said he wanted me to meet one of his aunts who lived out of Florence on the way to Siena. We had been driving for about an hour when Philip said he needed a piss and we should look for a place to stop. Then we hit trouble, there had been some sort of accident and we stopped in the resulting jam. We couldn't go forward or back. Half an hour later and Philip was squirming in his seat. "Have we got a bottle or something, I'm about to piss my pants." I grinned and reached over to play with his dick."O Mikey no, you're making it worse!"

"I can think of a way of taking the pressure off." I unzipped his fly, pulled out his cock and held it gently between my thumb and forefinger.

"O God Mikey, what are you doing."

"Like I said, I know how to releve the pressure." I leaned over and sucked his cock into my mouth. I thought he would go crazy and he tried to push my head away."

"O for fuck's sake Philip, just piss!" I said and went back to sucking him. He held my head tightly as if he was about to cum then relaxed back into the seat and my mouth was overwhelmed in a fierce blast of piss. I had to keep swallowing hard to prevent any leaking. Eventually he stopped, I kept his cock in my mouth and felt the first stirings of life in it. So, he was turned on a bit. I came off his cock and looked at him and grinned. I reached out and gently pulled his face towards mine. He was a bit hesitant at first but relaxed enough for me to press my lips against his. I hadn't kept much of his piss in my mouth just enough for him to taste. He didn't spit it out and we kept eye contact as we both swallowed.

"So, that's what it's like? Thanks, yes that has certainly relieved the pressure; and perhaps you've introduced me to a new trick." Well well, what do you know?

We flew back to England together, me to stay with my parents and older brother in Berkshire and him to his family's place in Dorset. It would be another three weeks before we would meet again in Oxford.

Next: Chapter 9

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