The Fuck Club

By Michael Tolliver

Published on Oct 27, 2016


Fuck Club 14 - Island adventure and I get to fulfil my dream

Well guys this is Chapter 14. I'm on holiday so have time to write more. Hope you like Michael's adventures. I've been inspired by other stories on Nifty and from some of you guys who have written with plot ideas and names. Sorry if the Spanish quotes are rubbish. Pictures on the internet inspire me too, let me know if you want to see my ideas of what the charactes look like'

As always Nifty needs our support if it is to carry on. Enjoy - Mikey

We were to put in for a day and night stay in Puerto Rico. This meant we had an evening and a day in San Juan. We would sleep on the boat.

Two days before we were due to dock we were talking to Hans, "So what's the gay scene like?" I asked him.

"Actually, it's not that good but I know a place where I think you might have some fun."

"Would you be free to come with us?" asked Philip.

"Sure, I might be able to bring one or two of the others too, if you like. They would probably like a trip out and a tip for extra work. A lot of us have time off when we are in port," he raised questioning eyebrows.

"Of course, how does $250 each sound? Would that be enough?"

"Thanks Philip, that would be great. How many should I approach?"

"I don't know. Bring along those people you know who are fun."

"If you could include Diego and Aako, I would quite like them to come if they are free. And we have to have Diego of course." I said quickly.

"Yeah and the Greek guy, Aleksander," said Philip. Ah, I thought, that Greek dick had made quite an impression on him.

"And we could invite Dean with the sweet cum, and the three guys from Birmingham, Kevin and Andy and the other guy, what's his name?"

"Joe," I think you mean." said Hans.

"Oh you've met him," said Philip.

"Oh yes, and been fucked by him. And nobody could forget that cock! It's way above average long, and it's so thick I couldn't get my hand round it, I've not often seen a cock like it, and believe me I've seen a lot, and been fucked by them." He gave a dirty chuckle, "All the ENTERTAINERS talk about it." He started laughing, "I probably shouldn't tell you this, but amongst the ENTERTAINERS you are rated with the best arse and him with the best cock Of all the passengers they want to fuck you and be fucked by him." He looked at me waiting for my reaction. I high fived both of them.

"Arse King of the volunteer sluts. Fame at last." Philip and Hans cracked up.

"And while we're talking about memorable cocks how about asking Laslo from the restaurant?" If Philip was going to get fucked again by the slutty mouthed Greek, I wanted that mushroom head in my mouth again.

"Lets book into a gay hotel and get a private dining room, we could have an early dinner then go on the town to the place you know." said Philip. "Could the Purser's office arrange that? And also transport? We can make it a real party." I thought again, if you have a private income as big as Philip's some things in life are just so much easier to arrange.

"Sure, they can do that. I'll ask the other ENTERTAINERS, and Laslo if you like, can you talk to the other passengers? Oh, and is Laslo included in the $250 arrangement?"

"Of course," said Philip.

"Well, guys I'd love to stay but I'm due on stage in half an hour as one of the dancers." And he added with a happy grin, "And I need to get my arse well greased up before that."

"Want me to fuck you now," asked Philip, "You know, just to help you out?"

"Hans kissed us both, "Save it for the show."

"You know, just to help you out!" I scoffed when he had gone.

"Well?" said Philip trying to look innocent. While he put on speedos I put on my Fuck Me jock and we set out for the party.

As we were going up the stairs to the disco I felt a pair of hands on my hips slowing me down and a body pressed against my back. I turned round to see Dean.

"Hi, you are Michael the Slut, and I claim the right to be your first fuck of the evening." I laughed at the reference to the old local newspaper trick of selling newspapers by hiring a boy or girl whose picture was in the paper, who if you recognised them gave you a prize, and I sure had a prize to give him.

"My arse is your's, well for now" I said pulling him round for a kiss. The three of us went into the club room together. Dean had his hand on my arse, his two middle fings deep inside. I was finding it hard to concentrate. Who was the American, was it a President, who was said to be so stupid he couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time? Well I knew how he felt. I was finding it hard to walk and get finger fucked at the same time. Philip looked back at us and rolled his eyes.

"Just getting the boy ready," said Dean and he gave Philip a wink.

"No preparation is ever needed to get Mikey prepared for a fuck, believe me," said Philip."All you need to do is get him to stay still long enough and he's always, ALWAYS open and ready for whatever cock is on offer."

Dean was already naked when he came to the club night and his long cock was standing proudly up and out. I had my arse well greased in preparation before I left the cabin, as usual Philip had done it for me. We all got groped and kissed as we squeezed through the crowd on the dance floor to get near the front. Hans and one of the other ENTERTAINERS were up on the stage showing how it was done. He was a really good dancer, he said he had had some proffessional training and I could believe him, he was great to watch. I hugged Philip and Dean to me and we made out as a threesome. We went back and forth kissing each other. Several others joined us and Dean realised that if he didn't act fast he was going to miss his place as first fuck of the night.I was thinking of a slight problem in all this; I wanted him to fuck me but I also wanted to suck him off and get another mouthful of his wonderful cum.

"He slipped behind me and hugged me close. "I'm going to fuck you hard," he wispered in my ear, "I know you can take whatever I give you and I want you to remember this fuck all night as the one who opened you up."

"I leaned back. "I want you to fuck me as hard as you can, make me feel it, Dean, but don't cum in my arse, cum in my mouth. Your cum tastes too good to miss."

He chuckled, "You've got it." and he shoved hard, his cock slid into me in one long slide. I groaned in pleasure. As Dean fucked me Philip stood in front kissing me. He had pulled his swim suit aside and I could feel his cock standing rigid next to mine and we ground our hips together. Dean was an expert cocksman. He varied his strokes, first short rapid jabbing strokes then long hard shafting. He moved his hips around so his cock fucked me from different angles, some times it hurt, but it hurt good. I was loving it as I franticley kissed Philip. I was certainly going to remember this fuck long after the night was over. He fucked me hard for fifteen minutes until I was almost frantic to cum. But I was going to try to save that. I wanted to be fucked a lot more that night and I would cum with Philip at the end.

Dean had been licking and biting my ear, "Get ready for my load Mikey." Then he pulled out turned me round and pushed me to my knees and shoved his cock, slimy with my arse juices and whatever load was still up there, into my mouth and filled it with a geezer of cum. I savoured and swallowed, how did he make it so sweet? It was like custard. I looked up to see a mass of other cocks around me. Not all were pointed in my direction but two very definitely were, their owners were concenterated on us, and more especially on me and my mouth. I quickly pulled them to me and tried to get both of them in mouth at the same time. It was difficult and I settled for going back and forth as quickly as I could. Once you get the taste of cum you just have to go on getting more and more. Dean squatted down next to me to watch the action in my mouth, and of course inevitably he had a cock offered to him too. So we knelt side by side sucking cock together. Mine were the first to cum, well I had had a head start, if you will excuss the pun, but his wasn't far behind, not noisy tops like some of the passengers had been, just some grunts and we got our mouths full of baby makers. I opened my mouth wide to show Dean and he did the same. He pulled me towards him and gently tipped my head back and kissed me, we shared the cum but he allowed me to swallow the loads, he was a well brought up boy who was generous to a fault.

I got up before anyone else could get to my mouth, my arse of course was another matter; cum one cum all. Philip grinned at me, "Getting well fed, slut boy."

"Yes thank you. Want to feed me too fucker?"

"I'd love to, but I'm due to make my stage debue. Remember I'm fucking Hans, he's already been fucked twice and he's bent over sucking his co dancer, so I want to make it three. I looked over to the stage, Philip wasn't going to be three or even four I didn't think, a couple of other guys had climbed up on stage ready to fuck him. I wondered how many loads the lucky bastard would get in his arse this evening. Philip left us and made his way up onto the stage, the third guy was already fucking him and the forth who abviously couldn't wait, had gone round to the back of the other ENTERTAINER who obligingly bent forward slightly over Hans and stuck his arse out. Fucker four's cock slid in without any apparent resistance and he began a leisurly fuck holding the boys hip with one hand and high fiving to the crowd with the other. He got a round of applause from the people near the stage. Philip climbed on the stage and clapped with the others. A wave of lust spread through me when I looked at Philip. I admired his perfect naked body, the smooth gleaming plains of his muscles, his tight hairy tummy, broad shoulders, and perfect butt. This beautiful man was my lover. His thick, long, hard dark cock was at full mast and he gently played with it as waited to get his turn fucking Hans. His speedos were tied round his wrist. The disco music thumped out.The guy fucking Hans finally came in his arse and pulled out. Philip quickly took his place. I imagined that thick cock entering Hans's cum filled arse. I imagined Philip's cock covered in other people's cum, pushing in and out of the pool of cock slime. I closed my eyes and swallowed, I could almost taste it. As I was standing there, with the jock on it wasn't but a minute before I felt new hands on my hips and a cock was trying to get in my arse. Well that what it was there for, to get fucked and bred. I relaxed and whoever it was pushed his cock in. It wasn't as big as many of the cocks who fucked me, but that was fine it still felt wonderful. I caressed it with my arse muscles, I wanted it to feel warm and loved, as indeed it was. The fucker behind me groaned his appreciation and hugged me to him, his chest, wet with sweat, was pressed against my back. He was in no hurry and that was also fine with me, as far as I was concerned he could go on fucking me all night. But it didn't work out like that of course, I couldn't resist tensing my arse muscles which of course got an answering groan, I realized I was playing with him, and why not. I had a five star arse and it was giving a five star performance. What made it even better of course was watching Philip fucking Hans at the same time. Hans had stopped sucking the other ENTERTAINMENT to concentrate on Philip's cock in his arse.His head was leaning back on Philip's shoulder, they turned to each other and kissed as they fucked. I knew what Hans was feeling, I knew that wonderful cock. Philip was going for the burn and so was the fucker in my own arse. I was squeezing his cock hard, flexing my muscles and massaging it with every trick I knew. Of couse he couldn't last long. I heard him wimpering as he was about to cum and he clamped his mouth on my kneck and sucked, I knew I was going to have a major hicky the next morning. And that's when he came. He jammed his cock in as hard as he could, his hands were on my hips pulling me hard towards him.

He licked my kneck and sucked my earlobe and wispered, "Boy Oh boy, you have one sweet arse dude! Where did you learn all those tricks? I've never cum so hard."

"It was my pleasure too. You can fuck me whenever you like, When ever my arse is empty you can fill it. I'm around the pool most days, come find me, and come fuck me." He kissed my cheek and slipped away into the crowd. I realised I had no idea who he was.I looked back at the stage, Philip was coming as well, Hans was bent over as Philip railed his arse hard. I couldn't hear him as he came, the music drowned everything else out. But I could see him giving short jerky fucks into Hans willing cunt as he added his own cum to the mixed pool already there. He pulled back, his still bloated cock gleaming with cum in the stage lights. Hans turned round quickly and knelt down to suck it and clean it, Lucky Hans... Meanwhile I was still busy. A passenger I vaguely recognised, had I fucked with him? I didn't think so, was standing next to me. He smiled and he looked so sweet all of a sudden.

"He's your lover, isn't he? He's got a great body and it must be wonderful to be fucked by that cock."

I returned his smile, "Yeah, it's wonderful."

"Do you think he would fuck me?" I looked at him, he was really cute, and young. The age limit was 18 and he must only just have passed that test. His body was in good shape but still had a man/boy's smoothness. It looked as if he hardly needed to shave. I leaned over and gently kissed his soft wide mouth.

"I think he would love to fuck you and I want to watch him doing it. Stay near and when he comes back I'll introduce you." The boy gave me a big happy smile. Shit I wanted to fuck him myself. "No, actually I don't just want to watch, I want to fuck you as well. Think you take both of us on." By answer the boy took my hand and wrapped it round his cock which was very hard and already leaking. Yes, the boy was ready to be fucked alright. As I talked to him I could feel cum leaking out of my arse.

"Sometimes I think I cold take on the whole ship. I love getting fucked, I'd get fucked fifty times a day if I could."

Here was a slut boy after my own heart. "Oh I know that feeling, so many cocks, so little time. You should have come as a volunteer slut like me."

"Yeah I know. I've booked for the next cruise and I want to do that then. My brother said I was too young this time, I was only just eighteen a month ago."

"Your brother?"

"He's two years older than me, he's gay too."

"Great. Do you fuck?"

"We started to about six months ago. That's when I found out how much I love it. He suggested the cruise and was going to come too but in the end it wasn't possible, I don't think his boyfriend was that keen to be honest. It would have been really cool, we look so alike we've been mistaken for twins. Perhaps by next year he'll have split from the dopy dick. I shouldn't say that, his boy friend's really nice, and cute, just a bit possesive, he doesn't know Will and I fuck."

Two things happened then, first Philip came back looking very pleased with himself. I hugged him tightly.

"Shit I was so proud of you. You looked wonderful. I'm so lucky it's me you're coming back to. Just at this moment everybody wishes they were Hans. But I've got someone who wants to meet you, Philip this is a fan of yours whose name I don't know yet."

"Hi," said the boy, "I'm Charlie."

"Hellow Charlie, have you fucked him yet?"

Poor Charlie looked a bit confused.

"Don't mind him, he's just teazing us." I said to Charlie. "No he hasn't fucked me yet, in fact he hopes we're going to fuck him."

"Great, come back with us to our cabin. It'll be good to see Mikey here dishing it out rather than just taking all the time. When he puts his mind to it he's not a bad shag actually." He looked at me and rasied one quizzical eyebrow.

With that ringing endorsement in my ears, the second thing happened. My jock strap had pulled in the next punter. I could feel someone behind me running his hands over my arse till he found my cum sloppy hole. Charlie looked astonished Philip just smiled.

"This cunt is well used."

"Not really," I said, "There's only three loads up there." I winked at the others. "It needs a lot more that that before I call it well used."

I felt hot breath on my kneck, "Then I'd better use it some more Fuck Boy."

"I think you should," said Philip and leaned in to kiss me as the guy behind me got himself into position and his cock lined up, as soon as I felt the head in position I slid backwards and his whole cock went into my arse. This cock was way bigger than the last one. I had to relax quickly to get it all in at once. I closed my eyes and groaned in appreciation. I realized straight away that this wasn't going to be a gentle or subtle fuck, he was out for his own pleasure not mine. And he was in a hurry too, perhaps he had been watching the stage show and seeing Philip here was a turn on. He put his hand on my back between my shoulder blades and pushed me down, so I was bent double, and started a hard driving fuck. I was Just in the right position to suck cock. Philip was still naked after the stage show and I quickly pulled Charlie's shorts down. His cock was just what you would think, though it was a bit bgger than I expected, it was pale, smooth and rock hard and it fitted in my mouth as if it was made for it. But then I thought, that's what you say about all the cocks you suck Off. It was my mouth that was made to suck cock not the other way round. While Charlie and Philip made out above me the guy in my arse punch fucked it hard. I clamped my arse around his cock feeling it's thickness, and worked his shaft.

"Oh yeah you fucking little whore bitch boy, work that hole on your man's cock!" I practically bit Charlie's cock off. Did he really call me a fucking little whore bitch boy? I heard Philip spluttering. So work my arse I did, and I pushed back hard to meet his thrusts. Within five minutes he was beginning to pant. "Yes you fucking cum hole slut take my nut." I could feel the pulses in his cock as he came deep in my'cum hole'. He pulled out roughly and disappeared. I stood up a bit shakily. Philip put his hands on my shoulders and laughed out loud. Charlie looked concerned.

"He called me a fucking little whore bitch boy!"

"Well you are a fucking little whore bitch boy, in fact you're my fucking little whore bitch boy. It's one of the many things I love about you. Come on you two lets split Mikey is just going to go on getting fucked if we stay here and a coversation is impossible. We'll go back to the cabin, you can take off your jock and put some shorts on and we'll go get a drink at the deck bar," and then to me, "after that we'll go back to the cabin and fuck this boy senseless all night." Charlie's grin would have lit up the room.

Over the last fifteen days I must have been fucked two hundred times, and hell knows how many loads of cum I'd swallowed. So it was kind of a relief to dress more smartly and do normal things rather than just being a fuck toy. I had bought some really good clothes to wear on the trip and had hardly worn them yet, so I took off the jock. We showered together, I rinsed out my arse and put on a pink Tshirt, one of those I'd bought from Emenigilda Zengna in Jermyn Street especially for the voyage, and Ralph Lauren navy shorts. and deck shoes from Feragamo. I was very tanned by this stage and my hair was several shades lighter. As I checked myself out in the mirror I was really pleased with the effect. Sometimes if you change clothes you change your whole appearance and it somehow affects the way you behave too. I was the perfect image of a cool rich European boy. Well, there's nothing wrong with that image even if I wasn'that rich. But I had the next best thing, a very rich lover. Just so long as I could go on getting fucked and swallowing cum on a regular basis too. Philip dressed in a similar way and we found some clothes for Charlie. So it was three cool looking guys who turned up at the plush upper deck bar. Soft lights, a pianist playing laid back jazz and waiters who were actually wearing clothes! No ENTERTAINERS on duty here. We looked at the drinks menue, Philip ordered two Champagne cockfails for him and Charlie and I ordered a Corcovado, I'd never had a blue drink before.We relaxed back in the deeply padded cane chairs, and the waiter brought our drinks over and a few things to nibble.

"So tell us about yourself," began Philip.

"I come from London, my dad's a property developer my and Mum's a journalist. I've got A levels coming up and if I manage to get what I need I have a place at Magdalen, Oxford next October."

He must have been surprised at our reaction, "You're coming to Oxford!" I said. "Philip is a philisophy Don and I'm one of his students. We're at Corpus."

"That's incredible!" said Charlie giving us another of his dazzling smiles.

"There's another student from Oxford on the ship too, he's called Dean, he's at Pembroke. Hot, hot, hot and he has the most amazing cum that tastes like custard. His cock and cum alone would be worth coing to Oxford for." I said.

"We have to introduce you." added Philip, "He's just split up from his boy friend and I think you could be just what he needs."

"There you go; he's got a big cock and he's a really good fucker. Sweet cum and a big cock. What more could you want among the dreaming spires than that?"

Another passenger passed by at that moment and looked across at us. I could see him looking hard at me. Not in a bad way, he was obviously trying to place me. Could I be that slut with my head in the bath of piss getting fucked? He smiled and nodded before moving on.

"I can't believe this. I came on this cruise to get my brains fucked out and I've done that sure enough, but I didn't expect to get my future laid out as well. It's incrdeible!"

"Well let's not jump the gun. You may not get on," cautioned Philip, "but I think it's unlikely."

We sat there for another hour, and talked. Charlie was a sweet bright boy (and I was really looking forward to fucking him.) Philip who was sitting next to him got the next part of the evening going by leaning across the sofa and kissing him on the lips before taking his hand and putting on his cock. "Feel that Charlie? It's got hard ready for your sweet arse." Charlie squeezed Philip's cock through his shorts, while his other hand moved up Philip's long hairy thigh. He licked his lips and swallowed.

"Come on, let's go," he said jumping up. There was nothing shy or bashful about this young slut in training, he obviously couldn't wait to get fucked.

As soon as we got back to our cabin we stripped off. He wasn't shy about being naked either nor should he have been has was just a really cute kid, horny and eager. And he looked better now that he was completly naked. He laid back arms and legs wide, his smooth pretty dick was already hard. We followed suit and joined him on the bed. I wanted to kiss him as well as fucking him, and play with that pretty body and cock, I wanted his cum too, our previous session had ended before I got to taste it. It was clear that he really fancied Philip; that was fine, I was the frosting on the cake. So while he and Philip kissed I got between his legs and lifted them up and when his smooth pink arse hole was clear I dove in and rimmed it. It very quickly relaxed and my tonge was able to get deep inside. I tasted cum. I remembered he hadn't washed his arse out in the shower, clever boy. I sucked and some more cum spewed out.

"This arse is full of cum." I said with a grin.

"It sure is," said Charlie, "I thought you might like it."

"Of course I like it. How many loads are there in here?"

"Four." he said, "and soon it's going to be six."

"O I think by the end of the night it's likely to be more than that," said Philip.

"I lowered his legs so I could get to his arse with my cock, my plan was to fuck him hard first to get him ready and opened up for Philip and then, when Philip was fucking him, I would suck him off. After two fucks he should have built up a really big load. I reached over for the jar of grease and smoothed it over my cock, and using three fingers lubed the indide of his arse as well. He grinned up at me, and shuffled down in the bed a bit to make his arse more avaiable. I held my cock at the entrance to his arse and looked at him. He nodded once, I lifted one of his legs up and pushed it back and then teased the entrance to his arse before pushing the head in, there was a bit of resistence and I could feel him tense up slightly which I didn't want at all so I went even slower, pushing and pulling back, then pushing again, checking his face all the tme. I pushed again and suddenly his arse relaxed and my cock slipped in. It was very tight. I was glad I went first, Philip would have torn him up with a cock the size of his. Charlie groaned and put his head back. Philip bent over and kissed him, playing with his cock as I started to fuck him properly, after a few minutes his arse had loosened sufficiantly to get a good rythm going. I tried to do what Dean had done to my arse and fuck him from slightly different angles. I fucked him good for maybe fifteen minutes, then Philip stood up on the bed and and fed me his cock. Sucking cock when you are fucking some one is a huge turn on, swallowing cum when you are fucking someone is even better, but cum or no cum, it turned me on and with a strangled sigh I flooded his arse. Charlie had been watching me and watching Philip fucking my face and he was clearly about to come himself. I quickly slapped his hands away. I wanted that cum in my mouth.

If I was the entré he was now about to get the main course. Philip got between the boys legs, and Charlie himself lifted them up and held them back. This boy REALLY wanted to get fucked. Knowing the boy's arse was open and already full of cum he pushed his cock in with no preparation. Philip's body was raised up over the boy's body supporting himself on his arms on either side of Charlie's head, his legs were wide apart and up on his toes. He put on a master lesson in fucking. I watched in awe. Philip punch fucked him for fifteen minutes. Then turned him over and pulled him up into a doggy position. It was my cue, I scrambled underneath so his cock was in front of my face. Charlie got the idea and pushed his cock in my mouth, face fucking me as Philip went on fucking him. It couldn't last long. Philip speeded up, Charlie began to wimper then suddenly, one two three ropes of cum filled my mouth. Good hot boy cum to savour and slowly swallow, two more weaker shots of cum followed, but I kept them in my mouth. Philip cried out, he was always a noisy cummer and flooded Charlie's arse with a second load.

We slowly disentangled ourselves Philip flopped down next to me and hugged me. I opened my mouth to show him the cum and raised questioning eyebrows, he nodded lay back and as I leaned over he opened his mouth. I kissed him and let the rest of Charle's cum flow into his mouth. We kissed warmly as Philip swallowed it down. After the cocktails and the sex we were pretty tired so I turned out the light and we cuddled up, Philip in the middle and his two boys on either side. During the night I was woken up again with movement, Philip was fucking Charlie again. This time it was him who sucked my cock as he was being fucked. When I came in his mouth he leaned over and kissed me being careful not to lose the cock in his arse. He raised himself up a bit and came all over my face and in my mouth. Philip came in his arse a second time.

They sank down next to me, and Charlie said sleepily "I feel so good. This is how life is meant to be."

Philip saw my cum covered face and lazily licked it up and kissed me again with cummy lips.I agreed with Charlie, this really was how life is meant to be.

Charlie of course got fucked again in the morning, this time while he was pissing in the bathroom. As Philip told me afterwards, he came in with his usual morning wood, saw Charlie's leaking arse and his legs apart with the sound of piss in the bowl and couldn't resist, he just went up behind the boy and shagged him hard. Charlie loved it.

A day later we stood on our balcony to watch as the ship slowly pulled into the harbour of San Juan, Philip had just fucked me and his semi hard cock was still in my arse, infact this was the usual way we started the day out on the balcony, mostly he fucked me, but sometimes I shafted him. The arrangements for the trip ashore had been finalised, apart from Philip and me, the party also included the three volunteer slut boys from Birminghan, Andy, Kevin the tatooed piss freak, and Joe with the monster cock, Dean with the sweet cum, and Charlie were the other passengers who were going to join us> Then there was Laslo with the mushroom head from the waiting staff, and Diego, Hans, Aako, Aleksander, and another boy called Roberto from the entertainers. I thought I must already have been fucked by Roberto, but there had been so many fucks over the last three weeks that it was all rather a blur of cocks and cum (not to forget piss as well of course). Anyway Hans said he had a big dick and liked nothing better than fucking tight boy holes; clearly he was my kind of guy. The purser's office had made the arrangements, the boy who passed over the schedule was cute (like all the ship's crew) and I suggested he might like to come too, but he pulled a face to say sorry and said he was on duty.

"I've arranged a small coach to pick you up from the dock, he knows what ship he's coming to but the company's not gay, so perhaps it's not a good idea to fuck on the journey. I've listed it on your bill as "Slut Truck." I think that about sums it up." he grinned up at us. "I hope you have a really good time. The hotel is called 'El Adonis'. They have a dance bar with strippers and they have asked if you would like a couple of entertainers for the dinner part of your evening?"

I looked at Philip, he shrugged and said "Sure, why not?" So some Puerto Rican meat was now on the menu too.

"They want to know would you like guys who fuck or ones that like to be fucked? I imagine most of them would do either. But you may as well choose."

"One of each, then everyone gets to have a go."

We all asssempled on deck and this was the first opportunity to introduce Charlie to Dean. What do the French call it, a coup de foudre? A bolt of lightening. They were undressing each other with their eyes the moment they shook hands.

So the thirteen of us trooped down the gang plank and got into the very comfortable 'fuck truck' which had been booked. Fortunately it was air conditioned. We were a boisterous crowd, there wasn't any actual sex going on in the bus (the journey was leass than twenty minutess, but there was a lot of grab arse and kissing. The rather stolid driver kept his eyes on the road. This was not exactly the sort of hotel that Philip was used to. The Ritz it wasn't. But it seemed clean and that was important. We were shown into a dining room at the back with a bar for everybody to get a drink. And from that moment things began to improve. The two barmen were obviously gay, very friendly, stripped to the waist and very tatooed. One had a scar down the side of his face, as I said the Ritz it was not. It got even better when the two 'dancers' arrived. Pretty much the same as the two barmen, except that they were wearing only skimpy speedos and these came off in double quick time. One was what I learned later was called a blatino, half black half latin, cute in a thug way, thick lips, but otherwise mediterranean features. Both were muscular and both had big dicks, in the case of the blatino a very big dick, which to my astonishment was tatooed too! I winsed at the thought but it was certainly hot to look at. The music started and they got up on the low stage to dance, they were good, and soon Hans had joined them he stripped off, and he and the blatino began making out. Hans turned round rubbing his arse against the blatino cock whick had grown to an eye watering size. surely Hans couldn't take that, but take it he did. It took a while to get all the way in but Hans didn't seem to have too much difficulty. I remembered of course that if I had been fucked nearly two hundred times in the last three weeks he had been fucked three or four times that. He said he averaged thirty fucks a day, and he had spent one evening in the sling: a shit load of cocks and cum had gone up that slutty hole. It was trained to perfaction. All twentyfive centimeters were buried to the hilt and Hans was loving it.

We started chanting, "Fuck the slut, fuck the slut." Hans grinned at us and punched the air rythmically as he stood, feet apart, knees bent, with his arse sticking out taking the cock like a, well, like a professional. One of the barmen came over to join us. I gave him a big grin, which he returned and came and stood next to me. I felt his hand on my arse caressing it. He was the one with the scar and with his tattoos and muscles he looked so fucking sexy. I was game, of course I was. I quickly undid the belt of my shorts and let them slip down, I wasn't wearing pants and my arse of course had already been well greased up and fucked by Philip. When I saw the size of the dick that came out of the front of his loose cammo trousers I almost changed my mind. This was going to take all my training and then some. He was way bigger than Diego.......

Two thick fingers were shoved in with no finesse whatever, this was going to be a rough fuck. Philip saw what was happening from where he was standing on the other of me.

"Get up on the stage, and join Hans, I want to watch this." he wispered. But loud enough for Diego to hear who was standing behind me and could also see me being finger fucked

"Yeah," said Diego, "go get fucked Slut Boy, then take on some of us too. We're here to fuck you sluts. I begin with you after him."

To be honest I didn't need much persuading, I had accepted during the cruise what I had always known, that I had a strong exhibitionist streak in my sexuality. I really got off on an audience. Of course the ENTERTAINERS all had that too. Ours wasn't the only activity going on there was general movement throughout the group.

I climbed up on the stage and stripped off to general applause. The Barman too had stripped, he had tatoos everywhere and a huge floppy cock that was rapidly getting hard. I knelt down to suck it. I figured it would good to get it as slippery as posible even though I was already greased. He was a thug and I was going to be thug fucked but good...

He roughly pulled me up and turned me round, then putting one hand on my shoulder and holding his cock in the other he lined it up with my hole and just shoved hard.

"Fucking hell!" I shouted. he bottomed out in my arse and moved his cock around. Philip was standing in front below me. Our eyes locked and he mouthed 'OK?' I nodded, I was over the first huge shock, and mercifully no matter what he looked like he was taking his time now. I guess I wasn't just some cheap street Puta, I was a paying customer so needed to be treated a bit carefully. Slowly he began to move; just a little in and out. Just enough to loosen me up for the fucking to come. It was like being fucked with a baseball bat.He pulled me to him, and said "Te gusta?"

"Se, me gusto mucho, joderme" I replied.

"Que puta chico blanco. que le gusta follar duro." I certainly was a white slut who liked being fucked hard. That was all the incentive he needed. He pulled back and rammed my arse. And went on ramming it. And soon I was totally lost in the fuck. Each time it seemed to go deeper, my arse was so open. I felt it stretched around his huge cock, and I loved it. I LOVED IT."

Forgetting Spanish, I just said over and over, "Fuck my arse, fuck my arse, O yes, fuck me hard." I bent down and kissed Philip as the fucking continued. I could see Hans being turned round in front of me and pushed down, the dancer furiously jacked his cock and a fountain of Cum filled Hans' mouth and covered his face. I could see him swallowing; his eyes closed, his mouth open wide. Philip leaned over to him and licked some of the cum up before sharing it with me. We had inspired the crowd. Everywhere there was fucking or sucking; that's what we had come for after all. Leaning on the stage next to me was Charlie, and behind him was Dean with his cock buried deep in his arse. Charlie looked as if he had gone to heaven. I smiled at him, way to go kid. Next to them was Aako also being fucked hard, but I couldn't quite see by whom. What did it matter so long as you had a cock in your arse or one in your mouth or better still both. I did't get to taste the barman's cum, that was just pumped fiercly and deeply into my arse.

"Te cogí buen chico blanco. Me cogí que buena." He certainly had fucked this white boy good. Surprisigly he bent down and kissed me softly, licking up some of the dancer's cum that was still around my lips. Then he gave a big grin, jumped off the stage and swaggered back to the bar, where he high fived the other barman. After taking that cock even Diego's was a breeze. He had climbed up on the stage too and taken over from the barman. He just shoved his cock in my cunt and fucked hard. I wiggled my arse around as he fucked me.

"Hold still fuck head," he said and held my hips still."I can feel the cum in there. My cock is sliding in it. Cum is always the best lube."

I stood like Hans had done, feet apart knees slightly bent, arse out. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to sink into that wonderful reverie that comes when you are being fucked by an expert. Diego was an artist with his cock just as I hoped I was an artist with my arse.

I looked down at Charlie, his mouth was hanging open and his eyes were rolling up in his head. Dean's eyes were closed as well as he concentrated on the arse he was fucking. They looked wonderful together.

The other dancer pulled Aarko up onto the stage, evidently whoever had been fucking him had cum and pulled out he pushed him down and fed him his cock. Aako's arse was sticking up and begging for some one to fuck it again and Joe was there to oblige. Now I could see for myself what the fuss was about. His cock was was over twenty centemeters centimeters long and twenty centimetres round, it was a big fucking cock. If he was going to fuck Aarkko now, it was unlikely that I would get the feel of it today, but I had to have it sometime soon. I heard Aarkko groan as he felt it enter his arse, and he went on groaning but slowly, slowly the tone changed from pain to pleasure. Hadn't Hans said the ENTERTAINERS all wanted to be be fucked by him, I could understand why.I watched the smooth, tight suntanned cheeks of Joe's arse thrusting into Aako's. It was a pretty sight. I was tempted to go over and rim it. But then I saw Dean and Charlie just below me. Charlie caught my eye and mouthed a kiss while Dean fucked him. They made a beautiful sight too. Two beautiful boys making love; there is nothing more wonderful to see in the whole world than that. As I was watching them I looked up a moment and saw Laslo. I had almost forgotten him. I realised that someone was behind him fucking him. I could see him moving with the rythm of the fuck. I had to have that wonderful mushroom head in my mouth. I slipped down from the stage and moved through the press of bodies till I got to him. He grinned broadly and held on to me to steady himself as he continued to take the pounding. He was a big boy he'd taken a train of ten guys in his arse. I kissed him and then slowly sank to my knees in front of him. And there was that mushroom head, it looked even bigger than I remembered. I slipped it into my mouth like a giant gobstopper and savoured the smooth roundness and the slightly tart metalic taste of his precum. I tongued the piss slit. Then I took a deep breath opened my mouth as wide as I could and relaxed my throat and took it all the way down till the hairs of his crotch were up to my nose. There was a big groan from above. I pulled off and then deep throated him again. That was the rythm. Every time it came back up into my mouth I loved it with my tongue and sucked it with my lips before going all the way down again. I wasn't going to make the same mistake again when the cock had gone off in my throat before I even got to taste it. I was holding on to his thigh muscles and as soon I felt them tensing up, and the thrusting in my mouth begin I pulled it up into my mouth to catch the blast. One, two, three, four heavy shots of cum filled my mouth. Laslo grunted above me with each slug he fired. I rolled it around with my tongue as I always did, reluctant to swallow it straight away. I savoured the true essence of this man, a gift he made himself just for me. I imagined it's thick white creaminess against the pink of my tongue. Finally I let it slowly trickle down my throat.There was another load grunt from behind Laslo, and as he finished filling my mouth with his cum, so his fucker filled his arse with his cum. I slowly stood up kissing Laslo's beautiful body as I did so, and kissed his soft lips. I'd kept just enough of his cum in my mouth for him to taste it. AS soon as he did he sucked my tongue eagerly and probed my mouth with his own. He was just a cum hound like the rest of us.

I disentangled myself and went back to look for Philip. By now it was seven o'clock and we were going to have dinner at some stage. At first I couldn't see him, he had left the stage and though the music was still playing pretty loudly only Hans and one of the dancers were still dancing watched by a loyal, if still sexually active audience. Dean and Charlie had finished fucking but were entwined with each still (very good). One of the dancers was at the side being fucked, it looked like, by Roberto. Philip I found to the side, bent over one of the dining tables taking cock from Aleksander. This wasn't the sort of brutal fuck the Greek had given him by the pool on the ship. This was measured, steady and deep. He was making sure every inch of his long cock was buried deep in Philip's hole. He didn't pull out very far when he fucked, his groin stayed verk close to Philip's arse, but you could see he was straining to penetrate as far as he could. and moving his hips aound slowly as he did so. When I got over to them, Philip's head was resting on his crossed arms on the table he was looking to one side with an expression of complete contentment on his face. I bent down and kissed his cheek. He smiled.

"I know that kiss." and lifting slightly he reached out and caressed my arse running his fingers through the cum leaking from it. He smiled, "How many?"

"Just the dancer and Diego, which is quite a lot of cock!"

"It sure is." He took a sharp breath as Aleksander went particularly deep but he smiled too. I almost decided to leave them, but Aleksander was running his hand through my hair and I looked up to see him smiling at me. I stood up and ran my hands through the hair on his chest and kissed him. His mouth was soft and warm. Perhaps the extra stimulous inspired him, because he gave Philip's arse an extra hard fuck. There was a groan of pleasure from Philip.

"Your lover has wondeful arse. I want fuck it all night. He has nice cock too. You suck while I fuck him." He pulled me in for a deeper kiss then lightly pushed my shoulder down. I slipped down to Philip's side and saw his rock hard cock sticking out and up. It looked hot and ready to burst, the head was hard and shiny and covered in precum. I got under the table. First of all as gently as I could, I just caressed it with my lips and tongue. I licked off the precum, savouring the taste. After a couple of minutes I slowly built up the pressure, taking the head in my mouth and loving it with my tongue. Then I opened my mouth wide and relaxed my throat and went all the way down till the hairs of his groin were pressed against hard against my lips. I held it in my throat using his cock as Aleksander was using his arse, just moving slightly backwards and forwards so he got the pleasure of my tight throat muscles around its head. The groaning from Philip got louder. I would have loved to stay like this but I needed to breath, so reluctantly I pulled off and went back to the gentle sucking of before. I knew from experience that the longer I could keep him on the edge the more spunk I got to swallow. I did this for another tem minutes, till I was frantic to cum myself, the tension was almost unbareable. I was jacking off as I was sucking him. Philip's groans too were getting louder. I went for the prize; I deep throated him again a couple of times then sucked the head of his cock hard. He grunted and his cock flexed and exploded, six big shots of cum flooded my mouth. I came in my fist. Slowly reluctantly I let his cock slip from my mouth cleaning it carefully with my lips, licking the piss slit as I did so, taking care not to miss a single drop of his precious cum. I stood up, looked at Aleksander, opened my mouth to show him the mass of spunk in there, and offered him my own fist full of cum. He pulled my hand to his mouth and eagery slobbed over it sucking up my cum, then noisily and completly bred Philip's arse. As he did that I finally swallowed the cum in my mouth. For a long time Aleksander lay on top of Philip his arms around his kneck, and breathing hard. I ran the tips of my fingers over his handsome face. The only thing I knew about him was that he was born to fuck. He gave himself to it completely his whole being was concentrated on his cock and the arse he was fucking until that moment when his cum spurted out deep inside. He was the most completely sexual man I had ever met. I wondered how often he got fucked himself, I was sure he did. You can't fuck as well as he did without knowing how to be fucked completely your self. You can't give your self to others without knowing how to let them take you also. His cock, still huge and bloated and shiny with cum and arse juice finally slipped from Philip's arse. I lovingly cleaned it with my mouth to thank it for the pleasure it had given to the man I loved.

We were interupted in our reverie by a young guy dressed as a chef who had been directed over to us.

"We have the dinner prepared and ready to serve." he said.

Philip straightened up and looked around, "Dinner's ready sluts, it's time to eat."

We took our places. No one bothered to get dressed so it was a naked, sweaty bleary eyed but very happy looking group, that sat down. Places were set for the three dancers and the barmen too. I looked around and could see chests and faces streaked with sweat and cum. There was a particularly big stream of cum all down the side of Charlie's face, whose I wondered was that? Dean sitting next to him saw it too and carefully licked and sucked it up before sharing it with his lover in a long wet kiss. Aako's chest was especially streaked with cum which glisted in the lights, Joe lovingly cleaned it up for him and then grinned to the rest of us. Philip stood at the end of the table his shiny semi hard cock standing out in front of him.

"Guys, this has been a real pleasure and thank you for all cumming and I mean that in both senses," there was a cheer, whistles and clapping. Hans punched the air again and hugged the dancer who had fucked him and who was sitting next to him, "the night is still young. The coach is booked to come in a three hours time to take us to the dance club. Diego recommended it."

"It's a gay club of course guys," said Diego, "but not a sex club. They don't mind sex going on but it won't be free for all like here. The toilets they alwways busy though, so you should have good time Kevin. But take clothes off before you start get pissed on, the coach operator won't say thank you if you drippin piss everywhere, even if some of us likes it, that right Michael?" Another huge cheer went up. Kevin and I stood up and took a bow.

"Piss sluts. What would we do without them?" said Hans.

"Piss in the bog I guess. Boring!" said Philip. More cheers. There had been a lot of drinking going on before dinner, Kevin would be busy. Those three had to come to Oxford, Jim would love Kevin.

The food was brought in. I for one was starving and it was good, once your mouth got used to the spicy cajun menu on offer. Fish stew, what was it called Chilligumbo? I wondered how it was spelled. It was a remarkable crowd I decided, everybody was there just to have a good time. Everybody had had, and would be happy to have again, sex with anyone there. We were completely relaxed with each other. There was a lot of making out going on around the table. One of the waiters who came into serve was really cute and young. Aako stopped and grouped his cock through the thin black trousers he was wearing. When the boy didn't object he undid the trousers and pulled his cock out to suck it. More clapping and the boy gave us a grin. Afer a moment Aako stopped sucking and the boy went to the next person still with his cock sticking out. And so it went on around the table each person sucking him in turn as the boy served him the food. It was a nice young cock to suck. Eventually he got to Philip at the end. Philip sucked him, clearly determined to get his cum. The boy put the dish down, held Philip's head in his hands and fucked his mouth. He grunted as he came. PHilip looked down the table and very ostentatiosly swallowed.

"The host's perk."

At the end of the dinner we got up to leave. Everyong thanked and kissed the dancers and the barmen. I squezzed the cock of the barman who had fucked me, had I really taken all that in my arse. I had I thought to myself, and I'd do again too if I had half a chance.

The club was quite big and very very loud. We hit the floor and spent the next hour dancing with the cute young Pueto Rican boys. The music was great with a Latin feel. One came up behind me to dance and rub his cock on my arse. But it was just play and he quickly slid away among the other dancers. I needed a piss. I asked one of the barmen where the loos were and went through a door at the back. Diego was right it was crowded. And there of course was Kevin sitting between two urinals, he was already soaked and there was a pool of piss around him. He was at least naked. He looked up at me with a happy grin.

"I love Pueto Rican piss."

"Are you ready to drink some British piss as well?" I asked standing in front of him."

"All varieties of piss are welcomed." I put the head of my cock in his mouth and relaxed. It was a heavy stream but he never faltered or let any go to waste. When I had finished he asked me if I wanted his. I said I didn't want to squat where he had been, other peple might want to join in and I didn't want soaking clothes so we went to corner on the other side.

"Try not get my clothes wet." I said.

"Don't spill any then." he replied.

He did as I had done he put his cock right in my mouth before he started to piss, so I could swallow it straight down. At the end he backed off a little and let it fill my mouth from a few centmeters away, it made a splashing hollow noise as it filled up my mouth, then I closed my lips again for the last spurt and swallowed. When he had finished I stood up and saw Dean standing looking at us. He smiled. I went over to him and with my wet pissy mouth I gave him a long wet kiss, making sure he got a good taste, He didn't pull away.

"So that's how it's done," he said softly.

"That's how it's done." I replied.

The coach came to pick us up at 2pm. And it was a fairly tipsy, danced out and sleepy crowd that clambered up the gangway back onto the ship. The petty officer who checked our passes, looked at us and said to Philip, "You guys look as if you sure had a good evening? Can I come next time?"

"Philip grinned at him, kissed him, squeezed his cock gently through his thin shorts and said, "You can cum any time you like handsome, and I do mean cum."

I kissed him too. I'd loved to have sucked him off there and then but the open dock was probably not the best place. "We're in Suit 9 C Deck if you want that cock sucked." I hurried after Philip who was waiting at the top and we went back to our cabin.It was the only night on the whole cruise when Philip didn't fuck me. We just went to sleep as we were. We didn't even bother to take our clothes off.

A couple of days later, three days before we were due to dock in Miami a message was delivered to all the cabins by a steward. It came from the Captain announcing the final major social event of the cruise, the 'Sex Awards'. There were to be several categories for ENTERTAINERS, the Volunteer Entertainers and Pasengers. There were the prizes I've already mentioned for the ENTERTAINER who had been fucked the most times at one of the Fuck Shows and the ENTERTAINER who had sucked of the most cocks at one sitting. These were already announced, for the Fuck Category it was the ENTERTAINER from Texas, his name was Cory and two pictures one of his face and the other of his arse leaking cum, were on the card, likewise the boy who won the oral prise was named, Danny from Australia, he too had face pictures, one normal, and one so completely covered in cum I wouldn't have reconized him.

There were however other prizes still to be announced, The Sexiest ENTERTAINER, the ENTERTAINER who fucked the best, and the ENTERTAINER who was the most friendly. The Volunteer sluts were not forgotten, there was a prize for the volunteer who in the opinion of passengers and crew was the best overal. Then for the passengers, who was the most beautiful and who had the best body. There was a special prize too for the Sleeziest Passenger. The ordinary crew were also not forgotten, There was a prize for the crew member who had provided the best sevice. There were two of those, one to be chosen by the passengers and one to be chosen by the Captain and his deputy, just so the guys managing the engines and back scene areas who didn't meet the passengers much, weren't left out.

Philip and I sat down to work out how we would vote. We chose Diego for the Sexiest category, Aleksander for the best fucker, we thought Hans was the friendliest, I couldn't vote for the best Volunteer but Philip out of loyalty I guessed voted for me, I gave him a kiss. we voted for Laslo as the crew member who had given the best service. It was difficult to choose the passenger with the best body, on the card there were several pictures of boys who in the opinion of the organizers were strong contenders, we recognised them all, and in the end chose a German passenger called Dieter. Beautiful face, perfect cut body and a really big dick, that says it all really. In the sleezy slut category it had of course to be Kevin. We passed the card into the Purser's office and waited for the results.

The Contest results and awards were given at a special party organised on the main deck around the pool on the last night. Pretty well all the passengers, and most of the crew were there except for those actually driving the thing. There must have been 600 boisterous fags cheering and clapping, and of course making out. A lavish buffet was prepared, it was a perfect starry night, warm and with just a gentle breeze. I wondered just how much this whole cruise must of cost Philip. No expence had been spared in any department and that came at a high price.

When we had eaten and drunk our fill. And in my case that included getting fucked three times and sucking off a couple of others (I was wearing my FUCK ME jock, Philip had insisted on it.) The awards ceremony was announced. The prizes were presented by the Head of Entertainment. He was in his mid twenties I would guess, and was just as cute as all the other staff who met the passengers. I had never actually met him I didn't think, but there had been so many anonymous fucks that who knew. I had seen him being gang fucked by a group of passengers over a bench press in the Gym one time. Anyway he got up on the stand and called for silence.

"OK sluts, I'm Chris. It's been a great cruise," a huge cheer went up. "The best cruise I've even been on." More cheers. "Thank you to the ENTERTAINERS whose arses, cocks and mouths have been so available and so well used for the last three weeks. Come on guys, come up here and take a bow. They all trooped up, they were all in the regulation unform and every one of them had a hard on either before they came up or within a few moments, these guys really got off on an audience. They put their arms round each others shoulders and took a bow. I thought the cheering would never stop, after several minutes the Chris again called for order and slowly everyone went quiet.

"I want to introduce you to someone you've probably not met before, or at least not many of you. His name is Joey and he works in the engine room." To my astonishment the little muscle huy who had fucked me in the bar came up on stage. "Joey here is head of the engine maintenace crew without them we couldn't sail. He is also cute as fuck, isn't he?" Loud cheers. "Joey is the best ships mechanic we've ever had. He loves his engine and we love him. And Joey has another quality we look for in a crewman. Joey likes cock, don't you Joey. Joey likes cock a lot."

"I love cock Chris."

"And where do you like cock Joey?"

"In me arse, in me marf. An I like fukin a good arse too Chris." Joey had a pure East London accent. I remembered his fuck. He hadn't got the biggest cock just average, but he was so enthusiastic. He obviously loved fucking somebody and had a broad smile as he did it. He jack hammered my hole. He was like an eager puppy all fun and energy.

"Well, it's not for your skills with your cock that you are getting this prize. You are quite simply the best fucking mechanic we have." Joey bounced off and jumped from the stage to be greeted by other crew members.

"No cruise would be any good with out top class service from the crew, not just the ENTERTANERS. But the waiters, cleaners, cooks, sailers and all the other guys who keep everything going smoothly. The member of staff you voted for as best for giving service is one of out waiting staff, Laslo." Philip and I high fived. "He is always friendly, fast and he never forgets an order." Laughter. "But not only that he has a wonderful cock too." More cheering. "He has fucked me four times during this cruise and that huge head reaches all the best places. Thankyou Laslo."

Laslo came up onto the stage, "It's been a pleasure to wait on you and it's been a pleasure to fuck you." Laughter and more cheering. "I look forward to serving you till the end of the cruise, and to fuck a few more of you as well!" He pulled down his shorts to show his cock which like all the others, was rock hard. There was loud applause. And shouts shouts of "Fuck me," from all over the audience.

"Yeah and you can fuck me too." replied Laslo. Shouts of now, now rang out.

"Every cruise we give a prize to the boy you think is the most beautiful. The one who has the best face, the best body and the best cock in combination. There were a lot of suggestions and the difficulty of choosing was shown by how close the voting was. In fact there was only one vote in it. But you have chosen the Californian surfer boy Jack. Come on up Jack." The stunning boy climbed onto the stage. He was incredible. I learned later that he was a proffessional model in real life. "What do you give one of the most beautiful boys in the world, who also loves cock?" There was general laughter at this. Chris put his arm round the boy's shoulders. "Well, we've decided to let you choose. The perfect needs the perfect clothes, it's a Ralph Lauren gift token. They're expecting you here in Miami." Jack kissed him and went to the microphone. "Guys, this is great. I've no idea how many guys I've had sex with in the last three weeks, I lost count after the first week. Thanks for voting for me."

When the clapping died down Chris carried on. "You already know the results of two of the prizes we always give, The ENTERTAINER who gets fucked the most during one of the shows.And the ENTERTAINER who swallows the most cum loads during a show." Cory was called out from the lineup. "Cory, you were in the sling for eight hours! And in that time you got took eightynine cum loads up your arse! These cruses have been going on for ten years, two a year and in that time no one has ever come anywhere near being fucked that number of times in one night. That means there was a cock cumming in your arse about every five minutes. Did you have a good time in that sling?"

"I had the best time ever" and he turned to the crowd, "and it aint over yet guys. My arse is ready and waiting. He turned round and written on his back in red paint 'Fuck this hole'. Loud cheers went up.

"And then we have Danny from Australia. Come on Danny. Sixty seven cocks at one sitting. You must really love cum."

"My dream is to drown in it," replied the boy."I like it in my hair over my body, in my arse. But most of all in my mouth and down my throat. I LOVE CUM." he shouted to a wild cheer."Cory's arse is open, so is my mouth guys."

"In the ENTERTAINERS class all the votes were very close, just a few votes difference in each category. In recognition of their enthusiasm and skill the management has decided to give bonases to all of them. And all of them have been offered contracts for the next cruise" More cheers. He waited till we all calmed down, "In the sexiest ENTERTAINER category the prize goes to Diego." Philip and I hugged each other. "Not only does he look fantastic, not only does he have one of the biggest dicks on the ship, but he is just as happy getting fucked as fucking. His cock is never soft his arse is never closed. Diego you're a fucking marvel."

Diego came forward took his cock in his hand and waved it at all of us. Turning around to everyone. He was grinning from ear to ear.

"Thanks to everyone who vote for me. All ENTERTAINERS say same thing, this been best voyage, Hottest passengers, hottest crew." Wild cheering. "I love fuck I love be fuck. You all fuck me good. I think I fuck you good too." Wild cheers and whistles. He grinned at us and turned to show us his arse. then went back to stand with the others, they all kissed and hugged him.

"The prize for best fucker goes to Aleksander." He came forward.

"You all like my cock?" he said.

"Yes!" we screamed,

"He like you too. Diego right, this best voyage. I never fuck so many people. I fuck twenty people in day. They all cum. I not always. Got to keep cock hard." He grinned as we all laughed.

"Actually, he really deserved the prize." said Philip to me, "Apart from you because I love you so much, which makes if different, I have never been fucked so well as I have been by him."

"Now we have a prize we started on this voyage because so many passengers suggested it. All the ENTERTAINERS are masters of sex, whatever it is, these men are the most skilled fuck machines in the world. But they have to have something else, to come on this ship, they don't just have to love sex. They have to love men as well, they have to like us and be with us. The person who you have voted as the most friendly ENTERTAINER is Hans. Hans looked up clearly surprised to get the accolade. The ENTERTAINERS next to him pushed him forward. It is the first and only time I have seen a man with a hard cock who was blushing at the same time.

"I don't know what to say, Yeah I love sex, I've loved sex since I got fucked for the first time when i was 14. It's my life. But I do like people too. It has been easy to like you because you guys have all been so nice to us. Everyone is always smiling, who can't smile back when that's happening? The other guys have already said it, but I want to agree with them. I've been on five cruises and this really is the best. I have never had so much good sex. I have never been fucked so much and so hard and so well. You guys have treated this whore ass so well." He blew us all a kiss and went back to the line, more cheering and cat calls.

"These guys," said Chris looking at the ENTERTAINERS, "are the best in the business. They are the professionals." Clapping from the crowd."But there have been other guys here who've also given up their arses, and mouths and cocks. They are the volunteer sluts." More cheering. "These boys do it for the shear love of sex. You were all asked which one you thought had worked the hardest and there was one clear winner. We asked his boyfriend who is also on the cruise, don't we all wish we had a boyfriend like that? Well we asked what prize he thought this boy should have. He told us an interesting story about a friend of theirs who was an ENTERTAINER last year. Suddenly I had a feeling about who this guy was that they were talking about. I looked at Philip standing next to me. He was looking straight ahead with a slight smirk on his face. I slapped his arse,

"You bastard, are they talking about me?" Philip started laughing.

"Listen, it gets better."

"This ENTERTAINER drank a glass of cum collected from fifty passengers. Our voluntary slut boy this year wanted to beat that. So Michael, come on up here and get your prize." Philip pushed me forward, and everyone around me clapped and cheered. I was pushed forward, groped and kissed as I went up to the front. I climbed up onto the stage.

"So Michael, you are biggest slut boy of the cruise. What everybody has said is you love cum, fresh from the cock. We went round the ENTERTAINERS and the crew, and now we have your prize." Hans came forward with a huge glas of cum. "Mine was the first load in here, there is the cum of one hundred men including all the ENTERTAINERS. Enjoy!" He passed the glass carefully to me.A hush fell over the crowd. I brought it to my lips and took a big gulp. Slowly I tipped the glass up and swallowed down the rich sweet cum loads. The crowd began a regular clapping. It took me three minutes to drink it all down. I hardly spilt a drop. When I was finished I looked up and raised my arms in the air. A huge cheer went up. I could see Philip standing below me with Dean and Charlie clapping and laughing. I motioned to philip to come up. When he reached me he first kissed me then lifted me up and spun me round. Then turning the microphone he said.

"This incredible boy is my lover, my best friend, and my own private slut. Believe me guys living with this tramp is never dull. It's been real fun sharing his mouth and arse with all of you." A huge cheer went up. "And it hasn't stopped yet."

There was a shout from a guy in th crowd, "Go on, fuck him!" The shout was taken up by others. I felt for Philip's cock, and pulled his speedos aside and let it spring up, hard and wet with precum. Hans came forward wanking his cock, he knelt down in front of Philip and sucked his cock deeply then spat on it, he stood up again and very carefully laid his cock over Philip's and spewed his cum over it then gently smeared it around so Philip's cock glistened in the hot sun. With this lube Philip shoved his cock in my arse. He fucked me slowly and deliberately pushing his cock into the limit before pulling out. Gradually he speeded up, hugging me tightly as he hammered my willing arse. It was the most extravagant display of my obsession with sex I had ever made, 'we' had ever made I should say. I had drunk a pint and a half of cum from a hundred men in front of a massive crowd and now I was getting fucked in front of them. Philip came in his usual noisy way. No one was in any doubt that he was breeding my arse. The ENTERTAINERS led the cheering.

"We have one more prize to give out. I've left it till last because the stage is likely to get messy. You've chosen the passenger who has been the sleeziest pig on the cruise. This is the choice which got the biggest margin of votes. The sleeziest pig is of course Kevin. Come on up and get your prizes. Kevin went up to yet more chanting, "Piss pig. Piss pig!"

"We have never had such a dedicated piss hound on one of our cruises before. Your dedication to urine is remakable. It seems that every time I've seen you someone is pissing in your mouth. This is the first time in six years we have found someone worthy of the prize. Then the pig was a banker from New York. The first part of your prize in this Tshirt we have had printed on the ship. One of the ENTERTAINERS who also did urinal duty, and who had been there the day I took a turn, brought over a folded Tshirt, it was bright yellow and printed across the chest was 'SHIP'S URINAL' A good laugh went up when Kevin put it on. "But there is more." Turning to two of the ENTERTAINERS who were at the side next to what looked like a large hip bath, he nodded and they rolled it across to centre stage. "Michael's prize was the cum from a hundred guys; your prize is the piss from a hundred guys. We have been collecting this from the urinal yesterday and today. The sun has kept it warm. I want you to kneel down next to this piss bath and these two boys will give you just that. OK go ahead boys."

The two ENTERTAINERS took their places either side of Kevin, one reached in the huge bowl of piss and brought out a jug and poured it over his head. Chris was right the stage got very messy and so did the two ENETERTAINERS. In fact they got soaked as well as Kevin. The three started laughing, there was much cat calling from the audience. Then taking Kevin's head they dunked it in the warm piss pushing his head right under. The other ENTERTAINERS gathered round to cheer them on. They got splashed as well. After repeatedly dunking him head first in the piss Hans brought over a pint glass which was filled from the tank and given to Kevin. He stood up held the glass up in salute to us all and drained it. When he had finished he bowed to the audience then quickly bending down he scooped up handfulls of piss and soaked the ENTRETAINERS who were too slow to get out of the way. There was more hooting and more laughter. Then a huge round of applause. The award ceremony was over for another cruise.

It was still quite early and I was still feeling horny, drinking cum does that to you. We were going to meet Hans and Dean and Charlie later on in the upper deck bar and then go to dinner. But like I said I was feeling horny and there was an itch in my arse that I thought only Philip could scratch. Philip had poued us two glasses of Champagne, he said we should celebrate my victory. We were out on the balcony watching the waves go by and enjoying the gentle evening breaze. Philip was snuggled up behind me with his arms wrapped round pulling me close. I felt warm and comfortable and protected.

"Oxford is going to seem a bit quiet after this," he said.

"This isn't real this is just fantasy. I've had a wonderful time. I've fucked around like I've never fucked around before, I've swallowed more cum than I ever thought possble and we have been complete stuts and we have loved it, but it is still just a fantasy. Oxford somehow is real. It's proper life and it's the future."

"I'm proud of you Mikey. You see through the obvious. You're right of course, but it has been fun." and he squeezed me extra tight. I could feel his stiff cock pressing against my arse through my thin shorts and I pressed back a bit to show I had noticed. I moved my arse from side to side gently. "Do you want me to fuck you lover?"

"I always want you to fuck me." I said and leaned back to kiss him. As we kissed he undid my shorts and they fell down to mmy feet. He pulled back a little and probed my arse gently with the head of his cock. My arse opened up and very slowly his cock sank into the warm sheath ready for it. Slowly he pulled back and then pushed it back again. I knew I would never get tired of this. This fuck wasn't fantasy this was the real thing. There was a knock on the cabin door.

"O ship, who on earth can that be?" I said.

"Do we ignore it. No I guess not. Don't move I'll be right back. He pulled his cock out of my arse and went back inside. I thought whoever is at the door will get a surprise to see him like that. Or perhaps not I supposed, on this ship everybody went around naked with stiff cocks. I couldn't hear who it was. But a minute later Philip came back with someone else. I turned back curious to see who was there. To be greeted by the handsome face of the Petit Officer who had checked our passed the night of the party in San Juan.

"Sorry," he said, "I asked Philip if I was calling at the wrong time. He just said I had arrived just in time." I turned round and leaned back to show him my hard cock too. "Well that depends on what you want to do. If I'm honest, and I never thought I would hear myself saying this, but I think I've swallowed enough cum for today but my arse is itching for cock. Why don't you come and fill it for me. Philip already started, while he fucks me I'll suck you, then you can finish in my arse." The Officer grinned.

"I'm Paul."

"Glad you came by Paul," said Philip. "Let's fill this boy up."

We went over to the bed. I lay down on my back and watched Paul as he took his clothes off. Nice tight body. Smooth almost hairless everywhere, just some fine fuzz on his legs. Blond hair on his head and around a nice thick cock. He would do very nicely indeed. I swung my legs up and held them back with my arms. I was open and ready. Philip looked down at me his eyes filled with lust. It's wonderful to have that effect of someone. And I knew my eyes were filled with lust too, his cock had not gone down since he had started fucking me before Paul arrived. I watched as it came over me, and groaned as it sank into my cunt. I closed my eyes and my head went back hard into the pillow.

"Fuck me hard, lover, fuck me hard and long and deep. Make me feel your love." For a moment Paul stood by the bed quietly watching. Then Philip reached out to him and pulled him in for a kiss. They kissed gently and slowly as Philip continued fucking my arse. I wanted to reach out and hold his cock which was hard and ready, the foreskin pulled right back to expose the big red wet head, but he was too far away. I relaxed back to enjoy the pleasure Philip was giving me. Then I realised that Paul had climbed on the bed. I was expecting his cock in my mouth, but he had other ideas. He straddled my chest facing away from me and continued kissing Philip, then brought his arse down on my face so I could rim him. I lovingly worked his hole, I licked the lips I probed it with my tongue and it opened up for me. Cum. There was cum. Lots of it. Was there any arse on this ship that wasn't full of cum? What did I say about having swallowed enough cum already? It was forgotten as the cum slowly trickled out. There was more than one load up there. This boy had taken on a whole bunch of cocks before he got to us. I made broad sweeps of his leaking arse with my tongue. I could hear him groaning above me and his arse relaxed some more, and a huge fresh stream of cum flowed out into my mouth. This boy had been gang fucked. After a few minutes of this, his arse still leaking cum, he raised himself off me and bent over to kiss my cummy mouth.

"Like that Buddy," he asked me softly, "you like that cum filled arse. You like eating out that hole and getting that cum in your mouth. Yeah sure you do. You're just a dirty little cum slut like me. That's good officer cum in there. I'm the ward room bottom boy. Nothing I like more than good hard Navy cock in my arse. And I give a mean fuck too as you're about to find out just as soon as Philip is finished inside you."

And Philip was doing just that in his usual noisy way, turned on I suspect by Paul's dirty mouth as much as I was. When he pulled out Paul gave me a wink and took over. He was good, he took his time he was concerned for my pleasure as well as his own.

"They said your arse was good, Mikey.O yes, hot and wet and tight"

By answer I gave his cock a squeeze and massaged it with my arse muscles. It was my party trick and it always worked. And it worked this time too, Paul was cocky, he was used to being in control of the arses he was fucking, now he was learning that sometimes the guy getting fucked has control too. I squeezed and massaged his cock some more and watched the effect. I began to push my arse up to meet his fucks I was matching him stroke for stroke. I grinned at him. He responded by fucking me all the harder. His mouth was set, he was going to hammer my arse into submission and he was doing exactly what I wanted. I wanted to be fucked hard, really hard. I knew I wasn't going to last long. If I was pleasuring him he was certainly pleasuring me. I was going to cum; the goal was to make him cum at the same time. I knew by holding on to his cock with my arse, feeling its length and thickness, making sure the walls of my cum soaked arse fitted tightly around his cock like a glove, I would make him cum but it was also pushing me towards my own climax. I decided to go for it all out and raised up harder to meet his fucks . I groaned, my body tensed, my mouth open, wimpering and moaning and openly showing him the pleasure he was giving me. I knew I would push him over the top. There is nothing more horny than seeing the pleasure you are giving to someone else. Then my body just went into autodrive. Now it was all about my own cum. My cum spurted out of my cock in streaks up to my chest he bent down and ran his tongue and face through it. And that's when he shot his own cum far up in the deep recesses of my cunt.

He collapsed like a burst baloon and his sweat soaked body flopped down on me breathing hard.

After a few moments he slowly pulled his cock out of my arse. "O Mikey, Mickey you are some good pussy man. Are you always like that? That arse could kill me man."

"Yeah," said Philip, "he's always like that."

Philip lay down too and ran his fingers through the cum still wet on my chest, and licked his fingers. "We have a date at the bar, when you're ready let's have a shower."

Next: Chapter 15

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