The Fuck Club

By Michael Tolliver

Published on Oct 1, 2017



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I told Philip about the coppers, I could see he was really turned on by the idea. He wanted to know all the details. How big were their dicks, how long had the copper fucked me before he came. Could I feel his cum shooting out when he came? We were lying in bed spoon fashion while we were talking and I could feel his hard cock pushing into my back. It was inevitable that he would end up fucking me, which he did long and hard. I think he wanted to show me who really owned my arse. No matter how many other people filled it with their cum it would always belong to him. And that was fine by me. He wanked me off while he was fucking me, I strained my arse back to him trying to get his thick wonderful cock as far in my arse as I could. We came at the same time, him deep inside me, me splashing my cum in the bed. Afterwards I lay there contentedly feeling warm, loved and well slimed while Philip lay behind me with his arms around me, his soft cock slipped from my arse and he drifted off to sleep. I felt his gentle breath on my shoulder. This was how life should be, Warm, safe and filled with sperm.

There was one time when I didn't enjoy sex. I was in the loo of a dance club in London sucking off one of the guys who had been waiting in line to get to me. I suppose he wanted to get off on some domination trip and told me to call him sir, and asking me how it felt to suck on a real man's cock? He said that's all you queer sluts are good for is sucking real men's cocks. I practcally choked and started laughing, rather destroying his moment of power. I was a student at Oxford for fucks sake, I was cute, my lover was a Viscount. And here was some anonimous bloke from south London wanting me to call him sir! Perhaps the copper in Oxford had been right, we are just a bunch of snotty barstards. It kind of put me off sex at that moment and I got up off my knees. By now, if you have been reading my story you will know that I really get off on casual sex; I love it when I get bred by random strangers until my arse is so full of cum that it's runing out. I love that moment when some stranger you are sucking off suddenly tenses up and that first jet of cum hits the top of your mouth and floods across your tongue. There is power in that; the power of pleasure. The power you know you have over someone who is hovering on the edge of cumming in you, so that it is almost painful for them, and it just needs a slight movement from you to make them go over the edge. And I love to see the grin of on the face of someone looking down at me as they fuck me seeing me wimpering and groaning in pleasure. That's a turn on for them too. But I hated the idea that someone was using sex to put me down. It didn't have anything to do with pleasure, they were just being a bully. Sod that! I didn't bother to look at him as I side stepped him and went back to the dancing. Call me sir! Bloody hell! It was different from dirty talk, I loved it when some one is fucking me and wispering in my ear, 'O, I love your slutty arse, I could fuck your cunt for ever. I'm going to slime you slut.' That was fun, not a put down. I guess the difference is subtle and has to do with the intention behind the words. I don't know why some people see sex as an opportunity to dominate or humiliate people. Where does that come from?

Well that's enough moaning. I waited another half hour before going back to the real job of the evening, swallowing sperm. Which with a few intervals to go back to the dance floor when I heard a particularly good dance track, I did for the next two hours.The best moments were when another cum hound knelt down beside me to catch the action before someone offered their cock to him too. Then every three guys or so, when our mouths were really full of cum we would kiss, swapping the cum back and forth before we swallowed it. After two hours, my knees were killing me and I had to get up. After a final cum filled kiss I left him to carry on servicing the line of guys waiting to fuck his mouth. There must have been five hundred guys at the club, most of them would come into the loos at some time. May be he could catch some piss along the way too. Ain't sex grand?

That was during an otherwise incredible weekend. I was in London with Jim to stay with his brother, who had introduced him to piss those years before.

His brother worked in The City which is the financial district of London. He earned some obscene amount of money, lucky bastard, and lived in a big flat in Knightsbridge over looking Hyde Park. He was just as eager to feed his piss to any cute piss sluts he could find as he was to drink his full share, and in honour of his baby brother coming to stay he had organised a big get together with our mouths and arses being one of the main attractions. Jim told me his brother had said all his friends wanted a chance to fuck with him as his baby brother.

Philip was away with his brother for some family weekend. He had asked me to come but I had met his brother and it looked like being a boring wekend of business when I would be left with Philip's sister in law and their children. A weekend of pissing and fucking in London sounded like much more my thing.

Jim's brother had converted one of the bedrooms into a large tiled wet room with dim lighting and a transparent padded floor. It was an incredible space and I couldn't help laughing when Jim showed it to me. As you walked on it you sank down a good ten centimeters. We jumped on it rolled around on it; it was a hoot. It could be deflated for cleaning and there were two drainsw at either end. Edmund later told us that during a piss party it formed a soft bottomed shallow pool. It is amazing what a vivid imagination together with an unlimited budget can acheive. I asked him later what he had told the builders.

"O they'll be here tonight too." Edmund replied

We had got to London on the Friday afternoon and Jim had keys to the flat so we went straight there, the piss party was scheduled for the Saturday evening. His brother came home about seven. Jim was by far the most beautiful of our group of friends and his brother was an older version with a more worked out body. Jim introduced us; I already knew his name was Edmund. Jim had told me he went to a gym three times a week and played squash regularly.

"So Michael, my baby brother here says you love piss almost as much as he does."

"O I love it," I replied, "but no one loves piss as much as Jim."

Edmund grinned."Yeah he's been well trained, eh brother?" And he pulled Jim to him into a friendly arm lock and kissed him. "So you two sluts ready to get wet tomorrow? I got a few lads from the city coming over and they have been told to bring anyone else they know. Some of my mates from the LPB are coming over too, it should be a good crowd."

"What's the LPB?" I asked.

It was Jim who answered. "London Piss Boys. Michael my friend, we are in for one wild evening." I was grinning like the cheshire cat.

I knew Jim wanted to spend some quality time with his brother and it had been arranged while we were still in Oxford that I would go out on my own on the Friday night, which was why I was on my knees sucking cock and swallowing cum at the club.

The next morning over breakfast I told them about my adventure of the previous evening and the guy who wanted me to call him sir. "O fuck all that stupid shit," said Edmund, "who needs it?" He produced breakfast with one interesting twist. He poured three glasses about half full of orange juice, put them down on the table in front of him, pulled down his shorts, which were all he was wearing, flopped out his dick and pissed a generous amount into each of them. He pushed them over to us and grinning said "Specialité de maison, dirty orange." He toasted us and drank it all down. We laughted and followed suit. That was a new trick I would remember if I was having the guys to breakfast in Oxford.

We actually did culture on the Saturday. I wanted to see an exhibition of renaissance drawings at the British Museum, and after lunch and some shopping we went back to the flat. At about six a boy arrived who Edmund had hired for the evening to help out. He was a very cute (of course) student and a member of LPB called Jonathan. Edmund had said of him before he arrived, "He's only just nineteen but he can piss for England. As you can imagine he is a very popular new member. And he's a greedy little piss whore too, so an all round good find. He's a student and needs the money. I pay him to help out, let people in, serve drinks and generally join in as he wants. Sweet boy, sweet dick and sweet piss. Perfect."

Edmund took charge, he told us all to strip and get our arses well greased and cleaned out. Jonathan was friendly and eager to please, we all helped each other to get ready. Jonathan said his arse was already douched and lubed with grease and a load of cum he got from a guy through a glory hole at college just before he left. He was definitly our kind of boy. Jim and I went into the bathroom where Edmund had the same divice for cleaning out your arse I had seen in the shower in San Francisco, black rubber tube with holes in it attached to the shower. You slid it into your arse and turned the water on. Edmund came in too. It was the first time I had seen his dick, curved slightly to the right and thick. After he had douched himself, clearly enjoying the warm sensation deep inside because his dick harder, he took from the cubboard a large dispencer which he pushed into his arse before squeezing hard.. I could hear the gloopy sounds as it was filling his arse. Then he handed it to us.

"You had better use plenty, our arses are going to be well used tonight."

Back in the play room Jonathan poured us pints of shandy to get us ready to contribute. Members of LPB liked to receive as well as give. After a couple of hours and several pints later the first guys arrived. They were a trio of Edmund's friends from the city. Americans would call them preppy jocks, dressed in Armani and Feragamo slip-ons. Whatever you call them it was a look I could relate to immediately, and my dick got a bit plumper. We were introduced as the new urinals but ones with over full bladders too. Actually I was beginning to get just a bit uncomfortable and was wondering who was going to drink my piss first.

Jonathan poured more shandies and handed them round. For anyone who doesn't know, a shandy is a combination of lemon aid (sweet soda) and beer; coke was on offer too. That way the piss is sweet, not many people want to drink sour or over salty piss, (well I don't anyway). They went into Edmund's bedroom and stripped, and it was three bollock naked jocks with semi hardons who joined us in the playroom. They hugged and kissed Edmund and Jonathan then Jim and me. Jonathan brought over the drinks. They said they had already tanked up pretty well but toook the glasses and drank them down. The heating was turned up so it was pretty hot and quickly got steamy with the smell of sweat and testoterone. In double quick time my dick was almost completly hard and two of the other guys cocks were already hard too, one was really thick with an even bigger, perfect, mushroom head, just the kind I love. I had to have that at least once during the party. I just couldn't resist kneeeling down in front of him and sucking his cock. He pulled away slightly then holding me under the chin with his thumb in my mouth to keep it open he let go a huge burst of piss into my open mouth. I was taken off guard because his cock was really hard but quickly swallowed before I choked.

Jim grinned at me "First piss to you slut,"

The doorbell went and four more guys joined us, while they went to strip, Edmund told us they were part of the LPB group but when they came in they clearly knew the city boys, I guess from other parties at Edmund's flat. Again it was Jonathan who handed them the drinks. Over the next hour there was a steady stream (pun intended) of new arrivals who stripped and joined us, the play room got really crowded. Jim had told me his brother had a piss party in his flat at least once a month. A lust for piss obviously ran in the family. Edmund came over to me, "You're the new boy here apart from Jim and I've been drinking his piss and fucking his arse for years, and as I'm the host and I'm thirsty, I get to drink your piss first, so, what do I hear you're called, slut right? So slut give me some piss." He got down on his knees and gently sucked the end of my cock. It was too hard, I hadn't mastered the ability to piss through a hard cock. So I held his mouth away for a minute while I willed my cock to go soft. As soon as I did I let loose over his face, he quickly dived forward and wrapped his lips around my cockhead and eagerly drank down my piss, looking up at me as he did so. It was a huge turn on to be pissing into the mouth of Jim's brother, about whom I had heard so much, that very soon my cock got hard again and the flow stopped. He grinned up at me.

"Your turn." I dropped to my knees immediately. Edmund turned to one of the guys from LPB "Hey Chad let's see how much this slut boy can drink. Get down pretty boy and open your mouth wide. The two cocks were held a couple of centmetres or so from my mouth so other guys there could watch while I got drowned in the yellow stuff. Both boys shot fierce streams into my face, soaking my hair, there was no way I could drink it all at once though I tried really hard. The piss cascaded out of my mouth even though I was desperately swallowing, in a few seconds I was drenched. In a pause I pulled up the soaking white singlet I was wearing to suck out the piss. One of the other guys Who was watching pulled me up, got behind me and shoved his cock roughly into my thankfully, well greased arse. I loved it. It wasn't as big as many of the cocks which had fucked me but that didn't matter. I like big cocks, who doesn't if they are being honest, but you didn't need to have a big cock to give you a good fucking and a lot of pleasure. I was getting a lot of pleasure.

"O fuck, that feels wonderful, don't stop. Fuck me hard. O yes fuck my slut arse."

"You've got it." He ramped up the speed and slam fucked my greasy arse. I was in heaven.

"O yes, I love it. I love it. That feels sooo good. Ram that cock home. Shoot that cum up there." I can get noisy when I am having a good time. Most of the other guys there were involved in someway as well. A lot of piss was being shared a lot of arses fucked and a lot of dicks being sucked.

Jonathan came over laughing at us, "I think he likes it."

I looked sidewise and could see Jim being fucked by his brother while he was sucking somebody else. It was a real turn on to see the brothers fucking; it had never occured to me before. I guess it is seeing one of the great taboos being broken. A couple of others were pissing over them and occasionally Edmund leaned down to drink it. One of the LPBs came over to me and offered me his semi hard dick.

"I get a lot for you."

I didn't need asking twice, I opened up and sucked it into my mouth. Immediately he filled it with a heavy stream of piss. He was tall and slim and pissed with his legs apart, his hips thrust forward. I ran my hands up over the hard smooth muscles of his body. It was wet and warm, obviously someone had just pissed over him.

While Jim and I were the new attractions (Jim in particular as Edmund's baby brother), everybody else was there to give and get piss and the room was filled with the heady aroma of fresh urine and the sound of piss falling into the shallow pool of piss covering the plastic. The sound too of moans and groans of pleasure, and flesh slapping on wet skin. My fucker answered my pleading and came long and hard in my arse, grunting and jerking as he did so. Then he slumped over my back and wispered in my ear. "Your slut arse is the best." I smiled to myself, another satisfied doner. As his cock slipped out of my arse someone else shoved theirs in. But he didn't try to fuck me, he just held it there. I knew what was coming and within seconds I could feel the burst of warmth deep inside me as he pissed into my arse. O shit I loved it, my arse was filled with cum and piss which soon cascaded out and over and down our legs. When he had finished pissing he began fucking me. I straightened up and looked around. Everyone was involved in some way. Either they were pissing on someone or sucking and fucking. Jim and Edmund were being fucked side by side I heard the door buzzer sound and Jonathan let six more up, he waited for them by the door. Edmund had said that he had invited twenty guys but they might bring others. In the end there were thirty eight guys packed into the wet room. By this time Jim and I were lying down in the pools of piss all over the floor. It pooled around our bodies because of the soft padding. We were both being fucked on our backs. Jonathan and a couple of other guys came over and pissed directly down into our mouths. I swallowed of course but it was really hot to feel the piss soaking our hair and spashing on our faces and bodies, my head was in a warm pool. I looked at Jim beside me and winked. I swept my hand through the shallow pool we were lying in and scooped up the piss to soak the guy who was fucking me. He laughed and bent over to kiss me. Jonathan was still pissing on us and we drank and shared it.

When my fucker had cum I wanted to piss again really badly and decided Jonathan would get it this time. He had given so much to me it was only fair to give some back. I rolled sideways sucked up a big mouthful of piss, then getting up pulled Jonathan into a deep kiss and spat the piss into his mouth. He opened his mouth wide to receive and gave me a happy grin after swallowing. I felt the piss streaming down my body as I hugged him to me. I put my hands on his shoulders and gently pushed. Immediately he knelt down and sucked on my cock. "Come on, feed me your piss," he said looking up at me with the same cheeky grin. I relaxed and closed my eyes. The piss came and as soon as the flow started I felt Jonathan tense up and concentrate on swallowing which he did, easily and skilfully, no gagging or problems swallowing, it just flowed straight down his throat. He never missed a drop. As soon as I stopped he quickly got up and kissed me, as I expected his mouth was full of my piss which we shared and swallowed. As we were pulling back to look at each other two of the LPB lads got behind us. I don't know what they really did for work but they looked like a couple of consruction workers. I guess our two empty arses were too much of a temptation, at any rate while we kissed we were fucked again. These two seemed to be in no hurry to cum and that was fine. Jonathan and I lazily kissed and made out, my hands slid over his wet body and his over mine while our arses were fucked deep and well. I felt him pissing between us and I bent over to drink it, taking care not to interupt the rhythm of the gay fucking me. Edmund was right, Jonathan really could piss for England. His cock didn't seem so big to look at it but his urethra must have been extra large, it was like a hose pipe. I could suck and drink from his cock all night.

After an hour most of the first lot of pissing would have slowed down except that Jonathan kept going round with more shandies. There were cases of lager and lemonaid in the cool store, there were slight pauses while different groups tanked up again. The pissing may have slowed down but the fucking didn't stop. I got fucked again twice and sucked one of the LPBs. I could see Edmund getting fucked again while Jim sucked him off. The guy fucking me slimed my arse, pulled out and slapped it before moving on. The guy I was sucking filled my mouth with another load of cum. This went on for the rest of the evening. I took fucks from twenty guys though not all of them actually came. Jim got fucked a lot more, he boasted afterwards that he thought almost everyone had got a chance at his arse. As Edmund's kid brother he was after all the star attraction.

At about one in the morning Jonathan and Edmund pulled over what looked like and turned out to be, a small yellow plastic baby bath. Then, when it was in the middle of the room they pissed into it. Everyone was asked to add their own, so nearly forty guys including Jim and me pissed into it until it was about twenty cetemeters deep. Jonathan true to his reputation added the most. This we learned was part of the ritual to induct new members. When everyone was done, Edmund turned to us.

"So sluts, before the party a few of decided that if you passed the test we would ask you to join our noble Fraternity, London Piss Boys. OK, lets have the new boys over here. Mikey and Jim, and Thomas who is here at one of our LPB parties for the second time. A tall skinny guy with a very long slim dick (he had fucked me earlier and had managed to reach further than almost anyone had before) together with Jim and I went over to Edmund. He put his wet arms around our shoulders and spoke to everyone,

"Well fellers you've met Jim, Mikey and Tom. You've all drunk their piss and they've drunk yours. A lot of you have fucked them too, in fact I think everyone of you has fucked my little brother." A loud cheer and clapping went up and fed them your spunk. And you've had Tom's cock up your arses too. A little cheer with wistles and clapping went up again. "These are dedicated piss boys. Are they in? Another huge cheer went up and a round of clapping. Edmund turned to us. "Well piss sluts the vote was unanimous. Welcome to the London Piss Boys." He went round and kissed each of us. Then the other guys crowded round too. We got passed around. And each of us got fucked as well. They didn't want to cum in us, they just wanted to assert their rights to our arses. About ten guys shoved they cocks into my arse and I guess the same went for the others. A couple pissed in my arse too. Just marking their territory. We were then asked to kneel down around the bath. Edmund brought over pint glasses and filled them, then handed the still warm urine for us to drink. "This is the last test. Down in one go boys." I felt totally liberated drinking down the combined piss of nearly forty guys as they looked on cheering. I stood up my hard cock in front of me with my legs apart toasted them all and chugged it down. And as soon as we had finished they slapped us on the back, ruffled our soaking wet hair and hungrily kissed us. Edmund then also filled the glasses and after drinking a lot himself passing them around for the other guys to share as well.

The party went on until about three when people started leaving. Most people took a shower before and took the opportunity to give the last of their piss to anyone in there too. Jim and I were in there on our knees to pick up any stray loads of piss or cum that were on offer. The last guy to leave gave me a mouthful of his sweet cum about four.

When I got back to the wet room, Jonathan had unplugged the drains and was hosing down the floor. He had already collected the plastic glasses and thrown them in the waste bin. There were four bedrooms in the apartment and Edmund suggested Jonathan stay. We each went to our rooms and in my case I crashed out straight away. I was woken at seven by Jim shaking me, before offering his morning wood to be sucked. I was half asleep but did my best for him. However good or bad, it did the trick and within ten minutes he fed me my first load of the day. I swallowed it gratefuly. Jim bent down to kiss me before slipping away back to his room I assumed. (I learned later that he actually went to Jonathan's room to share more piss. Jim was insatiable. I went back to sleep but I was woken again a couple of hours later when I felt someone else get into bed and snuggle up.

"Good morning Slut. Want some company?" A pair of muscular arms pulled me to him. It took me a few seconds to wake up enough to realize it was Edmund. "Of all the people I got to fuck yesterday, I never got to fuck you. So I've decided to put that right." He moved away slightly and turning I saw him open the drawer in the set of draws by the bed to take out a large jar of grease. He dipped three fingers in, then, after turning me round again, he gently pushed them in my arse to get me ready for the fucking to come. I smiled contentedly, I was going to be the lucky cum dump for both brothers this morning. He was much more gentle than I had expected for someone who so obviously loved taking charge. He knew all about me, Jim told him I was known in our group as slut so he must have told him why too. Mine was a very experienced cunt. After having lovingly filled it with grease using three fingers he got ready behind me and slid his cock in in one slow determined glide till his hairy groin and tummy was pressed hard against my arse. He groaned softly into my ear.

"You are so warm, slut, So warm and slimey. That's more than grease, it's natural arse juice and a lot of cum too." He groaned again as he pulled his cock out almost to the end, then pushed it back in to my hot, slimey, cum filled tunnel. He continued with long slow, deep strokes kissing my kneck and licking my ears all the while. He was good, he was actually very good, and had me moaning and panting within a few minutes. I pushed back to meet every thrust. He pulled out, got me on my back, lifted my legs and this time slam fucked me hard, The gentle fucking ended and a hard brutal shafting took over. I grunted and moaned. I opened my legs and bending them at the knees I held my ankles to give him total access. I gave myself to the fucking, Edmund's groin slapped repeatedly and hard against my arse and I could feel him straining to get his cock as deep into my arse as possible. The fucking went on for fifteen minutes until I was almost delirious. He watched my face, my mouth open, my eyes rolling up into my head. I was panting and wimpering in pleasure and frantically wanking my cock. Edmund grinned down at me, then pulling back a little he bent over and doubling up sucked my dick as he still went on fucking me. It was too much and pushed me over the edge. I groaned and spunked in his mouth. It was his turn to groan and I felt him stiffen as he pumpd his cum hard in my arse. He slumped down on top of me. His cock softened and slipped from my arse. We were both covered in sweat, it was running down his face. Then he leaned over and shared with me the mouthful of my cum.

"O Mikey, Mikey. You could kill a guy with that arse of yours. It's so great watching your face. I've never fucked anybody who so obviously loved it as much as you."

"My arse is a cunt, made to be fucked and slimed. I love it. I could be fucked twenty times every day and still beg for more."

"You're a slut." He said with a big grin.

"Yeah, I'm a big slut. A happy cum craving slutty piss boy, and I love it." He laughed and kissed me warmly.

Next: Chapter 19

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