The Fuck Club

By Michael Tolliver

Published on Nov 28, 2015



Hi guys, here is the fifth instalment of Michaels adventures in Oxford. You know the form, Nifty needs our contributions to keep going. It's easy to send. I like to hear from readers so please get in touch

The punt ride Philip came round at 2 and said we were going punting.

"I thought all the punt companies were closed till next year."

"They are but I have the use of one belonging to a Fellow of Magdalene, and it's such a beautiful day for October that I thought it might be fun. I have some sandwiches and rasberries and champagne. So come on." He gave me a boyish grin and reached over, put his hand at the back of my head and pulled me into a gentle kiss. His tongue snaked into my mouth and I sucked it deep. I ran my hands down his back, cupped his arse and pulled his groin against my own. I could feel his already hard dick pressing into my tummy.

"O God, you kill me. What say we fuck now and go for the punt ride afterwards?"

"Sounds good to me," I said as I began to pull his shirt up. He was in too much of a hurry to wait until we were naked. He undid my belt and pushed my jeans down then pushed me back on the bed and roughly pulled them off. "Where's the grease." I reached over to the bedside table and pulled out a new tube of KY. This was really going fast and I loved it. I squeezed a generous dollop onto my palm and rubbed it over his rigid, thick, dark cock. Feeling it's hard ridges in my hands. Then I spread some more on my own arse. He pushed my legs up and back, my arse in the air, my own hard cock hanging over my face. He dived forward and tongue fucked my willing cunt. My hole opened up and I felt his tongue going inside.

"Fuck me Phil, O shit please fuck me now.I can't wait to feel your cock inside me."

He didn't say anything, he just lowered my legs and staring intently into my eyes his mouth hanging open, breathing heavily. He positioned his cock at my arse and shoved hard. I was open but I still gasped at the sudden invasion.He didn't wait for me to get used to it. He just shagged my cunt like he couldn't wait. My whole body seemed to open for him and I closed my eyes in ecstacy.

"I'm going to fuck your tight arse so hard and shoot my cum so far up into you."

"Shit I love it Phil, I love it. Fuck me hard." I was furiously jacking my dick as he slammed into me. He was really forcing himself into me, this was the roughest fuck he had ever thrown into me. I was getting close to cumming. "Phil, I'm going to cum, I can't hold back." He pressed into me for the last time and his spasms started. My own cock erupted all over my own face and into my mouth. Phil collapsed on top of me me and licked up my cum. "You taste good." he said, and licked up more. He giggled into my mouth blowing cum bubbles as he did so. I thought I tasted pretty good too. He rolled over and lay down beside me and I sat up and looked down at him.

"You are so handsome," I said, "I can't believe how good sex is with you. I went to a sex party the other day, and it was great. But having sex with you is like, well, it's like making love." I felt embarassed saying it and blushed. He didn't say anything just pulled me down into a long warm loving kiss.

"You are only eighteen, and you will want to have sex with loads of people before you settle down, men are sluts. I know some clubs in Amsterdam and New York that are incredible." Then he laughted, "What am I saying? Here I have the most beautiful boy I have ever known, in bed and I am suggesting we go to sex clubs together!" There was a knock at my door.

"Bloody hell, who's that?" I got up reaching for a towl. Philip got up too and went into the bathroom. I heard his piss splashing in the water. I opened my door to find one of the boys from my own stair. His name was Eric and I didn't know him well. He was on the college rowing team and though I thought they looked pretty good, I also thought they were loud and boring. Eric was the loudest and most boring. He was also a good six feet three with incredible shoulders and a narrow waist. You wouldn't call him beautiful in the way that Jeff or Phillip or Simon were, but he was as sexy as hell. And even though he sometimes acted dumb, he wasn't because I knew he was a second year medic and what's more had won a scholarship, he proudly wore his scholar's gown in hall. He was one bright boy.

"O sorry to disturb you," he said looking over my chest and down to the scimpy towl wrapped round my waist and still bloated cock which was obvious beneath it."You have a book from the library on medical ethics, I was woundering if you had finished with it?"

"Of course," I said, come in." It was then that Philip decided to come out of the bathroom. He wasn't quite naked, though he might as well have been; the skin tight trunks he was wearing emphasised the ridge of his cock across and down one leg. I was embarrassed until I saw Eric's expression. He was staring at Philip's dick and it was lust, not shock on his face. "O Dr Paul! I'm sorry I really have interupted something. Um." he stammered, his eyes still glued to Philip's cock. I'll come back at some other time. He made no move to go to the door though. And I thought I could see a distict stirring in his trousers. I pretended I couldn't find the book, this could be interesting. Surely this big, butch kid couldn't be gay? But if he wasn't he was giving a very plausible imitation of it. Philip had noticed too and lazily scratched his dick through the gausy material, actually slowly carressed it would be e better description. "Here it is," I said to him giving him the book.

"O thanks, I suppose I'd better be going," he said but still made no move to go. I decided to be bold.

"It's Philip and Mikey and there is no need to go. Writing an essay is a very boring way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Surely we can find something more interesting to do." I reached down and gently carressed the solid ridge inside his chinos. He closed his eyes and swallowed. Philip came over to join us and pulled Eric's tee shirt up and over his head to reaveal the perfect ridges of his abs and the sharp planes of his pectorals. He leaned across and tongued one of Eric's brown nipples. In fact the whole of Eric was brown, clearly he had not spent the summer in rainy old England. I undid his belt and pulled his trousers down, my little towl too slipped to the floor. He wasn't wearing anything underneath. It wasn't that his cock was so big, though it was a good seven or eight inches, about as long as Philip's, it was the thickness that was incredible. I couldn't get my hand round it. And the nob was bigger still. He was absolutely stunning and Philip and I just stared at him. I had never seen such a perfect body and I don't think I have ever seen one since. I wondered what it would be like to be fucked by that shaft.

"Well don't just stare." We needed no second bidding.

I quickly knelt down and sucked it in, thinking this was the first time Philip and I had had sex together with onother person. May be Philip could be integrated into my slutty life after all. I could barely open my mouth wide enough to suck it so I just concentrated on the shiny head that was leaking copious drips of pre cum. Philip pushed Eric down onto the bed, stood in front of him and stuck his cock in his mouth. Eric was no novice at cock sucking and immediately deep throated hilip like a pro (which as I was to find out was exactly what he had been.) I dived back down to resume sucking his dick but Eric had other ideas. He pushed me away and Philip lifted me up so we could both put our cocks in Eric's greedy mouth at the same tims. As he sucked and slurped on our cocks Philip and I tongue kissed.I was nearly ready to cum again, especially when Eric reached between my legs and stuck two fingers in my arse. Presently he stopped playing with my arse and turned me round, he rimmed and slurped at the juices he found there. "This arse is loose and full of cum. So our boy likes to be fucked does he?" And looking at me as he held his dick, he said "Think you could take this?"

"After the fucking Philip has just given me I think I could take on a tarffic cone. How do you want me?"

"On your back on the bed, so that I can look at your pretty face while I fuck you and I can suck Philip at the same time."

"Greedy barstard," I said as I lay back on the bed and raised my legs like the two bit whore that I was happily becoming. Philip knelt behind my head and held my legs up as Eric got into place.

"Relax baby and let it happen." I was relaxed and full of cum. He was gentle at first but when he realized I could take it he just shoved it in. It hurt at first and I yelped, but only briefly, and soon all eight inches had slid home.

"Shit your arse is still so tight. I could fuck this for ever." He was a real pro, where had he learned his technique? Again and again he shoved into me with litle cork screwing motions as he did so. His muscular arms were on either side of my head and I looked up as he expertly sucked Philip's stiff dick. Philip flexed his legs and fucked up into Eric's mouth. We were moving in sinc like a well oiled machine; well I was certainly well oiled up. Philip was the first to loose it. "Shit, I'm cumming. O shit, shit!" He spasmed as he filled Eric's mouth with his spunk. I could see the gism on the shaft as it went in and out of Eric's mouth. Some ran down his chin and dripped onto my face. I opened my mouth to catch as much as I could. Eric pulled away from Philip's shaft looked down at me and spat the cum into my mouth and furiously kissed me. Eric went wild in my my poor battered arse, jerking and grunting as he came. I was next, shooting up my tummy. Eric collapsed like a burst ballon. "O I so needed that," he said. Philip collapsed on the other side and They lazily licked the cum from my face and tummy and shared with each other and me. I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

Presently Philip said, "We were just going punting. I've got the food and fizz and there is still plenty of time." A gentle punt on the river with these two hunks sounded just perfect to me. I was was mighty glad when Eric agreed. I sat upo and kissed them both. "We have to do this again. But next time I get to taste your cum."

"You bet, Babycakes. From now on your arse is ours."

We walked along Merton Street and crossed The High. My arse hurt so good, and I could feel the cum leaking out of it. That's how a happy cunt should feel, well used, loose and slimy. We reached Magdalen Bridge and went down to the punts. Philip found ours and we got aboard. Philip was right it was a perfect Indian Summer day. No tourists and no other students. Philip was an expert and easily punted with one hand while he ostentatiously drank a glass of champagne with the other. Eric and I curled up at the other end and looked up at him with the picnic box behind us.

"You were incredibly good. I half thought it might have been your first time."

Eric let out a loud guffor, "Hell no! I've just spent the summer as one of the resident wholes on a gay cruise ship in the Carribean." I thought Philip was going to fall off the boat, I sat up and looked down at him.


"Yeh there were six of us, I and one of the other whores used to put on a sex show three times a week in the theatre and the rest of the time we serviced who ever was feeling horny, passengers and crew. It was great. The passengers were all under thirty five and the crew were mostly our age though there were an experienced older group of officers who ran things. Not that they were very old, the captain was only about forty.

"The other crewman and I would put on this show, you know fucking and sucking and stuff. It was a sort of competition, whoever could get fucked by me would get to fuck me after. At first it was really only the other crewman, and I used to get fucked about once or twice a show, but as time went on and they got loosened up, my arse used to get quite a work out. I used to stick my cock up them for a few minutes just to prove they could take it. Then I would bend over, suck someone elses cock as they fucked me. Then when they had cum I fucked the one I had been sucking and so on for an hour or so till they were all done." He chuckled wickedly, "One night I got fucked twenty nine times! Man, the cum was pouring out of my arse and down my legs." Philip had stopped punting and we both just stared at Philip in disbelief. "My cock and my arse felt so sore."

"That Is the most amazing thing I've ever heard." I said, "How did you get to hear of it?"

"My Mother took me on holiday to Florida and one night at Warsaw, that's a gay dance club in Miami, I met this guy who was a partner in a gay holiday business. We went back to his beach place, I fucked him, then he fucked me...several times...and in the morning he asked me if I would be interested in being part of the entertainment on the next cruise. He said they were always on the lookout for willing sluts. Well, that's me for sure and I jumped at it." We were still staring at him. "I had such great time. The American guys were amazing, the muscles and those dicks. And there was the crew of course! There were several there who were regulars and were skilled sailors. The rest of us just learned as we went along."

"How many passengers were there," asked Philip.

"About two hundred and fifty, with two hundred crew, all gay; it was a riot. Philip and I still stared at him; me with great respect and not a little envy; Eric was obviously enjoying the attention. "The most sleazy thing that ever happened to me was near the end of the cruise. "I had just got fucked by this guy who was part of a black basket ball team. It was about the third of fourth time I had been fucked that night and I hadn't cum so I was feeling really horny. He challenged me to suck off the whole team, well the audience shouted for me to do it. Fifteen thick shiny black cocks, then when they were all ready they sort of closed in and started cumming in my mouth. They weren't very accurate and my face got covered in cum, but eight or nine shots went right in, it was fantastic. Lots of people in the audience wanted to join in too but it was a bit crowded on the stage so they decided that since I obviously loved cum so much they would pass a glass round for people to jack off into. There must have been about a hundred guys in the audience. Anyway they brought over this big glass of warm spunk and I just rested on my elbows leaned back, and opened my mouth. They slowly poured it in while the crowd was cheering and clapping, and chanting the King of the Sluts, the King of the Sluts! I drank more than a pint of sperm that night.I still hadn't cum so one of the crew sucked me off." He laid back on the cushions with a big self satisfied grin on his sexy face and licked his lips. I've got the photographs to prove it too."

We parked and got out the picnic.

"I should think Oxford is a bit dull after all that." Philip said.

"Well I haven't been to any orgies here yet. But there's plenty of sex to be had, that's for sure. And talking of sex," he groped his crotch, "I haven't had a cock up my arse for three days. What say we land, get naked and fuck in the long grass? Mikey and I can sixtynine and you can fuck me." Turning to me he added, "You said you wanted a mouthful of my cum." It sounded good to us, and after those revelations we would have been up for anything. We quickly got out and secured the punt. While we were sorting ourselves out we realised that we were not alone. I was astonished to see Simon and Combat Man from the party were already there, naked and enjoying the sun. I knew Simon had said he liked a particular spot on the river for sex but this was an amazing piece of luck.

"Well hello," said Simon, "look what the tide has just washed in."

"Fancy meeting you here."

"Yeh, we're admiring the butter flies." Added combat Man. I made the introductions. Combat man turned out to be Patrick, he and Simon had been at Westminster together.

"Hey you guys we were going to fuck," said Eric, "want to join us?" He grinned and eyed the others lustily. "I was just saying I hadn't been to a good orgy since coming up to Oxford. You like to fuck? My arse is feeling empty." He organised us all. "OK Mike, you can suck me and I'll suck Simon, Patrick can fuck me and Philip can fuck Mikey. So that's what we did. My cunt was so sloppy I didn't need any grease, Philip's cock went in like a hot knife through butter. I was as happy as Larry with a cock in my mouth and onother in my arse pounding me to kingdom cum. Every cock is different, Eric's was smooth all over even the part behind the head was smooth, it was just a monstrous work of art and now it was about to fill my mouth with spunk. I slurped and sucked, my mouth full of saliver waiting for that wonderful moment when the cum would shoot across my tongue. There is no better moment in sex than that. This time it was Patrick who came first in Eric's arse. I heard the first shout, then the rythmic grunts as he emptied himself into the ever willing Eric. I wondered who had fucked him three days ago. And I thought of all those cocks fucking him everyday on the cruise ship and drinking a pint of cum from a glass. Then it was my turn to taste cum. My mouth was filled with cum, sweet warm cum, healthy man cum. I was wanking and came in my hand. Philip spunked my arse and Simon flooded Eric's mouth. He looked down at me and opened his mouth so that I could see Simon's load. He looked at me questioningly, I nodded and opened my mouth to show his cum too, He kissed me lovingly and we shared our loads. Patrick joined the cum swap.

"So," said Simon to me, "I can't leave you alone for more than a couple of days before you're fucking with half the university."

"You're a fine one to talk." I retorted."You know how I've lusted after Philip since I first saw him and Eric just happened to come around this afternoon. One thing led to another and here we are." I tried to look as innocent as possible. (And I can look really innocent when I want to.)

"I don't know how it is that someone who looks as much like a choir boy as you, can be such a whore." said Philip

"Yeh," agreed Simon, "Now if he hasn't got a cock up his arse or swallowing cum he's drinking piss."

"Shit, Simon, you've got a big mouth," I said as glansed quickly at Philip.

"O sorry," said Simon with a big grin,"Haven't you shared that bit of your repertoire with Philip yet."

"Michael? Have you been holding out on me?"

"Simon has been introducing me to dirty habits," I said sheepishly.

"O right!" said Patrick, "Seeing you sitting in that bath of piss with Jim the piss, was your first time right? I don't think so."

"Well, not quite my first time but almost."

"I've tried piss," said Eric.

"What haven't you tried?" said Philip and he made Eric tell Simon and Patrick about his summer adventures.

"It looks like we have more recruits for the Fuck Club, agreed boys, Patrick? Michael?" We nodded eagerly.

"Great," we both said and Simon explained.

"Sounds just what I've bee waing for," said Eric. But Philip said he wasn't sure.

"I don't think I should fucking with students the whole time."

We just cracked up.

Next: Chapter 6

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