The Fuck Club

By Michael Tolliver

Published on Nov 7, 2015



I'M Michael and this is the story of my sexual exploits at Oxford and after, long before the plague came and stopped our fun. If you are old enough to remember read on and reminisce.


I was eighteen and feeling new and uncertain in the first month at Oxford. I was properly away from my Oxfordshire village where I had been brought up, for the first time and was relishing my first real taste of freedom and independence. I'd known I was gay for years but doing anything about it in a rural village in the early seventies was difficult to put it mildly. And of course then having gay sex of any kind was illegal until you were 21. I know, crazy. But now here I was at my father's old college and eager to lose my virginity as soon as possible no matter what those evil old bastards in parliament said, and the sooner the better.

As my first act of freedom I had joined a University Gay Society I'd seen in a student handout. I had only been to one event so far, a drinks party for new members to get to know each other and meet older members. There was one boy who had immediately caught my eye. He was the perfect image of the English public school boy; straight out of "Another Country"; short blond hair, very self assured, with blue eyes and a swimmer's body. I hoped my interest wasn't too obvious (yes I really was that innocent) but once or twice I thought I caught his eyes looking in my direction.

Actually I wasn't totally innocent, there had been one boy at school. We'd messed around a bit, all pretty tame stuff. Once he had bent down in front of me in the woods on the other side of the school playing fields and sucked my dick for a few moments, and I had done the same to him. I was really turned on and would have let him cum in my mouth. I had tasted my own a few times and really liked the it. But he said that was dirty.

Now here I was away from the village, away from all the pretending and one very horny frustrated student. It had been three weeks since the beginning of term and all I had done was watch, fantasize and wank. It was high time I improved my education in something other than classics, I was reading Greats. It is strange how these thing work out because it was just then that I met the people who would introduce me to all the sex that I could handle, and more some.

There was a small gym in our college, just a few simple machines and free weights with a changing room and showers. This was quite an innovation in those days. Working out and fitness was not the obsession it is now. We used to say that if you felt in need of exercise you laid down on your bed till the feeling passed. Anyway, this little exercise room was down in the basement and was unlocked so any student who wanted to, could use it. One night about a week after the drinks party, I was feeling restless and couldn't sleep so at about one in the morning I went down stairs to have a quick work out. I liked going down there while no one else was around, I was in quite good shape but I was never that physically confident. My shoulders were always quite good, and I had decent legs, not too hairy but you could see I was a man.But when I got down there I found the place was already occupied.

"Suck my dick Jim. I've got to get my rocks off."

"Yeah, suck him off Jim, show us this wonderful mouth, your brother is always going on about." I stopped dead in my tracks not knowing what to do. Not knowing whether I should stay, but really wanting to see what was going on. I eased my way forward to where I could look round the corner of the tiled changing room from where the voices were coming.

"Come on Jim, stop being a tease, you know you want to." Coaxed the first voice again, "Just suck on it a little." I peered round the corner. The blond boy I had seen from the party was there jacking off a perfect dick, with his arm round the shoulders of another, dark haired guy whose upper chest was covered in a light dusting of hair, with a light trail going down across his wash board stomach before it flared out in a thick bush around a truly massive dick, rigid and vertical above huge low hanging balls. The blond boy was just what I had imagined, slim and smooth, very tanned with a bikini line with a light dusting of blond hair over his legs. On his knees in front of them was a freshman from my own college, looking youger than his eighteen years. He must have let them in; well they were there for the night now, the gates were locked at 11pm. He had his hand round the dick of the dark haired boy slowly wanking it off so the large shiny mushroom head appeared and disappeared behind the foreskin. As I watched, the dark haired boy groaned and thrust his hips forward and the kneeling boy took it in his mouth. He attacked it with enthusiasm with his mouth opened wide, deep throating it like a pro. This boy had done it before, that was for sure.

"Aw, yes squeeze those lips. Shit you really are good. Aw fuck."

"Suck me too Jim," said the blond boy and pushed his cock aginst Jims lips too. Jim tried to suck both cocks but he could only just get the heads in, I could see a dribble of spit running down his chin and over the cocks he was sucking. The two standing boys who had been playing with each others tits began kissing passionately, mouths open and their tongues working deep inside.

I had a hard on inside my shorts that was getting painful watching this action, and while trying to lower the zip, I dropped my sports bag.

The three guys stopped what they were doing and looked over in my direction, Jim quickly pulling his moth off the two cocks. I nearly ran until I saw the fear on their faces and I realised they were even more scared than me. I came out from behind the partition."Sorry guys," I began, trying to smile. "I just came down for a workout and saw what you were doing. Wow it was great, I mean." I ran out of words.

"Hey, I saw you at the gay thing." said the blond boy staring down at my cock still sticking out of my shorts."Well, we don't get off on an audience, so either piss of or get your clothes off. And by the look of your dick I'd say you want to get your clothes off." I slowly walked into the shower area tugging my shirt off as a went, and stood in front of the blond boy who was pulling on his spit soaked dick. I reached out and took it in my hand.

"Well pretty boy," said the dark haired guy, "welcome to the party, You suck dick?"

"Yeah," I said, "I love it." This wasn't quite true, but this was not the moment for hesitation.

"Great, you suck him, I was just about to cum and I don't want Jim here missing a drop." It was so hot, sucking a dick and watching someone else sucking just inches away. I saw Jim was watching me too. He winked and closed his eyes. Then the standing guy's thighs began to tense and his buttocks flexed rhythmically. Suddenly he went rigid."Ah, yes," he moaned his head thrown back, the muscles across his chest and stomach rigid. He looked like an anatomy chart as he emptied his cum into Jim's mouth. Jim was looking at me as he opened his moth extra wide and held the cock head an inch from his mouth so I could see the thick white cum shoot out across his tongue and into the back of his throat. And the boy was cumming in an immense amount of fluid. Most went straight into his mouth but some splattered across his chin covering it in gobs of sperm.

I had stopped sucking to watch this performance and almost came myself. Jim reached over to me and pulled my mouth against his. I squirmed against his open mouth loving the feel of the warm sperm on his chin and lips against mine. I was tasting someone else's cum for the first time in my life and it was wonderful. The blond boy leaned down and licked my slimy lips.

"Oh man, I'm so hot. You ready to take another load?" All I could do was nod and open my mouth. he was jacking off like crazy his face screwed up. I held onto his bucking hips.

"Oh shit, I'm gonna cum!" I leaned closer and closed my lips around the large purple head of his cock as the first massive jet of cum shot out across my tongue. Two more jets filled my mouth, three weaker jets puffed out my cheeks. I sloshed the rich liquid around in my mouth and slowly let it slide down my throat savouring the taste. I knew then that I would never be able to swallow enough cum.

Swallowing my second load of cum in as many minutes brought me to the edge and Jim was there to catch the cream. He took my hand away and shoved my cock into his mouth. I scrambled to my feet and after only a few seconds shot my load into his mouth. It made me weak at the knees and the other two held me up as I groaned and trembled with the convulsions. No cum I had ever had had been so intense. As I began to recover I looked down and saw that Jims fingers were covered in his own cum, he must have cum when I did. Slowly he licked his fingers clean.

They introduced themselves to me. The dark haired guy was called Simon, the boy I had seen at the party was called Jeff, and the boy from my college was called Jimmy.Simon was still pulling on his half hard dick.

"Hey guys, I gotta piss," he said and began to move over to the urinals.

"Piss?" Don't waste it! Jimmy here likes piss, don't you Jim boy? Shit don't go taking a leak by yourself when you can help out my little friend here. Come on lets move over to the showers."

Jim looked a bit embarrassed but moved over quickly enough. Jeff took charge though I thought from the half smile on Simon's face that he knew what was going to happen. I was complety new to this. What was he going to do? Piss on Jim? The idea turned kind of me on too and my dick began to get hard again. This was not lost on Jeff.

"You getting turned on too? Do you want to piss on him, or do you want us to piss on you as well?" I hesitated a bit too long and Jeff laughed.

Jim had lain down on the tiled floor on his back, propped up on his elbows, a big smile on his face matched by a similar smile on Simon's face as he stood over him. Jeff and I went over and squatted down beside him. Simon pulled the foreskin from the head of his cock and let go a high arching stream of piss. The golden flow splattered Jim's crotch,running down down his genitals and onto the tiled floor of the showers. A puddle quickly formed and I realised that not only was I getting splashed by the warm urine but I was squatting in a warm pool too. I had got a major hard on and Jeff reached over and slowly jacked it. Jeff was getting turned on to, he stuck his hand under the flow and splashed the warm shower on both of us, using his wet hand to masturbate. Simon's flow slowly moved up Jim's body with that special hollow sound of water splashing on taut skin. Jim Opened his mouth, turned his face upward and closed his eyes. Simon aimed straight for his mouth. Jim rolled his face around, soaking his hair and filling his mouth. I could see his throat working as he swallowed down the gusher. The piss stream left his face as it eventually tapered off, the last few drops landing on Jim's dick and furiously working hand. Jim's started grunting, his arse rose off the ground as his second orgasm approached. Jim leaned down and took the wet head into his mouth just as Jim let go. Jeff looked over to me and let some of the spunk dribble over his lips. Pushing me back onto the piss covered floor he leaned over and kissed me sharing Jim's second load of the night making my face tingle and my cock even harder.

"Are you ready for some piss now?" he murmured, his lips next to mine.

"Umm," I managed to say against his slimy sweat tasting lips.

"I've really got to go. Are you sure you really want it?"

"Yes! Oh shit yes."

"OK. I'll piss all over you first, then you can find out what you like best. If you open your mouth I'll know you want to drink it." he stood up and grunted, "Here's your second "Here's your second shower of the day, kiddo!"

The clear golden flow shot out, arched and splashed on my chest and ran down my body. True to his word he pissed all over my body, my legs, chest and sholders. I bent my head forward to look at the stream down my belly and imediately he pissed over my head, soaking my hair. Suddenly I wanted to know what it tasted like, I was so turned on. I was game for anything. I turned my face up with my mouth open and took my first mouthful of pale warm, almost tasteless urine. I rolled my head around, some of it ran out of my mouth but I swallowed a generous gulp. he drenched my face and hair. I groaned and turned my face up with my mouth wide open for more, while my hand worked my piss wet dick. Jef filled my mouth repeatedly and each time I swallowed more. I had forgotten the other two in my excitement, but Jim had stood up on the other side of me.

"I've got to go too, can you handle it?"

"Handle it!" said Jef, "Of course he can handle, the kids a natural piss freak. Give him all you've got."

A second stream of piss hit the side of my face. I turned towards it and Jim pissed straight into my mouth. I gulped it down but the flow was so fierce that a lot cascaded down my chin and ran down my body. Jef had stopped pissing by now and was wanking his dick, it had never really gone down after he had cum in my mouth before, even when he was pissing. I was on the point of cumming again myself, I had never been so turned on when he grabbed my piss soaked hair, turned my head round and stuck his dick back into my mouth. Jim continued pissing on his cock and my mouth.

"Oh! I'm cumming again. Swallow it!" No sooner had said this than my mouth was flooded by his second load of the night. My mouth was filled by a rich cocktail of piss and cum which I swirled gratefully around in my mouth and swallowed it all down.

"I love your piss." I groaned as the first spurt of cum shot out of my spasming dick and splashed onto my wet belly. I leaned back exhausted. Two faces came down to mine and eagerly licked the piss and cum from my face.

"My god you piss freaks are in one hell of a mess!" said Simon looking down and laughing. We all joined in. I wiped the rest of the piss and cum from my face and licked my hand. He reached down and hauled my up, pulling we into a wet tight kiss, rubbing himself against my soaking body as he did so. "I Think we all need a shower after that."

He reached over and turned on a couple of the faucets. We played grab arse in the hot water and larked around making a lot of noise. Good job we were far away from any of the bedrooms.

"Welcome aboad Michael. We came here to audition Jim here for The Fuck Club, but I think we've got two new members. What do you say Jef?

"You said it, Buddy boy, the more the merrier"

"What's the Fuck Club?" I asked.

"Jim'll explain," said Simon.

As soon as we were dried off and dressed Jef and Simon left, apparently Jimmy had arranged a key for the evening with the porter. Jim and I went back to our rooms. "So what is the Fuck Club? And how did you get involved? I haven't seen any adverts for it!"

Jim smiled, "My brother founded it with some of his friends from Winchester when they came up to Oxford five years ago."

"Your brother, he's gay too!"

"Yeah, he introduced me to everything as soon as he realised I was gay, when I was fifteen."

"Fifteen! Bloody hell, I've got some catching up to do."

"Well, judging by tonight, that's not going to take you long. Is this really your first time? If it was it was quite a debue."

"Yes it really is. But not my last. Oh good lord no!" I said with feeling. "When is the next meeting?"

"Next Friday. There are no more trials or iniciations or anything like that but I gather the new members are the centre of attention."

"God, I can't wait. Are the others as sexy as Simon and Jef?"

"I'm sure. I only know one other and he's beautiful. There are just three criterior for membership. You're gay, you're great looking, and you love sex. That's us, slut. It can't be bad. The parties start at nine. I'll call for you."

When I got back to my room I hardly had the energy to get out out of my clothes before I crashed out.

Next: Chapter 2

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