The Fuck Club

By Michael Tolliver

Published on Dec 3, 2015


THE FUCK CLUB 7 Eric entertains

Two days later on the Saturday night, Jim called round to my room at about nine and we went over to Eric's room together. As a scholar he had the pick of the best of the rooms and his was really big, two windows from his sitting room looked out over the quad and there was a separate bedroom. It was very dark in the room when Eric let us in; he was only wearing a towel around his waist which he quickly pulled off. Once again I looked at that monstrous bloated cock, it never ceased to amaze me no matter how many times I saw it. He grinned as he saw me looking at it and played with it, "Want to try it again? Well, you'll get your chance. What about you Jim, think you could take it?"

"No fucking way."

"Well most of the guys here like to fuck, so you'll get your pick."

At first we couldn't see very well what was going on but as our eyes got used to the gloom we could see that there a couple of dozen guys there and they were gathered around some kind of scaffolding thing in the middle of the room. They were naked so Jim and I quickly pulled off out tees and dropped our shorts. We went over to the scaffolding.

"Like the sling?"

"What is it?" I asked. But as I looked at it the use became clear. Between the scaffolding there was a sort of leather hammock made of straps hung up with chains. I'd never seen anything like it.

"We'll put you in it, and the purpose will become clear soon enough." There were guffaws amongst the boys standing round." We had four of these on the ship and they were the centre of play in the middle of the main dance floor." Then he stopped the explanation. "O I'm sorry guys, this is Michael and this is Jim." Then turning to us, "These sluts are the other whores from the ship. We planned a sort of get together here, they said they would like to meet some new flesh and I thought of you." A chorus of Hiyas and hellos greeted us, and we were what can best be described as passed around. It was just as well that Jim and I had thoroughly greased up our arses before we came out because several fingers were pushed inside, and while I was being felt up by others. I was running my hands over as many bodies and cocks that I could find when I felt arms reaching round me from behind and a cock was pushing at my boy cunt. I reached behind to make sure it wasn't too big. Go easy to start is my motto then you can go all night! Good, not too big, just a good party size. I relaxed and in it went. The party had begun. He only fucked me for a few strokes before passing me on to someone else. By this time I had bent over and was sucking cock too and I could see Jim was also being spit roasted. Several more guys fucked me. I don't think any of them came, though it was difficult to tell. I was really getting into it when Eric called a halt.

"Show time folks. These two have never seen Bill and Ted doing their stuff. Come on you two." Two of the guys, one of whom had just fucked me came forward and we all gathered round. I wondered what was about to happen. They grinned at each other and began to play with each other's dicks which quickly progressed to a spitty slimy jerk off. Then Ted who had an amazingly long thin cock which went well with his tall slim body, bent over and sucked on the head of his own cock. The head and another two inches went into his mouth and he sucked it enthusiastically and with obvious enjoyment. I was standing next to him so I knelt down to get a better look. Ted came up off his own dick and began to suck on Bill's for a few minutes which was also pretty big. Then they both rolled over on their backs and fucked their own faces giving us a view of their shaved tanned arses. Everyone was playing with their dicks during this display while drinking cans of lager. Even while watching the show my thoughts wandered to what might happen later with all that liquid in the bathroom, Jim, I guessed would be thinking the same thing. Meanwhile Bill and Ted were getting close. Bill pulled his dick out of his mouth and with his eyes tightly closed hosed his face with a huge shower of his own cum. His mouth was wide open and a lot went in but most splattered his face. Ted started coming too, but he barely missed a drip, everything going strait into his mouth. As soon as they had cum they went into a loose cum swapping kiss, smearing the cum around and spitting it into each others mouths. They pulled me into the cum swap and their sweet spunk was like nectar to a starving man. Eric took my arm and gently but firmly led me away to the sling.

"Mike's turn to know the meaning of a gang bang." Several of the others lifted me up and put me into position on the sling. They pulled my legs apart and up and strapped them into place above my head. Several pairs of hands roamed over my body and I looked up at a ring of grinning faces.

One leaned over, "You are going to have one good time Michael. Open up and wait for the cum." I shivered with fear and expectation and held onto the chains on either side.

"Comfortable?" said Eric. "That's how a good steer should be eh Todd? Roped and ready," he said to the boy standing between my legs. "Todd here is a real life cowboy, always in one kind of saddle or another." My hot hole was completely exposed. Todd worked three greasy fingers inside to loosen me up but there really was no need. He grabbed my ankles and I could feel his cockhead poking my cunt. I gasped as its huge head went inside. He grinned down at me and paused allowing me to get used to the giant invader, then slowly sank the whole length of his enormous cock home. He pulled out slowly, just leaving the head inside, he paused then slowly slid it home again. Each time he fucked me it felt better. Soon he was into full stride slamming his cock into me obviously trying for a quick cum. I moaned each time his cock hit my prostate, by whole body tingled. Two more guys moved in beside me and rubbed their cocks over my face and I quickly moved to suck them. Once again I was a pig in heaven.

A queue had formed up behind Todd waiting for their turn and they were shouting for him to hurry up and cum. My young cowboy sank his cock in me one more time and came, flooding my arse then leaned over to kiss me and quickly suck the cocks in my mouth. Meanwhile another cock was pushed in my arse and the wonderful feeling started up again. He came quickly and was replaced by another. One of the cocks in my mouth erupted in a glorious fountain of cum. With my mouth still full of spunk I turned towards the other cock, with a pleading look on my face. "O yes, come in my mouth. Come in my mouth." He did as I asked and pushed the head past my lips and I sucked hard, another rush of cum; another moment of joy. Eric leaned over again and licked some of the cum on my cheek. "I said you would have a good time. The record on the cruise ship was held by this porn star who was a passenger on the ship. One night he stayed in this sling for five hours. He said he lost count after eighty." Eric chuckled lewdly, "You won't beat that tonight." By this time number five was fucking me.

"How many more of them are there?" I asked the Cowboy who had fucked me first."

"There's a whole herd saddle tramp." It went on for over an hour. Some took sloppy seconds. At one point Jim was brought over to suck up the cum that was flowing out of my arse. He had to be dragged away so that others could get to me. Altogether I got fucked twenty times (yes I did count). The last to go was Eric. He started by rimming me to lick up the cum that was still coming out then just stood up and slammed his cock home. My arse was so relaxed by this time that even his monster went in with barely any resistance. There was just a huge rush of tingling joy up my spine and down the back of my legs. He grinned down at me his face smeared with the cum from my arse. "`Aint life sweet Mikey?"

"O Eric I love it." I put my head back, laughed out loud and shouted to no one in particular, "I LOVE IT. I LOVE IT. I LOVE IT!" It got a round of laughter from the guys, especially Eric.

"You know one of the biggest turn ons for me?" he said, "It's when the person I'm having sex with is really having a good time too. Knowing you're giving pleasure! That is such a rush." He fucked me hard and I grinned back up at him. I wondered what he had been doing while I was being gangbanged. Jim told me afterwards that he had seen him being fucked at least three times, but I bet there had been more. Eric's enthusiasm was infectious. He just loved every part of sex, fucking, being fucked, giving his cum to others, swallowing theirs; and the more the merrier. As he fucked me I was wanking my cock. Eric had pulled me towards him and my cock was pointing down over my face. As I was about to cum I opened my mouth wide to get the load. I had been dying to cum for the last half hour, now I couldn't wait. I was finally there, all the stimulation I had had meant it was an extra huge load as I emptied my balls across my face, in my eyes, down the sides of my nose and a good lot directly in my mouth. Bill and Ted eat your heart out, or perhaps eat your load out.

"O shit, that is so hot Michael!" Grunted Eric as he fucked me in short jabbing thrusts. He gave a deep groan, almost as if he was in pain and then added his spunk to the swimming pool of sperm already in my cunt. As he came he leaned over to one of the guys standing next to him wanking. Eric sucked expertly and soon the boy was groaning out his own orgasm. Eric looked at me and opened his mouth enough to show the cum in his mouth. O shit it looked hot in there. He leaned slowly forward, with his lips closed until they touched mine then he slowly opened his mouth. The boy's sperm mixed with my own and we shared the mix back and forwards between us, before we swallowed it a bit at a time. Finally he cleaned my face and ate it.

I let go of the chains and let my arms flop down by the side of the sling. There was a round of applause and hooting and hollering. "It looks like we found another natural here Eric; you were right." I grinned sheepishly, then let out a Red Indian whoop of joy. Eric unstrapped my legs and I got to my feet, I was a bit wobbly. My arse felt full and as I farted a whole gush of cum came out. More laughter and more clapping followed that. Where was Jim when you needed his mouth? Actually, where was Jim?

"I think we had better get cleaned up," said Eric putting his arm round my shoulders and guiding us into the small bathroom. And we found Jim, as usual, sitting in a bath of piss, his hair soaked and plastered down his forehead, his body soaking wet. He looked up and grinned,

"Ah just at the perfect time. Come on guys give a thirsty boy a drink, won't you?" Three other guys had followed us in. I was really bursting, now I had time to think about it. The lager I had been drinking finally came through me ready for some recycling. You know some times when you really want to piss, and you just can't quite do it? Jim was tonguing my dick and looking at me pleadingly. I looked at the ceiling and tried to concentrate; two of Eric's fingers up my arse weren't helping either. Eventually a small dribble came, Jim immediately jerked up in anticipation. I relaxed and let go a good stream, I was never able to produce the fountain that Jim could manage but I must have pissed for a good minute strait into his mouth. He never spilled a drop. One of the guys who had come in with us stood up on the end of the bath and started pissing over us both. He was kind of skinny but with good definition and with a mop of unruly black curls. We grinned at each other as we pissed in and on Jim. But his piss just looked too good to waste it all in the bath so I leaned over and let the stream go into my mouth, he edged forward so I could tongue the gushing head. He had nearly finished but I still got three full mouthfuls which I eagerly swallowed. For a cum and piss hound like me it was pure bliss.

I thought of the mouthfuls of cum I had swallowed that night, eight including mine, and remembered the lines from Coleridge, "For he on honey dew hath fed, and drunk the milk of Paradise." I sure had!

I couldn't take any more sex that night. Several of the boys had nowhere to stay. Eric had tipped the porter and got a key to the back gate, so most of the rest went out to hotels in the town. Two came to stay with me, three stayed with Eric and Eric went to Jim's room, Jim would have sore arse by morning. The two who came with me were the curly haired boy who had pissed on Jim and me, and whom I now found out was called Mark, and my first fucker of the night, the cowboy, Todd. We just grabbed a quick shower together and collapsed into bed spoon fashion and went to sleep.

Of course I got fucked again in the morning....I loved sleeping with someone and I was missing Philip so it was great curling up with these boys. I was woken by movement in the bed. Todd was going down on Mark and doing a pretty good job of it. Mark didn't have a huge cock but it wasn't small either and Todd deep throated it expertly. I watched for a few moments (and thought again how I had to learn how to do that) before they realised I was awake.

"Hi slut," Todd said brightly, coming up off Mark's dick and leaning over to kiss me. He tasted of cum.

"Good morning to you," I said rather sleepily, "..... Your mouth tastes of cum, have you sucked him off already?"

"No but this guy has so much precum it's amazing. His head really oozes." I had to get some of this, so I leaned over to cop a taste. He was right the nob was really dribbling precum.

"Are you always as sloppy as that?"

"I feel like an exhibit!" said Mark. "Can we just stop discussing my cock. But yes, it always does that, I hardly need and lube when I fuck someone. Not that anyone needed lube on you last night. I've never fucked an arse that was so full of cum. It squelched out around my dick every time I pushed it in. It was so sleazy, I loved it. Just how many people did fuck you last night?"

"Sixteen I think, but three fucked me twice, so there was a lot of cum in there."

"There sure was! Was that the first time you had been gangbanged?"

"No, but never as many as that. We have this club here that meets once a term, we call it The Fuck Club, and those meetings can get pretty wild. I've only been to one so far and I got fucked five times."

"Mark used to be one of the star performers with Eric on Friday and Saturday nights on the ship," explained Todd

"O, Eric told us about you. You were one of the few people who could get fucked by him at the beginning. You used to put on a sex act. He told us about it, it just sounds incredible."

"It was, believe me," said Mark. "I had such a sore arse after those evenings but Eric is absolutely insatiable. He could get fucked ten times on one evening then in the break after the show, he would be sucking off anyone who wanted a blow job. We used to go to one of the bars for a drink and he would just squat down while the drinks were coming and suck off the guy next to us. Then he would stand up, open his mouth to show us the cum, then wash it down with juice. Did he tell you about the basket ball team and the glass of cum?"

"O yeah, we had all that."

"It was me who went round with the glass to collect the cum and then I poured it into his mouth. Even I didn't think he would be up for that! I mean could you imagine drinking half a pint of cum just like that?" He must have seen the hesitation on my face, and said with a look of mock despair, "O Mikey! I think you probably could!"

"He also told us about the porn star in the sling."

"O yeah, John King. He was so cute, great body, mass of black hair with a little moustache, which I don't usually like, but on him it looked cute. But you should have seen his arse. He was the original bubble butt. Smooth, round and it would open up at the snap of your fingers. It was open all hours like one of those corner shops. I think he and Eric must be related. Jon said he wanted to be fucked by everyone on the ship and I think he probably did, including the Philippine cooks. That's three hundred and fifty people in a month. About twelve a day. But it would have been more than that because I fucked three or four times."

"Yeah me too," added Todd, "He used to lie on one of the sun beds by the pool with his arse in the air and just spent every day getting fucked and sucking cock. It must be great to have a job that's also your hobby and your obsession as well."

"Were you both, what Eric called the resident whores?"

"I was," said Todd, "The guy who recruited me said he thought my big dick would be useful, and popular. You had to make yourself available, clothes were optional and most people didn't bother. Everything was on show, and everything was available. Mark's arse may have got sore, but so did my dick I can tell you. But Mark here is actually an Able Seaman, he trained in the American Navy before he joined the merchant fleet."

"I just liked joining in things," said Mark with a big grin. "I've signed up for next years trips."

"There is more than one trip then?"

"Oh yeah, was it three cruises last year Todd?"

"Yeah I think so. Hey, all this talk is getting me horny again. I spent the summer fucking Mark, when someone else wasn't that is, but I only fucked you once yesterday so what say we do it again?" No one has to ask me twice whether he can fuck me. My dick was already at full attention, I was horned up by the talk as well, and it stuck strait up and out as I got up to get the lube. The cum had gone from my arse and dealing with a dick the size of Todd's would certainly need a lot of lube. Todd took the lube and looking at me to get my reaction, slowly oiled up his cock till it was wet and shiny, he grinned as if to say, get ready guy, this is going to be a rough ride. My look of anticipation and lust was all the answer he needed. Gently he turned me round and gently and thoroughly rimmed my hole. I gave an involuntary groan. I pictured his handsome face pressed against my cunt his long tongue teasing the soft flesh inside. It was already driving me nearly insane. I kept saying to myself, damn it boy, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. We were kneeling on the bed and Mark stood in front of me and teased my lips with the slimy head of his cock, I licked up the precum and savoured the sweet salty taste. A tongue in my arse and a cock in my mouth, what more could a growing cocksucker want. Well eight inches of boy cock all the way into his boy cunt, that's what. And that is what I got, slowly but firmly he filled me up; slowly but firmly at first, then hard and rough. He held my hips and pulled me hard against him as he repeatedly and expertly rammed his cock home. Four weeks of fucking boy arse over the summer had honed his skills and I was joyfully grateful for it.

While Todd was doing this to my arse Mark was still rolling his cockhead around my lips, slipping it inside every few seconds. I was whimpering with pleasure. He cock head was dripping precum, sometimes he fingered it and licked his fingers or reached across to give Todd a taste. By this time Todd was knocking hell out of my arse. Mark started jacking his dick staring down at me, not long now I hoped, and my mouth was hanging open. He let his cock go and it throbbed and jerked in front of my lips. I ran my lips around the shiny bloated head, teased the piss slit with my tongue and ran it round the foreskin gathering up the secret tastes trapped there. I filled my mouth with saliva and sucked the head hard. I could tell it was getting to him. His fists were clenched and hanging by his sides, his eyes were closed and he was making little gurgling sounds in his throat. I tried to swallow the whole cock, and nearly did so, then grabbing my head as Todd was doing with my hips, he pumped his cock in and out. I couldn't wait for the explosion of his cum, my whimpering got loader. He raised up on tip toes. His breath came in strangled hisses, then suddenly he came. One, two, three, four huge shots of glorious, sweet boy juice. O the wonder of cum, the miracle of sperm! If we weren't meant to eat it why make it taste so good? The more often I swallowed it the more I wanted it. Every time I looked at a good looking boy in a lecture hall or on the street, I imagined what it would be like sucking him off and swallowing his cum. I fantasized about going under the table in hall during dinner and sucking every boy off. That lust has never left me. I swirled the wondrous liquid around in my mouth before slowly swallowing it. Mark grinning in triumph squatted down slowly to wank me off, he kissed me and I spunked in his hand. He raised it to his mouth and licked it then extended the treat to Todd. It was all it took for him to cum too. He got very noisy though a bit incoherent and spasmed dramatically in my man cunt. He would have made a great porn actor.

We were shattered by all this and went back to sleep for another hour only to be woken by Jim looking washed and fit and ready to face the day.

"Eric has coffee, bacon, eggs, hash browns in honour of our American guests he bowed slightly to Mark and Todd, croissants and cereals and everything in his room and we're having brunch. I've been sent to get you."

Brunch was jolly; about eight of the guys were there and I found I liked them quite apart from the fact that they were all so sexy – but lets face it, it's always easier to like cute people.

I was supposed to be getting ready to join Philip in Florence, so after a happy hour and a half I kissed everyone and went back to my room. I'm quite good at packing so by the end of the afternoon, my cases were ready and my room cleared. The few special things were in a box and had been taken down to the secure storage rooms by one of the scouts (college servants). I had agreed to have dinner that evening at The Elizabeth . with Simon, Jef and Jim, It would be a chance to say goodbye before the Christmas break and to dish the dirt; there was fair bit of that. Simon was rather put out that he had missed the previous night's party. We asked what he had been doing instead. First he spun us a line about working like any responsible undergraduate, then started laughing and admitted that he had spent the evening fucking with two boys from the town he had met on a bus. The waiter who was very cute and bulged in all the right places under his tight black trousers listened in with more that casual interest and gave me a flashing smile before slowly licking his lips as we left – definitely something for next term I thought.

The next day I went down to London to catch the plane for Pisa.

Next: Chapter 8

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