The Fuck Club

By Michael Tolliver

Published on Oct 19, 2016


Fuck Club 13

No piss all cum this chapter for those of you not into the yellow stuff. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Let me know guys. If you have an idea where you would like the story to go next or would like me to give one of the characters your name, let me know.

As always Nifty needs our contributions.

There were some days (not many I admit) when I didn't put on one of my working jocks at all. I think I really earned my discount but sometimes I just needed to give my arse and mouth a rest and be a normal passenger, well, what passed for normal on that floating Sodom. On those days we lazed by the pool, drank, chatted and ate. We even played deck games and played cards! There were two cinemas, one playing porn (which few people went to) and the other general films though with the gay audience in mind. And even a library, I got fucked once over a library desk by the librarian, but in this library no one complained about the noise we made. I went to the porn films occasionally if one of the ENTERTAINERS was a star. That was always fun, and often they would be on duty there at the same time. Once I was sucking off the real ENTERTAINER on duty and he came in my mouth just as in the film one of the other actors in the film came in his mouth. Like most people however I thought it was more fun to do it rather than watch it.

Three times a week there were stage shows. There was music and often singers in the bars every night, and a club night in the ship's nightclub, (we called it a disco in those days), High Energy was the prevailing music fashion. I usually wore my I'M A COCK SLUT FUCK ME jock on those nights and never went back to the cabin with less than five loads in my arse. There were usually two or three of the ENTERTANERS who were especailly good dancers up on the stage either making out or setting the scene with their moves. Several of the best dancers among the passengers were encouraged to come up on stage too; then there was less dancing and more fucking. If you have ever seen the porn site called "Guys go Crazy" you can see what these club night were like. I just got fucked on the dance floor and there was as much sex going on as dancing often in groups of five or six. For one of those I wore the feed me jock but it was almost impossble to dance which I love, because I had to spend so much time on my knees swallowing cum.

It was the stage shows in the main saloon that were the high lights every other nigh and it was one of these that Eric had talked about in the punt when he had described drinking the glass of cum and the sling. The sling was still there. Part of the performances on each of these evenings was an ENTERTAINER strapped in and ready to take on everyone. It was a competition amongst them to see who got the most fucks, and they got a prize at the end of the voyage of two thousand dollars so it was worth having. An ENTERTAINER from Dallas, won the prize for fucking by being fucked eighty nine times over an evening shift of eight hours, either by one of the passengers or an off duty crewman, they just formed a queue and never stopped fucking him, he lay there with his head hanging over the back and his mouth open totally blissed out. I could understand why they wanted him, he was just beautiful, probably the most beautiful of the ENTERTAINERS, though not I thought the most sexy, (that had to be Diego), with an incredible bubble butt that just begged to be fucked. Hans with whom we became really friendly over the course of the cruise, said he was the most insatiable slut of all the ENTERTAINERS and was always wanting to be gang fucked in the crews' quarters even when he was off duty. And another won a prize for sucking off sixty seven cocks while sitting on a low chair on stage. They called it 'Bukkake Boy at Work',Another ENTERTAINER sat beside him scooping up the cum that was running down his chest and feeding it to him (taking a couple of mouthfuls himself, I might add.). I was so envious! Now I know the word Gokun when you let loads of cum accumulate in your mouth before swallowing or you drank a load all at once like Eric or I did. But we didn't call it gokun then, we just called it fun.

No wonder there was a rota amongst the ENTERTAINERS as to whom did what on these nights. But as Aakko who spent one party night himself in the sling, said, even if you didn't win you still got gang fucked on a massive scale. "And who wouldn't want that?" I wore the suck jock on those nights and could easilly swallow fifteen loads during the evening from an audience of two hundred, including always one from Philip. On one of these evening I became the official Felching Boy, so for every four or five fucks the ENTERTAINER got I would go over and suck it out of his arse. Gross but wonderful. Philip cleaned up my face afterwards.

It was on one of the days when I did't wear my uniform that I was lying naked by the pool next to Philip (I had just sucked him off actually) when a boy came over to us.

"I think I know you from Oxford, don't I?" I looked at him cute, tall, olive skin, black hair, nicely defined body and very hairy legs. Good bulge too in his red speedos. (You can take in a lot in a first glance.) But I didn't recognise him.

I shaded my eyes to look up at him, "You may have done, are you a student?"

"Yes, Pembroke, and you're at Corpus aren't you?"

"Yes, I am. How do you know so much about me?" I asked rather surprised and gave him an encouraging smile in case he thought I was annoyed. He sat down on the next recliner making his cock level with my mouth. I had to reach over an run my fingers over the growing cock, covered in the thin material. It grew a LOT more.

"I saw you go in there carrying an armful of books once so I guessed it was your college. I've seen you around quite a lot actually."

"So how come we haven't met till now?" By this time I had his cock out and was slowly jacking him off. There was a big drip of precum on the tip, I ran my thumb over it then sucked it. He closed his eyes for a moment and groaned.

"I had a boy friend and we didn't go out meeting other gay people that much, but we split up a month ago and I thought this trip would be a good way of cheering my self up."

I leaned over and sucked his cock into my mouth. The boy groaned some more, "O shit" he said. I was using all my best techniques, it's fun having control over someone by giving them pleasure.

"It is so incredible seeing you here after Oxford, and you get fucked so much, I've watched you. I can't believe it. I bet you have such a sore arse."

I laughed, "Not normally, no, I've got good control. And anyway I don't have anything like the amount of sex that the ENTERTAINERS get."

His turn to laugh, "No, they are incredible."

"And have you been cheered up?" I went back to sucking his cock.

"O yes! And please keep doing that, I so need to cum." So suck I did, hard and deep. I got down on my knees in front of him as he leaned back, his legs splayed wide and watched me. At that moment another passenger walked past and paused to watch, I glanced up at him my mouth still very full. He pulled his shorts aside and began playing with himself before offering his cock to the boy I was sucking off. The boy went for it eagerly and though it was pretty big, he deep throated it expertly. Clearly he and his boy friend had had plenty of practice, whether they were out on the scene or not. The standing guy was the first to blow. "O bloodyell, I'm gonna cum!" He grunted and cried out in a broad south London accent as he came in the boy's mouth. I guessed that would be the trigger to get what I was after too. And I wasn't disappointed. His cock pulsed in my mouth, his arse rose from the rcliner slightly and my mouth was flooded with cum. Rich sweet boy juice. Warm spunk fresh from the cock. O the bliss of cum. I ran my tongue through it savouring the taste and rolled it around in my mouth before swallowing it slowly.

I sat back on the recliner and looked at him. We gave each other big grins. "Hi again, I'm Dean."

"Michael," I replied.

"Thanks for sucking me off."

"Thanks for feeding me your cum. It tastes great by the way."

"O yeah, I know, Jack always said my cum was sweet."

"Jack was your old boyfriend?"

"Yeah, fuck face." Then he gave me a lop sided smile. "That's my name for him. The shit broke my heart actually."

"Well you seem to be putting it behind you now."

"O yea, I've put a lot behind me in the last seven days."

I chuckled, "I know what you mean."

"I'm fucking him out of my life."

"Well you can fuck me any time you like."

"I'll hold you to that. There was something else I wanted to say. I saw you yesterday at the urinals. You really love piss! I've never tried it. Perhaps I should."

"Well perhaps you should. We can try it together if you like?"

"I was hoping you might say that. But for now I'd better be going, I left my stuff on a lounger on the other side of the pool." He leaned over and we gave each other a long kiss."

As he left Philip stirred on his lounger next to me, he yawned sleepily. "Who was that? He's cute."

"He certainly is and his cum tastes so sweet. His name is Dean and he's at Pembroke. Our cover is blown Loverboy."

Philip laughed, "I think our cover was blown a long time ago. Here, hold still a moment." he leaned over and gently cupped my chin in his hand. "You've got a load of his cum down your chin." Philip licked it up and swallowed it."You're right his cum is sweet, I want some more of that."

As we were talking a couple of the passengers came over to us. One of them had fucked me at the last party night, Well possibly they both had but I remembered this one because he was a red head. They sat down with us.

"That boy you just sucked off has the best tasting cum I've ever swallowed." he said

"Doesn't he ever, we were just talking about it."

"I've been told mine is pretty good too." He was playing with himself through his boxer swimming trunks.

"Are you offering?" I said.

"Sure I'm offering. I tried your arse last night now I thought I'd try your mouth to see if it's as talented."

"Well, lets do it and you can see."

This time he climbed over me and fucked my face from above. I love it in that position, you can look up at the boy as they fuck you. I realised that as I was sucking him off his friend was making out with Philip. Philip had been lying on his tummy naked like me and the other guy was deep rimming his arse. So my lover was about to be fucked in the arse as I was being face fucked! Great I loved watching him take cock, whichever end it was. Philip knew what was cumming too. We always kept a jar of elbow grease next to our loungers. (We had used the first one I had been given and we were well into the second). Philip picked it up and passed it back to the boy, who came up out of Philip's arse and knelt between his legs which Philip spread wide for him. The boy had a thick cock with a wicked bend in it. Philip was really going to feel this fuck.

I concentrated on the cock in my mouth. I just opened my throat and took the fucking, running my hands up and down hid hard smooth chest and around his waist.

"O yes, your mouth is really good pretty boy, they all said it would be."

It took me a moment to take in what he had just said, I came off his cock, "They?"

"Yeah, you have a fan club. An always cum slick, tight arse, and a throat that can take on anything! After the ENTERTAINERS you're one of the star fucks around here."

I thought it was really funny. I thought I would have a star tattooed above my arse when we got back to Oxford or perhaps five stars. I liked the idea of being a star fuck but in the meanwhile I had cock to suck and went back to work. The boy fucking Philip was all the way in, and Philip was groaning, whether from pleasure or pain, or probably both I don't know. But the boy had really got into his stride and I could hear his groin slapping against Philip's arse as he fucked him hard. And soon, from the noises he was making, I could tell Philip was loving it, he grunted with each thrust and pushed back to meet them. I could feel ginger boy beginning to tense up; for a long moment he stopped moving as he hovered on the edge of cumming. And then with a deep groan he pushed his cock all the way in and came deep in my throat, I could feel it pulsing and it was only later as be pulled back a little, that I actually got to taste it. He was right it did taste good (well all cum tastes good, but his was special) the only problem was it almost all went straight down my throat. Not to worry I guessed I would be sucking him off again; and I also had to try his friend's wickedly curved cock in my arse too. At that very moment it was spurting its load deep in Philip's arse. Philip was taking it doggy style which meant his cock was available if I moved quickly. As ginger boy pulled away I leaned over, dived in and took it in my mouth. Philip was in a double lock of pleasure. I could see his face before, it was screwed up with the intensity of his feelings, and now as he came in my mouth he sobbed with the intensity of his orgasm.I had sucked him off only an hour ago so it wasn't as big a load as he usually gave me. But it was HIS load, and to me it was like water in a desert to a dying man. I didn't want to swallow it. I just wanted to keep his cum in my mouth.I lay back and ginger boy looked at me with a brilliant smile on his face. I smiled back and he must have seen Philips cum aound my teeth and on my tongue.

"I love cum," I said. The cum in my mouth bubbled as I talked; I opened my mouth wide so he could see it slowly sliding down to where it really belonged. He leaned down and kissed me, then wispered.

"Next time I'm going to fuck you again."

"It's a date, make it soon.Your friend too I hope" I replied.

"Sure thing, I'm Cleaver my lover's name is Cole."

When they had wandered off, Philip and I looked at each other and started laughing, then high fived."This cruise was the best idea! I had forgotten just how good feels to be fucked by a total stranger. My arse fels warm and open and well used."

"Hah! You'll be wanting a turn in the sling next."

"Ah, well, maybe not. But I do need to get more cock in my arse. Compared with yours it's practically virgin territory." We got the giggles again. An ENTERTAINER was just passing keeping an eye on every thing. Like all of them his cock was hanging out in front. I recognised him, Greek, but he was one of the few who had never fucked me. Actually as I looked at him I thought he was probably the only one who had never fucked me. I caught his eye and motioned him to come over. His cock was sort of veiny and dark and more importantly half hard. I knelt up on the lounger and he stood right over me and let his cock hang in front of my face. Of course I reached round his arse and pulled him into my mouth. His cock got pretty hard pretty quickly and I was really tempted to suck him off myself, but my poor philip was waiting to get fucked again.

"Um, I really like your cock and I love your hairy chest too. But my mate Philip here really needs to get fucked again and I want to watch. It would be really good if you could drill him hard and deep. He really needs to know he's been fucked."

"All boys I fuck, know they been fucked," he said with a very sexy, I presumed Greek, accent."

He turned to Philip, "Well English boy you like Aleksander to fuck you good? You like big Greek cock in your ass?"

"I would love big Greek cock in my arse."

"OK. You got lube?"

"Yeah, but you won't need much," I said, "His arse is full of cum already."

"Everybody on ship got arse full of cum. My arse full of cum too." said the ENTRETAINER. He climbed over Philip who once again opened his legs and looked at me with contenetd smile. By now the Greek boys cock was a very impressive size. He slowly and lovingly smoothed the grease on it and winked at me. He slumped forward supporting his body on his arms on either side of Philip's back and expertly lined his cock up with Philip's arse and shoved hard. A sudden look of shock passed over Philip's face at the invasion, and hetensed up.

Alezsander wispered in to his ear, "You like that English boy? You like my big fucking cock in your slut arse, yes? I turn it into cunt for you."

"O yes, fuck me. Fuck me hard, shove that cock in my arse." And shove it Aleksander did. It was a brutal fuck. At one point he pulled out flipped Philip over onto his back and rammed his cock back inside before slamming him again.

"Yeah, you look up as Greek boy fuck you arse." his English was beginning to frey as he got more into the sex.

"O shit, fuck me, fuck me hard," shouted Philip, his eyes rolling back in his head. We were attracting quite an audience who gathered round to cheer them on. THis was far too good an opportunity to miss. I knelt by Philip's face and fed him my cock which he sucked eagerly, then got behind his head which I held back. So as the ENTERTAINER fucked his arse I got a good aim to fuck his mouth. One of the onlookers, young, a teenager I would have guessed, wanked Philip's cock which incredibly was getting hard again. We must have made a hot sight. I could see a couple of the audience had their cocks out. I prayed they wouldn't waste the precious cum before I got a chance to suck it out. One of the onlookers couldn't wait though and started cumming over Philip's chin and my cock. It was too much for me. It was my turn to cry out as I came in Philip's mouth. One of the boys standing by me looked about to cum. I leaned over opening my mouth as wide as I could. He stepped up just in time to fill my mouth with another load of sperm I smacked my lips and swallowed.

Aleksanders fuck got even more brutal, sweat was dripping off his face and over Philip's chest, his eyes were closed and his face was screwed up with the effort and then with a mighty heave he bred Philip's arse. This was a mega star performance. He got a round of applause and whoops of admiration. He grinned round at the croud proudly. I pulled back and kissed Philip long and lovingly. I could taste my cum and the cum of the other passenger. The ENTERTAINER let Philip's legs back down so they hung on either side of the recliner. Philip lay back completely spent, his eyes stairing and his mouth surounded by cum, wide open. A couple of other passengers came over his chest. I scooped it up and shared it with him. The ENTERTAINER flopped forward on top of Philip and they kissed lazily as AleKsander licked up the remaining cum on Philip's face. I staired down. Philip looked so peaceful. And I watched the beads of sweat run down their faces as their breathing slowly returned to normal.

Next: Chapter 14

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