The Fuck Club

By Michael Tolliver

Published on Aug 16, 2017



Hey guys here's chapter 17 of The-fuck-club. I hope you enjoy it, and if you do, please get in touch. Plot suggestions are always welcome. Comments too, good and not so good. Nifty needs our contributions not just our stories.

It was less than a week after the double fucking I'd received from the two Americans Cole and Gerry, that I was walking down the High in Oxford with Jim one morning when Jim nudged me and pointed across the road to a young copper on the other side. He was really cute.

"You see that copper over there, he's the one I was talking about. The one I met in Christchurch Meadow."

I looked at him with renewed interest; not bad I thought, not bad at all! We realised that he had spotted us too. That wouldn't have been hard, two boys across the road from him standing, staring at him. As soon as he recognized Jim he smiled and waved, so dodging the traffic we quickly crossed over to him.

"Hey Jim! How are you doing?" he said when we had come up to him.

"Hey Trevor, well met my friend," Jim replied, then indicating me he said, "This is Mikey, I told him all about you. He likes every thing we like." Then turning to me, "Mikey this is Trevor, he fucks like a dream and pisses like a race horse."

"Yeah, Jim has told me about you, I'm really glad we've met up." I said.

"Likewise," said the young copper eyeing me quickly up and down like a prime piece of meat, which is just the way I like to be looked at.

"Where are you two going?" he asked. "My shift ends in an hour, how about a meet this afternoon?"

"We were just going to get something to eat in college and meeting up sounds great to me," said Jim.

"Great to me too", I added quickly.

"OK, I need to get changed, then I'll come over to your place again. That OK?"

"Perfect," said Jim.

"Get those arses greased up ready."

"No need," I said, thinking of the fucking Philip had already given me. " My arse is full of cum, already."

Jim chuckled, "Yeah slutboy here never goes out in the morning without as least one load of cum in his cunt."

Trevor looked at me hard, and slowly licked his lips, an expression of pure lust on his handsome face. "Slut boy is it? Well maybe I can add another load to the mix up in there." I could see an impressive bulge growing in his loose dark blue trousers.Jim and I grinned at each other.

"You'll be the first copper to fuck me," I said.

"Really?" there are a few of us on the force. We keep it to ourselves mostly. But if you like coppers I could probably arrange a meeting. I can imagine they'd be only to pleased to get into the arses of two cute students like you. Most of you are such snotty little barstards. They could take their feelings out on your arses, no problem." It was my turn to close my eyes and swallow. I could get gang fucked by a group of horny policemen out to prove who's boss!

"Are they all as cute as you?" I managed to say, though my mouth had gone a bit dry.

"No," said Trevor laughing, "I'm the really pretty policeman round here. But they're OK and just as horny as me. They'll keep that cunt of your's nice and full and open."

"My cunt is always open," I said honestly.

"Now ain't that the truth," said Jim chuckling.

We reluctantly moved away. I glansed back and he was still looking at us, a smirk on his boyish face. When we got back to Jim's room we high fived and laughed, the day was turning out a great deal better than we had hoped. "You have a regular lover to keep you greased and ready, but the rest of us have to do things ourselves." said Jim and he handed me a big tub of vaselene already half used, "Can you get me ready?" He pulled down his trousers, he wan't wearing anything else, and knelt up on the bed, then leaned over with his smooth arse in front of me. I couldn't resist bending forward and gently rimming it. It was warm and clean. I half expected to get some cum but there was none to be had this time. He groand softly as I did this, and pushed his arse back in my face. My tongue slipped inside as his arse relaxed.

"When did you last get fucked?" I asked.

"Yesterday afternoon by a skinhead I saw sunbathing in the parks. We moved over to the long grass and I sucked him off, then we went back to his place, a room in east Oxford on the Blackbird Leas Estate and he fucked me long and hard. It was great. Good hard working class cock to keep a snotty student happy." He paused, and added, "Are we really all snotty bastards."

"Well, I don't think we are," I said, "But there are plenty of others who think the sun comes out of their arses."

"You won't find sunshine coming out of my arse, and today you won't find any cum either. I cleaned myself out last night."

I stopped rimming him and lovingly and carefully began to grease up his hole. He was relaxed, as first one then two, then three of my fingers slid inside. I made sure to pack as much grease up there as possible. Not only because it was necessary but because I was enjoying it, and judging by his soft moans, so was he.

When I had finished Jim said, "My turn, bend over." Then when I was up on the bed Jim went straight to my arse. I relaxed as I felt his tongue opening it up. "How many loads are there in here?"

"Two, Philip fucked me last night and again in the shower this morning, and I haven't cleaned myself out, I love the idea that my arse is full of his cum, Enjoy,"

"I am," came his muuffled response." I could feel him gently licking my arse before concentrating on the hole. "O yes, slut boy, there's cum sure enough," and he went to work harder, groaning, as more of Philip's cum leaked out into his mouth. Then a very surprising thing happened, this week was full of firsts. Jim stopped rimming me, I thought he had run out of cum, but then I felt something hard being pushed at the hole. I thought for a moment that he was fingering me, but no, it was bigger than that, and when my arse opened up automatically it was his cock that slid in. Jim was actually fucking me! This had never happened before. It was always Jim who got fucked. I groaned at the unexpected pleasure. He was quite good, a little jerky may be, but that wasn't a problem and certainly a bit inexperienced but I was so turned on by the idea of his cock being in my arse for the first time that I groaned loudly. "O Jim I love it, keep doing that buddy, make my arse happy." He slumped forward over my back and wispered in my ear.

"I've watched you being fucked so many times and I've always wondered why everybody loves your arse so much. How do you keep it so tight?" I set about giving him the ride he deserved. Cheeky barstard.

"I want to look at you as you fuck me," I said, Let me get on my back, then you can get in as deep as you can." I flipped over and a few seconds later his slimey cock slid back in to the combined lube of cum and grease. First I relaxed so he had a loose sleave to fuck, then tightened it just a little to massage his cock gently. I set up a gentle rythm, loose then tighter. I worked backwards and forwards, fucking myself on his cock. Then slowly I tightened my arse from deep indide. He groaned.

"Do that again, that feels incredible." I did the same thing.

"Like my arse fucker?" I said, "You like fucking my warm cunt? Are you going to shoot your cum up there, Jimmy?" I squeezed his cock and shoved back so he was in as far as he could get. I grunted with the effort. We grinned at each other and kissed deeply.

"I should have fucked you long ago. Simon told me to. He said everybody and his brother had fucked you and if I tried it I would know why. He said only Eric's arse was as good as yours.O shit I'm going to cum. Fuck," he grunted as his cum filled my arse. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." His body jerked with the effort, his body taught and rigid, his head was thrown back and I could see his throat muscles working above me.I was so tempted to cum when he did, but a dirty little plan had formed in my mind. As soon as he relaxed and his sofening cock slipped out of my arse followed by a dribble of frothy cum it was my turn to take over. I flipped him over on his back, he was limp like a rag doll. I wasn't bothered whether I was looking at him I just wanted to breed his arse. His whole body was relaxed including his arse and my cock glided in like a hot knife through butter cushioned by all the grease I had packed up there. Three thrusts and I came long and hard. Now our arses were ready for anything that was to come. We were well lubricated with grease and cum, the perfect combination. We were ready to take on the whole fucking police force if necessary. Right on time Jim's phone rang. I heard Jim say, "Thanks Mr Cox, just send them up. No there's no problem they are just here on a social call. Yes, thanks."

"What did the porter want?" I asked.

"He said there are three policemen downstairs, he wanted to know what we had done!"

"Three! Shit!" I replied. "Brother slut we are just about to get our arses truly slimed, but good!"

There was a knock on the door and Jim got up quickly to let them in. "Hey guys! We've been getting ourselves ready for you. Jim kissed Trevor and welcomed him and the others in. They were big guys all of them; the room seemed crowded with the Law. I was lying on the bed and gave them a welcoming grin.

"We thought it was just going to be Trevor, but this is much better that we thought."

"I said I was going to change," said Trevor, "but then I met these other two buggers and John here said he thought you might appreciate our uniforms. This other big Lug is Martin!"

Martin came over. He wasn't as cute as Trevor, in fact he was pretty ugly, but in a sexy way, that was a new idea for me, I was so accoustomed to beautiful young students. He looked a bit mean like the waiters in Puerto Rico. There was a slightly brutal edge to his angular features, and a slight snear on his thick lips. But I also noted his body. The bulk of his muscles were not hidden by his uniform.

"So you're the two cock sluts Trevor here has been telling us about? You ready to get fucked again sluts?" he said bluntly.

"I'm always ready to get fucked, copper." He grunted and then grinned. He just opened his fly and pulled out a knarled veiny cock, thick and blunt with a huge head. It fitted his body perfectly.

"Suck it!" It wasn't an invitation it was an order. So suck it I did. I had to open my mouth wide and relax to get the head in my mouth, he rivalled Eric for girth. All this was going to be in my cunt soon, I shivered with anticipation. I was so involved with the thug dick in my mouth that I had forgotten Jim and the other two coppers. He sat down on the bed next to me and I realised that they had also taken out their cocks and he was going back and forth between them.

By now thug dick was rock hard and standing up and slightly curved. The wicked head uncovered and hot looking, now shiny with my spit. "You got the lube ready?" he asked.

"My arse is fully lubed with cum and grease already. Fuck me copper. Fuck me long and hard!" I smiled and lay back. He grunted, pushed me back further and without taking off this uniform, just lifted my legs up and back holding my ankles, put the head of his cock at the entrance to my arse and shoved hard. I think he thought I would cry out. He was probably used to people finding it difficult to take his cock, their groans and pained expressions would be part of his game. But mine was a practised cunt. I just relaxed and took it, the grin never leaving my face untill he had bottomed out deep inside me. For a moment he looked a bit surprised but then he pulled out until only the massive head was still in me before slamming it home again with all his might. He continued slamm fucking me for five minutes, the sweat was dripping off his face down on to me. I just lay back, eyes closed, my mouth open. It was a brutal fuck but I loved it. With his cock still buried to the hilt in my arse he paused and took off his jacket and shirt.I looked up at his huge muscular body as it loomed over me. He was hairy, chest shoulders, and upper arms. His pectorals and abs were clearly deined, this copper worked out a lot and it showed. He grinned down at me proudly and flexed his arms. "Like it cock sucker?"

"I love it I replied, fuck me you bastard, show this cunt who's boss." Leaning forward till his face was just above mine he stared intently down at me, fucking me hard all the time. I opened my mouth expecting him to kiss me. Instead he spat in it, and carried on fucking. I was blissed out.

"Oh you have a good cunt, cock sucker. This cunt was just made to be , I bet they all say that. I need to fuck this again. I love boys with loose sloppy cunts like yours." I thought I would teach him to call my arse loose and tightened all the muscles around his cock. It was his turn to groan and my turn to take control. He closed his eyes concentrating on the fuck. He fucked me hard for another twenty minutes, pausing sometimes when he thought he was about to cum, he was determined to get everything he could out of fucking me. I was wimpering as the pleasure from my prostae washed over me.

On the bed beside me could see Jim taking on one then the other as they fucked him in turn. He was groaning softly as he took their cocks. He was sucking the cock of which ever cop was not fucking him at that moment. I clamped my arse hard on thug dick to show him just what I could do with my cunt. It proved too much for him and with a roar that I was sure could have been heard in the quad outside, and a mighty heave trying to push his cock even deeper into my arse he came in six hard thrusts. "O shit. Oh shit. O fuck." Then as he relaxed a moment, he said," Boy O boy, I needed that." Then he collapsed on top of me and this time he did kiss me, a wet and warm kiss with plenty of spit. A moment later perhaps inspired by our performance, Trevor came deep in Jim's arse and John in his mouth. I came between us in several spurts, less than usual but then I had cum in Jim's arse only an hour or so before. I could see Jim's load splattered up over his tummy and chest. Trevor leaned down a lovingly sucked it up.

We lay like that for some time as the huge thug dick slowly sofened in my arse. Eventually it slipped out I felt round my arse with my hand, it was loose and sloppy with cum. I brought my fingers to my mouth and sucked the heady mixture of cum and arse juice. Martin slowly drew himself up and with a huge grin kissed me again, then sliding backwards he eagerly rimmed my cummy arse lips. After a few seconds he lent back over me and shared the cum in his mouth.

"You taste good." I said.

"I do don't I?" he replied. "Prime constable spunk, delivered to you with the compliments of the Oxford Constabulary." I burst out laughing and he joined in. "Can we do this again? I love your cunt. I shall think differently about students from now on."

"Yeah. And I shall think differently about coppers too." I replied. He gently kissed me again. I loved his soft warm, thick lips

"I thought I could make you really struggle to take my cock, most people take a long time to relax enough to get it in. You were so cocky. I thought I'll teach this kid some fucking respect. But in the end it was me who ended up respecting your arse. Where did you learn to take cock like that?"

"LOng pracice and a LOT of experience."

Slowly we recovered and after a while John announced that he had to piss. "Can we watch?" said Jim.

"Sure," he grinned down at him, then glanced over at me. "You too?"

"You bet!" I said scrambling to my feet and following them into the bathroom. Of course Jim had no intention of just watching, and to make that clear he sat on the lavatory and pulled the young copper to him. Taking his limp dick in his mouth he gently sucked it looking up at the copper's face. Suddenly I realised he had started swallowing, I was so jealous. I leaned closer to get a better view; obligingly Jim pulled away from the cock making sure to keep his mouth wide open so I could see the heavy stream as it filled Jim's mouth before going strait down his throat. There was no need to have been jealous, thug dick and Trevor followed us in.

"Get over here and open your mouth cock slut," said Martin. He was back in domination mode. I didn't need to be told twice. I turned round, got on my knees and quickly sucked his cock into my mouth and after half a minute a huge fountain of piss filled it to capacity; I had to swallow really hard to keep up with the flow. Meanwhile John had finished pissing in Jim's mouth and Trevor had taken oven.

"I don't have much," he said, "but sharing is good, right?"

We all staggered back into the bedroom and just looked at each other. Then Jim began to laugh and quickly we all joined in.

"Is that the way they teach you to look after the public at Hendon?" (which for non Brits is the place in England where all the police are trained).

"A policeman's life is hard," said John giving us a mournful look, "we are called to fulfil the needs of so many different people." he winked at Jim.

"Well you can fulfil my needs anytime you like," I said. Thinking my list of regular fucks might just have gone up a few notches. Philip, the regular guys, the odd town boy (I must meet Tommy again at the restaurant) and now a bunch of eager coppers. Perfect.

As they were leaving Trevor came over to me, kissed me warmly, then said quietly. "I never got to fuck you; shame. Next time eh?" And he gave me a wink.

Jim and I were left to ourselves.

"God only knows what the Porters must be thinking," said Jim.

Next: Chapter 18

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