The Fuck Club

By Michael Tolliver

Published on Nov 13, 2017



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Back in Oxford a few days later, we were up in Philip's rooms after supper. Apart from me there was Eric, Simon, Jim of along with Trevor the policeman Jim had met and had also fucked me of course, Jef and the waiter Jonny from The Elizabeth Philip and I had been to dinner there, found out his nights off and invited him round. we had been dishing the dirt and Jim and I had told everybody about our week end. I was lying on the floor between Philip's legs, with the back of my head resting on his semi hard dick.

The others were sitting and lying around like us. Jim was next to Jonny lazily rubbing Jonny's hard cock through his trousers. We had discussed a date for the next meeting of The Fuck Club and the conversation had got round to our first sexual experience. I told the story of the chance meeting in the college gym with Jef and Simon and Jim which they remembered too. I was 18 at the time and it seems I was the oldest virgin there. The others had started much younger. Jim when he was 15 sucking his brother's dick. Simon was 17 and it was with a girl! He had managed, but only just.

Jonny said his first experience was in Hyde Park when he was 16. "There were quite a few guys around and some were quite young, though none were as young as me. I was pretty popular and because I already had a big dick loads of people wanted me to fuck them or suck me off. I loved having sex in the open and was a regular on Clapham Common and Hampstead Heath too. I prefered Clapham it was easy for me to get to; Hampstead is a bitch. It was always possible to get sex and sometimes I'd stay there half the night. I discovered sucking dick and getting fucked was great too. So usually I'd get fucked two or three times and maybe suck a few others off and finish up in someones arse before going home.

I lived with my older brother who didn't care what I was doing over weekends so I was completely free. I loved it; I'd stand by a tree where I could be seen and flop out my dick. I could attract a crowd in no time, who wouldn't want to get their hands on a cute teenager with an oversized dick. I got to be quite an exhibitionist and loved being watched while I was fucking or sucking. And it had the advantage that at least a few of the crowd would join in. I especially loved it when I was being fucked and sucked off at the same time. When I was 21 my grandmother died and left me her small house here in Jericho, my brother got enough money to buy his flat in London. I was working in an Italian restaurant in Mayfair so when I saw the advert for the job at the Elizabeth I went for it. I've been missing the sex I was getting but there are opportunities here too, and I hope you guys will supply a lot more. Michael has done me a real service." He nodded in my direction.

"Any time buddy," I replied with a grin. "And listen guys, he has really sweet cum. It's a waste in your arse, get him to feed it to you."

"I think everybody here would love to swing on your dick," added Philip. "Tonight probably, if Jim has anything to do with it," he added with a dirty chuckle looking over as Jim had just pulled Jonny's very hard dick into plain view.

It was the policeman Trevor's turn next. "I was fifteen. One night I was trying to get into this car."

"You were trying to nick a car!" said Philip.

"Yeah, I was brought up in a tough neighbourhood, stealing cars for joy riding was what you did if you wanted to be cool, and I wanted to be cool. But I was crap at it and and as I was trying to get the door open two coppers came over shining a flash light. One of them asked me what the hell I was doing, which was stupid because it was obvious what I was doing. Anyway they came up to me put me against the garage door and asked me who I was. I didn't have any identification on me of course so they started talking about taking me down to the station. By this time I had registered that they were both pretty hot. One was bigger, broad shoulders thick arms with a sexy rough face, the other was younger looking and boyish. Why is it that gay people can always spot another gay person? But gaydar is right isn't it/ I knew I was gay and I guess by the way I was looking at these guys they knew it too. Rough sexy gently groped himself and when he saw me looking nodded his head and smiled. His younger mate saw it too and just reached over and felt my cock through my trousers, of course it was hard. He grinned too. Me, I couldn't believe my fucking luck. Two gay coppers with me in a dark car park, it was like a dream come true. It was my turn to grin. The whole atmospere changed. We went behind the block of garages so we wouldn't be seen by anyone coming to park their cars and both coppers undid their trousers and pulled out their dicks. It was the best sight I had ever had, two hard dicks and they were all mine! And they both looked their owners, The cute one's dick was pale and smooth, not so thick but quite long, rough sexy's was just like him thick and powerful.

"You suck dick kid?" he asked. I just said, no but I want to. The youger cute one said he was glad because they wanted me to suck theirs. I was on my knees in a flash and went for the young one's first. I must have been crap, I tried too hard and just ended up gagging and coughing. Rough sexy chckled and told me to slow down and take it easy. The younger one held my head and directed the action, just pushing his cock in far enough without going into my throat. Ugly sexy quatted down next to me and took over for a moment. He was an expert, and deep throated the cock without any problem. He did this a few times then gave me the cock to try. Of course I couldn't, do it well as he had but somehow his involvement made it easier. The younger one was encoraging, told me how good I was, that I was a natural, that he could have me deep throating with the best in no time. I actually felt quite proud!" That got a few chuckles around the room.

"After I had sucked him for a few minutes, I went over to rough sexy, this was more of a challenge. His cock wasn't any longer but it was a lot thicker. Now it was the turn of the younger one to squat down and direct me. They were giving me a master class in cock sucking, and I was a very willing pupil. This was the best lesson ever. Ugly sexy asked me if I wanted him to cum in my mouth. I sort of nodded my head but it was difficlt with his cock in my mouth and suddenly I had my first mouthful of cum. The cute one asked me to show him so I opened my mouth. He told me to swallow it all.

After I had, he wispered in my ear that he wanted to cum too, did I want it? This time I said I'd love it, he stood up I grabbed his cock and shoved in my mouth and in a minute I got the second load of cum. I was wanking furiously and would have cum on the road, but rough sexy pulled me up, kissed me hard looking for any of his mate's cum which was still there, then knelt dowm himself and sucked me off. After that I had such a shit eating grin on my face that they both laughed at me. They never took me down to the station.

It turned out that they were boy friends and had a flat together. We arranged to meet again and naturally met at their place. they introduced me to everything. Arse fucking of course. That came pretty quickly, and they wanted me to fuck them just as much as they wanted to fuck me. I learned to love rimming too after they did it to me. It was difficult to stay overnight, I was only fifiteen but one Sunday I told my mum and dad I was going off with friends but actually went back to their place and the only time we got out of bed was to eat. They both tag teamed me all day. I was just a horny kid and the more sex I had the more I wanted. I used to see them every couple of weeks or so, it was great and they were great teachers too. Charlie, the rough sexy one, his boy firnd was call Tim, was the one who introduced me to piss."

"How did that happen?" asked Jim, all ears.

"I was taking a shower after one of our sessions when Charlie came in to take a piss. He saw me watching. He was already naked so he got into the shower with me and asked me if I would like him to piss over me. I had never thought of it before but the idea really turned me on. He pissed all over my cock and down my legs, my cock got so hard! After a minute he asked me if I had any to give him. I didn't have a lot but as soon as I started pissing he went down on his knees and gave me a big grin, looked at my cock, sucked on it and started drinking. I couldn't believe it and only wished I had drunk his. But I shouldn't have worried because when I finished he stood up, pulled me to him and spat out a mouthful of my piss into my mouth and kissed me. It went on from there. Charlie and Tim were both dirty little fuckers and piss play became a regular part of our games from then on. I went on seeing them for the next three years until I let school and applied for Hendon College. It was them who made me want to join the force."

Eric's was just as entertaining a story. "Actually it was my Mother who got me interested in fucking," he said with a lear. We were all ears. "We lived near Appleby in Cumbria. Every year they hold a horse fair. I'm not very interested in horses. But some of the gypsy lads are seriously cute and ever since I was 14 I used to go along and watch them. If the weather was good they'd strip off to show their bodies to the girls. And though I didn't know it to each other too. I'd come back in the evening and tell my mother about the fair and the atmosphere. She wasn't too keen on me going and warned me to be careful. Do you know the rhyme "My mother said I never should, play with the gypsies in the wood?"

We nodded though Philip looked a bit blank.

"Well who the fuck takes any notice of your mother's advice when you are fourteen. She said some of them had dirty habits. Well I was becoming very interested in dirty habits so they sounded just like my kind of people. I asked her what she meant. She told me that some of them would be very interested in a boy like me. They could ask me into their caravans and do all sorts of things. She then actually warned me against getting fucked in the arse! 'They could take their penises out and pretend you were a girl." I was mystified. But how could they do that? She explained. They would talk to me nicely then they would put their penises in my bottom. It had never occured to me. I'd wanked off with mates a few times. I'd even sucked a couple of cocks, but taking it up the arse opened up a whole new way having a good time. The next day I went really early looking for someone who looked as if they would invite me in to fuck me. Gypsies sounded as if they really had a good time. I'd be happy to to suck off a few as well of course."

I could feel Philip's cock getting harder as the story went on, I pressed my head back and moved it around. Simon saw what I was doing and winked at me. I poked my tounge out at him and grinned. He gave his cock a squeeze. I looked over at Jim and I could see he was now lovingly sucking Jonny's cock. This was all looking promising. Sex was in the air. Eric went on.

"Nothing happened that year, no one seemed to take any particular interest in me but that changed the following year when I was 15. I hadn't forgotten what Ma had said so on the first day I went very early at about eight. I guess I had been there for an hour or so. It was only just after nine so the place was wery quiet. I wandered around looking at the pens and some of the guys looking after the horses. I got some interested stares but no one said anything beyond a nod. There was one boy in particuar that caught my eye. He was dark like they all were, a scruffy mass of dark hair and very dark eyes. I must have been staring because he looked at me and winked. I couldn't believe it and I gave him a big grin. He grinned back and gave me another wink. I drifted on feeling very pleased with myself. I suppose about half an hour later I was back to near where I had seen him before, hoping to catch another look. He was talking to another guy, a bit older. The first guy was a bit older than me, maybe 19 or 20, His friend was probably 30 but really hot. It was getting warm in the sun and as I was looking over I saw the first guy nudge his friend and point and point in my direction. They turned to look and we were staring at each other. The older slowly unbuttoned his shirt still looking at me. I was transfixed. He had a great body, broad shoulders, his tight pectorals and abs were lightly dusted in fine dark hair which went in a thicker trail down from his abdomen. He gave me a cocky grin; he had me exactly where he wanted me and he knew it. The younger one was also staring at me as he gently massaged his cock through his trousers, and from the look af things there was quite a lot to massage. I saw this, closed my eyes for a moment and swallowed."

"You seem to remember a lot about this," considering all the cocks and cum you have swallowed and the number of times that sweet arse of yours has been plowed. This happened, what, five years ago? It must have really had an affect on you," said Philip who was gently running his fingers through my hair and pulling my head back against his now hard cock.

"Course it did! I remember the taste of their cum, I remember the feel of their cocks as they fucked me. This was my first real sex, the rest was just kids stuff; playing around. This was proper sweaty hard man sex. "The youner one raised his eyebrows in a questioning look and motioned me to follow them. They turned and went back behind their horse pen. I quickly followed. There was a big silver motor home there, and glansing back to make sure I had followed, they went inside. I suppose it was taking quite a risk, but I was just a horny kid looking for cock. I went up the couple of steps and into their trailer. It was quite dark inside, the blinds were pulled down, but I could see that the youger one had taken off his shirt too, and the older guy had his trousers open and his cock hanging out. He put his hands on his hips, looked at me then down at his cock. Well you don't have to ask me twice even at that age I new what he wanted. I knelt down in front of him and sucked his cock into my mouth. It was already slimy with his sweet precum. I don't imagine it was the best blow job he had ever had, but I did my best. I guess what I lacked in finesse I made up for in youth. He was fucking the mouth of a teenage gadjó kid and loving it.

"A what kid?" said Philip.

"Gadjó, it's what they call non Gypsies. His mate was naked and playing with his dick too and gently turned my head so I could suck his cock as well. For fifteen minutes I went back and forth between them, I was in pig heaven. I got my own dick out and was furiously wanking. The older guy saw it and said, 'Look Ray, this kid is pretty hung for a boy' He pulled me up so they could both see my dick sticking out and up. Ray the younger one immediately got down and sucked me. I was so turned on that he hadn't sucked me for more that a few minutes before I came in his mouth. He groaned and held on tight to my arse, I must have shot four times, it was the most intense cum of my life. He got up opened his mouth to show me my cum then locked lips with his mate to share it.

"Get your clothes off,' the older guy said. 'You like being fucked?' It wasn't a question. I told him I loved it. That wasn't rearly true of course but I wanted him to think I was experienced in case he changed his mind. He told his mate to get the grease, and after we had stripped he almost threw me on the bed on my back. Things moved pretty fast, he dug two fingers in the jar took out a generous skoop and pushed them in my arse, rubbing them around, he did this two more times until he was satisfied I was loose enough and well prepared. Then his mate put plenty of the grease on his cock, he looked at me and asked me if I was ready, I just nodded. He put his cock at my arse and pushed hard, he must have seen the pain in my expression and slowed up, but eventually he got the head in and from then on I relaxed and enjoyed the ride. He had me moaning and begging him to go on. The younger guy knelt by my side and offered me his cock to suck. Pig heaven! this was the best morning of my life I couldn't believe how good it feels to get fucked in the arse. Or how easy it had been, and all thanks to Ma. For the next hour they took turns on my arse and mouth, until I was moaning and wimpering. I had never experienced anything so good. So it was them who introduced me to the pleasure my arse could give me and I will always be grateful. Eventually the younger one came in my arse while his mate spunked in my mouth; a really big thick load. When we finished I couldn't stop grinning. And they looked pretty pleased too. In two hours they had turned me from an English school boy who was pretty much a virgin, into a total cock slut.

After that I couldn't get enough; every day I went back for more. Sometimes they fucked me separately, sometimes together. A couple of times they got other guys in to join us. After those sessions my arse was so full of cum it was embarrassing. I'd get home and have to go strait to the loo to empty it all out." Eric was grinning from ear to ear. "I started being a cum slut when I was young!"

After that there was quiet for a moment then Simon raised his glass, "A toast. To all cum sluts wherever they are, and their cum filled arses."

"Cum sluts!" we all shouted. "And cum filled arses."

Philip asked me get some more wine so I struggled up, turned round and lovingly sucked his cock that I had just pulled out of his trousers, before going over to the drinks table and go round filling the glasses. As I got to Jonny he held my leg to stop me and slowly ran his hand up till he was squeezing my cock, it got hard pretty quickly and I gave a soft moan.

"If you so like the taste of my cum why don't I feed you some more?"

"Only if you fuck me first," I replied. It was a challenge which quite honestly I had said on the spur of the moment without thinking about the practicalities, like when and where!

"I can do that, why not here and now? We can put on a demonstration!" said Jonny. "Everyone here wants to fuck and suck, we can get it going."

"You can be the cabaret turn for this evening." said Simon. "These stories have all horned us up and everybody here except Jonny and Trevor has fucked with everybody else. I think they need to be introduced to us properly, arse and mouth. We'll all have sex with them. You can choose, do you want us to fuck you, or suck you off. Would you like to fuck us or shall we feed you our cum," said Simon who had taken his cock out and was leaning back stroking it slowly.

"First I'm goin to fuck Michael." said Jonny looking directly up at me. "I'm going to punch fuck that sweet arse of yours pretty boy." He pulled it away from Jim's mouth. His cock was bigger than I'd remembered. Big and red and hard, wet with Jim's spit and Jonny's own precum. I wanted to take over from Jim, the temptation just to get down and get him to feed me another load straight away was almost overwhelming, but I also I wanted a cock in my arse. Philip had been away from the college over night so I hadn't been fucked at all that day, I was desperate. Here was a hunky guy with a great cock who wanted to shaft me hard in front of my friends. He said he was an exhibitionist, well so was I. I couldn't get my clothes off quickly enough. Philip went into his bedroom to get the grease. He lovingly prepared my arse for the workout it was about to get. He grinned at me as he was doing it.

"Work that cunt of yours, give him a good ride." he told me.

"Yeah do it Jonny, fuck the slut." said Eric. "Give it to him good, he's never happy unless someone's plugging his cunt."

I shivered in anticipation, Eric was right. I am never so happy as I am when I've got dick in my arse. Simon moved the magazines and books from the low table in front of the fire, pulled it to the middle of the room so that it was in the centre in front of everybody.

Trevor said, "Hey I've got an idea, lets give his hole a real workout. Jonny why don't you lie on your back and let Mikey sit on your cock." Jonny had also stripped, his dick was hard. Philip leant over and sucked it gently making sure it was really wet with his saliva before carefully covering it with more of the grease he had already filled my arse with, till it glistened in the soft lighting.

A cock is a wonderful thing but a cock that is big and hard and covered in grease ready to fuck your arse, well that is truly a work of art. And I had to have it in my arse! As soon as he was laying back on the low table I got over him and very quickly slid down on it. It felt wonderful, I sat down hard on it to make sure he was as far up my arse as possible. I ground down on him moving backwards and forwards slightly so I could feel it opening me up. Philip came over and crouching down he looked closely at my arse to watch Jonny's cock, I lifted myself up till the cock came out, Philip quickly caught it, spat on it sucked it quickly then helped to push it back in where it belonged. He grinned at me from between my legs.

"Happy, slut?" All I could do in responce was groan. Of course I was happy, I had a big hard cock in my arse, and rammed my arse down hard, I groaned again.

"Yeah Jonny, fuck that cunt. Show the slut who's boss here." And fuck me Jonny did, he was grunting with the effort. He pistoned it in and out hard and fast. I saw Trevor come over and motioned Philip to get up and he quickly took his place. He also was stripped with his cock hard and glistening with grease. He positioned it next to Jonny's cock and slowly worked it in as well. I was being double fucked again, My arse felt wonderful, I felt wonderful, I was born to be fucked. And fucked hard. They fucked me for ten minutes grinning at each other as they did so. Everyone else got up to watch, I could see the lust in many of the faces but I only got brief glimpses of them, for most of the time my eyes were closed and I was blissed out. All too soon for me I heard Jonny groaning as he filled my arse with his spunk; Trevor must have felt it too, because I heard him moan as warm cum surounded his cock; but he didn't let himself cum, he pulled his cock slowly out dripping with Jonny's sperm/ Philip went for it, and sucked cock, cum and my arse juices into his throat. Trevor didn't last long, and seconds later it was Philip who was swallowing his load.

Now the others took their turns on the two new boys. Jonny was already on his back and it was Simon who took advantage of his arse first. Jonny was so relaxed after his orgasm that he didn't even groan as Simon pulled his legs up and back and pushed his cock into his arse hard. Even I was impressed. Jonny had an experienced hole. All that fucking on the commons had really paid off.

After Simon had cum hard and noisily in his arse it was Jeff's turn on it. He didn't waste any time either and he was obviously already on the edge becuse he had only fucked him for less than a minute before he was filling it with it's second load of the night. Jim wasn't going to be left out., he got behind Jonny's now very sloppy arse and rimmed it. I could hear him moaning as he sucked out the cum. Then standing up he went over to Trevor, bent over him and kissed him sharing the loads. He was wanking and as soon as he shared Simon and Jeff's loads with Trevor he added his own. Trevor opened his mouth so everyone could see the sticky cum which filled it before he closed his lips and swallowed silently, his eyes closed.

That only left poor Eric.

"What about me fellers?" It was the first time either Jonny or Trevor seen Eric's massive cock hard.

"Fucking hell!" said Trevor immediately, "You're not puuting that in me!" I could see Jonny looking in awe too.

I could think of nothing better than taking Eric's cock, he had fucked me so often now.

"I'd love you to fuck me and show these two pussy boys how it's done." I lay back in Philip's arms and he held my legs up and back. Eric spread grease on his cock. I was glad. Even though I waas super loosened up after the double fucking Eric was always a challenge. I was determined however to make it look easy just to show the others.

Eric stood between my legs. "Ready for me Mikey?"

"Always," was all I could say. Philip gripped my legs behind the knees harder and I used all my experience to relax. In the end it was far less difficult than I had even hoped. Eric was gentle but determined and his huge cock just slid in with hardly any resistance. Jonny was kneeling next to us.

"Fuck me," he said softly, "you aint such a big guy Mikey, where do you put it?"

I just ignored his question as Eric's cock sank to the root, opening me up as only he could. It wasn't a long fuck. Five minutes and he was nearing the end.

"Please Eric in my mouth, cum in my mouth, please." I was begging for his cum. At the last moment he pulled out and I sat up just in time to get my lips around the the cum slimey head of his cock before he filled it with an enormous load of cum. I savoured the unique flavour before slowly swallowing it and slumped back on Philip who licked up some of the cum that had dribbled out of the side of my mouth.

Jonny and Trevor were now officially part of The Fuck Club.

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