The Fuck Club

By Michael Tolliver

Published on Nov 7, 2015



The next morning at 8.30 there was a knock at my door while I was still shaving. I wrapped a towl around my waist and went over to open it; to my surprise it was Simon. He was dressed in trainers, a yellow singlet wet with sweat and skimpy black running shorts, his half hard dick clearly outlined against the thin material. He looked great and smelled better. He saw me looking at his cock and grinned.

"Didn't get enough last night?" he asked.

"From now on I don't think I will ever get enough." I boasted leaning over and kissing him, running my finges gently over the bulge."

"We'll try and see that you do. I've brought your invitation for Friday night, you'll need it for the door." He handed me an envelope, a bit damp and smelling of him. He sat down on my sofa and spreading his legs wide he rubbed his hands up and down his muscular hairy thighs as he looked up at me. I was completely flustered.

"You look as if you've been running." Lame, but the best I could think of saying.

"Every morning, just around the park by the Cherwell and back." It was some time before I learned just how far that actually was; no wonder he looked sweaty.

"I've got to finish shaving," I said. "If you've got time, I'll buy you breakfast after in 'Browns'.


WWth another long look at his crotch I turned and went back into the bathroom to finish my shave and clean my teeth, thinking the day was getting off to a really great start.

I didn't hear him come in but I saw his reflection in the mirror just before his arms snaked round me and he started playing with my nipples.. I wiped the last of the shaving foam away and leant over to splash my face with cold water. He pressed his dick against my arse. I leant back against him, my head on his shoulder. He stuck his tongue in my ear, making me tingle all over. He ran his hands up and down my chest, finally down as he pulled the towel away. My dick sprang up and hardened as he slowly jacked me off, smearing the precum around the head and down the shaft. I let out a groan and turning my head met his lips in a deep kiss. I turned round and turned it into a fierce kiss. I pulled his shorts down and our rigid dicks rubbed together. His hand ran down my back and a thick finger began to play with my arse.

"I hoped we could do this, I've been thinking about it all the time I was running. Isn't it great being horny all the time? have you gOt any gell?"


"Yeh, you know gell, I want to fuck that cute arse of your's." He felt me stiffen and pull away slightly, and looked at me, questioningly.

"Um, I've never been fucked." A sly grin slowly spread across his face.

"You mean I'm going to get your cherry! Shit I haven't fucked a virgin since I left school! You've really never been fucked?" I shook my head. "Well, we had better make this good. A moment to remember, the first time you had a dick up your arse. It's all right I brought some gell just in case. Here let me." He squeezed a generous gob of clear gell onto his fingers and went back to my arse. Gently he rubbed around, then slowly pushed a finger against the hole. "Relax little brother, make like you're going to take a shit. Only don't," he added quickly. I did my best and the finger slipped inside. He pulled it out and sqeazed more gel on it before pushing it back inside; easier this time. He worked the greasy hole. "You're opening up. Natural cock sucker, natural piss freak, and now a natural cunt." He slipped another finger in. The first pain had died away and I relaxed even more. He slipped a third finger in to join the others and rubbed. A wave a of pleasure swept over me and I groaned. "Like that? Course you do. Every cunt likes a good workout. Here put some on my dick. Another generous sqeeze in my hand and I lovingly spread it around his shaft.

"That'll do. Now relax again." I found it easier this time and the head slipped in. It hurt, I won't pretend it didn't but he was right, I'm a natural cunt and wanted to be owned (and fucked). The idea of his cock in my hole was such a turn on. The idea that he was going to shoot his cum way up inside my arse was making me breathless.He was very patient. He left his cock head just inside me for a minute and kissed my ear again. Then just a gentle push and pull back. He went so slowly a little deeper each time. Slowly the pain went away and as it did I could relax even more, and as I relaxed the pleasure got more intense. Shit it felt so good. A wave of pleasure swept over me, what the hell was that? Now I know he was working my prostae but then I was so innocent. Sensing my willingness, he pushed again and this time didn't stop till I felt the hairs on his crotch pushed hard against my arse. His turn to groan this time. "Shit, you're tight. I could fuck this arse for ever." He pulled it almost all the way out then pushed it slowly back in. On about the third or forth stroke he didn't do it gently but slammed his cock back in my hole. I grunted and pushed back.

"Shit, shit I love this hole. I'm going to fuck you so hard and so long. Here let's go to the bed." He pulled his cock out; I looked down at it, That huge thing had been in my arse. Where had it all gone? Well, wherever, I wanted it back inside me as soon as I could. He took my hand and we went over to the bed. He pushed me down on my back. I looked up at his rugged body and the huge cock sticking upright across his tummy. His face was a mask of lust, his mouth open and panting. He grabbed my ankles and pushed them back over my head. There was no finess this time. He put his cock at my still open arse and slammed it home. It took my breath away and I arched my back. Slam, slam, slam.

"Oh, Mikey your cherry is gone. Wait till I tell Jef he is going to be so jealous." I started wanking my own cock as he fucked me. But he told me to stop, "This is going to be a long fuck just lay back and enjoy it. Play with your cock but don't cum till I tell you."

It felt wonderful and I told him so. The temptation to cum was so great I nearly did without touching myself. But he was good, when ever he felt me tensing up he stopped and waited for me to calm down. Then when I was relaxed the pounding began again. Of course it couldn't last. He fucked me hard with the pauses in betwween, for fifteen minutes, till I was begging him to let me cum.I was groaning so loudly he told me to shut the fuck up unless I wanted the whole college to know what was going on.

"Oh! I'm gonna cum. Cum with me Mikey, shoot your cum when I spunk your arse." He head was thrust back and his face screwed up, almost as if he was in pain, then he groaned as he pushed his cock into me and froze for a moment as he came in my arse, grunting at each short thrust. I was so turned on watching him and came myself across my tummy and up my chest. I gripped his waist with my legs pulling him into me.He collapsed on top of me, and our lips met in a furious kiss.

"Oh shit, that was wonderful. What have you done to me!" I managed to gasp.

"You've just had your arse fucked, Mikey. Now you know what you've been missing." He grinned down at me. "Liked it huh?"

"It was fantastic, Oh shit I loved it. SIMON I LOVED IT!" I shouted to whoever might have been listening. "Will I get fucked at the party?"

"As many times as you like." He looked down at me his grin getting even wider. "What have we created here? A sex maniac."

"You better believe it Simon." He slipped sideways looking at me and seeing the cum on my chest he wiped it up with the fingers and licked them clean. "You taste good, want some?"

I nodded. He scoopped up more and this time I licked the fingers clean.

"We need to shower, there's room for two." I said "If we squeeze up."

"We can do that," he said in my ear.

We climbed into the little bath, and I turned on the shower. Simon stood in front of me. Taking the soap he gently washed my chest and dick. We kissed again as the water cascaded over us. His dick had never really gone soft it was still bloated and half hard, sticking out. I soaped and played with it. Incredibly it seemed to get hard again.

He grinned, "He likes you." he said.

"I like him too," I replied.

"Turn around and I'll wash your back." he began with my shoulders running his hands in slow circles going lower down till he found my arse. He stuck his finger inside and gently fingered me. "Do you like that?"

"Ah," was all I could say.He pushed his soapy cock against my arse again. This time it went in without any pain it was open and slippery with cum, Like a hot knife through butter. This time he took it more slowly, fucking me gently for a half hour. I was in another world. Then he suddenly speeded up and came in a furious flurry of thrusts. "Oh yes!" he said. My own cock fired off against the shower wall. I made to turn round but he gripped me tight and held me hard against me as his cock slowly softened in my arse. We held still like that for a couple of minutes when suddenly I felt a burst of warmth deep inside.

"I've marked my territory in your arse by my cum, now I'm marking you inside with my piss." It began to leak from my arse running down our legs, to be washed away. His cock slipped out of my arse and I relaxed as the cum and piss drained out of me. Eventually I turned off the shower and we climbed out of the bath and dried ourselves.

"I'm starving." said Simon, "Are we still on for breakfast.

"You bet, hunk. Let's go."

Next: Chapter 3

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