The Fuck Club

By Michael Tolliver

Published on Sep 28, 2016


The Fuck Club 12. Urinal duty.

Here is part 12. Again I hope it turns you on. Let me know please, I really love to hear comments. The title says it all so if you are not into piss read another story. We shall go back to Oxford soon. Nifty really needs our donations so please keep them coming.

The next days went on in much the same way. I alternated between the red and white jocks so spent the part of every day when I was wearing them either swallowing cum or taking it up the arse. Not a bad way to spend a holiday. But the real stars of the cruise were the professional ENTERTAINERS. There were thirty we found out and I never saw one but that he was either sucking, being sucked, fucking or being fucked. Many times, both at once. Hans said to me that this was the busiest trip he had ever had. He said one day he had been fucked thirty times by passengers and crew and sucked off almost as many, Not that he was complaining he added, but he was very tired. when he wasn't on duty he had to wear pants because so much cum kept leaking out. I said that it was a terrible waste of good cum, why didn't he feed it to me. After that at the end of a duty day for him, if he saw me by the pool he would come over, asked me if I wanted it, climb over to me, sit on my face and feed me the loads. I was always rewarded with a huge mouthful of mixed cum. His arse was a regular United Nations of sperm. If Philip was there with me I shared it with him or couple of times with Hans himself, otherwise I just swallowed the delicious necter myself.

As Hans made clear the ENETERTAINERS didn't just serve the passengers of course, there were the crew members to take care of too. The regular sailors who manned the restaurants, kept the engines going, dealt with the administraion and all the other jobs, were all on deck when they were off duty, or in one of the public areas some time, to enjoy the fun. I got fucked several times by a twenty year old muscule boy from the engine room. And I got together with Laslo and his mates a few times; that mushroom head was like an irresistable magnet. One of the black ENERTAINERS called Chuck who came from Chigago said he was fucking at least ten people every day and getting fucked more than that, but he only allowed himself to cum to cum one or two times, he was always expected to have a hard cock when it was needed. Thirty ENTERTAINERS for four hundred and fifty passengers and as many crew meant well filled arses and a belly full of cum, and or piss. I came two or three times every day usually with Philip.

Urinal duty mostly fell to five of the ENTERTAINERS who were really into it and a few volunteers like Kevin who I think was more interested in piss than cum. Not everyone enjoys water sports so not all the ENERTAINERS were exspected to man the urinals on a regular basis, though I think they all took turns sometimes. Hans was one who enjoyed it and every three or four days I would see him sitting back in the trouph in a bath of piss drinking from one or other of the passengers. The trouph was designed with two drains. The one in the bottom was fitted with a plug and the one at the top was a sort of overflow. This drain at the end of the trough was half a meter higher than the bottom one so piss acumulated as the day went on. Everyone who pissed at the open urinals pissed on someone or fed them. By the end of the day the ENTERTAINER on duty was as often as not pissing on someone as drinking it, as they had more and more liquid to pass on.

I suppose we were three days into the cruise when a message came through to our cabin asking if I could do urinal duty. One of the regular ENTERTAINERS wanted to change his routine that day so could I fill in the gap? Philip said to go for it, so that day I put on the yellow jock about 10.30am after breakfast, and made my way to the line of urinals. Kevin was there already and we greeted each other with a high five.

"I was wondering when you would turn up,"he said.

"I got a message from the entertainment manager saying that they needed extra help here today, and would I fill in, so here I am."

We settled back in the trough resting against the warm metal slope of the back, our legs splayed out in front from the deep shallow bowl.

"It is usually pretty quiet at this time of day. Most people pissed when they got up so so they'll need a while to tank up before they come over here."

He was right, it was twenty minutes before the first guy came over and he went to Kevin who said after he left that the guy came every day at about the same time and whenever Kevin was there he used him. I enjoyed watching them and was able to get up really close, even getting some of it because Kevin spat it out over my face. He said I needed to get wet if I was doing it right. We were able to have a good chat while keeping an eye open for punters. We sat back in the trough.

"When did you know you were gay and how did you get into gay sex?" I asked.

"Well like everyone, you know you're gay all your life but it was a mate of me brothers who got me into sex. He was gay. Spotted me looking at him I suppose when I was a young kid. He was a real looker, still is. Dunno, I 'spose he was nineteen, I was sixteen. When we was alone together this time, he just comes out with it. 'You into dick Kevin?' Takes one to know one as they say. Well it went on from there. He takes out his dick, nice one too. Asks me if I wanted to play with it. He took my hand and wrapped it round it and I was hooked. He got mine out. Played with it until it got hard, we both were, and we wanked each off. I'd wanted to do something like that for ages, couldn't believe me fucking luck, I couldn't. But you had to be careful where I come from, you take a risk being known as the local queer boy. We was wanking as usual this time and he says he got somethig to show me. He gets down on his knees there and then and starts sucking me cock. Says he loves boy cock. I almost came, then he asks if I want to suck his? Did I ever! I got straight down and sucked really good. He was moanin and groanin, said he was going to cum, so I should stop unless I wanted a mouthful. But I did want a mouthful, didn't I? And he gave it me. After, he says show me, I opened me mouth and showed him his cum and he says now swallow it and I did. Then he told me I was a real cock sucker and welcome to the club and grins at me. And I grinned back. I was the cat that got the cream. Same day later on he sucked me off too." We started fucking soon after that, and he liked a cock up his arse as much as he liked fucking one. He had a little flat not far from our house and I used to go over there two or three times a week."

"Did he get you into piss too," I asked.

"Yeh, he did. This time we was in the bog, standing pissing together when he puts his hand in his stream and played with it. I was looking on getting really interested, he looks at me and licks his fingers. Me cock got so hard I couldn't piss any more. He puts his fingers in his piss again and offers them to me. I went for it didn't I! He wanted me to piss too but me cock was so hard i couldn't. He laughed. Well that night when I was back home I tries it out in the bath, pissed all over meself, and had a good taste of it too then wanked off. Next time I talks to him it was on the phone and I tells him about the session. It was't possble to meet then but the next day was a Saturday. He told me really to tank up and as soon as I was desperate to piss, tell him and come over. Well next moring I didn't stop drinking till I was ready to piss me pants. I gives 'im a call, and was over there like a fucking shot, wasn't I. When I got there he was already naked and he's got this beautul body, he tells me to get me kit off and drags me into the bathroom. We gets in the bath, he holds me close and kisses me, then I feels it, he's pissing up between us. I can remember it so clearly, it was the sexiest thing I'd ever done." Kevin stopped talking for a moment and closed his eyes, as he remembered. "He stops pissing, gets down and sucks me cock, wet and pissy and all. Then he asks me if I want to piss on him. So while he's still down there I pissed on him too. It was a real shock though when he took my cock in his mouth and started drinking it. It was't much he got though because I got so hard again straight away. He gets up kisses me and shares some of mine with me. Then askes if I want to drink his? I was straight down on me fucking knees and got his cock in me mouth, he's got a really big one, and he filled it with piss. He stopped after a few seconds and held my chin up, asked if he should go on. I nodded, sucked his cock again and finished him off. I must have drunk a pint. Then he waits till my cock went down and finished mine. I loved it; and we always started with piss before we fucked after that. We'd save it up so that we had plenty to share. And he had a really big bladder," added Kevin with a wink. "He told me he had always wanted to find a young pig slut like me. Back when I'm home I still see him regular."

I got so hard listening to his story and we were so involved that it was only when a shadow came over us that we realised we had company. Three guys had come over from the bar. I guess they were at the thirty end of the 18-30 age range, really sexy and one was very hairy. The two of us leaned back and looked up. Kevin opened his legs and opened his mouth, I did the same."Come on boys," said Kevin, "Give us what you've got."

They shuffled closer and put their arms round each other and let go all over us. We were totally soaked in seconds, then I leaned forward and took the head of one guy's cock in my mouth so I wouldn't miss a drop of the sweet beer piss he was giving me. The other two concentrated on Kevin's mouth. I would have liked to suck them off too but when they finished, they just smiled, thanked us and left.

We settled back in the trough which now had a shallow pool of piss in it. Kevin took some in his hand and splashed me with it. I did the same to him and a couple of passing boys stopped to watch.

"Hey boys," I said, "got some more for us. We're getting thirsty here."

"Later," one said.

"Those three who pissed on us are regulars. Every day they come over at least once, we'll see them again, you can bet on it. So you and the other guy you're with, what's his name?"


"Yeah Philip, is he your boy friend?"

"Yup we've been together for over a year."

"He doesn't mind you playing around obviously."

"No, he doesn't. Actually he gets off on it.It was him who booked the trip. He's almost as big a slut as me."

"Huh! I've seen you about Mikey boy, we should call you Helium Heels! No one is as big a slut as you." He paused for a moment. "Except for the ENTERTAINERS here of course. Can you believe those guys? They are being fucked day and night.I saw one guy yesterday, I think his name's Jason. He was sitting on a bench in the locker room by the gym and I swear to you he stayed there for two hours solid, taking on all cummers. He must have sucked off twenty guys before he took a break. Now that is dedication. And talking of dedication we have company." This time it was two of the crew, I'd seen them in the Purser's office. They were in regulation uniform, black shorts and T shirts, which they filled out pretty well. It was clear the crew had been chosen for their looks as well as their skills.They came up to us.

"Well sluts, getting much?"

"It's a bit quiet actually," I said, "but we're staying wet."

"We have some more for you. Where do you want it?" They pulled aside the legs of their shorts.

"Wet us down first then we'll drink the rest." I said.

Each of them stood in front of us, regulation stance for a guy pissing, with their feet apart stairing at each other. There was nothing piss shy about these two either. Their piss stream came out straight away. Just as requested, they hosed us down then fed us directly from the tap. At the end the one in front of me bent down and kissed me, sucking up and swallowing the piss still in my mouth, then he licked up some of the piss running down my face, before turning to clean off his friend's dick. They tucked their cocks away and sauntered off.

"That was an unexpected treat." I said.

"Yeah, their first time for me too,"said Kevin, "So, Philip. You two look really good together. You're lucky."

I leaned back and looked at him. "I know just how lucky I am. I really love him. He is my life. He's my lover, he's my friend, my teacher. He has the kindest heart, and he's really clever. He has a smile that can light up a room, a great body and a big cock and no matter how many times I fuck with other guys he is the best. With him it is always perfect, there is always so much more to it when we make love." I smiled.

Kevin unexpectedly reached over and kissed me, and went on kissing me as another stream of piss soaked our hair and went into our mouths.

"I really envy you." he said as the piss streamed down our faces.

"It would be realy good to keep in touch after the cruise. If you would like to, that is. You could come and stay with us. The others too if you like. We've got some friends who are into piss play so bring your brother's friend."

"Yeah Mikey boy. Yeah I would like that."

We stayed in the trough for three hours chatting and really getting to know each other. Every few minutes someone would come over and feed us more. At one point there was a queu of six or seven guys in front of each of us, it was hard to keep up. Kevin was the first to announce he had to unload. He stood up in the trough and pissed for a full minute over my head and then in my mouth. I drank it down furiously, determined not to spill a drop. I didn't manage that of course but it was a good efort. Then I did the same for him. We realised we were putting on quite a show when we heard a round of applause from some of the guys near by (and some more fresh donations)

An hour later at two O'clock, after a really busy last hour I was beginning to feel hungry and just at that moment an ENETERTAINER came over. He was one of the regular urinal boys I had seen there before. He was German and called Gunter.

"Well? you dirty sluts need a break?"

"Cheeky bastard, we're passengers remember." Chipped in Kevin.

The ENTERTAINER burst out laughing and I joined in. Kevin scooped up a huge double handful of piss and soaked him all down his front. I made to get up out of the trough which was now a good 20cms deep in piss, but the ENTERTAINER put a restraining hand on my shoulder and told me to open my mouth. I leaned forward and closed my lips around his cock. He started to piss immediately and it was a heavy stream. After half a minute he took Kevin's face in his and pissed in his mouth too. Then he allowed us to get up and took our place. He lay back sideways in the piss pool and with his eyes closed and mouth open he rolled over in it, taking a good drink. Then sat back up and grinned at us, piss running down his handsome face. Each of us bent down to kiss him before we quickly dried of and went our separate ways. Me to my cabin to get a shower.

Hans was on duty again as I got to our corridor. There was cum all round his mouth, in his hair on one cheek and down his kneck. "Hans you're covered him cum." I said laughing. "ENTERTAINERS badge of honour," he replied, "I've just sucked off the couple in the cabin next to yours, they had a group of other friends over so I've been their cum dump for a couple of hours." I leaned forward and carefully licked and sucked the cum up. He smelt my skin and hair, and looked down at my soaking yellow jock,

"No need to guess where you have been today pretty boy. Drink much?"

"I've been there for four hours I guess, we had about fifty or sixty guys come over to us, I lost count, so yes I'm well tanked up. Why? Do you want some?"

"Sure! I'm game, always."

We went back to the cabin and got into the shower. Hans immediately got down in front of me and opened his mouth and I had just started to piss in it when Philip came in.

"Ah." he said coming over to us. "I saw you come down." He slipped of his trunks and knelt down beside Hans. While they kissed I pissed all over them making sure they got as much as possible to drink. When I finished after a couple of minutes (I had a lot to share), Philip got up, and turning me round, shoved a couple of fingers in my hole to make sure I was well lubed up helammed his very hard cock into me, I cried out as much by surprise as discomfort. Philip's cock always fitted my arse perfectly.

"Hans, put your cock in his mouth and make him shut the fuck up."

"Sure thing boss," and he raised his eyebrows to me if to say, so that's how things are going!

So while Philip fucked me I sucked off Hans. First he pissed a reasonable amount and then when he had finished I went on sucking till he came. There wasn't too much; I wondered how many times he had cum that day already.

"Want to try my arse? It's been pretty well used." He turned round and bent forward. I went for his cum sloppy hole; it looked wondeful. He was right it had been well used. I don't know how many loads he had up there but I got a couple of good mouthfuls of cum before Philip came long and hard and noisily in my arse.

"O shit, I have to get on." said Hans leaning back against the marble of the shower compartment. "I'll catch you guys later." Then smiling broadly he left.

"Do you have to go back to Urinal duty today?"

"I'm not sure. I guess so. The problem is I never get any cum. They just piss and leave. I don't get fucked either for that matter."

"OK," said Philip," Lets get something to eat, and in a couple of hours when I'm ready to go again why don't we go back to the urinals. You can get in the trough, I'll give you some piss to drink and then I'll fuck you. We'll make it noisy so people will notice! They might get the idea after that. How does that sound?"

"Great idea, it's a deal."

When we had finished lunch I took off the shorts I was wearing over my jock and went back to the urinals, Kevin hadn't returned yet but Gunter was still there drinking from a passenger. I got back in the trough, even deeper now. And did like he had done I rolled over sideways so all of me was soaking wet, taking a couple of swallows while I was down there. The sun was keeping it warm (cold piss is a bit off putting.) Two hours later after another busy session when Gunter and I had drained each others cocks (Kevin said it was an unwritten law, people doing urinal duty never wasted it in the trough), Philip turned up.

"Ready for me?" Stupid question.

"Come over here lover and I'll show you just how ready I am." Philip stood in front of me, carefully placed his thick cock on my lower lip and let go. It wasn't too much, just two or three mouthfuls. Then he pulled me up, pushed me down on his hardening cock and started to fuck my mouth. Gunter got up too, splashing piss all over us as he did so and pissed over Philip and then me as I sucked his cock. When it was hard I got out of the trough and bent over it. Gunter pushed my face into the piss for a moment and Philip pushed his cock in my soaking wet arse. He fucked me hard making a lot of noise. Gunter again pushed my face down into the deep pool in the trough. After twenty fucking glorious minutes when my face was repeatedly pushed down into the piss by Gunter, he came in a flury of fierce shoves in my ever willing cunt. I came in my hand and offered it to Gunter who sucked it up greadily.

We had attracted the desired crowd. When Philip pulled out another guy shoved his cock in my arse. I had greased it aginwell before I left the cabin. While he fucked me I hung my head in the pool swirling my hair around in it. I lifted my head up and saw Philip squatting beside me. I took a mouthful of piss and kissed him. There was a loud grunt and the second guy to fuck me came with a judder pulling me hard against his groin, straining to get as much of his cock inside me as possible. I felt it slowly go soft but still in my arse; he didn't let go of me. Then I felt a huge burst of warmth deep inside. The guy was pissing in me. I lifted my head up and out of the trough splashing the warm piss about.

"O yes, I love it. Piss in my arse." He pissed for a minute. I thought I was going to burst. Eventually he stopped, and a steady stream of cummy piss began to leak out. One of the instructions for the volunteeers was that we were to keep our arses completely clean before we went on duty, I always douched thoroughly. Gunter trusting this, pulled me over to him in the trough as a fountain of cloudy piss gushed out and over his body, finishing up in his face. I saw Kevin stang there.

"I've been missing out here, I can see." he got down behing me too, to rim my now very relaxed and open arse.

"I have to go and get cleaned up. You came at the right moment Kevin," I said. I got a wet kiss from them both and staggered off to get one of the towls, before Philip and I went back to our cabin. Philip paused to kiss me by the pool. We kissed again under the hot shower. We really needed it.

It was as perfect an ending to a volunteer slut's working day as it is possible to have.

Next: Chapter 13

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