The Fuck Club

By Michael Tolliver

Published on Nov 18, 2015


I hope you guys are enjoying the story. Several more chapters are in the pipeline as Michael develops as a slut. If you feel like getting in touch my email is and don't forget the donations to Nifty.


Fun with condoms

After that I managed to extricate myself from the tangle of arms and legs all around me, found my clothes (no easy task) and left the party. Staggered from the party would be a better description. My arse was sore, my jaw ached and I couldn't have been more happy. I walked through to Tom Quad from the arch at the entrance to the Hall. It was two o'clock in the morning of a cold clear October night. I looked up at the stars as Tom tolled the hour and did a little jig around the fountain before going out onto St Aldates and made my way back to my own college.

Jim called round the next day at tea time. Both of us had spent most of the day recovering from the night before. I made a pot of tea and we sat in front of the fire with ourcinnamon toast. "So what did you think?" asked Jim.

"I still can't quite believe it. I mean they are not that much older than me and yet you would think they had been doing for years."

"Some us have Michael dear, some of us have." He gave a wicked chuckle. "My brother used to say that the most important decision he had to make at Winchester was spit or swallow. When I started at the school he told me I should always swallow; spitting it out is rude."

It was my turn to chuckle. "Well, I shall enjoy trying to catch up. That's for sure. How often do these parties take place? When is the next one? And what are we going to do in the meantime?"

Jim laughed again, it was a day for laughing. "Just listen to the horny bastard will you! They happen once a term. The date for the next one isn't fixed yet. And as to what we can do until then, what are you doing next Monday evening?"

"I'm supposed to be having diner with my tutor. I like him and I think he might be gay, I certainly hope so, but I shouldn't be too late. Why? What have you got in mind?"

"I met this guy the other day. Sexy as anything. A skinhead and he looks really tough, tatoos and everything but he isn't particularly. And he's even got a black boyfriend."

"Don't tell me," I said with a mock weary sigh. "He's into water sports."

"Oh probably; he is into everything I should think. But that isn't what we did. He's really into condoms."

"Condoms? What on earth can you do with condoms?" This was a pretty stupid question actually. Of course everybody knows what you do with condoms, it just didn't seem all that fun, that's all.

"Come along on Monday and find out. What time can you get away?"

"I'll try to get to you by 10.45."

"That's sorted then, now I have to get on with some work."

I didn't have much time to think about Monday night; I had a particularly difficult essay to write for submission to the same tutor with whom I was going to have dinner before the meeting. It was due on Wednesday and I wanted to be clear what I was going to say by Monday evening so I could write it out on Tuesday. It didn't go very well. The title was "Existentialism is not a philosophy but a label for several diferent revolts against traditional philosophy." was so wide that I didn't know where to start, with the result that I spent much of the time staring out of my window. I gave up at 5.00 with a mish mash of notes and not much more idea of what I was going to write than I had in the morning.

I was looking forwad to dinner. The Honorable Philip Parton-Paul, he was the second son of Vicount, lived on my stair on the first floor. He was twenty five or six , six feet tall and very obviously looked after himself. He had brown wavy air and a suntan that high lighted his startlingly blue eys. What I realy liked was his square jaw and the deep cleft of his chin. He was a hunk and no mistake and I itched to get into his pants. I wasn't the only one with that thought, half the girls at his lectures were dreaming of his dick judging by the expressions on their faces. My new confidence from Friday night made me even more determined to find out whether he was avaiable or not. He might even give me a few hints about his wretched essay. I was very pleased then, to find when I got there that it was just going to be the two of us.

Most of the fellows wanted to live outside college, so even junior fellows like Paul, who were happy to live in, could have their choice of beautiful sets of rooms. Philip's rooms were trully beautiful. The main room where we sat had been panelled in the reign of Queen Anne and he had an amazing collection of pictures. There was a large Bridget Riley over the mantle piece and underneath it on the mantle itself a small sculpture which he said was by Brancusi. There was a small Paul Klee between the windows and on one wall a collection of drawings by Cocteau, next to them an exquisite drawing by Giacometti. The rest of the room was lined with books.

"I love your pictures, especially the Klee. I used to try to copy his pictures when I was at school, and failed miserably. His sense of colour is incredible."

"Oh, do you like modern art? It's one of my passions." I wondered what the other passions might be. Perhaps in time one of them might be me."I spend far too much money on it. My family have always been keen on collecting. One of my ancestors made a fortune from coal mining and spent a lot of it on Dutch painting from the seventeenth cetury. Everybody else was going on grand tours and buying Canalettos, But it's very nice to have them now."

Philip was famous for his entertaining. We were just finishing the lobster mousse and he was being sympathetic about the essay he had set. "It is one of the most difficult this term. I don't envy you. You might be able to answer it for me. The only three philosophers that appear on every list of existencialists, Jaspers, Heidegger and Satre, agree on practically nothing. If you add Pascal and Kierrkegaard they differ from the others by being Christians and even then Pascal was a Catholic of sorts and Kierrkegaard was a rebelious protestant. Some people add Nietzsche and Dostoevsky and there you've got a rabid atheist and an impassioned Orthodox with fanatical imprialist leanings. By the time you add Rilke, Kafka and Camus...."

"Enough, enough, you are supposed to be helping me not making it even more impossible!" But inadvertantly he had given me an opening. "Rilka was gay wasn't he?" I asked as innocently as possible but watching carefully for his reaction. He barely reacted at all, just maybe a flicker of hesitation passed over his face.

"I've heard it said"

I plunged on, "What do you think of homosexuals Dr. Parton-Paul?"

Now there was a reaction. "I think if that is the way you are then people should be allowed to live their lives as they want to." As an answer it was a bit ungramatical but at least it showed he was a liberal. Was he gay though that was the question.

"What does a Don do when he is not teaching. I've seen you out running haven't I?" Actually I hadn't but Simon told me he had seen him and that they belonged to the same gym.

"I jog every morning, it keeps me fit and settles my mind for the day." Now the conversation was getting more like it."

"You certainly keep in good shape." I said, "It almost make me want to go jogging myself."

"You look pretty good yourself." Now there was a very obvious change in the atmosphere.

"But I don't have a body like yours," and a reached across the table to run my right hand down the contours of the muscles on his arm, squeezing a little as I went. He didn't try to stop me or pull away. So I moved over to his chest and teazed his left nipple through the fabric of his white tee shirt. He closed his eyes, then held my habd in place and stood up.

"I think we'll skip desert." He led me through to his bedroom and sat down on the bed with me standing between his wide stread legs. He reached up and opened the buttons of my shirt then pulled it off. He rubbed his hands slowly over my chest and down to my belt buckle."O yes Michael, there is nothing wrong with your body at all. He played with my nipples and tongued my naval. Quickly he undid my trousers and pulled tham down. I wasn't wearing anything under them and my cock strang up and strait into his greedy mouth. I couldn't believe how easy it had been. Men are such horny bastards.

He was a good cock sucker and he had a particular trick of using his tongue to press the head of your cock up to the roof of his mouth before letting it slid down his throat. As he worked backwards and forward the friction on the head was incredible. He was bringing me rapidly to a climax and I wasn't ready for that until I had had a chance to suck his cock too. Besides a dirty little plan was forming in my mind. In the last five days I had swallowed the cum fromm ten different cocks and been fucked by six others, but I hadn't fucked anybody myself yet. Would Philip let me fuck him? Well, he could fuck me afterwards. I pulled my cock out of his mouth and putting my hands under his arms gently lifted him to his feet in front of me. We kissed and I could taste my cock on his tongue as he pushed it into my mouth. Now I turned him round so I could sit on the bed and get at his cock.

I undressed him as he had done me and his thick surprisingly dark cock sprang out. A big drop of precum shone at the end of the shiny purple head. I leaned forward and licked the delicious drip off with my tongue. He groaned as I sucked the the big purple nob into my mouth. He started to fuck my mouth.

"O Michael, you're a good cock sucker. I have dreamt of this moment ever since I first saw you. I don't think I can hold out for long." I ran my hands up and down his hairy thighs and could feel them begin to tense up. It wasn't going to be long and I was very tempted to let it shoot in my mouth but I really wanted to fuck him and I wasn't sure he would let me do that after he had cum. I let his cock slip from my mouth for a moment to lick two fingers. I reached around his thighs and teased the juicy wet lips of his arse. He groaned again and relaxed to let them slip inside. I gently worked them around as I continued to suck him; I could taste more pre cum.It seemed he liked what I was doing and it made me bolder. I stopped sucking him and looked up as he looked down at me.

"Philip, can I fuck you? I've never done it before and I would like you to be the first one." For answer, he smiled and reached over to the cupboard by the side of his bed. He pulled open a drawer and took out a large but nearly empty tube of KY." He took some and massaged it into my cock then taking some more he greased up his own arse. All the time his dick stood up and rigid. He shuffled forward till he was kneeling above my groin then taking my cock again he positioned his arse above it and slowly sank down till the head slipped in. He winsed as my cock slipped through his sphincter, and paused till he got used to it. Then relaxing again he sank slowly down all the way. It was the most intense feeling I had ever had. I couldn't believe how hot and incredible and soft it felt in there. So this is how all the guys felt when they were fucking me. He rode me hard for several minutes and I knew that I wasn't going to be able to last long. I was pretty excited before I even started.

"Philip," I managed to say, "I can't hold off for long. I'm going to cum."

"Whenever you like baby, I shall be right with you." With a grunt I dug my heels into the bed and pushing up into him I fired the first heavy shot. It felt fantastic, I wanted to shout out. Four more shots followed. All this time I had my eyes tightly shut, when I opened them I saw Philip, his head thrown back and furiously wanking his dick which was pointed strait at my mouth. I pulled him towards me, and with my dick still in his arse swallowed the head of his cock into my mouth. He grunted loudly and his whole body convulsed violently. His cock jerked in my mouth and a huge jet of spunk flooded my mouth over my tongue. He slumped forward and rested on his hands either side of his face as his cock contined to fire more slugs of cum. It overflowed and ran down my chin. For a moment we held still then he slowly fell sideways, panting next to me, his chest heaving.

"Gees Mike you could kill someone with that mouth of yours." He leaned over and we kissed gently, he searched my mouth for cum but I had swallowed it all already. He licked the cum from my chin.

I felt completely relaxed and happy. I was trully an adult; I was now a fucker. I snuggled up to him and ran my hands over the hard tanned muscles of his chest. I was feeling that I could stay here for ever when I caught sight of the clock by the bed It was already gone 10.30 I was tempted to forget the meeting with Jim and the others but I was intrigued to know how you could to make condoms fun. And anyway it was more dicks.

"I should go." I wispered into his ear."

"So soon? Did you really enjoy it. I am so glad I was your first.?

"I loved it. I loved the feel of your arse. I love your cock and I love your cum. I have work to do. This arse hole of a tutor I have, has given me this bloody essay to do. Can we do this again?"

"You bet, what are you doing tomorrow? No that's no good I have a faculty party. The next day, Friday, what are you doing then."

"Here, getting fucked stupid by you. I want you to fuck me till it hurts and the cum is running out of my arse." I pulled him over on top of me and we kissed again. I wrapped my legs around him and I could feel his cock, now getting hard again, rubbing over my arse lips. I thought for a moment of inviting him too. But decided it was a bit early for him to know how much of a slut I really was. He would get to know soon enough.I riggled from under him, got up and dressed. All the while he lay naked on the bed looking up at me.

Jim lived on the other side of college in one of the new rooms. Smaller but warm and that was an advantage if you weren't going to wear very much. I knocked on Jim's door. It was a while before it opened a crack and Jim peared out. "O good it's you." Obviously the fun had already started. He opened the door wide enough for me to slip in. I was right things had already started. Jim and the others were naked and hard. A tall lanky black boy was standing by the bed and kneeling in front of him was a while boy with a muscled body and shaved head who was eagerly sucking his dick. The white boy was covered in tatoos, one arm was completely covered from his wrist to his shoulder, there were others on his other arm and across his chest, even his leg.

"We started," said Jim rather superfluously

"So I see."

"Well don't just stand there staring, get your clothes off so I can introduce you properly." I stripped quickly and Jim holding on to my cock, led me across the room.

"Well guys this is Mikey, he loves everything. Mike this is Jason, those old wives tales about black boys are certainly true in the case of Jase here. He has the longest dick in Oxford. And this is Daniel and he's got the biggest throat in Oxford. They looked at me, and Daniel slowly pulled away from Jase's groin. I could hardly believe what I was seeing. Jason's cock seemed endless as came out of Daniel's throat. Where the hell did it all go?!

"Bloody hell that has to be the biggest dick I've ever seen."

"Glad you like it," said Jason. "Why don't you get down here with Danny and show me just how much." I didn't need a second invitation and went straight down on my knees, to worship at the altar of cock and cum (and may be piss if I got lucky). Jason took his dick in two hands and pushed it into my mouth. It was the first black cock I had ever sucked and I wondered if black tasted the same as white cum? After trying to do what Daniel had done so easily I soon gave up as a hopeless task and just concentrated on the head. Very quickly though Jason took my head in his hands and gently pulled his dick out of my mouth. "Not so fast Mikey, we got other ideas."

"Jim says you do amazing things with condoms."

"We do amazing things with everything," he replied. "But first I gotta piss, so which of you pigs is gonna get lucky?" There was a rush for Jim's tiny bathroom.

Jase stood in the middle of the tiled floor, holding his emmense dick which was hanging down at 45 degrees. Jim produced a condom, my education I thought, was about to begin. Jase unrolled it and pulled it over the head of his cock.and strait away it began to fill with the amber gold. The rubber became hugely distended. Laughing we all watched it slowly grow until eventually he carefully pulled it off his dick. He grinned at our faces and open mouths aound him. We must have looked like starving little birds in a nest when mamma come back. Slowly he raised the huge golden jelly fish above our heads, then quickly squashed the condom up from the bottom. A huge fountain of piss cascaded over him and us. We were completely soaked. A huge grin covered his handsome black face and he stuck out a long pink tongue to lick at the tiny rivulets of piss as they rolled down his face. Daniel began licking up the piss on Jase's tummy before lovingly sucking Jase's soft wet dick.He reached for the condom which actually still had quite a bit of piss in it. He slipped it over his own dick and after a moment began adding more of his own. He didn't have as much as Jase, but it was still a lot. I could see Jim eyeing it lustily. (I was too for that matter).

"Shit I'm going to cum any minute," said Jim, "I can't hold back."

Danny slapped his hand away and taking Jim's dick firmly between thumb and forefinger and squeezed the head tightly."Quick give me another rubber." There was a little pile on the edge of the bath. I grabbed one and fumbled to get it open. This was my first condom, my life over the last few days was a series of firsts. Danny fitted it over the head of Jim's dick and let it go. "OK Jim boy fill it up." He gave another to me and Jase and told us to jack off into them. All the while he was holding his own piss filled condom. Jim and I were kneeling down on the floor looking at each other as we furiously worked our dicks. Then Danny began emptying the piss over first Jim, then me and Jase. I swallowed greedily as he poured the warm piss into my wide open mouth. It was the trigger for Jim and me and we both came. I had only cum an hour before, so it was a modest amount. But Jim really came hard with four or five shots into the rubber and you could see it stored invitingly. Now it was Jase's turn. Danny took a big gulp of his own piss and kissed Jason, I could see them both swalloing but a lot ran down the chins and onto their already soaked chests. It was just what they both needed and they came noisily into their own condoms.

"OK guys," said Daniel, "Now swap condoms. But don't swallow yet, we've got some sharing to do first."

Jim and I swapped, Jason and Daniel swapped. I thought Jim was getting a bit of a raw deal, but I needn't have worried. I upended Jim's and squeezed the sweet boy cum into my mouth. Wonderful! The others did the same with theirs. Danny pulled me into a tight kis bending my head back so the cum would flow into my mouth and over my face.. Jase and Jim followed in the four way cum swap. Cum flowed in and out of our mouths and down our chins where it was eagerly sucked up and again shared. All of us were jacking our cockes as the swap went on, and Jase and Jim announced they were coming again. Danny and I quickly got in place. I sucked on the head of of Jases cock his hand repeatedly bumping against my chin as he wanked. Then holding my head he let loose with another gush of hot cream of the cock.

I looked across at Danny and he opened his mouth wide to show me Jim's second load inside his mouth. I did the same rolling my tongue around in the warm creamy nectar before letting it all slip down my throat. With another wicked grin Danny stood up and emptied the last of the piss over my head. We collapsed in a sweaty, cum and piss soaked heap on the floor.

Next: Chapter 5

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